
sere_Firefishe:  did you add the repo to your source.list ?00:06
Firefishesere_: I'm looking into that as we speak.  I've been away from debian-based distros for a while.00:07
sere_Firefishe: that is probably why it wont install00:07
sere_Firefishe: https://www.linuxuprising.com/2018/05/fix-libpng12-0-missing-in-ubuntu-1804.html00:07
sere_Firefishe: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/amd64/libpng12-0/download00:08
sere_Firefishe: the second one tells you how to add the repo00:08
Firefisheere_: I added it using the repository dialog in synaptic (my old standy), and when I updated it, I tried to type "libpng" in the search box, but nothing came up.  I checked that the "ALL" part was selected in the left-column dialog, too, and it still didn't come up.  I have the .deb, but it won't install.  Let me try to get some pastebin stuff from the situation.00:15
Firefishesere_: Here's the pastebin:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6k6tHYQwGk/00:17
Firefishesere_: And here's the contents of the startup script:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4XrqW4qgvS/00:19
Firefishesere_: Here's another installation attempt using dpkg:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F62VRfg72F/00:30
sere_Firefishe: give me a sec im going to check the package00:37
=== max__ is now known as Guest84658
Firefishesere_:  Thank you.00:37
sere_Firefishe:  what distro are you running?00:39
Firefishesere_: 18.04 LTS00:40
chrispsif i wanted to have multiple x86-64 laptop computers communicating with eachother locally via some sort of wired network, what would be the ideal choice for fastest communication between the devices?00:40
leftyfbchrisps: for what?00:40
FirefisheWhat is the command line syntax for installing 32-bit libraries (multilib)?00:41
Firefisheia32-libs doesn't seem relevant anymore.00:41
chrispsthey need to index a large number of binaries that have debug information and digest them with ghidra to generate function hashes00:42
leftyfbFirefishe: lib32z100:42
leftyfbchrisps: you still haven't answered the question. File shares? shared filesystems? cluster computing?00:43
chrispsi just want to be able to communicate between them via sockets00:43
leftyfbchrisps: ok, so put them on the same network?00:44
chrispscould i just wire them all up together with lan cables and that would work? im not very familiar with this subject00:44
leftyfbchrisps: use a switch00:45
leftyfbchrisps: make sure you have a router or some sort of dhcp/dns server00:45
leftyfbchrisps: regardless, you're a bit beyond the scope of this channel. Let us know if you have any issues with Ubuntu. For anything else, try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux00:46
chrispso i tried to join #linux not ##linux before this, thanks for the pointers00:48
sere_Firefishe:  do you mean sudo dpkg —add-architecture i386 ?00:48
coolmax10How do I get a custom resolution when using nvidia drivers on ubuntu 18.04?00:51
=== SysGhost is now known as SysGh_st
coolmax10How do I use custom resolution when using nvidia drivers on ubuntu 18.04?00:57
Firefisheleftyfb: Thanks.  I actually did that, and I think that name is the most ridiculous shorthand for such a heretofore well-known library set.  Sheesh.01:00
Firefisheleftyfb: I did find it, but wow!  What a name change!01:01
sere_Firefishe: im trying to compile it now01:03
sere_Firefishe: are you on 64bit?01:04
Firefishesere_: Relative to your statement about add-architecture, I did see that.  However, as for leftyfb's comment regarding "lib32z1" I did install that.  Do you think I need to do the other command, too?  I've never had to before now.  Never even heard of it.01:04
Firefishesere_: Yes, 64bit501:04
Firefishesere_: I didn't get the "couldn't find a suitable installation..." error.01:05
FirefisheIt's just a png library.  It *should* just install, and not be relevant unless an application makes a call to it.l01:05
Firefishesere_: I've never had so much problem.01:05
sere_Firefishe: I installed libpng just fine but still getting error.. trying to work it out01:08
sere_Firefishe:  I got past the error01:15
sere_error while loading shared libraries: libSM.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:15
sere_Firefishe: ok i got it working01:18
Firefishesere_: What do I do?01:20
sere_Firefishe:  one sec01:22
sere_Firefishe: https://imagebin.ca/v/4hZrrM5q1Y5001:24
Firefishesere_:  I see that it's installed, but I can't see how you got around the problem.  There's a lot of business on that screenshot01:25
Firefishebusy-nes is what I meant.01:25
FirefisheI can't spell today...  busy-ness01:25
sere_im trying to find the files.. i was just showing you01:26
Firefisheor use english idiom properly LOL01:26
Firefishesere_: k..  Thanks01:26
sere_Firefishe:  where is your polarnavy folder?01:27
Firefishesere_: /opt/polarnavy, where I've always ran it.01:27
Firefishedo I need to make a simlink?01:27
Firefisheto the libpng.so.0 library?01:28
Firefishelibpng12.so.0 rather01:28
sere_Firefishe:  you need to copy libSM.so.6, libICE.so.6, libpng12.so.0 to /opt/polarnavy/01:29
sere_Firefishe: i have to be 32bit also01:30
Firefisheas symlinks or the libaries, themselves?01:30
sere_Firefishe: i copied the files themselves but symlinks should work also because the program looks for the dependencies in the polarnavy01:31
sere_Firefishe:  i believe its /opt/polarnavy/bin actually01:32
sere_Firefishe: all of polarnavy files are in polarnavy/bin for me01:33
TsynkUbuntu 19.04 after the most recent updates, my laptop freezes now after unplugging the power supply, how to fix?01:34
Firefishesere_: Copying the files now.   I'll let you know.01:34
sere_Firefishe:  I got mine from my .steam 32bit runtimes folder. I can send them to you if needed01:36
=== sysgh0st is now known as SysGhost
Firefishesere_: I think I copied the wrong libraries.  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YfBm9mswwj/01:38
TsynkI also can't put my laptop in suspend and hibernate.01:38
sere_Firefishe: yea you copied the 64bit files01:39
Firefishesere_: Would the 32-bit be under snap?01:39
sere_Firefishe: not sure what you mean? snapcraft?01:40
sere_or snapd?01:40
FirefisheI have lib32z1 installed01:41
sere_Firefishe:  sudo updatedb01:41
Firefishesere_: Hold on, let me get the directories.  I did that.01:41
Firefishesere_: It's how I found them01:41
sere_Firefishe: I will just send them to you01:42
Firefishesere_: That would work, too.  Thanks.01:42
Firefishesere_: But let me pastebin what locations came up with locate.01:42
sere_Firefishe: ok01:43
Firefishesere_: Here's the paste:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YpQBv3FGSx/01:44
sere_Firefishe:  yea i dont see any .32bit files01:45
Firefishesere: I remember when all one had to do was do:  `sudo apt-get install ia32-libs' -- Then, do a `sudo ldconfig' -- and you were done.01:46
sere_Firefishe:  i dont know to much about that01:48
Firefishesere_: Got them.  Thank you.  I'll put them in and see if it works.01:48
sere_Firefishe:  Your Welcome. I can send my hold polarnavy folder if i need to01:49
Firefishesere_: I appreciate that.01:50
Firefishesere_: Let me see if it works, first, though.01:50
sere_Firefishe: ok cool01:50
Firefishesere_: I've been using this app for years, and I've never had so much trouble with it.01:50
sere_Firefishe: Ive had trouble in the paste with libpng. Im just glad we figured it out01:51
Firefishesere_: I don't think the transfer worked.  Can you please resend?01:52
sere_Firefishe:  yea if failed. you have to accept it01:53
Casper26Anyone seen an issue were when you go to system settings user accounts and click the unlock button it just flashes and doesnt let you put your password in?01:53
tomreynCasper26: i haven't seen that. which ubuntu version are you running?01:57
Casper2616.04 desktop01:58
tomreynTsynk: sounds like acpi issues. can you post the url returned by    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999901:58
tomreynCasper26: what does this return?   nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)01:59
Casper26it flashes and says authentication attempt unsuccessful please try again and quickly closes02:00
TsynkI PMed it.02:01
tomreynCasper26: when you run "groups" in a terminal, which groups other than your own are reported?02:02
TsynkI'll be right back.02:02
Casper26adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers libvirtd02:03
tomreynCasper26: does this say that ubuntu-desktop is installed?   apt search --names-only '^ubuntu-desktop$'02:10
Casper26ubuntu-desktop/xenial-updates,now 1.361.3 amd64 [installed]02:12
Casper26  The Ubuntu desktop system02:12
tomreynTsynk: hmm actualyl this log looks fine, but you don't seem to have tried to suspend there, yet. cn you reboot, login and let the desktop start fully, open any simple application such as gedit or the calculator, and suspend (which will fail), then hold down both AltGr (right hand 'Alt' key) and SysRq, and while doing so, tap the following keys with a 10 second break in between: S U B  - then it should reboot (and you can release the keys), then02:14
tomreyncome back here and post the system journal again:    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999902:14
tomreynactually post the previous journal then:     journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 999902:14
tomreynCasper26: can you run this and report the output?   md5sum /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.canonical.controlcenter.user-accounts.policy02:22
tomreynmine is:02:22
tomreyn6f5841da6b666b8c89435ac62a703994  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.canonical.controlcenter.user-accounts.policy02:22
Casper266f5841da6b666b8c89435ac62a703994  /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/com.canonical.controlcenter.user-accounts.policy02:24
tomreynCasper26: are you working directly on this computer or are you logged in removely somehow (vnc, rdp etc.)?02:25
Casper26not remote02:26
tomreynCasper26: can you run "journalctl --follow" in a terminal and leave it running, then try to unlock the user management again?02:27
tomreynCasper26: then press ctrl-c on the terminal and show what was added in the meantime - paste to https://paste.ubuntu.com02:27
Tsynktomreyn, I do have a log where that failed during a session.02:33
tomreynCasper26: please show the line returned by:   ls -l /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-102:34
tomreyncan go here directly if just one line02:34
tomreynTsynk: good. do you want to share it?02:34
TsynkYeah, exporting it now.02:35
=== sere is now known as sere_
Casper26-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14864 Mar 27 10:40 /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-102:35
tomreynCasper26: okay, and now:  apt policy policykit-1 | nc termbin.com 999902:36
Casper26WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.02:38
tomreynno url?02:38
tomreynthat's strange02:39
tomreyntry this:   apt-cache policy policykit-1 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999902:40
Casper26i noticed that permission is -rwxr-xr-x om another machine i have it is -rwsr-xr-x02:40
TsynkThis issue didn't happen until today after I applied some updates.02:41
=== NebulaLove is now known as Nebula_
tomreynTsynk: so that's suggesting it can be a regression then. can you please file a bug on this:  ubuntu-bug linux02:42
tomreyn(run this command froma terminal)02:42
=== Nebula_ is now known as NebulaLove
Tsynktomreyn, run ubuntu-bug linux on the Terminal?02:43
tomreynTsynk: yes02:43
tomreynCasper26: is it possible that you followed some guide on 'securing your ubuntu' where you were running 'find' to disable the suid / sgid bit on binaries?02:45
Casper26not to my knowledge02:46
tomreynCasper26: because this seems to have happened here. /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-1 is the binary which gets called by the user management GUI (and many other settings GUIs) to gain superuser (root) permissions to change these settings.02:46
tomreynthis is what permissions on this file look like on my ubuntu 16.04.6 VM:02:47
tomreyn-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 15K Mär 27 15:40 /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-102:47
tomreyn-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14864 Mar 27 10:40 /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-102:47
tomreyn^ yours02:47
tomreynnote the fourth character differs02:48
Casper26can it be changed back?02:48
tomreynyes, but such should not happen in the first place. i'm wondering wherther you need to file a bug, or whether you changed it yourself02:48
qwebirc51124Is it the place to enquire about Ubuntu problems. I am facing a couple of problems02:49
qwebirc51124After I install Nvidia driver I am unable to login ther is just a black screen02:50
Casper26i may have changed it a couple of days ago virtualbox was having issues because /usr/lib was not owned by root in fixing this i may have run it recursively02:50
tomreynCasper26: to correct it, run:   sudo chmod u+s /usr/lib/policykit-1/polkit-agent-helper-102:50
tomreynCasper26: this sounds like you should reinstall soon, you most likely have a lot of permissions and ownerships set incorrectly now02:51
tomreynand things such as "/usr/lib was not owned by root" don't happen all of a sudden by themselves02:51
Casper26believe i will02:52
tomreynit suggests that an administrative user made changes with a massive impact without realizing so.02:52
Casper26that fixed my issue by the way02:52
tomreynthis very issue, yes, but you'll have a lot more02:53
Tsynktomreyn, I have reported it.02:53
TsynkThanks for your help.02:53
tomreynTsynk: thanks for filing bug 182963602:53
ubottubug 1829636 in linux (Ubuntu) "Laptop freezes up after unplugging power supply" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182963602:53
Casper26thanks tomreyn i'll be reinstalling tomorrow appreciate all your help and your time.02:55
tomreynCasper26: you're welcome (and this sounds like a good plan). :)02:55
tomreynCasper26: in the future, if you're unsure whether it's a good idea / safe to make changes in a specific location on your file system, just come here and ask, it's most likely worth it.02:57
Casper26will do ;)02:57
tomreyngenerally, you shouldn't need to change permissions anywhere other than in your home directory, and maybe /media or /mnt02:58
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier02:58
tomreynTsynk: oh and you should also check for a firmware update for your mainboard / computer02:59
TsynkAlright, I will see if HP has one.03:00
tomreynthose often solve acpi issues. thise wouldn't explain why this issue is only occurring since the latest updates you installed, but it's possible the same issue was there before and the update only triggers it more badly now than before.03:00
tomreynTsynk: have you been able to identify the exact HP model? I tried to find out, but without much look.03:08
tomreynthis command returns the string i've been working with:  journalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'03:09
tomreynbut the bottom of your laptop will probably state the real ~5 character model name.03:09
tomreynone of these, i think https://support.hp.com/us-en/products/identify?q=HP%2015%20Notebook%20PC&filter=-1&origin=pdp03:10
tomreynanyways, i'm out for the night, good luck.03:10
Tsynktomreyn, yeah, I still have the sticker that says what it is it.03:12
TsynkHP 15-f233wm03:12
=== conjo is now known as justaddcoffee
justaddcoffeecan someone please help me with my microsd card formatting problem (gparted not working nor is dd command from terminal with elevated priv) see image please https://imgur.com/a/0wyVXHk03:16
justaddcoffee18.04.2 LTS 4.18.0-20-generic desktop03:18
jcottoncheck for a write protect switch on the card or adapter03:18
justaddcoffeeoutput error states-Unable to open /dev/sdb read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/sdb has been opened read-only03:19
justaddcoffeethanks jcotton i have jiggled it up down up down tried in all positions to no avail03:19
jcottonyou've checked separately on the card and adapter if you're using one?03:20
justaddcoffeei beleive so- the mircro card has no addaptor and the adaptor has a switch which i have played with the next adaptor has no swithch03:21
justaddcoffeelet me rewrite sorry for confusioin03:23
justaddcoffeethe micro sd card itself has no switch, then the card reader has a switch which i have tried to alter with no luck and then lastly the reader that connects to pc via usb with a card reader plugged into that has no switch to adjust03:24
justaddcoffeeany ideas to force the dd03:24
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your device, then pastebin the output please03:25
justaddcoffeejust going to give it another minute to populate information03:29
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: is there data on it you cant loose?03:31
justaddcoffeeno happy to blast it03:31
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: try to format it with gparted03:31
lotuspsychje!info gparted | justaddcoffee03:31
ubottujustaddcoffee: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.30.0-3ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 493 kB, installed size 2032 kB03:31
justaddcoffeei have and it fails03:32
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: mtp-probe: bus: 3, device: 7 was not an MTP device this is mostly not great news03:33
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: did you try your card in another device?03:34
justaddcoffeei did and it shows the card as incorrect size 27 instead of 6403:34
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=== idk is now known as idk506
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: thats weird indeed, you know the story before this all happened?03:35
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: wich layout did it have, was it working on another Os?03:36
justaddcoffeeits a brand new card that i formatted in the card reader that show the card as wrong size then switched readers showed correct size with unallocated space, so i tried to format and dd the bloody thing and get error about it being opened in read only mode tried unmount and gparted again no joy03:37
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: did you format it via nautilus?03:37
justaddcoffeeshould i give it a go03:37
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: you can try nautilus & disktools sure03:38
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: but normally, if gparted cant format it, its bad news03:39
justaddcoffeenautalus output this https://imgur.com/a/awaXCXw03:39
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: i see your card is called, rasp.. did it came out of a Pi or an arm device?03:40
justaddcoffeei renamed the smaller of the two partions during a format https://imgur.com/a/b3wv33J03:42
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: try to wipe that rasberry partition03:42
justaddcoffeeinitial one on the other card reader that showed the micro sd card as wrong size03:42
justaddcoffeethis it what i get when i try that https://imgur.com/a/ovI30S903:43
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: maybe try to format it via another os or phone?03:46
speirosHi people.  Can I please inquire as to the angle where Ubuntu may be headed into the future?  I mean, is it becoming google-ised, as I presume?03:46
lotuspsychje!discuss | speiros03:46
ubottuspeiros: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:46
speirosThanks lotuspsychje03:46
justaddcoffeewhat do you think of this lotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ykQQkSqCNT/03:47
strixdioany ideas why ubuntu qemu guest with QXL graphics just boots to a black screen?03:47
strixdiochanging to VGA works, but definitely not a good solution03:48
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: do you know it it came out another device or Os before?03:48
justaddcoffeeno it didnt it was always this one03:55
plongshot Are there more than one configuration file for iptables rules? I had edited some rules in a ufw directory in a file called before.rules (I think).  [1]: I don't want to start making a mess if I use iptables command. [2]: I think I prefer to edit files directly with an editor. Which one is right to focus on consistently then? And do I have to migrate my modifacations in before.rules?  I want to get right with this then be04:03
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: try to format it via another Os, if that doesnt work i would return it under warranty to the store04:05
pabs3is there a way with ufw to write the firewall changes to the config but not apply them to the running kernel, so that the changes only happen after a reboot?04:37
plongshotdoes uptalbes and ufw have separate files to store firewall rules?  Therefore, if I decide to stop using ufw and use iptables instead (i know ufw is a frontend for iptables)  and I've made modifacations to rules using ufw  -- then do I have to migrate those changes to iptables before disableing ufw?04:40
=== Randolf is now known as LumberCartel
=== LumberCartel is now known as Randolf
RandolfI'm trying to get JavaFX working.  I've installed Java 11 using apt, and done the same with OpenJFX 11.  Java works just fine, but JavaFX is not found by applications that depend on it.  What are the additional steps I need to take to get JavaFX to work?  Thanks.04:48
lotuspsychjeRandolf: can you pastebin the errors to the channel please, volunteers might have an idea whats going on04:49
plongshotI want to disable ufw on my server and quit using it in favor or iptables directly.  I've already made some modifications to rules using ufw and I notice there are some files that ufw uses (eg: before.rules, after.rules, etc).  If I want to keep the modifications that were made using ufw,  do I have to apply the modificatoins in iptables before disabling ufw?04:50
Randolflotuspsychje: Only two lines show up (separated by the first slash):  Error: Could not find or load main class NAME_OF_CLASS / Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javafx/application/Application04:52
flingI forgot what to put in sources.list to be able to install update-manager-core when updating from artful 17.1004:52
flingWith the default it says artful Release' does not have a Release file.04:53
cfhowlett!eol | fling see the EOLupgrade tutorial04:53
ubottufling see the EOLupgrade tutorial: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:53
* Randolf is AFK for approximately 15 minutes.04:54
gambl0reis it normal for kwin_x11 to use high cpu?05:16
IIIdefconIIIMorning! im struggling geetting my smb mount to work in fstab, im getting special device does not excist, i am able to mount i from terminal with command nautilus smb://path05:21
IIIdefconIIIis has 17 characters so i cant mount it from the configuration panel not sure if that has anything todo with it05:22
IIIdefconIIIso basicly its 2 questions, 1 can a men still open a 17 characters drive from the +other locations in the explorer, and does any one wanne help me out with this fstab05:23
Ben64what did you put into fstab05:25
IIIdefconIII/ /mnt/library cifs username=htpc,password=xxx,vers=3.0,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  005:25
IIIdefconIIIstill trying to create a .smb file docs says put it in the /home/username/.smb but i have already a folder called .smb so not sure where to place it, searching on the web as i speak05:26
Ben64needs two slashes at the beginning05:26
IIIdefconIII/ /mnt/library cifs username=htpc,password=4845488T,vers=3.0,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  005:26
IIIdefconIIIi have 205:26
Ben64you wrote one05:26
IIIdefconIIIhexchat just deletes one :)05:26
IIIdefconIII  // /mnt/library cifs username=htpc,password=4845488T,vers=3.0,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  005:26
Ben64do you have cifs-utils installed05:28
Ben64how about smbclient05:29
IIIdefconIIIlet me check, id didnt install any packages related to smb05:29
IIIdefconIIIi assumed cause when i mount it from terminal it works i didnt need any extra packages05:29
Ben64doing nautilus isn't mounting05:30
IIIdefconIIIsmbclient is installed yes05:30
IIIdefconIIIow its just browsing xD ok05:30
Ben64does 'smbclient -L' show the library share05:31
IIIdefconIIIReconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing.05:31
IIIdefconIIIdo_connect: Connection to failed (Error NT_STATUS_RESOURCE_NAME_NOT_FOUND)05:31
IIIdefconIIIUnable to connect with SMB1 -- no workgroup available05:31
IIIdefconIIIits still trying to connect from smb 1 mmm thats odd05:32
Ben64windows 10?05:32
Ben64well there's your problem05:33
IIIdefconIII? i dont understand05:33
IIIdefconIIIi did ggave the fstab command vers=3 option05:34
Ben64try to get it to mount in command line before putting in fstab05:35
IIIdefconIIIso thats mount -o \\\library /mnt/library right?05:36
IIIdefconIIIfirst mkdir /mnt/library (sry still learning as we go)05:36
Ben64something like sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/library user=usr,pass=pw,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.005:36
Ben64might need -o before user05:37
IIIdefconIIIthat worked05:38
IIIdefconIIIindeed with -o05:38
Ben64oh that's easy05:38
IIIdefconIIIhehe, so how to put it in fstab correctly now xD ill try some things05:39
Ben64same stuff, slightly different order05:42
IIIdefconIIIok so  i changed it to udo mount -t cifs // /mnt/library -o credentials=/home/iiidefconiii/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.0 and it works now going to try egetting it in fstab05:44
IIIdefconIIIin fstab it gives me mount error 2 now, no such file or directory05:49
IIIdefconIII/ /mnt/library cifs credentials=/home/iiidefconiii/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.0,sec=ntlm 0 005:50
Ben64you changed it05:52
IIIdefconIIIyou mean the part of the username password to a credential fils?05:52
Ben64from your line you said worked to the fstab05:52
IIIdefconIIIyeah the manual mount05:53
IIIdefconIIIthis works: sudo mount -t cifs // /mnt/library -o credentials=/home/iiidefconiii/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.005:54
IIIdefconIIIthis doesnt: // /mnt/library cifs credentials=/home/iiidefconiii/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.0,sec=ntlm 0 005:54
Ben64do you see the difference05:54
IIIdefconIIIim searching :P05:54
IIIdefconIIIonly the sec=ntlm? im missing something else?05:55
Ben64yeah that's what i see05:55
IIIdefconIIIdarn youre right that was it05:56
IIIdefconIIIthanks many times i was stuggling almost 2 days now xD05:56
IIIdefconIIIthis post says to add that sec=ntlm thing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently05:56
IIIdefconIIIok so i ts not mounted after a reboot05:58
IIIdefconIIIthen when i do sudo mount -a, it works again is this a bug?05:58
Ben64if mount -a works, then fstab works05:59
IIIdefconIIIany tips where i need to search? i got a idea but...05:59
IIIdefconIIIi did a chmod 600 on that credential files, maybe that could be the reason?06:00
Ben64maybe you don't have network when it tries to mount06:00
IIIdefconIIIthat could also be  it indeed cause its a vm with bridged network, can we put a delay in it?06:00
IIIdefconIIIi found a parameter _netdev ill try that06:01
IIIdefconIIIthat didnt work argh06:03
IIIdefconIIIBen64 got it working // /mnt/library cifs credentials=/home/iiidefconiii/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.0,noauto,x-systemd.automount06:12
nedRhello... just a curiosity question : In my last ubuntu 14.04 i remember installing a kde app required 100s of MB of kde dependencies, In 18.04 such apps are just a couple of mb. Did i accidentally install kde in my system or did something change?06:22
FranknognedR: that's a good point. I seem to remember the same thing06:24
nedRHmm.. just found an app called kde connect on my ubuntu.. i dont remember installing it at all06:28
FranknognedR: might be native. it's a good one if you have an Android phone06:31
nedRFranknog, ya it looks cool... i am just creeped out by finding it installed... did i do it? does it come with ubuntu? Did someone else install it? Do i need to get a carbon monoxide sensor?06:32
FranknognedR: lol reminds me of that guy who heard carnival music no matter where he stood in his apartment06:35
Draconishi all I usually set environment variables in .bashrc, but for some digitalocean tutorial I remember there was a different file I put them all in... and now I can't remember. Anyone got an idea where you can store environment variables besides .bashrc?06:52
tbrowncould someone tell me how to change the brightness on xubuntu there is no opition hurting the eyes06:56
Draconisnm found it /etc/environment06:56
tbrownor  a ark them06:56
tbrownor a dark theme06:56
tbrownanyone here hello07:00
cfhowletttbrown/ perhaps better asked in #xubuntu or #xfce07:01
guiverctbrown, settings editor has a number of settings for my displays, but no brightness option exists on mine (my displays don't offer it could eb the reason though)07:02
[rg]password login is disabled by ubuntu server on default?07:12
EriC^^[rg]: if nobody knows here, there's always #ubuntu-server07:13
rwp[rg], Are you talking about /etc/ssh/sshd_config and PermitRootLogin without-password ?07:14
[rg]yeah, thst looks like what im after07:15
rwp"The default is prohibit-password."  man sshd_config(5)07:15
rwpSet it to "PermitRootLogin yes" to get the previous behavior.07:16
[rg]tho a user acount had the same issue, but I guess this will fix it07:17
rwpI always use pwgen -s to generate long random passwords.  They aren't going to be guessed by a password guessing attack.  And fail2ban will keep the logfile noise to a minimum.07:17
rwpCheck /var/log/auth.log and see what log message is logged about why the access is not being allowed.  That will give a clue.07:18
rwpBecause if it is a non-root user being blocked then it won't be PermitRootLogin that is blocking them.07:19
[rg]thanks rwp07:22
[rg]oh it was public-key(denied)07:22
[rg]see the thing is Im trying lxd containers but starting a prompt from exec doesnt give me a tty07:22
[rg]so doing sudo stuff needed -S07:22
rwpWorking without a tty is fun and challenging.  So many things will buffer or not prompt then.07:24
rwpIf it is public-key denied then of course that is a different problem.07:24
[rg]how does this setup work? how would I even have got keys on it in the first place?07:25
[rg]interesting it does not come with python07:26
=== conjo is now known as justaddcoffee
justaddcoffeelotuspsychje, hey champ thanks for all your suggestions and help earlier re formatting my microSD card-turns out i didnt have exfat support installed on my ubuntu 18.04.2 desktop, after i ran a "sudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils " the drive behaved well and was able to format it with out spitting errors07:32
rwp[rg], If you are talking about some random LXD container then generally containers have a minimum of installation by design.07:33
justaddcoffeelotuspsychje, spoke too soon think its my readers as my fone was able to format it immediatly and mount with correct size07:36
[rg]rwp, the ubuntu 16.04 one, but yeah07:40
tbrownEric^^ I need the command again to install grub-images again I keep getting an error keep forgitting the command hope fully this is the last time asking lol07:42
cfhowlett!grub | tbrown bookmark it07:43
ubottutbrown bookmark it: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub207:43
tbrowndont need windows07:43
tbrowninstall downgraded verison of ubuntu07:43
cfhowlettbut you need to reconfigure grub, right?07:43
EriC^^tbrown: sudo apt-get install grub-images07:44
tbrownThanks Eric^^07:44
tbrownYour a life savor07:44
lone-pineI need a version 6.0.x of mingw-w64 6.0.x, which was only 5.0.x in 18.04... is it possible to get that version of that package without upgrading my entire system?07:49
cfhowlettcompile from source is always an option if it's not in the repos07:50
tbrownEriC^^ : Am getting an error : travis@travis-latitude2100:~$ sudo apt-get install grub-images Reading Packages Lists... Done Building dependecy tree reading state information.... Done E: Unable to lacate package grub-images07:50
rwp[rg], I didn't know there was a single one container and no other.  I have always built my own containers myself.  So they have what I put there nothing more and nothing less.07:51
EriC^^!info grub-images07:53
ubottuPackage grub-images does not exist in bionic07:54
EriC^^!info grub-image07:54
ubottuPackage grub-image does not exist in bionic07:54
EriC^^tbrown: i think the name was different07:54
EriC^^tbrown: sudo apt-get install grub-imageboot07:54
tbrownyep that it lol I did the same dang thing Eric^^ lol thanks07:55
[rg]rwp: that's a smart idea, thanks for the help07:56
tbrownok after that were do I place the ISO at EriC^^07:59
lotuspsychjejustaddcoffee: tnx for feedback! nice to know!08:01
EriC^^tbrown: /boot/images08:02
tbrownI thoight so have to install pcmanfm to give it root permison becuase it not showing on the default file manager08:04
activistHi all. I am getting "recv_socks_reply: Socks proxy returned bad reply" when i try to connect to OpenVPN server via Tor08:05
Sia-hi, i've added 2 disk via raid to /mnt/md0 successfully, now how can i added to /media/mydisks and auto mount after start?08:14
fangHi everyone08:29
lotuspsychjewelcome fang, how can we help you?08:29
fangI have a question08:29
fangHow to install VS2019 on ubuntu08:30
lotuspsychje_KaszpiR_: dont suggest to google as solution please08:30
Svetafang, see https://computingforgeeks.com/install-visual-studio-code-on-ubuntu-18-04-linux-mint-19/08:31
Svetafang, but it is not official, I think08:31
Svetafang, official by microsoft, but not official by ubuntu08:31
_KaszpiR_sudo snap install code --classic08:32
fangthank you08:32
_KaszpiR_It think I should cease to answer such questions08:33
fangI'm a newbit XD08:34
cfhowlett!cn | zheng08:36
ubottuzheng: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:36
Svetafang: does it work for you?08:44
fangSveta: yeah. I download and installed vscode.08:48
Svetafang: nice09:01
lone-pineI tried installing mingw from source and now I've messed up my standard headers files. eg /usr/local/include/stdint.h is now the mingw version which only supports the Win32 target, so I can't build for linux... how do I get the old headers back?09:16
lotuspsychjelone-pine: we dont really support compiling here, we reccomend using the packages from official repos09:18
lotuspsychjelone-pine: can apt-cache search foo help you?09:19
lone-pineI don't know, can it?09:19
lotuspsychjelone-pine: there are some mingw packages there, but not sure if thats what you after09:20
lone-pineoh I use that command to search for stdint.h to see what package has that file, then maybe try to reinstall it09:20
lone-pinelotuspsychje, what I want is to undo mingw. It polluted my build system, and now I can't build using regular g++ (not mingw)09:20
lotuspsychjelone-pine: from where did you install mingw to compile it from source?09:21
lone-pinewell sudo make install... It defaults to /usr/local09:22
lotuspsychjelone-pine: yes, thats to compile it, but where did you get the source from09:22
lone-pineSourceforge, which seems to be mingw-w64's official distribution system09:23
lotuspsychjelone-pine: cant you make uninstall?09:23
lone-pineoh thank goodness that fixed it09:24
lotuspsychjelone-pine: now do it the official way, with packages you find from apt-cache search09:24
lone-pinelotuspsychje, the problem is I need version 6.0.0 which is only available in 19.04, I'm on 18.0409:25
lotuspsychje!latest | lone-pine09:25
ubottulone-pine: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:25
lone-pineSo is there a way I can backport it from 19.04 or do I have to upgrade the whole machine?09:26
lotuspsychjelone-pine: we usually dont reccomend mixing packages, but its your machine, if you dont find any other way, you could try !pinning or !backports09:27
lone-pinewhich is lower risk?09:27
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto09:28
lotuspsychjelone-pine: lowest risk, is to use the package on the right ubuntu version09:29
lotuspsychjewelcome glario10:09
grufelousHey guys :)10:10
tarelerulzIs there an easy to use tool to make USB thumb drive not just for Ubuntu iso?10:10
grufelousUse rufus10:10
meliodaswhy firefox can"t available10:10
grufelousI have Windows 10 and Ubuntu dual booted on an SSD (UEFI mode/GPT partitions). I have a secondary harddisk where I store my common projects and file. I can use Windows to make Android Studio projects on it, but I can't use Ubuntu to make any projects on it. It always fails the build. I've tried chmod to give ample permissions to AS10:12
grufelousAny clue what could be done?10:12
HenryCHhi, on ubuntu 18.04 an application is failing to start because it cannot find java. I've installed java and get output when i run 'java --version', i've also set JAVA_HOME explicitly in /etc/environment, but it still complains, what am i missing?10:22
HenryCHJRE_HOME is not set10:22
B1ack0phi. why isnt there proper default caps lock indicator on ubuntu like volume indicator?10:23
B1ack0pi installed indicator-keylock but i dont like it.10:23
sonOfRaHenryCH: that often depends on the application. Some applications do really weird things to detect java (and the java version)10:24
sonOfRaAnd some tools, when detecting the wrong java version, will tell you they didn't find java.10:24
HenryCHsonOfRa: ok, what do you recommend I do? I only have the one version installed10:24
sonOfRaTell us what the java program is, show us the actual output, anything that could help us help you.10:25
HenryCHI was going to try setting JRE_HOME, but I was thinking maybe I'm doing it completely wrong because why aren't these just set by apt?10:25
HenryCHsonOfRa: sure, 1sec10:25
sonOfRaJAVA_HOME (and JRE_HOME even more so) are pseudo-standard. A lot of tools use them, but others don't. They're just an often used convention10:26
jeroenpraatdoes anyone else have problems using super+L since today's update?10:28
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: seems to work here10:28
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: 19.04?10:29
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: no, im on 18.0410:29
jeroenpraatok, sorry I had to add that I; m on 19.0410:29
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: perhaps check your dpkg logs to see what packages installed10:29
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: maybe also tail -f /var/log/syslog while you lock screen10:30
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: May 19 12:30:20 uptown gnome-shell[1588]: Screen lock is locked down, not locking10:30
HenryCHsonOfRa: the app is teamcity, here are the logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pRVn35tm3z/10:31
HenryCHi'll paste my java --version output 1sec10:31
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:32
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: is your graphics card driver installed correctly?10:33
sonOfRaHenryCH: and the actual program you're trying to run? That's got to be outputting something as well10:34
HenryCHthat was the first link10:34
sonOfRaCan you repaste that? I switched sessions and I don't have it in backlog10:35
grufelousHenryCH: "Java executable of version 1.5 is not found:"10:35
HenryCHsonOfRa: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pRVn35tm3z/  i'll try to get some debug logs 1sec10:35
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: sudo lshw -C video would show10:36
sonOfRaNot sure if TeamCity supports java > 8. Contact jetbrains support to find out10:37
B1ack0pisnt there default caps lock indicator on ubuntu such as volume indicator and screen bright?10:37
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: thanks for your help. I've fount the solution here: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=22725810:39
lotuspsychjeah great jeroenpraat10:39
jeroenpraatalthough it's still unknown why that setting was changed10:39
jeroenpraatyesterday evening it still worked10:39
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: check dpkg logs, maybe something related to gdm?10:40
sonOfRaHenryCH: I'd probably try installing java 8 and trying again with that.10:41
sonOfRaLots of software is still not compatible with the rather vast changes that were introduced in java 9 and above10:41
HenryCHsonOfRa: thanks, I'll try that now10:42
HenryCHsonOfRa: i should uninstall my current version first yea?10:42
sonOfRaNot necessary, you can switch versions with the update-alternatives tool10:42
HenryCHsonOfRa: k, 1sec10:43
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: nothing about gdm in there10:43
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: can you pastebin?10:44
jeroenpraatyes, one moment10:44
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: https://bin.disroot.org/?f0669505052ab402#TDCVFevtgLuM8cRAJPQnSBcH3FF/3cvqQYRtf0ew02E=10:46
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: maybe ubuntu-settings switched it?10:47
* uio looks around10:48
uio/me oh10:48
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: don't know, can't tell10:48
lotuspsychjejeroenpraat: its also just a wild guess..10:48
jeroenpraatlotuspsychje: I don't have time to investigate that. I'm happy I've found the solution10:49
lotuspsychje!yay | jeroenpraat10:50
ubottujeroenpraat: Glad you made it! :-)10:50
HenryCHsonOfRa: battery died, works with jdk8, thanks!10:53
sonOfRano problem10:54
* uio Thinks10:56
lotuspsychjeuio: please dont use notices in the support channel10:58
uiolotuspsychje, Why?11:02
lotuspsychjeuio: because #ubuntu is a support channel, only for ubuntu support questions11:02
* uio has a question about whether or not ubuntu will have powerpc support, or if it will always be continued. 11:03
dreamcat4"unit -.mount is masked"11:04
dreamcat4anyone every seen that error message on the live CD ?11:04
dreamcat4because it's happening now, and google is not showing a solution11:04
blackflowdreamcat4: and what's teh actual problem you're seeing?11:05
blackflowI mean, ignore error messages, what erroneous state are you perceiving?11:05
dreamcat4it's preventing me from running services on the livecd11:05
dreamcat4i need to bring up ssh11:05
dreamcat4it seems to be a dependancy for many systemd services11:05
dreamcat4also: try googling -.mount11:06
dreamcat4it's not easy11:06
dreamcat4and +"-.mount" does not seem to be returning anything either11:06
blackflowdreamcat4: you need to put it in quites11:06
dreamcat4i did11:06
dreamcat4didnt help11:06
blackflowwithout that +11:06
dreamcat4no, the + is fine11:06
dreamcat4that just makes is a required term11:07
blackflowtry this one   https://www.google.com/search?q=%22-.mount+is+masked%2211:07
B1ack0pi will ask again. isnt there Caps Lock indicator default to ubuntu?11:08
tomreynB1ack0p: which version of ubuntu, which graphical desktop?11:10
B1ack0ptomreyn: 18.0411:10
B1ack0ptomreyn: i installed indicator-keylock but i dont like it. i need something like volume indicator or brightness indicator11:11
B1ack0pwhy didnt ubuntu put caps lock as default i wonder11:11
B1ack0pthere are indicators working for other things but not caps lock11:11
tomreynB1ack0p: i'm under the impression that there is no default indicator. i guess most keyboards have LEDs which signal lock state.11:12
B1ack0ptomreyn: but i dont have keyboard led light11:12
B1ack0pi am angry with lenovo because of that already!11:12
B1ack0pthey ruined legendary ThinkPads11:12
tomreynme neither, i'm using the "lock keys" extension for gnome-shell11:12
B1ack0ptomreyn: i am looking for something that shows in middle of screen like default indicators11:13
B1ack0peven microphone has indicator . keyboard backlit has indicator but important caps lock not existing11:13
B1ack0pon ubuntu11:13
tomreynB1ack0p: you'll probably need to wade through gnome extensions on your own, or write your own. :-/11:14
tomreynalso consider filing a bug report if you consider this essential functionality.11:14
B1ack0ptomreyn: how can i install gnome extension u use?11:14
B1ack0ptomreyn: will they pay attention my bug report? or ignore?11:14
tomreyni cannot predict what will happen to your bug report.11:15
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: if you file it, we be happy to affect it11:15
B1ack0pthey should put caps lock11:15
B1ack0pi am telling here instead of reporting :p11:15
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: as a user, you have the power to influence the ubuntu community11:16
tomreynB1ack0p: anything you post here effectively goes to /dev/null unless it results in immediate action. we're just volunteers, don't file bug reports for you.11:16
B1ack0pwhere can i write a report?11:16
blackflowB1ack0p: well, this chan being powered by volunteers who donate their time, nobody's gonna file it for ya ;)11:16
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:17
B1ack0pthx tomreyn11:17
B1ack0preporting to launchpad11:17
tomreyngnome-shell is probably the package to report against11:17
nedRB1ack0p, thinkpad has microphone indicator? thats cool. I hate Lenovo a little less11:17
tomreynso you'd run:  ubuntu-bug gnome-shell11:18
B1ack0pnedR: yes there is mic. indicator on ubuntu11:19
B1ack0pi have ThinkPad x230 currently. i was happy with my old x201 which had all led indicators on the display lid..11:20
B1ack0poh for bug report i need to insall an app11:20
tomreynif you had ubuntu-desktop installed, it'd be installed already.11:21
tomreynor just ubuntu-minimal i think. are you sure you're running ubuntu?11:22
B1ack0ptomreyn: yes ofcourse11:22
B1ack0pubuntu 18.0411:23
B1ack0pthere is an app called ubuntu bug triage11:23
tomreynubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-server depend on apport which provides the ubuntu-bug command.11:23
B1ack0pinstalled but cannot see in app list11:24
tomreynrun it from a terminal11:24
B1ack0pok ran on terminal11:26
B1ack0popened launchpad web11:26
B1ack0pbut why cant i see ubuntu bug icon on app list?11:26
B1ack0pi installed via store11:26
B1ack0pit is snap app11:27
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: that ubuntu bug triage snap is something else11:27
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: please continue the way tomreyn suggested11:28
B1ack0pUnable to identify application11:30
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: wich packagename did you file to?11:32
B1ack0pok done11:37
B1ack0pi reported the bug11:37
B1ack0pbut i said it is suggestion more than a bug in explanation11:37
lotuspsychjedear lord..11:38
OerHeksb1[tab], if you look at the snap page, it is a command line util, https://snapcraft.io/ubuntu-bug-triage11:38
tomreynB1ack0p: did you file the bug, yet? do you need more help with it?11:49
=== glenn is now known as bad_idea_dude
B1ack0ptomreyn: thx i filed the bug11:54
B1ack0ptomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/powernap/+bug/182965111:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1829651 in powernap (Ubuntu) "Caps Lock indicator on screen" [Undecided,New]11:54
tomreynB1ack0p: hmm you filed this against an unrelated package, and not using ubuntu-bug11:55
tomreynshall we fix this?11:55
=== bad_idea_dude_ is now known as bad_idea_dude
OerHeksthere is a gnome extention though .. https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/36/lock-keys/11:58
tomreyn<tomreyn> me neither, i'm using the "lock keys" extension for gnome-shell11:58
B1ack0ptomreyn: ok12:01
B1ack0phow can we?12:01
tomreynB1ack0p: on the yellow line, where it says "powernap (Ubuntu)", click on the triangle left of it12:02
tomreynB1ack0p: where it says "Package: powername", change that to "Package: gnome-shell"12:02
tomreyn(keep Distribution: Ubuntu" unchanged)12:03
tomreynclick on "Save Changes"12:03
tomreyncan stay as it is12:03
B1ack0ptomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/182965112:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1829651 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Caps Lock indicator on screen" [Undecided,New]12:04
B1ack0pthx a lot12:04
B1ack0palso how can i install ubuntu-bug app properly?12:04
tomreynB1ack0p: now run this on your computer: apport-collect 182965112:04
tomreynB1ack0p: oh you haven't installed it yet? ok, you need to      sudo apt update && sudo apt install apport12:05
OerHeksB1ack0p, if you look at the snap page, it is a command line util, no icon in your menu  https://snapcraft.io/ubuntu-bug-triage12:05
tomreynthis snap package is for a diff3erent purpose, B1ack0p doesn't need it12:05
B1ack0ptomreyn: i did the command but it didnt do anything12:05
B1ack0pit says apport alreadt exist12:06
tomreynB1ack0p: it surely did print some output12:06
tomreynB1ack0p: so it's already installed, and you can just do   apport-collect 182965112:06
B1ack0papport is already the newest version (2.20.9-0ubuntu7.6).12:06
B1ack0pi did thank you tomreyn12:06
B1ack0pyes it collected bug and i reported12:06
tomreynok, i see your bug report was updated accordingly.12:06
B1ack0pdoesnt it exist in app list?12:06
tomreynnbot all softwares provides exectuables, and not all executables come with an application icon12:07
B1ack0pwhat is ubuntu-bug-triage ?12:07
tomreynhi Shamoel_12:07
tomreynB1ack0p: an application for people who handle bug reports, such as yours12:08
B1ack0ptomreyn: i installed via snap but it also didnt exist in app list12:08
tomreynB1ack0p: as OerHeks tried to explain previously, also snaps are not guaranteed to provide application icons on your desktop, they may just provide executables with a command line interface12:09
B1ack0pok thx12:10
Shamoel_so i wass wondering if i can change the battery percentage in ubuntu (mate) its now if its full 83% but its need to be 10012:10
Shamoel_does anyone now12:10
B1ack0ptomreyn: how can i follow if it is fixed or get updates about the bug?12:11
Shamoel_the battery is older so its nog 100 % anymore when its full12:11
B1ack0pin my launchpad account?12:11
OerHeksShamoel_, does the percentage change, when you disconnect the powersupply?12:11
OerHeksoke, then i guess your old battery will never goto 100%12:11
Shamoel_it still says 83% but it needs to be 10012:12
tomreynB1ack0p: for bugs you reported initially, you will automatically get updates to the e-mail address you registered with.12:12
Shamoel_yeah but like mac os change it to 10012:12
Shamoel_and linux not12:12
B1ack0pcan i make suggestions in same way?12:12
B1ack0pinstead of bug?12:12
B1ack0por is there any other platform to make suggestions?12:12
Shamoel_i now its just the vieuw but its more efficient12:13
tomreynB1ack0p: there is https://community.ubuntu.com/ for such12:13
OerHeksShamoel_, this command gives the true values >> upower -i `upower -e | grep 'BAT'`  >>>> https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-obtain-a-laptop-battery-information-and-charging-state-on-linux12:13
OerHeksso what apple says, is 1 thing..12:14
Shamoel_thex OerHeks12:14
Shamoel_are you dutch OerHeks ?12:14
tomreynB1ack0p: you can login there using your existing account12:14
OerHeksShamoel_, yes :-)12:14
Shamoel_me to12:14
B1ack0ptomreyn: i am there12:15
tomreynShamoel_: is this a mac then? if it's not: some mainboard firmware configurations (you can enter before boot) provide a utility for battery calibaration there. others provide a windows-only utility for this.12:16
B1ack0pi wish i could have @ubuntu.com email address :)12:16
B1ack0por something linux/ubuntu related12:16
B1ack0pi dont like gmail/outlook or such emails12:16
OerHeksB1ack0p, @ubuntu.com email adresses are given to ubuntu-members only, and are just a relay to gmail/outlook or such12:17
BluesKajprotonmail fot security, but hte layoutsucks12:17
Shamoel_its al macbook air tomreyn12:18
B1ack0pOerHeks: how can i be ubuntu member?12:18
tomreynShamoel_: i don't think we can help then.12:18
tomreynB1ack0p: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership12:19
B1ack0pi am using ubuntu for years but not an expert12:19
Shamoel_83% needs to be 100%12:19
B1ack0pi just applied to join into translation team12:19
B1ack0pi wish i could contribute more12:19
ubottuUbuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership12:20
dsuchHello, I am on Ubuntu 18.04 - for some reason I cannot find rabbitmq.conf anywhere in the system. Does someone perhaps know how this file is called in Ubuntu 18.04 or where it should be located / created? Thanks. https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#config-file12:21
=== sysgh0st is now known as SysGhost
tomreyndsuch: rabbitmq is a software whhc is not installed on ubuntu by default. did you install it, yet? if so, how?12:24
dsuchtomreyn: I honestly have no understanding of why you are asking this question.12:25
dsuchtomreyn: Are you a newcomer to Ubuntu or IRC?12:25
tomreyndsuch: not so much. you're asking where the main rabbitmq configuration file is located, but not explaining how you installed the software. so i need to ask, since this defines where the configuration file will be placed.12:28
dsuchtomreyn: You can assume that if I had not installed it via apt-get then I would not have asked in #ubuntu12:29
dsuchtomreyn: But if you do not know the answer, for instance, because you are not a regular user of RabbitMQ, then it is fine, it was just a quick question, do not feel compelled to act upon it really.12:30
tomreyndsuch: apt-get could install from any apt repositories you have configured oin your system, but it's not clear which ones are configured. since we only support ubuntu packages here, i'll assume you installed rabbitmq-server from ubuntu's apt repositories. dpkg -L <packagename> will tell you where packages place their files.12:30
=== mkv is now known as m4v
dsuchOk, in case anyone was wondering, the file does not get created by default, and one needs to add it to /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf manually.12:36
OerHekslikely it is /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config, check  /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf12:47
ChunkzZI'm trying to DD an img to my external usb3hdd.. every time I try with etcher, dd etc it says it's written it but when I open it with gparted or gnome disks, it says it's unallocated. it's like it's protected somehow??????????12:58
ChunkzZI've tried formatting with ext4 and ntfs and nothing is working :/12:59
ChunkzZanything I can do?12:59
ChunkzZit's a WD elements desktpp 3tb12:59
ChunkzZalso, when I do try and dd to it... I open gparted and it says it's got no partiton label?13:01
ChunkzZjust added it to msdos and formatted it to ext4 and it's saying there's 44gb in use?13:02
ChunkzZOerHeks, ^13:02
ChunkzZwhat am I doing wrong?13:02
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
andreyвсем прив)13:13
andreyнеобычненькое приложение13:15
andreyчто тут надо делать?13:15
leftyfb!ru | and13:16
ubottuand: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:16
leftyfb!ru | andrey13:16
ubottuandrey: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:16
fangevery body13:19
=== mojo is now known as Guest56472
tomreynChunkzZ: what's the image you're trying to put on it?13:23
ChunkzZtomreyn, an ".img" file.13:24
ChunkzZit's every .iso and .img I'm trying./13:24
tomreynChunkzZ: what's in there? a partition table with multiple partitions, or a single file system, or something else entirely?13:24
tomreynChunkzZ: then it will be difficult to advise you on how to write it properly.13:25
leftyfbChunkzZ: first, don't bother formatting anything you're writing an image to. It's pointless.13:25
leftyfbChunkzZ: loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /path/to/imagefile.img # then run gparted /dev/$loop13:26
ChunkzZleftyfb, what's that command again?13:29
ChunkzZI'm back on ubuntu.13:29
leftyfbChunkzZ: you should ask for help when you have the ability to run commands so people don't need to repeat themselves. Or configure your IRC client/bouncer to show you a bit of a buffer when reconnecting.13:30
leftyfbChunkzZ: loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /path/to/imagefile.img && gparted /dev/$loop13:31
leftyfbChunkzZ: or, instead of gparted, you can try running lsblk or fdisk13:32
ChunkzZ> /dev/$loop to /dev/sda?13:33
McParenhello, the kernel update 4.4.0-145 to 4.4.0-148 broke ubuntu 16.04 on my thinkpad, what can I do to solve this problem?13:33
ChunkzZleftyfb, ^13:33
tomreynMcParen: broke, how?13:33
ChunkzZ'cause it's not no directory13:34
leftyfbChunkzZ: did I type sda anywhere?13:34
ChunkzZleftyfb, it's saying no directory then13:34
McParentomreyn: it starts booting but hangs.13:34
tomreynMcParen: where?13:34
ChunkzZleftyfb, Could not stat device /dev//dev/loop3 - No such file or directory13:34
McParentomreyn: I dont know, before anything is dispÃlayed.13:34
leftyfbChunkzZ: oops, my bad. Try gparted $loop13:35
tomreynMcParen: okay. do you know how to access the grub menu?13:35
tomreyn!recovery | McParen13:35
ubottuMcParen: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode13:35
ChunkzZleftyfb, loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /mnt/1D034128449B2E94/Backup/OS/Rock64/bionic-lxde-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img && gparted $loop ?13:36
McParentomreyn: after i had to cold reset the notebook, i can select previous versions, which works13:36
ChunkzZlet me try13:37
tomreynMcParen: so you're now booted into a previous kernel version and can work there?13:37
=== pauljw_ubuntu_18 is now known as pauljw
McParenyes, i went one step back from 4.4.0-148 (which hangs during boot) to the previous 4.4.0-145, which works normally.13:37
tomreynMcParen: okay. can you have a look at the /var/log/syslog.1 file? it should show what was logged during your 4.4.0-148 boot - if anything.13:38
tomreynMcParen: it could also be in a different file matching the /var/log/syslog* pattern. you can use this command to see whether anything was logged for the 'broken' kernel: sudo grep -zF 'Linux version 4.4.0-148' /var/log/syslog*13:40
McParentomreyn: ok, give me a moment to try that.13:41
tomreynMcParen: if you would like to share any output with us, you can use the pastebinit command:13:41
tomreyn!pastebinit | McParen13:41
ubottuMcParen: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit13:41
leftyfbtomreyn: syslog likely won't show the previous boot13:41
leftyfbMcParen: sudo apt install linux-image-extra-4.15.0-148-generic linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-148-generic13:42
tomreynleftyfb: probably not, but if it did, that sbe good to see.13:42
odroid_updating cache is taking so long13:42
leftyfbodroid_: you're going to need to be more specific than that13:42
odroid_i am new to linux and trying to update the system13:43
leftyfbMcParen: one of those packages it might not find. I think it's called linux-modules-extra now. Can't hurt to try both13:43
leftyfbodroid_: what version of ubuntu are you running13:43
leftyfbodroid_: what version? Let me guess, you're running the Arm version on your Odroid hardware?13:44
McParentomreyn: it doesnt seem to have logged anything from the 4.4.0-148 version, only the 145 which booted successfully.13:45
leftyfbMcParen: please see my suggestion above13:46
tomreynMcParen: okay, thanks for checking.  please post the output of:  dpkg -l linux-image\* 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:46
tomreynleftyfb: i like to understand why things are not working as they should be instead of just trying to make something work.13:47
leftyfbtomreyn: it's a quick and easy thing to try and will tell you what the issue was if/when it solves the issue13:47
tomreynleftyfb: i don't see how it will tell that.13:48
leftyfbtomreyn: I had this issue on my 16.04 server. I had to install linux-image-extra for each new kernel I installed or it wouldn't load the storage device. Then I  learned they updated the package name to linux-modules-extra. Ever since installing that for the latest kernel, it now pulls it down for all newer kernels13:49
tomreynleftyfb: did you file a bug report on this?13:50
McParentomreyn: this is the output of dpkg: https://termbin.com/zfip13:51
leftyfbtomreyn: nope. I have bad experiences with filing bugs.13:51
tomreynMcParen: thanks, please give me a minute13:51
McParenleftyfb: I would try installing other kernel packages if no other solution emerges.13:52
leftyfbMcParen: also, not really related to your issue, but I would recommend installing the hwe kernel.13:54
tomreynMcParen: sorry, my command wasn't ideal, can you do this instead:  dpkg -l linux-\* 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999913:54
McParentomreyn: https://termbin.com/cyvr13:55
tomreynthanks, looking13:56
ChunkzZleftyfb, Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anywa13:56
tomreynMcParen: hmm this didn't hint on what the issue may be, yet. can you post this as well, please:   lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 999913:57
leftyfbMcParen: did you install linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-148-generic or was it already installed?13:57
ChunkzZleftyfb, ?13:58
McParenleftyfb: i did not install any kernel related packages explicitely, if it is there, then it was installed by the update routines.13:58
leftyfbMcParen: ok, just checking13:58
tomreynMcParen: the package leftyfb inquired about is not installed on your system (and doesn't need to be unless you intend to install the !HWE kernel)13:59
McParentomreyn: this is the lspci output: https://termbin.com/g9zq14:00
leftyfbChunkzZ: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /mnt/1D034128449B2E94/Backup/OS/Rock64/bionic-lxde-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img &&;lsblk ; sudo fdisk -l $loop;)14:00
ChunkzZleftyfb, bash: command substitution: line 9: syntax error near unexpected token `;'14:00
leftyfbChunkzZ: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /mnt/1D034128449B2E94/Backup/OS/Rock64/bionic-lxde-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img && lsblk ; sudo fdisk -l $loop;)14:01
leftyfbtomreyn: ii  linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-148-generic  4.4.0-148.174        amd64        Linux kernel extra modules for version 4.4.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP14:01
leftyfbtomreyn: that shows as installed, does it not?14:01
ChunkzZleftyfb, um what?14:02
McErroneousHi, how to choose "Desktop Environment" from cli ? (like xwmconfig in Slackware, to choose between installed DE)14:02
leftyfbChunkzZ: please run the last command I gave you14:02
leftyfbChunkzZ: and paste the termbin url here14:02
ChunkzZleftyfb, https://termbin.com/wgxx14:02
tomreynleftyfb: 4.4.0-148.174 != 4.15.0-14814:03
leftyfboh right14:04
leftyfbmy bad14:04
ChunkzZleftyfb, ?14:04
tomreynMcParen: okay, you have intel graphics. i'll check for a bug report on this quickly14:04
leftyfbChunkzZ: ok, so it looks like that image has 1 single 3G partition in it.14:04
leftyfbChunkzZ: sudo losetup -d # this will remove the loops device we just created for your image14:05
ChunkzZso what to do?14:05
leftyfbChunkzZ: ok, when you are flashing this image, are you first making sure your destination is unmounted?14:05
leftyfbChunkzZ: can you paste here the exact dd command you are running14:06
ChunkzZI'm using etcher leftyfb14:06
ChunkzZshould I try dd?14:06
tomreynMcParen: so i can't find an existing bug report on this - would you mind filing one?  ubuntu-bug linux14:07
leftyfbChunkzZ: "2019 May 19 09:01:06 <ChunkzZ>also, when I do try and dd to it... I open gparted and it says it's got no partiton label?"14:07
ChunkzZI have tried everything14:07
leftyfbChunkzZ: please paste the exact dd command you used here14:07
tomreynMcParen: whether or not you'll file the bug report, you have then two approaches you can take for a workaround: one is to install the 4.4.0 kernel package (a newer one than the one which breaks for you) from !proposed, the other is to install the newer !HWE kernel version.14:08
tomreyn!proposed | McParen14:08
ubottuMcParen: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:08
tomreyn!hwe | McParen14:09
ubottuMcParen: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:09
McParentomreyn: how and where exactly would i file that bug?14:09
ChunkzZleftyfb, dd bs=8M if=/mnt/1D034128449B2E94/Backup/OS/Rock64/bionic-lxde-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img of=/dev/sdd && sync14:09
leftyfbChunkzZ: are you using sudo?14:09
ChunkzZrunning as root14:10
ChunkzZI see in gnome disks that there's now loop devies?14:10
tomreynMcParen: if you run, on your computer, in a temrinal window, this command, then it will file a bug:  ubuntu-bug linux14:10
tomreynMcParen: you will be guided through creating an ubuntu sso account as part of the process (doesn't take long, ensures you'll get updates on the bug report).14:11
McParentomreyn: okay, I'll do that then. if i install anything from proposed and the hwe package, will this be supported by the usual ubuntu updates?14:11
ChunkzZso what to do leftyfb ?14:12
compdocChunkzZ, those are from snaps14:13
ChunkzZcompdoc, what?14:13
tomreynMcParen: -proposed is a way to test packages before they are properly released. i would not recommend you keep this enabled generally. so if you'll go this way, you should disable this repository abfter installing the updated kernel package. and you'll keep receiving updates normally.14:13
leftyfbChunkzZ: are there multiple loop devices or just loop4?14:13
compdocsnaps is a way to install and run a program, and it creates loopback devices14:13
leftyfbChunkzZ: ok, are you sure those weren't there before? Those should have always been there14:14
tomreynMcParen: HWE kernels will continue to be supported until the end of the ubuntu 16.04 support life, just like the 4.4 'GA' kernels you run now. which is in april 202114:14
ChunkzZI just ran the command again leftyfb loop=$(sudo losetup -f) ; echo $loop; sudo losetup -P $loop /mnt/1D034128449B2E94/Backup/OS/Rock64/bionic-lxde-rock64-0.7.9-1067-arm64.img && gparted $loop and Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.14:14
ChunkzZoops, pasted twice.14:15
tomreynMcParen: i'll be gone for a few minutes, will respond to your questions when i return14:15
leftyfbChunkzZ: why would you run the command again? That was just for gaining information14:15
McParentomreyn: okay.14:15
ChunkzZleftyfb, idk, I want to fix it.14:15
leftyfbChunkzZ: sudo losetup -d  # maybe run this twice14:15
ChunkzZdo I format with gparted?14:15
leftyfbChunkzZ: please don't just keep pasting commands assuming it's going to fix things when you don't know what they do. Unless someone here is trying to help you and is telling you to do so14:16
leftyfbChunkzZ: what did I tell you about formatting earlier?14:16
ChunkzZyeah well it's not working leftyfb14:16
ChunkzZUnit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.14:17
leftyfbChunkzZ: partitioning/formatting your destination device when you are writing a disk image to it is a complete waste of time14:17
ChunkzZ^ Unit -.mount does not exist, proceeding anyway.14:17
leftyfbplease stop posting that14:17
ChunkzZwhy does it say it then?14:18
leftyfbChunkzZ: it's a known bug with gparted. Ignore it14:18
leftyfbChunkzZ: run your dd command again. Note how long it takes to write the 3G image.14:18
leftyfbChunkzZ: did you create the disk image or did you download it?14:19
ChunkzZdownloaded it14:19
leftyfbChunkzZ: why are you trying to write this image to a hard drive?14:20
ChunkzZdoes it matter?14:20
leftyfbChunkzZ: if it didn't I wouldn't have asked14:20
ChunkzZI'm trying to get the hdd working. lol14:20
leftyfbChunkzZ: trying to get the hdd working?14:20
ChunkzZyes, to boot from it. sigh.14:20
leftyfbChunkzZ: ok, and will you be booting this hard drive from an ARM system?14:21
sappheirosis it safe to install falkon 3.1 when muon package manager only has falkon 3.0.1?14:21
ChunkzZleftyfb, ....14:21
sappheiroshttps://www.falkon.org/2019/03/19/falkon-310-released/ shows a tar.xz file. is it the same as tar.gz ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/25961/how-do-i-install-a-tar-gz-or-tar-bz2-file14:21
leftyfbChunkzZ: that disk image is for an ARM processor. Not x86. You will not be booting that image from an x86 PC14:21
* sappheiros checks https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/what-is-the-difference-between-a-tar-gz-and-a-tar-xz-file-4175429959/14:22
leftyfbsappheiros: sudo snap install falkon14:22
leftyfbsappheiros: that will get you 3.114:22
sappheirosisn't there controversy about using snap?14:22
ChunkzZand your point is leftyfb ?14:23
leftyfbChunkzZ: will you be booting that hard drive from an ARM system or x86?14:23
ChunkzZso you can tell me you can't support me14:23
=== rich is now known as Guest1148
sappheirosshould i uninstall falkon from muon before doing snap, leftyfb?14:23
ChunkzZlol other hdd's work fine, it's just this bitch of a hdd.14:23
leftyfbsappheiros: sure14:23
sere_is there a way to search for a specific file on a drive lets say poop.txt and delete all of them.14:24
sappheirosleftyfb: will it erase all my saved passwords?14:24
leftyfbChunkzZ: ok, good luck14:24
=== Guest1148 is now known as rich__
leftyfbsappheiros: to be honest, I'm not sure if the snap will carry over the user setting from the apt package. It might, but I'm not sure. Either way, removing the package or installing the snap should not delete any of your user settings14:25
sappheirosi just found a way to export passwords as XML in falkon14:26
ChunkzZleftyfb, wtf you mean good luck?!14:28
ChunkzZUbuntu 18 x64 won't write to hdd the hdd. there's a problem. where? idk. but it's like it's write protected. I've tried other hdd's and they're fine.14:28
leftyfbChunkzZ: I cannot and will not help you if you refuse to answer questions14:28
tomreynMcParen: i see no more questions - did you choose a way to go?14:29
ChunkzZleftyfb, ^ and yes, will be using an arm system.14:29
leftyfbChunkzZ: if that is the case, then there's no amount of writing disk images that is going to help you. You have a hardware problem. Not ubuntu. Please try #hardware14:29
ChunkzZknew it.14:29
leftyfb!op | ChunkzZ14:30
ubottuChunkzZ: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax14:30
leftyfbChunkzZ: you are welcome to /part now14:31
sappheirosleftyfb: fyi - error: snap "falkon" is not available on stable for this architecture (i386) but exists on other14:31
sappheiros       architectures (amd64).14:31
McParentomreyn: i'm filing the bug report right now. what would you recommend to do? I'd rather like to uninstall 4.4.0-148 and just keep using 145 which works, and then try again a few months later.14:32
McParentomreyn: is there a way to uninstall the latest kernel and set 145 to be the default boot option?14:32
leftyfbsappheiros: ok, then it's not available for i386. I'm going to guess that might be the case for any other package.14:32
Mech0zWhen I use XRDP where is it I am supposed to wifi networks, before I updated to 18.04 I used to have a network symbol in the topright corner14:32
tomreynMcParen: you could do this, but doing so will make your system lack important security fixes.14:33
Mech0zI am connecting from Windows with remote desktop and putty14:33
leftyfbMcParen: I would recommend trying the hwe kernel14:33
tomreynMcParen: the default kernel is always the one with the highest version number (but you can override this if needed). i also think you should try either the HWE kernel (probably X, too, as the wiki explains) or the 'proposed' kernel.14:34
McParenleftyfb: how likely is that the hew kernel will break some other things? this is my main machine and i do not want to brick it completely.14:34
sappheirosit says at https://www.falkon.org/download/ to use the distro's repositories ...14:35
leftyfbChunkzZ: so because you don't like the answer you were given and refuse to believe the fact that you, yourself proved and stated, after I helped you for the past 1.5 hours and in the past, that makes me an .... ? You are welcome to leave if you are just going to be disrespectful to the people who try to help you14:35
leftyfbMcParen: unlikely. But it's also trivial to boot the kernel that still works. Just like you already have14:36
sappheirosbut elsewhere falkon says there's a newer release on tar.xz14:36
sappheirosshould i not try to install this tar.xz instead of using muon?14:36
sappheirosis it not easy to do?14:36
ChunkzZleftyfb, you're not helping me though.. I've already tried ##hardware14:36
leftyfbsappheiros: you'll have to seek support from the falkon project. There is no supported 3.1 package for i386 for you14:36
ioriaMcParen, it should not break anything, but what's the problem with  ?14:36
McParenioria: on my thinkpad L460 148 hangs during boot, before x is started.14:37
sappheirosleftyfb: how do you know http://download.kde.org/stable/falkon/3.1/falkon-3.1.0.tar.xz is 64-bit only?14:37
sappheirosthere is a 32-bit windows version ...14:37
sappheirosChunkzZ: why are you saying things like 'lmao'?14:37
leftyfbChunkzZ: I've spent the last 1.5 hours helping you and came to the conclusion that is is a hardware issue, not software/ubuntu. The same conclusion you already knew and were refusing to telling anyone for fear they would tell you to seek support from the appropriate channels as opposed to wasting our time and yours here14:37
leftyfbsappheiros: I don't. But I do not know it's not supported here14:38
sappheirosleftyfb: because muon shows 3.0.1 as the latest?14:38
ioriaMcParen, can you boot in text mode  ? (from the grub screen, replacing quite splash with  text)14:38
leftyfbsappheiros: because can only support packages available in the Ubuntu repos14:38
tomreynMcParen: by the way, if i was to guess why your system fails to boot with the new kernel image but not the old one, i'd bet on a mainboard firmware bug, combined with the changes introduced in the -148 security patch, which is discussed here: https://usn.ubuntu.com/3982-1/14:38
sappheirosis it possible to break the system -- and have to, for example, reinstall the OS and lose my data -- if i try to install a tar.xz instead of what's in the muon package manager?14:39
tomreynMcParen: so my recomendation is to upgrade your mainboard firmware first, which may already make kernel -148 work.14:39
sappheirosi mean, assuming i follow what's stated as solution on askubuntu.com14:40
ChunkzZleftyfb: what did you say!?14:40
sappheiros... seems so: https://askubuntu.com/questions/25961/how-do-i-install-a-tar-gz-or-tar-bz2-file#comment855548_25961 -- so the official position is not to try to install tar files manually if stability is a priority?14:41
ChunkzZRunning to ops because I said something that everyone has. Hahaha.14:41
McParentomreyn: as I said, this is my main machine, so i do not want to break even more things by playing around with firmware updates.14:41
tomreynMcParen: i understand. in this case, the HWE kernel is worth a try. you can uninstall any kernel packages by version number, e.g.: sudo apt purge '.*-4\.4\.0-148.*'14:44
McParentomreyn: thats what i'll do. thanks very much for your time.14:45
ioriaMcParen, can you boot in text mode  ?    i mean, in this way, you can check where exactly the process hangs14:46
sappheiroshow do we get packages into the muon package manager?14:46
McParenioria: i havent tried yet.14:46
tomreynMcParen: here's how you can change / override which kernel grub (the boot loader) will load by default (this way you don't need to uninstall any packages, nor make sure you keep newer kernels off your system):  https://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry14:46
ioriaMcParen, it's not dangerous, i can grant you14:47
* tomreyn bbl14:48
McParenioria: i'm using the affected machine right now, so i have to try that later.14:49
sappheirosleftyfb: i uninstalled falkon via muon, and now the icon is showing in menu and quicklaunch taskbar as a gear instead of the falcon :(14:50
sappheirosany ideas? >_>14:50
sappheiros*sorry -- i meant i reinstalled it14:51
Mech0zIs there a way to get the GUI I see when I connect a monitor when I do remote desktop using XRPD14:51
sappheirosi mean i uninstalled it, then after reinstalling it (from muon -- didn't try tar.xz file) now made this problem ... ...14:51
Mech0zso I get the "real" 18.04 gui14:51
leftyfbMech0z: I would suggest x11vnc(ubuntu) with a vnc client on Windows or something like teamviewer.14:52
leftyfbsappheiros: log out and back in? I'm not familiar with falkon or muon.14:52
Mech0zleftyfb: thanks that works 10x better than the remote desktop14:57
b1ack0pjust banned from #windows because i use "u" instead of "you" :o15:03
sappheirossorry to hear that b1ack0p15:03
b1ack0preally weird guys15:03
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ChunkzZleftyfb, I found my problem.15:08
ChunkzZFound a PMBR partition table in /dev/sdb15:08
ChunkzZsorry, btw. I haven't been to sleep yet trying to get it working...15:09
ChunkzZleftyfb, ^15:09
McParentomreyn: when i start 4.4.0-148 in recovery mode, as suggested, this is the position where the system hangs: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/424436382/IMG_20190519_165849066.jpg15:10
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sappheirosleftyfb: restarting restored the falcon icon to the falkon menu & quicklaunch areas. thanks15:16
* sappheiros reads https://www.linux-apps.com/content/show.php/?content=13750715:17
sappheiroshow do i help update 3.0.1 to 3.1.0 in muon package manager?15:18
* sappheiros reads https://manual.lubuntu.me/4/4.2/muon.html15:18
sappheirosi mean, for falkon app15:18
Mech0zleftyfb: hmm after a disconnect VNC is now super laggy, remote desktop works better, is there performance settings somewhere?15:28
leftyfbsappheiros: please stop asking. 3.1 of falkon is not support in ubuntu for i386. Seek support from the Falkon project15:34
leftyfbsappheiros: i386 is being dropped for support for almost every aspect of technology. I do not think you're going to get anyone to package it up for you.15:35
sappheirosleftyfb: no, my question now was about getting involved with ubuntu's muon and package updating in general15:38
sappheirosbut thank you for clarifying that i386 support is a waste of time15:39
amosbirdare there any laptops that have such layout? https://la.wentropy.com/0CcM.png15:42
mario_come funziona qua?15:47
ikanobori!it | mario_15:47
ubottumario_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:47
mario_grazie mille ok15:48
b1ack0psuper mario_ ?15:48
mario_only english pls15:48
b1ack0pi installed virtual box but it is not latest release. what s the ppa to add to get the latest update?15:53
tomreynb1ack0p: virtualbox.org provides an apt repository you can use. neither 3rd party repositories nor PPA's are supported here.15:55
b1ack0pi will check thx tomreyn15:56
Filippo_FKsalve, posso???15:59
liusgi use first time16:15
liusgwhat you?16:16
liusgsee you16:17
cfhowlettask you ubuntu question liusg16:19
liusgwe arm chat16:19
liusgmy english is pool16:20
BluesKajliusg, rpi ?16:20
cfhowlettwhat is your first language, liusg16:20
cfhowlett!cn | liusg/16:21
ubottuliusg/: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw16:21
cfhowlett!kylin | liusg16:22
ubottuliusg: Ubuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is an official part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntukylin.com/16:22
boredguynice. do u have one in hindi?16:22
liusgok thank you16:22
BluesKajdon't think that will help if he's using a rpi arm device16:22
cfhowlett... I tried ...16:23
liusgi study ing16:24
BluesKajcfhowlett, yeah there's not much else you could do ;-)16:25
cfhowlettBluesKaj/ how did you detect the RPI?16:25
BluesKaji have one, seldom use it, but it was a backup just in case16:26
hellopeppermint OS has been awesome16:27
cfhowletthello/ good to know, but completely offtopic here16:28
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naptasticNot sure where to ask. How can I configure my system to use *EVERYTHING* the DHCP server sends back? IP address, subnet mask, resolvers, search domain, hostname, NIS domain, routes, etc?17:00
leftyfbnaptastic: turn the system on?17:01
leftyfbnaptastic: by default, ubuntu should use everything provided by DHCP(besides hostname)17:01
naptasticleftyfb, a default Ubuntu system ignores resolvers*, search domain, hostname, and NIS domain.17:02
leftyfbnaptastic: a default Ubuntu does not ignore resolvers17:02
leftyfbnor search17:02
naptastic(* it uses some weird proxy thing running on localhost. I didn't ask for that.)17:02
leftyfbnaptastic: which points to the resolvers assigned by DHCP17:03
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leftyfbnaptastic: nmcli device show $1 | grep DNS17:03
leftyfbnaptastic: https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/systemd-resolved.html17:04
leftyfbnaptastic: some more useful reading: https://linuxhint.com/flush_dns_cache_ubuntu/17:06
naptasticok, but I already have a caching nameserver with split-horizon DNS. I'm not sure why, but the local proxy is definitely not getting the right view. If I manually set it to my internal resolvers, I get the results I expect.17:07
naptasticBut I shouldn't have to do that. It should just take whatever DNS gives it, or offer that option.17:08
naptasticthe systemd attitude of "we know better than the local admin" is really getting on my nerves.17:09
leftyfbnaptastic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/network-manager/+bug/162431717:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624317 in network-manager (Ubuntu Zesty) "systemd-resolved breaks VPN with split-horizon DNS" [High,Confirmed]17:12
tdsnaptastic: what actual issue are you having with resolved? could you pastebin `systemd-resolve --status`?17:13
naptastictds, I have a split-horizon DNS setup so my internal hosts can find each other by DNS, but internal hostnames aren't exposed externally.17:15
naptasticAt some point between 16.04 and 18.04 (I know that's not very helpful) that stopped working.17:17
naptasticAnd now this VM won't boot and I can't tell why.17:17
* naptastic is really batting 1.000 today17:18
b1ack0pi m having this problem after i added virtualbox repository : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fhB82Tb394/17:27
b1ack0pwhat can i do?17:27
b1ack0pi was following these instructions : https://tecadmin.net/install-virtualbox-on-ubuntu-18-04/17:27
b1ack0pi did this : echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian $(lsb_release -sc) contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list17:30
blackflowb1ack0p: you forgot -a for tee and now you overwrote it17:32
b1ack0pwhat can i do?17:32
_KaszpiR_b1ack0p also please give us result of command 'uname -a'17:33
blackflowb1ack0p: and also, if you want to add repos manually like that, add them as their own file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/17:34
b1ack0pi dont know how to do that17:35
b1ack0pi am just following in web search17:35
blackflowbtw, the instructions you were "following" don't mention that echo and tee17:35
blackflowb1ack0p: do you really need the latest VirtualBox? Something you need that the regularly packaged version doesn't have?17:36
blackflow!info virtualbox17:36
ubottuvirtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 5.2.18-dfsg-2~ubuntu18.04.5 (bionic), package size 16652 kB, installed size 77065 kB17:36
b1ack0pblackflow: it is not a need. i just like to have updated apps with repositories17:41
blackflowb1ack0p: well I'd suggest, if you really didn't need a specific version, stay with packaged applications17:43
blackflowinstalling software outside of the package manager is a quick way to break your entire system if you don't know what you're doing.17:43
b1ack0pok but now how can i get rid of those warnings?17:44
blackflowb1ack0p: the first link I posted to you will restore the default sources.list. then, use the apt-add-repository as the link YOU posted actually suggests.17:45
blackflowalso know that third party repos are not really supported here in #ubuntu, so you'd be on your own with that.17:45
b1ack0pok seems now everything normal17:46
b1ack0pit doesnt give warnings after i make sudo apt update17:46
blackflowb1ack0p: did you restore the default sources.list?17:47
b1ack0pi am not sure17:47
blackflowb1ack0p: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ?17:47
b1ack0pblackflow: only this in there : deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic main universe restricted17:48
blackflowb1ack0p: so you're missing the update and security repos. run the "Software & updates app again and select bionic-security and bionic-updates from the Updates tab17:49
b1ack0pblackflow: how is it now? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W7xFspBCdR/17:52
b1ack0pwhy cant i get actual resolution of display on vbox i dont know..17:55
b1ack0pit is 1024x76817:55
CaterpillarWhat is the path of systemd unit files? I am helping a person but I use another distro17:56
tomreynCaterpillar: see systemd.unit(5)17:58
Caterpillartomreyn: I just said that I am using another distro17:59
tomreynCaterpillar: i assumed you were sitting next to one another.17:59
ioriaCaterpillar, on ubuntu , default for repo pkgs is /lib/systemd/system; overrides in /etc/systemd/system18:00
tomreynubuntu man pages are available online at http://manpages.ubuntu.com18:00
b1ack0pok resolution fixed18:00
JonelethIrenicusanyway to get webp support?18:01
blackflowb1ack0p: that sources.list looks good. as for the resolu.... yeah... you installed the guest additions in the VM?18:01
tomreynb1ack0p: you don't seem to care very much about it, but your apt sources aren't restored to defauls, yet18:01
blackflowtomreyn: oh?18:02
b1ack0ptomreyn: really i am confused :/18:02
tomreynb1ack0p: sorry, i got it wrong, soince restricted is listed first, i guess it's fine.18:03
tomreynyou might want multiverse, not sure18:04
blackflowtomreyn: I doubt the order of components is important18:04
tomreynblackflow: it's not, i just read it wrong as a result18:05
gambl0rewhat is kwin_x11? is it normal for it to consume 12-24% cpu usage?18:06
blackflowyeah I wasn't going into which components were enabled, as long as main and at least universe is there, although yes, restricted without multiverse is a bit weird.18:06
tomreynb1ack0p: so, normally you don't want to touch /etc/apt/sources.list - just leave it as it is, and create files like /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list instead, or better user apt-add-repository (--remove) ...18:06
blackflow(my point primarily was that bionic-updates and bionic-security were missing after the file was overwritten by botched tee)18:07
blackflowand definitely, as mentioned before, don't touch sources.list, add separate files or yeah, apt-add-repository.   the latter is even in the tutorial that was supposedly being "followed"18:07
b1ack0ptomreyn: blackflow: thx. i didnt know what i was doing while doing that :/18:13
tomreynb1ack0p: always think twice before you sudo, especially when (not) following guides not from *.ubuntu.com (or not for your ubuntu release)18:19
tomreynand if you're unsure, just ask here, that's fine.18:24
b1ack0pi always ask thx for your helps18:25
b1ack0punlike #windows u guys help me a lot :)18:25
b1ack0pi got kicked today from #windows by a crazy op lol18:26
jeremy31u did?18:41
andreiHi people18:42
=== andrei is now known as Sir_Andrei
Sir_AndreiI have a problem on an Acer E-31518:42
Sir_AndreiWell, I've installed Lubuntu 18.04.2 without any apparent problem (GPT partition, UEFI mode).18:43
Sir_AndreiBut... well, the PC doesn't seem to realize it have an OS installed... you know.18:43
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TJ-Sir_Andrei: there's a common issue with some Acer models; You need to enter the firmware setup at power-on, find the 'Security' page, enable Secure Boot, and then on the same page there should be a "Trust" option that launches a file browser. With that you need to 'trust' the /EFI/ubuntu/ shimx64.efi and  grubx64.efi - after marking them trusted, you can disable Secure Boot if you wish.18:46
Sir_Andr1iOk, I am on the boot menu.18:48
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Sir_AndreiRead, I had a little conn problem. Can u repeat the filenames please. @TJ.18:49
TJ-Sir_Andrei: several UEFI setups have this, here's a photo of one such. You can see the "Select and UEFI file as trusted for executing" in the lower part. http://iam.tj/projects/misc/UEFI-InsydeH20-Trust-Bootloader-File.jpg18:50
TJ-Sir_Andrei: /EFI/ubuntu/ shimx64.efi and grubx64.efi18:50
Sir_AndreiFine, I got the file on the corresponding menu.18:52
Sir_AndreiNow it's asking for a "Boot Description".18:52
Sir_AndreiTJ ^18:53
TJ-Sir_Andrei: you'd have to check with your PC's manuals for that, presumably it just wants some descriptive text? Maybe "Ubuntu" is sufficient18:53
rud0lfi'm replacing CPU in my laptop with faster one, same specs except GHz's on it and VT-x capability.. will i need to do something in ubuntu to reflect it?18:55
Sir_AndreiTJ, thx, I reached the point where I can boot the system, That's nice :D18:55
rud0lfi mean, like these microcode upgrades performed some time ago (automatically)18:55
TJ-rud0lf: the firmware may not support enabling the VT-x functionality18:56
TJ-Sir_Andrei: I'm glad it was that simple!18:56
TJ-rud0lf: then again, it may :)18:56
TJ-rud0lf: but do keep that in mind18:56
rud0lfquit playing games with my heart ;)18:56
Sir_AndreiYou deserve a f*cking beer TJ.18:56
rud0lfTJ-: i mean, will i need to apt-get something18:56
TJ-rud0lf: no18:56
rud0lfah thanks18:57
TJ-rud0lf: the PC's own firmware/setup options may not include one to enable VT-x, even if the CPU has it. Is it an Intel or AMD CPU?18:57
OerHeksmake sure your laptop mobo supports a fresh cpu ..18:58
rud0lfi can take no vt-x support, i'm more after 1.8 -> 2.5GHz and 1MB -> 6MB cache18:58
rud0lfOerHeks: i did read lot of forums and tech specs18:58
TJ-rud0lf: right, Intel CPUs do have this requirement to enable such functionality, so might also be worth checking with your PC maker to ensure the PC has the latest firmware18:58
OerHeksgood luck18:58
rud0lfthank you :)18:58
b1ack0pon Thunderbird mail when i right click on junk mail to empty, it doesnt empty19:14
b1ack0pi can delete one by one but it doesnt empty junk mail folder19:14
b1ack0pit seems a bug19:14
b1ack0phow can i fix that problem?19:14
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OerHeksb1ack0p, spam folder is recycled any 24 hrs, iirc19:17
ioriab1ack0p, honestly, i don't use TB, but probably it's by design; i mean you cannot empty it in one shot 'cause not all the junk mails are 'junkie'19:18
OerHeksonce per 24 hrs it syncs with your provider email, something like that19:19
b1ack0pioria: it was emptying19:19
b1ack0pi checked all of them and i want them empty19:20
b1ack0pso why did they put empty function on right click?19:20
mousesb1ack0p: ask the people who wrote that software19:21
ioriab1ack0p, ctrl+a to select all, then shift+delete to nuke it.19:21
b1ack0pit is default in ubuntu19:21
b1ack0pioria: ok but it should empty with right click also :/19:22
OerHeksthe function also deletes junk/spam on your provider email, if you delete it in thunderbird only, the spam will remain19:22
OerHeksdump it in spam, and forget19:23
b1ack0pOerHeks: it was working before. i guess it s a bug19:23
b1ack0palso in other mail apps it works19:23
OerHeksmaybe you can put stricter rules in settings?19:23
b1ack0pu could be able to empty by right click as deleted mails folder19:24
OerHeksi don't care actually, about spam removal, it happens automaticly19:24
b1ack0pmanual or automatic it should be optional19:24
ioriab1ack0p, "Thunderbird's designers were aware that no Junk detection system is 100% foolproof, so didn't think an automatic delete would be useful or acceptable to most users. "19:24
pauljwi just went and used right click on my TB junk folder and it deleted all the mail in it.19:25
ioriab1ack0p, what version of TB ?19:27
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b1ack0pioria: where can i find out the version?19:51
ioriab1ack0p, apt-cache policy thunderbird19:51
OerHeksthunderbird > help ?19:52
b1ack0pInstalled: 1:60.6.1+build2-0ubuntu0.18.04.119:52
b1ack0p60.6.1 (64-bit)19:52
ioriapauljw, what's your version, please ?19:53
b1ack0ppauljw: weird19:54
b1ack0pwhich ubuntu do u have?19:54
b1ack0pi have 18.04.219:54
pauljwsame, but i'm on 16.0419:54
b1ack0pthat s why it was working in old versions. i guess with recent updates something is broken on TB19:54
b1ack0pi mean some months ago it was working but not now19:54
b1ack0pshould i report as a bug? :p19:55
OerHeksjust check your settings, one can delete spam immediatly19:55
OerHeksoh, the smiley question19:55
pauljwmy version of TB is the same.19:55
* OerHeks is out19:55
b1ack0pOerHeks: i never play with settings..19:55
b1ack0pbesides there s no such setting..19:57
leftyfbb1ack0p: I can right-click on my spam folder in TB and select "empty Junk" and it empties19:59
b1ack0pso what s wrong with my TB? :/20:00
leftyfbb1ack0p: I just tried with a google apps account and regular IMAP account. Both work20:01
pauljwi just configured it in this 18.04 vm and was able to delete the junk mail here too.20:02
b1ack0pleftyfb: i have outlook account20:02
leftyfbb1ack0p: outlook is a mail client. Not a protocol20:02
leftyfbb1ack0p: regardless, I have accounts on both outlook.com and office365. Both of those were able to empty the junk folder a well20:04
b1ack0pleftyfb: what could be wrong with my TB?20:07
leftyfbb1ack0p: maybe try wiping (moving) your ~/.thunderbird and setting up the account from scratch and see if that resolves it?20:07
Guest68726hello i just recently dual booted ubuntu and windows and my sound is gone (tried all the different things with alsa and pulse audio purging and reinstalling, restarting pulse audio etc) no avail works in windows 10 though20:08
Guest68726so think its some kind of drive issue but not sure what to do from here20:09
b1ack0pmaybe i try deleting my account and re-setting ?20:09
TJ-Guest68726: did you warm reboot from Windows into Ubuntu?20:10
leftyfbb1ack0p: I would do all of the settings. If you're only going to do the account, there's no difference in deleting it and recreating it than if you just created a 2nd account using the same info and set a different name20:10
Guest68726TJ: hm no should I?20:11
Guest68726what would that do (sorry if noob question)20:11
TJ-Guest68726: there are issues where the hardware doesn't get correctly reset and a cold boot (power off/power on) will solve it. There are other possibilities such as ACPI which we can investigate if that isn't the solution20:14
b1ack0pleftyfb: finally20:16
b1ack0pnow it empties junk20:16
b1ack0pafter deleting recreating mail account20:16
Guest68726TJ-, ok well let me boot into windows, restart from windows and login to ubuntu and see if it changes anything.20:16
leftyfbheh. I don't think he understood20:18
b1ack0pguest run windows updates maybe drivers missing and also run ubuntu update also20:20
TJ-leftyfb: hmmm, looks that way!20:21
b1ack0pbattery threshold doesnt work on ubuntu :/20:22
b1ack0pi set it 75-80% but i realised it charged 100%20:22
b1ack0pit is a ThinkPad x23020:22
plongshotDoes anyone know of a way to apply upgrades in a tentative way where you have a way to  revert the changes that's fial proof and unless you accept the changes by a timeout time it revers automatically?  A kind of safety mechanizm to run on a server?20:22
Bilbo0Is this a site trusted/blessed by ubuntu? https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa20:23
OerHeksBilbo0, it is an official ppa, yes, unlike other ppa's20:24
leftyfbplongshot: no. Though you can downgrade your packages within some period of time20:24
OerHeksstill, sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall  # is my preferred choice, you must have a reason for the need of newer drivers20:25
plongshotleftyfb: Right on.  Someone should write that program.20:25
leftyfbplongshot: have at it20:25
Bilbo0OerHeks: It's not about using newer drivers, it's about getting my system to use my existing driver, since they are being ignored in favor of nouveau which is bugging out and causing crashes20:26
OerHeksif i read back properly, that gforce 750 would run on nvidia 334 and up20:26
plongshotI think that it's 'configuration management' categorically that addresses that sort of thing..20:27
plongshotpuppet, docker, salt20:27
Bilbo0OerHeks: was that directed at me?20:28
LinStatSDRHello all.20:28
LinStatSDRHow goes the things?20:28
OerHeksBilbo0, yes20:28
Bilbo0OerHeks: How did you know geforce 750? And again, the first issue is that no nvadia driver is being used in the first place, nouveau is over-riding stuff and apparently making a mess of things.20:31
OerHeksBilbo0, i read ##linux too ..20:33
Bilbo0ok just checking20:34
OerHeksso just use the comandline with driver autoinstall, or use the sources menu, which has a gui for drivers20:34
OerHeksbut you knew that already20:34
Bilbo0making sure I dont have to reexplain too much20:34
=== anon is now known as Guest52480
Guest52480TJ-, so I now know its a realtek audio and for some reason its not working in Windows anymore, soft boot into ubuntu didnt make a difference20:39
Bilbo0OerHeks: https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa OK, so I ran those commands, but I'm not sure what they did if anything, I open package manager, I have the choice of removing/complete removal, or reinstallation. It seems the package was already there, it doesn't seem like much happened.20:40
LinStatSDRThe installation for Nvidia should take at least 30s to install, depending on the speed of your computer and internet connection20:43
jeremy31Bilbo0: what does this command result in from terminal> mokutil --sb-state20:43
LinStatSDRAt least for me it takes awhile, even when switching or reinstalling20:43
Bilbo0jeremy31: The program 'mokutil' is currently not installed.20:45
OerHeksmokutil is not needed, for official drivers20:45
OerHeksreally, just use the sofware & update menu, select a driver and install20:46
OerHeks( and no driver ppa needed for that older GPU )20:47
Bilbo0OerHeks: The driver is already installed, it's just not being used20:47
Bilbo0The driver that is being used, nouveau, is causing system crashes20:48
OerHeksjust installing that ppa does nothing, unless you had standard available nvidia drivers installed20:48
Bilbo0OerHeks: I was told that the PPA would take care of disabling other drivers and enabling that driver20:49
b1ack0pbye all20:49
b1ack0psee you later20:49
OerHeksi am not going to repeat, good luck20:49
Bilbo0OerHeks: the driver is already installed, how do I force it to be used?20:51
jeremy31Bilbo0: post URL from terminal for> inxi -Fxxzc0 | nc termbin.com 999920:52
Bilbo0jeremy31: None of that's relevant20:53
jeremy31Bilbo0: Why not?  Because you are using Mint?20:54
daxthat's okay, we'll take a look at it anyway thanks20:54
Bilbo0jeremy31: Knowing what board I use won't tell you how to help me make Linux use the driver I want it to.20:55
TJ-Guest52480: I recommended a HARD reboot (power-off) not SOFT20:55
Bilbo0You might as well ask me what the capitals of various countries are.20:56
Guest52480TJ-, im trying to install realtek drivers now think it could help?20:56
TJ-Guest52480: audio drivers should already be installed20:57
Guest52480TJ-, what was the apmi thing you were talking about? how to troubleshoot that20:58
LinStatSDRBilbo0: Have you used the driver found here: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/147582/en-us ?21:00
TJ-Guest52480: ACPI? see http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html21:02
TJ-Guest52480: but before doing such things you should ensure all the basics are in place: Kernel driver, ALSA recognises the device and can list its sinks and sources21:02
Bilbo0LinStatSDR: The issue is that even though Linux thinks I am using 384, I am actually using nueveau which is causing system crashes. So recommending more drivers isnt useful when I cant force my system to use the drivers I already have21:03
Guest52480TJ-, how do I i know which kernel drivers to check are loaded?21:03
LinStatSDRBilbo0: After you download that file, open the terminal and go to the directory where it's stored. Once there, type chmod +x "name of file.run" then type ./"name of file.run" you may have to run as sudo but should resolve the issue you're having21:04
belanthorBilbo0: are you actually aware that, if you started a completely new install including backups, you would be ready by like an hour ago?21:05
LinStatSDRBilbo0: Maybe you're not using the correct driver. I've had issues in the past with an older 460se I had. Maybe trying the one provided by nvidia will give you better results.21:05
TJ-Guest52480:  " lspci -nnk -d ::0403 "21:05
LinStatSDRBilbo0: The one in the link I provided you looks like it was released today. Maybe there is a bug.21:07
LinStatSDRErrr on 5-14 rather.21:07
LinStatSDRSo pretty new.21:07
Guest52480TJ: it lists kernel drivees in use snd_hda_intel and some modules does this mean theyre loaded?21:07
TJ-Bilbo0: each kernel module/driver declares a list of device aliases it can handle. For GPUs those aliases include the PCI Vendor:Device ID, which can be seen at the end of "lspci -nn -d ::0300" in the square brackets. Doing "modinfo -F alias nvidia | grep -i $VENDOR'.*'$DEVICE " can confirm if the device is supported by that driver21:08
TJ-Guest52480: Yes, "in use", so now show us " pastebinit <( aplay -lL ) "21:09
unlimiterHow can I get a list of instructions of my CPU architercture in binary?21:12
Bilbo0TJ-: modinfo -F alias nvidia | grep -i $VENDOR modinfo: ERROR: Module nvidia not found. But maybe that's because I'm using nuoveau. On a very related note, how can driver compatibility matter if I can't get my system to use the driver in the first place?21:12
Guest52480TJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sbZTJw9fdT/21:13
TJ-Bilbo0: if "modinfo nvidia" doesn't find the file then the driver isn't installed. What does this report: "lspci -nnk -d ::0300" for the last line "Kernel modules:"21:13
Bilbo0TJ-: Kernel driver in use: nouveau Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau, nvidia_384_drm, nvidia_38421:15
LinStatSDRBilbo0: Did you try the nvidia installer I linked?21:16
LinStatSDRThat should resolve your issue. 384 is kinda old, they are up to 430 for Linux now.21:16
Bilbo0TJ-: everything says the drivers there, just not being used21:16
TJ-Guest52480: good news, that all looks good. Try this: "speaker-test -D front:PCH -c 2 -l 2 -t wav "21:17
Guest52480TJ-, how did you know what to put after the lspci to find only sound drivers? (just wondering)21:17
TJ-Bilbo0: ahhh, ok, the module name is nvidia_38421:17
Guest52480the ::number thing21:17
Bilbo0LinStatSDR: at least two people have recommended I use the drivers the system recommends because otherwise there might be compatibility issues. Otherwise yeah I looked at the 430 driver, but that's a driver, not a installer. I don't know how to install said driver or even if I should21:18
TJ-Guest52480: "man lspci" see the "-d" device option "::<class>" (0403 is the audio class)21:18
Bilbo0LinStatSDR: And why would this driver be used while other drivers are ignored?21:18
Bashing-omLinStatSDR: Take care here with OEM install as even Nvidia says not to do that: "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package.21:18
Bilbo0TJ-: Does module mean driver?21:19
LinStatSDRThis is true, but considering the current one is not functioning I don't see why this wouldn't be considered a potential solution.21:19
Bilbo0LinStatSDR: It's not being used. That's a bit different than not functioning21:19
TJ-Bilbo0: so I'd guess the nvidia modules are being blocked from loading. (kernel module == driver). Let's look for a blacklist for the nvidia: "grep nvidia /etc/modprobe.d/* "21:20
LinStatSDRWhat's the difference.21:20
Bashing-omLinStatSDR: Is :) A means of last resort I have been told :P21:20
Bilbo0== means not equal to or equal to?21:20
TJ-LinStatSDR: the difference is the module matches the hardware but it not being loaded21:20
Bilbo0right, the driver could be fine, but if its not being used21:20
tbrownEriC^^ : Something bad happen to me today I tryed will last night my computer was being odd with lubuntu with the LTS verison and I went to downgrade with imageboot again that was a very bad mistake because after that the terminal did not post it was odd because I did everything right. Will I went to the recovery opition under grub and got the network to work I went to the terminal installed openbox pcmanfm and I downloaded the network in21:21
tbrownstall for Ubuntu 19.04 now everything is up running again I have Ubuntu Mate 19.04 Just Going to leave it to that.... IT WAS A NIGHTMARE...21:21
LinStatSDRI suppose my argument is that with the installer, it should remove it from the blacklist if your command to remove it isn't working.21:21
Guest52480TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FkxhrQ4XVq/21:21
LinStatSDRSince it does things a bit differently procedurarily.21:21
* LinStatSDR shrugs 21:22
LinStatSDRbest of luck :D21:22
TJ-Guest52480: drat! You should have heard it say "Front Left", "Front Right" twice. So, "Device or resource busy" means some other process has 'grabbed' the audio device exclusively21:22
EriC^^tbrown: sounds good, enjoy21:22
Bilbo0TJ-: What do you mean by "=="?21:22
Guest52480oh wow interesting21:22
TJ-Bilbo0: "is equal to"21:22
TJ-Guest52480: so let's find out if we can identify something: "lsof | grep /dev/snd"21:23
TJ-Guest52480: as in "pastebinit <( lsof | grep /dev/snd )"21:23
tbrownEric^^ : I just want to say Thank You For Your Support & Help Mate... I wish I could pay you but man Thanks A lot... Sending Love Your Way <3 <3 <321:23
TJ-!cookie | EriC^^21:23
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:23
EriC^^tbrown: thanks alot right back at you21:23
Bilbo0TJ-: OK so now we know the name of the driver, what do we do with this information?21:24
TJ-Bilbo0: I asked you to check if there's a blacklist preventing nvidia being loaded ... ^^^^21:24
Guest52480TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cnKPSVYt4G/21:24
TJ-Bilbo0: As in:  Let's look for a blacklist for the nvidia: "grep nvidia /etc/modprobe.d/* "21:25
tbrownEric^^ : I just found out last night when Ubuntu Release 20.04 the security updates will last until 2030 that along time mate.21:25
Bilbo0TJ-: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer.conf:blacklist nvidiafb So possibly the culprit?21:26
TJ-Guest52480: that looks about as I'd expect. Can I get you to log-out and log-in to your desktop session again, and then RETRY the speaker-test command and report if you hear anything, or if it reports "busy" again?21:26
TJ-Bilbo0: no, nvidiafb is the old Nvidia Framebuffer driver, so that is standard blacklisted21:26
TJ-Bilbo0: what does this report? "cat /proc/cmdline"21:27
Bilbo0TJ-:  BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-50-generic root=/dev/mapper/mvg-roo ro quiet splash vt.handoff=721:28
activistHi. Is there any blog pages or something like that which is explaining about Ubuntu security tweaks?21:29
activistlike this https://web.archive.org/web/20190219064943/https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/eud-security-guidance-ubuntu-1804-lts21:30
TJ-Bilbo0: so nothing preventing the load. I think we need to figure out where that nvidia_384 came from: "dpkg -S nvidia_384"21:30
amincan i get help?21:30
activistamin feel free to ask21:30
Guest52480TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/278GvFZqv6/21:30
aminokay, so i have partitions created with squashfs-tools and now want to remove them, how can i do that?21:30
amini wanted to use an android emulator but it made all these 5 partitions, what to do?21:32
TJ-Guest52480: hmmm, so as far as everything we look at is concerned, the device should be available. Have you used the PulseAudio control to check the config? you may need to install it "pavucontrol"21:32
TJ-Guest52480: right now it 'feels' like its muted or the wrong profile or output port is selected. In pavucontrol check the Output Devices tab21:33
Bilbo0TJ-: dpkg-query: no path found matching pattern *nvidia_384* but 340 and 384 came from driver manager.21:34
Bilbo0TJ-: I can also see the driver in package manager.21:34
TJ-activist: maybe this will help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Policies21:34
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TJ-Bilbo0: doh! silly me, the module is built by DKMS! Do "dkms status"21:36
Guest52480TJ-,  hm it just lists Speakers as output devices21:37
Guest52480port: speakers21:37
Guest52480i do se Front left as 'silence' though21:38
artyxIs there any sort of user space troubleshooting document for usb drivers ... every drive i stick into this usb dock is detected, but .. doesn't quite work21:39
Bilbo0TJ-: nvidia-384, 384.130, 4.15.0-48-generic, x86_64: installed nvidia-384, 384.130, 4.15.0-50-generic, x86_64: installed along with some kernels listed that I'm omitting.21:39
TJ-Guest52480: on the last tab there is a choice of "profile" - try others there21:39
TJ-Bilbo0: that's fine, all looking good so far21:39
Guest52480it works21:40
TJ-Bilbo0: what I think is missing is the blacklist of the nouveau driver. With it missing, and it being included in the initialramfs image, it gets loaded first21:40
Bilbo0TJ-: Well every fine is bad because it leads us closer and closer to "I just don21:40
Guest52480thanks so much. learned a ton too!21:40
TJ-Guest52480: really? changed the profile?21:40
Bilbo0don't know what the problem is"21:40
Guest52480TJ-, yep and redid sound test and can hear front left front right21:40
TJ-Guest52480: Yay!21:40
Bilbo0TJ-: Nouveau is listed in one part of the system and not in another and we need to black list it in both? I dont need to worry about blacklisting Nouveau leaving me with no drivers at all to see my screen with?21:41
TJ-Bilbo0: in 'theory' reinstalling the package ought to do the blacklist of nouveau, as in "sudo apt --reinstall install nvidia384"  - after that check a blacklist exists using "grep -rn nouveau /{lib,etc}/modprobe.d"21:42
TJ-Bilbo0: typo, "sudo apt --reinstall install nvidia-384"21:42
Bilbo0TJ-: Would choosing the reinstall option from package manager do the same thing?21:43
TJ-Bilbo0: this is the reinstall option of the package manager21:43
TJ-Bilbo0: in terminal we get to see any reports of problems and progress21:43
Bilbo0TJ-: Would that do the same thing as your command?21:43
TJ-Bilbo0: I have no idea; I do not use the GUI21:44
Bilbo0TJ-: It doesn't like your command, it says "apt sage: apt command [options]    apt help command [options]" List of commands...21:45
Bilbo0or command options, or whatever21:45
EickmeyerBilbo0, TJ-: Mint has a modified alias for apt, so that might be the reason.21:46
jeremy31Bilbo0: Copy and paste the command21:46
TJ-Bilbo0: this isn't Ubuntu!?! I thought we were working on Ubuntu?21:46
Bilbo0jeremy31: I did21:46
belanthoris synaptic still open?21:46
jeremy31Bilbo0: Where did sage come from?21:46
Bilbo0jeremy31: Sage?21:47
Bilbo0TJ-: I mentioned before in Linux this is Mint unless you you are a different TJ-...21:47
jeremy31Bilbo0: you posted TJ-: It doesn't like your command, it says "apt sage: apt command [options]    apt help command [options]" List of commands...21:47
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Guest15638Hey, I just swapped my my graphics card's PCIe slot. I'm still getting video output, but Ubuntu 18.04 is stating it couldn't load the driver (all of a sudden)21:48
Guest15638So the card is working.. I can see a screen21:48
TJ-Bilbo0: I didn't see that, but we can't support other distros that (may) do things differently because we cannot know, or predict, how they differ21:48
Bilbo0jeremy31: I deleted the enter icon things, I must have accidentally deleted a letter too. sage=Usage21:48
Guest15638Any ideas why the driver would fail to load after swapping PCIe slots?21:49
TJ-Bilbo0: "apt --version"21:49
ChunkzZleftyfb, love you.21:50
TJ-Bilbo0: you can use "sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-384" though21:50
Bilbo0TJ-: Same command list thing21:50
JonelethIrenicusif you know which update-alternatives option you want before can you script it?21:50
JonelethIrenicusso like update-alternatives program 321:50
Bilbo0TJ-: Isn't that the same command you had me use before?21:50
Bilbo0TJ-: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?21:51
TJ-Bilbo0: As I said above, we can't support other distros, you'll need to ask the Mint support forums about this.21:51
belanthorwell now synaptic is open?21:52
Eickmeyer!mint | Bilbo021:52
ubottuBilbo0: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:52
ChunkzZ!mint | Eickmeyer21:52
ubottuEickmeyer: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)21:52
ChunkzZwow, worked. :P21:52
EickmeyerChunkzZ: No trolling, please.21:52
Bilbo0Eickmeyer: I would but for some reason while chatting there suddenly I got thrown out of the IRC server and reconnects say I'm banned. I got no explanation since nothing was happening at the time.21:53
EickmeyerBilbo0: Then that's on you.21:53
Bilbo0Eickmeyer: It's not, I just said it's not21:53
Bashing-omGuest15638: The PCI slot is mapped. See ` cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ` . Have you rebooted to see if the the changed PCI slot is picked up by the kernel ?21:54
EickmeyerBilbo0: We can't support every ubuntu-based distro on the planet. We have to draw the line somewhere. Try asking in the Mint forums. This is not the place to get support outside of Ubuntu.21:54
Bilbo0Eickmeyer: I appreciate that21:54
jeremy31Bilbo0: you were banned from spotchat because you didn't listen and had a snarky remark for r00t who is an IRC OP21:55
Bilbo0TJ-: Anyway I'll try the reinstall from package manager, probably amounts to the same thing, right?21:55
Bilbo0jeremy31: That's a lie21:55
EickmeyerBilbo0: If you fail to listen here, you'll end up banned here as well.21:55
belanthornot a lie21:55
Bilbo0it's not true, call it what you like21:56
daxit doesn't matter21:56
Bilbo0Anyway, TJ- probably the same thing?21:56
dax#ubuntu is for Ubuntu support. Mint support and arguing about spotchat's opers are not Ubuntu support.21:56
daxThus, you have no reason to be here, and should stop asking for help here, thanks.21:56
Guest15638Bashing-om: I've rebooted a few times with no luck21:56
EickmeyerBilbo0: I'd listen to dax if I were you.21:56
Bilbo0I'm just finishing this discussion21:56
Guest15638Bashing-om: the graphics card driver is failing to load21:56
daxBilbo0: Excellent. Have a good rest of your day, bye.21:56
Bilbo0not asking for help for anyone else21:57
daxYou're not going to be asking for further help with your current issue, either.21:57
Bashing-omGuest15638: Any hints X's log ' cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ` As to what is not going on ?21:57
TJ-Guest15638: Is the GPU nvidia? and if so was a custom /etc/X11/xorg.conf created that has a Device section that includes the PCI bus ID of the GPU? if so and you moved the GPU that would explain it21:57
ChunkzZwhat do I need installed to run "thunars" network file dir?21:57
ChunkzZit says / is not supported21:58
naptasticAs soon as I find the peer who keeps resetting my connection, I'm gonna pummel 'em.21:58
Guest15638Bashing-om: yea just checked gpu log21:58
Guest15638Bashing-om: so it's saying "can't access /sys/bus/pci/devices/...21:58
Guest15638Bashing-om: failed to open /dev/dri21:58
jeremy31Bilbo0: <Bilbo0> r00t: Then? won't x server still be up?!? duh21:58
Bashing-omGuest15638: Might try and purge the present proprietary driver and re-install ? See if then the card is picked up in that changed slot.22:00
Guest15638Bashing-om: modprobe says it can't find module by name 'nvidia-current-updates'22:00
TJ-Guest15638: did you see what I wrote?22:00
TJ-Guest15638: xorg.conf Device section usually adds a BusID - and you've changed that22:01
Bashing-omGuest15638: See all tj's entries .. also what release is is as things have recently changed with how nvidia installs.22:04
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marcelosomebody using arduino with ubuntu 18.04 lts?22:33
FrostFelineIs there a way to add files to initramfs22:42
TJ-FrostFeline: yes22:43
FrostFeline /etc/initramfs-tools has me at a loss22:43
TJ-FrostFeline: start with "man initramfs-tools"22:44
FrostFelineTJ-: Thanks22:46
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BRUTALONeCiao a tutti i maniaci e i folgorati del canale :)22:49
artyxI was trying this dual drive sata dock .. but it hardly works23:01
artyx1:8 hdds aren't evne recognized when i plug it in.. thats got to be some kind of record23:01
artyxat least its not wiping the drives23:02
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gbellinozMy motd on 18.04 says there are 13 security updates, but when I run aptitude, it doesn't say there are any security updates. What might account for the difference?23:42
monty_hallwhat version of nfs does ubuntu 18 support?23:50
monty_hallrather, I'm setting up a home nas, and I have the option of nfs2/3 or nfs423:50
monty_hallI'm under the impression the bigger the number the better23:50
Franknogmonty_hall: not sure, man. I use Samba when I need to go from Linux to Windows23:57

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