
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193Oh hey, hi.  Sorry, I dputted a exo without mentioning it, sorry.07:07
brainwashthis is... new? my wallpaper slightly moves its position when going from greeter to xfce desktop20:26
ali1234single monitor?20:39
brainwashvirtual machine20:40
brainwashI usually have a solid color bg20:40
brainwashthe wallpaper moves about 10 pixels to the right, and some pixels down20:42
brainwashwhen xfdesktop displays it20:43
brainwashmaybe it was like this all the time20:43
ali1234no i'm pretty sure it wasn't... but, are you using lightdm-gtk-greeter?20:48
brainwashit's 19.1020:48
ali1234the ubuntu default is now gdm, i don't think xubuntu has changed, but you never know20:49
ali1234it could be something to do with the VM... do you have guest drivers installed? if so, are they the right version for the host?20:50
ali1234mismatch there always causes weird graphical glitches20:50
brainwasheverything seems to be properly installed20:51
brainwashI switched to 720p and it does not happen anymore20:53
brainwashfrom 1366x76820:54
Unit193I think GDM only starts gnome-shell, and for us lightdm is much nicer anyway.21:18

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