
pirayeI trying to compile my code, and got this error00:06
pirayemake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/sevilay/Documents/apertium-ambiguous/src'00:06
pirayeMakefile:389: recipe for target 'all-recursive' failed00:06
pirayemake: *** [all-recursive] Error 100:06
pirayeI am using ./autogen.sh, ./configure , make00:07
pirayejust that happened in my pc, we try it in another pc and worked00:08
pirayeplease, could you point me?00:08
FishBone000no idea :( have you used sudo?00:09
FishBone000maybe you shall have a try00:09
FishBone000though guess it won't make a difference since it's just make command, not make install00:10
FishBone000I installed jre 8u211 and jdk 8u211 both to /usr/java/ with .tar.gz, under ubuntu 1800:21
FishBone000But javac and java command still can not be found00:21
FishBone000I followed the installation instruction in java official website.00:22
escalant3why not installing with `apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk` ?00:28
FishBone000because i guess installing it in the way java.com introduced is better00:43
FishBone000and i remember that I installed it with apt-get once, but didn't work either.00:43
Hell-RazorHey I just upgraded 19.04 and I am gett a 503 from _all_ the update servers with apt update... Is something going on with the repos?01:00
ahi2try a different update mirror01:02
ahi2oops nevermind01:02
Hell-RazorLike which?01:02
Hell-RazorThis is a fresh install, not sure why I would be getting a 503 across the board lol01:02
ahi2you said all of them gave the 503 error01:02
Hell-RazorYeah its strange01:03
hggdhHell-Razor: works for me on the main archive01:03
ahi2i once had an update issue because my bios clock time was changed but thats a diff story01:04
Hell-Razorhggdh: Strange01:04
ahi2Hell-Razor, can you ping a website?01:06
Hell-Razorhggdh: https://nopaste.xyz/?9c9a0ff5c3556375#RpFr6+6BKR7xufc163y2HxSWZDqajFFGAbAncBQmWBs=01:06
Hell-RazorIm on it right now01:06
Hell-RazorIm guesing one of the load balancers had a heart attack? \o/01:09
hggdhHell-Razor: yes, interesting. Try another archive. If still failing, you may try #canonical-sysadmin, or #launchpad01:10
Hell-Razorhggdh: so those arent ubuntu servers?01:10
Hell-RazorIts a 503 so its a remote, not local issue. I dont think theres much I can really do besides wait or ping others and bug them01:11
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Hell-Razorhggdh: Yeah something is really screwed up with my repos... Like git-core isnt even known01:18
Hell-RazorI am very confused how a install can be this fubar right off the bat01:20
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Kereshow do you enable tv.youtube.com with chromium?01:40
Bashing-om!details | Keres01:45
ubottuKeres: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.01:45
leftyfbKeres: you type https://tv.youtube.com into your chromium web browser.01:52
sappheiroswhat does it mean when you put in a CD-R and lubuntu says "location is already mounted"?02:02
guivercsappheiros, a little more background maybe helpful, is it in response to a `mount` command? or what did you try/do that caused it?  (and which release of lubuntu?)02:08
sappheirosguiverc: 18.10, checking a stack of CD-R to see what's on them. for most the data loaded properly, ejected disc, put in next one, etc. for three of the ~8 CD-R i get this 'location already mounted' error02:19
sappheirosall i did was eject a disc and put the next one in02:20
guivercsappheiros, i don't know, possibly you were too quick in inserting the next cd (as it hadn't finished the housekeeping of the prior eject so location was still in-use)02:21
sappheirosis there a command to use in terminal to see if CD-R tray is free to load next CD?02:22
sappheirosguiverc: you may be correct. all three appeared to load fine this time as blank CD-R -- if they are in fact blank ...02:24
guiverci'd just try it slower (1/4 of a second slower will probably fix it; though 1/2 second maybe better; you'll learn what is required for your hardware; and that delay will be faster than a command anyway)02:24
guiverci was assuming with data on them (& closed sessions), blank take longer to be recognized (and if not recognized eject will take longer if it's still trying to recognize them)02:25
Keresi just installed ubuntu studio 19.04 and chromium. youtube.com works, but tv.youtube.com is giving me "video format not supported"02:42
leftyfbKeres: it works perfectly fine for me02:47
Keresits funny, the live previews work on tv.youtube.com but when i try to play anything, it sais "this video format is not supported"03:01
miais it possible to run an existing windows installation as a VM under ubuntu?03:02
miaSometimes I need to use already installed windows software and switching back and fourth is a pain03:02
tomreynmia: most virtualization solutions have a way for migrating physical installations (which are directly to your existing physical disks, like ubuntu is) into a VM. this process is called physical-to-virtual or P2V. many virutalization solutions also support using / booting existing physical storage installations directly in a VM, without migrating / reformatting the data into a virtualization specific sotrage format beforehand.03:08
tomreynnot all guest systems will allow these uses, however. some versions of windows are particularly known to be picky about being moved to "new / different hardware" (i.e. the hardware virtualizations would claim to provide). obviously, such details are beyond the scope of #ubuntu.03:11
tomreynhere's an example of how you can use an existing physical OS installation without P2V in virtualbox: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk03:12
tomreynactually it's documentation on doing so, not an example of doing it with virtualbox, but i'm using virtualbox as an example here.03:13
tomreynyou can do the same with KVM / Qemu and other virtualization solutions.03:13
tomreynVirtualBox P2V (actually not supported, but possible): https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Migrate_Windows03:16
tomreynP2V using KVM/Qemu with the libvirt instrumentation (which is also used by the virt-manager GUI): http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/virt-p2v.1.html03:20
duoiid like to set a global dns setting03:47
duoithat is connection agnostic03:47
duoihow can i do this03:47
guivercduoi, https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dns.html.en03:48
tomreynduoi: what guiverc suggests here is running your own dns server, which can be a good choice, but is orthagonal to having global DNS configuration defaults. See the descrition of the "dns" option in the "[main]" section of the network manager configuration file for how resolving hostnames to IP addresses is done on ubuntu desktops by default, and how you can modify it:   https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man5/NetworkManager.conf.5.html03:57
bryanroderyckhi can somebody help me to format my usb please?04:26
duoitomreyn so if im understanding that correctly, i would just need to set it in `resolv.conf` and it would apply globally as default, unless otherwise specified for a particular connection?04:26
guivercbryanroderyck, i find `gnome-disks` the easiest; click thumb-drive to get it highlighted, the click gear-logo * choose format04:29
tomreynduoi: you could set dns=none in the network mnanager configuration file, remove the /etc/resolv.conf symlink, create a /etc/resolv.conf condfiguration file which (this is my understanding from reading this manual page) would then provide the default nameservers for all network manager connection profiles.04:30
bryanroderyckgnome disk doesnt detect my usb !04:30
tomreynduoi: i haven't tried this myself, so this is just me interpreting what i'm reading there.04:30
guivercbryanroderyck, the device could be faulty (or dying & still sometimes works); or having trouble with your hardware because of other issue (power or anything). i'd test it on another box, if it works there it maybe a dying-device so maybe not trust with valuable data.  does `lsusb` recognize it's connection (esp. -v verbose)04:34
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tomreynbryanroderyck: run    journalctl -fn0   and keep it running, then disconnect the usb storage device, wait 3 seconds, then reconnect it, then press ctrl-c on the terminal and post, to https://paste.ubuntu.com , what was printed on the terminal.04:40
bryanroderyckthere a lot of line in the report ..ubuntu.paste is not working05:21
tomreynbryanroderyck: how does https://paste.ubuntu.com not work for you?05:22
bryanroderyckit takes along time  sending request there so many line in the page of  the terminal05:24
bryanroderyckcan i send only the bottom?05:24
bryanroderyckit says bad gateway .The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.05:25
tomreynbryanroderyck: which command did you run in the temrinal? it should only have returnd some 10-20 lines really05:25
bryanroderyckjournalctl -fn005:25
mousesbryanroderyck: an alternative - run journalctl -fn0 > file.txt - unplug USB device, wait 3 seconds, replug USB device.  Then pretty control-c on that terminal and type cat file.txt | pastebinit05:27
bryanroderyckwait i do it again ..quicker05:27
tomreynokay, this looks fine. maybe do it again and log it to a file instead, then post this file:05:27
tomreynwhat mouses said05:27
mousess/pretty/press :)05:27
mousesgive it at least a few seconds after plugging it back in before you control+c though05:28
mousesI'd say 10 seconds would be plenty05:28
bryanroderycki dont know why it as this socket error05:33
mousesbryanroderyck: local network/router settings, ISP issues, routing issues, etc05:36
mousestry this05:36
mousesbryanroderyck: cat file.txt | nc termbin.com 999905:36
mousesbryanroderyck: and this is when plugging in a USB storage stick thingie?05:38
mousesdoes the drive work in other USB ports on same computer?  Have you tried it on another computer?05:39
tomreynbryanroderyck: that's still the issue i pointed oyu to yesterday05:39
bryanroderyckyes i just formart it fat32 on another pc05:39
mousesbryanroderyck: silly question, what hapepns if you unplug it, reboot, and then plug it back in?05:40
tomreynmouses: the log spam is not related to this usb storage05:40
mousestomreyn: yeah, nothing useful there :(05:40
bryanroderyckok i try it now05:41
mousestomreyn: I missed his issue yesterday so I am coming into this likely more ignorant than you - where did you all leave off/what was found?05:41
tomreynbug 176796805:44
ubottubug 1767968 in udev (Ubuntu) "systemd-udev cause high cpu load after upgrade to bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176796805:44
tomreyn<bryanroderyck> ok what can be done to prevent it overheating if possible05:45
tomreyn<tomreyn> bryanroderyck: see "for those looing for a quick fix" on comment 7 of this bug report.05:45
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mousesand this relates to his USB stick not mounting?  I am lost05:46
tomreynno, it does not05:46
tomreynit relates to the log spam and the system having a generally high cpu load05:47
mousesahhhhh, okay - thanks :)05:47
tomreynwe did not discuss the usb stick not mouinting yesterday05:47
tomreynit's an issue i was not aware of so far05:48
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tomreynmousies: note this is an i386 installation on 18.04 on old hardware with a 2014 (?) bios (the latest bios available for this hardware). i had recommended amd64 but this seems to cause even higher cpu overhead due to the bluetooth issues (which seem to be the root cause for the log spam).05:50
mousiestomreyn: oh wow, so a hot bed of troubles and issues05:50
tomreyni'd definitely try to solve those high cpu load issues first. on amd64.05:51
mousiesyeah, that seems more serious than a USB stick05:51
mousiesbryanroderyck: you still with us?05:51
bryanroderyckyes i am05:55
bryanroderyckmy external mouse not working05:56
mousiesbryanroderyck: Starting to think you have hardware that is just failing05:57
mousiesbut as tomreyn said - i'd try to solve the high cpu load issues first05:57
mousiescould be system overheating05:57
bryanroderyckthat why i want to update firmware05:57
mousiesbug 176796805:58
ubottubug 1767968 in udev (Ubuntu) "systemd-udev cause high cpu load after upgrade to bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176796805:58
bryanroderyck<OerHeks> recommend me to update05:58
tomreynbryanroderyck: you are on the latest available system firmware already.05:58
mousiesdid you see comment 7, as tomreyn mentioned?05:58
bryanroderyckit can be bluetooth device?06:00
bryanroderyckcan you help with the bluetooth please?06:03
mousiesbryanroderyck: follow the instructions in comment #7 of the bug report we just linked06:04
mousiesthen reboot06:04
tomreynbryanroderyck: here's a direct link, in case it helps focusing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/bluez/+bug/1767968/comments/706:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767968 in udev (Ubuntu) "systemd-udev cause high cpu load after upgrade to bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:05
tomreynmousies: btw. i just added remote bug watches to that bug report.06:05
* mousies nods06:05
=== mousies is now known as mous
bryanroderyckhow to check that it work now06:12
bryanroderyckmy mouse is working06:12
bryanroderyckcan you help me to format my usb06:15
bryanroderyckmy laptop doesnt recognise the usb06:16
mousbryanroderyck: Did you fix the high cpu load issue?06:18
mousso journalctl is not showing all that bind spam anymore?06:19
tomreynthis log out put, which is partially cut off, spans 25 seconds, but records may be missing in the middle06:23
tomreynuse this instead:  journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999906:23
bryanroderycktheres no need to update firmware then?06:25
mousyou're already running the latest firmware06:25
mousI don't see anything there relating to USB06:25
mousrun journalctl -fn0 > file.txt - unplug USB device, wait 3 seconds, replug USB device.  Wait 15 seconds.  Then press control-c on that terminal and type cat file.txt | nc termbin.com 999906:26
tomreynso the latest reboot happened 45 minutes ago06:31
tomreynwhich is before the systemd logspam issue was supposedly fixed.06:31
tomreynyou should reboot after applying the workaround discussed at bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/bluez/+bug/1767968/comments/706:32
bryanroderyckok i reboot now06:33
tomreyni'm afraid he may just have applied those udev rules unmodified as they're given on the bug report.06:34
mousoh no06:39
bryanroderyckit switch off several time "cpu treshold .tempreature" then start grub menu and i start to desktop ubuntu06:48
CarlFKthere is a command to get/parse edid from my display device .. mostly want is the model and I think description06:50
tomreynbryanroderyck: i think it would help us help you if you explained what exactly "lsusb |grep luetooth" returned and what exactly you wrote to /etc/udev/rules.d/06:50
tomreynCarlFK: is this a question? i'm having difficulties understanding what you're asking, if so.06:51
CarlFKtomreyn: what is the command?06:52
tomreynCarlFK: do you mean this?  read-edid | parse-edid06:54
tomreynactually   sudo get-edid | parse-edid06:54
CarlFKtomreyn: that might work, but it isnt' installed on my laptop and I'm sure what I used before was one command.06:54
CarlFKthat said, what package is that in?06:54
CarlFKfound it read-edid06:55
bryanroderycki wrote from launchpad ...sorry im not very good at fixing06:55
tomreynbryanroderyck: thanks for answering one of two questions (so far?)06:55
tomreynbryanroderyck: this question remains unanswered so far:  what exactly [did you write] to /etc/udev/rules.d/ (while working on bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/1767968/comments/7 )?06:57
bryanroderyckcan correct i i made mistake ?...sorry06:58
CarlFKtomreyn: thanks - got me what I was looking for.06:59
tomreynbryanroderyck: sure, you can correct any mistakes you made there. but so far i'm still trying to understand what you did, to be able to tell whether you made any mistakes or not.07:00
tomreynCarlFK: cool.07:00
bryanroderyckwhen i save on nano ,i did not understand all07:00
mousbryanroderyck: cat /etc/udev/rules.d/81-bluetooth-hci.rules | nc termbin.com 999907:02
mousyou need to follow step 7 in the launchpad we linked to you07:04
mousyou never created the file or added the proper entries to it07:05
mousagain, https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/bluez/+bug/1767968/comments/707:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1767968 in udev (Ubuntu) "systemd-udev cause high cpu load after upgrade to bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:05
mousfirst you grep to get the info you need07:06
mousand then you create that file (as root, of course) with the proper edits based on the grep07:06
tomreynmous: we have the lsusb output from bryan https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ys9gjQVgRF/ so we can actually provide a command to create the udev rules file, which seems to be difficult for bryan.07:07
mousoh right on07:07
mousyou want to take care of that for him, or should I?07:07
* mous is fading fast, getting sleepy07:07
LarryBobsleep is for the weak07:07
bryanroderyckis write out same as save?07:08
tomreynbryanroderyck: quit the editor, then run. sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/81-bluetooth-hci.rules07:13
tomreynbryanroderyck: after that, copy and paste all of this to your terminal at once: https://termbin.com/mtr207:13
tomreynbryanroderyck: please run:    cat /etc/udev/rules.d/81-bluetooth-hci.rules | nc termbin.com 999907:16
tomreynand post the url here07:17
bryanroderyckupdate notifier appear with system program problem message ..07:19
tomreynbryanroderyck: discard it.07:19
tomreynwhat's the output of:   cat /proc/loadavg07:20
CarlFKif I add blacklist cdc_acm to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-xr_usb do I have to do something for that to take effect?07:21
bryanroderyckwhen i was on 16.04 it never did switch off  "cpu treshhold tmpreature"07:22
tomreynCarlFK: yes, you'll have to rename the file to *.conf07:22
CarlFKah.  derp. thanks07:22
tomreynbryanroderyck: we're trying to make it that again. as a reminder:  what's the output of:   cat /proc/loadavg07:23
bryanroderyck2.86 2.69 2.73 2/923 1748207:23
tomreynbryanroderyck: okay, reboot now, then run this command again and tell its output aain.07:24
bryanroderyckok reboot07:25
bryanroderyck2.12 1.45 0.59 2/654 276607:33
tomreynbryanroderyck: now you can post another    journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999907:50
tomreynbryanroderyck: see how i prefix my messages with your nickname to ensure you don't miss them? you can do so, too.07:51
bryanroderyckhow do you prefix the message with name?07:57
lotuspsychje!tab | bryanroderyck07:58
ubottubryanroderyck: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:58
mousas in, type the firest few letters of someone's name and hit tab when replying to them, bryanroderyck.07:58
mousIt helps in busy channels when many conversations are going on at once :)07:58
* mous really should be in bed07:59
LarryBobwhich is important if someone has a nickname of y8Gh3oP9Rq37U07:59
tomreynbryanroderyck: i assume your cpu overheating issues may be solved now. i still recommend reinstalling ubuntu amd64 (and re-applying https://termbin.com/mtr2 there - so take note of this)08:01
bryanroderycktomreyn, will it stop overheating or i need to reinstall ubuntu ?08:04
tomreynbryanroderyck: did you read what i just wrote?08:04
bryanroderyckyes ...sorry i need to backup evrything08:05
__raven__xubuntu 19.04 bug: vlc task bar icon process remains after closing vlc. strace shows "ressource not available" loop. which bugtracker would be suitable for this?08:12
bryanroderycktomreyn, thanks again08:12
tomreynbryanroderyck: you're welcome.08:13
lotuspsychje__raven__: can we have a full tail -f /var/log/syslog of this please?08:13
lotuspsychje__raven__: or/and start vlc from terminal08:13
bryanroderyckone last how do i backup it doesnt recognise usb?08:14
__raven__lotuspsychje: just a sec08:14
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lotuspsychje!nick | ledeni`08:18
ubottuledeni`: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.08:18
__raven__lotuspsychje: cannot reproduce now -.-08:23
__raven__will come back to this later08:23
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__raven__some other bugs on my acer e5-573 with 19.04 are missing volume function key function, random freezes and random standby behaviour. not sure how to sort this08:25
lotuspsychje__raven__: did you compare your issues with an LTS version of xubuntu?08:26
__raven__yes i did a clean install of 19.04 after running 18.04 latest a few days ago08:27
__raven__with kernel around 4.15??? there was a wifi chipset bug bug no freezes08:27
lotuspsychje__raven__: if you clean install 18.04.2 iso now you should be on hwe kernel 4.1808:29
__raven__ok but cannot compare now08:30
nonix4Two consecutive disk images of supposedly read-only mdraid device had differences at 5 sector offsets. How do I map those to underlying ext4fs contents?08:36
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nonix4(to be more accurate, 16 megabyte checksums had differences at offsets C8000000, D8000000, 188000000, 288000000 and 3E8000000)08:37
xormormy neighbor has a problem with AMD/ATI graphics on his old laptop. is it enough of me to run "sudo apt update", "sudo apt install firmware-linux-nonfree" and "sudo apt upgrade" on it? it has Ubuntu.08:57
lotuspsychjexormor: can you elaborate more on 'problem' please? ubuntu version would also be handy08:59
xormorlotuspsychje, the "apt" program said it is something "disco".09:10
lotuspsychjexormor: are you on the computer now?09:11
xormorlotuspsychje, the resolution is too low, it is at some basic video mode, not the one wanted.09:11
iseneFor some odd reason, every now and then, when my Ubuntu 18.10 wakes up from suspend, my xmodmap is killed. I have Capslock and Esc swapped and also mapped middle and right mouse buttons mapped (keycode  105 = Pointer_Button2 Pointer_Button3). When I then rund ' xmodmap .Xmodmap ' it swaps my Capslock and Esc as I like them, but does not fix my mouse buttones. why?;2uAnd how to fix?09:11
xormorlotuspsychje, I am not on it. I told my neighbor I want him to be present when I tool with his computer. he will ring my doorbell when he comes back. I did not take the computer to my place, and I refused to be alone at his apartment. I want him to OK everything I do. I told him it would possibly be useless for me to compile the kernel, since it would be the wrong kernel.09:12
lotuspsychjexormor: the best situation, is you come ask support with that computer, so volunteers can direct debug help & needed commands09:13
xormorlotuspsychje, ok09:13
pc_magasHello I managed to build and install from source the minitube. And I achieved it via building the required libmpv from source as well.09:34
pc_magasBut this approach seemd kinda laborious cause it installed dependencies from various sources: * pip for youtube-dl * libmpv from source and some apt packages as well needed for libmpv and minitube as well.09:34
pc_magasThus I though if I could just snap it into snapcraft would make life easier. But I find myself kinda troubled on how I can define and ship the required dependencies as well inside the snap package as well.09:36
pc_magasSo how I can define scripts or a way to tell the build steps prior to snap packaging?09:37
fishcookerwhat's the file system that friendly on windows and nix os, still ntfs?09:40
roryassuming a lot... yes.09:42
pc_magasfishcooker, for me yes trere are both supported, though ntfs in some cases it may cause some data loss in GNU/Linux epsecially in forcefully stopped rsync based backups into NTFS.09:43
rorymaybe fat32 if you definitely won't need the large files09:43
rorybasically it's easier to mount ntfs in linux, than to mount ext in windows09:44
fishcookernice err scarry info pc_magas09:45
fishcookerthanks for pointing rory fat3209:45
rorybetter to avoid if possible09:45
fishcookerfat32 still with 4G files size right, rory?09:46
roryideally for shared data storage use a NAS. But on a single drive I would choose ntfs over fat32 because of those filesize limitations yes.09:46
fishcookernice point rory09:48
fishcookerrory pc_magas is creating /formating ntfs disk partition on linux safe?09:50
rorysafe as in, can you be sure it will be read by Windows?09:50
pc_magasWell the only issue I had with NTFS was that the dirver itself in Ubuntu could not delete a file from an forcefully stopped rsync folder.09:52
pc_magasHence has tyo reformat the disk.09:53
pc_magasAlso I was unable to open it as well.09:53
AscavasaionCould someone tell me how to write a UEFI USB?  I have tried sudo if=thexubuntuisoI justdownloaded.iso of=/dev/sdc and it takes  afew minutes and exits without errors, but when I try to boot it... no go.09:53
AscavasaionOops, I left dd out of the command...09:54
Ascavasaionsudo dd if=thexubuntuisoI justdownloaded.iso of=/dev/sdc09:54
hugottyHave you made sure that none of the partitions on /dev/sdc are mounted?09:54
Ascavasaionhugotty, I think I did, but let me try again and make totally sure09:55
hugottyAnd did you run `sync` after running `dd` and before you took out the USB?09:55
roryit's more likely an issue with booting than an issue with flashing. but to be sure you could use mkusb command https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick#mkusb_-_dd_image_of_iso_file_to_USB_device_safely09:56
AscavasaionIt never worked again... even though the BIOS on the machine shows it as an option to boot, and I chose it.  It still booted into the installed Windows.  Trying the mkusb option now.10:04
coz_good day all10:05
BluesKajHi folks10:22
michael-kohlhaas!seen bryanroderyck10:48
ubottuI have no seen command10:48
SimonNL-NickServ- Last seen  : May 26 08:38:21 2019 (2h 14m 2s ago)      michael-kohlhaas for Bryanrode10:53
=== Guest15675 is now known as az
michael-kohlhaasthx SimonNL11:07
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
=== acetakwas is now known as ctkws
habbasiHi everyone. My laptop refuses to boot with the NVidia proprietary drivers installed . Stops at Started GNOME display manager.11:43
lotuspsychjehabbasi: wich ubuntu version, graphics card chipset and driver version please?11:44
habbasi19.04, both driver versions on the drivers tab and 1060 Max-Q with G-Sync11:46
lotuspsychjehabbasi: can you check wich driver version exactly please?11:46
habbasiSo there’s no Intel pass through. The display is is attached to the NVidia card.11:46
habbasi430 from the upstream drivers PPA but IIRC it also happens in 418 and 390.11:49
habbasiThanks so much for the help btw. If there’s docs on this issue I’m happy to follow those.11:50
lotuspsychjehabbasi: for GTX cards we often reccomend the ubuntu graphics ppa indeed, maybe you might share your dmesg to the channel, volunteers can take a look for you where it bottlenecks11:51
TJ-habbasi: just a note: GDM not starting is what I'd describe as an application issue, not 'fail to boot' - boot generally means reaching stable userspace which in systemd terms is when it reaches multi-user.target (meaning all services and network have started and TTY consoles are all available)11:54
ioriahabbasi, try to disable Secure Boot11:57
habbasiIt is disabled. I Boot other OS’s regularly.11:58
habbasiNevertheless, I’ll check.11:58
ioriahabbasi, are you in recovery mode atm?11:58
jeremy31habbasi: in terminal  mokutil --sb-state11:59
habbasiYes, I am.11:59
habbasiIt is disabled, thanks for the command!12:00
ioriahabbasi, exit and resume12:00
=== ace_me1 is now known as ace_me
ioriahabbasi, it should boot with 'nomodeset' enabled12:00
TJ-habbasi: if gdm3 failed, there should be some clue in its log: "journalctl -u gdm3.service" I think it is12:06
habbasiStops at the same place with that.12:09
ioriahabbasi, cat /proc/cmdline12:09
xormorI pointed out to my neighbor that he should use Synaptic (on Ubuntu) and he was able to finally resolve the graphics resolution (being too low) problem after that by himself, after we had looked at the text describing his graphics hardware on the Ubuntu system. the hardware was VIA graphics. he searched for "chrome9" on Synaptic, and I pointed out to him what to press with the mouse. he was a bit impatient and hassling with his computer, but finally12:13
xormorhe got it right, after we had looked at the problem together.12:13
habbasiHow do I access the command line from the stuck process scroll back?12:15
habbasiThat’s amazing, xormor12:16
ioriahabbasi, leave it;   reboot with 'nouveau.modeset=0'   kernel parameter12:16
habbasiioria nomodeset is in there on the next boot in recovery12:18
ioriahabbasi, boot with 'nouveau.modeset=0'   kernel parameter12:19
habbasiStops right there.12:20
ioriahabbasi, recovey, enable networking, and purge nvidia12:21
habbasiI need it for CUDA development. I can do it temporarily though.12:21
=== ChunkzZ is now known as ChunkzZElitebnc
ioriahabbasi, yes12:25
ioriahabbasi, are you on the  desktop ?12:29
habbasiI am indeed.12:29
ioriahabbasi,  cat /proc/cmdline | nc termbin.com 999912:29
habbasi(I was editing in nomodeset manually each time, so it won't show up here AFAIK)12:31
ioriahabbasi, what ?12:32
habbasiOn the GRUB menu, I was pressing e to edit and putting it in manually.12:32
ioriahabbasi, if you boot with nomodeset , it would show in the cmd i posted12:32
ioriahabbasi, no you don't12:32
habbasiOh, not this time with Noveau.12:33
habbasiIt boots fine with Noveau.12:33
habbasiThe issue is the Nvidia driver.12:33
ioriahabbasi, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE12:33
ioriahabbasi, lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D'  | nc termbin.com 999912:34
ioriahabbasi, dpkg -l | grep nvidia   | nc termbin.com 999912:36
habbasiThen I did 'sudo apt autoremove' and then it's all empty12:39
habbasiAnd the second command returns an exit code of 1 because there's nothing to grep.12:40
habbasiAnd there's no paste generated.12:40
ioriahabbasi, ls /etc/modprobe.d    | nc termbin.com 999912:42
habbasiioria I really appreciate all the time and effort. :)12:43
ioriahabbasi,  sudo updatedb && locate xorg.conf12:43
=== Carbon is now known as CarbonKA
ioriahabbasi, ubuntu-drivers list   | nc termbin.com 999912:46
habbasi(In case you're wondering, I manually replaced the WiFi card to this one for... Reasons)12:47
ioriahabbasi, apt -s install nvidia-driver-396 | nc termbin.com 999912:48
habbasiWhy not the latest? 🤔12:49
ioriait's just a simulation12:49
habbasiWhy is it pulling in AMD and Intel stuff?12:54
=== Carbon is now known as CarbonKA
ioriahabbasi,  try to install 396 , check for any errors  you might see, reboot ; if it fails  recovery and purge12:55
jeremy31habbasi: i386 is 32 bit and AMD64 is used for 64 bit12:55
habbasiIt's pulling in libdrm-amd and libdrm-intel12:56
habbasidpkg-query: no packages found matching libnvidia-gl-39012:58
habbasidpkg-query: no packages found matching libnvidia-gl-39012:58
ioria!info libnvidia-gl-390 disco13:00
ubottulibnvidia-gl-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA OpenGL/GLX/EGL/GLES GLVND libraries and Vulkan ICD. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.116-0ubuntu1 (disco), package size 14536 kB, installed size 71804 kB13:00
ioriahabbasi,  are you installing 396 , yes ?13:05
habbasiMirror issues?13:05
habbasiI've had those before.13:05
ioriahabbasi,  already rebooted ?13:05
ioriahabbasi,  i don't get why it wants 390 if you're installing 39613:06
habbasisudo apt install nvidia-driver-39613:06
habbasiThat's the command I ran... And manually scanned for errors.13:07
ioriahabbasi,  when it's done, paste the output13:07
ioriaError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 5.0.0-15-generic (x86_13:09
habbasiI haven't modified any kernel stuff from stock.13:10
habbasiOther than dist-upgrade13:10
ioriahabbasi,  so, purge again and autoremove; then you need to run  apt update and apt full-upgrade ('cause you have 10 not upgraded.); purge that ppa and we try with the ubuntu repo one13:12
ioriahabbasi, sorry, but i need to eat something :þ13:13
habbasiGo ahead. Thanks for the help. Will you be back? 😄13:13
=== mous is now known as mouses
NatanaielIs there anyway to prevent installing any additional packages on our system without preventing the current installed one to be upgraded?13:26
jeremy31Natanaiel: Don't install any additional packages, the update system should only update what is needed13:27
habbasiWell, the driver still is stuck at Started GNOME Display Manager13:28
Natanaieljeremy31: I mean preventing others to do that!!!13:28
jeremy31Natanaiel: You mean other users?13:29
OerHekspreventing installing packages except updates, interesting..13:29
jeremy31unattended updates?13:30
OerHeksthat would require heavily pinning, i guess, and not pinning current software13:30
* OerHeks researching other answers13:30
Natanaieljeremy31: I'm creating a customized ubuntu machine for a customer with our customized packages, I want the current installed packages be able to be updated but I don't want them to easily install their own packages13:31
jeremy31Possibly not allow them admin(sudo) permission and a cron job for updates?13:32
TJ-Natanaiel: entries in /etc/sudoers enabling apt/apt-get upgrade but not apt/apt-get install13:36
NatanaielTJ-: great thanks13:37
TJ-Natanaiel: you'd also want to protect "dpkg --install/-i"13:37
TJ-Natanaiel: you'd need to test whether additional rules for policykit might be required for the GUI software-centre13:38
TJ-Natanaiel: this all assumes the regular user's do not have general sudo membership13:39
TJ-Natanaiel: the spirit and purpose of the open-source licenses is to *allow* user freedom, not restrict it13:40
NatanaielTJ-: but if it also has general sudo membership it cannot change sudoers config file to bypass installation13:41
TJ-Natanaiel: there's possibly a sneaky way to achieve it too; edit and then make immutable /var/lib/dpkg/status - but I'm not sure how that would break apt and/or software-centre in interesting ways13:45
OerHeksYou can set the "immutable" attribute with most filesystems in ubuntu, chattr +i /etc/sudoers13:46
ioriahabbasi, how is going ?13:46
OerHeksso one with sudo cannot change permissions back.. unless they are really clever, chattr -i13:46
TJ-Natanaiel: the other option is to make /usr/bin/apt* a symlink to /bin/true and put the tools in another path/name13:47
client35how can I go about preventing my computer from sleeping when I'm ssh'd in?13:47
TJ-Natanaiel: dpkg-divert can help with ensuring that works smoothly13:47
TJ-client35: that depends on what service/application is doing the suspend13:48
TJ-client35: see https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/inhibit/13:49
habbasiioria: Still stuck at the same place, despite no errors in the apt log.13:57
habbasiI purged the PPA13:57
ioriahabbasi, havre you purged that ppa  ?13:58
ioriahabbasi, ok...   dpkg-l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999913:58
ioriahabbasi, ok...   dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999913:58
habbasiCurrently 418 is installed.13:59
habbasiOutside the repo.13:59
ioriahabbasi, there is no 418 in the ubuntu repo14:00
habbasiOh, my bad...14:00
ioriahabbasi, sorry, there is on disco14:01
ioriahabbasi, and you can oly access via Recovery ?14:02
habbasiCorrect. Same issue elsewhere.14:04
client35TJ- thanks for that14:04
ioriahabbasi, we can try with lightdm:   sudo apt install lightdm  and set it a default dm14:04
TJ-habbasi: ioria a boot using "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" would be useful test, and to have control before allowing gdm3 to start, and to grab useful logs14:08
ioriahabbasi, ^ let's try lightdm then we use the parameter TJ- suggested for grabbing someinfos14:09
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-also remember there's /var/log/gdm3/ which ought to contain clues14:10
ioriai'am afraid it's empty  now14:10
ioriahijacked to journal14:11
TJ-so 'journalctl -u gdm3.service' would be the equiv14:11
unknownsh-tanybody there?14:15
habbasiioria I’m in... LightDM worked.14:18
habbasiWhat now?14:18
ioriahabbasi, ok..., the problem now is to get a status from where we can trobleshoot GDM314:20
daneshello, I cant seem to find an answer for this issue. Im trying to install the latest version of kicad. When adding the ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-5.1 I get this error: --recv-keys 5F1E4C625E24069D9072394F83FBAD2D910F124E gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure14:20
ioriahabbasi, but if tou boot in Recovery, gdm will not start at all14:20
danesGoogle hasnt been very helpful for the last hour, so Im coming here to check if anyone has any idea how to resolve the keyserver issue14:21
ioriahabbasi, i mean, you need to reconfigure again gdm3 and boot in text mode14:22
habbasiWell, it says “no entries”14:22
ioriahabbasi, no entries for what ?14:22
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
BluesKajdanes, did you check if the ppa is relevant to your ubuntu release14:23
habbasi /var/log/gdm3 is empty too14:24
ioriahabbasi, i know14:24
ioriahabbasi, no entries for what ?14:24
habbasiFor the log. In journalctl14:25
ioriahabbasi, sure, cause we have configured  lightdm ...14:25
habbasiAh, fair enough. I didn’t know the logs would be wiped though.14:26
ioriahabbasi, gdm it's now disabled14:26
ioriahabbasi, how can it logs ?14:26
habbasiWell, the old logs for gdm should still exist.14:26
TJ-danes: I seem to recall those long key IDs need to be shortened (leaving only the short-key-id at the end). Worth searching for that key in the keyserver to id the correct short key, to test my theory14:27
TJ-danes: see http://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?search=0x5F1E4C625E24069D9072394F83FBAD2D910F124E&op=vindex14:28
ioriahabbasi, sudo journalctl -b 114:28
TJ-danes: for that key it would be "apt-key adv --key-server hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 910F124E "14:29
danesTJ- thanks for your help. Im still a newbie here. unfortunately that doesnt seem to work either14:31
danesExecuting: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.A2ss6WoquD/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 910F124E gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure14:31
TJ-danes: do you have a HTTP proxy in your network?14:32
TJ-danes: no, it's not you, it's Ubuntu. Looks like the keyserver isn't responding on the HKP/HKPS protocol ports14:33
TJ-danes: correction - it took a long time, but I got the key using the hkps protocol14:34
danesTJ- hmmm, can you share how I can do that?14:34
srulii ran latest updates, now firefox cant get to any site, not even local ip sites (firefox v67.0)14:35
danesTJ- I found other people asking about the problem I am experiencing on a few forums. I will post an answer once I get this sorted out14:36
TJ-danes: see here: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JTYrhcPbrB/14:36
TJ-sruli: you deserve a medal for breaking things!14:36
TJ-sruli: broken proxy?14:37
sruliTJ-: i already have the medal, not using a proxy14:38
TJ-sruli: does tcpdump reveal anything?14:38
danesTJ- I will look into my network. Its possible that it may be so slow that it times out...14:38
TJ-danes: try the test command in my pastebin for starters14:39
danesTJ- I did and same result14:39
TJ-danes: hang about, I'll see if any of the the Canonical server admins are about14:39
sruliTJ-: found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1145311/internet-is-working-but-firefox-browser-cannot-connect i dont want to delete my profile, ooof14:40
danesTJ- your help is very much appreciated!14:40
sruliTJ-: launched another profile and it works there, how do i get around this without deleting my profile?14:41
OerHeksi just added sudo add-apt-repository ppa:js-reynaud/kicad-5.1, no issues14:41
TJ-sruli: let me read up14:45
mr_loublackflow, So my current suspecion is that my harddisk issues is about SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) disks. Apparently Linux just has issues with those. No workarrounds either. Only solution is to not use SMR, but rather PMR or CMR.14:47
TJ-sruli: this looks to give some possible reasons/solutions (still reading) https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/firefox-cant-load-websites-other-browsers-can14:48
ioriahabbasi, if you paste the output, we might have a look at it14:49
TJ-sruli: for local connections, are you testing using hostname (localhost) or IP address ( I'd test with to determine if IPv4 works - if so, this could be an IPv6/DNS issue14:49
TJ-sruli: '631' is the CUPS web admin service14:50
sruliTJ-: i tried my roupter ip which is ipv414:50
ioriahabbasi,  but i suspect a Wayland thing14:50
badhobbitHey guys how is everyone?14:51
TJ-mr_lou: what's your issue with SMR?14:51
mr_louTJ-, Insanely slow write speeds after a while, like 1,5 mbps or even lower14:51
sruliTJ-: i disabled ipv6 and dnsprefetch still not working14:52
danesOerHeks: which os version are you using14:52
sruliTJ-: if i restart firefox in safe mode it works14:53
sruliTJ-:  cannot access 631 from firefox14:55
blackflowmr_lou: I thought you said the disc was SSD, not SMR14:56
danesTJ- it works now. I managed to install kicad.14:56
mr_loublackflow, Yea, I thought it was, because of its size, but no. That's a characteristic of SMR too: Small physical size.14:56
TJ-danes: great :;)14:57
mr_louOr... I was told it was too.14:57
TJ-mr_lou: write speeds for small files, or large?14:57
blackflowmr_lou: physical? you mean chassis? Because SMR are typically very large capacity, that's the whole reason they're SMR14:57
TJ-mr_lou: I use an 8TB SMR and the only time write speeds slow down is if you're scattering lots of small writes across the disk14:57
blackflowtrue what TJ- said.14:58
blackflowSMR has *HUGE* sector size, ~128MB (yes MB) per sector14:58
danesHello, I just installed kicad but the crosshair in the schema schematic capture does not refresh fast enough and it leaves like a ghost mark. If I move the mouse around the page, it will fill the page with crosshairs making it hard to do any work. I have an nvidia card and Im using the nvidia x server settings. my pc has an intel card as well but switching to it is not an option as it does not support my monitors.15:00
blackflowmr_lou: at any rate, if that's a SMR, that's not a normal disk to use. that's for sequential write backups, as random IOP is gonna be slower than running through molasses. in winter. on mars.15:00
mr_louTJ-, This is used for backup, so it's all kinds of file sizes. But yes, many small ones.15:00
mr_loublackflow, It is used for backup only.15:01
* mr_lou is gonna try with lazytime mount option.15:01
blackflowmr_lou: nah. you need to disable fsync for your backup program. somehow. Not sure how.15:02
TJ-mr_lou: there was some work done in ext4 to add zones to support SMR but it never arrived in the mainline15:02
blackflowotherwise mount with noatime, you really don't need access times, do you?15:02
mr_louTJ-, Have to use NTFS because the disks has to be readable on Windows machines too.15:03
mr_louBut I've ordered another PMR disk, so...15:04
TJ-mr_lou: ouch! that isn't doing to be nice :)15:06
=== ctkws is now known as acetakwas
mr_louTJ-, Yes it is. The one we have takes a full backup in 5 hours. This SMR one apparently needs several days for the same job.15:10
mr_louOr... well.... dunno if it's PMR or CMR...   all I know is that it's not SMR. :->15:11
mr_loua 2TB Intenso.15:11
mr_louI can see already that the lazytime option makes no difference. 66 seconds to copy 661 mb. :-/15:12
=== redlegion_ is now known as redlegion
TJ-mr_lou: what is the make/model of the device, and have you checked for I/O errors in dmesg, AND, are you using the NTFS fuse file-system driver (which is going to be slow!)15:13
TJ-mr_lou: I'd test it with a native Linux file-system - I strongly suspect NTFS isn't helping15:14
mr_louTJ-, It's a Toshiba Canvio. And what you have to keep in mind is that all works fine with other harddisks.15:14
mr_louTJ-, I have tried with ext4 and btrfs too. Same result.15:14
mr_louTJ-, No errors. It's a brand new harddisk. Another Toshiba Canvio acts the same way. It's SMR.15:14
TJ-mr_lou: is this drive connected via USB?15:15
blackflowmr_lou: are you sure? I can't find any info that it's a SMR drive15:15
blackflowtoshiba site says it's a portalbe 4TB usb thingy. that's unlikely to be SMR15:16
blackflowmr_lou: can you get teh model number via smartctl?15:17
mr_louTJ-, Yes, USB3.015:17
mr_loublackflow, They don't advertise SMR.15:18
mr_loublackflow, But yes, I managed to find a site that said it was SMR.15:18
blackflowmr_lou: I doubt that's SMR15:18
TJ-mr_lou: and have you confirmed the OS is using USB3, not USB215:18
blackflowSMR drives are typically >10TB, not 4TB15:18
mr_louTJ-, lsusb shows that it's a Device 002 connected to a Bus 002, which I believe means it's a USB3.0 device connected to a USB3.0 port.15:18
mr_loublackflow, They're also used to keep physical size down.15:19
TJ-mr_lou: can you show us "sudo hdparm -I /dev/sdX" (set X to whatever the device is)15:19
blackflowmr_lou: the physical size comes only in two form factors, 2.5" and 3.5"   and there are now non-SRM drives that go up to 10TB, like Western Digital thingies (though they're helium).15:20
mr_louTJ-, Sure15:20
habbasiioria Sorry, got busy with other stuff.15:20
habbasiI’ll be back tomorrow to help debug! I’d be glad to file an issue at least if it helps others!15:21
mr_louTJ-, https://pastebin.com/2d0mV7P315:22
mr_loublackflow, Well if it isn't SMR, then I have no clue why it's so shitty.15:25
mr_louIt sure is acting like an SMR. (I have one in my own PC too).15:25
mr_louinternal though.15:25
TJ-mr_lou: I don't see any evidence of SMR so far https://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/us/product/storage-products/client-hdd/mq04abfxxx.html15:27
ioriahabbasi, ok15:27
mr_louTJ-, https://rml527.blogspot.com/2010/09/hdd-platter-database-toshiba-25.html15:27
mr_lou"MQ04ABFxxx / L200 (5400RPM, 128MB cache, SATA-600 interface, Advanced Format, Shingled Magnetic Recording, 7mm z-height)"15:28
mr_louThey don't advertise it.15:28
mr_louWhoops, wrong paste. It's the line above, but same info: "MQ04UBDxxx (5400RPM, 128MB cache, USB 3.0 interface, Advanced Format, Shingled Magnetic Recording)"15:29
mr_lousearch model number on that page.15:29
mr_lou"Note: This and the similar MQ04ABF100 employ SMR technology (listed as such in this official flyer, too), despite early press releases claiming PMR. Buyer beware! The USB versions (MQ04UBDxxx/MQ04UBFxxx) are likely the same."15:30
blackflowmr_lou: so you believe a *blogspot* page more than Toshiba's own product specs? :)15:31
mr_loublackflow, Bored much?15:33
blackflowmr_lou: this is becoming a bit offtopic, so we can move this to #ubuntu-discuss, but I've found a source that's not a random blogspot, so it's marginally more credible, that suggests they might indeed be SMR, but it's not clear whether this is for upcoming models or current.  https://www.techradar.com/news/internet/data-centre/how-toshiba-s-new-storage-device-could-change-the-data-centre-129424515:33
mr_loublackflow, "As listed in the official flyer too". https://toshiba.semicon-storage.com/content/dam/toshiba-ss/shared/docs/product/storage/HDD-MQENA.pdf15:33
RyviusHello, it feels like performance (in games) is becoming worse and worse for me, any ideas what I can do about it?15:35
MylonWhy are most of the options in the touchpad - System Settings window grayed out and not able to be changed?15:35
blackflowmr_lou: the PDF you linked has zero (0) occurences of words "SMR" or "shingled"15:36
TJ-blackflow: "Recording Technology: SMR" for the MQ04ABD20015:37
blackflowah I see now, those are pictures in the PDF......15:37
blackflowthen again, that's not the model from the hdparm paste......15:38
TJ-blackflow: no, but it's very close, the difference being the A vs U (ATA vs USB I'd guess)15:38
blackflowneway, if that's SMR indeed, it would explain the slow writes, yes.15:38
code1I've just installed Ubuntu 19, is there a difference between installing software from the command line and the software GUI?15:41
jtnunleyI’m trying to connect by Nintendo DS to a virtual GTS server. How do I create a WFC WiFi hotspot on my Ubuntu laptop?15:41
code1I'm new to linux15:41
jtnunleycode1: not really15:41
code1jtnunley: does it all get installed to the same place?15:42
tomreyn!yy.mm | code115:42
ubottucode1: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle15:42
jtnunleycode1: they both use APT if memory serves right15:42
TJ-mr_lou: blackflow slow writes aren't a symptom of SMR, especially initially. If it is an SMR it has a 128MB cache, so OS writes go into the cache15:43
jtnunleybtw I meant WEP for my question15:43
tomreyncode1: the software gui may also install packages via !snaps15:43
code1jtnunley: ok thanks15:43
code1tomreyn: is that a good thing?15:43
tomreyncode1: that's for you to decide. personally, i try to stay away from snaps.15:44
TJ-mr_lou: I presume you're in Asia? This 'U' model seems to be specific to that region15:44
code1tomreyn: why is that?15:44
tomreyncode1: don't let me influence you, form your own opinion. once this is done, we can discuss in #ubuntu-discuss.15:45
tomreyn!snap | code115:45
ubottucode1: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io15:45
mr_louTJ-, No I'm in Denmark.15:46
blackflowTJ-: well, I asked mr_lou to provide a dd test. I haven't seen it yet. So far the only explanation for slow writes has been (allegedly, as we haven't even seen those) borg backup log timestamps....15:47
code1So Firefox comes preinstalled (which is great) but isn't listed in the Ubuntu Software's installed apps but instead lists it as something I can install15:47
mr_louTJ-, Writes are fine at first. Then slows down. Exactly as everyone else online describes it.15:47
mr_loublackflow, And iostat15:47
blackflowdd is the only proper test :) iostat tends to lie through averages and oversized iops.15:49
mr_louYea, I did think iostat's numbers were a bit high.15:49
mr_louI figured it had to be average numbers.15:49
mr_louBut it still drops and keeps dropping.15:50
blackflowthough technically those are transactions which occur before the hdd caches and methinks even before kernel's own transaction reordeing at the scheduler15:50
blackflowso yeah, they can be much higher than theoretical iops for the drive15:50
mr_louI reboot before starting the test.15:50
TJ-mr_lou: I agree with you it is an SMR drive; I'm surprised it has just poor sustained write performance though, based on my experience with an 8TB SATA-connected archive drive15:50
TJ-mr_lou: finally found a photo of one! http://www.donordrives.com/mq04ubd200-aa01-jt000u-hdkbd53aza31-t-toshiba-2tb-usb-2-5-hard-drive.html15:51
pjsAnyone familiar with source routing? Ie, I want to route all traffic FROM a specific network/interface to a specific gateway/interface, regardless of destination.15:51
blackflowTJ-: could be some specific random rw workload that borgbackup does   (I think this was borg backup in question)15:51
blackflowpjs: otoh, something something marking packets with iptables then using those tags for routing.15:53
blackflowpjs: https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/lartc.netfilter.html15:53
pjsblackflow: thank you!15:53
pjsI was using iproute2 tables but not having luck15:54
TJ-pjs: you need Policy Routing (additional routing tables)15:54
blackflowpjs: yea you need to classify packets into tables first15:54
Dreamanmy new laptop hp pavilion 8 gen i515:54
mr_louThanks TJ-15:54
Dreaman1050 ti15:54
Dreamanno chance to install15:55
pjsblackflow: TJ-, I was trying this: https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/lartc.rpdb.simple.html15:55
TJ-pjs: this may help remove some confusion: https://serverfault.com/questions/738915/how-do-policy-based-routing-tables-actually-work15:55
pjsTJ-, thanks! I'll give it a read now15:55
tomreyn!enter | Dreaman15:56
ubottuDreaman: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.15:56
Dreamanjust no start install program15:57
Dreamanno drivers may be x.org15:57
Dreaman19.04 ubuntu15:58
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, I like when a frame buffer is out of range.15:59
Dreamanis hp i5 intel 8gb ram 630 intel video uhd 8 gb ram ssd 128 gb and sata 1 tb game laptop16:00
Dreamanintel 8 gen16:00
Dreaman4 real 8 virtual kernels16:01
TJ-mr_lou: I found some good benchmarks covering that exact drive and the numbers are much higher than you report. See the various pages in this review (there are 7)  https://www.kitguru.net/components/hard-drives/simon-crisp/toshiba-canvio-advance-2tb-external-hard-drive-review/4/16:01
Dreamanfedora mint opensuse ubuntu xubuntu16:01
Dreamannot like this16:02
lol768evince on 19.04: when the window isn't active, the document dims slightly (s.t. a white BG is now grey)16:04
lol768how can I turn this off?16:04
Dreamanbay no os16:04
WGwinnHow well, generaly speaking, dous ubuntu in a vm handle being moved between different hardware? specifically, almost all dell servers of various generations.16:04
Dreamani install 1016:04
lol768actually I'm not sure this is an evince specific feature, the terminal does it too ._.16:05
Dreaman30 year us pc16:05
Dreamannot a lame16:05
Dreamanjust error16:05
Dreamaninstaletion program not start16:06
tomreyn!enter | Dreaman16:06
Dreamanjust stop16:06
pjsblackflow: This has a bit more detail on what I'm trying to do. So far no luck, even trying what you just gave me. I think I may need to flush everything and start over: https://www.reddit.com/r/raspbian/comments/bsp2oc/source_routing_only_wlan0_via_openvpn_connection/16:06
tomreynWGwinn: unless you have hardware / driver specific confgurations in place, or are switching between BIOS and UEFI booting (or architectures): quite well.16:07
Dreamannew hardware16:07
Dreamanboot start16:07
Dreamanbut no chanse to going instal program16:08
Dreamanrefus usb iso16:08
tomreyn!nomodeset | Dreaman16:09
ubottuDreaman: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:09
Associatex@Dreaman go into your uefi and enable legacy booting.16:10
TJ-tomreyn: I think Dreaman's issue is the installer ISO isn't found by the PC boot -manager (sounds like an UEFI issue)16:10
Dreamantomreyn: i not install nvidia driver16:10
Dreamanintal insade video 63016:10
Dreamandual video cards and hdd16:10
Dreaman1050 ti nvidia16:11
tomreynTJ-: hmm yes this makes more sense. but with lots of lines containing two or three words it's hard to follow.16:11
TJ-Dreaman, ще ви помогне ли да получите подкрепа на родния си език?16:11
DreamanTJ-:  помогни16:12
Dreamanalternative install16:12
TJ-tomreyn: Dreaman is Bulgarian; do we have any IRC or forum support for that (where there is someone available) ?16:13
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently16:13
tomreyni don't know whether someone is available there16:13
Dreamantomreyn:  joke 1 user16:13
Dreamanok i try thanks16:14
TJ-I'm afraid there'll be little to no support in that channel, and it looks like the .bg forums closed down a while ago16:14
lol768AskUbuntu question for my issue: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1146348/disable-inactive-window-dimming16:15
iorialol768, check your gnome-shell extensions in gnome-tweaks  (and if installed, disable Shade Inactive or similar)16:15
lol768there's only one shell extension on16:15
lol768According to https://extensions.gnome.org/local/16:15
lol768And it's "Desktop Icons"16:15
tomreynTJ-: with the language barrier, supporting him in english here will be tough, thoough. anyone happy to try to help them out can now join #ubuntu-bg16:15
TJ-tomreyn: I agree!16:16
gallomimiai tried using partitionmanager to view my LVM visually. it does not work correctly. it chokes on the idea that my volume has unused extents in the middle16:19
gallomimiait does not display a proper view of the partitions either16:20
mr_louTJ-, Yes well, we are also seeing much better results on Windows.16:24
mr_louTJ-, This is also something other people are reporting. Extremely poor performance on Linux. Fine on Windows.16:25
mr_louTJ-, ....which is why I'm having difficulties leaving it alone.16:25
TJ-mr_lou: that's an interesting observation; does Windows get any additional drivers installed for it?16:25
mr_louTJ-, No16:25
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, I like when a frame buffer is out of range.16:26
TJ-mr_lou: so it might not be the SMR causing this, it might be the actual AHCI queue depth or similar16:26
=== zyxel is now known as beaver
mr_louTJ-, I can't quite accept that Linux shouldn't be able to achieve the same results. But I admit we haven't tested it with the exact same files. I've mostly tried big files. I actually also got fine results on my own Desktop Ubuntu PC. The slow speed is happening on our Ubuntu Server at work.16:27
mr_louTJ-, But it's a brand new server. It's very fast otherwise.16:27
TJ-mr_lou: I agree with you, all things being equal the underlying technology of the platters should affect all OSes equally, which is why I suspect the AHCI config could be the cause16:27
mr_louTJ-, And it works fine and fast with other harddisks.16:27
mr_louTJ-, Well what can I do about that then?16:28
TJ-mr_lou: i did some tests of that drive, with different NCQ depths, so that could be part of the reason.16:28
WGwinntomreyn, thank you!16:28
OerHeksmr_lou, would that performance be related to ntfs? did you try exfat as well?16:29
mr_louOerHeks, Didn't try exfat, but have tried ext4 and btrfs16:29
Hell-RazorGood morning... is anybody else getting a lot of 503 errors this weekend? Itsl ike I have a halfway synced repo16:30
OerHeksas you stated it must be windows compatible..16:30
mr_louOerHeks, https://superuser.com/questions/1441290/insanely-slow-usb-harddisks-on-linux-in-201916:30
TJ-mr_lou: I've just found a terrific article that talks about a Seagate Archive (SMR) drive and how the drive affects queuing with delays! A great read to maybe understand more about what is going on and possible workarounds. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/211550/how-to-really-disable-ncq-in-linux16:30
OerHeksHell-Razor, still having mirror issues?16:30
TJ-mr_lou: the most revealing part of that article to me is "After that, the HDD stalls the remaining bytes for over 800 ms! Then the HDD is ready to receive the next 32 MiB and stalls again for 800 ms"16:31
Hell-RazorDerRaiden: Yup16:31
OerHekschanging mirror from US to main did not solve? .. then try to restart your modem/router, to fix unexplainable connection issues.16:32
Hell-RazorI dont get it.. fresh install and broken repos? shrug16:32
Hell-RazorWhat are the main repos instead of what I have in there currently?16:32
mr_louTJ-, Yes, those are the kinds of info I find too when searching. That it slows down. Even halts completely. Copies everything real fast but then stays at 100% forever.16:32
mr_louTJ-, But the big question is: Is there a solution anywhere?16:33
TJ-mr_lou: I'm wondering if you get any better performance by disabling NCQ as that engineer was doing16:33
Hell-RazorAnd why would I reset my modem / router DerRaiden ? its a 503, means remote issue16:33
Hell-RazorNo errors in my pihole or firewall...16:34
TJ-Hell-Razor: are you using an archive mirror?16:34
Hell-RazorTJ-: I am using whatever ubuntu wanted to put on, this is a fresh install16:34
Hell-RazorBut yes it does look like its all archive mirrors, wtf16:35
mr_louTJ-, Hm...well..... I have no experience with kernel parameters. I'm also just using SSH so I can't access recovery menu either.16:35
Hell-Razormr_lou: whats the issue? what are you trying to do with SSH?16:35
mr_louHell-Razor, Just using SSH to work on the server I'm having problems with = can't remotely access recovery menu.16:36
mr_louHell-Razor, Not an issue as such.16:36
TJ-Hell-Razor: grep "http" /etc/apt/sources.list | head -1"16:37
Hell-RazorWhat do you want to know TJ- ?16:38
Hell-RazorThey are achive mirrors16:38
OerHeks"No errors in my pihole .."16:39
Hell-Razormr_lou: Ah. I dont think you are going to be able to boot into a recovery with ssh16:39
Hell-RazorDerRaiden: I meant nothing is blacklisted16:39
mr_louTJ-, Can I just edit /etc/default/grub for that?16:39
TJ-mr_lou: just use sysfs, e.g. "grep . /sys/block/sd?/device/queue_depth"16:41
TJ-mr_lou: id the device and see what it's current queue depth is, if greater than 1 try changing it to 116:41
mr_louTJ-, It's 116:42
Hell-RazorI am trying to figure out what the next step is, nuke the repo file and put in different ones? I am more confused how this could be so broken on a fresh install16:42
mr_louTJ-, Probably because of the various settings I've tried.16:42
mr_louTJ-, I've tried a lot of suggestions that I've found here and there. Nothing seems to help.16:43
TJ-mr_lou: I'd suspect that 1 is the native value actually, but it is always worth checking16:44
OerHeksHell-Razor, again: try to restart your modem/router, to fix *unexplainable* 503 connection issues., but if you won't, that is oke, i have no other clue16:44
mr_louTJ-, How about if I change grub..   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="libata.force=noncq"  ?16:44
mr_louTJ-, And then reboots?16:45
OerHeksexcept the pihole maybe16:45
Hell-RazorOerHeks: Not like I havent tried that already, but that doesnt make any sense as is16:45
OerHekswell, those 503 do not make sense either16:45
mr_louTJ-, I think I set it to one, by doing echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness16:46
TJ-mr_lou: yes, that would be a good test, as long as you're booting with Ubuntu's default entry and not some other :) I usually add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= since that applies to *all* entries including recovery16:46
Hell-RazorI am using archive mirrors, why would ubuntu install archive mirrors on a fresh install OerHeks, thats where I am stuck right now16:46
mr_louTJ-, OK. I'm gonna try that then.16:46
Hell-RazorAnd, what are the mirrors I should be using16:46
OerHeksus mirror should be fine, else 'main'16:47
OerHeksbut you have tried that, you said16:47
Hell-RazorOerHeks: No I didnt say that16:47
Hell-RazorI said which us mirrors should I be using16:47
TJ-Hell-Razor: the mirrors are auto-detected so that (usually) you get a fast experience AND don't overload the primary archive servers16:48
OerHeksthe update setting menu gives an opotion to scan for fastest mirror, and us is oke, or trottle back to main, maybe slower..16:48
Hell-RazorTJ-: Looks like the auto-detect bombed somewhere?16:48
Hell-RazorOerHeks: Wheres that?16:48
TJ-Hell-Razor: no, it sounds like the mirror itself is having problems. 503 is a server error indicating internal problems16:49
TJ-Hell-Razor: these happen occassionally on all all web servers16:49
Hell-RazorTJ-: Somebody here said yesterday they were able to sync fine16:49
mr_louTJ-, Poster writes though: "Regarding my Seagate 6TB write performance problem, there was no change in speed. Linux still reaches 180 MiB/s."16:49
mr_louTJ-, So probably shouldn't get my hopes up.16:49
OerHeksHell-Razor, really, no clue about update settings?16:50
Hell-RazorTJ-: Yeah I get that, shit happens, but it looks like I am literally on a half updated system... I am looking to get git installed, it doesnt exist in the repo right now which doesnt make sense, same with a dozen other packages that I know exist arent found16:50
TJ-mr_lou: indeed, at this point you're just experimenting!16:50
mr_louTJ-, Yup16:50
TJ-Hell-Razor: edit /etc/apt/sources.list for now16:50
mr_louTJ-, Nope, very low. 2 mbps16:51
Hell-RazorOerHeks: I am not a ubuntu user, this is a cheap laptop I am just experimenting on at the moment16:51
TJ-Hell-Razor: something like "sed -i 's/us\.//' /etc/apt/sources.list" (if its' set to us.archive.ubuntu.com)16:51
TJ-mr_lou: is the drive data destroyable? I mean, can you do a raw dd test into it and forget about file-systems?16:52
Hell-RazorTJ-: Lets see what that does16:52
OerHekswhy commandline, use the gui, type update in the search, and the settings tool pops up16:52
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade16:52
Hell-RazorOerHeks: Because this is linux, things work via cli16:53
TJ-command-line instructions can be 100% precise; trying to describe where to find something in a GUI is not16:53
Hell-Razor++ to that16:54
Hell-Razorstill a ton of 503s16:54
TJ-Hell-Razor: did you check the change was made to the file? after which you have to do "sudo apt update" to fetch the lists from the new servers16:54
Hell-RazorI did an update, thats where the 503s are coming from16:54
Hell-Razorroot terminals ftw, no sudo needed16:55
TJ-Hell-Razor: and it now points to archive.ubuntu.com ?16:55
Hell-RazorTJ-: correct16:55
TJ-Hell-Razor: in which case there is a (transparent) proxy in your network route , possibly ISP?16:55
TJ-Hell-Razor: we do see this quite a lot16:56
Hell-RazorIts possible there is something outside of my network that is messing with this. I have several other linux machines in my network that are running just fine, just not ubuntu16:56
TJ-Hell-Razor: let's see if you could use HTTPS: "apt list --installed apt-transport-https"16:56
mr_louTJ-, Sure16:56
Hell-RazorTJ-: not installed16:57
TJ-Hell-Razor: also, can you browse into the mirror with a regular web browser?16:57
TJ-Hell-Razor: as in http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16:57
b1ack0phow can i create another user in ubuntu?16:58
b1ack0pi want to create a shell for a test bot16:58
TJ-b1ack0p: "sudo adduser newuser"16:58
Hell-RazorWhat a pile, my isp is blocking that mirror16:58
b1ack0pcan i install things inside newuser without login in there?16:58
Hell-RazorOne sec, time to call and yell at them16:58
TJ-Hell-Razor: aha!16:59
Hell-RazorTJ-: its still strange, why blacklist a mirror.16:59
b1ack0pTJ-: should i be root for that?16:59
TJ-Hell-Razor: you might have alternative transports you could use: look for "installed" in "apt list apt-transport*"16:59
Hell-RazorI need to figure out how to get around it now16:59
TJ-Hell-Razor: are you getting a denied returned from the ISP from a transparent proxy then?16:59
Hell-RazorTJ-: the only apt transport i have is libapt-pkg5, thats it. I am literally on a half installed or half updated system, kind of funny17:00
TJ-Hell-Razor: I bet the proxy is broken, try this to get an idea what it returns, and show us: "wget -S http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ -O -"17:00
Hell-RazorTJ-: I am getting a denied message from a server I run into as soon as I leavem y network17:00
Hell-RazorI dont get an error with wget, just when I try to browse to it which is strange. Its like I can get there but the proxy drops the packages when I return?17:01
TJ-Hell-Razor: this is what you'd expect to see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/p9hgq8FCTG/17:02
TJ-Hell-Razor: in those headers, do you see a "Proxy" header?17:02
TJ-Hell-Razor: in *your* headers17:02
Hell-RazorYeah I follow, one sec on the phone17:02
TJ-Hell-Razor: possibly the ISP has its own mirrors17:03
Hell-RazorTheres an easy way to get around that17:03
plongshotis there any way to tell what actual version of a package will be installed throught the official repository?  I don't mean ubuntu package version number I mean the version according to upstream versioning so you know what you will actually get if you install it that way.  thanks17:03
Hell-RazorI just need to setup another vpn on my pa17:04
b1ack0p$ sudo apt install tcl17:04
b1ack0p[sudo] password for bot:17:04
b1ack0pbot is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.17:04
TJ-b1ack0p: indeed, the bot is not a member of the sudo group17:04
b1ack0pwhat can i do?17:05
TJ-b1ack0p: I'm not sure what you want to do? to use 'apt install' you need sudo privileges, because that installs a package into the operating system17:05
b1ack0pTJ-: i created a user name bot and logged in with password17:06
tomreynb1ack0p: run administrative commands (which require sudo) as your main user, using sudo17:06
b1ack0pi am trying to install tcl17:06
TJ-b1ack0p: there is no facility to use the package manager to install packages on a per-user basis17:06
b1ack0pTJ-:i dont get it17:06
plongshotAnd, is this an official repository?  https://launchpad.net/~ansible/+archive/ubuntu/ansible17:07
plongshotDo I already have that then because I have the official repositories?17:07
TJ-plongshot: "apt-cache policy <package-name>" to see what versions can be installed and from where17:08
coconutAnyone knows for a cakewalk(windows) alternative for ubuntu? (i hope for something available in the repo. It has to function for ls files and for midi audio output to a barrel organ).17:08
plongshotTJ-: thx17:08
TJ-plongshot: "apt-cache search -n <fragment-of-package-name>" to locate a package, and "apt-cache show ..." to show details of the package17:09
Hell-RazorTJ-: problem solved17:09
mr_louTJ-, Another sign it's bad, is that calling sync takes several minutes... sometimes 10-20 minutes.17:09
Hell-RazorTJ-: thanks for your help.17:09
TJ-mr_lou: I think you've a duff drive there17:09
mr_louTJ-, But libata.force=noncq didn't change anything.17:09
TJ-Hell-Razor: glad you got it sorted :)17:09
plongshotSo if I see  "Candidate: 2.5.1+dfsg-1"  <--  that's the upstream ansible version not the ubuntu package version?17:10
mr_louTJ-, I'm gonna reset everything, all my settings, then reboot and try a dd test.17:10
tomreynplongshot: URLs in the form of https://launchpad.net/~user_or_projectname/+archive/something/somethingelse point to !PPA17:10
TJ-mr_lou: based on the reports I'd RMA it as defective17:10
mr_louTJ-, That's what I wanted to do first - but the seller tested it and said it was fine. And then I bought another Toshibe Canvio drive (almost same model) which behaves exactly the same.17:10
Hell-Razormr_lou: What are you trying to work on?17:10
plongshottomreyn: I'm trying to figure out if that is an additional way to instlal ansible by adding that repo but I don't undrestand how launchpad works.  Anyone can create their own ppa there?17:11
mr_louHell-Razor, https://superuser.com/questions/1441290/insanely-slow-usb-harddisks-on-linux-in-201917:11
TJ-!ppa | plongshot17:11
tomreyn!ppa | plongshot17:11
ubottuplongshot: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:11
plongshotright on17:12
TJ-mr_lou: in your tests, it would be interesting to discover what size of data you can send to the drive intitially before it stalls ... that'd reveal the drive's cache size17:12
plongshotI have now 4 ways to decide from to insall < pip | apt | ppa | source >17:12
mr_louTJ-, Pretty sure that'll be 128 mb17:12
mr_louAccording to specs.17:13
TJ-mr_lou: indeed, but still be interesting... I'm wondering if they've reduced the cache size (to reduce cost) and therefore it stalls quicker17:13
TJ-mr_lou: if it were down to 32MB for example17:13
TJ-mr_lou: most non=SMR drives have around 8MB cache (non Enterprise)17:14
plongshotCan I have a ppa on launchpad?17:15
plongshotWhat or who do you have to be to have one?17:15
plongshotyou know I had to adk  :>17:15
mr_louTJ-, Trying this one first: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=32M count=3217:16
Hell-Razormr_lou: ouch17:16
mr_louTJ-, Taken from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/211550/how-to-really-disable-ncq-in-linux17:17
OerHeksplongshot, yes you can, if you registered, signed COC, https://askubuntu.com/a/7151617:17
mr_louHell-Razor, It's a very annoying issue, especially because I'm praising Linux (a lot) at work, so my coworkers just loves when something like this happens.17:17
plongshotOerHeks:   do I have to share it?17:18
OerHeksplongshot, when you are done, the ppa is published after building, then you can share the adress17:18
OerHeksor keep private, it all will be explained in those urls17:18
plongshotI wonder what way it could be used --if I could use it as a place to park my personal server configuration (like a backup) ?17:18
Hell-Razormr_lou: are you using ubuntu at work?17:19
mr_louHell-Razor, Yes17:19
plongshotoh ok17:19
OerHeksplongshot, no, use github for that?17:19
plongshotOerHeks: I get it .  ty17:19
mr_louHell-Razor, Server running an HTML5 based Business Intelligence system, and handling backup. We also have a Debian server running printer software.17:19
Hell-Razormr_lou: Ah.. that may be one issue. I find ubuntu is behind and too old / obsolete for me to work with on a professional level. Only reason why its on this laptop is because I wanted to stress test it before buying17:20
Hell-Razormr_lou: cool17:20
Hell-Razormr_lou: Business intel like... bro?17:20
TJ-Hell-Razor: "too old"?17:20
plongshotOerHeks:  the ppa s in launchpad contain ubuntu packages (packaged for ubuntu / a deb package) but is it just a git repo underneath?17:20
mr_louHell-Razor, When I started looking into Linux, I started out with Arch. Grew tired of that fast. I lost count of how many times I had to fix my install due to changes that broke this and that.17:20
Hell-RazorTJ-: some packages are outadated17:20
mr_louHell-Razor, I have no regretted switching to Ubuntu. :-)17:21
OerHeksplongshot, there are many ways to add sourcecode, git is just one of them17:21
mr_louTJ-, That DD test isn't done yet...  O_o17:21
Hell-Razormr_lou: Want to talk about breaking stuff lol.. Ubuntu is usuallly alright overall for those that dont want to tinker.17:21
TJ-Hell-Razor: well yes, compared to where the 60,000+ packages carried are *today* - Ubuntu is not a rolling-release, it freezes packages every 6 months17:21
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:21
blackflowCase in point, Arch users now crying over corrupt data, by data-eating bug in dm layer with 5.1 kernel17:22
TJ-Hell-Razor: but including the word 'professional' in there is strange, since most professionals prefer stability over bleeding edge17:22
plongshotOerHeks: Yes. I personally know git best but Ibe played w/ mercurial once.  I was just curious about what it actually is. What actually is used in launchpad but I can look that up.  I was just chatting about it to see what was said.17:22
Hell-RazorTJ-: Thats what I mean, sometimes if I want a patch that I need for, say pen testing, I sometimes I dont want to wait 6 months. Also 19.04 just got the 5.0.0 kernel like a week ago correct?17:22
plongshotSo nothing to stop a person from packaging to deb and putting that in their github repo?17:23
TJ-plongshot: PPA is a place to publish your own Debian (.deb) packages, it is NOT a general file/DVCS service17:23
OerHeksHell-Razor, no, 19.04 gives 5.x from release17:23
Hell-RazorTJ-: I am talking more personal workstation at work, not server based17:23
blackflowHell-Razor: you can always patch src deb and have super-turbo latest software.17:23
TJ-plongshot: the PPA builds the packages from source and puts them on a HTTP archive server that can be included in the apt sources.list17:23
OerHeksget your facts right, professional17:23
Hell-RazorOerHeks: You sure like to cherry pick17:24
TJ-Hell-Razor: same here; I do all my primary work on the last LTS release, and use containers for anything bleeding edge17:24
plongshotTJ-: That was what I was after...  that how do you replicate the functionality of the launchpad ppa with a github repo?  What I was trying to understand was if there is a difference in added features / functionality in launchpad that git doesn't have.17:25
Hell-RazorTJ-: Yeah its all interesting though.17:25
TJ-echo $(uname -r; lsb_release -r) = "5.1.0-050100-lowlatency Release: 18.04"17:26
Hell-RazorOerHeks: But please, dont ever tell anybody again to reboot for a 503, it hurts your credibility17:27
TJ-plongshot: PPA isn't git, originally the only source-code publishing method was the Debian "dput package.dsc" command17:27
Hell-RazorAlright im outie. you gals and guys have a good weekend.17:28
OerHekshave fun!17:28
TJ-plongshot: the point of PPAs is the package is built properly in the PPA builders for multiple architectures and then published17:29
plongshotTJ-: Ok, so if there is automation in launchpad that doesn't exist in a regular git repo (eg: locally, github, bitbucket, or other). then the question becomes can it  (my github or bitbucket accunt) be made ilike it? And differences in how the stat is reached? Constraints?  OR  say :  "this is why someone would wonder if they can make a launchpad ppa private adn use it that way".   The point seems that launchpad is not intended for17:36
plongshotthat purpose so I honer that totally.   But that's what I wonder about and why I was digging17:36
plongshotI appreciate ya'all I can look stuff up. Just chatting about it here is all17:36
OerHeksthere is a private ppa option..17:37
OerHeksanother option is snap, building software and distribute to any linux version using snapd17:38
TJ-plongshot: PPAs came about as a way for developers to easily build and publish packages (for testing of bug-fixes, new features) in a trusted way that works with the existing Debian/Ubuntu package management, rather than asking people to download from random web servers ala Windows17:40
mr_louTJ-, That DD test still hasn't completed. :-|17:41
plongshotOerHeks: You dont say?17:43
plongshotthat is an intersting option I would have never ever considered possible17:44
blackflowmr_lou: did you limit it with block count?17:44
TJ-mr_lou: 32 x 32MB? then the drive is foo-barred, have tou examined its SMART reports?17:44
plongshotwell I love you guys17:44
=== factor__ is now known as factor
TJ-blackflow: it was "  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=32M count=32 "17:44
mr_loublackflow, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=32M count=3217:45
mr_louTJ-, Again: It works fine on Windows.17:45
TJ-mr_lou: with 'dd' ?17:45
OerHekswith 128m cache, would bs=128M be correct?17:45
mr_louTJ-, There's dd for Windows?17:45
plongshotOerHeks: snap17:45
plongshotright on17:45
TJ-mr_lou: there was many moons ago, but now Windows has WSL I'd assume its available through that17:46
blackflowOerHeks: doesn't matter as long as total write breaks through cache size.17:46
TJ-plongshot: the downside of snaps is, if you're bundling specific versions of other libraries as part of your application, its up to you ensure they get patched for security issues and you republish17:47
WizardI'm trying to pin one of my apps to favourites in Gnome.17:47
TJ-mr_lou: I left Windows in 2003, but even back then there as windd17:47
WizardHowever, it's a java app17:47
WizardSo I'm creating a desktop entry by hand. How can I obtain wmclass?17:48
blackflowWizard: do you need it?17:48
Wizard(latest ubuntu, so I assume this isn't X11)17:48
blackflow(it is)17:48
WizardSo xwminfo or something like this?17:48
TJ-Wizard: someone else asked the same question recently and I cannot recall the answer I gave now!17:49
Fuchsxwininfo or xprop17:50
Fuchspreferably the latter17:50
WizardYup, xprop it is :17:50
blackflownow the $32k question, do you need it for the .desktop entry?17:51
TJ-Wizard: ahhh, editres and listres17:51
Wizardblackflow: Yeah, there's no "pin to favourites" for some java apps.17:52
WizardNow it works17:52
WizardAnd it doesn't appear double on the list17:52
blackflowah, I remember that problem yes17:52
plongshotTJ-: cool17:52
blackflowWizard: StartupWMClass, yes?17:53
blackflowbut iirc you can set whatever class you want there, no?17:54
WizardYes, but in order it to catch the application it has to be what app really sets.17:54
WizardBiessie: o/18:02
misslauracodesHi there! I'm trying to mount a Raspberry Pi SD card but when clicking the FAT32 partition I receive the error Error mounting /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock on /dev/sdb1 - but this drive works and boots fine on Windows. I have installed exfat-fuse and don't know what else to do.18:06
misslauracodesWell I do know what to do: use Windows. But I would like to use Ubuntu because I'm sure it is capable.18:07
misslauracodesI'm running Ubuntu 19.04 btw18:07
Wizardmisslauracodes: No idea :D18:17
tomreynmisslauracodes: please run this in a terminal to show what you have the:  sudo fidsk -l /dev/sdb | nc termbin.com 9999; sudo lsblk --fs /dev/sdb | nc termbin.com 9999; sudo file -s /dev/sdb1 | nc termbin.com 999918:19
Dreamanhttps://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/wXF327rrpx/  done :))))))))))))18:19
tomreynmisslauracodes: it should return 3 HTTP addresses you can then post here.18:19
misslauracodestomreyn: https://termbin.com/0lax https://termbin.com/xi95 https://termbin.com/8bvp18:20
misslauracodesthat nc trick is nice, will remember.18:21
tomreynmisslauracodes: how did you try to mount sdb1?18:23
misslauracodestomreyn: plugged it in, clicked it in nautilus. however I have also tried manually with mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/rpi/boot18:24
tomreynmisslauracodes: did you try to run "mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/rpi/boot" with sudo?18:25
tomreynmisslauracodes: is "Error mounting /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock on /dev/sdb1" the output produced by this command (run without sudo)?18:26
misslauracodestomreyn: yes and yes18:28
misslauracodestomreyn: I'm doing this on a fresh install of ubuntu 19.04 - but I have installed exfat-fuse as an attempt to get this working18:28
tomreynmisslauracodes: so "sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/rpi/boot" produced the same output - "Error mounting /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock on /dev/sdb1"?18:29
misslauracodestomreyn: yeah I'm running as root already18:29
tomreynmisslauracodes: i don't see how exfat support would help, sdb1 is clearly a vfat file system18:29
misslauracodestomreyn: i was clutching at straws18:29
TJ-misslauracodes: can you show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -b -n 150)"18:30
tomreynmisslauracodes: run a file system check on it: sudo fsck -n /dev/sdb118:31
tomreynmisslauracodes: run a file system check on it: sudo fsck.vfat -n /dev/sdb118:31
tomreynthe latter please18:31
tomreyn!pastebinit | misslauracodes18:32
ubottumisslauracodes: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:32
misslauracodesTJ-: https://termbin.com/5om618:33
TJ-misslauracodes: aha "FAT-fs (sdb1): error, invalid access to FAT (entry 0x0c77a594)"18:34
misslauracodesTJ-: it's not aha for me :/18:34
TJ-misslauracodes: it means that a cluster number in the File Allocation Table is out-of-bounds - Unlike Windows, Linux checks the entire FAT before mounting18:37
TJ-misslauracodes: as tomreyn recommended, do an fsck18:37
misslauracodesoops, didn't see tomreyn message18:38
misslauracodesfsck.vfat -n /dev/sdb1 fsck.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24) Seek to 7846493696:Invalid argument18:38
misslauracodestomreyn, TJ: ^18:39
TJ-misslauracodes: ouch!18:39
TJ-misslauracodes: has the file-system been resized at some point?18:40
misslauracodesTJ-: no I just wrote raspbian to it using dd18:40
TJ-misslauracodes: that seek number equates to 3741.49GB into the device! plainly impossible18:41
TJ-misslauracodes: ahhh, unless it's reporting in bytes not sectors18:41
tomreynit'd still be much larger than 42.9 MB18:42
TJ-misslauracodes: that seek value is well outside the partition sdb1, it's almost the end of the device18:43
tomreynmisslauracodes: raspbian is probably larger than 42.9 MB, too?18:43
* TJ- tries to recall the equiv of dumpe2fs -h for vfat18:43
TJ-tomreyn: the FAT32 is the GPU's boot partition, Raspbian is in sdb2 on ext18:43
tomreyni see.18:44
misslauracodesI downloaded the 1.8GB .img file from raspberrypi.org - then dd if=/path/to/raspbian.img of=/dev/sbb bs=4M18:45
tomreyneither way, it's either broken or in a vfat variant ubuntu does not understand.18:45
TJ-typo :)18:48
LinuxGuy2020Hello I am looking for a list of keycodes for remapping a few extra mouse buttons. Normal 3 buttons are recognised by the system as btn_left, btn_right, and btn_middle. What would I call buttons 4 and 5?18:49
tomreynmisslauracodes: so i guess my conclusion is that this image you wrote to the sdcard either didn't arrive on the sdcard properly, or was broken in the first place, or it is actually fine and ubuntus' dosfstools just do not know how to interpret it (rather unlikely).18:49
tomreynmisslauracodes: you can run fsck.vat in repair mode (where it actually makes changes, -n prevented this)18:52
misslauracodeshm, I did it on another sd card to check, and they both have the same conclusion18:53
tomreynmisslauracodes: you could also loop-mount the original image file and run fsck.vfat -n against the first partition there, to see whether it's already broken there.18:53
misslauracodesI'll download the image from another source first18:53
misslauracodessha256sum matches18:54
TJ-misslauracodes: where are you downloading from? I can check the FAT manually to detect the error by hand18:57
misslauracodesTJ-: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/19:00
misslauracodessorry, https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbian_lite_latest19:00
fishcookeri have 2 pc; A and B... i want  to backup the A folder to B using rsync afaik the eth card have 100MB and 1000MB but i got the limit on 1.12MB how to make the speed up to 100MB more closely19:03
TJ-misslauracodes: pretty sure that's the one I have here19:03
TJ-misslauracodes: ahhh, same date, but I have the standard not lite19:04
misslauracodesI've done this procedure probably a hundred times and it has always mounted fine, but now I'm using ubuntu 19.04 I think something has changed19:04
TJ-fishcooker: the ethernet link is Mbits, notMBytes, so rsync's 1.12MB is approx 11.2Mb19:05
TJ-misslauracodes: we'll see, I can try to replicate your experience here19:05
misslauracodesthank you19:05
fishcookeris that the best speed i could achieve, TJ-19:06
tomreynmisslauracodes, TJ-: i just ran fsck against the first partition of this image on an ubuntu 18.04.2, and there were no errors19:06
misslauracodesHow do I mount as loopback device?19:07
tomreyni actually used kpartx, didn't mount at all.19:07
tomreynsudo kpartx 2019-04-08-raspbian-stretch-lite.img19:08
TJ-misslauracodes: do you have the .img file still on the PC? in which case do "sudo losetup -P --show -f path/to/file.img" and then try "sudo fsck.vfat -n /dev/loopXp1"19:08
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
misslauracodesHey I have tried something else and the partition mounts. Instead of doing `dd if=/path/to/raspbian.img of=/dev/sdb bs=5M` I used a GUI application called Etcher. It flashed the SD card and it mounts fine... so the error is how I'm using dd, it seems.19:09
fishcookerlooks to slow... how to calc rsync's 1.12MB is approx 11.2Mb19:10
TJ-fishcooker: a byte is 8 bits but make it 10 and it's an easy multiplier19:10
tomreyn1 Byte = 8 bit19:10
Ben64fishcooker: you might want to check the link speeds of both systems19:11
Ben64sounds like you're limited to 10mbit19:11
fishcookernoted TJ tomreyn19:11
fishcookeriperf Ben6419:11
TJ-misslauracodes: the .img file is fine here, so it's possible your USB adapter for the SD-card is faulty and introduces corruption on write19:11
Ben64no, that checks throughput19:11
misslauracodesTJ-: see my prev. message19:12
lotuspsychjefishcooker: and whats the ammount of data you are going to move?19:12
Ben64fishcooker: ip link show19:12
fishcooker50GB lotuspsychje19:12
TJ-misslauracodes: after you used 'dd' did you 'sync' to flush memory buffers to the device?19:12
misslauracodesTJ-: yes I always do19:12
TJ-misslauracodes: and did you use "eject" before unplugging it?19:12
fishcookerBen64: 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 100019:13
misslauracodesTJ-: no I don't know about eject19:13
Ben64fishcooker: now on the other system19:13
Sbur3Using Ubuntu.  Have a USB key.  Filesystem Ex-fat not recognized.  Can't lose data.  Need to print data. Now. How can you help?19:13
TJ-misslauracodes: I can't think how 'dd' can introduce errors in the write, but I can imagine it could saturate the USB interface of the SD-card adapter to cause corruption. Is the SD-card in a USB adapter (I presume so since a proper SD-card interface would present a /dev/mmcblk* device)19:14
tomreynmisslauracodes: it's the same ads right-clicking on the device in nautilus and selecting to (i think) "remove" (not "unmount")19:14
TJ-tomreyn: correct19:14
Ben64Sbur3: sudo apt install exfat-fuse19:14
fishcookerBen64: https://dpaste.de/rRxQ19:14
mr_louTJ-, blackflow, well I lost connection to SSH before the dd command was done. So I tried another with only 2 counts. Result: 2,1 mb/s    Same results as all other tests.19:15
Ben64fishcooker: well you could try iperf19:15
Ben64maybe something in the middle is slowing it down19:15
TJ-mr_lou: you need tmux!19:15
fishcookeri suspect so19:15
misslauracodesTJ-: Yes I use a USB-C SD adapter. I always do it this way on older versions of ubuntu. Also, etcher worked absolutely fine using the same device.19:15
Sbur3Ben64: I'm going to try. Is there a command for all other file systems?19:16
Sbur3Ben64: Thx19:16
mr_louTJ-, Huh?19:16
Ben64Sbur3: 'a command for all other file systems' ???19:16
mr_louTJ-, Is that something like Screens?19:16
TJ-misslauracodes: right, but Etcher may space out writes by doing it a sector at a time, whereas dd is using larger buffers and queueing up the data as fast as possible, which can (and does!) overheat the USB<>MMC adapter chips19:17
TJ-mr_lou: yes19:17
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, like when a frame buffer is out of resolution range.19:17
mr_louTJ-, 128 mb 1 count = 8,5 mb/s19:17
Sbur3ntfs, fat32, etc ... outside of or including ext1 or 2 or 3 or 419:17
Ben64Sbur3: a command to do what19:17
misslauracodesTJ-: interesting. I just followed the official docs on raspberrypi.org - did not mention that dd is too quick19:17
TJ-misslauracodes: 'dd' isn't too quick but *some* adapters aren't built for sustained writes19:18
Sbur3Ben64: No problem.  It worked so I'm happy for the moment19:18
misslauracodesTJ-: interesting I will have to research19:18
TJ-misslauracodes: I've burnt out several USB<>SD and USB<>SATA adapters over the years19:18
Sbur3Ben64: See you the next time.  Thx and have a great day19:18
TJ-misslauracodes: it's a hypothesis but it adds up from your experience19:18
mr_louTJ-, I'm off for today. Thanks for the help.19:18
TJ-mr_lou: let us know if you solve it!19:18
misslauracodesTJ-: its an expensive adapter for ThinkPad made by Lenovo19:19
TJ-misslauracodes: well, regardless, we know that in some circumstances the data arrives on the SD-card corrupted19:19
mr_louTJ-, Doubtful. I've spent a whole week on it now. If something would have worked I would have found it by now. And I've ordered another harddisk.19:19
mr_louTJ-, Unless of course someone on superuser.com answers my posts.19:20
TJ-misslauracodes: the other option is the corruption occurs on reading it, and that could explain why Windows is OK with the same SDcard19:20
TJ-mr_lou: even if you tell us "RMAed!"19:20
lotuspsychje!details | Associatex19:21
ubottuAssociatex: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.19:21
mr_louTJ-, I'm not young and hip. I dunno what RMAed means.19:21
fishcookerTJ-: [  4] local port 5001 connected with port 4789019:21
fishcooker[ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth19:21
fishcooker[  4]  0.0-10.2 sec  11.1 MBytes  9.15 Mbits/sec19:21
TJ-mr_lou: Return Merchandise Authorisation (number) -- been around since the 1970s at least :)19:21
Ben64fishcooker: yeah something is limiting to 10mbit19:22
misslauracodesTJ-, tomreyn: thanks for your help I can continu ewith my work now and will research the problem later19:23
TJ-fishcooker: are you using wired? if so "ethtool ethX" will report the link speed19:23
fishcookerwhat number should i got 12.5 Mbits/sec?19:23
fishcookeryes wired one19:23
Ben64there's overhead19:23
mr_louTJ-, Aah... well. I'm in Denmark. ;-) But my boss wants to keep it for other purposes, since it works fine on Windows.19:24
TJ-fishcooker: is the sending device doing compression, and if so, is it powerful enough to that without affecting the throughput?19:24
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
TJ-mr_lou: there's one other thing I can think of - there were some recent changes in the block layer with IO schedulers - what kernel version are you using?19:25
TJ-fishcooker: there you go! "Speed: 10Mb/s"19:25
fishcookerafaik the hardware seems to be 100Mbps19:27
TJ-fishcooker: the link has presumably negotiated 10Mb/s though19:28
mr_louTJ-, 4.15 I think.19:28
TJ-fishcooker: what is at the other end of the link (cable)? a switch, or a PC19:28
TJ-mr_lou: might be worth trying a more recent kernel, just for the sake of it!19:28
TJ-fishcooker: so you've got a Fast Ethernet on eth0 and a Gigabit Ethernet on enp3s0f2... generally, Fast Ethernet doesn't do auto-MDIX (auto cross-over). Are these PCs connected with a proper cross-over cable, or a normal patch cable?19:30
mr_louTJ-, Hm.. I'm not confident enough to try that out. Gotta wait till it's released via apt-get upgrade19:30
lotuspsychjemr_lou: you can also play it the safe way, tryout a 18.04.2 iso with 4.18 kernel19:31
TJ-!hwe | mr_lou19:32
ubottumr_lou: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:32
mr_louTJ-, What's the command to see kernel number?19:33
TJ-fishcooker: notice that enp3s0f2 reports "Link partner advertised link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full "19:33
TJ-mr_lou: "uname -r"19:33
mr_loumkay. SEems I'm also using 4.15 on my own PC.19:33
mr_louAnd it runs fine on my PC.19:33
mr_louAlso Ubuntu19:33
mr_louThe problem only exists on the Server PC.19:34
TJ-mr_lou: what is the make/model of the server? "journalctl -b | grep DMI:"19:34
TJ-mr_lou: it looks like it may be due to the motherboard USB3 controller19:35
mr_louTJ-, It says: FUJITSU PRIMERGY TX130 M3/D3521-A1, BIOS V5.0.0.11 R1.22.0 for D3521-A1x      12/18/201819:37
TJ-mr_lou: thanks, I'll do some research in case there are known issues with that19:37
TJ-mr_lou: could you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nn; lsub; dmesg )" too?19:37
fishcookerlooks like its normal patch cable19:37
TJ-fishcooker: OK, well FE NICs aren't required to do auto MDI-X so that could be part of the issue19:38
fishcookerafaik new system will auto cross it for the user, cmiiw19:38
fishcookerso we don't need again the cross cable one19:39
TJ-mr_lou: seems we have a certification report for it: https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201710-25797/19:39
fishcookeractually this cable is cat519:39
fishcookeris it matter?19:39
mr_louTJ-, lsub not found. Did you mean lsusb?19:40
lotuspsychjefishcooker: are both systems ubuntu? up to date? network card chipsets? driver versions?19:41
lotuspsychjefishcooker: did you try other protocols as transfer?19:42
mr_louTJ-, Well I just called the command, but there's no easy way for me to copy from putty in here. I don't suppose there's anyway you can see recently added pastes?19:42
mr_louTJ-, Anyway, I really gotta go.19:43
fishcookerafaik rsyn is the best option19:43
mr_louTJ-, Thanks again.19:43
mr_louTJ-, I may be back tomorrow.19:43
fishcookerlet's say i have 50G with 1M means 50000/1s ... oh man19:44
lotuspsychjefishcooker: im just trying to brainstorm with you, widen your options as a test19:44
fishcookerim trying to calculate it19:45
fishcookerTJ's let's say i have switch for the 2pc 12.5MBps ... then the 50Gb will be succesfully transferred in 50000/12.5 s19:46
fishcookerthanks for pointing me the generally, Fast Ethernet doesn't do auto-MDIX (auto cross-over) TJ-19:48
TJ-fishcooker: you may be able to use "sudo ethtool -s eth0 100" to switch to 100Mb/s19:49
TJ-fishcooker: typo, correction:  "sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100" to switch to 100Mb/s19:50
fishcookeri'll try TJ-20:01
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, like when a frame buffer is out of resolution range. This all started with trying to get to a VT with ctrl+alt+F(1-6), which was unachievable. I tried installing lightdm, as was suggested. No luck. Somewhere along the line the login manager (DM) would not display. There is no prompt or anything other than a flashing underscore mark in the upper left20:01
Associatexuname -a20:01
AssociatexLinux kubuntu 4.18.0-15-generic #16~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 7 14:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:01
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, I like when a frame buffer is out of range.20:02
coz_Associatex, were you able to to ir before?20:02
coz_it not ir20:03
AssociatexPlease excuse the extra posting, that was unintentional, and actually something I was trying to avoid20:03
plongshotIs a / an.. "IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP and Cisco IPsec on Ubuntu" : https://www.linode.com/stackscripts/view/37239   very diffcult to learn?  Is that setup more or less difficult to use / learn than others?20:03
Associatexcoz_: what?20:03
coz_Associatex, nevermind read it wrong20:03
WizardWhat is ~/snap?20:04
WizardIt's full of empty directories20:04
coz_Wizard,   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snappy_(package_manager)20:05
WizardOK, but things are installed in /snap20:05
coz_Wizard,  I believe that is correct20:05
coz_Wizard,  sorry, I never use snap or flarpack20:06
fishcookerTJ- the succesful command $ sudo ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 advertise 0x00820:06
fishcookershould i do the same for teh enp3s0f2?20:07
fishcookerlooks like the setting is not needed on the enp* interface20:07
fishcookerrigh TJ-20:07
fishcookercool ethtools TJ20:08
fishcookerthanks for pointing me the command TJ-20:09
WizardLol, I installed Ubuntu this morning and I'm so lost :D20:12
WizardAt least Gnome didn't change that much since I used it last time :)20:12
Sonihow do I run ubuntu 14.04 in userspace so I can run proprietary games on it?20:12
WizardSoni: Why so old version? And what do you mean in userspace?20:13
AssociatexI can not get to my DM, I get the Dell splash screen then a blinking cursor, like when a frame buffer is out of resolution range. This all started with trying to get to a VT with ctrl+alt+F(1-6), which was unachievable. I tried installing lightdm, as was suggested. No luck. Somewhere along the line the login manager (DM) would not display. There is no prompt or anything other than a flashing underscore mark in the upper left20:13
Associatexuname -a20:13
AssociatexLinux kubuntu 4.18.0-15-generic #16~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Feb 7 14:06:04 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:13
SoniWizard: I am on archlinux20:13
Soniit doesn't run because it needs libcrypto.so.1.0.020:13
Soniit was compiled for ubuntu 14.0420:13
WizardAaaah, so you have a binary game and it lacks some deps?20:14
OerHeksAssociatex, if this is a nvidia issue, !nomodeset often helps20:14
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:14
OerHeksSoni, 14.04 is EOL, dead, no support, upgrade please.20:14
WizardSoni: Hmm, in theory you could do it via debootstrap + chroot.20:15
WizardI've done something like this long time ago, for similar purpose.20:15
WizardBut the assumption is that 14.04 repos are still around20:16
OerHeksthere is no sane reason to keep such vulnerable machines online20:16
WizardOerHeks: Minimal install in chroot is something else.20:16
WizardSoni: This libcrypto is part of OpenSSL20:18
WizardSoni: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=disco&arch=any&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=libcrypto20:19
WizardI bet you can install this on Arch. And than stupid symlink here and there might work.20:19
WizardSoni: Current Ubuntu has it: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so.1.120:21
OerHeksyes, he wants an ancient version, no clue why. but this is totally offtopic20:22
WizardOerHeks: Maybe.20:30
WizardBut nobody's speaking ;)20:30
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Soni1. I'm a they 2. I don't care about official support, community support is more than good enough for me 3. what do you think those snaps are?20:41
sappheirosis it okay to manually install an updated weechat package? or should i instead work to update the package in muon package manager or apt-get and then install through apt-get?20:42
Soni4. this isn't a machine or a VM, I just wanna run a proprietary, single-player, offline game20:42
SoniWizard: archlinux also has libcrypto.so.1.120:43
SoniI need libcrypto.so.1.0.020:43
Soniand a bunch of other things, probably20:43
WizardThen make a symlink and try…20:43
Soniin other words: I need something that looks like ubuntu 14.0420:43
Soniand who knows what kind of DRM this might have20:43
OerHeksSoni, sorry, offtopic.20:44
WizardMate, just make the symlink…20:44
SoniWizard: it. doesn't. work.20:44
OerHekstry #ubuntu-offtopic or ##linux20:45
SoniOerHeks: why's it offtopic?20:45
OerHeksthis has nothing to do with ubuntu support, dead version with an unusual ssl request20:46
Soniit's still ubuntu20:47
Sonianyway I just downloaded the iso20:47
WizardISO won't help you much20:48
WizardSoni: https://wiki.debian.org/chroot20:49
hggdhfolks, let's get back to support20:50
sappheirosSoni: i think the point of this channel is to help with the latest version, not an older version20:51
WizardOK, sorry.20:51
hggdhwith the *supported* versions20:51
sappheirosoh. right. sorry.20:51
Soniwhy does it matter, it's still ubuntu20:53
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hggdhSoni: because this is the topic. You can get help on unsupported versions elsewhere20:53
sappheirosSoni: because time and resources are limited20:54
hggdhsappheiros: if this weechat package is an official package, then yes, it is OK to manually load & install it. If it is a non-official package, then you do it at your own risk20:55
sappheiroshggdh: please define 'official package'20:55
OerHeksprovided and tested by ubuntu20:55
dax#ubuntu-offtopic is a social chat channel, it's not a support channel for non-#ubuntu things20:56
hggdhsappheiros: one built by Ubuntu, for your Ubuntu version. Not from a PPA. Not built elsewhere20:56
sappheiroshggdh: do those exist apart from muon package manager or apt-get ?20:56
daxsappheiros: Ubuntu's recommendation is to use the version of weechat in Ubuntu's repositories. If you want to do something other than that, then 1) if it breaks you get to keep both pieces and #ubuntu won't help, and 2) your best bet is probably https://weechat.org/download/debian/ (which I note is supported in #weechat)20:57
hggdhsappheiros: a package manager, or apt-get, will get the packages from whatever repositories you have set (including non-official ones). But nothing prohibits you from manually going to the repositories, and grabbing the package(s) yourself20:57
hggdhsappheiros: for example: I build my own weechat from git head. As such, it is not supported here -- if I have any issues (and I have had them) I go to #weechat and try to find out what happened21:00
sappheirosi think, then, that i want to help the latest stable weechat get into the official ubuntu repositories21:00
sappheirosi.e. help grow ubuntu rather than work outside of ubuntu21:00
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sappheirosbut then don't i need a second computer so that this one can be a 'testing computer'?21:01
hggdhsappheiros: a good deed, and I do thank you -- we need help. Since weechat in in Universe, and it is sync-ed from Debian, it might be more effective to (for example) open bugs in Debian; you can also discuss features/needs in #weechat (but please do mind the topic there)21:03
hggdhsappheiros: when I am testing a new *anything*, I usually do it either from a VM, or from a container I create for the test21:03
daxweechat is already maintained in Debian including decently-quick version updates. The problem is that neither Debian nor Ubuntu update to new major versions of software after they release (with very few exceptions, which weechat isn't eligible for), so things get progressively out-of-date (from upstream's point of view).21:10
daxFor example, Debian unstable currently has weechat 2.4, which is the current weechat upstream version. Debian stable has 1.6, because that's what was current when stable was frozen, and has security backports as needed. Ubuntu disco and eoan both have 2.4, because they got it from sid, but earlier versions of Ubuntu have earlier versions of weechat, based on what was current in Debian unstable when they21:11
daxstopped doing syncs.21:11
daxSince Debian and Ubuntu aren't going to modify their freeze policies because they're working as intended, additional effort on weechat packaging isn't going to lead to newer versions of weechat ending up in Ubuntu releases.21:12
daxYou're of course welcome to help with Debian packaging, but it's important to know what is and isn't going to happen as a result of that help.21:12
sappheirosdax: you mean the ubuntu repositories are intended to be snapshots moving from island to island of stability?21:15
daxthat's a fair characterization of Ubuntu (and other non-rolling-release distros), yes21:15
sappheiroshence they fall behind until a major release, and then fall behind again21:16
sappheiroshmmmmm :/21:16
hggdhsappheiros: in general, this is how software is deployed for production21:17
sappheiros2014-2018 i used windows 10 and got accustomed to constant updates. you're saying that's a "rolling distro" and unusual?21:18
sappheirosbasically keeping the latest versions of everything, it seemed21:18
quadratsappheiros, well since windows 10, it seems like a rolling release style. which most businesses won't like (that's why there is a LTS version of win10)21:21
thsnr!backports | sappheiros21:21
ubottusappheiros: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:21
thsnryou can maybe solunteer help in backporting the package21:21
quadrata question myself. I want to use the ubuntu provided wine, but as I have 2 monitors attached, the game always starts on the second monitor, not the primary. weirdly with winehq it works. someone knows how to change that?21:23
sappheirosthanks, i'll check it out.21:24
Jontaquadrat: Does this happen with other things you open with Wine?21:25
quadratJonta, yes with every program I want to open21:31
Jontaquadrat: Maybe Wine has its own way of specifying which monitor is the primary monitor21:32
danieru98Where can I find what packages install each software selection on the ubuntu minimal installer?21:35
OerHeksdpkg could help, or synaptic21:35
OerHeks!info synaptic21:35
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 624 kB, installed size 3276 kB21:35
quadratJonta, I just think it's weird as every version of winehq works, every debian/ubuntu version doesn't, and I do think they would patch not too much21:36
OerHekswait, on the installer .. look in launchpad, for the options, each deaktop and option like ssh-server metapackage21:37
OerHekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/openssh-server example21:38
=== xerox123_1 is now known as xerox123_
woenxNow that I'm here, maybe someone knows. I have observed that network shared folders, after a period of inactivity, tend to go up one level every fer minutes in the file browser.22:09
woenxWhat does that happen?22:09
woenxe.g. I start in /media/myserver/Myfiles/Pictures, and after a while it changes to /media/myserver/Myfiles/, a few minutes later, /media/myserver/... you get the idea22:10
activistIs there any way to use shred command for folder?22:12
hggdhactivist: not directly. shred operates on files (be them actual files in a filesystem, or whole disks/partitions22:26
activisthmm. How can i shred a folder and files inside at once?22:28
OerHeksshred overwrites a file to hide its contents, and can optionally delete it as well. https://www.tecmint.com/permanently-and-securely-delete-files-directories-linux/22:34
OerHeksman shred22:34
OerHeksman wipe, not bad22:35
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=== effprime is now known as electricbear
=== electricbear is now known as effprime
=== effprime is now known as electricbear
pirayeI got this error when I was trying to update apt-get22:49
pirayeN: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/nightly xenial InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'22:49
OerHeksnice clear error, no i386 packages.22:49
OerHeksand not an Ubuntu supported repo22:49
pirayewhat should I do in this case22:50
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OerHekstry #apertium on irc.freenode.net http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Install_Apertium_core_using_packaging22:51
OerHeksask for i386 packages, or remove that repo22:51
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
Svetathanks OerHeks22:51
pirayethanks OerHeks22:51
fishcookerno efi system partition found...the installation may fail... should i have efi system partiition?23:02
truexfan81i'm looking for the ubuntu 19.04 equivalent of this https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/828962/screen-tearing/23:34
truexfan81any ideas?23:34
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
CarlFKI have a usb relay board - lsusb shows 2a19:0c01 - it is accessed  /dev/ttyACM0 unless there is already a 0, then ACM1.. - how do I write a udev rule so it comes up as /dev/relay (or relay0, I don't mind worrying about n+1 some other day)23:38
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
CarlFKthis looks useful: https://wiki.debian.org/udev23:44
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=== effprime is now known as electricbear
=== electricbear is now known as effprime

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