=== gnomethrower is now known as wings [03:11] how do i rebuild grub? I can access the system partition (and the LVM) using the liveCD. it's 18.04.1. [03:11] i've been struggling for the past 24 hrs, i'm afraid i'm going to lose my job... [03:12] i already tried to use refind, reinstalling grub, and a lot of other things. [03:27] wholesum: if you mean, how to ask grub to rebuild the menu, configuration, etc, then try 'update-grub' -- the /etc/default/grub file points there [03:27] i'm in grub rescue now [03:28] sarnold: you can see the grub info here (menuentry ubuntu, ignore above) https://pastebin.com/AuiAvrjY [03:30] wholesum: you might have better success in #ubuntu -- many of the folks here haven't seen grub in years, but the #ubuntu folks help debug install problems a lot more often [03:31] sarnold: what are you using? refind? i had better luck with that, but not enough to boot my system [03:31] i can do away with grub, there is only one OS in the system [03:32] BTW not a install problem. server has been running fine for almost 1 year. last night I rebooted and it told me no OS found [03:33] wholesum: I've never needed to do anything like this, ever [03:34] wholesum: refind is in universe, so it wouldn't be the preferred choice; efibootmgr is in main, it's probably the ubuntu preferred tool [03:35] how would i go about configuring it from a live CD? set the boot order to use the partition where ubuntu is installed? [03:39] you could chroot to the mounted path.. [03:40] it'd be something like: (untested) (pretend the instal;led system is mounted on /mnt/root) mount -obind /proc/ /mnt/root/proc ; mount -obind /sys/ /mnt/root/sys/ ; chroot /mnt/root /bin/bash [03:50] will try! [03:53] so once i have a shell inside the installed system i play with efibootmgr? [04:06] sarnold: I'm in the shell for the installed system [04:09] I cleaned up efibootmgr to have only a single entry: ubuntu [04:29] wholesum: why is your server not up to date to .2? [04:30] lotuspsychje: didn't want an upgrade to bork it up and can't afford downtime on it... [04:30] wholesum: there are like tons of security updates out, and now your system is also borked [04:31] it was fully up to date, on a daily basis [04:31] wholesum: is that an intel cpu? [04:32] but on 18.04.1 [04:32] yes, i5 [04:32] disk is NVME SSD with secure boot [04:32] wholesum: we had several users reporting unable to boot on the new !mds [04:33] whats the new !mds? i'm not using raid [04:33] wholesum: did you change uefi settings recently? [04:33] !mds [04:33] Microarchitectural Data Sampling is a security issue with Intel processors. Update your system to receive the kernel and microcode patches. Visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/MDS for more info and recommendations. [04:33] ah yes, the new vuln [04:33] uefi settings have not been changed in months... [04:34] wholesum: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1829620 [04:34] Launchpad bug 1829620 in linux-hwe-edge (Ubuntu) "intel-microcode on ASUS makes kernel stuck during loading initramfs on bionic-updates, bionic-security" [Undecided,Confirmed] [04:34] i am the single user on this machine, running only trusted apps. i am going to disable all mitigations later [04:34] maybe worth testing? [04:35] ill be out for breakfast first [04:35] i doubt that's it, but i will look at it [04:35] it's a lenovo box [04:36] no cryptsetup [05:06] wholesum: you might also wanna browse https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=0 [05:06] thx and good morning [05:06] :) [05:06] there's tons of grub installer bugs noticed recently [05:06] i reinstalled from 18.04.2 server (not live) [05:07] i have an image of the previous install system partition [05:07] ah [05:08] i'm thinking about booting into the desktop live usb again, and copying this image over the (same size) current system partition. do you think it would work? [05:08] setting up everything again will take weeks... [05:13] wholesum: dont you have a backup of your configs, or can preserve your /home on a new installer? [05:14] lotuspsychje: too many applications installed and configured, and 4 users. but i do have a backup of /home inside the img of the entire system partition [07:57] Hello Everybody [07:59] I am using ubuntu 16.04.5 in AWS [07:59] tmpfs has 377M free space [08:00] But it still says there is no free space [08:00] which tmpfs? [08:01] You mean ? [08:01] tmpfs 377M 0 377M 0% /run/user/1000 [08:02] raddy: so you're trying to write to somewhere below /run/user/1000/ ? [08:02] I am trying write in /tmp/ [08:03] then the above output is not relevant, try this: df -h /tmp [08:05] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [08:07] raddy: now repeat the line which wasn't transferred since it started with a slash. add a blank space as the first character [08:09] tomreyn: I don't get you, but I don't have separate /tmp file system [08:11] raddy: so how much free unallocated space do you have in / ? [08:12] raddy: alternatively, run this and post the url: df -h /tmp 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999 [08:13] 2.4Gb free space is available === gislaved73 is now known as gislaved [08:21] raddy: that's not a lot. if it's an ext{2,3,4} file system, then 5% are reserved for the root user by default [08:22] 5% of the total file system [08:22] another explanation could be that all inodes are in use: df -hi /tmp [08:30] tomreyn: You nailed it. that is the issue [08:34] tomreyn: find . -type f | wc -l shows the /tmp/ has only 80 files [08:35] tomreyn: df reports the available space after the 5% is subtracted. also, tmpfs doesn't have that. the reserved space can be tuned with tune2fs -m /dev/sd [08:35] But 512k inodes being shown as used [08:37] Please help [08:38] I got it [08:39] you'll need to create a new file system, specifying a higher amount of inodes (-I) [08:40] actually i didn'T explain this properly, read the man page, please [08:41] actually -N is what you'd need,-I just changes the inode size. === mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08 [14:04] coreycb, sahid: train milestone 1 is next week so we should make a plan to upload snapshots to eoan [14:05] jamespage: sounds good === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje === smoser1 is now known as smoser [19:44] so I'm trying to install ubuntu 18.04 on a desktop, it installs find but doesn't boot, no grub menu or anything I just get a flashing cursor in the top right [19:44] boot order is correct, its booting from hd [19:45] jiffe, you are installing Ubuntu desktop or server ISO? EFI or BIOS? [19:46] ubuntu server, not sure about the later let me check [19:53] yeha looks like bios, nothing about uefi in here [19:53] or efi [19:53] this is an old P4 machine [20:02] jiffe, pentium 4? 32 or 64bit? [20:03] 64 bit [20:06] I see people having success with something similar running boot-repair from a live cd [22:03] jiffe: which installer did you use (.iso filename)? and which version of the installer? were there any warnings or errors while installing? [22:05] also, with hardware this old (with known unfixed security bugs), you'll want the latest firmware available to be installed, i'd say. did you check you have that?