
alkisgHi, the latest netplan broke ltsp booting; we mark the boot interface as "manual" in /etc/network/interfaces (and I tried marking it manual in network manager too), but netplan now somehow manages to remove its ip while the computer netboots05:20
alkisg`rm /lib/systemd/system-generators/netplan` bypasses the problem; but what would be the correct way to tell netplan not to touch the netboot interface?05:20
alkisgI think the relevant SRU that caused the regression was this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/176360805:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763608 in netplan "Netplan ignores Interfaces without IP Addresses" [Undecided,Fix committed]05:23
alkisgcyphermox: ? (sorry for the ping, please ignore me if busy or if it's inappropriate)05:26
alkisgNetplan generates this file, while AFAIK it shouldn't, as enp0s3 is declared manual in /etc/network/interfaces:  /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enp0s3.network ==> https://termbin.com/51oc05:31
alkisgI commented in https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1763608/comments/4305:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1763608 in netplan "Netplan ignores Interfaces without IP Addresses" [Undecided,Fix committed]05:47
tkamppeterseb128, thanks, have already seen the posts from slangasek on the bugs yesterday.11:58
seb128tkamppeter, np11:59
tkamppeterseb128, kenvandine, looks a little bit like that the upstream version update from 1.10.6 to 1.10.14 is of too high impact (whereas a raise of only the micro release number should only add bug fixes).12:00
tkamppeterSeems we need to carefully select the upstream commits which only fix the bugs the users have complained about and make an SRU out of these.12:01
seb128tkamppeter, it's trying to address difficult problems, we did discuss other ways but those were not easier12:01
seb128I don't think that's true12:01
seb128we need to figure out that specific regression and sort it out and try again12:01
seb128upstream seems supportive/ready to help but we need someone who understands the topic to have the conversation12:02
seb128dwmw2 seems to be engaged and to understand the problem, so maybe he's that person12:03
seb128but we should still engage/worth with him/them12:03
tkamppeterseb128, I have also tried one thing: I have asked the posters of the regression whether it helps to also install the systemd SRU (which I have therefore uploaded to my PPA), but got two negative answers on that (was simply trying a low-hanging fruit).12:05
seb128tkamppeter, you should probably be on #nm btw, that's the upstream channel12:06
seb128they discussed it a bit earlier and said that12:06
seb128"<thaller> dwmw2_gone, bengal, the discussion there is long and not clear (to me). Also, there is a lack of logfiles to even understand what is actually happening. Anyway, to my understanding, setting "dns-priority=-1,dns-search=~." is not a "workaround". By default, NM's VPN profiles want to do split-dns and not full-tunnel. So, you need to explicitly configure avoiding "dns leaks". Whether that default is good or not is a separate question he12:06
seb128anyway, I think what we lack at this point is someone on our side who understands the topic/components and can figure out what's going on exactly and talk with upstream12:08
seb128I'm not sure how we solve that gap12:08
seb128either by doing the needed studying or by involving people on our side who have the expertise I guess12:09
seb128 12:09
seb128is error.u.c timing out for others?12:09
seb128ah, it's back12:09
seb128I just had to ask, it was failing to load for 10 min or so :p12:10
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rbalintjuliank, i think apt should tell me if i just ran apt update or apt upgrade on a release which left the standard support period18:38
rbalintjuliank, i think it would be helpful on systems not showing motd, such as docker or wsl18:38
juliankwe can add that to ua client18:38
juliankI think18:39
juliankIt's a bit tough to figure out if you're unsupported or not18:39
juliank(from C++)18:39
juliankoh hang on18:40
juliankWith trusty esm it basically hints very strongly after upgrade, as it will tell you there are ESM updates18:41
juliankIt might be worth telling people there release is in ESM now, or especially if it is EOL18:41
rbalintjuliank, i think we should cover interim releases, too18:41
rbalintjuliank, and clearly telling it is maybe better than just hinting it18:42
rbalintjuliank, on zesty i see ... old-releases.ubuntu.com ... in apt update's log which is a hint, but i share rcj's concern that some users are still left on unsupported releases because the did not notice the hints18:45
rcjrbalint: how did you get that?  shouldn't it just try archive.ubuntu.com and fail due to lack of Release files?  What changed your zesty machine to old-releases.ubuntu.com?18:47
rbalintrcj, maybe me, just forgot that :-)18:50
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