
maxhawaiiHi! I've suddenly run into some issues when trying to install lubuntu 17.1008:16
maxhawaiii'm installing on a up2 maker board (https://up-board.org/upsquared/specifications/)08:16
ubottuUbuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html08:17
krytarikSo yeah, I'd expect you get issues..08:17
maxhawaiibut i installed it successfully the other day on another up2 board08:18
maxhawaiiwith no issues at all08:18
maxhawaiiactually on three other boards08:19
maxhawaiibut this one won't go through08:19
maxhawaii"E:The repository 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu artful Release' no longer has a Release file., W:Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default."08:19
krytarikWhat is the reason you want to install such an old release anyway?08:21
maxhawaiibackwards compatability mainly08:22
maxhawaiibut i'll try making an installation usb stick with a newer release08:22
maxhawaiiand we'll see how it goes08:22
maxhawaii(the board has to run some graphics intensity software which i didn't write - my predecessor did - so i'd rather not have to upgrade - but i'll give it a try)08:23
maxhawaiigraphics intensive*08:23
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shqlqlqlqhey can someone check if coolreader 3 works for you (installed from discovery)23:50
shqlqlqlqdoesn't open the thing23:50
wxl19.04 i'm assuming?23:50
shqlqlqlqhave really bad luck with ebook readers. FBreader is so slow if it even loads23:57
kc2bezIt looks like that is a snap. Do you have any other snaps installed shqlqlqlq ?23:57
shqlqlqlqonly this one23:57
kc2bezYou may need the core snap.23:59
kc2bezFrom Discover you can search for core or23:59
kc2bezfrom the terminal you can `snap install core`23:59

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