
ubot5`In #ubuntu-discuss, lotuspsychje said: !MDS is <reply> Microarchitectural Data Sampling is a security issue with Intel processors. Update your system to receive the kernel and microcode patches. Visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/MDS for more info.16:25
daxubottu: mds is <reply> Microarchitectural Data Sampling is a security issue with Intel processors. Update your system to receive the kernel and microcode patches. Visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/MDS for more info and recommendations.16:56
ubottuI'll remember that, dax16:56
* genii makes sure dax gets a plate of tasty cookies17:37
tewardbut... I want a cookie too :(17:39
elit is apparently "chocolate chip cookie day" because cookie manufacturers wanted to capitalize on people spending extra money on food days.19:00
elyou can probably find free cookies somewhere.19:00
AaronI have a question. I have an ubuntu email. But I can only receieve not send. theres been a loser sending me messages from my account19:15
tewardAaron: you have to configure your mail client to adjust your From header to be from @ubuntu.com19:16
tewardthere's no SMTP email server for @ubuntu.com *sending* directly.19:16
Aaronteward: where do I put that?19:16
AaronI'm using evolution19:16
tewardi don't use evolution, I'd have to dig.19:16
Aaronevolution gives me this error The reported error was MAIL from command failed; failled; Mailbox unavailable19:17
AaronI did create an alias like the wiki said.19:18
tewardit's also partly dependent on the mail configuration of the SMTP server being used, and I don't know how you configured it so...19:18
tewardi'd just be guessing at what the problem is on your system19:18
Aaronon my smtp configuration i have server outbound.att.net security TLS on a dedicated port username: aaronfarias@att.net19:19
Aaronwhere do I put the information from the ubuntu.com?19:19
EickmeyerAaron: I simply added an alias to the account that I receive the ubuntu.com emails through. It was really easy.19:28
teward[2019-05-15 15:28:37] <Eickmeyer> Aaron: I simply added an alias to the account that I receive the ubuntu.com emails through. It was really easy.19:47
tewardAaron: ^19:47
tewardEickmeyer just volunteered to help you :p19:47
AaronEickmeyer: I did that.19:47
Aaronbut still Does not work.19:48
tewardkeep in mind the remote SMTP server you're using can be configured to *not* allow you to send with other From addresses19:48
tewardso unless From matches your login on the server or a valid mailbox, it'll error.19:48
AaronI do get valid login.19:49
Aaronwhen I send with my normal account.19:49
tewardi think you missed the point of my message19:49
tewardLogin: foo@bar.baz PW: Valid   LOGINOK   From: foobar@ubuntu.com  DISALLOWED19:50
teward^ this can be a situation on some servers depending on their configs19:50
tewardand if that's the case in YOUR email provider's case you're out of luck there's no way to fix it19:50
Aaronit does work with my ISP19:50
EickmeyerIn my case, the address it sends through is a (grandfathered) G-Suite account which I have registered my ubuntu.com address with as an alias as well. That was the only way I could get it to work.19:52
AaronI get the error Mailbox unavailable dont know why19:52
EickmeyerAaron: Unfortunately, some ISPs have limitations. A gmail account can do it, I know that for a fact.19:55
Aaronlet me try with my gmail account.19:55
Aaronand see if that works.19:55
tewardbut your ISP *might not* let you do that, anticipating that the From address be a valid Mailbox on their env.19:55
Aaronin launchpad Do i need to put my gmail account?19:55
tewardComcast has that type of restriction unless you have a Business Account with hosted mail19:55
tewardAaron: no.19:55
tewardit wouldn't hurt but it's not a requisite no19:56
AaronI create it the gmail account. and Now I create it the alias.20:02
AaronI click on the timido@ubuntu.com20:02
Aaronand it sents but the email that shows is my gmail email address not my ubuntu20:02
hggdhAaron: you have to set gmail to accept the 'timido@ubuntu.com' as a valid user20:06
hggdhAaron: go to Settings, select the "Accounts and Import" tab, click on "Learn more" in the "Send mail as" box. Then do what they tell you to do20:08
hggdhAaron: I am supposing you set your Ubuntu email account to forward to gmail20:09
tewardhggdh: he's got his forwarding to an att.net address20:09
tewardboth are in evolution i think though, but att.net is the one giving him problems20:10
teward(I'm SO glad I run my own mail now lol)20:10
hggdhthe reason I "supposed" the Ubuntu email forwarded to gmail is that it will be painful to receive email in one account and answer from another. But that's their call20:11
Aaronand why ubuntu does not provide dns for email setup20:12
hggdhbecause Ubuntu provides a forwarder, not an email server20:12
hggdhcommon procedure. I, for exmaple, have a few forwarder services (from linux.com, Ubuntu, etc)20:13
Aaronnothing works20:29
Aaronwhen I send with gmail I just get my google email20:33
hggdhand you selected to send *from* your ubuntu.com email?20:35
AaronI create it an alias with thunderbird20:40
Aaronif I click with gmail add another email address you own20:42
Aaronif I put timido@Ubuntu.com20:42
Aaronis asking me for the smtp server username and password20:42
tewardno that's not using it as an alias, that's adding it as a second account, it gives you an option to use it as an alias or as an external SMTP account20:43
AaronHow come20:53
AaronI'm getting this email from my ubuntu account20:53
Aaronsaying it was hack20:55
AaronI think now it works20:58
geniiPossibly the email was only a notification that a different device has been used to login20:59
AaronYeah now it works21:00
hggdhAaron: if you d not use 2FA, consider using; also, it is highly probable that this "your account has been hacked" is nothing more than click-bait.21:02
hggdhAaron: I receive at least 3 of them every day21:03
AaronNow it works21:03
Aaronbut I cannot see my mail with evolution21:03
AaronI can only sent21:03
hggdhthis is a different problem, and one I/we cannot help you with21:04
Aaronthunderbird works fine.21:26
Aaronevolution is lacking off.21:26
=== dax is now known as v

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