
seb128desktopers, good morning!05:59
didrocksgood morning06:08
dufluHi didrocks06:10
didrockshey duflu06:11
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:39
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:39
oSoMoNhey duflu06:42
didrockssalut oSoMoN06:43
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:57
oSoMoNduflu, I would welcome your opinion as an input stack expert on bug #169712206:59
ubot5`bug 1697122 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Package Firefox with MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 in environment to enable pixel scrolling with touchpad and touch gestures" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/169712206:59
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dufluoSoMoN, I'm no expert but yes I do believe that feature is long overdue for Firefox07:00
dufluChrome has had it for a while07:00
dufluIt's what I would now call "high resolution touchpad scrolling". Not to be confused for "smooth scrolling", which is something very different and a hack (IMHO)07:01
oSoMoNduflu, thanks, I'll look into enabling that by default with future versions07:08
marcustomlinsonmorning seb128 didrocks duflu oSoMoN \o07:16
didrocksgood morning marcustomlinson07:17
oSoMoNgood morning marcustomlinson07:18
marcustomlinsonoSoMoN: hi! could you please trigger this for me: https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=cosmic&arch=amd64&package=libreoffice&ppa=marcustomlinson/libreoffice&trigger=libreoffice/1:6.1.6-0ubuntu0.18.10.107:19
oSoMoNduflu, it looks like https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1182700 is still a thing, if it is then we probably shouldn't enable high resolution touchpad scrolling, I'll need to test07:25
ubot5`Mozilla bug 1182700 in Widget: Gtk "Wheel scrolling periodically stops working with XInput2" [Normal,Reopened]07:25
dufluMorning marcustomlinson07:26
WimpressMorning desktopers o/07:28
oSoMoNgood morning Wimpress07:28
oSoMoNWimpress, you asked me a while ago to look into a build failure for a chromium armhf optimized build for RPi3, and I never got around to it, is that still relevant?07:30
WimpressoSoMoN: Well, it is something I've got on the back burner.07:34
WimpressThat said, Chromium moves faster than patches for the Raspberry Pi can be updated.07:34
WimpressThe issue is this, I have to disable ARM thumb for the Pi versions of Chromium builds to complete in LP.07:35
WimpressI've got several patches to disable ARM Thumb for Chromium but...07:35
WimpressIt appear ffmpeg is built twice in Chromium.07:36
WimpressI've got ARM Thumb disable for the first build but can't find how to disable the second time around.07:36
WimpressHard to iterate on because it take ~14 hours for build to fail ;-)07:37
oSoMoNWimpress, yeah, ffmpeg is built twice, once with proprietary_codecs=false and once with proprietary_codecs=true and ffmpeg_branding="Chrome", so we can package chromium-codecs-ffmpeg and chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra07:39
oSoMoNhowever the patches should apply to both builds07:40
oSoMoNWimpress, can you point me to a failed build log again?07:40
Wimpress https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-pi-flavour-makers/+archive/ubuntu/crazy-pi/+sourcefiles/chromium-browser/72.0.3626.121-0+rpt4~bionic2.5/chromium-browser_72.0.3626.121-0+rpt4~bionic2.5.dsc07:41
seb128k, back07:46
seb128hey those who joined since I was afk :)07:46
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:49
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?07:49
oSoMoNoui, et toi?07:49
Laneywas just grepping around in logs over SSH to find out why my keyboard wouldn't work08:02
Laney...the cable had come slightly out /o\08:02
oSoMoNmorning Laney, willcooke08:08
didrockshey willcooke, seb128, Laney08:09
Laneyhey oSoMoN willcooke didrocks08:12
Laneyahoy marcustomlinson08:13
marcustomlinsonand ahoy willcooke08:14
marcustomlinsonactually libreoffice calls it writer08:15
dufluMorning willcooke08:21
dufluseb128, just got that email :)08:21
seb128duflu, haha08:22
seb128lut didrocks08:23
seb128hey Laney, nice that you fixed your keyboard *g*08:23
willcookemarcustomlinson, XD08:23
dufluAnd morning Laney08:24
pieqHi people! Quick question. With Unity, there was this touchscreen/touchpad shortcut where a 4-finger press would trigger the dash. Is there something similar in Gnome? Looks like in 18.04 there is no such thing anymore.08:24
dufluThere are some gestures in Gnome but I think they only work in Wayland?08:24
dufluAnd I can't remember what they are08:24
Laneyyo seb12808:25
willcookeI think there was an extension to provide more gestures, but from what I can remember it didnt work very well08:25
seb128pieq, no, GNOME doesn't have that atm08:25
seb128pieq, well, 3 fingers pitch should open the overvie08:30
seb128but only on the touchpad, not on the touch screen I think08:30
pieqseb128, 3 finger pinch on the touchscreen indeed shows the overview (on the touchpad it does nothing)08:36
pieqthanks for the info!08:37
oSoMoNmarcustomlinson, the LO SRU has been accepted in disco-proposed, well done!12:09
marcustomlinsonoSoMoN: I saw :)12:09
marcustomlinsonI'll keep an eye on the build and test when it's ready12:09
oSoMoNthere are 4 ongoing SRUs for libreoffice, you've set a new record :)12:11
marcustomlinson5 no?12:11
marcustomlinsonor right 4 affected yes12:12
willcookenice one marcustomlinson12:27
seb128why is trello always opening the menu on the "about" subpage for me now, that's annoying :-/13:07
willcookeseb128, Doesnt for me.  Did you get a funny URL stuck in your history?13:09
seb128willcooke, I don't think so, e.g if I put https://trello.com/b/RHiGQXZJ/ubuntu-desktop-1904-cycle in private browser session it opens the board with the "about this board" column on the right13:10
seb128or are the random share that funny URL part?13:11
willcookelemme try that13:11
willcookehm, same in a private session13:12
willcookeit must be cookie based13:12
seb128k, don't worry about it13:13
seb128just an annoyance, I've to click on the <- button every time13:13
seb128I will figure it out13:13
Laneytkamppeter: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/1754671, if a97a3b256cd6c56ab1d817440d3b8acb3272ee17 fixes it then it sounds like an extra task for systemd on that bug14:47
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1754671 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Fix committed]14:47
Laneywhich you'd probably want to chat to xnox about14:47
Laneydon't think it'd make the SRU verification-failed though - it doesn't make anything worse without the systemd-resolved fix does it?14:47
Laneyjust needs an extra change to fully solve the bug14:48
seb128tkamppeter, if the SRU doesn't create any regression then it's probably fine to talk to the SRU team about letting it in even if it doesn't fix that bug14:50
seb128it does fix other problems including other security issues14:50
seb128(that was in addition of what Laney said, not instead)14:52
tkamppeterseb128, OK, I will test the systemd fix now and if it works, I will downgrade nm to the SRU and perhaps also to the original again.14:55
tkamppeterand if it works, I will report an SRU bug on it for the systemd maintainer to post an SRU.14:56
tkamppeterAnd also make a remark on the original bug report that to fix it the systemd SRU is needed instead and that for the nm SRU I did at least not find any regressions.14:57
Laneymight want to be a bit more proactive than that (talk to xnox directly and offer to help prepare the SRU if wanted)14:57
tkamppeterLaney. thanks again for spotting the fix. I will try it and contact you and xnox about the result.14:58
oSoMoNtkamppeter, regarding those n-m autopkgtest failures, they need to be investigated and understood, the tests passed with that same version on 2018-12-21, so something else introduced the regression since then15:00
xnoxtkamppeter, Laney - yeah =) what's up?15:01
xnoxwhat's the bug number?15:01
Laneyoh hi there15:01
LaneyTill's seeing about a cherry-pick potentially15:01
Laneystandby for results15:01
Laneybug #1754671 / a97a3b256cd6c56ab1d817440d3b8acb3272ee1715:01
ubot5`bug 1754671 in network-manager (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175467115:01
* Laney tried to tab complete a few minutes ago and got no hits, guessing you just joined15:02
tkamppeterxnox, bug 1754671 Itseems that the fix has to be done in systemd instead of in nm.15:02
Laneyotherwise I would have masked the nick out so as to not highlight15:02
LaneyI think it's maybe "as well as" NM (NM needs to call SetLinkDomains() on resolved, didn't look at the diff but I guess that's what the SRU does on the NM side)15:03
xnoxLaney, my bouncer died upon upgrade to bionic; now fixed for the meeting time.15:03
Laneyxnox: well, lovely to have you back :>15:08
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: added two card to the trello re: my build-snap work. Let me know if they're redundant. I closest card I could find looked a bit broad: https://trello.com/c/1R0lryqL/199-gnome-328-platform-snap15:12
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: yeah, thanks15:15
kenvandinethere is a card somewhere for the build snap15:16
kenvandinebut i can't find it15:16
kenvandinemaybe it was accidentally archived15:16
marcustomlinsonYou commented on the link above saying you'd use it to track the build-snap work too15:16
marcustomlinsonmaybe that was the card you're thinking of15:17
marcustomlinsonProbably better to close that card off as work done for the platform snap, then use the new ones to track the build-snap15:18
marcustomlinsonimo :)15:18
xnoxLaney, although i am thinking to switch to the dark side and ditch znc and use weechat only15:20
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: actually i'm keeping that card :)15:26
kenvandinei just moved it15:26
kenvandineit includes useful info for what the end goal is15:26
* kenvandine renames too15:26
marcustomlinsonkenvandine: ah yes, there is that step too15:27
marcustomlinsonyes, the platform snap and build-snap need to be in sync, got you15:28
kenvandineyeah, so ultimately we want the platform snap to be a subset of the build-snap15:28
kenvandineoSoMoN: when we get USN notification emails for chromium,  a card is created automatically and you'll be added to it15:35
kenvandinemarcustomlinson: and for libreoffice you'll be added15:35
kenvandineusually just means we need a rebuild, test and publication to stable15:35
marcustomlinsoncool yeah oSoMoN and showed me the ways :)15:36
kenvandineonce they are in stable, just move then to "USN Refresh Done"15:36
oSoMoNkenvandine, ack, that's neat15:42
kenvandineoSoMoN: yeah, often when i get those emails I get 10-15 at a time15:52
kenvandinei'm tired of trying to keep track of those as i refresh them :)15:52
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kenvandinetkamppeter: i kicked a rebuild of that autopkgtest16:44
Laneydoesn't seem that likely to succeed http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/network-manager/bionic/amd6416:47
Laneyespecially given the way it failed16:48
Laneynm                   FAIL stderr: /tmp/autopkgtest.gdg9xz/build.ITi/src/debian/tests/nm:23: PyGIWarning: NetworkManager was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('NetworkManager', '1.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded.16:48
kenvandineLaney: indeed16:49
tkamppeterLaney, xnox, seb128: I have now applied Laney's suggested patch to the systemd of Bionic and also downgraded the Bionic's nm back to the SRU (1.10.14), rebooted, tried again, and now all works fine. So we need the systemd SRU in addition. Will add a comment and my debdiff to the bug report.16:55
tkamppeterLaney, xnox, seb128: Bug 1754671 updated.17:13
ubot5`bug 1754671 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175467117:13
tkamppeterkenvandine, thanks for the restart of the test.17:14
TrevinhoLaney: you think would be the case to re-upload https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/+merge/367149 to queue before SRU team get the other in?17:21
willcookenight all17:26
xnoxtkamppeter, tah. will look into it tomorrow.22:19

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