
Eickmeyer We (the Ubuntu Studio team) now have two packages that need sponsoring.  (bug 1829562 and bug 1831154)22:26
ubottubug 1829562 in Ubuntu Studio "[Needs Packaging] DPF-Plugins for Eoan" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182956222:26
ubottubug 1831154 in Ubuntu Studio Menu Add "[needs-packaging] ubuntustudio-menu-add" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183115422:26
EickmeyerSomebody PLEASE take a look at these.22:26
rbasakEickmeyer: can I suggest you ask on ubuntu-devel@ please?23:16
rbasakI would look if nobody else can, but I'm not around for a while.23:16
Eickmeyerrbasak: I did.23:16
rbasakEickmeyer: but if you're struggling on IRC, I suggest the MLs because the request is a little less ephemeral then.23:17
Eickmeyerrbasak: It just seems like I'm getting ignored no matter where I post.23:17
rbasakEickmeyer: I don't see a post?23:17
Eickmeyerrbasak: In the past, I mean.23:18
EickmeyerDo you suggest ubuntu-motu ML, ubuntu-release ML, and/or ubuntu-devel?23:18
rbasakI suggest ubuntu-devel@ as it's a general "sponsorship queue needs attention" call too, but ubuntu-motu@ is also appropriate. Email both if you wish.23:19
rbasakI see that Steve sponsored lsp-plugins for you?23:19
EickmeyerHe did, but it's sitting in the NEW queue. Just... sitting.23:20
rbasakThat needs archive admin attention, so ubuntu-release@ is appropriate for that.23:21
rbasakUnfortunately the number of people who can do these reviews is limited, and the same people tend to be swamped with work :-/23:21
EickmeyerAlso, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong because these packages I've marked for sponsorship aren't even showing up in the sponsorship queue.23:22
rbasakAdd Ubuntu as an affected project - that's probably it.23:22
EickmeyerOkay, will do.23:23
rbasakIt would also help if you explained in the bugs why you aren't going via Debian (if due to buster freeze that's understandable but that'd be my immediate question so it's useful to anticipate and answer these questions in advance)23:24
EickmeyerYeah, the buster freeze is a big part of it.23:25
EickmeyerFor ubuntustudio-menu-add, that's a native package. Needs not be in Debian.23:25
rbasakThat makes sense23:27
rbasakAnyway I hope that's helpful.23:27
* rbasak disappears again23:27
Eickmeyerrbasak: Thanks. :)23:31

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