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rbasakmwhudson: I'm not clear on what "Fix Released" for the subuiqity LP project actually means. Am I right in thinking it isn't tracking actual availability to users? If so, any chance we could arrange for the bug tracker to be able to track when users have a fix available, eg. by using series tasks?10:21
rafaeldtinocohello, i just had a random launchpad user deleting my attached patch to LP: #1828288. I wonder how this user was able to delete my attached patch...10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1828288 in qemu (Ubuntu Xenial) "QEMU might fail to start on AMD CPUs when 'host-passthrough' is used" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182828810:42
rafaeldtinocoam I missing something ? :\10:43
marcustomlinsontjaalton: hi, got a mail from bdmurray this morning about an increased crash rate on my libreoffice disco SRU: https://errors.ubuntu.com/?release=Ubuntu%2019.04&package=libreoffice-core&period=week&version=1%3A6.2.3-0ubuntu0.19.04.111:07
marcustomlinsonLooking at them, there’s really only one there that’s new (the ‘SwPaM’ one), the rest are pre-existing conditions.11:07
marcustomlinsonFrom that stack trace, the crash is related to pasting content which causes page inserts. I’ve just tested all kinds of scenarios around that and can’t reproduce.11:08
marcustomlinsonCan we continue phasing the update? It doesn’t look (at least to me) like much regression has occurred really.11:08
cjwatsonrafaeldtinoco: Permissions there are unfortunately weak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/11775211:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 117752 in Launchpad itself "Any logged in user can delete any attachments" [Low,Triaged]11:51
cjwatsonBut as noted in that bug we need to be careful, and it seems nobody has got round to it11:52
ahasenackhello archive admins, I have a few NBS packages that can now be removed from eoan: libpmemcto1, libpmemcto-dev and libpmemcto1-debug12:28
ahasenackthey came from pmdk 1.4.1, which I updated to 1.5.1 yesterday and upstream removed that code, so pmdk no longer produces these packages12:28
cjwatsonYou don't really need to ask about that stuff - if it's green in the report then somebody will take care of it semi-automatically at some point12:29
cjwatsonI'll do it now12:29
ahasenackI was following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NBS which said a ping in #ubuntu-devel was appreciated :)12:29
cjwatsonI didn't write that :)12:30
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coreycbtjaalton: hello, if you have cycles in your SRU rotation today can you take a look at nova in the bionic unapproved queue?13:21
coreycbthere's also a software-properties change in the bionic unapproved queue to enable the train cloud archived. i'd like to get that in soon too and get the train moving along. 8)13:30
coreycbcloud archive, that is13:31
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tjaaltoncoreycb: sure14:27
coreycbtjaalton: thanks!14:27
tjaaltonmarcustomlinson: I'm not sure how to do that, as I never release updates since my shift is on friday14:27
marcustomlinsonbdmurray could you continue phasing the libreoffice update for me?14:28
tjaaltoncoreycb: I don't see nova on the queue14:32
coreycbtjaalton: erm.. ok me neither. working on it.14:33
coreycbtjaalton: i think it may have been rejected yesterday14:33
tjaaltoncoreycb: and software-properties has a pending sru in proposed already14:35
tjaaltonso won't be touching that either14:36
coreycbtjaalton: darn ok.14:36
ahasenackuscan is failing in eoan, is this known? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Q2XvDNjCGC/14:36
ahasenacksame watch file worked on bionic14:36
ahasenackapt-file on eoan can't find CTX_clear_m.al14:37
bdmurraymarcustomlinson: yes, I'll have a look at the phasing shortly14:40
marcustomlinsonbdmurray: thanks14:40
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coreycbtjaalton: nova is in the bionic unapproved queue for real now15:50
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EickmeyerIf any MOTU wants a quick, easy package to sponsor, I've got one at bug 1829562. lintian --pedantic returns no errors. The copyright file is a little long, but I went over it pretty thoroughly.16:52
ubottubug 1829562 in DPF Plugins "[Needs Packaging] DPF-Plugins for Eoan" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182956216:53
ddstreetcoreycb in case you didn't see, i added you to a WIP MP i have for software-properties, https://code.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/software-properties/+git/software-properties/+merge/36727618:28
ddstreetif you have any comments/suggestions/concerns about my changes overall or specifically to cloudarchive.py backend, let me know18:29
ddstreetupdated cloudarchive.py file is https://git.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/software-properties/tree/softwareproperties/cloudarchive.py?h=lp64540418:29
SwedeMikewin 57518:35
sarnold575? wow :)18:36
CarlFKddstreet: https://git.launchpad.net/~ddstreet/software-properties/tree/softwareproperties/cloudarchive.py?h=lp645404#n54  "This page has moved to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenStack/CloudArchive. "18:49
coreycbddstreet: i think i'm missing context. is there a related bug i can read?19:29
coreycbsory, i see related bug19:30
ddstreetcoreycb sure lp #64540419:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 645404 in software-properties (Ubuntu Eoan) "Support Private PPAs" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64540419:46
ddstreetCarlFK ah ok - that's what it is currently in software-properties, i just left it in19:46
ddstreetCarlFK i.e. that isn't something i changed :)19:47
ddstreetbut i will now ;)19:47
ddstreetCarlFK thnx, fixed that in my branch (not in main s-p repo tho, until mine is merged)19:49
ddstreetvorlon i see you're retrying those systemd autopkgtest...you have any idea what's going on with those?  it seems like a autopkgtest nova/vm problem?21:00
ddstreetit's been failing strangely like that since earlier this week, with the nova guest output summary at the bottom, and timing out ssh'ing into the testbed21:01
ddstreetsorry, by 'autopkgtest nova/vm problem' i mean it seems like a problem with autopkgtest.ubuntu.com testbed vms21:01

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