[00:06] i've just finished dowloading the iso and the md5sum is match [00:06] how to burn it to sd card, using dd? [00:07] noted, wxl [00:07] is the selected apps to be voted or exclusively decided by lubuntu contib/developer only? [00:23] the selected applications are decided collectively by 'general' input as well as what makes the most sense from a supportability perspective by the development teams in charge of Lubuntu [00:23] oh they left [00:23] bleh [00:24] that's why telegram doesn't help there :P [00:28] @teward [ that's why telegram doesn't help there :P], You can type /names [00:29] When they leave as fast as they did you wouldn't think to check. [00:30] *yawns* [00:35] He was cooking a fish.... [00:36] Trm pm pm ps! [00:50] sorry im disconnected how to burn it to sd card, using dd? [01:02] that'd be pretty simple [01:03] but you can do damage with DD if you aren't careful, so you need to start by figuring out which disk in the output of `lsblk` on the command line is the SD card. [01:03] fishcooker: also to answer your question about "is the selected apps to be voted or exclusively decided by lubuntu contib/developer only?"... [01:03] ... the selected applications are decided collectively by 'general' input as well as what makes the most sense from a supportability perspective by the development teams in charge of Lubuntu [01:03] developers, etc. [01:03] all opinions are to my knowledge 'considered' [01:03] but they make the ultimate final decisions [01:04] teward: how to burn it safely on lubuntu? [01:04] my friend on windows help me with the rufus for burning to disk [01:05] i'm fairly certain you can't read since I told you the starting point: you need to start by figuring out which disk in the output of `lsblk` on the command line is the SD card. [01:07] teward: noted, for the selected apps [01:08] fishcooker: start by figuring out which disk is actually the SD card in the systme's devices. Either with `lsblk` or `sudo fdisk -l` [01:08] once you know the disk device we can move forward. [01:09] `dd if=/path/to/lubuntu.iso of=/dev/DISKPATH bs=1M` <-- this would do it, but we need more information before you even CONSIDER running this [01:09] because you need to make sure the selected disk path is accurate. It'll take time to write though [01:25] noted teward, cmiiw on windows we could do multiboot without erasing the disk content ? https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu#2 [01:26] not if you intend to use DD [01:26] and Multiboot is unreliable as installation media nowadays [01:26] (i've used it, it doesn't work well) [01:31] thanks for sharing about multiboot... i used to use it === s is now known as Guest91353 [15:13] when i try to shutdown, i get some annoying dialog saying "End this LxQt session?" YES | NO. [15:13] how do i remove that thing [15:16] zap0: Click on the menu -> preferences -> LXQt Settings-> Session settings [15:16] Under leave session untick ask for confirmation. [15:26] thanks, that fixed it [15:26] You are welcome, I am glad it is fixed for you. [16:12] tried to install skype in lubuntu 19.04 but its not working properly. please help [16:13] restarted. works now [18:14] where do i add line forcepae -- forcepae in grub for lubuntu, im trying to dualboot lubuntu with windows 7 and installed lubuntu after 7 so now i have grub menu at boot, but it keeps rebooting since i have old pentium M processor i need to add forcepae somewhere === Eickmeyer is now known as ErichSE === ErichSE is now known as Eickmeyer [19:23] quassel doesn't display japanese text properly, so i am thinking to try weechat or hexchat [19:24] is this a known issue in lubuntu? [19:26] sappheiros: It sounds like a quassel issue. Would a custom font help? You can define a custom chat window font in the settings. [19:32] kc2bez: i mean 'known issue in lubuntu' in the sense of maybe switching to a default IRC client that doesn't have this problem [19:32] for the next release [19:32] kc2bez: i don't know how to change japanese font ... [19:34] moniker-: /etc/default/grub [19:35] moniker-: add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT there and run sudo update-grub [19:36] kc2bez: the custom font in chat & nick lists section only changes font in room list and nick list, not in chat window where the japanese line-cutoff problem occurs [19:37] sappheiros: Ok thanks for the update. [19:38] It seems like a great topic for the new forum, perhaps someone with more experience can chime in and it can spark some discussion. [19:38] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/ [19:39] sappheiros: sorr I don't have any experience with that. [19:39] kc2bez: i'm trying weechat instead ... [19:39] *sorry [19:39] sappheiros: understood [19:59] do you understand https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_faq.en.html#use_256_colors ? [19:59] screen-256color? [20:03] sappheiros: Qterminal should be 256 color. you can verify by issuing `echo $TERM` [20:04] yep, seems already on in weechat if i understood the /color buffer screen [20:04] thanks [20:04] do you use weechat? [20:05] I haven't used it. I use Quassel but with a separate client/core setup. [20:05] That way I can stay connected and scrollback later. I can also connect with multiple clients. [20:06] hm. well, quassel has a japanese display problem ... but i guess that's not common enough to justify switching from quassel as default client: it does seem very good otherwise [20:06] for those coming from win or mac [20:07] and i don't know if it's for everyone on just me, either (the jp disp prob) [20:07] weechat seems like a good alternative however. You could setup an IRC bouncer [20:07] Yeah actually there are quassel clients for windows and mac. [20:08] irssi [20:08] is a nice terminal client [20:10] why is irssi > weechat? [20:10] what is an IRC bouncer? [20:11] i like more irssi than weechat [20:11] IRC bouncer is an always connected system that you can remote into. [20:12] cause weechat you can set it even as clicking irc client irssi not is more command line than weechat [20:13] Krennic: you dislike the ability to click? [20:14] no [20:15] but i like more use as command line weechat is to a command line but i meant that you can use it as clicking client too [20:17] #quassel tells me it's a problem with my OS font config [20:18] i dont know [20:18] probably in quassel channel they can assit you [20:21] well, they say it's a lubuntu font config problem [20:21] In that case I would encourage you to file a bug. [20:24] will you add bug-filing info to https://manual.lubuntu.me/ ? [20:24] or to your channel topic? [20:25] We have it here https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/bugs/ [20:26] I will ping wxl to see if he can add it to the topic. ^ [20:27] why is real name required to file a bug? [20:27] * sappheiros wants to remain anonymous online [20:29] i don't want to lie, but i don't want to sacrifice my anonymity, so requiring 'real name' is preventing me from filing bugs ... [20:29] I don't think everyone uses their real name. [20:30] * sappheiros reads https://askubuntu.com/questions/112434/is-there-a-real-name-policy-in-the-ubuntu-community [21:25] anyone know a way to get separate tabs for 2 instances of firefox on taskbar instead of collapsed?