tsimonq2 | lynorian: Something for the manual: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1139902/how-to-increase-the-size-of-the-cursor-in-lubuntu-19-04 | 00:05 |
teward | wxl: error: GeoIP legacy *was* already phased out | 00:07 |
teward | by MaxMind | 00:07 |
teward | back in January | 00:07 |
teward | it's why I pushed to get a third party GeoIP2 module included in NGINX for Ubuntu :P | 00:07 |
teward | (and why i'm going to MIR it if there's nothing overtly bad here) | 00:07 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @tsimonq2 [<tsimonq2> lynorian: Something for the manual: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1 …], Really? Who would want to make it bigger? | 01:44 |
lynorian | people with vision troubles | 01:44 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> If that's the case, not only the cursor should be bigger | 01:45 |
* Eickmeyer needs a lynorian for Ubuntu Studio. :'( | 01:46 | |
* Eickmeyer is also not here recruiting. | 01:46 | |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @HMollerCl [If that's the case, not only the cursor should be bigger], I mean, isn't there a more global "zoom"? | 01:47 |
lubot | <lynorian> not that I know | 01:48 |
lubot | <lynorian> @HMollerCl I wish I knew a way | 01:52 |
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rMANUAL5c9fce6c390b: Add session settings changing cursor size] lynorian (Lyn Perrine) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rMANUAL5c9fce6c390b | 01:52 | |
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rtarik | This is tarik from Morroco | 10:09 |
rtarik | is there a possibility to install Lubuntu on Gericom Masterpiece ? | 10:09 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, i don't know your machine, but a quick search online says its a x86(something) that ran winXP; is yours x86 or x86_64, how much ram (the ones I saw were small( | 11:04 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, also why not download the appropriate one for your system, and try it (https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/try-ubuntu-before-you-install is geared for main ubuntu, but it applies to lubuntu too which has a try-lubuntu option) | 11:08 |
rtarik | <guiverc2>, it is pantium 4 about 512 M RAM | 11:17 |
rtarik | guiverc2, it is pantium 4 about 512 M RAM | 11:17 |
rtarik | I prepared a Lubuntu USB but it doesn't boot ! | 11:19 |
guiverc2 | the 512mb RAM will be your problem. I've tested Lubuntu 18.04 on pentium 4 & pentium m machines inc. 18.04 LTS, 18.10, 19.04 though always with 1gb or more of ram. | 11:19 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, it may be the machine itself can't boot USB; many p4's couldn't (they booted dvdr/cdr's) | 11:19 |
rtarik | I found that Lubuntu may work with less of 512 M RAM ! | 11:21 |
guiverc2 | you did download the x86 version I assume, my p4/penitum-m's were incapable of booting x86_64 | 11:21 |
rtarik | the x64 | 11:22 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, i suspect it may, but would not be much fine if you wanted to use chromium/firefox to browse many web sites etc; if playing music, editing docs - not an issue. | 11:22 |
rtarik | <guiverc2>: maybe I'll do a test with x86 | 11:23 |
guiverc2 | is your pentium-4 capable of x86_64?; mine were not. | 11:24 |
rtarik | unsure | 11:24 |
rtarik | I don't know 64 apply on the old machine | 11:24 |
guiverc2 | the more recent releases tend to give a decent message about cpu not being suitable; older releases just gave crash messages as I recall (I don't recall clearly sorry) | 11:25 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, what release did you try? (I'm booting lubuntu x86_64 now in a x86 only pentium-4 box) | 11:26 |
rtarik | 19.04 | 11:26 |
rtarik | do you recommand specific release ? | 11:27 |
guiverc2 | on that old machine, I'd have been tempted to use 18.04 LTS (3 year life instead of 9 months) | 11:27 |
guiverc2 | okay, my p4 box says "This kernel requires an x86_64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU \n Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU." | 11:29 |
rtarik | guiverc2: I'll do other test | 11:29 |
rtarik | thank you for all those informations | 11:29 |
guiverc2 | fyi: i booted 19.10; but 19.04 would have had same error message, and you're most welcome | 11:30 |
rtarik | Is there a tool (i.e VM software) to test releases or you use USB ? | 11:31 |
guiverc2 | rtarik, i mostly test using real hardware (eg. the old p4 heater box I booted for your test), but I do use virtual-box on occasion too, others here use other tools too | 11:34 |
rtarik | guiverc2: thank you | 11:36 |
guiverc2 | :) | 11:36 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> it's only me that now I have "Kde connect"? | 20:44 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> ? | 20:58 |
kc2bez | @HMollerCl did you have KDE connect before? | 21:02 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> @HMollerCl did you have KDE connect before?], Nope | 21:07 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> I have it because I installed (and use) it | 21:07 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> Now I have it in preferences | 21:07 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Hmm | 21:09 |
kc2bez | 19.04? | 21:13 |
kc2bez | I have it installed too but I don't remember seeing it on any fresh 19.04 installs. | 21:16 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> in eoan. | 21:17 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I mean, after I change the soruces | 21:17 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> kdeconnect/eoan,now 1.3.4-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic] | 21:19 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Hey I got some free time | 21:22 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> So we're not porting kvantum right | 21:22 |
kc2bez | It is not installed on my VM @HMollerCl | 21:22 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> What else do we need to port from gtk to qt | 21:22 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> It is not installed on my VM @HMollerCl], did you have eoan sources? | 21:23 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @SamuelBanya [What else do we need to port from gtk to qt], I believe redshift-gtk should be easy | 21:24 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Sweet thanks | 21:24 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> kc2bez: hmoller@hmoller-pc:~$ apt list kdeconnect … Listing... Done … kdeconnect/eoan,now 1.3.4-0ubuntu1 amd64 [installed,automatic] | 21:25 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> automactic installed.... | 21:25 |
kc2bez | I do have the sources enabled and eoan | 21:25 |
kc2bez | What happens if you remove it? | 21:26 |
kc2bez | You can simulate the removal. | 21:27 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @kc2bez [<kc2bez> You can simulate the removal.], how? | 21:28 |
kc2bez | `apt remove -s PACKAGENAME` | 21:28 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> mmm, it will only remove kdeconnect.. | 21:29 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Side note though regarding redshift. When I download the .tar.gz do I have to build it or since it's python based I just have to port it | 21:30 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> first make sure it works, then make a copy and start the clone | 21:31 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Ok will do | 21:35 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> I downloaded the tar.gz of this project and in its README.md file it says that I need to install it from the OS itself via a package manager. The only other instructions that relate to possibly building it on my comp are in CONTRIBUTING.md but they list dependencies. Do I have to do: sudo apt-get install (list of all the dependenc | 21:52 |
lubot | ies separated by commas)? | 21:52 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Or do I just have to run the "install.sh" shell file | 21:55 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> I believe that you must install redshfit with apt and run redshift-gtk from the source | 21:57 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> but I've never run redshift from the source, so, not sure it will work w/o problem | 21:58 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> I eventually got the make file to do it's thing | 22:10 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Now it's having issues about GeoClue since it can't find my location | 22:10 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> I can't find the system setting for location in Lubuntu tbh | 22:11 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> *within Preferences > LxQt settings > LxQt Configuration Center | 22:11 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> * in the startup menu | 22:11 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Got it to work. If you run it from the startup menu then it appears to ask if I'd like location settings to be enabled. I clicked yes and now I have a gps style pin present that shows the color temp in the upper right | 22:16 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/I32FdLH.jpg | 22:16 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> I'll look at that cheat sheet before trying to use that one guide you sent to port it from gtk to qt | 22:16 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> Cheatsheet only had one thjng that matched the source code present with only "Gtk.Label" section being relevant. so ill have to use that one article you provided | 23:16 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> In terms of GObject do you have to change the entire functions style to suit QObject or can you just change it line by line? | 23:38 |
lubot | <SamuelBanya> That's the first thing shown but is a bit daunting in my head on how to approach changing the related code | 23:38 |
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