
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest35389
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest26001
uebgielleHello. I have Lubuntu 18.04 (all updates done). This site [www.betterthanchess.com] does not work. "it requires an up-to.date browser supporting WebGL"19:35
wxlLTS versions DO NOT have the latest software19:36
uebgielleIs there a solution?19:37
wxlinstall the latest version of lubuntu for one thing19:37
uebgielleDoesn't Firefox have to be always up-to-date to be safeonline?19:38
uebgielleI need LTS19:38
wxlsure, but that doesn't mean every version includes the technology in the latest version19:38
diogenes_uebgielle, works for me on Falkon, sudo apt install falkon19:38
wxlthen you could build firefox yourself19:38
wxldiogenes_: on 18.04?19:38
uebgielleFalkon is another browser?19:39
diogenes_wxl, nah but it should be workin because it's compilled with prorietary codecs.19:39
uebgielleIs it possible that the issue will be solved with the coming updates (of 18.04) ?19:40
wxldiogenes_: "should"19:41
wxluebgielle: no.19:41
uebgielleOk i get it, thanks to both19:43
uebgielleAnother unrelated question: when you do printscreen how do you get the screeenshots to go somewhere else (not in home folder, but in a specified one)?19:45
wxlthe same place every time?19:45
wxlin your ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu.xml (i think that's the filename), revise the shortcut for printscreen to call `scrot -e 'mv $f /path/to/wherever/you/want'` instead of just `scrot`19:47
uebgielleby default19:47
uebgiellei need to do it for each user?19:48
wxlyeah one way or another19:49
wxllocal configs will always trump global ones19:49
uebgielleSo i can do it just one time globally? (how?)19:49
wxlwell there is a global config, but like i said, if there's a local config, it will overwrite that19:50
wxlso you would have to remove the printscreen definition from every user file in order for the global config definition to make a difference19:50
uebgielleAhh, ok, i understand19:50
wxlby the way19:51
wxli'm not sure that dollar sign might not need to be escaped19:51
uebgielleI don't understand19:52
wxlit might be better to make a script for that and call it from there instead19:52
uebgielleI am a beginner19:52
wxlyeah well you're asking for something complex, so time to grow XD19:53
wxlopen up the terminal and type `echo TERMINAL` and then type `echo $TERMINAL`19:53
wxlyou'll note that the first replies "TERMINAL" while the second will give you something like "xterm"19:53
wxlthat's because the dollar sign is a special character that when interpreted tells the system to return the value of the TERMINAL variable19:54
wxlon the other hand if you do `echo \$TERMINAL` you'll get "$TERMINAL"19:54
wxlthat's escaping the dollar sign19:54
wxlopenbox (that's the configuration you're messing with) has its own parsing scheme that is not well described, so i'm not sure it's going to behave correctly19:55
uebgielleCan i cause big problems?19:55
wxlso instead make a script somewhere that calls the scrot the way that it needs to be called and in the openbox config, just call that script19:55
wxlthat way there's no parsing that openbox needs to do19:55
uebgielleHow do i make that script?19:55
wxlwell, if not having your screenshots is a big problem, yes XD19:55
wxlopen your favorite editor, and enter the following:19:56
wxlscrot -e 'mv $f /path/to/the/location/you/want'19:56
wxlsave it somewhere locally for now19:56
wxl(in your home)19:56
wxli assume you want this to be accessible globally, so do `sudo mv /path/to/script /usr/local/bin/scriptname`19:57
wxlthen make it executable: `sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/scriptname`19:57
wxlthen edit the openbox config so that the printscreen configuration calls /usr/local/bin/scriptname19:57
uebgielleThanks, I will try, but seems quite out of reach for beginner19:59
wxlall of this is much easier in 19.0419:59
uebgielleWhy do files in the home folder of Lubuntu behave differently from the other folders? (when you move them out it creates a shortcut...)20:00
uebgielleYes, when you take it with the mouse and put it on the desktop or anywhere it doesnot move the file (like for files in all other folders) but only creates a shortcut20:04
wxluebgielle: for some strange reason it seems the default behavior when moving to the desktop is not the same when moving to other folders. you can use ctrl to copy or shift to move20:33
=== phil is now known as Guest8362
uebgiellewxl: no way to adjust it?20:36
uebgielleno way to fix it?20:36
=== Guest8362 is now known as malleus_guy
uebgielleand last question - thank you for all your help20:38
uebgielleWhat is the best way to create a shared folder? (one where all users have access and files are available to all)20:38
uebgiellewxl: if you cannot answer soon, i will check the log later because i have to go, thank you for all your help20:45
wxlno, there's no way i know to adjust it21:53
wxlshared folder: put it on the root somewhere and set the permissions accordingly.21:53
wxloh i'm sorry, there's a way to adjust it/fix the problem: use 19.04 (sense a theme yet?)21:54
tomreynthe reason this website won't have worked will have been that webgl support was disabled in firefox (by the user, it's enabled by default).22:12
tomreynabout:config -> search for "webgl", inspect bold preferences.22:13
fishcookerthanks guiverc for pointing the the upgrading issue i'll give the lubuntu dingo a try on the next provision22:53
lubotShiBonCip was added by: ShiBonCip23:42
lubot<ShiBonCip> @wxl [<wxl> all of this is much easier in 19.04], you're evangelist of lxqt :D23:43
lubot<ShiBonCip> err *dingo23:44
wxl@ShiBonCip you had it right the first time :)23:48
lubot<ShiBonCip> lxqt is future, but i hope the GTK too23:54

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