
someballhi, how can I open an undecorated window from the terminal?00:58
someball_Im back, did I miss any answers?01:02
wagneresse Lubuntu 19.04 ta bom d+02:13
ubottuThe main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList02:13
wagnerI'm sorry02:14
wxlno problem. i'm sorry i can't speak more languages :/02:15
wagneras I was saying this Lubuntu 19.04 is wonderful!02:16
wxli'm glad to hear it! in the american k-12 education system, a d+ is considered a very bad grade XD02:17
wagnerMy English is D +02:21
wxlyou're doing better than my.... what's your langauge?02:21
wagnerportuguese - Brazil02:22
wxloh man i would have never guessed02:22
wxli could see a small similarity to spanish but there were too few words to make anything out of it02:22
wxlyou should have said more.. i'm sure i would have bumped into a cedilla eventually :)02:23
wxlanyways thank you for your kind comments02:25
wxlanything else you'd like to see us change or add in the near future?02:25
wagnerIf you speak in Spanish, you're already in good size02:26
wxlun poquito02:26
wxlwe do have a spanish channel (#lubuntu-es)02:26
wagnerI was in lubuntu 18 and I thought it was very ugly but in this new version it was beautiful and faster the team hit the fly this time02:28
wxli have been a long time user of lubuntu and never really complained too much about tht elooks or the speed, but now that we have the lxqt version, i agree with you!!! :)02:29
wagnerit is very perceptible the gain of speed, precisely because I am testing it in slow machines and really it is faster in this version02:32
wagnerbut the browser firefox is still slow to see videos from youtube, I installed the chrome and it is better to watch because it does not catch almost anything by the chrome02:34
wxli find the modern web to be problematic and taxing on any system, honestly02:34
wxlhowever, i'm sure google has chrome optimized for their services (youtube, gmail, etc.)02:35
wxlhave you tried falkon?02:35
wagnerI do not know this falkon02:37
wxl!info falkon02:38
ubottufalkon (source: falkon): lightweight web browser based on Qt WebEngine. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.0-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 2092 kB, installed size 9873 kB02:38
wxlit's a newer application from kde02:38
wxlwe originally considered it for 18.10.. it's possible we might re-visit that discussion, but we were thinking that people would want to have a full featured browser. falkon is light and fast, though!02:38
wagnerI believe people just like me are looking for a browser that plays the youtube videos well if you do that for sure the rest will work fine02:44
wagneralthough I am mumbling without much reason because I am testing the Lubuntu on a PC Well Weak AMD C-50 dual core 1200GHZ 2GB DDR302:47
wagnerI recently added a lot of 6 machines with this configuration and I would like to find a functionality for them, I was thinking of putting together a cluster but I'm not really sure how to proceed02:49
wxloh a beowulf cluster would be fun02:50
wxli've never done it though02:50
wxli'm sure there's some cloud software you could use to pool resources02:50
wxl@teward001 you got any ideas?02:50
wxli have to take off myself. nice talking to you wagner. please don't hesitate to stick around!02:51
wagnerI would like to create a cluster to improve the performance for navigation and common tasks but from what I've been studying on the subject a cluster is more for divided tasks and not so much for one, I do not know if I'm right02:54
wagnerI hope to see you again02:55
lubotJa Tu was added by: Ja Tu03:32
wxl@tsimonq2: why are we using ark instead of lxqt-archiver?04:27
lynorianwxl how long has lxqt-archiever been around?04:28
wxlgood question and oh i guess we should move this to -devel my bad04:28
lynoriansappheiros: thanks I messed that up somewhat04:56
sappheiroswhat happened?04:56
sappheirosthe manual ? yw04:57
lynorianwell I fixed something in the manual04:57
DiscoDynamitehow to change folder icon lubuntu ?05:29
DiscoDynamitei have created a shortcut pointing to a directory in desktop, want to change the folder icon of this05:30
wxlwhat version?05:31
DiscoDynamiteLatest version, 18 LTS05:32
DiscoDynamitehttps://askubuntu.com/questions/191777/custom-folder-icon-in-lubuntus-pcman-file-manager - tested this , i am unable to make it work05:33
wxlthat's not exactly the latest version but ok XD05:35
DiscoDynamitei mean latest in LTS :D.  I know normal is version 19, with new sleek interface05:37
wxlso how did you create this shortcut to be clear?05:38
DiscoDynamitewxl, using terminal -->  ln -s /path_to_directory/MY_Music ~/Desktop/MY_Music05:44
DiscoDynamitewhere "MY_Music" is the directory name05:45
wxldoesn't seem to work for shortcut05:50
DiscoDynamitedo i have any workaround05:51
DiscoDynamiteor any other option05:51
wxlnone that i know of05:51
DiscoDynamiteNautilus seems to have option, but i'm very much happy with lubuntu :)05:53
wxlYES there is a solution05:54
wxluse the latest version05:54
DiscoDynamite19.04 ?05:56
diogenes_DiscoDynamite, what's the issue?05:57
DiscoDynamitewill take lots of time in re-configuring.05:57
wxldiogenes_: setting a custom icon on a soft link on the Desktop in 18.0405:57
DiscoDynamitealso LTS is kind of safe bet fro me.05:58
wxlexcept that come 2021 you'll never be able to use LXDE in Lubuntu again05:58
DiscoDynamiteyup that true05:58
wxlwhereas LXQt carries on forever05:59
wxlalso, LXDE development has long been virtually non-existence05:59
wxlwhile LXQt is constantly being developed05:59
wxlso the best long term "safe bet" is LXQt/19.0405:59
DiscoDynamiteabsolutely, LXDE is past now06:00
DiscoDynamitenow i'm just being little lazy/scared to reconfigure everything after installing the new version06:01
wxlwell the writing is on the wall. you're going to be doing it in a couple years at least XD06:01
DiscoDynamitediogenes_, do you have any suggestion in changing the shortcut icon ?06:02
krytarikDiscoDynamite: https://askubuntu.com/questions/221572/create-desktop-file-as-shorcut-to-a-folder-in-lubuntu-lxde/910538#910538 - if you just want to open the folder from the desktop or file browser, this would work.06:02
diogenes_DiscoDynamite, yeah try that ^06:03
DiscoDynamitewxl, yes true .. i think i should install that in VM and give it a run before installing in my daily use pc06:03
DiscoDynamitekrytarik, thank for the link checking it now.06:04
DiscoDynamitethat worked06:14
DiscoDynamitethanks 😊06:14
DiscoDynamitedownloading Lubuntu 19.04 as well , thanks wxl for the suggestion06:18
wxlenjoy :)06:19
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: why are we using ark instead of lxqt-archiver?], lxqt-archiver is still in Alpha11:38
=== neo is now known as Guest76208
flybackhow do you tell the wifi app *NEVER* try another wifi ap, I don't care if you are on fire15:44
sappheirosquassel is still opening links in firefox16:38
sappheiroshow do i make it falkon?16:38
sappheirosi've already changed HTML file association to falkon17:05
sappheirosdon't know what else to do17:05
diogenes_sappheiros, what about link in terminal and hexchat?17:07
sappheirosdiogenes_: i don't understand.17:07
wxlunset BROWSER, most likely17:08
sappheiros'no manual entry for unset'17:08
sappheiros(i tried 'man unset')17:08
wxlunset is a bash reserved word. if you look at the bash manpage you'd find it.17:09
wxllxqt-config sets it and it can cause all sorts of problems17:09
wxlafter that, i'd do `xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.kde.falkon.desktop`17:10
wxlkill it with fire!17:10
sappheirosi can't change it in featherpad after navigating to it with pcman?17:10
wxlyou need to do it as soon17:11
wxlalso do `xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler http org.kde.falkon.desktop` and also for https17:11
wxlroot is what i meant but yes same difference17:11
* sappheiros gets nervous and thinks maybe opening firefox for quassel links isn't so bad ... ... ...17:12
sappheirosi'd try to follow instructions on mandriva linux and things would break17:12
sappheirosor ubuntu c. 200817:12
wxloh come on17:12
wxlit's not that scary :)17:12
wxlalso remove it from $HOME/.config/lxqt/session.conf17:12
=== lubuntu is now known as fumbly_bumbly
fumbly_bumblysappheiros: you get it working? cuz i did. :)17:26
diogenes_Falkon rules!17:30
akakakaHey can anyone tell me what thus is installing https://imgur.com/a/Vn6HXPZ18:31
akakakaU have live usb with Lubuntu18:31
akakakawhen I open the Disk creator18:32
akakakathe Installing pop-ups immediately18:32
wxlakakaka: it's a known bug unfortunately.18:40
tewardwxl: is disk creator the defunct thing from an eon ago, or `dus`/`guidus`?18:41
akakakaso it's not installing anything? :)18:42
teward'cause I could have sworn the older general disk creator was replaced with dus/guidus18:42
wxlno, let me find that bug18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1629715 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Disco) "usb-creator-kde shows the install popup after a few seconds of launching without any input" [High,Triaged]18:45
wxlit's on my TODO list to get that fixed all the way back to xenial but i keep getting stuff thrown on top of the list :/18:45
akakakaok thank you18:48
akakakawas worried its installing os over os18:48
wxlhahahha well yeah not that one XD18:49
tewardwxl: time to fix this in Eoan :P18:49
sappheirosno, i got distracted18:58
sappheiroswxl: you said to execute `xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.kde.falkon.desktop` after something. what am i supposed to do before that?18:59
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @wxl [<wxl> it's on my TODO list to get that fixed all the way back to xenial but i ke …], I am ready to do it if you have other more priority tasks. Right now trying to understand the #6 comment there. Let me know if you want me to work on it.19:02
sappheirosyes, xdg-settings get default-web-browser = firefox.desktop19:09
sappheiroshow do i unset $BROWSER? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GMGbBZVn5Z/19:17
sappheiroswxl: ^19:17
lubot<The_LoudSpeaker> @The_LoudSpeaker [I am ready to do it if you have other more priority tasks. Right now trying to u …], Wxl ^19:17
tewardi think wxl saw the message :P19:17
tewardand will see it when he's less busy :P19:17
* sappheiros checks https://askubuntu.com/questions/79305/how-do-i-change-my-default-browser19:17
sappheirosshould i not ping in this channel?19:21
sappheirosplease see also https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Shhs3nm2y2/19:21
sappheirosi tried update-alternatives19:21
* sappheiros checks https://askubuntu.com/questions/490255/no-manual-entry-for-unset19:21
sappheirosunset $BROWSER returned without any result; see https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3qCWzMGK7h/ i tried sudo unset $BROWSER also19:24
sappheirosthis is what i mean that linux still seems a "hobbyist OS" -- changing the browser an IRC client launches takes >10 minutes ...19:25
sappheirosjust lxqt-config-session and changed firefox to usr/bin/falkon, still quassel opens links in firefox ...19:29
sappheirosah, sudo lxqt-config-session , erased 'firefox' from default browser, this time when closing it says some things may not take effect 'til next sign in ...19:31
sappheirosaugh, still didn't work19:33
wxlsappheiros: not sure insulting the work of others who are trying to help you for free is going to result in actions that meet your expectations21:16
wxlsappheiros: i mean, you're fully welcome to go use an operating system that is without bugs. i mean, there's lots of those, right?21:17
sappheiroso_o did i insult? i'm sorry if i did21:18
sappheiroswas it the comment 'hobbyist OS'? I meant that it was an OS that required effort spent on the part of the user, not that there was anything wrong with the hobby21:18
wxlyes, because windows and os x are just flawless21:19
wxlthey absolutely have no problems whatsoever21:19
sappheiroswhat did i say that was an insult? again i'm sorry, i didn't intend to21:19
sappheirosyes, i reported >400 problems with Windows 10 ...21:19
wxlso then it requires extra effort and is a hobbyist OS too, eh?21:19
sappheirosi was actually offended and felt cheated by Microsoft, telling myself i'd never buy another Microsoft product as long as their current CEO was there, that i had been duped into paying to be a beta tester21:20
sappheirosi think if you pay for a product, you shouldn't have to struggle with malfunctions21:20
sappheiros2/3 of my reports to the windows feedback hub were upvoted by others who had the same problem, too21:21
sappheiros(i used surface pro 4 for my phd work)21:21
wxland so logically if you DON'T pay for a product, you should have all the more reason to not have problems?21:21
sappheirosno, of course if you don't pay then you should put more effort into it21:21
sappheirosi did not mean 'hobby' as a bad thing21:21
sappheirosi meant like, instead of learning to play guitar, or studying some other topic, it required time spent learning linux/ubuntu21:22
sappheirosi did not mean to say anything offensive :(21:22
wxllook, the fact of the matter is that there's no such thing as perfect quality21:23
wxlnot in software, paid or not, not in physical products, nothing21:23
wxlyou WILL have problems21:23
sappheirosthat's a good point.21:23
wxlthe issue we're describing is a problem, which is why it has a bug report, which means we are aware of it and are working to fix it21:23
sappheirosoh. i thought i was just bad at computers.21:23
sappheirosi thought you had given the solution earlier, and i was bad at following it21:23
wxli gave you a workaround21:24
sappheirosi read 'help unset' and tried various combinations of that command, but couldn't unset $BROWSER like you said21:24
wxla band-aid over the real wound21:24
wxldoes `echo $BROWSER` produce anything?21:24
sappheiroslike unset -v $browser, sudo unset $BROWSER21:24
sappheirosyes: firefox21:24
sappheirosi tried to remove it via lxqt-config-session as i recall, didn't work21:25
wxlso just do `unset BROWSER`21:25
wxlno dollar sign21:25
wxlyeah lxqt is where the problem is21:25
sappheirosthat returned the prompt with no message21:25
wxlyes, but it unsets it21:25
sappheirosnow it's blank21:26
sappheirosi mean, i tried echo $browser again21:26
wxli'll give you a clue: if you run a command and then do `echo $?` it will return a number that is the exit code. in general if you see a 0, that means it is successful21:26
wxlsome commands return no actual output21:26
sappheirosnow i'll try xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.kde.falkon.desktop21:26
wxlof course that doesn't necessarily apply in this case, but21:27
sappheirosi'm still getting: xdg-settings: $BROWSER is set and can't be changed with xdg-settings21:27
wxldid you remove it from the configuration files?21:27
sappheirosthrough lxqt-config in terminal?21:32
sappheirosfile association (HTML) is already falkon and i don't know what else to do21:32
wxlok i'm going to spell this out a little clearer21:33
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest74797
wxl 1. run in terminal: `sudo nano /etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt/session.conf`21:34
wxl 2. arrow down to the line with BROWSER on it21:34
wxl 3. hit ctrl-k to cut the line21:35
wxl 4. hit ctrl-x to exit21:35
wxl 5. hit yes when asked to save the buffer21:35
wxl 6. run in terminal: `nano ~/.config/lxqt/session.conf`21:35
wxl 7. if there is a BROWSER line here, repeat steps 2-5, otherwise ctrl-x and no21:36
wxl 8. run in terminal: `unset BROWSER`21:36
wxl 9. run in terminal: `xdg-settings set default-web-browser org.kde.falkon.desktop`21:36
wxl10. run in terminal: `xdg-settings get default-web-browser` and you should get org.kde.falkon.desktop. this would only fail if you didn't have it installed!21:37
wxl11. to be really sure run this in terminal: `xdg-open http://lubuntu.me` and falkon will open21:37
sappheiroswxl: thanks for all you do btw22:54
sappheiroswxl: should i create an askubuntu question and post this solution to help future people?22:54
wxlsappheiros: you could if you want. i mean the solution *IS* written into the bug report22:55
sappheirosoh. did you link that earlier and i failed to click and read?22:58
wxlyes :)22:59
sappheiros*Sorry about that.22:59
wxlall god22:59
wxlit's in the bug report. see the "bug description" under "workaround" heading https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/disco/+source/usb-creator/+bug/162971523:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1629715 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Disco) "usb-creator-kde shows the install popup after a few seconds of launching without any input" [High,Triaged]23:00
wxluh oh23:00
wxlnot that one!23:00
sappheirosdo i need to restart or log out and back in?23:00
sappheirosi want to click a link here and see if it fixed it23:00
sappheirosit worked! :D <323:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1824654 in lxqt-session (Ubuntu) "using BROWSER environment variable to set default browser creates several problems" [High,Triaged]23:02
wxlthat one jeez23:02
wxlsupposedly upstream has a fix in the works for this but i haven't seen it yet, so workaround it is until then23:03
sappheirosoh, i did open that and skim through it. didn't see the solution posted23:13
sappheirosoh, i see it now.23:14
sappheirosi didn't know about sudo nano though23:14
wxli wasn't explicit about that23:16
wxlbut know this: anything up the hierarchy from $HOME will require elevated privledges23:16

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