
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers, happy Friday!06:20
dufluHi oSoMoN06:37
oSoMoNhey duflu07:21
oSoMoNhow is the end of the week looking?07:21
RAOFWell, my laptop now spits MCEs before kernel panicking in the initramfs, so it's been better :/07:22
oSoMoNuh oh, that's not good07:27
willcookemorning all07:31
dufluMorning willcooke and Wimpress07:34
dufluGood evening RAOF07:34
willcookeafternoon duflu, how goes?>07:44
dufluwillcooke, I am glad to have made solid progress today before the long weekend. Will document it in the weekly report today. How are you?07:45
willcookeduflu, nice one!  Yeah, doing ok.  Been busy sorting things out at home, but glad to be back to something more "normal" today07:46
* duflu nods07:46
willcookelots of email to read :)07:46
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke, Wimpress07:47
willcookemorning oSoMoN07:47
willcookemorning Laney08:07
dufluMorning Laney08:10
marcustomlinsonmorning all08:12
willcookehi marcustomlinson08:19
dufluMorning marcustomlinson08:23
Laneywb willcooke 👊08:28
Laneygreetings duflu greetings marcustomlinson 👋08:29
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, marcustomlinson08:52
Laneyhey oSoMoN, happy friday :>09:07
willcookethanks for the screenshots marcustomlinson10:03
willcookeGot my X220 off the shelf for some testing, and now I've replaced all my cheapo wifi APs with UniFi - I can't connect to the wifi any more.11:35
willcookeYou might remember this laptop from such rants as "Why wont my stupid laptop connect to the wifi"11:36
Laneythou art cursed11:36
Laneydoesn't BF use UniFi too?11:36
willcookeI put a cheapo USB wifi dongle in, and it works fine11:36
willcookeyeah, BF does11:36
willcookeand sprints11:36
Laneysounds like a common factor11:36
LaneyI bought another AP the other day11:36
Laneyand now my wifi sucks11:36
Laneythere's some kind of problem with roaming between them11:37
Laneycan't see the chromecasts half the time, things like that11:37
willcookeI added 2 x Lite APs to the one I had, and everything is working as it should do11:37
willcookeroaming is working well11:37
willcookewifi sucks11:37
Laneycome and fix it pls11:37
willcookeI just saw an update for the controller11:38
marcustomlinsonMy wifi is great, but you probably don't want to know what hw I use :P11:43
* xnox had to disable annonomous mac address to connect to my new wifi from windows11:48
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willcookeecho "options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1 wd_disable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf14:32
willcookethat fixed it14:32
willcookeMy wife said it was working fine last week14:32
willcookei r not understand14:32
marcustomlinsonwillcooke: your wife is obviously just better than you at wifi14:42
ograalready in the name !14:55
marcustomlinsonno ways... why did I not see that??14:55
* oSoMoN calls it a week, have a good week-end everyone!16:01
willcookeI'm EODing too, night all16:30
Laneynighty night17:05
Laneyhappy weekend one and all17:06
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