
=== amurray` is now known as amurray
didrocksgood morning06:22
jibelSalut didrocks06:22
jibelhi all06:22
didrockssalut jibel06:22
dufluMorning didrocks and jibel06:33
dufluAnd good morning oSoMoN06:33
didrockshey duflu06:33
didrocks& oSoMoN06:33
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu, bonjour didrocks06:33
oSoMoNand good day to you all desktoppers!06:34
dufluHi Wimpress06:36
didrockshey Wimpress06:37
oSoMoNhi Wimpress06:40
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marcustomlinsongood morning all08:01
seb128good morning desktopers08:02
Laneyhey there!!!!!!08:02
marcustomlinsonhey seb128 and Laney, how goes it?08:02
dufluMorning marcustomlinson, seb128 and Laney08:03
marcustomlinsonyo duflu08:03
didrockshey marcustomlinson, seb128, Laney08:03
* marcustomlinson remembers the opening scene from Monty Python's The Meaning of Life08:04
seb128hey Laney marcustomlinson duflu didrocks, how is everyone today?08:05
dufluOh, no. Different skit08:06
dufluseb128, feeling exhausted again today. But yesterday was weirdly great. How are you?08:06
seb128I'm good, my back is mostly unblocked :)08:06
Laneyhey marcustomlinson duflu didrocks seb12808:09
LaneyI'm alright thanks! how are you?08:10
* Laney gives seb128 some deep heat08:11
Laneydunno if they have that over there, must be something similar i guess08:12
seb128yeah, they do08:19
seb128but it's ok, today is already better than yesterday :)08:19
oSoMoNmarcustomlinson, makes you think, doesn't it? ;)08:29
didrocksgood, busy on tests already08:30
didrockswith corner zfs/zsys and grub menu ordering (like what dataset was the latest?)08:31
Laneytesting that this food tastes nice, testing that that puppy really is as fluffy as it looks, testing that the sun lounger is nice to lie in08:31
* Laney likes testing08:31
Laneydidrocks: do you have a tag for yaru 19.04.2 lying around by chance?08:47
tkamppeterHi, could someone sponsor the systemd SRU upload for bug 1754671? The fix could perhaps also help on the regressions of the n-m SRU.08:57
ubot5bug 1754671 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175467108:57
didrocksLaney: what do you mean by having a tag?09:15
Laneyfor the upload that went into disco09:15
Laneyyou did that one, so thought you might have tagged it :-)09:16
seb128xnox, ^ can you help tkamppeter with that systemd SRU?09:16
didrocksLaney:pushed on correct commit09:19
seb128jamesh, kenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-calculator/+bug/1797734/comments/6 ... is that normal that the platform does pixbuf queries/cache update/etc still? (on first start)09:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 1797734 in gnome-calculator (Ubuntu) "slow calculator startup" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:20
Laneyah yay, I branched at the right one09:20
jameshseb128: yes.  We don't have a good solution for that09:21
jameshseb128: for example, look at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache -- there are absolute paths to the plugins09:21
jameshthe gnome-platform snap is mounted under $SNAP, which is different for each application09:22
seb128right :/09:22
seb128we can't fix that with layouts and always mount to the same location then?09:23
jameshthat probably is an option09:24
jameshand it would have to be layouts: the content interface won't let us mount to locations outside of $SNAP09:25
jamesh(or a few other locations controlled by the snap)09:25
seb128jamesh, thx for the reply!09:26
jameshit's something that we should be easier to automate with the newer snapcraft extension system09:30
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GunnarHjHi seb128, do you have time to sponsor the ibus-libpinyin stuff? There are two of them, bug #1829947 and bug #1768166. Proposed uploads in https://launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/+archive/ubuntu/ibus-libpinyin11:57
ubot5bug 1829947 in ibus-libpinyin (Ubuntu Disco) "bug when select input , upstream fixed" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182994711:57
ubot5bug 1768166 in libpinyin (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Random crashes " [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176816611:57
seb128GunnarHj, hey, sure11:57
seb128I will do it in a bit, thx for working on it!11:58
tkamppeterxnox, hi12:12
tkamppeterxnox, did you see seb128's message about the systemd SRU upload for bug 1754671? There is a debdiff for an SRU attached and it seems that the SRU is very important to accompany the already done SRU of network-manager.12:14
ubot5bug 1754671 in systemd (Ubuntu Bionic) "Full-tunnel VPN DNS leakage regression" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175467112:14
seb128tkamppeter, did you identify that systemd change to fix the regressions reported? or is that just to help moving forward with getting the split vpn dns working?13:01
kenvandineseb128, jamesh: We should be able to improve that with layouts in the gnome snapcraft extension13:07
seb128hey kenvandine13:07
tkamppeterseb128, I have no proof that the systemd fix solves the regressions, but the regressions have a certain similarity with the original problem, so I would like the reporters of the regressions to try the systemd fix.13:18
seb128tkamppeter, you could get it in a ppa meanwhile?13:20
xnoxLaney:  sil2100: heya, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/+merge/355544 looks stale, is that being reviewed? is it good? bad?13:22
tkamppeterseb128, yes, this is also a possibility, and when we get n-m solved, independent whether the regression gets solved by systemd or not, we can do the systemd SRU.13:24
tkamppeterseb128, I will put systemd on my PPA then.13:24
Laneyxnox: it's not stale13:24
Laneyas it happens I'm looking at it atm13:24
seb128xnox, hey, did you see that systemd ping? We have problems with the recent network-manager SRU went to update creating issues, see eg https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/182983813:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 1829838 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "1.10.14-0ubuntu2 breaks DNS propagation from VPN" [High,Incomplete]13:25
seb128xnox, users have been reporting that openvpn-systemd-resolved is unhappy since the update13:26
seb128xnox, unsure what's the right way to ask help for foundations though, direct ping or email to Pat/Steve to it on your trello board/with proper resource allocation?13:26
seb128GunnarHj, that bug got no report so far, I don't think we should care about cosmic at this point, it's neither LTS nor current stable13:43
GunnarHjseb128: I don't really care much about cosmic; just thought it was needed due to version logic. What do you mean by "got no report"?13:45
seb128GunnarHj, the bug has no duplicate, if it exists since bionic and wasn't raised before it probably doesn't annoy lot of users13:45
seb128GunnarHj, SRU team said it's fine for the maintainer to decide to skip a serie while doing SRUs, they prefer to have fixes in all versions but it's not an hard requirement13:46
GunnarHjseb128: I see. As regards annoying, there are 16712 reported crashes of the most common type:13:53
GunnarHjseb128: Getting rid of that seems to be a good idea IMO.13:54
seb128GunnarHj, what are you talking about? The bug you pinged me about is not a segfault/error, it's just some chars not being inputed after chinese glyphs?13:55
seb128ah, I see, you listed another issue13:55
GunnarHjseb128: Right.13:55
seb128GunnarHj, I don't think the diff in your ppa is likely to address the segfault, is it?13:55
seb128ah, you did a version update for those series13:56
seb128I understand now :)13:56
GunnarHjseb128: Sorry for the confusion. ;)13:57
seb128no worry/not your fault :)13:57
seb128GunnarHj, the version update is not going to work with that diff for bionic, the update has quite some code changes so we would to convince the SRU team that a full update is needed and that we have a solid testplan13:58
seb128GunnarHj, would be best to find the commit that fixed that issue...13:59
GunnarHjseb128: No solid test plan exists. :( It's about files in ~/.cache/ibus/libpinyin getting corrupted. The error tracker is the best I can point at. No reported 19.04 crashes of the most common type so far.14:03
seb128GunnarHj, the backtrace has a libpiniyin function, I'm not sure the fix is not in the lib14:08
seb128GunnarHj, like https://github.com/libpinyin/libpinyin/commit/b708ceef ... that's a call to the function that is in the bt14:09
GunnarHjseb128: That's why the proposal includes libpinyin too, not just ibus-libpinyin.14:12
seb128GunnarHj, I feel like we don't know those components well enough to be confident SRUing new versions would have no side effect/regression/bug on any of our desktops... (just my opinion, I'm not stopping you to try to convince the SRU team/find a sponsor)14:15
Laneymoin Trevinho14:17
Trevinhoyey Ianuss14:17
Laneywhat's upé14:17
GunnarHjseb128: Wouldn't uploading to the bionic queue be the simplest way to pass the question to the SRU team? The fact that the base for the proposal is a bit vague is shown very clearly in the bug description.14:19
seb128hey Trevinho, how are you?14:20
seb128GunnarHj, it would be better to sort out before uploading, otherwise you just make it the next person problem and they are likely to let it sit in the queue until they decide to reject because they don't know what to do with it14:21
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, I'll ping someone in the SRU team then.14:22
seb128GunnarHj, thx14:23
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks for looking at it!14:24
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
GunnarHjseb128: When you tested the docs videos (bug #1804786), did you use Nouveau or some other driver?16:23
ubot5bug 1804786 in Yelp "Garbage occurred when Playing the video in the Ubuntu Desktop Guide" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180478616:23
tkamppeterseb128, I have now uploaded systemd to my PPA and posted on the regression bug reports for their OPs to test the PPA.16:32
seb128'night Laney & desktopers17:22
seb128GunnarHj, intel, I don't have other configs17:22
seb128tkamppeter, k, thx, I pinged foundations to see if they can help with the sponsoring/SRU17:22
GunnarHjseb128: So to a large extent it seems to be a Nouveau issue then, as duflu indicated on the bug report. Plus the 'power17:29
GunnarHjof the hardware.17:30
oSoMoNnight all19:30

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