
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
hans_superb quality https://i.imgur.com/R0m3tNW.jpg06:54
teb007estcould someone please help me turn down this brightness on xubuntu just installed it tonight hurting the eyes07:02
hans_teb007est, on my laptop it's fn+f8 but that may be laptop-specific not sure07:08
hans_this gives me about 40 MB/s accoridng to atop: dd if=/dev/zero iflag=fullblock status=progress oflag=direct of=/dev/sda bs=10M08:11
hans_this gives me about 9-10 MB/s accoridng to atop: dd if=/dev/zero iflag=fullblock status=progress of=/dev/sda bs=10M08:11
hans_also the 2nd dd hangs for a long time in d08:12
hans_the only difference is that #1 bypass the IO cache08:12
hans_why is going thru the IO cache so slow?08:12
hans_hmm, something else's wrong, now they both give about 40MB/s08:16
hans_can no longer reproduce - also i guess this is what i should expect? http://paste.debian.net/plain/108213108:27
xubuntu13wесть кто13:22
howdyb_        Hmm--this must be the input window.15:24
howdyb_I'm new here, really new to Linux entirely.15:25
howdyb_I think I really like this distro. I want to find a 2-panel file manager that works with xubuntu. I use Total Commander all the time in Windows.15:28
pmjdebruijnthere's midnight commander 'mc'15:29
pmjdebruijnbut it's text based, like norton commander used to be15:29
pmjdebruijnand there's gnome commander15:29
pmjdebruijnwhich is gui based15:29
pmjdebruijni've never used either15:29
pmjdebruijnso no clue if they're any good15:29
pmjdebruijnI like Thunar just fine, for what little I need from it15:30
howdyb_I'll check them out. So I just say "sudo apt install gnome commander15:31
howdyb_spaces included?15:32
howdyb_Or use synaptic?15:34
pmjdebruijnapt-cache search whatever15:35
=== klaatu is now known as Guest54281
Guest54281I have been having the worst time getting vnc/desktop sharing working with 19.04.  Vino doesn't seem to be installed by default any more, and nothing wants to connect to the console session (:1); every package wants to start a new desktop for remote sessions.  Anyone else figure desktop sharing out and want to consult?18:11
=== Israphel_ is now known as Israphel
pmjdebruijnGuest54281: what did you do?18:13
pmjdebruijndid you install Vino?18:13
pmjdebruijnas it's still in the repos IIRC18:14
Guest54281I installed vino, but it starts a new session when I run the server (:2).18:14
Guest54281That session also didn't start xfce, so I just got the grey background.18:15
pmjdebruijnI've never used vino18:15
pmjdebruijnafaik it's never been installed by default in xubuntu18:16
Guest54281TigerVNC did the same thing, except the server errored out and wouldn't start after I rebooted the machine.18:16
pmjdebruijnGuest54281: https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/43449618:16
Guest54281There wasn't a settings panel for it, but it used to be there and configured to join :118:17
pmjdebruijnkeep in mind that vino was built fo rgnome18:17
pmjdebruijnso you probably need gnome-control-center to be able t oconfigur eit18:17
Guest54281Right, but it has worked and xfce is built on gtk+ (I thought?) so I didn't expect an issue.18:18
Guest54281I tried installing the gconf panel, by I think the dependencies are incomplete because it didn't actually pad the Vino panel. Maybe I'll go back and try to get that working.18:20
Guest54281Or give up on going lightweight and install the Kubuntu desktop. If just never liked Unity.18:20
Guest54281It's just annoying TigerVNC wouldn't work either.  I was wondering if some sort of session lock was applied as a security default or something.18:22
pmjdebruijnsudo apt-get install gnome-control-center18:23
pmjdebruijnthat didn't work?18:23
Guest54281I did the Vino control panel (I forget the package name now), and it did load a bunch of dependencies, but apparently not enough.  I'll try it that way.18:24
pmjdebruijnthere isn't a vino control panel package at all18:25
pmjdebruijnso I'm not sure, what you're referencing?18:25
pmjdebruijnat least AFAIK18:26
pmjdebruijnas I said, I never used it18:26
Guest54281I had been tinkering with the config files via nano, but as a side branch I found a thread that gave a package name - something along the lines of vino-config or vino-utils.  I closed the tab, and have a *lot* of similar stuff in history right now, so I just tried to find that thread but I don't think it'll be quick.18:28
pmjdebruijnthere is no vino-config or vino-utils in ubuntu18:28
pmjdebruijn(or any of it's official variants)18:29
Guest54281Whatever it was, it existed and installed, but I got this subset of three panels from the control center, none of which was sharing.18:29
Guest54281Anyway, I will try installing the master control center package - that's a good idea.18:29
pmjdebruijnit'll probably pull in a ton of deps18:30
pmjdebruijnso I'm not sure if it's _that_ good an idea18:30
Guest54281That's what I was hoping to avoid going the focused route.18:30
Guest54281I mean, I like KDE, so I could just go that way too, but I was hoping for something lightweight for a headless home media server18:31
Guest54281Plex and Transmission work just fine, but I need to fix a bunch of my music and Picard needs the GUI, so I need VNC or a more cumbersome workflow.18:32

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