
qwebirc89778Hi, new user here named ROB, new to ubuntu and ubuntu studio. trying to setup audio recording for 2 microphones and skype19:44
OvenWerksqwebirc89778: go ahead, what kind of mics, what interface, what have you tried?19:46
qwebirc89778I have two ATR 2100 USB mics which are detected. I'm using ardour 5 but am unable to seperate audio sources to different tracks. I think my main problem is setting up JACK19:47
OvenWerksHow are you setting up jack?19:48
OvenWerksAre you using a GUI based application or commandline?19:49
qwebirc89778GUI based. And currently can't even find jack in my programs19:49
OvenWerksJackd/jackdbus do not on their own have a GUI19:50
Eickmeyer[m]qwebirc89778: What version of Ubuntu Studio?19:50
qwebirc89778I want to say it was Jack Server19:50
qwebirc89778had patches in it and everything19:50
OvenWerksjackd can be started on command line with jack_control or jackd. The GUI start up applications are ubuntustudio-control or qjackctl19:51
OvenWerksfor using two USB mics, ubuntustudio-controls is probably the best thing to use.19:51
Eickmeyer[m]Important to know which version, though.19:51
OvenWerks(-controls needs an about box or version listed somewhere else in the GUI)19:52
qwebirc89778I just installed it from software so I suppose it's the latest version19:53
Eickmeyer[m]Or, really, the installed Ubuntu Studio version is a key (from the comand line: lsb_release -a)19:53
OvenWerkswhich flavour and version of ubuntu are you using.19:53
Eickmeyer[m]qwebirc89778: It might not be, which is why I'm asking what version of Ubuntu Studio.19:53
ubottuUbuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle19:53
qwebirc89778i don't know which version. right now it's not letting me scroll through applications to get to command line19:55
qwebirc89778installed in the last 2 weeks though19:55
Eickmeyer[m]You still could have installed 18.04, 18.10, or 19.04. It all depends on what you downloaded, not when.19:56
Eickmeyer[m]Okay. Now we're getting somewhere.19:56
Eickmeyer[m]!ubuntustudio-backports | qwebirc89778: did you enable this?19:57
ubottuqwebirc89778: did you enable this?: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer19:57
OvenWerks-controls will be old.19:57
qwebirc89778Don't know if backports are enabled19:57
Eickmeyer[m]It isn't by default. It's something you would have to intentionally do.19:57
Eickmeyer[m]Follow that guide I just linked. You'll need the backports.19:58
qwebirc89778ok followed that guide.20:01
Eickmeyer[m]!ubuntustudio-controls | qwebirc89778: This is the next thing you'll need:20:02
ubottuqwebirc89778: This is the next thing you'll need:: Ubuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls20:02
qwebirc89778ok thank you. reading through that now. Is there specific guidance in here about recording skype?20:06
OvenWerksthere is more than one choice...20:07
Eickmeyer[m]qwebirc89778: video or just audio?20:07
OvenWerks but with two usb mics you will need to make them both available as one device not two.20:08
qwebirc89778just audio. I'm in ardour 5 and trying to see my microphones and skype as sources20:08
Eickmeyer[m]Okay. The only thing that Skype is going to see is whatever is sent to PulseIn.20:08
OvenWerksskype is pulse only. so the bridge between jack and pulse is your friend.20:08
Eickmeyer[m]I'd use Patchage or install Carla to do the connections.20:09
OvenWerksyou will need some sort of application to mix your mics into one channel to send to skype so the other person can hear as well as record. I would almost say that idjc might be the best thing for this.20:10
OvenWerks(AKA "Interbet DJ Console"20:10
OvenWerksit has mic inputs and a phone input (all jack)20:11
OvenWerksit is able to record and/or stream to the internet20:11
Eickmeyer[m]I'd use Ardour as if it were an actual mixer, but that's how my audio engineer brian works.20:11
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: have you ever tried IDJC?20:12
qwebirc89778just fired IDJC up now20:12
OvenWerksIDJC is quite common for radio station use in the studio.20:12
Eickmeyer[m]¯\_(ツ)_/¯ @freenode_OvenWerks:matrix.org: I have not, but that's just because I'm so used to Ardour.20:13
OvenWerksrivendale comes packed with idjc for controlroom I think.20:14
qwebirc89778anyone know how to get skype to recognize pulse as a microphone input?20:19
* OvenWerks worked in the standard analog radio statio of yore. Mcurdy, mixer and turn tables with cart machines.20:19
OvenWerkswith just pulse or with the jack-pulse bridge?20:20
qwebirc89778really a novice here. either way really20:21
OvenWerksskype uses pulse by default20:21
OvenWerksI am not suggesting one way or the other so much as finding what you are trying20:21
OvenWerksI have to know what you are trying before I can A) make it work that way or B) suggest an alternative20:22
qwebirc89778my knowledge is limited to copy and paste into the terminal. My goal is to be able to record audio for a podcast interview happening over skype in 3 hours time. :-/20:22
qwebirc89778I'm used to Windows and GUI's having previously used Bananameter20:23
OvenWerksI hope we can do quicker than that :) I have to leave sooner.20:23
qwebirc89778right now i'm playing with IDJ and have it recognizing both microphones on the Meter but I've yet to hear any audio from the mics20:24
OvenWerksso why did you switch? (never mind)20:24
OvenWerksok, good start.20:24
OvenWerksif you open patchage20:24
OvenWerksyou should see idjc and pulse20:24
qwebirc89778idjc is shaking like crazy20:25
OvenWerksthats not nice, solid here20:26
qwebirc89778ok got it to stop shaking20:27
OvenWerksanyway, the normal thing is to connect idjc "voip_out_l and _r to PulseIn left and right20:27
OvenWerksand connect PulseOut to voip_in_l and _r20:28
qwebirc89778is it weird to have 2 pulse ins and no pulse outs?20:30
OvenWerksbut not if your mic is the only audio device20:30
qwebirc89778yeah mics have headphone jacks in them. no other external speakers.20:31
OvenWerksthat is still an output and should show up in jack and pulse should be there too. It could be that the pulseout is off of patchage's screen20:32
qwebirc89778trying a rearrange20:33
qwebirc89778found pulse out and pulse in20:33
OvenWerksyou can use the name tag in patchage to grab and move a device around.20:33
qwebirc89778I have two of each pulse out/in, connect both to the voips?20:35
qwebirc89778and should I disconnect System from PulseIn to prevent feedback/echo?20:37
OvenWerksyou may need to do that yes.20:37
qwebirc89778ok system playback has 8 tracks20:39
qwebirc89778tracks 1 and 2 are getting PulseOut, DJ Out, and Alarm out20:39
qwebirc89778by tracks i mean "playback"20:39
OvenWerksonce you have pulse going through idjc, you probably don't want pulse to go through systemplayback.20:40
OvenWerksyou are using pulse for your "phone" only in this case20:41
OvenWerksyou would not be able to play audio from a web page at this point.20:41
qwebirc89778no audio from webpage, that's fine20:42
OvenWerks(controls does not yet have a way to set up more than one bridge at a time... add that to the list...)20:42
OvenWerksso does you mic show up as 8 outputs? or is that your internal device?20:43
qwebirc89778mic is 2. i have monitored audio by connecting DJ_out to Mic Playback20:44
qwebirc89778System has the 8 playbacks20:45
OvenWerksok that works.20:45
OvenWerksThe one problem I can see is that your second usb mic may try to be the same device name20:46
qwebirc89778ok Skype is playing test audio but i'm not hearing it nor seeing it on the meter20:46
qwebirc89778skype is set to default in skype settings20:46
OvenWerksYa, the thing to try in idjc is to click on the green phone icon.20:47
qwebirc89778ok did'nt record me in skype20:48
OvenWerksdid you have the "DJ" button pressed?20:48
qwebirc89778i did before. it's greyed out now20:49
OvenWerks(the two verticle bars should be red)20:49
qwebirc89778they are red20:49
qwebirc89778aux was also red20:49
OvenWerksI am having difficulty too hang on.20:54
OvenWerksok now I have it.20:57
OvenWerksnot sure what I did though...20:57
OvenWerksThe meters on the right ch1 should be showing level when you speak in the mic20:57
qwebirc89778i have mics assigned to channel 1 and 320:58
qwebirc89778and i have montioring so I'm hearing them20:58
OvenWerkswith the DJ red you should be able to hear what you say in the output.20:58
qwebirc89778yes dj is allowing me to hear channel 1. not affecting channel 320:59
qwebirc89778aux is doing channel 3 though20:59
OvenWerksat the top of the screen in the manu bar there is a little speaker where you would turn volume up and down.21:00
OvenWerksif you click on that and select sound settings21:00
OvenWerksInput devices... you should see a volume level (which should be at about 100%) and a bar below that.21:01
OvenWerksyou mic level should show up there21:01
qwebirc89778yup, not showing activity21:01
OvenWerksAnd you have voip_out connected to pulsein?21:02
qwebirc89778yes i have voip_out to pulse_in21:03
OvenWerksAnd the green phone pressed?21:03
OvenWerks(a green phone should appear in the middle of the screen)21:03
qwebirc89778yes it's pressed and green phone visible21:04
OvenWerksHu, I just have one voip_out plugged into pulsein and it seems to work here21:06
qwebirc89778any idea why i have two pulse-ins?21:07
OvenWerksShould be just a left and a right21:07
OvenWerks(front-left and front-right)21:08
qwebirc89778i have left and right on both PulseIn and PulseIn-0121:08
qwebirc89778same with out21:08
OvenWerksin the Volume Control app, do you also have a drop down where it says Jacksource?21:09
qwebirc89778it's a window and neither shows activity21:09
OvenWerksThere should not be two bridges.21:10
OvenWerksThat alomst sounds like an older controls application21:10
qwebirc89778let's blow up some bridges21:10
OvenWerks(there was such a bug)21:10
OvenWerksIf you enabled the backports ppa and reinstalled ubuntustudio-controls that bug should be gone.21:12
OvenWerksin a terminal type px x |grep autojack21:13
OvenWerksyou should only get two lines not three21:13
OvenWerkssorry not px21:13
OvenWerksps x |grep autojack21:14
qwebirc89778rob@openair:~$ ps x |grep autojack 14747 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto autojack 19878 tty1     Sl+    0:00 /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/bin/autojack 19923 tty1     Sl+    0:00 /usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/bin/autojack21:15
qwebirc89778still both there. restart?21:16
OvenWerkskill one of them21:16
OvenWerksat the far left there should be a number. kill <number>21:17
OvenWerkskill 19923 for example21:17
qwebirc89778not sure how to do that21:18
OvenWerksin a terminal type kill 1992321:19
qwebirc89778still there21:20
OvenWerksmaybe try kill -9 1992321:21
qwebirc89778no such process21:21
OvenWerksyou may then have to restart jack (and and the other apps)21:21
OvenWerksok so it is not really there21:22
OvenWerksdid patchage show some of the things are gone or are they all still there?21:22
qwebirc89778restarted all apps and Jack, pulseIn-01 is gone21:24
qwebirc89778still no activity in settings21:24
qwebirc89778skype not receiving minc21:25
OvenWerksif you connect directly from your mic capture to pulse in does that work?21:25
qwebirc89778the settings showed activity, skype didn't register21:27
OvenWerksdoes skype show up in the recording tab?21:27
qwebirc89778applications tab yes21:29
OvenWerksSo you have activity in inputs? but not in recording?21:29
OvenWerksin recording there should be a box that is grey that says Jakc source21:31
OvenWerks(right after the words "input from"21:31
OvenWerksclicking on it gives a drop down where jack source should be available21:32
OvenWerksThere is also a speaker with x beside it. make sure that is not muted21:34
qwebirc89778i don't see a recording tab.21:35
qwebirc89778i see the applications tab in the sound settings21:35
OvenWerksThis is the one that says "Volume Control" at the top?21:36
qwebirc89778Settings     Sound21:37
OvenWerksIt should have Playback, Recording, Output Devices, Input Devices and Configuration tabs across the top.21:37
qwebirc89778That sounds like Windows to me21:37
OvenWerksI am sure it trys to mimic that yes.21:37
OvenWerksin a terminal type pacvucontrol21:38
OvenWerksI can;t spell all the time21:38
OvenWerksEickmeyer[m]: I don't know if you can help here, but I need to pick up "The Lovely Laura" (my wife) from work.21:41
OvenWerksBack later21:41
EickmeyerOvenWerks: o/21:41
qwebirc89778thank you for your help21:41
qwebirc89778i've now installed pavucontrol21:42
EickmeyerI'll be honest, I haven't been following along.21:42
qwebirc89778that's cool. Trying to setup patch so I can record a podcast interview in an hour and a half using either ardour 5 or InternetDJ. skype is not hearing the microphone inputs going through PulseIn21:43
EickmeyerYeah, I think I gathered that, but thanks for the summary.21:43
EickmeyerDid OvenWerks have you use alsamixer on the command line?21:44
qwebirc89778oh and i'm quite the noob at Linux, though I understand command line, i know not actual commands21:45
EickmeyerOh, it's an easy one. It's not an actual command, but opens a graphical/text interface (much like the DOS days of old).21:45
EickmeyerMy speculation is that the volume on your microphones in ALSA is all the way down.21:46
EickmeyerSo, open a terminal and type "alsamixer".21:46
EickmeyerThen press F6 and select one of the microphones, then F4 for capture.21:47
EickmeyerThese are USB microphones, correct?21:47
* Eickmeyer missed that part21:47
qwebirc89778yup usb21:48
EickmeyerOkay, then try alsamixer and see if you can see the microphones in there.21:49
EickmeyerThen make sure that "capture" for each one is up to at least 50%-ish (hard to tell sometimes based on the device).21:50
qwebirc89778i see them, i've raised volumes to 10021:50
EickmeyerOkay. They're patched in Patchage to PulseIn, correct?21:50
qwebirc89778capture is at 100,21:51
qwebirc89778does it matter that it's that high?21:51
EickmeyerWell, let's give it a try. Keep alsamixer open, you can always lower it if you get distortion.21:51
EickmeyerThey're patched in Patchage to PulseIn?21:52
qwebirc89778they were not they were set to channels for internetdj but restarting everything erased all of that for some reason21:53
qwebirc89778voip in and voip out were sending to pulse21:53
* Eickmeyer is now wishing he had more experience with Internet DJ.21:55
qwebirc89778how about ardour 5?21:58
EickmeyerWell, I just gave myself a crash course. Skype is looking at "Jack source (PulseIn)", correct?22:00
EickmeyerHere's how I have it patched (looks slightly different than Patchage, it's a program called Carla): https://imgur.com/87xVG8q.png22:01
qwebirc89778pulsein is the sound settings is registering the microphone activity22:02
EickmeyerBut Skype isn't? (I can't see any sound indications in Skype either, but I think that's a poor design).22:03
qwebirc89778oh you have voipout going to system22:03
EickmeyerYeah, I changed that though.22:05
EickmeyerHang on...22:05
qwebirc89778skype is frozen and won't hang up the test call. what's the kill command?22:06
EickmeyerI'd open a terminal and try "killall skype".22:07
EickmeyerI just tested with my configuration (built-in laptop mic, built-in laptop speakers) and it seemed to work.22:07
qwebirc89778the way you have that setup though, i worry that DJ out will send the Skype callers audio back to them in a wicked echo22:08
EickmeyerYeah, mine was quick and dirty That latest imgur image is what I did.22:09
qwebirc89778just restarted skype, it's currently not seeing any speakers or microphones22:09
qwebirc89778i think i need to restart the system at this point22:09
EickmeyerEep. Yeah, something is definitely wrong if it can't see PulseIn/Out. (really, all it needs to see)22:10
qwebirc62715Rob is back on with Ardour/InternetDJ/Skype questions22:16
EickmeyerHey Rob!22:17
EickmeyerI'm working on a way to do it in Ardour.22:17
EickmeyerReally, that's how I would do it, but that's because I'm an audio engineer and think like a mixer.22:17
qwebirc62715i want to do it in Ardour 522:18
EickmeyerOkay. Here's how I set it up: https://imgur.com/t8Lw0qM.png22:20
EickmeyerI added two mono audio tracks, one for each microphone. Then I added a stereo track for Pulse. Then I added a bus to act as a send to send the microphones to Pulse, giving them each an internal aux send to that bus.22:21
qwebirc62715ok, adding a bus is not something I'm familiar with :-(22:22
EickmeyerPatched it like this.22:22
EickmeyerAdding a bus is just like adding a track, but selecting "Audio bus" on the left instead of track.22:22
qwebirc62715Audio 1 output - Ardour Bus -Land R22:25
EickmeyerI sent Mic 1 and 2 to Main with each having an aux send to "Pulse Send" and then Pulse Send routed to PulseIN.22:29
EickmeyerPulseOUT routed to Pulse RTN, which is then routed to Main.22:29
EickmeyerIn this configuration, the people on Skype won't be able to hear themselves, but you'd be able to hear the mics and Skype.22:29
qwebirc62715ok trying to set this up...22:31
qwebirc62715skype is sending audio back to ardour. I'm not hearing it though22:35
qwebirc62715i'm not hearing it i believe becuase i have nothing going to microphone out (headphones22:36
qwebirc62715test call to skype failed on hearing my own voice22:38
EickmeyerThat's possible, but I'm concerned that the headphone jack on those mics is for listening to just the microphone.22:39
EickmeyerMeaning, it's not for computer audio.22:39
EickmeyerReason is because I've seen those advertised on Amazon.22:40
qwebirc62715worked for the last year on a windows system22:40
EickmeyerOh, then I'm wrong.22:40
EickmeyerStrange, and you have the main outs routed back to the microphone headphone outs?22:41
Eickmeyermain from Ardour, that is.22:41
qwebirc62715yeah, just checked youtube. I can hear audio through the headphones, skype isn't picking up the audio from my mic22:42
qwebirc62715sound settings are no longer showing input from Jack PulseIn22:43
qwebirc62715maybe ihave the bis setup wrong22:43
EickmeyerSomething is wrong with Skype then. Try closing Skype and reopening.22:43
EickmeyerWell, if the sound settings aren't showing input from PulseIn, then there's a problem.22:44
EickmeyerDoes Patchage see the PulseIn/PulseOut?22:44
qwebirc62715i think i fixed the bus22:45
qwebirc62715yes it sees that22:45
EickmeyerOkay, then you're good.22:45
EickmeyerProbably needed to patch the bus to PulseIn.22:45
qwebirc62715WE'VE DONE IT!!!22:45
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ^22:45
qwebirc62715Needed to send to the buss22:45
EickmeyerAh, yes. The aux send.22:46
qwebirc62715ok how do I put a noise gate on these tracks?22:46
EickmeyerRight-click in the black area in the track (Mixer view), click New Plugin > Plugin Manager. Search for "Gate" and you should have a few to choose from.22:47
EickmeyerAlso, you can drag the plugins into whatever order you need them on your channel strip.22:47
qwebirc62715ok thank you22:49
EickmeyerYou're quite welcome. Glad we got this working.22:49
qwebirc62715Checkout SpreadAviation.com to see where this work is going22:49
EickmeyerEnjoy your... podcast, was it?22:49
* Eickmeyer is a former pilot22:49
Eickmeyer<3 <3 <322:49
qwebirc62715Pilot for life22:51
EickmeyerSeriously. I'm medically disqualified now, but man, I miss it.22:51
qwebirc62715No such thing as former, just not current22:51
qwebirc62715and you can always go up with a flight instructor22:51
EickmeyerThat's true. Now if I had the money.... ;)22:52
qwebirc62715I understand that!22:52
EickmeyerHa! Feel free to drop in anytime or on #ubuntustudio-offtopic.22:52
* Eickmeyer is the Ubuntu Studio Flavor Lead22:52
qwebirc62715Excellent and tahnk you for your help22:53
EickmeyerYou're quite welcome. :)22:55
OvenWerksgood, glad it was figured out.23:10
* OvenWerks closes all the extra windows on his desktop...23:10
EickmeyerHaha! Did the same.23:10
EickmeyerJust kinda cool to have helped one of biggest aviation podcasts on the planet. XD23:12
* Eickmeyer is off to get "The Jumping Jonny" (my son) from school23:13

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