
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> New External CD/DVD player starts up then goes to sleep. How do I keep it awake?01:27
qwebirc6480I've found that I am literally unable to copy and paste text.03:57
qwebirc6480All because Klipper literally is *constantly* copying nothing.03:57
=== Polaris000 is now known as Guest42059
valorieqwebirc6480: I had the same problem until I long-pressed klipper and changed the config04:25
valorieqwebirc6480: https://imgur.com/a/xAoFpI604:34
valorieis mine04:34
qwebirc6480no config setting helps04:40
lordievaderGood morning06:37
BluesKajhiyas all10:28
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== thambiah is now known as deep
reagahow do i copy + paste a directory in kubuntu?15:34
reagai try right click copy then right click paste in another place, nothing happens15:34
diogenes_reaga, what do you mean by nothing happens?15:36
reagathe same thing happens as if i didnt click paste15:36
reaganothing happens15:36
tyleri can not set up my desktop shortcut for double commander with root privileges on kubuntu 18.0415:38
tyleri was editing the exec= line with sudo but nothing happening15:38
diogenes_it doesn't show the progress bar until you click on the panel but it shoult copy the file.15:38
diogenes_tyler, what is the original Exec = command?15:40
tylerdoublecmd %F15:41
tylerbut works without %F also15:41
diogenes_try in terminal: pkexec doublecmd15:42
tylerdoes not work15:44
tyler(doublecmd:11002): Gtk-WARNING **: 17:43:29.482: cannot open display:15:45
diogenes_sudo doublecmd works?15:45
tyleron terminal i can run the program with sudo doublecmd15:45
tyleryes that is works15:46
tylerbut on the desktop shortcut just does not work15:46
diogenes_because you probably need the string: Terminal=true15:46
tyleryes that is false15:47
tyleri am trying with true value15:48
tyleryes that is fine but poping up the terminal and asking for password15:49
diogenes_because that;s how sudo works, in terminal, if you don't want a terminal to pop up then you need to install something like kdesu and run the app with: kdesu appname15:50
tylerhow can i edit the .txt not asking password all the time i try to launch doublecmd?15:50
diogenes_but i'm not sure if kdesu is still maintained and available.15:50
tylerneed to install kdesu from terminal then?15:51
diogenes_yeah try: sudo apt install kdesu15:51
tylerthis package can not found...15:52
diogenes_that's what i thought, they got rid of it.15:52
diogenes_is it 18.04?15:53
tyler18.04.2 LTS15:53
tylerKDE Plasma version 5.12.415:54
diogenes_try: sudo apt install kdesudo15:55
tylersame: this package can not found15:56
diogenes_sudo apt install kde-cli-tools15:58
tyleryes i have got installed this already15:59
diogenes_tyler, the run this: ls /usr/bin | grep kde16:00
diogenes_copy the output and pastebin16:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:00
tylertyler@tylerlinux:~$ ls /usr/bin | grep kde16:04
diogenes_tyler, don't paste here directly16:04
diogenes_!pastebin | tyler16:04
ubottutyler: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:04
diogenes_read carefully ^^^16:04
tylerlike this?16:07
diogenes_yes good job.16:08
diogenes_so your options are: 1) either tweak the sudoers file which is the risky part or 2) work with policykit16:09
diogenes_here is a good article about both those options: http://www.admin-magazine.com/Articles/Assigning-Privileges-with-sudo-and-PolicyKit16:10
tylerwhy is risky sudoers tweaking?16:10
diogenes_because if you put even a wrong dot in a wrong place, you break your sudo and you can no longer use sudo.16:11
tyleri see16:13
tylerlets do policykit then16:13
tomreynvisudo helps there16:14
tylerin my case how need to edit it?16:19
diogenes_title is wrong, it shows: Entry] and it should be [Desktop Entry] but in any case it's not recommended to use: sudo with texteditors.16:20
tylersorry my fault. wrong paste16:26
tyleri am looking this policykit. but can not install from terminal16:29
tylerregarding Muon i have installed this policykit-1-doc16:31
tylerno luck :(16:50
tylerstill requires passw16:51
=== MANIAC is now known as Guest83290
obizelkoHi all! I believe my PC is compromised. I have a log from rkhunter. Can anybody help me here?18:04
tomreynobizelko: you could start by posting the rkhunter report to a pastbein and linking it here. most of the time, people saying what you're saying really ran into false positives, though.19:16
=== jordan is now known as Guest95870
Guest95870./server chat.freenode.net19:33
obizelkotomreyn: https://privatebin.net/?fde95a098febfe06#A7ZyMlFz0GmYyyYTN8sb5IjvE/oU5jLPtO7NTS/xsI4=19:34
obizelkoI'm pretty sure it's not false positives.19:34
OerHeksi see no suspicious items, just 'warning' is not an intrusion, AFAIK19:38
obizelkotomreyn, OerHeks: Alright. What happened is, that my updater suddenly popped up, telling me it was unable to update. Even though I didn't try to update. It said, that it couldn't update. So, I just pressed continue. Then it wanted me to use a password, but it wasn't the traditional updater file, it was running. I tried to open the updater again, and it could update normally. That was just very suspicious. So I used rkhunter.19:50
OerHeks"it couldn't update" without the exact message, hard to tell ..19:53
OerHeksit could be valid, not able to update while an other process is using the update mechanism..19:53
OerHeksunattended updates happen to give that issue19:53
obizelko"Failur to download extra files"19:55
obizelkoWith a button that says: Run this action now19:56
OerHekshmm, True Type Fonts installer?19:57
obizelkoIt tells me, that the following packages were requested after package installation, but the data could not be downloaded or processed19:59
obizelkoI didn't try to update19:59
obizelkoAnd when pressed the "Run this action now"-button, it wanted my password, while updating from another interface than normal20:02
Test0rhihu, where can i download an old iso from kubuntu 14.04?21:29
OerHeksTest0r, i think you need to find the official torrent address,..21:42
OerHeksgood luck, no updates21:46
tylerwich one is correct?     root    ALL=NOPASSWD:(ALL:ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL or root ALL=(ALL:ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL  ??21:47
OerHeksterrible idea, tyler ..just saying21:49
tyleri want root privileges at aLL time for EVERYBODY for EVERYTHING. i mean running commands modify system files etc.21:50
OerHeksis this your homework?21:50
tyleri know is terrible but need to do for practice21:50
OerHeks<stupid> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL21:51
Test0rOerHeks: thx, but no seeder :(21:51
OerHeksTest0r, oh, that was your chance.. i have no clue of a ftp with 14.04 / .521:52
Test0rhttp://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/ but why no 14.04 :(21:53
tylerit works well22:03
tyleri was writing at the very end of the file root ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL22:04
=== ichoquo0Aigh9ie is now known as jacky

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