
ghjghjsudo join00:24
Laurellubuntu 19 uses LQXt or something, and 18 doesnt?  So even thought 18 has long term support, 19 is 'better' ?01:04
Laureleven though*01:04
wxl[m]Laurel: correct. When 20.04 is out, we'll have LTS LXQt01:08
LaurelGood.  By the way, how do I update this os? (19).   any gui ?01:20
LaurelAlso, I expect 20.04 to be brilliant, 19 has already blown me away with it speed and looks. I just hope the devs remember.. Keep it slow!   dont go adding to much sacrificing speed.   For me, on my 1gb ram netbook, the 'discover' app wont run.01:21
Laurelkeep it fast *  lol01:22
Laureli can only see 'check for updates' in muon installer.  hope that covers everything.  cant figure out how to do OS updates seperately01:25
ShamblinMoundsPuppy, Xubuntu, or Lubuntu.   can decide..  cos they all do some things good and some things bad03:55
ShamblinMounds?????????  no reply??   no suprise.   why even bother having these rooms open, seriously04:07
wxlShamblinMounds: sorry we can't be available at your beck and call at all times, but we do have personal lives. none of us are getting paid for this, after all.04:18
wxlShamblinMounds: that said, i'd avoid puppy like the plague. it's a frankenstein's monster of a linux distro.04:18
ShamblinMoundssorry, it just surprises me these rooms are jam packed an silent..04:19
wxlit's true all across freenode04:19
wxland oftc04:19
wxland every other irc network there is that provides support via chat04:19
ShamblinMoundsWhy is puppy so bad? i mean to a newbie like me they al llook like a monster04:19
ShamblinMoundsyea, it strue across all of freenode i noticed.  not sure other sites are as bad.  they must put something in the water here04:20
wxlbecause puppy is cobbled together in such a weird fashion that nothing about it is applicable to any other distro, so if you spend some time with it and find you don't like it, nothing you learned will be useful elsewhere04:20
wxldebian channels on oftc are no different04:20
wxlanyways if you're trying to figure out which flavor of ubuntu is right, just boot a live image and try for yourself04:21
ShamblinMoundsi just wish i knew which one to  get into.04:21
wxlobviously we're going to be oriented towards lubuntu so it's not really a fair question here04:21
wxl(or on any other channel)04:21
ShamblinMoundsi did,  ive tried al lthree. lubuntu woreked damn fast earlier.  but now the websites keep freezung, and the youtube player wont work.    so i guess it snot very stable04:22
ShamblinMoundsit was good yesterday.. and really bad today04:22
wxland honestly if you go anywhere else (say ##linux for example) and ask "which distro is the best" answers wll range from vehement praise for some and diatribes against others to more wise advice that no one can tell you what's best for you04:22
ShamblinMoundsunless i installed some #'wrong'  updates.  but since no one is here most of the time i just have to try to do it myself.  and i really cant04:22
wxlthe modern web is a terribly taxing thing. how much ram do you have?04:23
ShamblinMoundsso now i am going to triple boot lubuntu, xubuntu, puppy.. maybe bhodi...  just tr yto find one that works w=for what i need04:23
ShamblinMoundsi have 1gn net book.  my point is. yetster day chromium wokred well.. and i used smtube t oplay youtube videos via vlc04:23
ShamblinMoundsit was a godo set up.  today they all failed04:23
wxl1gb is not much for the modern web04:24
ShamblinMoundsand i cant get enough help t osort it out.. so i have to jump to another os.. and round and round it goes04:24
wxlespecially if you're doing anything else04:24
ShamblinMoundsas i said... its enough yesterday04:24
ShamblinMoundsone website at a time.. it was good04:24
ShamblinMoundstoday, it cant do anytthing04:24
wxlwhich website doesn't work?04:24
wxlin what browser?04:24
wxlon what version of lubuntu?04:24
ShamblinMoundsnone.  it tried eifferent ones..  today it  kust freezes04:25
wxland in what way does it "not work?"04:25
ShamblinMoundsas i said....  chromium04:25
wxlpick one then04:25
ShamblinMoundslubuntu 1904:25
ShamblinMoundspick what?04:25
wxla website04:25
wxli assume that you can load chromium without problem?04:25
ShamblinMoundsyes, btu then any website seems to make it freeze04:25
ShamblinMoundsand yesterday it was Fine and snappy04:25
ShamblinMoundsand yesterday my smtub eworked.. today it doesnt04:25
ShamblinMoundssoemthings gone wrong04:26
wxlhave you tried running them from te command line?04:26
ShamblinMoundsthe difference is night and day04:26
ShamblinMoundsi have no idea how to, or what benefit that owuld give04:26
wxldo that and see what it spits out04:26
ShamblinMoundsi dont have it on at moment.  installing xubuntu along side it04:26
wxlit's hard to help you when you're not capable of answering questions about your problems :)04:27
ShamblinMoundsi did04:27
ShamblinMoundsin fact some of them i asnwered 3 times04:27
wxlwell when you have it available again, feel free to come back04:28
ShamblinMoundswhen xubuntu finishes installing ill turn lubuntu back on04:28
ShamblinMoundsif anyone is alive here04:28
wxlone thing to point out: lubuntu and xubuntu *ARE* ubuntu, at least if we define ubuntu as the software repositories. each flavor, then, including ubuntu itself, is just a selection of those pieces of software04:29
wxlthat said, for very general problems that probably have little to do with the specifics of lubuntu (this should be the case with browsers, for example), you could probably hit up #ubuntu. there's a lot more people there and you have a better chance of finding someone to help04:30
ShamblinMoundseither way i dont understand htem both.  i just need easy menus and .exe files.   cant be done in linux it seems.  I am amazed thought just how fast lubuntu runs on the 1gb netbook, when it works.   its like soucery04:30
wxlalso ##linux is a good general place, though you might not find anyone readily familiar with the ubuntu ecosystem04:30
wxlnope, just cleanliness04:31
ShamblinMoundsyou think lubuntu 18 is better choice than 19?04:31
wxlthat said, i will point out again that 1gb is very little to work with for the modern web04:31
ShamblinMoundsim on 19, maybe thts why its freezing.  too new04:31
ShamblinMoundsand once again.. im well ware of that.. and again. it was fine yesterday, on the very same websites04:32
wxl19.04's particular desktop environment has been through several iterations04:32
ShamblinMoundsas was smtube.  its just gone very wrong today04:32
wxlnot to mention upstream has had it through many more04:32
wxlthere are a whole plethora of distributions using it04:32
wxlit's actively developed04:32
wxlthe one in 18.04 is pretty much dead and has been for years04:32
wxlso, no, i wouldn't recommend it04:32
ShamblinMoundswell as i say, when it works.. its amazing.. including websurfing.  i know waht it can do.  it did it yesterday.. but now its all gone south04:33
wxlthe fact that you have more than one application— including one that is not known to consume the amount of resources of a browser— failing suggests some other more global issue04:33
wxlwhat else did you do yesterday? did you make any changes to the configuration?04:34
ShamblinMoundsi actually did a fresh non dual boot install i was so impressed.  i didnt do anything different with this new install though.. so ive no idea what went wrong04:34
ShamblinMoundsi dont recall doing anything different, went in muio or somertihng... selected full update or something04:34
ShamblinMoundsinstalled chromium, smtube04:34
ShamblinMoundsand it was blazing yesterday04:34
wxland then what did you do after that?04:34
ShamblinMoundsdid the same today, and its freezing04:34
ShamblinMoundsthen as i said.....04:35
wxlso you did nothing but browser?04:35
ShamblinMoundsi put a fresh pos in today,m with the same steps04:35
ShamblinMoundsand its no good04:35
ShamblinMoundsbrowser and smtube04:35
ShamblinMoundsas i said04:35
wxlso you had a new install that worked.. and then it didn't04:35
wxland then you did another new install.. and it didn't work?04:35
ShamblinMoundsa new instal lthat worked.  then a =nother new install to remove my dual boot04:36
ShamblinMoundsand that one didnt work04:36
wxlcuz if following the same steps produces different results, that suggest some deeper issue04:36
ShamblinMoundsno.. the first install was fine04:36
wxlhow did you download the iso and from where?04:36
ShamblinMoundssame place as the first iso04:36
ShamblinMoundsand it was fine firs ttime04:36
wxlspecifics, please04:36
ShamblinMoundsi cant remember04:36
wxlok well i'm going to give you some general advice04:37
wxl 1. only download from lubuntu.me04:37
ShamblinMoundsit was fine yesterday04:37
ShamblinMoundsi think thats where i did download it from04:37
wxl 2. try to avoid doing http downloads. use zsync or torrents only. if you can't do that for some reason, make 100% sure that you check the hashes of the image against the published hashes.04:37
ShamblinMoundsno idea04:38
wxl 3. be careful about which tools you use to create the installation media. many of them produce poor results. i'd generally recommend dd, although it's a little advanced. mkusb is another alternative.04:39
wxl 4. when you boot the installation media, select the option to check for defects. if it fails, start all over again.04:39
ShamblinMoundsi use rufus.  dd image.  never had issue before.  done it many times04:40
wxl 5. if you do all that and still have the problems, then come back with the specific website and/or video that causes problems and the output of running in terminal. it might also be good to check general networking. runnig the likes of `ping lubuntu.me` in terminal might be instructive (btw that's a windows command so it shouldn't be such a learning experience)04:41
ShamblinMoundsmos twindows users dont know windows commands either.  i dont04:42
ShamblinMoundsand agian. ther eisnt a specific website.04:42
wxlthen pick one04:42
wxljust pick one04:42
ShamblinMoundsit just frezing and wasnt yesterday04:42
wxlfollow all the steps above and if you end up there, come back with an example.. not every example. just one.04:42
ShamblinMoundsand the smtube tyoutube app.  as connecting ok yesterday. but now vlc player gives error and nothing connects04:43
wxland any time you have errors, saying there's an error is pointless. we need to know what the error is.04:43
ShamblinMoundsi dont know how tpo hse terminal.  its like heiroglyphics to me04:43
wxlthe other thing i would suggest if you still have these problems is to paste up your log file at /var/log/syslog. if there's a networking issue it will be apparent04:43
wxl 1. open the terminal04:43
wxl 2. type a command04:44
wxl 3. hit enter04:44
wxl 4. done04:44
ShamblinMounds'type a command'04:44
ShamblinMoundsthats not easy04:44
wxl...... like "ping lubuntu.me"04:44
ShamblinMoundsbut as long as people tell me what to do i can copy and paste it04:44
ShamblinMoundsotherwise ive have no chance04:44
wxlwell i just did04:44
ShamblinMoundsi mean in general04:44
ShamblinMoundsthought that was obvious04:44
ShamblinMoundsand im still waiting for xubuntu to instlal04:45
ShamblinMoundshope i cna even access this webpage in lubuntu,  otherwise no chance of copy and paste anything04:45
wxlfinally one last thing: i have downloaded and burnt thousands of images without fail. but i have occassionally had problems due to download errors or copy errors. they do happen. just because you haven't had problems doesn't mean you won't. the best way to be sure is to do the necessary checks i mentioned in #2 and #4. these are described in every single manual anywhere. heck, windows suggests the same for04:46
wxltheir images they have for download.04:46
wxlor you could just copy the necessary files to a usb04:46
ShamblinMoundsok.   but the same iso was really fine yesterday04:46
wxlor open it up in a phone04:46
wxlor another computer04:46
wxlyou have no way of knowing it was the same iso if you downloaded it again04:46
ShamblinMoundsi didntr. was ok my desktop04:47
wxlyou could have a single bit download error that could cause all sorts of weird problems04:47
wxlsame with the copy errors04:47
ShamblinMoundsi dont know04:47
wxlyou said you downloaded the second iso from "the same place [you] downloaded the first iso"04:47
ShamblinMoundsno i didnt04:48
wxlthen you should make sure you DO know04:48
wxlcheck the hashes04:48
wxlcheck the media for defects04:48
ShamblinMoundsi left it on my desktop for three days04:48
wxl2136 < wxl:#lubuntu> how did you download the iso and from where?04:49
wxl2136 < ShamblinMounds:#lubuntu> same place as the first iso04:49
ShamblinMoundswell it was.  beleive me or not.  its the same iso04:49
ShamblinMoundsonly downloaded it once04:49
wxlso if it was faulty, then you just kept using a fauly one04:49
wxldid you check the hashes?04:49
wxland this was an http download?04:49
ShamblinMoundsno. i neve rdo that before. and it worled like a chamr yesterday04:50
ShamblinMoundsno idea04:50
ShamblinMoundsjust downloaded with my download manager04:50
wxlit worked like a charm until it didn't04:50
wxlwhich means it didn't work04:50
ShamblinMoundsit neve rstoed working like a charm04:50
wxlso follow those steps i gave you next time04:50
ShamblinMoundsi jus tput a fresh install to overwrite my dual boot04:50
ShamblinMoundsas i said04:50
wxlif you do those first four steps you will be able to confidently say there is nothing wrong with your installation and the problem lies in the software itself04:50
ShamblinMoundsi thought it was good enough to remove windows and use lubuntu only04:51
ShamblinMoundsso i did a fresh install04:51
wxlotherwise, you leave the option open04:51
ShamblinMoundsnow its working badly04:51
wxli've seen it often, to be honest04:51
wxli've followed people down a rabbit hole of strange problems only to find they didn't do the necessary checks.. and after doing them.. surprise, no problems04:51
ShamblinMoundswel live no idea how to has check or whatee rsle im supposed t odo04:51
ShamblinMoundsive alrqedy go tthe iso on my desktop04:51
wxldid you read the manual?04:51
ShamblinMoundsright click it an dcheck how ?04:51
wxlwell that's usually a good place to start04:52
ShamblinMoundsmaunual on linu are usually 5000 pages of hirpglyphics04:52
wxlyeah ok04:52
ShamblinMoundscant be doing that, sorry04:52
wxlthat seems logical04:52
wxli've heard a certain phrase about making assumptions.....04:52
ShamblinMoundsi refuse to leartn the linux system.  just want to use it then forget about it04:52
ShamblinMoundsi know what learning linux takes.  and i will not do it04:53
ShamblinMoundsi dont mind learning basic stuff04:53
ShamblinMoundsbut not the rest04:53
wxlthere's no "learning the linux system" involved in an installation04:53
ShamblinMoundsthats ok then04:53
wxlbut if you create mental blocks for yourself, you're just going to be your own worst enemy04:53
ShamblinMoundsno. 'normal' learning curves are ok. i dont mind04:53
ShamblinMoundsmost of  linux thought is not normal and i absulotely refuse to ge tinto it04:54
ShamblinMoundsjust want t ouse it.  if possible04:54
wxlbut you assume that the manual is "5000 pages of hirpglyphics [sp]"04:54
ShamblinMoundsbut sure.. i can rea dinstallation instructons04:54
wxlif you want it super easy, go buy installation media04:54
wxlsomeone will do all the work of checking for you04:54
ShamblinMoundsive had many poccasions when learning linux from a link someone gave me is like that.  its awful04:54
wxlotherwise, read04:54
ShamblinMoundsill raed if its reasonable04:54
ShamblinMoundsotherwise not04:55
wxlno one outside of people in your immediate proximity can do this stuff for you04:55
wxlso either you do it or you don't04:55
wxlthat's your choice04:55
ShamblinMoundsif its wondows level manula., fine04:55
ShamblinMoundsif its goes into heiroglyphics.  the nno way04:55
wxlyou mean like this manual? https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/256986/windows-registry-information-for-advanced-users04:56
ShamblinMoundsi neve rhave t omess with the registry.  jus tinsall and use04:56
ShamblinMoundslinux has to mess with termilanl every 10 minutes it seems04:56
ShamblinMoundsthats my point04:56
wxlhow did you get the installation media?04:56
ShamblinMoundsi refuse ot learn it04:56
wxlin windows?04:56
ShamblinMoundsi just get a physical disk or download it04:56
ShamblinMoundsmy lubuntu iso is on windows desktop yea04:57
wxlso you bought the physical disc04:57
ShamblinMoundsnot lubuntu04:57
ShamblinMoundswindows.  in th epast04:57
ShamblinMoundsor sometimes downloaded04:57
wxlso why not buy a lubuntu disc and be done with it? then you won't have to worry yourself with ancient egyptian04:57
ShamblinMoundsand ive never had a hash chcke problem in my life.04:57
ShamblinMoundscoz i just want an os to run this 1gb netbook.  i dont wan a huge fuss04:58
wxldid you not listen to me before? they don't happen all the time, but they do happen some of the time. just because they didn't happen doesn't mean they won't. just because you've never hurt yourself doesn't mean you won't.04:58
ShamblinMoundsim in thailand.,  not getting an lubuntu instalation disk sent here. madness04:58
wxlare you sure?04:58
wxlhave you looked?04:58
ShamblinMoundsok.. il check it..04:58
ShamblinMoundsif i can figure out how04:59
wxlif you can't figure out how to find someone to give your money to something is most certainly wrong XD04:59
ShamblinMoundslook ,im not a hobbyist.  thist might be fun for you but it isnt to me05:00
ShamblinMoundsthis is why i usually avoid linux.  u HAVE to be a hobysit to configure it05:00
ShamblinMoundsi dont want a hard copy !05:00
wxlthen you're going to have to check the hashes and the installation media05:00
ShamblinMoundsand i cant see any hash check instructions in that manual05:00
wxlso if you don't want it easy, then you have to do the work to check things05:00
wxlread the section about http downloads05:01
ShamblinMoundsim on windows. no comand line to be able to verify it05:01
wxldid you click the linked page in there?05:01
ShamblinMoundshow do i know ot click it05:02
wxlbecause it's a link05:02
wxland that's what they're for05:02
ShamblinMoundsthere are many links there05:02
ShamblinMoundshow do i knwo wat one to use05:02
wxlthere was one link but ok05:02
ShamblinMoundsah. heiroglypihics05:03
ShamblinMoundsthis works on windows?05:03
wxlthere are sha256 programs for windows, yes05:03
ShamblinMoundsdoesnt matter.  i dont know if im suppsoed to read the manual. or click a link.  why isnt that easy t osee?05:03
wxli don't know05:03
ShamblinMoundsactually. never mind05:03
wxl"manual" is at the top of every page on lubuntu.me05:03
ShamblinMoundsthanks for your time..  this is NUTS.  havnet even done anything yet and it takes 30 minuts just to look at a 'hash check'.  this is not what my life is about.  no way05:04
wxlok good luck05:04
ShamblinMoundsdon tneed it with windows or ubuntu original05:04
wxlyou dooooo05:04
wxlyou just have gotten lucky so far05:05
ShamblinMoundsnope.  ythey are ust desinged well enough fo rcommon people to use05:05
wxlno, they are designed the exact same way05:05
ShamblinMoundsubuntu usd to suck to.. but since im no fanyboy, and unbiased.,  i can say these days it svery nice05:05
wxlthey use http which does not have 100% error checking05:05
ShamblinMoundslinux mint is ok.  the res tare awfulk05:05
ShamblinMoundswell, i mnot takking about hash checks. im talking about the os itself05:06
wxlthis is also true with just about every single image copy utility05:06
wxlbut you're assuming this is an OS issue when you haven't even confirmed you started out with valid installation media05:06
ShamblinMoundsi cant be botherd frankly. its jus ttoo much work and reading.05:06
ShamblinMoundsnot worth it05:06
wxllike i said, good luck05:06
ShamblinMoundsdont need it with ewindows or ubuntu05:07
wxlbelieve what you want05:07
ShamblinMoundsim sure the iso isnt the problem05:07
ShamblinMoundsso im not spending 5 hours checking it05:07
ShamblinMoundsjust no tworth it05:07
wxli'm not sure why you're still arguing about it if you've made up your mind?05:07
ShamblinMoundsu answer i answer05:07
wxlok, wow. good night.05:08
zap0i upgraded 18.10 to 19.04 and it looked like it failed..  i presume somewhere near the end.. it took hrs..  and then just returned to a prompt with the last 10 lines saying it failed06:05
zap0i reboot..  for the hell of it.   and now it's 19.0406:05
lubot<Indianosr911> ✋10:38
lubot<Indianosr911> hello guys10:38
lubot<Indianosr911> i'm using Ubuntu 18.1010:38
lubot<Indianosr911> I always keep seeing these 4 desktops10:38
lubot<Indianosr911> I'm happy with 2 Desktops at max..10:39
lubot<Indianosr911> How can I configure these?10:39
lubot<Indianosr911> I tried configuring them but in vain10:39
diogenes_you mean workspaces?10:40
lubot<Indianosr911> yup10:40
lubot<Indianosr911> yes workspaces10:43
diogenes_have a look at this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/616522/how-can-i-remove-the-second-desktop-on-lubuntu10:44
lubot<Indianosr911> looking..10:44
lubot<Indianosr911> just a thought, all these links being shared on the group - should be put in an Wiki Help / FAQ page10:44
lubot<Indianosr911> thanks done10:45
lubot<Indianosr911> 🤟🏽10:45
diogenes_and if all the info was in the wiki / FAQ then we would be deprived from having a nice conversation from time to time :)10:46
lubot<Indianosr911> @tsimonq2 [As of right now, the Lubuntu Constitution is put into effect, as noted here: htt …], do we have options to suggest changes?10:46
lubot<Indianosr911> @diogenes_ [<diogenes_> and if all the info was in the wiki / FAQ then we would be deprived …], that's true as well ...10:46
lubot<Indianosr911> some bots can so the tricks :)10:47
diogenes_no bot could ever replace a live person.10:47
lubot<Indianosr911> just collecting links thats' all :)10:47
lubot<Indianosr911> @tsimonq2 [As of right now, the Lubuntu Constitution is put into effect, as noted here: htt …], How do we apply for Social media manager?10:51
lubot<SamuelBanya> Maybe it's just me but as much as im into conspiracies, you might want to not go anon on the name if you're going that route. Just fyi.14:38
lubot<SamuelBanya> Then again maybe you're going for the actual phone number but still ha, you might want to reconsider the username.14:39
lubot<SamuelBanya> Regarding your question though we have standup meetings every Thursday at 5 pm edt in this chat so you might want to ask during that meeting when it's your turn14:39
lubot<Indianosr911> right... so well... I'm unsure at this moment to call out my name - until i'm sure the destination is on the same route :)15:04
lubot<Indianosr911> so, that being said - is there an invite floating around for the meeting?15:05
MeatsackApogeeim going to try 19.10 (Eoan Ermine)15:44
MeatsackApogeeit better work15:44
MeatsackApogeehow to install updates with this system? all updates.  doe it check it self automatically ?15:48
MeatsackApogeeHow to install updates?15:55
lubot<Indianosr911> sudo apt update15:56
lubot<Indianosr911> sudo apt upgrade15:56
lubot<Indianosr911> that should do from command line15:56
lubot<Indianosr911> else go to System Tools > Discover.15:56
MeatsackApogeeok thanks.  discover doesnt work for me. always freezes.15:58
MeatsackApogeeyou recommend 19.10 or better to use 19.04 ?15:58
lubot<Indianosr911> If you need a really really stable thing15:59
lubot<Indianosr911> go for 18.1016:00
MeatsackApogeebut thats way different?16:00
MeatsackApogee19 is totally different i heard.  the new way16:00
lubot<Indianosr911> well.. it's both Qt for apps16:01
lubot<Indianosr911> what version are you using now?16:01
MeatsackApogeeplus 18.10 isnt there.  just 18.4.216:01
MeatsackApogeei wa on 19.04.  now trying 19.1016:01
lubot<Indianosr911> my bad16:01
MeatsackApogeeqt for apps?16:01
lubot<Indianosr911> go for 19.1016:01
MeatsackApogeedunno wat u mean16:01
lubot<Indianosr911> go for 19.10.16:01
MeatsackApogeehmm ok16:01
lubot<Indianosr911> Stable release16:01
MeatsackApogeenightly.. i thought was more unstable16:01
lubot<Indianosr911> wait..16:02
MeatsackApogeewarned me on the website16:02
lubot<Indianosr911> 👨🏽‍💻16:02
lubot<Indianosr911> https://lubuntu.me/downloads/16:02
lubot<Indianosr911> 19.0416:02
lubot<Indianosr911> confirmed16:02
lubot<Indianosr911> 19.0416:02
lubot<Indianosr911> 🥶16:02
MeatsackApogee?  so use 19.04 ?16:03
lubot<Indianosr911> yes16:03
lubot<Indianosr911> and you are alraedy using that.. correct?16:03
MeatsackApogeeyea but doesnt work well.  will reinstall16:04
lubot<Indianosr911> what's your system config?16:04
MeatsackApogeelast chance.  then i will just give up16:04
lubot<Indianosr911> if I can help you do some fixes there..16:04
lubot<Indianosr911> and what' all is not working / hanging?16:04
MeatsackApogeeacer aspire one d255  1gb ram16:04
lubot<Indianosr911> oh 1 GB Ram16:04
MeatsackApogeewell. only the 'discover'app was hagning yesterday. spose i can live without it16:05
lubot<Indianosr911> did you try updates using command line?16:05
MeatsackApogeeI was able to use youtube via smtube and vlc player very well.. yeterday.. but it wont connect today.16:05
MeatsackApogeeplus yesterday i was able to use chromium boroiwser very well... but it hang stoday16:05
MeatsackApogeeso i'' do a fresh instal.. the ntry your update commands16:05
lubot<Indianosr911> well, network is one of the issue I also faced.16:05
lubot<Indianosr911> In fact try update command and then re-install if required16:06
lubot<Indianosr911> Chrome is a memory eater so expect that16:06
MeatsackApogeehmm?  well chromium is faster than firefox.  and it was blazing yesterday.  try it16:07
lubot<Indianosr911> I'm using all the browsers possible...16:07
MeatsackApogeei as able to surf pretty weill with just 1gb if i have one tab open only... but not youtube of course.16:07
lubot<Indianosr911> hmm16:08
MeatsackApogeethats why16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> try Opera for that?16:08
MeatsackApogeei need smtube and vlc16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> or firefox?16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> smtube huh.. don't know about that...16:08
MeatsackApogeefirefox was worse.  chromium is best ive seen so far imo16:08
MeatsackApogeefor this os16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> oh okay16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> well try the updates see if it helps16:08
MeatsackApogeesmtube lets you browse youtube via it sapp. then plays then in vlc.  much easier on the ram16:08
MeatsackApogeewhen it works..16:08
lubot<Indianosr911> I will try that - thanks16:09
MeatsackApogeewelcome boss.  if thi sset up works.  the 1gb ram machine is actually usable.16:09
MeatsackApogeechromium was flying yesterday16:09
MeatsackApogeeand 260p youtube videos were lag free16:09
MeatsackApogeejust smtube wont let me open all videos though.. copyrights i guess16:10
lubot<Indianosr911> hmm16:10
lubot<Indianosr911> if it still doesn't work - I would suggest to move to DSL (Damn Small Linux)16:10
MeatsackApogeeimo if people are spending years developing a lightwieght os.  then add these features properly.  make a decent videpo streamer/browser app so we can watch videos without having to fire up the browser16:11
MeatsackApogeeit would be a hit16:11
MeatsackApogeethen use the lightweight broswer for normal browsing16:11
MeatsackApogeethe nold dea dmachine can be bought back to life16:11
MeatsackApogeesmtube seems the only good optin at moment though.  limited to youtube only, and not all its content16:12
MeatsackApogeei  tried dsl earlier... the network connection option was missing from my menu... so i forgot that one pretty fast.   thier connection instructions arent even sufficient16:12
lubot<Indianosr911> It's a bit to have everything for everyone. But trust me I have 8 Gigs of Ram but I still love Lubuntu - the reason it let's me do hell lot of things. If I would have Ubuntu or Fedora instead - it's a kind of kill for my system. … But try different falvours of Linux - Lubuntu should do, but just incase it still causes problem you16:13
lubot can try switching to DSL Linux.16:13
MeatsackApogeedsl i couldnrt ene connect.  i hate faling right off he bat.  and not my fault either.  just bad instructions.  no wifi connecter where they say to look16:14
MeatsackApogeelubuntu is my fave .. but still wont work properly.16:14
lubot<Indianosr911> hmm16:14
MeatsackApogeefaster than xubuntu though.. other wise id use xubuntu16:14
lubot<Indianosr911> hmm16:15
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest7366
MeatsackApogeetried bhodi.  that also had wifi issues..  then when i did start the wifi app. it wouldnt connect 50% of time16:15
lubot<HMollerCl> MeatsackApogee: have you tried lubuntu 18.04? the last LTS16:16
lubot<HMollerCl> is not with lxqt, it is with lxde16:16
MeatsackApogeeno.. i hear it was totally dfferent.,  old system16:16
lubot<Indianosr911> Yeah, that's what I wanted to suggest. Thanks @HMollerCl16:16
MeatsackApogeewhats the difference16:16
lubot<Indianosr911> only the UI for you.16:17
lubot<Indianosr911> rest speed and everything was awesome!16:17
MeatsackApogeeas fast as 19.04?16:17
MeatsackApogeeand can run the same apps ?16:17
lubot<Indianosr911> a bit faster, and less resource insentive. I would say.16:17
MeatsackApogeecan run smtube with vlc ?16:17
lubot<Indianosr911> not sure about smtube16:18
lubot<HMollerCl> don't know smtube16:18
lubot<HMollerCl> but vlc for sure16:18
MeatsackApogeeit an app in teh store in 19.0416:18
MeatsackApogeemaybe its in 18 too16:18
lubot<Indianosr911> This is the latest update on v18 : 18.04.2 Bionic Beaver LTS (LXDE)16:18
lubot<Indianosr911> if it's in store, it should be.16:18
MeatsackApogeei dont know16:18
MeatsackApogeeim scared16:18
MeatsackApogeenot really..  lol16:19
MeatsackApogeeill try it on a live usb see how it goes16:19
lubot<Indianosr911> but smtube can be downloaded... I saw the command line way to do it on their website16:19
lubot<Indianosr911> Yo!!16:19
MeatsackApogeeif you are sure its faster than 19.04.  even better for my 1gb machine16:19
lubot<Indianosr911> Yes. I personally believe 18.04 was faster than what I use now. I had it running in 500 gigs of ram.16:20
MeatsackApogee500 mb ?16:21
lubot<Indianosr911> 0.5 Gigs16:21
lubot<HMollerCl> for very old machines is better, is the las with 32bit version too.16:21
MeatsackApogeehmm others say its better to go with the new one.   i think maybe go with 18.. and wait until 20 lts16:21
lubot<Indianosr911> :)16:22
MeatsackApogeelet the hobbyists  fine tune 19 first16:22
lubot<HMollerCl> and if you can, try to upgrade ram, nowdays in aliexpress you can find old ram very cheap16:22
MeatsackApogeei just wanna use it lol16:22
MeatsackApogeethis netbook isnt mine.. trying to get it running and usable for someone.16:22
MeatsackApogeethats whyu i also need a easy desktop16:22
lubot<Indianosr911> Final Words....16:23
MeatsackApogeewish it had brghtiness controll on the desktop16:23
MeatsackApogeehas 18 at least got it in settings?16:23
lubot<Indianosr911> Lubuntu 18.04.2 Bionic Beaver LTS (LXDE)16:23
MeatsackApogeelike 19 has16:23
lubot<HMollerCl> @MeatsackApogee [<MeatsackApogee> has 18 at least got it in settings?], yes16:23
MeatsackApogeenot like a terminal command, but a slifer toggle ?16:24
lubot<HMollerCl> have in mind that currently webpages consumes a lot of RAM16:24
lubot<HMollerCl> @MeatsackApogee [<MeatsackApogee> slider*], I believe that it has16:24
MeatsackApogeeno problem. as i said. chrmoium was flying yesterday..16:24
MeatsackApogeetoday on same webpages it freezes16:24
MeatsackApogeejeez my stomach is bad16:29
MeatsackApogeefouled myself16:30
lubot<aptghetto> @Indianosr911 [How do we apply for Social media manager?], Maybe you use Reddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/bc9awx/seeking_moderators/16:30
MeatsackApogee'tmi' as they say16:30
lubot<Indianosr911> @aptghetto [Maybe you use Reddit? https://www.reddit.com/r/Lubuntu/comments/bc9awx/seeking_m …], thanks!16:30
lubot<aptghetto> For more informations, head to our development channel and speak with tsimonq2 or wxl16:32
mr_yogurtIs windows snapping supposed to work on 19.04 out of the box? like super-left arrow or super-right arrow to make the current window fill up the left or right half of the screen16:34
MeatsackApogeei cant answer that16:38
mr_yogurtoh, that's annoying16:38
mr_yogurtsetting the super key to open lxqt-runner breaks it16:38
MeatsackApogeeyes..  problems problems.   hope u can get help.16:48
MeatsackApogeeso people use this os even on powerful machines?  i understand why people with 1gb ram use it.. its amazing what it can acheive.  but why use it on a powerful rig16:48
MeatsackApogeei think lubuntu version 20 will be the dogs bollocks.16:54
lubot<HMollerCl> @MeatsackApogee [<MeatsackApogee> so people use this os even on powerful machines?  i understand …], Because it is incredibly faster in powerful machines16:56
MeatsackApogeei suppose it must be yea.16:56
MeatsackApogeeits even usable on a 1gb netbook.. actually usable16:57
MeatsackApogeeother so's are probably even lighter, but they are to ohard to use for casual users16:57
MeatsackApogeei suppose lubuntu is the sweetspot16:57
MeatsackApogeea bit faster than xubuntu, but with nearl as many feature sand ease of use16:58
MeatsackApogeewhat say you16:58
MeatsackApogeeothers OS's*16:59
MeatsackApogeeby the way. can skype be used in lubuntu ?17:00
MeatsackApogeenot esential but would be nice17:01
MeatsackApogeelike soda pop17:02
lubot<HMollerCl> Don't know17:05
lubot<SamuelBanya> 911: there's no invite. Just show up on this channel on Thursdays at 5:00 pm EDT17:06
lubot<Indianosr911> @MeatsackApogee [<MeatsackApogee> by the way. can skype be used in lubuntu ?], Yes, I have managed to use it.17:08
lubot<Indianosr911> @SamuelBanya [911: there's no invite. Just show up on this channel on Thursdays at 5:00 pm EDT], Aye Aye Captain!17:08
MeatsackApogeegreat.   i'll get it in there17:24
MeatsackApogeeno mercy17:24
MeatsackApogeecant find the brightness slider in settings anywhere17:33
MeatsackApogeecan u point me to it please17:33
MeatsackApogeei doesnt exist does it ?  :/17:36
MeatsackApogeemaybe should have stuck with 1917:36
MeatsackApogeeive come to the conclusion its impossible to find a lightweight linux system that suits my needs.   they always lack something.  shame the priginal ubuntu doesnt run on netbooks, that os is actually complete17:38
diogenes_MeatsackApogee, try antiX17:39
MeatsackApogeeim not trying anymore17:39
MeatsackApogeehad my fill17:39
MeatsackApogeexubuntu. lubuntu 3 times, bhodi, elive, damn small linux, puppy.. etc17:39
MeatsackApogeeall are half baked unfortunately17:39
MeatsackApogeeprobably the most usable is xubuntu. but its slower than others17:40
MeatsackApogeei mean.. how in gods name can you spend years designing and os  but not ad a brightenss slider?  my mind boggles17:41
lubot<Akvalt> Fwd from Politicamente Incorreto: Cursos pagos que estão de graça na Udemy até hoje! … Python: https://lnkd.in/epdtT8Y … Ionic 3: https://lnkd.in/e8mdY4V … HTML5: https://lnkd.in/eRZVUSN … Android: https://lnkd.in/eHg7kbz … C++: https://lnkd.in/eZvb4rV … Python: https://lnkd.in/ekavMui … C e C++: https://lnkd.in/eKUJ97p … Unity 5:17:44
lubothttps://lnkd.in/e-ftZCJ … Unreal Engine 4: https://lnkd.in/ekzWpBg … Web com Github pages: https://lnkd.in/eNfr_eS … Git: https://lnkd.in/er4im7H … Wordpress: https://lnkd.in/eYExqay … Jekyll: https://lnkd.in/e4m5Q7q … Wordpress: https://lnkd.in/eMffdp2 … React.js: https://lnkd.in/eE67yas … Unity3D: https://lnkd.in/ecM63B6 … HTML: https://lnkd.in/e17:44
lubotAQFGqy … C++: https://lnkd.in/evqDkeM … Algoritmos e lógica: https://lnkd.in/ehuYnvN … JavaScript: https://lnkd.in/e9EppKs … Qlikview: https://lnkd.in/e5ZufxV … Algoritmos e lógica: https://lnkd.in/e_E3Dry … Python: https://lnkd.in/ejTKa3W … Introdução à programação de computadores: https://goo.gl/Mi3hbF … Terminal Linux: https://goo.gl/vyHAhT … In17:44
lubottrodução ao Sistema Operacional Linux: https://goo.gl/iTY5Zj … Introdução a banco de dados com MySQL & PHPMyAdmin: https://goo.gl/J19GG9 … Data Science: Visualização de Dados com Python: https://goo.gl/kyy2AD … Introdução ao jQuery: https://goo.gl/3vMv7N … Introdução à linguagem JavaScript: https://goo.gl/1H2Nhn … Introdução à linguagem CSS: https:17:44
lubot//goo.gl/hdgvRG … Introdução ao PHP orientado a objetos: https://goo.gl/uFSf9b … Curso de programação com Perl: https://goo.gl/f7o1Si … Introdução à linguagem Python: https://goo.gl/oTDWdX … Boas práticas em PHP: https://goo.gl/u2pAfp … BLAST: Ferramenta de Alinhamentos Locais de Sequências: https://goo.gl/TrVrW5 … Modelagem de proteínas por homolo17:44
lubotgia: https://goo.gl/mz8uim … Introdução ao Framework Bootstrap: https://goo.gl/8WmsVE … Introdução à Criação de Sites Dinâmicos com PHP: https://goo.gl/qo2Xpw … Introdução à Linguagem HTML: https://goo.gl/DChJoF17:44
diogenes_MeatsackApogee, i disagree because what you do it you try to win a horse race ridding a pony, get yourself suitable hardware and you gonna get the desired result.17:46
MeatsackApogeeno. i have a powerful rig, why would i install a light linux on it?  i thought the ide aof these lightwieght os's was to run on old tech.  and actually, not having a brightness slider is nothing to do with it.  it should just have one17:51
MeatsackApogeePlus lubuntu actually runs well on my 1gb netbook.. that snot the issue.  the issues is lack of features17:52
MeatsackApogeewould antix be any better?  probably slower then lubuntu anyway17:52
diogenes_what features you need?17:53
MeatsackApogeewell, i cant  surf youtube on a browser with 1gb ram.  so i need a youtube app i cna surf then play on vlc player or something17:55
MeatsackApogeeapart fro mtheat, just a fast browser for normal surfing.17:55
MeatsackApogeeskype would be nice but not essential17:55
MeatsackApogeealso just basic system functions like brghtiness slifers etc !17:55
diogenes_MeatsackApogee, lol, it's website devs fault and browser devs fault too, not at all the OS fault17:56
MeatsackApogeeregarding wat?17:56
diogenes_i got brightness slined, i adjust it with the mouse wheen hovering over the batter icon17:56
diogenes_regadring how they desing modern websides17:56
diogenes_they are resource hug17:56
MeatsackApogeeim not blaming anything.. just saying youtube is too hard for 1gb ram to run.. unless an app is used.  it works great with smtube app and vlc playet un lubuntu17:57
MeatsackApogeeim not blaming, just asking for workarounds17:57
diogenes_yeah with 1gb ram you can't do anything nowadays that's the reality17:57
diogenes_nobody's fault17:57
MeatsackApogeemost sites i visit are fine on 1gb ram, unless i visit video stuff.  i have no problem about that17:57
MeatsackApogee* the sites are only fine if i choose the right os and right browser.  lubuntu and google chromium fo rexample17:58
MeatsackApogeebut ineed a app style video browser17:58
MeatsackApogeesmtue and vlc player paly yutube videos lag free.  just not all will open unfortunately17:59
MeatsackApogeeantix has similar functions?17:59
MeatsackApogeeas fast gnerally as lubuntu?17:59
diogenes_i haven't make any comparison but by default it takes around 100 MB ram18:00
MeatsackApogeeseems even lighter then18:01
MeatsackApogeeso i guess browsing would be fine18:01
MeatsackApogeeonly thing is, does it have funcionality on desktop, and can it run a youtube app18:01
MeatsackApogeei know it har a termnal based youtube search.. but i need a gui18:01
diogenes_you said you don't wanna try anything so why bothering?18:02
MeatsackApogeejeez..  well if it seasy i might.  i can tstand al lthe headache though.  if it can be installed and ru nwell, maybe its worth a shot18:02
diogenes_then it's better once to try than 100 times to ask.18:03
MeatsackApogeei'll try it on live usb.  does it have any you tube app you know of?18:04
diogenes_last time i checked it had, also it had it's own, forgot the name.18:05
diogenes_on older machines you can even use kodi + youtube plugin which is known to run smoother.18:05
diogenes_but i personally haven't tried it.18:05
lubot<HMollerCl> Lubuntu 18.04 has them18:06
lubot<HMollerCl> I mean brightness slider18:06
MeatsackApogeeill try it.  and lubot.  where !?18:08
MeatsackApogeeshould i download the full version of antix or is that heavy or resources?18:10
diogenes_MeatsackApogee, of course not, go with full.18:11
MeatsackApogeewould u mind helping me if i give it a try?18:11
diogenes_as a side note,  for youtube you can use mpv, with right configuration it can play any youtube videos, mpv actually works better than vlc18:11
MeatsackApogeei see.. well the thing is i need a browsing app too.   if i have to browse youtube wit a broswer, i get lag18:12
MeatsackApogeean app is more light18:12
MeatsackApogeethe nlink mpv to the app18:12
diogenes_i can help you of course but not in this channel since it's lubuntu destined for, if you wish: /j #MX_Linux18:12
MeatsackApogeethanks im there18:14
MeatsackApogeeand lubot.  please tell me where that slider is?  i cant see it in 1818:14
lubot<HMollerCl> @MeatsackApogee [<MeatsackApogee> and lubot.  please tell me where that slider is?  i cant see it …], Right click on the battery icon in the panel18:16
lubot<HMollerCl> Battery or energy18:17
MeatsackApogeethahks.  wow.  hidden in plain sight lol18:17
lubot<Indianosr911> Guys.19:20
lubot<Indianosr911> Hello19:20
lubot<Indianosr911> How can I run GTK apps on Lubuntu 19 ?19:20
diogenes_Indianosr911, what apps?19:20
lubot<IndianOSR911> I want to run https://github.com/muflone/gespeaker19:21
lubot<IndianOSR911> gespeaker, allows me to tune espeaks for TTS19:21
lubot<IndianOSR911> ?19:23
diogenes_thre is insructions on the page on how to use it.19:23
lubot<IndianOSR911> I read those already19:24
lubot<IndianOSR911> nothing about GTK, right?19:24
diogenes_what does gtk has to do with it? it has setup.py which will most likely install the app and then you gonna get a shortcut (maybe)19:25
lubot<IndianOSR911> I used apt to install19:25
lubot<IndianOSR911> it's not opening.. I suspect the missing GTK libraries!19:26
lubot<IndianOSR911> the UI doesn't appear in itself.19:26
diogenes_no apt install neede, it clearly sayd on github how you install it:19:26
diogenes_python2 setup.py build19:26
diogenes_sudo python2 setup.py install19:26
diogenes_that's it19:27
lubot<IndianOSR911> ok19:28
lubot<IndianOSR911> thanks figuring it out!19:28
diogenes_but prior to those two commands, there is a lot of stuff you need to install, just read carefully and take one step at a time.19:29
diogenes_for instalce, whre is says:  - python2: all the whole code is written for Python 2.x19:31
diogenes_it means you need to: sudo apt install python219:31
diogenes_and so on19:31
lubot<IndianOSR911> yup19:36
lubot<IndianOSR911> thanks doing that..19:36
lubot<IndianOSR911> seems it's throwing typeerror exceptions19:37
lubot<IndianOSR911> starting gespeaker … python version detected: 2.7 … loading interface from /usr/share/gespeaker/data/ui/gespeaker.glade … loading controls from UI … loading languages from /usr/bin/espeak --voices … default language "english" not found in the languages list, fallback to "default" … Traceback (most recent call last): …   File "ges19:37
lubotpeaker.py", line 48, in <module> …     main = gespeakerUI.gespeakerUI() …   File "/usr/share/gespeaker/src/gespeakerUI.py", line 106, in init …     self.loadSettings(True) …   File "/usr/share/gespeaker/src/gespeakerUI.py", line 204, in loadSettings …     self.cboLanguages.set_active(self.defaultLanguageIndex) … TypeError: an integer is required19:37
lubot<IndianOSR911> anyways... Good Night for today19:37
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