
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ookookduring my update my computer got turned off. now i cannot enter in the system13:34
ookookshould i make another ISO and then copy the data13:34
pmjdebruijnwhere does it go wrong?13:34
pmjdebruijnbackuping your data (to say an external usb drive), before making any changes, is always a good idea13:35
ookookit cannot enter the sbin it says13:35
ookookpmjdebruijn: yes ,I will be careful next time13:35
pmjdebruijnI meant now, not just updates13:35
pmjdebruijnif you hold shift during boot, you'll get the GRUB bootloader13:35
pmjdebruijnthere you can select your older kernel+initramfs13:36
ookooki did select older kernel and recovery mode13:36
pmjdebruijnpresumably you system lost power while generating the initramfsses, so probably just one is broken now13:36
ookookit it stuck at the same thing it seems13:36
pmjdebruijnookook: same issue?13:36
pmjdebruijnwhat's the exact error?13:36
ookooklet me type in exact one13:36
ookookwait a moment pmjdebruijn13:36
ookookdo you recommend a free software that auto back ups pmjdebruijn13:37
pmjdebruijnnot really13:38
pmjdebruijnI just put my most important stuff in google drive or whatever13:38
ookookcould you check this pmjdebruijn13:42
pmjdebruijnoh wow13:44
pmjdebruijnno clue what happened there13:44
ookookoh ok13:45
ookookcan't open spalsh13:45
pmjdebruijni'ms till guessing broken initramfs13:45
ookookit says13:45
pmjdebruijnif you have multiple kernels to select, I would try another one13:45
ookooki do try some others13:45
ookookand it still gives the same other13:46
pmjdebruijnall broken?13:46
pmjdebruijnthen I would probably backup the data using a live cd13:46
pmjdebruijnand then reinstall13:46
pmjdebruijnyou could mount the filesystems from the live cd13:46
ookookyes that is what i will have to do it seems13:46
pmjdebruijnthen chroot /mymountpoint13:46
pmjdebruijnand then 'apt-get install -f'13:46
pmjdebruijnsee if that fixes anything13:46
ookookok will do that13:47
ookookeven my .old gives same errors13:47
pmjdebruijn.old ??13:47
ookookat the kernel selsction screen i also have a .old option13:47
pmjdebruijnusually you have more than just that13:47
ookookit says /sbin/init does not exist13:48
pmjdebruijndepend on many times the kernel was updated13:48
ookookyes i have quite some13:48
ookook  . ..  /sbin/init does not exist it says13:48
pmjdebruijnthe othe rissue from the fileystem corruption, but that's quite uncommon13:48
pmjdebruijnbut you can check from a livecd, using fsck /dev/whateveritis13:49
xubuntu33dhi in have yandere simlaotor and when i use wine it messes up14:11
brainwashyou go there14:13
xubuntu33dit wont let me but i heard steam has wine for linux as well14:13
brainwashbut none of that is related to xubuntu support14:14
xubuntu33ddiagiri helped me with it14:14
brainwashand yet you are back14:14
brainwashif you have a problem with wine (other than actually installing the packages), please ask in the wine support channels14:15
xubuntu33ddo you know how to factory reset ubuntu14:32
xubuntu39dwould like to reset ubuntu14:42
pmjdebruijnthere is no factory rest14:43
pmjdebruijnpeople just reinstall14:44
pmjdebruijngiven that's a 5 minute affair14:45
xubuntu39doh ok14:46
xubuntu39di have a question my cousin the previos owner i think it was windows on it b4 linux14:47
xubuntu39dhow dom i get windows back on14:47
xubuntu39dis diagirri up here14:48
pmjdebruijnjust install windows14:48
pmjdebruijnbut this isn't a windows support channel14:48
xubuntu39dmay i have the other channel14:52
pmjdebruijnwhat other channel14:52
xubuntu39dwindows  support14:52
pmjdebruijnI don't know14:52
pmjdebruijnPresumably you can find a computer in your neighbors that might be able to help you14:53
pmjdebruijnsorry for the typos14:53
xubuntu39dits okay you dont know about wine do you D helped me with most of it yesterday the game is very buggy and someone said steam can help14:54
pleia2if the game is available on steam, it's better to install it from there than run the windows version in wine15:02
xubuntu39dnope i wish yandere simulator was on steam so i am wrong15:03
xubuntu39dmy game will play but it like it is missing texts and stuff15:04
pleia2yeah, not much you can do about that15:04
xubuntu39di want to try downloading more microsoft fonts but idk how15:05
xubuntu39dcan someonehelp15:08
xubuntu37dhello diaguri on15:55
xubuntu37dhe helps with my wine15:56
xubuntu37dookook you know about wine15:56
ookookno xubuntu37d i don't15:59
xubuntu91dhello is diogenes on16:06
noob22FRGood day everyone. I'm using Rufus to create a bootable usb of Xubuntu LTS. Should I partition the drive in MBR or GPT? Anything else I need to know? Thank you in advance!16:17
pmjdebruijnnoob22FR: depends on your computer, MBR -> BIOS/CSM, GPT -> EFI16:22
xubuntu00ddiogenes u on here16:22
xubuntu00di need help with yandere simulator16:27
xubuntu28di need ann expert16:31
pmjdebruijnplease be patient16:32
pmjdebruijnnot everybody has time all the time16:33
pmjdebruijnsome people may be away16:33
pmjdebruijnand your question is rather specific16:33
pmjdebruijngenerally speaking, running windows software on linux is flakey at best, so most people simply don't16:33
xubuntu28dok i have virtual box i have the windows 10 isso it wont work16:34
pmjdebruijnit wont work is not a problem description16:34
pmjdebruijnwhat exactly doesn't work in what particular situation16:34
xubuntu28dit wont let me use the iso for windows 1016:35
pmjdebruijnwhat exactly is the error message16:35
xubuntu28dhold on opening it16:35
xubuntu28dFailed to open the disk image file /home/hey/Win10_1803_English_x64.iso.  Could not get the storage format of the medium '/home/hey/Win10_1803_English_x64.iso' (VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED).  Result Code: VBOX_E_IPRT_ERROR (0x80BB0005) Component: MediumWrap Interface: IMedium {4afe423b-43e0-e9d0-82e8-ceb307940dda} Callee: IVirtualBox {9570b9d5-f1a1-448a-10c5-e12f5285adad} Callee RC: VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80BB0001)16:36
pmjdebruijnare you sure the iso is valid16:38
pmjdebruijndid you md5sum check it?16:38
xubuntu28dit came from microsoft itself16:39
xubuntu28dcant get windows 7 no key thing16:39
xubuntu28dwhat do i do16:43
pmjdebruijnthis isn't a windows support channel16:43
pmjdebruijnbut the download may just have had an error16:43
pmjdebruijntry re-downloading it16:43
pmjdebruijnalso, keep in mind that virtualized environments tend not to perform particular great, especially when it comes to graphics, so it may not be a very good approach for games, if that your intention16:44
xubuntu28di also have a usb16:51
pmjdebruijna usb what?16:51
xubuntu28da usb drive16:52
pmjdebruijndid you try redownloading the iso?16:52
xubuntu28ddiogenes been helping me alot16:55
xubuntu55dhi i am back17:48
xubuntu55dis diogenes17:48
diogenes_hey there17:49
diogenes_what happened yesterday?17:49
xubuntu55dbeen waiting for you lol'17:49
xubuntu55didk u was gone17:49
diogenes_your pc got frozen17:49
xubuntu55dnot on my end17:49
diogenes_yeah i couldn't do anything17:50
xubuntu55dopen private server17:50
rud0lfhello. could you please help me solve the failure in mounting/unmounting network share? the problem is described here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5WkkzVn7dC/18:50
rud0lfi suspect that mount is performed before network is started, and unmount after network is shut down18:50
xubuntu22iinstalling yet another system trouble23:06

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