[08:48] mwhudson, hi, thanks for uploading rustc 1.33, do you have an eta for 1.34.1? [09:35] ricotz: will be working on it soon but don't know how long it will take [09:35] ricotz: what do you want it for? [09:47] firefox trunk, probably [09:52] mwhudson, as oSoMoN said, they directly bumped from 1.32 to 1.34 [09:53] oSoMoN, mwhudson, basically ff trunk is getting 68 beta in a few hours [10:00] ah ok this is the thing i am already getting email about then :) [10:01] oSoMoN, ricotz: i wrote this up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/RustUpdates btw [10:01] but debian hasn't packaged 1.34 yet so that's going to be an exciting new adventure for me [10:01] tomorrow [10:08] mwhudson, I have reverted the bump curently and it still builds, still it might break any time [10:10] mwhudson, ricotz: thanks! [10:13] mwhudson, I would expect some progress in debian (exp) while 1.34.0 is available over a month already [10:13] seb128 good morning, I patched xpdf... review is appreciated! sorry if it took soo long https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/3714/+packages [10:15] also jbicha seb128 this should be the last upnp blocker... https://github.com/intel/dleyna-renderer/issues/166 [10:15] I don't know how and if it can be patched [10:17] hey LocutusOfBorg [10:19] LocutusOfBorg, I guess we can demote that one to proposed as well? [10:20] LocutusOfBorg, I try to have a look at xpdf but I'm at a sprint === ricab is now known as ricab|bbl === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer === xnox_weechat is now known as xnox === ricab|bbl is now known as ricab === joedborg_ is now known as joedborg [13:03] valorie: First I need to make the reports machine-readable. [13:03] That will likely happen after what will be a crazy couple of weeks for me (AP exams, starting college courses this summer, etc...) [13:04] Thanks :) [13:21] LocutusOfBorg, hey again, so we are down to sushi to fix ... can you have a look to that one? [13:27] seb128, gupnp-tools sigh [13:27] LocutusOfBorg, ? [13:31] seb128, needs fixes? [13:32] oh you fixed it 8 minutes ago, nice [13:33] sushi probably needs only a no change rebuild, lets see [14:47] smoser, hello, pollinate sync? https://merges.ubuntu.com/main-manual.html [16:38] LocutusOfBorg: hi, I'll grab pollinate [18:53] tsimonq2: exciting times this spring for you! [19:15] ahasenack: thanks for grabbing that. i did take a quick look, and it looked like there would need to be an ubuntu delrta [19:16] delta [19:18] ok [22:45] is there a way i can run dpkg-source -b . but have it not bother checking for upstream changes (which is slow with a huge orig like rustc) [22:46] LocutusOfBorg: thanks for merging golang-1.12