Rush | Hello | 02:46 |
Rush | can anyone see my chat or im not logged in right ? | 02:46 |
Laurel | Hello | 02:47 |
Laurel | I have installed Lununtu 19 but having a few problems. can anyone help? | 02:48 |
Laurel | 1. the gui software center wont load, just freezes | 02:48 |
Laurel | 2. How to add shortcuts to the task bar? I installed Chromium but can add a shortcut. mouseclicking the app just opens it. Even a right click | 02:49 |
Laurel | I dont even know if anyone can see my text? this freenode chat is weird. Can anyone confirm you can even see my text please | 02:49 |
Laurel | anyone ?? please????? just say yes u can see me | 02:51 |
Laurel | god dammit; .why is freeonde so lame. i dont evne know if im signed in or not. | 02:52 |
Laurel | and anyone just say yes please.. or i wil lassume im not even bloody logged in. Typical liniux, hard to use.. even hard to get help. Cryptic chat rooms... | 02:53 |
Laurel | help | 02:56 |
Laurel | sdg | 02:56 |
Laurel | d | 02:56 |
Laurel | d | 02:56 |
Laurel | d | 02:56 |
Laurel | dfd | 02:56 |
Laurel | fd | 02:56 |
Laurel | gd | 02:56 |
Laurel | HELP | 02:59 |
Laurel | how cna everyone be asleep? not possible | 03:06 |
lubot | <brli7848> Just hold and drag the icon... | 03:12 |
lubot | <brli7848> To the panel | 03:12 |
Laurel | it doesnt work. iget a red circle with a line through it. it wont let me add | 03:19 |
Laurel | plus the gui software center freezes and never opens properly | 03:20 |
Laurel | i am on 1gb ram, yes. but i thought that was the idea of this OS? | 03:20 |
Laurel | i have 'quick launch' in the widgets. no idea if it sactivated or not., cant se any options. but NOTHING will go into the task bar | 03:21 |
Laurel | i just want to find one lightweight os i can use. it seems an impossible task. all are not working in some way or another | 03:22 |
Laurel | oh ok.. everyones gone napping again.. | 03:24 |
Laurel | maybe i'll have to try xubuntu again.. this lubuntu is clearly unfinished and like a beta | 03:25 |
Laurel | JIB JIB | 03:35 |
Laurel | Ubbit Ubbit | 03:36 |
Laurel | fuk me this is about as useful as a chocolate teapot | 03:59 |
Laurel | why even have this room open? ive been hare about 2 hours and had one reply | 03:59 |
lynorian | Laurel: lubuntu task bar does not add stuff to launch from the task bar just the quick launch | 04:00 |
lynorian | if you have an open window it shows up in the taskbar | 04:01 |
Laurel | ? i dont understand | 04:01 |
Laurel | i want to add an app icon from the menu in to the task bar so i can quick launch it. but it refuses t oadd | 04:01 |
lynorian | you need to drag to the quick launch to do that not that taskbar | 04:02 |
Laurel | and sorry, i dont even understand your reply | 04:02 |
Laurel | ? | 04:02 |
Laurel | drag to the widget? | 04:02 |
lynorian | yes to quick launch to launch stuff | 04:03 |
lynorian | and then left click on it | 04:03 |
lynorian | sorry I was eating dinner | 04:03 |
Laurel | wher is the quick launch area? | 04:03 |
lynorian | left of the task bar by default | 04:03 |
Laurel | i cant se anything | 04:03 |
Laurel | there is nothing 'left of the taskbar' | 04:04 |
Laurel | the task bar takes the whole bottom screen. nothing else there, and it wont go ANYWHERE in the taskbar | 04:05 |
lynorian | have you rearagned your panel | 04:05 |
Laurel | no | 04:05 |
Laurel | unless my OS is crashed. i tried installing midori, but had to just risk a ubuntu instlal. it didnt work. maybe that upset the system.. no idea | 04:06 |
Laurel | it salmost impossible to get help so i had to try to do it myself | 04:06 |
Laurel | plus the GUI software center is unusable. just freezes. 1gb ram no tenough? thought it was | 04:06 |
Laurel | plus some apps wont even let me drag them onto the desktop.. so im trying to created a shortcunt using 'gnome' orsomething.. but it simpossible becasuse i dont know the location of the executable file. and cannot find how to find it | 04:07 |
Laurel | everything else works fast.. but my gui store freezes everytime | 04:08 |
Laurel | can anyone help me with this mess or should i just forget it ? | 04:08 |
lynorian | discover or muon | 04:08 |
Laurel | sorry? | 04:10 |
Laurel | discover. totally freezes | 04:10 |
Laurel | the other is fine | 04:10 |
lynorian | then use muon although it is a bit more complicated | 04:10 |
Laurel | well not totally. it takes agees for anything to appear. and when it dies nothing ,moves | 04:10 |
Laurel | i tried muon.. manafged to install 'SMTube' but gues swaht.. it WILL NOT leave the panel and let me put quicka launch icon | 04:11 |
Laurel | same as chromuim. but at least chroium lsts me put a shortcut on dekstop. SMTube wone even let me do that | 04:11 |
Laurel | i think his OS is too much beta. i know i cant use linux well. but this just isnt working anyway | 04:12 |
lynorian | although keep in imnd the more things you install and keep running the more RAM useage will be no matter how lightweight the base | 04:12 |
Laurel | can you help me or shall i just go to another room and try yet another lightweight OS? None of them work for me | 04:13 |
Laurel | ive got nothing in there. nothing | 04:13 |
Laurel | just wanted a lighter browser than firefox. chromium is. and wanted a youtube app as i cant watch youtube in browser with 1gb ram | 04:13 |
Laurel | all the other apps i open are pretty fast.. except the gui for downloads | 04:13 |
lynorian | vlc can if you copy paste the url in | 04:14 |
Laurel | but u still ahve t osurf to get the url. not youtube apps? like SMTube works sometimes. but i cannot get a god damn short cut on my desktop | 04:14 |
Laurel | how ridiculous | 04:14 |
lynorian | do you know how to use lxqt-runner | 04:15 |
Laurel | ofcourse not. never heard of it | 04:15 |
Laurel | this linux is obviously for hobbyistsm not everyday casual users | 04:15 |
lynorian | press alt+f2 and start typing what you want | 04:15 |
Laurel | i did, the word appeared and nothing else happened | 04:16 |
Laurel | a notepad then.. nice to know .. | 04:16 |
Laurel | please somebody help me ive beeen trying to get this compute rrunning for days | 04:17 |
Laurel | can anyone just bloody help me? | 04:17 |
Laurel | thething is, this computer is not for me. if it was, alf+f2 is fine. but its for someone who needs a desktop with the links directly on it. | 04:18 |
Laurel | So its easy as possible. the user WILL NOT be searching fo rstuff i assure you | 04:19 |
Laurel | so, why the hell cant i just add a few shortcuts to the taskbar? | 04:19 |
Laurel | if yo udont know just tell me please | 04:20 |
Laurel | id rather not waste another 2 hours here | 04:20 |
Laurel | can yo uhelp or no? | 04:20 |
lynorian | Laurel: I have been telling you how to not sure why your install is doing what it is | 04:20 |
lubot | <brli7848> because taskbar isn't for that purpose... | 04:20 |
Laurel | i need shortcuts. even on desktop will do | 04:20 |
lubot | <brli7848> you want lightweight, you need to split functionalities | 04:20 |
Laurel | or is desktop also not for purpuse? | 04:20 |
Laurel | well, i alraedy have shortcut sON the taskabar anyway, firefox. so why cant i put my own ? | 04:21 |
lubot | <brli7848> so, taskbar is for taskbar, where you see window running, and manage it, and quick start is for quick start, where you add shortcut to it where it is on a panel, so you can start application instantly | 04:21 |
Laurel | well, what IS quickstart? pictuer please? | 04:21 |
lubot | <brli7848> THAT IS NOT THE BLOODY TASKBAR | 04:21 |
Laurel | i have no idea.. firefox is in the taskbar. YES? i want to put other thing sthere too | 04:22 |
Laurel | failing that, in the desktop is fine | 04:22 |
Laurel | but the desktop shortcuts dont work properly. AND the SMTube wont even let me put on desktop | 04:22 |
lynorian | this has pictures of it note the quick luanch is to the left and firefox is the icon only in the quick launch and the taksbar has the window title | 04:23 |
lynorian | the whole thing is called the panel | 04:23 |
Laurel | it salready in the quick launch. i need it on taskbar | 04:24 |
lubot | <brli7848> IT CAN'T | 04:24 |
Laurel | this is nuts | 04:24 |
Laurel | why is firefow allowed to be there but no other app? | 04:24 |
lubot | <brli7848> the fact is firefox isn't... | 04:25 |
lynorian | pcmanfm-qt is there as well | 04:25 |
Laurel | well.. where ever it IS. Can i put other app there too ? | 04:25 |
lubot | <brli7848> THEY ARE ALL UNDER THE QUICK LAUNCH WIDGET | 04:25 |
lubot | <brli7848> NOT THE BLOODY TASKBAR | 04:25 |
Laurel | and how ot put other apps there? | 04:25 |
Laurel | so how to put them there | 04:26 |
lubot | <brli7848> you just drag the icon from the launcher to there | 04:26 |
Laurel | it didnt work | 04:26 |
lubot | <brli7848> did you keep press the mouse? | 04:26 |
lubot | <brli7848> try to move it in between the icons, since the margin may not trigger | 04:27 |
Laurel | ok, now it works. that is minute. no room for error | 04:27 |
Laurel | i recommend the devs give more room for error. its was miniscule | 04:27 |
Laurel | and how about the 'smtube' that wont even let me drag it anywhere? | 04:27 |
lubot | <brli7848> what? | 04:27 |
Laurel | i have an app called SMTube but it wont evne let me START to drag the icon anywhere | 04:28 |
Laurel | i need to add it to the 'not taskbar' area also | 04:28 |
lubot | <brli7848> and, even though lubuntu is meant for lightweight, the software center itself isn't. | 04:28 |
lubot | <brli7848> you don't need to start to drag, just look for the icon in the launcher. | 04:29 |
lubot | <brli7848> ...if there is any | 04:29 |
Laurel | i said before.. this is for someone else. they will NOT be going in the lanucherl i need it simple | 04:29 |
Laurel | I need the smtube shortcut on th edesktop somewhere | 04:29 |
Laurel | ok. i managed to find it. damn that was hard just doing that | 04:30 |
Laurel | i have two more thing sthen i am done. i only need the laptop to do a few basic things | 04:31 |
Laurel | Can this OS run skype ? | 04:31 |
Laurel | and can it install a better youtube viewer 'GTK viewer' | 04:32 |
Laurel | Apart from that, i will not be using any other features | 04:32 |
lynorian | skype doens't run the best on linux I have head | 04:32 |
Laurel | a brightiness slider on the desktop would be nice... but for some reason the devs didnt think so.. oh well | 04:32 |
Laurel | skype runs nice in ubuntu | 04:32 |
Laurel | i use it often | 04:32 |
lynorian | It should run the same as on ubuntu | 04:33 |
Laurel | but i cnat install it here | 04:33 |
Laurel | ubunti is easy. lubuntu is not | 04:33 |
Laurel | or 'GTK viewer' ? as SMTube hardly works | 04:37 |
gubbins | i am here | 04:42 |
Laurel | i tried 'xubuntu' im pretty convinced lubuntu 19 is faster | 04:42 |
Laurel | Just the gui software center is unusable. and the apps and general use a bit harder to install and figure out | 04:43 |
Laurel | if i could oipen the gui i can at least see if they have any youtube stuff. | 04:43 |
Laurel | any ideas? | 04:47 |
Laurel | any youtube viewer /browser app that works in lubuntu 19? | 04:48 |
Laurel | damn.. everyone left.. i guess another 2 hours wait | 04:50 |
krytarik | Laurel: This ain't how volunteer support works best btw. | 04:52 |
Laurel | sorry, didnt understand that, | 04:52 |
Laurel | I'm not a hater. i have no bias. When Lubuntu works i am blow naway by it sspeed with just a 1gb ram netbook. absolutely blown away. Chromium, and most of teh desktop apps.. incredible. when it doesnt work, im totally lost though lol | 04:53 |
Laurel | all i need is a chat client that can handle skype. and a bette rmore reliable youtube app viewer, and its perfect. totally usable. even on a utterly useless 2010 netbook | 04:54 |
Laurel | just cant go into the gui software center tho. wont need to if i can get the few things i need anyway | 04:55 |
gubbins | no ideas anyone ? | 04:59 |
gubbins | i cat even search myself cos i dont know what runs and what doesnt. 'lxqt' copatible ive no idea | 04:59 |
gubbins | its me agin, on my netbook,, chromium much better then firefox on 1gb | 04:59 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | palemoon? | 05:01 |
tomreyn | about:performance in firefox may help identify the bottleneck there | 05:01 |
tomreyn | but 1 GB RAM is just... not much | 05:01 |
tomreyn | zram might help a bit | 05:01 |
gubbins | chromium is usable as abrowser on here. as long as i dont go youtube | 05:02 |
gubbins | which is why is want a youtube viewer that reiable and works with lubuntu 19 | 05:02 |
tomreyn | try vlc | 05:02 |
gubbins | it works. but still haev to surf the web to get the links. better to use an app | 05:03 |
gubbins | ill instal zram also if it helps. but how? | 05:04 |
tomreyn | it compresses data written to your ram. meaning RAM access gets slower, but more fits in, | 05:05 |
gubbins | you recomend it for a 1gb netnook? | 05:06 |
tomreyn | i recommend acquiring more ram. | 05:06 |
tomreyn | and zram as a fall back option if thats not an option | 05:06 |
gubbins | its not an option | 05:07 |
gubbins | can you please help me finish off this installation. im almost there | 05:07 |
gubbins | its hard to catfh anyone here for help | 05:07 |
tomreyn | i've never installed zram myself, just read about others doing it. | 05:08 |
gubbins | afte i get suggestions in here, im left with no way to actually perform them | 05:08 |
gubbins | ok | 05:09 |
gubbins | how about goo youtube viewer? | 05:09 |
gubbins | good* | 05:09 |
gubbins | and skype. then im done | 05:09 |
gubbins | skype not essential tho | 05:09 |
gubbins | youtube viewr ore inportant | 05:10 |
gubbins | more* | 05:10 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | you can try kodi. it take about 150-200Mb memory and have youtube plugin. but i don't know about hardware acceleration video playback on your's netbook | 05:11 |
gubbins | worth a try | 05:11 |
gubbins | vlc player works nice. bu the pp i use with it doesnt. . many videos wont work | 05:12 |
gubbins | app* | 05:12 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | and a hear about script to move youtube stream to vlc/mpv/any_player | 05:13 |
gubbins | kodi has an actual youtube gui ? | 05:13 |
gubbins | well, this needs y obe a youtube app gui, and click to play am , auto open in vlc etc | 05:13 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | i use kodi 17/18 with lubuntu 18.04. don't use youtube | 05:13 |
gubbins | the use of this laptop wont be pasting anything lol. i need simple | 05:14 |
gubbins | su=ounds good. can it instal in 19? i have 19 here | 05:14 |
tomreyn | ! | 05:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also | 05:16 |
gubbins | lubuntu 19.04 | 05:16 |
gubbins | the new one | 05:16 |
gubbins | but my sicover ap is just broken. either tha t or my 1gb cant handle opening it | 05:17 |
gubbins | discover app* | 05:18 |
gubbins | i have the 64 bit processor and 1gb ram, so use the 64 bit os | 05:18 |
gubbins | crasy | 05:18 |
=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion | ||
JohnDoe_71Rus | | 05:19 |
gubbins | idont know what hardware i have . i have acer aspire ne netbok 1gb ram, intel atom processor | 05:20 |
gubbins | btu its wrorth a try, VLC player wrks | 05:20 |
gubbins | can you tell me how to instal please | 05:20 |
tomreyn | journalctl -b | grep 'DMI:' will tell what hardware you have | 05:20 |
gubbins | i psted it and nothing happene | 05:22 |
gubbins | pasted it in terminal * | 05:22 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | i use acer ao725 amd-c60 2gb. can play h264 1080 | 05:22 |
=== finstern1s is now known as finsternis | ||
gubbins | i am happy playing 360 p i jsut wat a reiable played streaming youtube | 05:23 |
gubbins | please tell me how to instal | 05:23 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | | 05:24 |
gubbins | im sory i cat do it | 05:24 |
gubbins | which one am i supposed to paste in ? | 05:24 |
gubbins | so many 'flavours' i never know\ | 05:24 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | try stable first | 05:25 |
gubbins | the first section? | 05:25 |
gubbins | ive no idea | 05:25 |
gubbins | so many termnal commend tehre | 05:25 |
gubbins | which ones to paste? | 05:25 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | first 4 lines to add ppa and install kodi | 05:26 |
gubbins | thanks | 05:26 |
gubbins | E: Failed to fetch Connection failed [IP: 80] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 05:30 |
gubbins | didnt seem to install either. cant find it | 05:31 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | try agane | 05:31 |
gubbins | all of it ? | 05:32 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | update was without error? | 05:32 |
gubbins | Connection failed [IP: 80] E: Failed to fetch Connection failed [IP: 80] E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? | 05:33 |
gubbins | the frst 3 were without i think | 05:33 |
gubbins | the last one has error | 05:33 |
gubbins | oh, some errors also | 05:33 |
gubbins | ]Err:6 disco Release 404 Not Found [IP: 80] | 05:33 |
Laurel | ? | 05:35 |
Laurel | why am i getting silences | 05:35 |
Laurel | silenced* | 05:35 |
gubbins | ? | 05:35 |
gubbins | i think the disco' release parts are not downloading | 05:36 |
gubbins | can u see me or have i been muteed? | 05:39 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | run sudo apt-get install kodi agane | 05:41 |
gubbins | idid. same result | 05:41 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | wait some time. i can open and can download *.deb. you have internet trouble | 05:43 |
gubbins | my net seems fien on other things. i tihnk its downloaing now | 05:43 |
gubbins | think it mght have done ok | 05:43 |
gubbins | termina dissapeared before icould check | 05:44 |
gubbins | but i cat find teh app in my thing yet | 05:44 |
gubbins | its there now.. opening | 05:44 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | | 05:44 |
gubbins | thanks ill try to add it | 05:46 |
JohnDoe_71Rus | look this too | 05:48 |
Laurel | t oheavy for my system unfortunately . it freezes amost completely when doing video search | 05:55 |
Laurel | had t or reboot it got stuck | 05:56 |
Laurel | i dont want to download, just stream. that second link can stream also ? | 05:57 |
Laurel | i think 'GTK Viewer' is common in ubuntu.. but maybe not available here | 05:58 |
tomreyn | | 05:58 |
tomreyn | (is also in ubuntu) | 05:59 |
bobbins | gubbins here. back from reboot | 05:59 |
Laurel | i can try it, but how on earth do i instlal it lol. git hub is like heiroglyphics to me. always was | 06:00 |
Laurel | ~/.local/bin should be in your PATH for --user installs. no idea wat i tmeans.. do i just copy an dpaste or i have to choose carefully? | 06:04 |
Laurel | using 'pip'? | 06:04 |
Laurel | sorry, giving me links with that stuff in, i just dont know waht im supposed to d owith it | 06:05 |
bobbins | and also can you give the link again? i cat see it in tehis netbook as i was not in room at the time, was restarting | 06:06 |
bobbins | Command 'pip3' not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install python3-pip | 06:08 |
bobbins | i cat do it on my on guys.. you have to understand this is all greek to me\ | 06:09 |
bobbins | shal i istall python pip then? i'll jus tbreak my bloody OS if i try to do thing smyself | 06:10 |
bobbins | instaling python pip, not my fault if it screws up | 06:11 |
bobbins | installed it but got this warning | 06:14 |
bobbins | The script mpsyt is installed in '/home/john/.local/bin' which is not on PATH. Consider adding this directory to PATH or, if you prefer to suppress this warning, use --no-warn-script-location. | 06:14 |
bobbins | nothing i n do about it no idea how to change anything, this is the problem with linux, no help = totally stuck until i get help | 06:14 |
bobbins | and i cat see anything anywhefre. where did it instal to? cant run it | 06:15 |
bobbins | jee.... | 06:15 |
bobbins | how to get help wih this os? or no help room officially exists? | 06:16 |
bobbins | i tried askijg questions in ubuntu forum. but didnt get much joy out of that | 06:16 |
bobbins | well tat was a waste, i cnat instll it... just cluttred my os with more crap | 06:17 |
bobbins | like midori earlier.. wuldnt instal. | 06:17 |
bobbins | now this thing wont | 06:17 |
bobbins | and im tlking to myself | 06:17 |
bobbins | thanks for the help.. but if ure gonna disapear for 20 - 40 minutes everytime u leave a link.. could you tll me? im left writing for help and noone even reading it | 06:18 |
bobbins | Successfully installed mps-youtube-0.2.8 pafy-0.5.4 well how to run it or even find it ?? ANYONE ? ? ? | 06:20 |
bobbins | $ mps-youtube mps-youtube: command not found | 06:22 |
bobbins | fking termninal | 06:22 |
bobbins | how am i supposed to know how to start it | 06:22 |
bobbins | well.. cheers for the suggestions.... and not for dissapearing... that doent wrk well at all.. | 06:29 |
bobbins | i get infuriated with this..... wt good are suggestions if u wont bloody help me perfrom them ? | 06:30 |
bobbins | linux is the most infurtiating thing ive ever come across | 06:31 |
bobbins | i wish it understood violence. it beat it to a pulp until it did what i wanted | 06:31 |
bobbins | wow.. this is actualy 'support' it says on teh banner on top | 06:38 |
bobbins | i suppose this is a good as it gets | 06:39 |
bobbins | thanks for the efforts | 06:39 |
bobbins | linux is for people who are chronically unhealty and spend to muc htim in front of a monitor , how the heck ca u perform andlearn this stuff and still live a health life? | 06:39 |
bobbins | and if im expected to learn it, you can forget that | 06:40 |
krytarik | bobbins: I'd appreciate if you stopped now filling this channel with your unwarranted rants - thanks. | 06:40 |
bobbins | i feel like a god damn corpse already | 06:40 |
bobbins | im fien thanks.. id appreciate some help. instead of a room with 100 peopleand hardl anyone participaing | 06:41 |
bobbins | this is a support channel ? | 06:41 |
bobbins | and u wont even answer me that question will you | 06:42 |
bobbins | incredible | 06:42 |
krytarik | - fwiw, everything you needed to know about how to install and run the program is on this page, but apparently.. | 06:43 |
bobbins | yes. apparently im not a computer geek | 06:43 |
bobbins | I a canot do it. you all sw my strugglglinh to hell... but decided to just watch | 06:43 |
bobbins | how man ytimes did i ask for help with what to do\ | 06:44 |
bobbins | but 'apparently' that makes me thick | 06:44 |
bobbins | am i supposed to use the linux instal? the ubutu? instal python?? how teh hell do i know | 06:45 |
bobbins | i think i insaled it anyway eventually. and it doet work | 06:45 |
bobbins | Error fetching data. Possible network issue. Youtube Error 403: Daily Limit Exceeded. The quota will be reset at midnight Pacific Time (PT). You may monitor your quota usage and adjust limits in the API Console: > | 06:46 |
bobbins | but i dont expect u to even acknowledge that problem either | 06:46 |
bobbins | thanks for hinting that im stupid by the way | 06:48 |
bobbins | really classy | 06:48 |
bobbins | typica linux user | 06:48 |
krytarik | You are welcome! | 06:48 |
bobbins | id rather be 'stupid that waste my time learning that crap. i bet u look like a flacid pale sack by now. the price of being linux liteterate | 06:49 |
bobbins | when was the last time you did any exercise? | 06:53 |
bobbins | a flacid potato calijng me 'stupid' cos i dunno t oinstal a linux version or a ubuntu verson. wat a sham | 06:53 |
krytarik | If you are done being aggressive towards the volunteers trying to help you, please leave this channel. | 06:54 |
bobbins | oh yea.. it was all me.. like u didnt call me stupid and i didnt say thanks to te guys who did try to help | 06:55 |
bobbins | i just also said whatthe use in giving me a sugestion then dissapear8ing when i dont know what to do | 06:56 |
krytarik | Yeah, I didn't, you did. | 06:56 |
bobbins | then mr flacid potato called me stupid | 06:56 |
bobbins | u suggested it. in your usual aloof linux manor | 06:57 |
Laurel | either way.. im amazed how swift lubuntu 19 is | 07:33 |
zap0 | upgraded 18.04 to 18.10 .... now i want to upgrade to 19.04 | 07:34 |
Laurel | regardless of many of my pleas in here falling on deaf ears. lubuntu is an amazing acheivement | 07:34 |
Laurel | it has no right to be that fast on a 1gb intel atom 2010 netbook | 07:35 |
krytarik | zap0: Are you just announcing your progress on that, or do you need any help? | 07:36 |
zap0 | Laurel what netbook have you got.. | 07:36 |
Laurel | acer aspire one d255 1gb ram | 07:36 |
zap0 | i just upgraded to 18.10 on a similar ^H^H probably the same as that.. it now flies along! | 07:37 |
Laurel | and in lubuntu 19, with google chrome, and using 'SMTube' for playing youtube videos at 360p. its astounding. only thing that wont run well is the gui software app. just freezes. | 07:37 |
zap0 | krytarik i was wondering if someone could direct me to that document that describes the upgrade process | 07:37 |
Laurel | krytarik thinks im stupid | 07:38 |
Laurel | zap0 wat method have you discovefrd is best for watching youtube ? | 07:38 |
zap0 | Laurel i think you are pushing the limits of that hardware! | 07:39 |
Laurel | the SMTube works fantastically wel with vlc. but some videos wont play | 07:39 |
acheronuk | zap0: | 07:39 |
zap0 | will not play at all? or you just don't have codecs | 07:39 |
Laurel | well zap.. gonestly. with chromium, and the smtube for the youtube... its not sweating much. | 07:39 |
zap0 | acheronuk that looks like it, thank oy.u | 07:39 |
zap0 | you./ | 07:39 |
Laurel | no, just said wont open or something... maybe the app wont play from some 'offical' sites. maybe blocked. music etc | 07:40 |
acheronuk | zap0: FYI, the manual link in in this channels topic ;) | 07:40 |
acheronuk | *is in | 07:40 |
Laurel | i'm amazed | 07:45 |
Laurel | my netbook is behaving like somethin with 2, maybe even 4gb and with a half decent processor. what sorcery is this | 07:46 |
Laurel | lubuntu runs maybe faster or as fast as puppy. but looks pleasing on the eyes | 07:46 |
Laurel | whos responsible for this lubuntu. the guy is a genius. just wish he'd put a brightness slider toggle on the taskbar though | 07:47 |
cet | Laurel: hahah, glad you like it | 07:58 |
cet | Laurel: you could probably do something about brightness by mapping a shortcut for xbacklight | 07:58 |
Laurel | true @ cet but its a bit to complicated for me | 08:06 |
cet | You'll get used | 08:08 |
Laurel | hmm also everytime i start chromium, it says 'make default?' i make it default but it doesnt remrember. every time i start it it asks | 08:09 |
DiscoDynamite | how can we set right click for paste in LXTerminal ? | 08:19 |
zap0 | DD, that would be awesome idea | 08:32 |
DiscoDynamite | yes, currently the right-click is blinded as "menu". trying to figure out if we can modify that | 08:34 |
moses | hello | 15:12 |
moses | I want to move my iMac G5 PowerPC completly on lubuntu. The current problem is that I cannot get it to boot from USB or DVD. All the attempts with 'c' or 'option' or open firmware failed | 15:14 |
moses | any ideas | 15:14 |
diogenes_ | moses, it's always tgoublesome with macs running linux, try this project: | 15:22 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> parallel desktop? | 15:27 |
moses | diogenes thanks but it seems that its to recent 'macbook pro 2016/17' I own an old iMac Power PC G5 ... which I would like to wipe completly and run lubuntu on it. Hardware still great but Mac OS too old and no software support | 15:30 |
moses | parallel desktop with powerpc possible? | 15:31 |
moses | I know it with intel based cpus | 15:31 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> oops... | 15:31 |
tomreyn | /join #ubuntu-powerpc | 15:33 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> | 15:34 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> | 15:34 |
moses | thanks I know this already. I am triying the alternate iso image from lubuntu | 15:36 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> ok | 15:36 |
moses | it seems that at least the 'c' option for booting from the cd is working ... | 15:36 |
moses | ok it seems to work now at least I am in the installation procedure and it searchs through the CD rom | 15:39 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> ok | 15:39 |
moses | thanks for your help | 15:39 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> let us know if you need more help.. | 15:39 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> feel fre | 15:39 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> free* to ask | 15:39 |
moses | hope not ... ;-) | 15:40 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> ;) | 15:40 |
moses | but thanks | 15:40 |
misa_ | hi | 16:20 |
sammie | Just installed 19.04. Excellent! | 16:52 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> really? | 16:53 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> any different from 18.10 ? | 16:53 |
sammie | Overall, it seems more polished and performance is very good. | 16:53 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> QT right? | 16:53 |
sammie | Yes, QT. Looks really modern and is smooth. | 16:54 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> for me I"m facing lot of network issues | 16:54 |
sammie | Is it the network applet in the system tray? That is a bit clunky. | 16:54 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> the gui tools for managing network are kind of missing | 16:55 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> Yup | 16:55 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> So you gotta' install Connman UI | 16:55 |
sammie | It's slightly better in 19.04. Enough so, that I find it useable. | 16:55 |
sammie | What is Conman UI? I haven't heard of that. | 16:55 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> 😏 | 16:55 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> even I didn't till I had to download ... | 16:55 |
sammie | I'll have to look into that. Thanks. | 16:56 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> that's a network manager frontend in QT | 16:56 |
sammie | 19.04 is also pretty light on RAM, not like 18.04, but it's still pretty good. About 300-500MB for a base system. | 16:57 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> really... | 16:57 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> but shouldn't be a major one from 18.10 ..correct? | 16:57 |
sammie | Yes, not something you'd install on really old hardware, but still pretty light. | 16:58 |
lubot | <Indianosr911> okie Dokie , thanks! | 16:58 |
non | hello | 20:14 |
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lubot | <HMollerCl> @non [<non> hello], hello | 20:42 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> just ask your question | 20:42 |
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lubot | <SamuelBanya> Hey guys lubuntu question. I used to get an Open PGP key authentication message on my lubuntu laptop at home. I don't anymore. What's weirder is that i connected to my work wifi and was able to receive the message normally (about 1 min after booting). Is there anything within preferences I can check to see how to reenable the popu | 23:41 |
lubot | p? I ask because I use openpgp so that my neomutt can refresh my mailbox for my actual email | 23:41 |
Laurel | hmm | 23:54 |
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