
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !Woesb is <reply> Woeusb is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. You can install the snap with: sudo snap install --edge woe-usb03:32
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !winusb is delete please, no longer valid03:32
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !Woeusb is <reply> Woeusb is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. You can install the snap with: sudo snap install --edge woe-usb03:41
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, tomreyn said: !aptitude is <reply> Like 'apt' and 'apt-get', 'aptitude' is an APT package management utility for the terminal. Unlike the others, aptitude lacks compatibility with modern APT (https://pad.lv/b/u/aptitude), so its use is now discouraged.17:04
dax^ this is not particularly true17:21
hggdhdax: not completely, I agree. But, in general, mixing apt and aptitude is also not good17:22
daxyeah, was in the middle of elaborating17:22
daxits use is discouraged, but there aren't compatibility issues currently afaik17:22
* hggdh waits17:22
daxmain issues i can remember were holds and multiarch17:23
daxmultiarch still looks weird but isn't incompatible any more, and i don't use holds but looking at relevant debian bugs that got cleaned up to use APT's hold system in 201517:23
daxon the flip side, they did something to its dependency resolver a few years back and now it's basically unuseable for my (weird) use cases and i switched to just apt-* tools instead, so i guess i shouldn't care too much17:25
hggdhI remember I gave up on adtitude many years ago due to some dependency resolution problems I had. But never went back to see if it got better17:26
daxit didn't17:26
daxubottu: no, aptitude is <reply> Like apt and apt-get, aptitude is a terminal frontend for Ubuntu's package management system. Unlike the others, it is not recommended in Ubuntu because its behavior differs significantly from other Ubuntu package management tools and can cause issues.17:28
ubottuI'll remember that dax17:28
hggdhthat sounds better indeed17:28
daxseems a bit more neutral17:28
hggdhI had set it as tomreym asked, but was sort of unhappy with the result after re-reading it.17:31
ubottuWinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.17:31
daxhggdh: yeah, i'm a big fan of aggressively editing factoid suggestions17:32
daxah okay, looks like this woe-usb thing is a fork of winusb17:33
daxand woe-usb has an issue about how its maintainer disappeared and maybe they should work on woeusb-ng *facepalm*17:35
daxconsidering: no, winusb is <reply> Ubuntu does not have a recommended tool for preparing bootable Windows installation USBs. If you need one, consider using Microsoft's media creation tool from a Windows computer (see ##windows for support). If this is not an option, there are third-party unsupported tools like WoeUSB ( https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB , sudo snap install --edge woe-usb ) that might work.17:38
daxplus some aliases17:38
daxi'm really not a fan of us recommending a --edge snap that appears to be maintained by a third party without some danger-wording around it17:40
hggdhit does not sound good17:41
hggdhbut the text is good, plus an alias woeusb -> winusb17:42
daxubottu: no, winusb is <reply> Ubuntu does not have a recommended tool for preparing bootable Windows installation USBs. If you need one, consider using Microsoft's media creation tool from a Windows computer (see ##windows for support). If this is not an option, there are third-party unsupported tools like WoeUSB ( https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB , sudo snap install --edge woe-usb ) that might work.17:42
ubottuI'll remember that dax17:42
daxubottu: woeusb is <alias> winusb17:42
ubottuI'll remember that, dax17:42
daxubottu: woe-usb is <alias> winusb17:42
ubottuI'll remember that, dax17:42
daxi'm gonna poke a ##windows op friend and see if he's seen any other suggestions, but i assume he'll say to just use the MS media creation tool17:43
dax(which imho is good advice)17:43
hggdhOTOH, there is no package for woe-usb, just the snap. There is a source package (IIRC) that you can download and build17:43
hggdh(which is what I did wehen I needed it a few months ago)17:44
dax##windows op says basically the same as the new factoid text18:21
daxso i guess we are good to go18:21

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