
xnoxtjaalton:  Laney: i have no idea! also weird! and thank you for the reject.00:04
xnoxwill re-upload.00:04
juliankLaney, sil2100 Seems we're still hitting the issue where autopkgtest installs unattended-upgrades from release rather than updates.08:05
juliankIt triggered 0.90 for python-apt/1.1.0~beta1ubuntu0.16.04.508:06
julianklast known good was May 6; python-apt/1.1.0~beta1ubuntu0.16.04.4 triggering 1.1ubuntu1.18.04.7~16.04.208:06
juliankrbalint: ^08:06
Laneyjuliank: sorry, what is the problem in more detail?08:09
juliankLaney: unattended-upgrades in xenial is 0.90, xenial-updates has  1.1ubuntu1.18.04.7~16.04.308:10
juliankLaney: All new tests are triggering 0.9008:10
juliankThat makes no sense, as it does not happen for other stuff08:10
juliankeven security has 0.90ubuntu0.1008:11
juliankautopkgtest [17:04:49]: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ apt-source unattended-upgrades08:13
juliankGet:1 http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu xenial/main unattended-upgrades 0.90 (dsc) [1,766 B]08:13
julianklike, this should already be pulling from -updates08:13
Laneyyeah OK, and there is other stuff being fetched from -updates in there08:14
juliankHang on a sec08:14
juliankcjwatson: xenial-updates is broken08:15
juliankcjwatson: Packages that should be in there are not08:15
juliankLaney: Do we have -security disabled on autopkgtest?08:16
juliankThat + broken -updates pocket would explain why it fetches from release08:16
juliankcjwatson: So, rmadison unattended-upgrades:  unattended-upgrades | 1.1ubuntu1.18.04.7~16.04.3 | xenial-updates   | source08:17
juliankno binary in archive08:17
juliankSeems like we probably have more issues with apt-ftparchvie than we realized, and need to regenerate all the dbs08:17
juliankas that's across all architectures08:18
Laneynot sure re: security, that's not my intention but it could be08:19
juliankrbalint: the unattended-upgrades binary in xenial-updates was removed on may 7th08:20
juliankum may 8th08:20
juliankLaney: But do we know why it was removed, or who removed it?08:21
apwLaney, its not showing removed in the primary publishing list08:21
juliankLaney: Log says it superseded itself?08:21
juliankThis is very odd08:22
Laneysorry, I can't decipher all of this stuff08:22
juliankapw: only binary was removed, not source08:23
apwbut only the source is published08:23
Laneythere is a bug where binaries eat themselves if something is copied twice in the same publisher run, not sure if that manifests itself in the publishing history like this08:23
juliankapw: Can you fix that up and like copy back the binary into updates?08:24
Laneycopy-package --from=ubuntu --from-suite=xenial-updates --to=ubuntu --to-suite=xenial-updates --version=1.1ubuntu1.18.04.7~16.04.3 --include-binaries --force-same-destination unattended-upgrades08:24
apwLaney, yeah, that could be, i think a copy over self is worth a try here and let cj-watson et al work out if there are any others08:24
Laneyprobably something like that would recover it08:24
* apw will give it a go08:24
juliankthanks Laney, apw08:25
juliankMakes me wonder how we can ensure this does not happen again08:25
Laneyif it's that LP bug then it's well known08:26
juliankor well, a better way to discover it08:26
apwnormally when these things are suspected log magic is applied08:26
juliankI guess I could write a cron job that goes through -updates and looks for missing builds08:26
juliankrun that once a day and have it send an email08:26
julianks/missing builds/built packages missing/08:27
apwjuliank, perhaps, or i wonder if teh superceeded by self is an indicator here08:29
Laneyjuliank: as for missing -security, it's probably https://salsa.debian.org/ci-team/autopkgtest/blob/master/setup-commands/setup-testbed#L14108:29
apwjuliank, or actually the 'latest' status being superceeded which seems impossible in and of itself08:29
juliankapw: Yeah, that makes sense I guess. I guess with access to the database, it should be easy to write up a report for all binaries whose latest state is superseded08:30
juliankbut it's probably hilariously slow as I guess there's no index on the status field :)08:31
apwi suspect it can be done via the api all be it slowly08:31
juliankWell, one query per binary is a ton of queries08:32
juliankbut I guess it's only problematic on the first run08:33
julianklike we can cache status for a random time so we re-check versions we've seen before eventually but not all the time08:33
apwjuliank, you can get all binaries together for a source, and in the right order that the first should always be published or deleted i believe08:34
apw(well or pending, or no records all being good in this context)08:35
juliankI wonder if it's faster to just load Sources and Packages files and then look if a given source package has binaries in the Packages file. The only API calls we then need are "which architectures did this build on?"08:37
juliankand we can indefinitely cache those API calls08:38
cjwatsonI'll look after meetings08:38
cjwatsonno index on the status field> what planet do you think we live on08:39
apwthe publisher presumably uses that field rather heavily08:40
juliankhey, I was just guessing, I don't have a launchpad checkout handy08:40
juliankOh, I do have one08:41
julianksilly me08:41
juliankI should continue my Valid-Until branch08:42
cjwatsonLooks like phased updates ate it in this case08:44
apwjuliank, ok the re-copy has published; so the binaries ought to be back08:46
juliank$ curl -s http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.xz | xzcat  | grep-dctrl -P unattended-upgrades | wc -l08:47
juliankunattended-upgrades | 1.1ubuntu1.18.04.7~16.04.3 | xenial-updates   | source08:47
juliankrmadison and archive.u.c don't know about it yet08:48
cjwatsonPackages/Sources queries will be fatally flawed because deliberate removals are sometimes a thing08:48
apwcjwatson, removals would express as deleted though right?  and this was expressing as Superceeded08:49
juliankcjwatson: Oh right, I was thinking if we remove the SRU, we'd copy back the security one; but I'm not sure we do, and there's not always one available.08:49
cjwatsonapw: Right, but that distinction does not show up in Packages/Sources files which is what juliank was talking about querying in isolation08:50
juliankapw: Yes, but you don't see that in Packages files, which I was considering as a faster alternative to API calls08:50
apwjuliank, ahh but might it give you a subset to then check via the api08:50
cjwatsonjuliank: I don't know why you would consider this problem for <stable>-updates and nowhere else08:50
juliankcjwatson: Oh, I do consider it a problem elsewhere, but that's harder to solve efficiently08:51
cjwatsonAnd anyway I'm not talking about removing the entire source, but about removing individual binaries from it, which happens08:51
juliankSo yeah, I guess we do need to check the launchpad status08:52
juliank* publisher status08:52
apwcjwatson, in this case the binary itself was showing superseded08:52
cjwatsonYes, I know08:52
* apw shuts up :)08:52
cjwatsonI'm saying that you can't spot the vanished-binary problem just from published indexes, because individual binaries from a source can be deliberately deleted08:52
cjwatson(And it would be incorrect to make the assumption that *all* binaries from a given source vanish when this bug is triggered)08:53
juliankSo should we wait more or is it safe to conclude that copying it back did not work?08:54
cjwatsonI'm afraid grepping logs in this case is not going to be useful, because it was a double-override and overrides aren't well-logged08:54
cjwatsonjuliank: copying works08:54
cjwatsonYou can see it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/amd64/unattended-upgrades08:54
apwjuliank, the launchpad side says it is back08:54
juliankI see it there, sure, I'm just waiting for it to be back in rmadison :)08:55
cjwatsonPublishing is not terribly instant08:56
cjwatsonIt'll get there08:56
* juliank adds a watch -n6008:57
juliankGotta retry some autopkgtests once it's there :)08:57
cjwatsonapw: Superseded-by-self is valid because that's how overrides work08:58
apwcjwatson, would there then not be a further Pending/Published record after ?08:58
cjwatsonSure, but that's harder to check :)08:58
cjwatsonIf we can work out the correct logic then we might just as well fix the actual dominator bug rather than writing complicated workaround monitoring scripts08:59
juliankit has arrived :)09:01
apwi think i just had unattended-upgrades try and upgrade itself; and it did not go well09:26
* cjwatson tries to understand the dominator09:45
cjwatsonIt looks correct ...09:46
cjwatsonI guess I could try setting up a matching situation in the test suite though09:46
LocutusOfBorganybody, please hit gazebo! autopkgtest for gazebo/9.6.0-1build1: amd64: Pass, arm64: Regression ♻ , armhf: Regression ♻ , i386: Pass, ppc64el: Regression ♻ , s390x: Always failed09:51
LocutusOfBorgit fails on arm64, armhf, ppc64el because the binary doesn't exist there anymore...09:51
LocutusOfBorg(and it won't exist for long time, hopefully never)09:51
cjwatsonIs it that easy10:25
LocutusOfBorgisn't it?10:37
cjwatsonI mean the double-override bug10:37
apwcjwatson, oh cornered it by accident ?10:38
cjwatsonWell not so much by accident, I was aiming at it10:38
cjwatsonBut it actually looks quite easy now that I've narrowed it down10:39
cjwatsonI'll run some more tests though10:40
* apw hands cjwatson a snap-trap ...10:41
cjwatsonWe've only ever seen this on arch: all binaries, right?10:41
cjwatsonThose are all the examples I can find in remotely-recent IRC history, at least10:41
apwcjwatson, i don't think i remember in enough detail10:44
LocutusOfBorgoh... it wasn't an answer to me lol, I just figured it out10:50
cjwatsonYeah, sorry, overlapping conversations10:52
LocutusOfBorgits me being sorry, I thought the conversation was over, after some minutes of idling :)12:15
LocutusOfBorgforce-badtest gazebo/all/arm64 gazebo/all/armhf gazebo/all/ppc64el <-- please because NBS there12:16
bdmurraycpaelzer: bug 1819207 is in the Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed for open-vm-tools in the cosmic unapproved queue so that bug will get modified. Is that what you want?17:35
ubot5bug 1819207 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Disco) "[FFe] Add Modaliases to open-vm-tools-desktop to allow automatic installation by ubuntu-drivers" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181920717:35
bdmurraytsimonq2: Can you add ubuntu package tasks and test cases for bug 1530697, bug 1744861, bug 1789059, bug 180555917:46
ubot5bug 1530697 in Mixxx "qt5: GLSL renderers draw signal at wrong scale and position" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/153069717:46
ubot5bug 1744861 in Mixxx "skin does not scale for high resolution screens with Qt5" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174486117:46
ubot5bug 1789059 in Mixxx "continual GUI freeze" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178905917:46
ubot5bug 1805559 in Mixxx "Xlib deadlock in GUI thread" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/180555917:46
vorlonLaney: nothing's been done that would turn off updating of autopkgtest indices for trusty, has it?  I was looking for new test results on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/l/lxc/trusty/ppc64el and http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/glib-networking/trusty/ppc64el (et al) to see what gnutls26's state actually is17:55
vorlonand the test results haven't shown17:55
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
Trevinhohey, bdmurray could you have a look at the mutter/gnome-shell SRU, as it's waiting for some weeks now (as previous package was there before than the re-upload). Thanks :)19:44
bdmurrayTrevinho: For what release?19:46
bdmurrayI'll have a look19:46
=== TJ_Remix is now known as TJ-
bdmurrayTrevinho: bug 1827029 is missing mutter tasks20:25
ubot5bug 1827029 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Extended characters in OSK don't get entered" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182702920:25
Trevinhobdmurray: fixed20:25
Trevinhoand thanks for looking into this20:25
bdmurrayTrevinho: was d/p/clutter-Smooth-out-master-clock-to-smooth-visuals.patch superseded by daniel's other changes?20:26
Trevinhobdmurray: yes20:27
Trevinhobdmurray: here's the rationale https://git.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/mutter/commit/?h=ubuntu/bionic&id=05baba0d0a78775f18d9e16e8f7d074bcbe86cf520:28
bdmurrayTrevinho: also the NEWS file lists a fair number of changes were those part of 3.28.3+git20190124?20:38
Trevinhobdmurray: yes, basically is almost the same. However since upstream did a new release, we decided to merge with it20:39
Trevinhobdmurray: these are the changes from git version to 3.28.4 in mutter https://git.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/mutter/commit/?h=ubuntu/bionic&id=becbb8ffd09d9fd6b1ee38505ad21560c5fdb226 and shell https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/commit/?h=ubuntu/bionic&id=c04b315d13b603743f2ae84a009cc900568674ed20:41
Trevinhoas you can see, a part the autotools stuff there's not much change20:41

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