
iffraffBashing-om: so it looks like everyting is the same.00:00
iffraffa couple more pieces of info I opted to have my hard drive encrypted when I installed the os,00:00
iffraffalso the last time wehn you had me purge and all that, it asked me to create a password but it never asked me for that password.00:01
iffrafflastly the lshw -C display shows "UNCLAIMED" for every driver except for the nouvoux one.  that one does not show the "UNCLAIMED" tag00:02
Bashing-omiffraff: secure boot ?00:04
Bashing-omiffraff: All I can suggest at this time is to disable secure boot, single monitor connected - purge nvidia and try the autoinstall once more.00:07
iffraffI'm so over secure boot.  is there a way to undo it?00:08
Bashing-omiffraff: Is a bios setting to disable secure boot . I have not so can not advise further :(00:10
iffraffBashing-om: ok, so can you give me a synopsis of what you think the problem or what the symptoms are so that I can start my research from there?  ( provided turning off secure boot doesn't help )00:11
Bashing-omiffraff: All we know for now is "Error: can't access /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:3b:00.0/driver". We can look in X's log file see what X relates ` cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ` .00:13
mithrosarnold: Thanks! That is still super helpful00:14
mithrosarnold: What is umt?00:14
iffraffwell, I'm actually seeing some google results for installing nvidia with secureboot.  It think that is the problem.  I really apprecate all your help.  it's gotten me a lot closer.00:15
Bashing-omiffraff: Nother thought - Wayland ? what returns ' loginctl show-session c1 -p Type ' ?00:16
sarnoldmithro: umt is a swiss-army chainsaw for the security team -- it's a load of wrappers and little scripts to show which versions of a package are in which releases, if they are in main or universe, debian status for those packages; download package sources, change the changelogs, rebuild packages, upload packages..00:16
elagostHi all. Any way to set /etc/resolv.conf back to the classic way instead of systemd address?00:31
sarnoldelagost: this looks like reasonable instructions, but I haven't tried them https://askubuntu.com/a/907249/3381200:36
mithrosarnold: Are you able to do the same for clang for me?00:37
sarnoldmithro: sure thing00:38
elagostsarnold: Thank you! Hadn't found that one in my duckduckgo-ing yet. Appreciate it.00:38
sarnoldmithro: this may be a reasonable starting point for finding what is *default* in different releases https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/llvm-defaults/+changelog -- I'll have the supported stuff in a moment, but thought this might be useful too00:42
sarnoldmithro: 'full' umt search results http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H6rHhPVq3D/ -- and a version filtered on 'main' http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bPYhN2Synh/00:45
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CarlFKthis works: printf "\r\rrelay on 0\r\c\c\c\c" | tio --output-delay 50 /dev/ttyrelay - adding ">> /home/pi/dev_setup.log" gives Error: Saving current stdio settings failed01:10
CarlFKI don't see anything in tio, but maybe I can use tmux or screen?01:10
Beam_InnDoes it create a danger from attacks originating from the internet if "share this folder" is done without a password?01:11
CarlFKBeam_Inn: do you consider "sharing" an attack?01:11
Beam_Innwell, yeah, if it's not from someone on my intranet01:13
Beam_Innif it's from someone on my local network, I don't really care if they access my files.01:13
Beam_Innbut, i'm giving them the ability to make and delete folders so01:13
CarlFKwill the box ever be "in the whild" (public IP or coffee shop or school...)01:14
Beam_Innwell, i'm going to use samba anyway, but I'm trying to get a "fast fix"01:14
Beam_InnI just want to share one file right now so the issue is it's not being shown on a Win10-linux network01:14
Beam_InnAnd I'm thinking: maybe it's because the folder I'm sharing isn't a windows-compatible filesystem?01:14
Beam_Innbut i have no idea01:15
CarlFKthe fs that stores the data doesn't matter.01:15
Beam_InnOh.  Well, then I don't know why my win10 pc isn't seeing the linux computer on the network01:16
Meadsooo... is ubuntu patched for this yet? https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/05/advanced-linux-backdoor-found-in-the-wild-escaped-av-detection/01:17
daxMead: that's an article about some malware, not a specific security vulnerability01:19
sarnoldMead: we haven't heard an infection vector yet -- that's just some toolkit to help the attacker *stay* resident once they've compromised the system01:19
sarnoldMead: my guess is that it's primiarly useful for attackers who brute-force account passwords via ssh or vnc or similar01:20
tewardMead: there's no specific 'vulnerability' listed there to patch AFAICT, it's just malware, as well01:20
tewardsince there's no stated infection vector yet01:20
teward(as sarnold said)01:20
tewardcurrent 'prevention and fixing' is to block known C2s.01:20
tewardand block based on the IOCs on some of the sublinks underneath that (https://www.intezer.com/blog-hiddenwasp-malware-targeting-linux-systems/)01:21
sarnoldthough it's also be a good idea to double-check that you disable passwords on ssh, that your unattended-upgrades are still working, etc01:21
Beam_Innhave you guys seen issues in mate where dragging out of a field causes the selection to restart01:23
Beam_Inn"Package libpng12-0:i386 is not available01:23
Beam_InnANyone know what happened to this pkg?01:23
unshackledsome people just have a lot of problems01:25
sarnoldBeam_Inn: that was generated from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpng -- I believe this is the replacement https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpng1.601:25
Beam_Innhow did youknow? XD01:26
Beam_Innyeah, well, the software I'm trying to install is specifically looking for that package so I'm basicallys crewed. :D01:27
sarnoldBeam_Inn: well, I looked up libpng* packages on my local archive mirror. it's possible to do similar if you don't have a locl archive mirror, but it's a bit more work :)01:27
Beam_Innmaybe i should try to wine it01:27
tewardsarnold: only exists in Xenial though01:27
tewardthat specific package I mean.01:27
* teward has some fun with a local mirror.01:27
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texlaUbuntu 18.04 with Firefox to install and use chrome or chromium does Firefox have to be uninstalled01:36
sarnoldI run both all the time01:38
Bashing-omtexla: Nope - thedy will co-exist :)01:38
texlaBashing-om, Thanks for the info01:39
donofriohow would you tell what java version/make your using ibm/oracle?02:00
sarnolddonofrio: dpkg -l '*jdk*' | grep ^ii    not a bad start02:02
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glickanyon around?05:35
imsurit_ofcwas freenode down for you all? or was it just me ?05:35
glickimsurit_ofc: i found it strange that for the last 30 minutes or so i havent gotten a single reply in channels such as #wordpress05:36
glickso maybe thats related05:36
imsurit_ofcglick: it was down for me for ~15 mins05:37
imsurit_ofclet me check the log of other server05:37
Svetlanaglick, were you in the middle of an ubuntu related discussion?05:38
Svetlanaah ok :)05:38
njundMy scale option in settings disapear after I perform update?v :(05:43
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njundHere is a forum post with the same issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/1123801/display-scaling-option-gone-after-18-04-update05:44
Svetlananjund, can you report a bug?06:02
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pavlushkaCan anybody tell me the screenshot command for mate to run from the terminal please?06:25
Svetlanapavlushka, 'scrot' for the entire desktop, or do you want the gui one?06:27
pavlushkaSvetlana: that will do, ty06:27
Svetlanayvw :-)06:28
njundHow can I scale Ubuntu to 200%06:29
njundI have a 4k screen on a 15 laptop06:30
njundWIndows automatically sets scale to 200% and thats perfect06:30
njundUsing ubuntu in vmware, everything is painfully tiny06:30
njundThere was a scale option in the menu that disappeared for me06:30
njundmentioned it earlier, linking a forum post https://askubuntu.com/questions/1123801/display-scaling-option-gone-after-18-04-update06:31
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njundCan anyone else confirm that they have a scale option in their dsiplay settings on Ubuntu 18.0406:31
njundI wonder whether it was removed in a later update  :(06:32
blue1njund: ?06:38
thingfishI just gotta say that I'm pretty blown away that I can play Dark Souls III on 19.04 and it plays beautifully.06:38
thingfishSekiro plays too, almost as well.06:39
thingfishanyway, good job whoever.06:39
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lotuspsychjenjund: check out dconf-editor06:45
lotuspsychjethingfish: wanna join #ubuntu-discuss please?06:52
K0SHDCan anyone help with this error: ioctl HIDIOCGRAWINFO failed for /dev/hidraw0. errno = 0.06:57
Triffid_HunterK0SHD: your hidraw0 device didn't want to reply with its info06:59
srjii bought the new dell xps 13 with ubuntu. does anybody has experience with using two displayport displays?07:04
srjiwith daisychain?07:05
srjidoes it work under ubuntu?07:05
spinningCatis there a software that uses wecam to show desktop and record it?07:08
lotuspsychjespinningCat: kazam or recordmydesktop07:08
lotuspsychjeoh webcam07:09
spinningCatdo you have personal preference?07:09
lotuspsychjespinningCat: you want to record another computer with your webcam or?07:09
spinningCatrecord my desktop07:09
spinningCati want to record my desktop07:10
lotuspsychjespinningCat: yeah then both are good07:10
spinningCatlet me try kazam07:10
spinningCatthis is really good thanks07:17
spinningCati wish i can put my face left and bottom side of the vid07:17
spinningCatis that possible?07:17
EriC^^spinningCat: heard of obs studio?07:18
njundlotuspsychje:  installed dconf-editor. Where can I find display scaling options?07:18
spinningCatlet me check07:18
njundwell i found it, and it did nothing when I changed it :(07:22
spinningCatkazam dont record my voice07:24
anddamhowdy, while trying to unlock external URI links from within evince I wiped the profile for evince07:25
anddamhow can I reinstate the default ones from 18.04?07:25
anddam(I figure some dpkg-reconfigure or the like)07:25
spinningCatvery nice07:26
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glickhey, when i set a ufw rule, what configuration file is that added to?08:15
glicki dont see it in /etc/default/ufw08:15
glicknor in /etc/ufw/before.rules or after.rules or ufw.conf08:15
Walexglick: a general way to figure out  is something like 'find /etc -type f -mmin -10'08:52
Walexglick: done within 10 minutes of changing the configuration.08:53
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Walexnjund: there are several hiDPI settings and "display scaling" is a bad name, and also there are difference between GNOME and Unity08:54
njundWalex: doesnt typical ubuntu desktop just use gnome?08:55
Walexuntil and including 2017 the default was Unity 7, now it is GNOME.08:57
Walexnjund: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bn4pwH5khy/08:57
Walexnjund: that's mostly for Unity 7, but there are equivalent features in 'gnome-control-center' and 'gnome-tweak-tool'08:59
njundso to start out, I can go set dpi in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf09:01
njundand expect that to be applied on each boot when X starts up?09:01
Walexnjund: that's good, or you can change the DPI dynamically with 'xrandr' but less good.09:01
Walexnjund: yes, if you put '-dpi ...' in whatever Display Manager configuration it will be applied when the X server starts.09:02
Walexnjund: that won't be enouh because some GUI frameworks ignore that value and use only the DPI value configured for that framework.09:03
njunddoes not exist for me09:04
njundisnt that the default?09:04
njundOh, am I supposed to create the file myself09:04
Walexnjund: your Display Manager may be GDM3 if you installed Ubuntu 18 from fresh09:05
Walexnjund: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSh2f7fJJn/09:05
njundsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm309:09
njundis supposed to launch a window right09:09
njundwith choices09:09
lotuspsychjenjund: scaling options should just show in gnome settings or gnome-tweak-tool or dconf (if your graphics driver is installed correctly?)09:10
njundI'm using Ubuntu in vmware09:10
njundnot sure how that would affect the graphics drivers09:11
lotuspsychjenjund: aha, then that might be the case perhaps, as VM uses a virtual graphics card09:12
lotuspsychjenjund: check your: sudo lshw -C video09:13
njundwow, I just swicthed from gdm to lightdm, and the perf diff is *definitely* noticeable09:15
Walexnjund: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hD2pjSYVWN/09:15
njundlotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7tyHtTm3Dk/09:16
Walexnjund: both GNOME and Unity 7 want a fairly fast OpenGL implementation, that is with hw acceleration.09:16
lotuspsychjenjund: yes, as you can see its a VM virtual graphics there09:16
Walexnjund: if hw OpenGL is not available I use XFCE09:16
njundI have graphics accel or something like that set in vmware settings09:17
njundno way to pass through my graphics card :(09:17
njundWalex: that was for the lightdm.conf file right?09:17
Walexnjund: the latest paste is from/for 'dconf'09:18
Walexthis is for LightDM: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sSh2f7fJJn/09:18
njundlol did sudo reboot, and lost my GUI it seems09:21
njundDoes something in those settings force it to CLI mode? Walex09:21
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afidegnumhello, i m still facing problem. apt-get purge nodejs, i reinstall nodejs but i can't get to run npm, .. here is the current error i m gettig https://kopy.io/FsC2J09:37
FlannelMJDombrowski: Can you please fix your connection?  Thanks.09:51
geirhaafidegnum: isn't npm included in the nodejs package?09:59
afidegnumgeirha: it's asumed to be included, following this link https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-ubuntu/10:05
afidegnumgeirha: even here, https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md#debinstall10:10
BluesKajHowdy folks10:11
geirhaafidegnum: right, so what does    type -a node npm   output?10:16
afidegnumnode is /usr/bin/node10:17
afidegnumnpm is /usr/bin/npm10:17
afidegnumgeirha: that's waht i m having10:18
geirhaafidegnum: right, so npm is installed, probably via the nodejs package.   dpkg -S /usr/bin/npm   should tell you what package installed it10:19
gofioon ubuntu 18.04 is there an easy way to stop spotify from loading the snap folder non stop? it gets to 3G because it has no more space, I guess10:21
afidegnumgeirha: nodejs: /usr/bin/npm10:21
lotuspsychjegofio: snap support goes to the snap maintainer10:22
geirhaafidegnum: right, so nodesource packages node and npm in the same package, while ubuntu's official repos, package them in separate packages, so when you tried apt install npm  it failed because it wanted the nodejs package from ubuntu's repo, which conflicts with nodesource's nodejs package10:23
gofiolotuspsychje: thanks. Don't know what that means but thanks for you time10:23
lotuspsychjegofio: try: snap info spotify and look for the 'contact'10:24
gofio"Note: Spotify for Linux is a labor of love from our engineers that wanted10:25
gofio  to listen to Spotify on their Linux development machines." :)10:25
afidegnumgeirha: oh ok, how do i fix that? should i remove the old repo?10:25
gofiolotuspsychje: thanks: contact:   https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/bd-p/desktop_linux10:25
lotuspsychjegofio: there's your answer10:26
gofiolotuspsychje: exactly, thanks. Sometimes support doesn't have to mean solve an issue it just can be give directions :)10:26
geirhaafidegnum: there's nothing to fix.., you installed the nodejs package from nodesource, so you have nodejs and npm installed10:27
afidegnumbut calling npm doesn't run10:28
afidegnumoh it10:28
afidegnumit's fixed10:28
cedraI ran do-release-upgrade from my 14.04 server, it finished with 1 error for rkhunter10:28
cedraand then I restarted and now I can't ssh into it10:28
cedraNo config files were changed10:29
gofiolotuspsychje: so far I'm just deleting the spotify folder altogether manualy when it reaches the 3G level wich is the maximum I have right now in this hard disk of free space so i get noticed when that happens10:29
afidegnumgeirha: one issue is, node installs in home directory as .node`10:30
geirhaafidegnum: Don't know about that. I install node manually, in my homedir, rather than using apt, and in that case I don't get any .node directory in my homedir10:33
afidegnumgeirha: can you give a directive on how to install elm via your method?10:35
geirhaafidegnum: never tried elm10:38
afidegnumsorry i mean nodejs10:43
afidegnumhow did you install yours?10:43
geirhaafidegnum: I grab a tarball for the version and arch I want from https://nodejs.org/dist, extract it somewhere under my homedir, and prepend its bin dir to PATH in ~/.profile10:46
||arifaXHi, I have a quick question. I successfully installed 19.04 on Surface Pro 3 and it works like a charm. The only thing that is not working is the super key on the touch screen (right handside). It worked btw. when I booted into the live environment of the Ubuntu DVD. Any ideas what I am missing?11:04
||arifaXcorrection. one more reboot and it worked - sorry for bothering11:07
guiverc||arifaX, no problem, glad it resolved itself :)11:12
StiflerHi. I have ipv6 enabled on a ubu machine. I can ping itself, but I cannot ping it from another server. I didnt set it up so I am not sure where to start, but I presume that ipv6 icmp has been disabled or blocked by a fw. The machine is setup as a mail server (iredmail package)11:31
StiflerWhere can I start to look ?11:31
Stiflersysctl doesnt /appear/ to have anything untoward that I recognise.11:31
tomreynStifler: you say you pinged itself, did you ping from the system, to its LAN / external (so not fe80) IPv6 address?11:40
Stifleri pinged a routable ipv6 (2001:blah...) on itself11:41
TJ-Stifler: is the host you're ping-ing from on the same subnet?11:42
Stiflerbut that same ip does not ping from another ubu box (and the one I pinged from, is fully fleged and currently serving on the real world)11:42
tomreyndo you have iptables rules setup on it? sudo ip6tables -L11:42
TJ-Stifler: in these cases I run tcpdump on both ends and watch for the packets leaving, arriving and replying, and returning11:43
Stiflerokay!. It has iptables v611:43
Stiflerso this is a stab for me. In iptables you would add "-A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT"11:44
Stiflerto enable ping right?11:44
StiflerIs it the same in ip6tables ?11:44
TJ-Stifler: no11:44
StiflerThis line exists in iptables "ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere             icmp echo-request" when I do an -L11:45
Stiflerit does not exist in ip6tables11:45
TJ-Stifler: "icmpv6"11:45
Stiflerokay. to be clear ""-A INPUT -p icmpv6 --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT"11:46
TJ-Stifler: I have for example: 2-A INPUT -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT"11:47
tdsyou'll likely need to add rules to allow RAs and NSes as well - just allowing all icmpv6 may be the easiest option11:48
tdsyeah, just use TJ-'s rule :)11:48
Stiflerokay. Yeah I know I need RA for ipv6 to work, so I figured something was blocking it (causing the actual problem I am trying to solve)11:49
TJ-Stifler: if you do "ip6tables -p ipv6-icmp -h" it'll show you all the type codes11:49
TJ-Stifler: also see "man iptables-extensions" and do "/ipv6-icmp" and hit Return key to skip to the section covering that11:50
StiflerSo ip6tables has nothing allowing so I shall give this all a go. ** thanks TJ- , tds , tomreyn **  The compass is pointing in the right direction now!11:50
tomodachioops wrong window nvm11:50
tdsif you do want to filter icmpv6, follow https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4890 very carefully11:51
StiflerAnd cheers!!! that fixed my icmp problem - now ipv6 is pucker. On to the next.11:53
Stiflertds: I will do that. thanks. I think RA is all that is needed for ipv6 to work properly, but I will read the link as you have offered it.11:54
* TJ- hides his router from tds before it starts dropping arbitrary IPv6 prefixes!11:54
tdsmy point was more "don't filter icmpv6 unless you really know what you're doing" :)11:54
StiflerIt appears that I now have an IPv6 mail server. Thanks everyone.11:58
StiflerAs I have read over a '000s times, icmp is needed for ipv6 to work. So it makes sense that we leave it open, and make icmp better/secure.11:59
StiflerThe sooner we leave ipv4 world behind us the better.11:59
Stifleroh, and goodbye NAT!! we never really did love you .... :-P12:00
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glickto restart sshd13:08
glicksystemctl restart sshd correct?13:08
mousesglick: correct13:08
glickdoesnt work on my system for some reason13:10
glickim logged in13:10
glickand you would think restarting it would kick me off for a moment13:10
willksmNo it doesn't work like that glick13:10
mgedminno, it shouldn't13:10
mgedminsshd spawns a subprocess for each incoming session; those do not go away when the main listening sshd is restarted13:10
mgedmin(and if it did kick you off, it would not be "for a moment", it would be permanently)13:11
mgedmincheck with systemctl status sshd -- the pid will be different after a restart, and also the process started timestamps13:11
mousesglick: SSHD forks a child process on connection. This child process will not die if either SSHD or the whole network is restarted. This is the reason why you can update ssh and/or its configuration, do a service sshd restart and still keep connected to your old ssh-session with the old settings. Apart from that ssh recovers well from small network outages.13:11
glicki set PermitRootLogin no13:12
glickbut i can still login as root13:12
TJ-glick: when the service is reloaded it does: "ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID"  HUP causes sshd to reload its config13:12
mousesTJ-: did you remember to uncomment the line?13:13
mousessorry, glick - not TJ-.13:13
eren_trI have a question. Is there any way to find where my kazam video went after I clicked finish recording. I lost the .mux file after quitting it13:13
TJ-glick: did you test the config first with "sshd -t" ?13:13
mouseseren_tr: find / -name "*.mux"13:14
glickTJ-: i did it and no output13:14
mouseseren_tr: you probably want something like find /home/eren/ -name "*.mux"13:14
mouseseren_tr: from your home directory, you could also do something like:13:15
mousesfind . -name "*.mux"13:15
eren_trwow I wasn't expecting an answer thanks.  I'll try that now13:16
mousesgood luck, and glad to help13:16
TJ-glick: in which case immediately after do "echo $?" to get its exit code. 0 means OK, anything else means an error13:16
glicki have certificate login setup13:17
glickdoes that override permitrootlogin no?13:17
eren_trno, it didn't find it.13:24
eren_trAfter quitting kazam after clicking finish recording the .mux file which was the recorded file disappeared.13:24
eren_tr I tried testdisk, the .mux file was located in the videos folder but after I clicked quit the video simply disappeared without appearing in the trash bin or anything. I didn't find any files in tmp folder over 100Mb's would anyone have any clue where it might have went?13:24
eren_trIt's really important13:24
glickhmm howcome when i try sudo echo "something" > /etc/hostname i get permission denied?13:24
EriC^^eren_tr: maybe somewhere in a /tmp dir or the temp dir kazam uses its found?13:25
mousesglick: try that find but run it as root and use / as the start path13:26
EriC^^oh nevermind, just read the rest13:26
mousesthat'll search the whole drive13:26
TJ-eren_tr: is this your Question? https://answers.launchpad.net/kazam/+question/68114813:26
mouseseren_tr: sudo find / -name "*.mux"13:26
eren_trwow you guys are scary, yes that's me13:26
eren_trI'll try it again as you've advised13:27
pragmaticenigmaglick because the sudo only applies to echo... not to the attempt at writing the value to the file13:27
EriC^^glick: you could do echo something | sudo tee /file , or sudo bash -c "echo something > /file"13:28
TJ-eren_tr: OK, I thought there were 2 people with the same problem13:28
eren_trwell i can pretend it wasn't me if it might make it a bigger issue13:29
TJ-eren_tr: if the file was recorded to a temporary location, that'd likely be in the /tmp/ directory. At this stage I'd search the entire system though, using "sudo find -xdev /  /tmp  /home  -type f -name '*.mux' -ls "13:31
TJ-eren_tr: this all supposes the file truely does end in ".mux"  - are you sure of that?13:33
eren_trI had to shut the computer down and I tried recording again afterwards to test it could that be the reason why it can't find it13:33
eren_tryes that's correct it was .mux13:33
eren_trif it was in the tmp folder could testdisk find it after it is automatically deleted?13:34
EriC^^eren_tr: you said you found it in testdisk?13:34
eren_trno I just scanned videos with testdisk it didn't find any deleted files in it13:35
TJ-eren_tr: after it finished recording you did "Save for later" ?13:35
CrtxReavrI'm trying to run 'apt-get upgrade' on an 18.04.2 LTS box. . . but it's failing, getting 404s for all the files it's trying to pull from us.archive.ubuntu.com.13:36
tewardCrtxReavr: sudo apt-get update13:36
cfhowlettCrtxReavr= try a different mirror.13:36
eren_trno I just clicked finish recording from the top bar save automatically was selected13:36
CrtxReavrteward, did that.13:36
tewardthen it's the mirror you're using, use a different one.13:36
TJ-eren_tr: I'm reading the source-code and trying to deduce what is does. It seems like, when a recording ends, there's a radio-button for "Save for Later" and a "Continue" button to cause the save13:36
teward(might be mid-sync)13:36
lotuspsychjeeren_tr: i had same bug on kazam once, if you record too long it might crash and tmp work is lost13:36
lotuspsychjeeren_tr: so now i record short pieces with kazam13:37
TJ-CrtxReavr: 404 usually means the package versions have updated and you need to re-fetch the package lists with "apt update"13:37
eren_trit really is a shame they gave 4 stars to it on the ubuntu software and it's rated as the best video recorder on some sites13:37
CrtxReavrTJ-, well, I re-ran update and am seeing that it's partially failing.13:38
TJ-eren_tr: in the source is this fragment "logger.debug("Moving from {} to {}".format(self.tempfile, uri))" ... which infers a) there's a log file and b) it might include the to/from paths of the file13:38
lotuspsychjeeren_tr: how long was your record?13:38
eren_trthere really should be a site that gives you accurate information on things like these13:38
eren_trabout 3 hours13:39
CrtxReavrWhere is the mirror set?  /etc/apt/sources.list?13:39
lotuspsychjeeren_tr: yeah that extreme long for kazam13:39
tewardCrtxReavr: usually, yes.13:39
cfhowlettthat's long for any screenrecorrder13:39
eren_trI think TJ has found something13:40
eren_trlet me look at my logs again13:40
eren_trgnome-software May 30 15:42:14 failed to rescan: Failed to parse /usr/share/applications/kazam.desktop file: cannot process file of type application/x-desktop audit session 3 priority 413:43
TJ-eren_tr: check $HOME/.xsession-errors ... from the look of the source-code logging goes to terminal, not to a file, so unless some process hooked the stdout/stderr and wrote it to a file, the log output will have gone13:44
TJ-eren_tr: my other idea os, if the recording was 3 hours, it ought to be a LARGE file, so search the disk for very large files, not by name13:45
eren_trit was about 340 mb's the .mux file however I was missing 2Gb's on my computer13:46
eren_trI'll check it again if the 2 Gb's are still missing, my computer crashed so I had to close it13:46
eren_trno it seems I'm not missing it at this point13:47
eren_tractually I'm not sure13:47
mgedminUbuntu hasn't been using ~/.xsession-errors for many years ...13:48
TJ-eren_tr: try "sudo find / -size +300M -ls"13:48
mgedminincidentally if anyone knows a working screen recorder that actually works under wayland and is not a terrible pain to use, I'm all ears13:48
mgedmingnome-shell's builtin ctrl+alt+shift+r is excellent, only it doesn't allow me to select an area to record13:48
eren_trobs definetely13:49
eren_trrecorder with it in the past, didn't have time to install it last time13:49
eren_trsorry I'm not sure about wayland, I'm doing the find command13:49
mgedmindoes obs work under wayland?  I heard that it didn't13:49
CrtxReavrWeyland is the X replacement?13:50
mgedmin(and the requirement of specific xserver-xorg version numbers and ffmpeg on the official website do not raise hopes)13:50
mgedminyes, wayland is the new protocol that wants to replace X1113:50
eren_trren@eren-ALFA-100A:~$ sudo find / -size +300M -ls13:50
eren_tr[sudo] password for eren:13:50
eren_tr       12 1392264 -rw-------   1 root     root     1425674240 May  3 13:52 /swapfile13:50
eren_tr   289479  354064 -rwxrwxrwx   1 eren     eren      362555971 Nis 24 17:33 /home/eren/Videos/GENERAL\ AFFAIRS\ DEPARTMENT\ SEXUAL\ MANAGEMENT\ DIVISION\ FUKA\ NANASAKI.....Ful\ -\ Pornhub.com.mp413:50
eren_tr   293353  459920 -rwxrwxrwx   1 eren     eren      470951907 Nis 24 17:46 /home/eren/Videos/Blowjob\ School\ -\ Pornhub.com(1).mp413:50
eren_tr   272179  524300 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root      536870912 May 30 19:23 /home/eren/Videos/image.dd13:50
eren_tr   289483  436976 -rwxrwxrwx   1 eren     eren      447456835 Nis 24 17:44 /home/eren/Videos/The\ best....Japanese\ AV\ Gloryhole..mp413:50
mgedmineren_tr: use a pastebin please13:50
teward!pastebin | eren_tr13:51
ubottueren_tr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:51
CrtxReavreren_tr, nothing about midget amputees?13:51
eren_tronly if they're into it13:51
hggdhCrtxReavr, eren_tr: please stay on-topic13:52
cfhowlettfamily friendly channel, people.  keep it clean.13:52
eren_trI'm sorry13:52
* CrtxReavr isn't.13:53
CrtxReavrThat was shameless & funny.13:53
CrtxReavreren_tr, I am curious though, why using a swapfile?  A swap partition should improve performance by taking the filesystem code out of the swapping equation.13:54
hggdhCrtxReavr: and improper. So, please, don't go that route13:55
TJ-mgedmin: what are you on about, .xsession-errors is used by Xorg13:55
eren_trI'm sorry I'm new here  I'll keep the conversation on point and clean13:55
eren_tr*to the point13:55
* CrtxReavr shrugs.13:56
tomreynFor CPU frequency scaling on Ubuntu 18.04, should I rely on the mainboard firmware to handle it, should i install cpufrequency-utils, cpufreqd, or something else?13:59
eren_trI can't find a folder or a file named .xsession-errors in $HOME/.xsession-errors ...14:00
TJ-eren_tr: it'll only be there if the session is using Xorg. It may be using the Gnome/Mutter (Wayland) compositor instead14:01
eren_trI'm using the gnome desktop environement14:01
TJ-eren_tr: "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE"14:01
TJ-eren_tr: if it shows "x11" it's Xorg xserver14:02
TJ-eren_tr: what does "ls -al $HOME/.xsession_errors" report?14:02
eren_trls: cannot access '/home/eren/.xsession_errors': No such file or directory14:03
TJ-eren_tr: so, none there. how about "grep ^ERRFILE= /etc/X11/Xsession"14:03
TJ-eren_tr: so it is set, but none created. Unusual.14:05
eren_trI searched .xsession-errors on nautilus on sudo however I'm getting the no results found14:05
TJ-eren_tr: at this point though, as lotuspsychje said earlier, it looks like you may have been hit by the DATA LOSS issue14:05
TJ-tomreyn: mobo firmware? you mean some ACPI function? in general I thought the kernel policy handled it14:06
eren_trcan i still find the file with testdisk? or another data recovery app?14:07
TJ-eren_tr: 'depends' - if the sectors/blocks in the file-system it was using have been re-used for something else, then no14:07
eren_trwell it happened yesterday how can I try that?14:08
TJ-!info extundelete | eren_tr14:09
ubottueren_tr: extundelete (source: extundelete): utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 154 kB14:09
eren_tralso I'm still missing around 1-2 Gb's of data. I had 3 Gb's of free space when I started14:09
TJ-eren_tr: has the PC been rebooted since the file got lost?14:09
eren_trunfortunetely yes it went to text only mode while trying to keep it awake and was showing errors14:10
eren_trinstalling extundelete  now14:11
tomreynTJ-: yes, acpi - i guess? i've got an amd ryzen 7 1800x (X370 chipset), so far had cpufrequtils installed (just purged it to see whether frequency scaling still work after reboot). i always got this message during boot:  kernel: powernow_k8: This CPU is not supported anymore, using acpi-cpufreq instead.14:14
gamelasterHi, I'm trying to build the kernel driver on Ubuntu, which have retpoline kernel, sadly, I'm getting this error "You are building kernel with non-retpoline compiler, please update your compiler..  Stop". Of course I updated the compiler to gcc8 (with retpoline support), but it doesn't help. Any ideas?14:15
tomreyn...so apparently cpufrequtils is outdated or just not needed with this CPU14:15
TJ-eren_tr: shame, because there's a trick you can try if the system hasn't rebooted. Sometimes a file is unlinked (deleted) but some running process still has an open file handle to it, and you can find those and recover them. Find using " sudo find /proc/[1]*/fd/ -ls | grep deleted " and recover by simply copying the fd to a new file, e.g. if you found "... /proc/18864/fd/326 -> /tmp/tmp-yda.xpi\ (deleted)"14:16
TJ-you could recover using "cp /proc/18864/fd/326 $HOME/my-recovered-yda.xpi"14:16
eren_trlet me try it anyways14:16
eren_tris there anything else I can try?14:18
eren_trI still have 1,1 Gb's left in my hard drive14:20
TJ-tomreyn: see and read https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/ubuntu/linux.git/tree/drivers/cpufreq/Kconfig14:20
eren_trit was 3Gb's when I started14:20
TJ-eren_tr: lets try sorting directories by space used: "sudo du -haxd 3 / | sort -h"14:22
mgedminbtw there are nice gui tools like baobab and kfiletree (I think?) that help you see where the disk space has gone14:24
mgedmin(also console tools like duc)14:24
TJ-and make it next to impossible to share results via pastebin14:24
eren_tris there a command to find out sudden spikes is memory usage by days? For example to find if there was a 2gb file creationg yesterday around 18:55?14:27
TJ-eren_tr: you'd use 'find' to do that, in a similar way to the command I gave you earlier that searched for all files greater than 300MB14:28
eren_trok I'll try that again14:28
mgedminmemory or disk? I like atop, it records a snapshot of system state every 10 minutes and you can go back and see what processes were running, what their memory usage was, what the cpu usage was, etc with sudo atop -r14:28
mgedminatop would work for memory (RAM) usage, but not for disk usage14:28
mgedminand also you'd have to get a time machine and install atop before the time you wanted to investigate14:28
eren_trI asked because I guessed maybe there were 100's of files each around 1mb instead of one large one14:29
eren_trthank you mgadmin14:29
eren_trwait a minute14:31
eren_tr   272179  524300 -rw-r--r--   1 root     root      536870912 May 30 19:23 /home/eren/Videos/image.dd14:31
eren_trthis might be it14:31
eren_trTJ I OWE YOU BIG TIME14:32
eren_trListen if you have a bitcoin account I would like to send you some14:32
tuxidoes anyone know how i can setup an ubuntu os on my android phone? i would like to switch completely to linux ^ ^14:33
TJ-eren_tr: I take it you found it? ".dd" though!!?14:33
eren_tryeah but the timing is correct and it was created yesterday14:33
eren_tr536,9 Mb's14:34
TJ-eren_tr: check the type with "file $HOME/Videos/image.dd"14:34
eren_trI'm serious about the bitcoins14:34
TJ-eren_tr: that's fine - donate them to a local charity14:34
eren_tralot of corrupt ones in Turkey but I'll try to find a good one for you14:35
eren_trsorry off topic14:35
eren_tr"/home/eren/Videos/image.dd: DOS/MBR boot sector, code offset 0x58+2, OEM-ID "mkfs.fat", sectors/cluster 8, Media descriptor 0xf8, sectors/track 16, heads 4, hidden sectors 2048, sectors 1048576 (volumes > 32 MB), FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 1024, reserved 0x1, serial number 0x25214076, unlabeled"14:35
tomreynTJ-: thanks, i just read it. i didn't discuss this (i don't think it matters here, the default 18.04 kernel seems to work similarily in this regard) but i'm using the -edge kernel (5.0) and see that CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_PERFORMANCE=y is set, meaning that, unless I either "enable a dynamic cpufreq governor after boot, or use a userspace tool", there'll be no frequency scaling but CPUs will run at full performance (and power draw).14:36
eren_trThanks alot TJ I really learned alot14:38
tomreynso i guess i either want to set GOV_ONDEMAND or GOV_CONSERVATIVE (need to understand whether this would actually be supported by my "cpufreq low-level hardware driver" - not sure which this is, if any)14:39
TJ-tomreyn: it's quite a rats nest of options :)14:43
TJ-eren_tr: are you sure that's the file you want? it looks like a disk image14:44
eren_trwell I'm not sure, I still have hope though. It seems odd because it was created around the time Kazam was shut down.  The .mux file was around 300 mb's I didn't really use any other apps afterwards14:46
eren_trI'm guessing it might convert to a disk image before converting the file into mp414:46
eren_trstill it is odd that I am missing 2Gb's out of nowhere14:47
TJ-eren_tr: did Openshot start up to do some conversion, as lotuspsychje was describing?15:00
TJ-eren_tr: in which case I'm wondering if openshot has kept a (temp) file around15:00
eren_trsorry my computer crashed15:06
eren_trhmm I don't know let me check15:06
TJ-eren_tr: did Openshot start up to do some conversion, as lotuspsychje was describing? in which case I'm wondering if openshot kept a large (temp) working file around15:06
eren_trIt is quite possible that I just couldn't find the file because it was named something weird and wasn't an mp4 I need to read lotuspsychje's message again one sec15:07
eren_trI didn't lose the chat the apps all froze for a whil15:07
iffraffHi I'm having trouble with nvidia drivers, a laptop dock and two external 4k monitors.  I've tried the neuvou and the nvidia 390, both seem the same in respect to the problem. Only one monitor will work at a time15:08
iffraffinstalling teh nvidia monitors was a herculean event, but I think, I finally got it with out doing too much damage to my system15:09
lordcirthiffraff, What Ubuntu version? What nvidia card? Does this laptop have Intel graphics as well? How did you install nvidia-390?15:10
iffrafflordcirth: right, u 19.04 yes it has intell on the board and an nvidia geforce mx150 install was a mess15:12
lordcirthiffraff, how was it a mess? Did you use the .run file from nvidia's website? Did you try the repo version first?15:13
eren_trTJ-: I'm sorry the only messages I see from lotuspsychje were the ones where he/she talks about kazam not recording long videos15:14
glickhi, pardon, where does php put its log by default in ubuntu?15:14
iffraffI went to software upgrades selected the 390 driver and it started to churn.  I did dmesg and saw it was in an infiite loop I can't remember exactly but some nvidia process was not run, kernal not signed etc15:14
iffraffso I removed the nouvou driver and the churn stopped.15:14
iffraffI rebooted.  seems to be using the 390.  although I can't be sure as I don't know the right commands15:15
eren_trTJ-: If that's the case how can I find that 1-2gig temp file?15:15
TJ-eren_tr: ahhh, lotuspsychje mentioned it in another channel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kazam/+bug/118332115:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1183321 in Kazam Screencaster "DATA LOSS - deletes temp file before open shot has finished with it" [Undecided,New]15:15
lordcirthglick, PHP programs run by apache will be logged to /var/log/apache215:15
iffrafflordcirth: .run file from nvidia sounds interesting.15:16
eren_trTJ you're really scary you know that? lol15:16
TJ-eren_tr: if it is one file then "find $HOME -size +1G -ls" looks for anytinh greater than 1GB15:16
lordcirthiffraff, no, don't use the .run. I asked because that sometimes messes up people's systems. run 'nvidia-smi' to see what's up15:16
TJ-eren_tr: i am?15:16
glickok thanks lordcirth15:16
eren_trwho the hell looks at source code and finds all that information. I'm saying it in a good way15:17
TJ-eren_tr: errr, me? :)15:17
iffrafflordcirth: as far as I can tell there's nothing involving nvidia which does not mess up peoples systems. this has been a total debacle15:17
lordcirthiffraff, lol. Normal nvidia isn't too bad, it's the hybrid intel/nvidia optimus stuff that is a mess15:17
TJ-eren_tr: If you were around here much you'd know I'm ultra-precise and logical. I collect facts and evidence and read the source to figure things out15:17
eren_trwell I certainly look up to you15:18
iffrafflordcirth: so if I show you the nvidia-smi will that help you know what's wrong with me. I mean my system :)15:18
iffraffone line that looks interesting is15:19
iffraff  0  GeForce MX150       Off15:19
eren_trTJ-: no, nothing found15:19
TJ-eren_tr: maybe it's outside the user home directory, so try "sudo find -xdev / -size +1G -ls"15:20
eren_treren@eren-ALFA-100A:~$ sudo find -xdev / -size +1G -ls15:21
eren_trfind: paths must precede expression: `/'15:21
eren_trfind: possible unquoted pattern after predicate `-xdev'?15:21
eren_treren@eren-ALFA-100A:~$ "sudo find -xdev / -size +1G -ls"15:21
eren_trbash: sudo find -xdev / -size +1G -ls: No such file or directory15:21
TJ-eren_tr: hang on, I think I got that wrong!15:22
eren_tr sorry, I'll paste next time15:23
TJ-eren_tr: works for me! " sudo find / -xdev -size +1G -ls "15:23
eren_trit's working on it15:23
eren_tr       12 1392264 -rw-------   1 root     root     1425674240 May  3 13:52 /swapfile15:23
TJ-eren_tr: it'll take a while. I'm assuming you don't have a separate file-system for /var/ (-xdev stops find scanning mountpoints on other block devices below / )15:24
eren_trno, oddly enough it was done15:24
TJ-eren_tr: well that proves the find does match some files at least; but if that lost 2G is lots of smaller files this won't work of course15:24
mgedminso maybe I'm missing some context, but if something is taking up disk space and you can't find it, it could be a deleted file that is still kept open by some program15:24
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
TJ-eren_tr: the other thing you could do is search for all files created since yesterday15:25
eren_trinteresting idea how do I do that?15:25
mgedminthat space will be freed when the program exits (or you reboot)15:25
TJ-mgedmin: it's space lost yeaterday. Unfortunately the PC has been rebooted. I suggested checking for unlinked files earlier15:25
mgedminyou can find all deleted but still open files with sudo lsof | grep -i deleted15:26
mgedminah, never mind then!15:26
eren_tralso do you hand type eren_tr: each time or is there a way to write quickly to do it?15:26
mgedminirc clients tend to have nickname completion15:26
mgedmine<tab> -> eren_tr:15:26
eren_trohhh perfect thanks15:26
TJ-eren_tr: We did the 'deleted' search earlier: if the file was recorded to a temporary location, that'd likely be in the /tmp/ directory. At this stage I'd search the entire system though, using "sudo find -xdev /  /tmp  /home  -type f -name '*.mux' -ls "15:26
TJ-eren_tr: ha, and I quoted the wrong comment!15:27
TJ-eren_tr: shame, because there's a trick you can try if the system hasn't rebooted. Sometimes a file is unlinked (deleted) but some running process still has an open file handle to it, and you can find those and recover them. Find using " sudo find /proc/[1]*/fd/ -ls | grep deleted " and recover by simply copying the fd to a new file, e.g. if you found "... /proc/18864/fd/326 -> /tmp/tmp-yda.xpi\ (deleted)"15:27
TJ-you could recover using "cp /proc/18864/fd/326 $HOME/my-recovered-yda.xpi"15:27
TJ-^^^ that was it!15:28
eren_tryeah next time you're gonna end up sending my home address15:28
TJ-eren_tr: it's in the post :)15:28
eren_trwell I always use chrome in private mode so I should be fine15:29
iffraffso can anyone help me with hypbrid intell nvidia laptop trying to get two external monitors to work via thunderbolt 3 dock?15:29
TJ-eren_tr: from everthing we've done it is looking like the file was lost by kazam. As I said, unless you were using openshot to convert the capture at the time you closed kazam15:29
eren_trI don't know, I'm still iffy about finding the 500mb file around the date and time the video was done15:30
TJ-eren_tr: let's list all files created in the last 24 hours - would that be the correct time-frame?15:30
eren_trI don't know if Kazam uses openshot by default,15:30
eren_trI just did sudo find "/proc/[1]*/fd/ -ls | grep deleted" all listed files are from May 31'st today so the date is wrong15:33
TJ-eren_tr: try this: "find $HOME -not -ctime +1 -ls"15:33
eren_trTJ-: ok15:33
TJ-eren_tr: it is likely to write a lot of output so you might want to pipe the output into less to make it easy to check, as in "find $HOME -not -ctime +1 -ls | less"15:34
eren_trTJ-: great let me check15:34
eren_trTJ-: It seems readable15:34
Mdlpehi, i can get Internet with my smartphone in wifi but not with usb cable. An idea ?15:35
eren_trTJ-: how do you know so much? do you have a book or a video source you can recommend?15:35
eren_trTJ-: now this is odd15:37
Yatekiihmm if netstat -tulpen does not show a PID/Program name for a port, how can I find the locking process? :/15:37
rypervencheMdlpe: Can you elaborate on what you mean? Or perhaps ask the question in #ubuntu-fr15:37
TJ-eren_tr: I've experimented and read the code :)15:37
eren_trTJ-: interesting I'll do the same15:37
mgedminYatekii: you may need to run sudo netstat ... to see PIDs/names of processes you do not own15:38
eren_trTJ-: two files were created, one was the one created after the first video when I checked if it was recording fine, the second video was created afterwards however it takes quite a bit of space15:39
Yatekiimgedmin: wow I never knew that, thanks!15:39
eren_trTJ-: Is there a way to see only the files created on May 30th?15:42
mgedminTJ-: hey I only just now noticed you suggesting find -ctime to find files created at some point in time -- but ctime is inode change time, not creation time!15:43
TJ-mgedmin: correct15:44
Mdlperypervenche:  I use my smartphone to connect to Internet. This wifi not problem but If I use an usb cable (ethernet connexion) Xubuntu doesn't get ip adress15:44
yao_ziyuanif i have file A on a disk and then i overwrite file A, can i recover the original file A with a file recovery tool (like photorec in linux)?15:44
mgedminyao_ziyuan: usually not15:46
TJ-eren_tr: first create a file with the oldest timestamp you want, using "touch -t [YY]MMDDhhmm /tmp/timestamp" - e.g. "touch -t 1905310200 /tmp/timestamp" for 2am this morning, then use that with 'find' to locate all files created/modified since then, with "sudo find / -newer /tmp/timestamp -ls "15:47
yao_ziyuanmgedmin: because the original file's disk space is overwritten?15:48
mgedminyao_ziyuan: yes15:48
yao_ziyuanmgedmin: thanks. just one more question: fat32, ntfs and ext2/3/4 all work this way?15:52
mgedminessentially, yes15:53
mgedminthere's a possible difference when you delete file A and create a new file A, rather than overwriting it15:53
iffraffhow do you update $PATH and make it stick? I can update it via PATH=$Path:/  and that updates it in my console but it goes away with new console?15:53
mgedminthen there's a chance the new file might get different disk areas allocated to it, so the old contents of A might still be recoverable15:54
mgedminiffraff: we edit ~/.profile and/or ~/.bashrc15:54
yao_ziyuanmgedmin: i overwrote it by cp -rf...15:54
TJ-iffraff: edit $HOME/.profile15:54
mgedminI don't think cp unlinks files before opening them for writing ...15:54
ActionParsnipHey guys. I'm about to write a change to upgrade Bind.15:55
ActionParsnipI'll be snapshotting obviously but are there any gotcha's please?15:55
iffraffso none of those files have what's in the current path.  Maybe what's in there now is just default. but should I add it to the .rc file?15:55
mgedminiffraff: ubuntu's default .profile has code to add $HOME/bin and $HOME/.local/bin to the beginning of $PATH, you can copy it and modify15:56
yao_ziyuanmgedmin: i don't quite understand 'unlink'. you mean cp -rf would directly overwrite the original file's disk space?15:57
mgedminunlink() is the linux system call that deletes a file, sorry for using jargon15:57
mgedminI meant that I think cp overwrites the file in place, instead of deleting and creating a new file with the same name15:57
mgedminso data recovery is less likely15:57
TJ-iffraff: I have a function in .profile to make adding additional dirs to PATH is easy. See http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nSvdNq86Ts/15:57
yao_ziyuanmgedmin: thanks. i'm trying photorec anyway.15:58
iffraffcool thanks tj15:58
mgedminiffraff: mine is https://github.com/mgedmin/dotfiles/blob/master/bashrc.path#L6-L1815:58
eren_trTJ-: I just did that but I'm getting maybe thousands of lines of code here dating to may 31 is there a way to limit it to only the 30th?16:02
TJ-eren_tr: use both options.16:04
eren_trTJ-: ok, time for dinner16:04
eren_trTJ-: gtg16:04
TJ-eren_tr: "touch -t 1905300000 /tmp/timestamp"  then "sudo find / -newer /tmp/timestamp -ctime +1 -ls "16:05
TJ-eren_tr: you might need to play with those a little, or you could use 2 timestamps files e.g. "touch -t 1905300000 /tmp/after; touch -t 1905301200 /tmp/before" then "find / -newer /tmp/after -a -not -newer /tmp/before -ls "16:07
lordcirthjoetakagi, hi16:07
joetakagiI'm having this error when connecting to a certain wifi access point, in dmesg "deauthenticating from <gives mac address> by local choice (reason: 3=deauth_leaving)16:08
joetakagiAnyone familiar with this issue?16:08
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lordcirthjoetakagi, what Ubuntu version, and was it working before?16:10
joetakagilordcirth: it works on some wifi points, and it works on this one sometimes, but not right now. It's ubuntu 18.04.2 lts16:12
lordcirthjoetakagi, what is the wireless card? 'lspci' will list devices16:12
BrianBlazeare 2 SSID's for one router like the same name for the 2.4GHz and the 5?16:12
BrianBlazecould be something like that16:12
benl90anyone here still have this problem in their ubuntu? https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/issues/28316:13
lordcirthbenl90, why, do you?16:13
TJ-joetakagi: what is the interfance name ?16:14
joetakagilordcirth: it says Intel corporation wirelesss 7260 rev 7316:14
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: what kernel module does the WiFi use, please?16:15
joetakagiActionParsnip: please tell me which command shows this information?16:16
joetakagiTJ-: interface is wlps2016:16
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: sudo lshw -C network16:16
joetakagiTJ-: wlp2s016:16
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: also what is the output of: lsb_release -c16:17
joetakagiActionParsnip: lshw -C network shows under "configuration:" driverversion=4.15.0-50-generic, and lsb_release -c says bionic.16:18
TJ-joetakagi: have you configured the connection to Require IPv4 AND IPv6, and one of those address types isn't being allocated?16:18
ash_worksican I change launcher item properties?16:18
joetakagiTJ-: I don't think so.16:19
TJ-joetakagi: are you using Network Manager on desktop?16:19
joetakagiTJ-: network manager, it's a laptop16:19
ash_worksifor example, I want to add --profile-directory="Guest Profile" to chromium's target16:19
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: look for driver=. What does it say?16:20
TJ-joetakagi: try this: "sudo grep -rn 'may-fail=' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/" - if you get any "may-fail=false" let us know16:21
joetakagiActionParsnip: Sorry, it says "driver=iwlwifi"16:21
lordcirthjoetakagi, so your driver is built for kernel 4.15. can you confirm that 'uname -a' shows you are running 4.15?16:22
ActionParsnipAsh_worksi: if you copy the existing launcher in /usr/share/applications and change the display name as well then you can have one for normal launching and one for your own needs. Just change the "Exec=" line in the file.16:22
joetakagiTJ-: none.16:22
TJ-joetakagi: OK, that's eliminated 2 possible causes so far!16:22
joetakagilordcirth: 4.15.0-50-generic16:22
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: try:  sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi; sleep 4; sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11ndisable=116:23
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: if that makes it stable then we can make the setting stick16:23
iffraffI have a laptop (hp spectre 360 15"). It has intel gpu on board the motherboard, and a geforce mx150 card. I am running ubuntu 19.04.  I have a laptop dock (cable matters thunderbolt 3 dock) that attaches via thunderbolt and has 1 hdmi out and 1 usb-c out ( for monitor ).  Each of my monitors work separately but I can't get the system to use both of them.  When I run xrandr I see both monitors and they both say connected.16:24
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: sorry the option missed an underscore 11n_disable=116:24
mbeierlI have an obscure question about changes from Xenial to Bionic.  I have "export VAR=test" in ./env/sh.  In Xenial, I can execute "sg adm -c "source ./env.sh ; env | grep VAR" and it works.  In Bionic, I get "sh: 1: source: not found".  Was "source" removed as a valid way to source files in Bionic?16:25
ActionParsnipThanks (y)16:25
joetakagiActionParsnip: I like this idea.16:25
joetakagiActionParsnip: but same result when trying to connect.16:25
joetakagiActionParsnip: Oh, let me redo it. I didn't see what you added.16:25
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: :)16:25
joetakagiActionParsnip: okay, yes still it's the same thing.16:27
TJ-mbeierl: what's the shell set for the user executing sg ?16:27
mbeierlTJ-: /bin/sh, which on both systems is a symlink to dash16:28
lordcirthmbeierl, source16:28
mbeierlTJ-: or is there something somewhere that can specify a default for sg and that is what I am overlooking?16:28
lordcirthmbeierl, * 'source' still exists. Most likely it's not in the new PATH?16:28
mbeierllordcirth: isn't 'source' a shell builtin?16:29
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: OK, try with the option:  power_save=216:29
lordcirthmbeierl, ah, yes, you are right16:29
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: I assume you have rebooted your router16:29
mbeierllordcirth: ok, thanks - for a moment I was trying to find it and got scared :)16:29
lordcirthmbeierl, oh, right, just use '.' instead of source16:29
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: also try the option: swcrypto=116:30
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: I find that one works great on most systems16:30
mbeierllordcirth: yes, but I am trying to understand why 'source' as an alias for '.' was removed in Bionic...?16:30
mbeierlTJ-: from the looks of it, sg only invokes /bin/sh, or whatever that might be symlinked to: https://linux.die.net/man/1/sg16:31
joetakagiActionParsnip: In this location it is not possible, since I do not have access to the router. However I can say the wifi is working on other machines.16:32
TJ-mbeierl: yes; I was trying to see if 16.04 behaved differently16:32
ash_worksithanks ActionParsnip ; I added another command to the existing .desktop16:32
joetakagiActionParsnip: modprobe didn't recgonize power_save=2, but it took the other one.16:32
ash_worksiI'm gonna logout now16:32
ActionParsnipAsh_worksi: I'm not sure how that'll work out with updates16:33
mbeierlok this is even more odd.  When I start a shell with /bin/sh, the "source" builtin does not work for either version.  Yet somehow sg gets it to work for Xenial, but not in Bionic.  Dang, this is weird.16:33
lordcirthTJ-, mbeierl so, in 14.04 sh is a link to bash. In 16.04 and 18.04 it's a link to dash. Perhaps 'source' was added in as a temporary compatibility fix, then removed for standardization?16:33
mbeierllordcirth: that's a good enough explanation.  What I cannot understand is why it only works under sg, and not when I invoke the shell explicitly now.16:34
lordcirthmbeierl, most likely sg is setting an alias or something like that?16:35
TJ-mbeierl: did you perhaps upgrade that system from 14.04 to 16.04, in which case it , I think, retained the existing symlink16:35
mbeierllordcirth: gotta be.  Is there a way to print the shell that is currently active from an env var or something?16:35
TJ-mbeierl: "echo $SHELL"16:36
mbeierlTJ-: both systems are fresh installs from ISO.  I wanted to make sure I wasn't smoking anything funny :)16:36
joetakagiActionParsnip: it took it, but same result. Deauthenticating by choice.16:36
ActionParsnipMbeirl: env | grep -i shell16:36
lordcirthmbeierl, echo $016:36
ActionParsnipJoetakagi: did you reboot the router?16:36
lordcirthmbeierl, $SHELL is the user's default shell, $0 is the one you're actually in16:37
mbeierllordcirth: I was just realizing that $SHELL was not changing after executing /bin/sh, thanks!16:37
lordcirthmbeierl, Note that $0 prints the executable name, so it will say 'sh' which is actually a symlink to dash16:37
ash_worksiI don't know why, but for some reason adding a forth option didn't work but changing the new window option seems to have16:38
mbeierllordcirth: which is exactly what I want in this case16:38
joetakagiActionParsnip: I do not have access to the router.16:38
ash_worksialthough not without negative effects16:38
ash_worksiI appear to have gotten a crash report16:38
ash_worksiand my drive span up quite a bit16:38
ash_worksilets see if it happens again16:38
ash_worksieh... so far so good. Any idea why I couldn't just add another option as "New Guest Window" ?16:39
ash_worksiI just copied the whole entry for "New Incognito Window" and changed the Exec16:39
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mbeierllordcirth: ok, sg adm -c "echo $0" shows bash as the shell still.  /bin/sh -c "echo $0" also says bash.16:40
lordcirthmbeierl, that's interesting, perhaps when running a single command this doesn't get changed?16:41
mbeierlI fear I am chasing shadows here.  I needed to give an explanation as to why a script works under Xenial but is broken under Bionic, and the only answer is "source" is no longer a valid builtin when executing using sg.16:41
lordcirthmbeierl, I think "use ." is a sufficient solution for practical purposes?16:41
mbeierllordcirth: yes, that is the fix, but others want to know why...16:42
mbeierland I can't prove it using /bin/sh as that behaves the same on both Xenial and Bionic.  It's only when running under sg that this problem manifests itself.16:43
TJ-joetakagi: what does "iw reg get" report?16:43
lordcirthmbeierl, it's certainly an odd one16:43
joetakagiTJ-: I'm going to try to get this machine online via other means, to make this process easier.16:44
mbeierllordcirth: well, I gave it a shot and both you and TJ- helped me to ensure I wasn't losing my mind, and it really is was it is.16:44
joetakagiTJ-: Okay, not possible to connect another way. I can't paste from laptop, so I'll have to answer a question about the output.16:50
joetakagiTJ-: it has a lot of numbers, like (2402 - 2472)16:50
joetakagiTJ-: it's now ramdoly working.16:53
TJ-joetakagi: ignore the numbers, just the 1st two lines16:54
TJ-joetakagi: e.g. "country 00: DFS-UNSET"16:54
TJ-joetakagi: it's sometimes possible that the client's region isn't set correctly, and doesn't match what the Access Point is doing. The region affects the frequencies (channels) available and bandwidth16:55
TJ-joetakagi: e.g if the router is using 802.11ac (80MHz bandwidth) and the client isn't, it's possible in some circumstances for the client to manage initial auth but then fail because it can't have a 'conversation' with the AP16:56
joetakagiTJ-: global \\ country 00: DFS-UNSET16:57
joetakagiTJ-: bingo.16:57
TJ-joetakagi: that's not always a cause, but it might help to set it correctly. What country/region are you in?16:58
joetakagiTJ-: locally is Chicago USA, but the laptop is probaby DE16:58
TJ-joetakagi: you could try setting it, but I'd guess you've got a wifi device that doesn't abide by it. Try "sudo COUNTRY=US crda"17:02
joetakagiTJ-: is there something else I might check while it's up and working?17:12
TJ-joetakagi: you could check the "iwconfig" retry/invalid counts. Check repeatedly over time and see if they're increasing rapidly. that could indicate a radio/physical layer issue17:13
TJ-joetakagi: there's one other possibility, but the interface name you've got should be OK and shouldn't need this workaround. "sudo ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link"  (see https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/386925/aborting-authentication-by-local-choice-reason-3-deauth-leaving-when-trying#386938  )17:15
pavlosBen64: did you resolve the vino issue?17:16
gza_hi, steam has incredibly slow downloaded speeds for me. Has anyone else had this issue on 18.04?17:24
thingfishgza_: I often have issues with Steam speeds, but it usually is on a per-game basis.  In other words, some titles download fine, whereas other titles are glacial at times.17:27
craigbass76Is there some voodoo I've got to perform to get bidirectional clipboard working in VirtualBox? I'm running 18.04 on the regular computer, and Windows 10 in VB.17:31
pedrocrcraigbass76: guest aditions are installed?17:32
craigbass76pedrocr, I just installed virtualbox-guest-dkms and rebooted.17:33
craigbass76Still no love17:33
pedrocrcraigbass76: you have to install them inside windows17:33
pedrocrthat won't do anything17:33
pedrocrthat's the package to get guest aditions in a Linux guest17:33
tomreyn...to be installed ON the linux guest, not the host17:34
pavloscraigbass76: start VB, settings, general, Advanced ... enable bi-directional17:34
pedrocrcraigbass76: you need to install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso17:34
pedrocrand then load that ISO in windows and run the installer17:34
joetakagiTJ-: okay thanks.17:34
craigbass76I don't see a devices menu that so many sites are talking about17:39
tomreyncraigbass76: it's on the VM's window, not the main Vbox Manager window.17:41
craigbass76Yeah, I don't see it. In the user interface (the main window) I've now got mini toolbar checked to see at the top of the window, but I still don't have it.17:42
pavloscraigbass76: start win10 vm, top just before help is devices, insert additions, you will see it as drive D:17:42
craigbass76There are no menus whatsoever up top17:43
craigbass76All of this to just use powerpoint... We use weird colors and fonts, so I can't just use the online one.17:43
tomreynmain window -> right-click on VM -> settings -> user interface17:45
pavloslibreoffice impress does not help?17:46
craigbass76No, I've tried that and office people say it's wonky.17:46
craigbass76I can work around it, just trying to make life a bit easier. I get to use a Linux box at work, so I should just count my blessings.17:47
BlueProtomanI'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu from 18.10 to 19.04.  But when I open Software Updater and click "Upgrade", the window closes and nothing else happens.  What do I do?17:51
MikeWorthI'm looking to upgrade my computer, and want to get dual displays working. The monitors I have to hand are one VGA only 1920x1080 and one VGA/DVI 1680x1050. Having done this years ago, I seem to remember that some graphics cards are better supported than others; can anyone suggest something that'll be nice and easy to get working? I don't need anything particularly powerful - just browsing and videos mostly. I'm thin17:51
lotuspsychjeMikeWorth: you are looking for ##hardware probably?17:53
lotuspsychjeMikeWorth: or you want to know if your card will be ubuntu supported?17:53
pavlosBlueProtoman: look in software & sources, the option maybe be for LTS only17:53
MikeWorthI'm after something that ubuntu supports easily out of the box (I remember a few years ago having awful trouble with various semi-supported drivers)17:54
pavlosBlueProtoman: err ... software & Updates17:54
BlueProtomanpavlos: I can see the upgrade option, and I can click it, but then nothing happens17:54
lotuspsychjeMikeWorth: ubuntu supports a lot of graphics cards, drivers for both nvidia and amd are pretty decent these days17:59
MikeWortheven for multiple displays? I remember spending days meddling with xorg.conf files18:00
lotuspsychjeMikeWorth: usually xorg editing is not needed anymore18:00
pavlosMikeWorth: your graphics card has 2-, 4- outputs? vga,dvi, hdmi, dp ?? if you just plug in monitors and go to Display, you will see both or more monitors18:02
TJ-MikeWorth: provided the monitors send EDID, xorg/wayland will autoconfigure them18:03
MikeWorthThanks for the advice, I'll order the bits and hook things up. Hopefully all will work straight away nowadays!18:10
thingfishMikeWorth: you should be optimistic; things have come a long way.  I'm enjoying playing Dark Souls III on Ubuntu, and Sekiro runs well too.18:11
joetakagiTJ-: last one did it.18:15
TJ-joetakagi: darn! and that was the 1st idea I had but discounted it due to the interface name looking to be OK!18:19
jayjoI have attached a secondary ip address to my ubuntu instance in aws, and I have associated a public ip address to it, but I can't connect via this address. Do I need to do some netstat coniguration in order to recognize this additional traffic?18:21
jayjoi see this document: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-ubuntu-secondary-network-interface/ - will I need to hardcode the addresses?18:24
lotuspsychjejayjo: is that on ubuntu server?18:30
TJ-jayjo: you've added a 2nd *interface* or just an additional IP address to the existing interface?18:35
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cnnxi'm trying to find the bottleneck on my ubuntu system18:41
cnnxI have 20gb ram18:41
lotuspsychje!details | cnnx18:42
ubottucnnx: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.18:42
cnnxand as soon as I start mining iwth my 6 nvidia GPUs it crawls when i use firefox18:42
blackflowlike, duh!18:42
cnnxwin10 was fine18:42
cnnxdidnt slow down18:42
cnnxwhats the bottle neck18:42
lordcirthcnnx, set your mining processes to a high nice value18:43
cnnxok i need to man nice right?18:43
sarnoldare you upset that firefox went slow/ or upset that your mining went slow?18:43
cnnxif i increase nice on firefox it should take priority18:43
blackflowcnnx: you're using the proprietary nvidia driver, right?18:44
sarnoldnice means "please use less cpu" -- so you'd want to nice your mining18:44
cnnxoh ok18:44
blackflowcnnx: check if FF is configured to force hw accelleration18:44
cnnxso just nice the executable binary?18:44
lotuspsychjecnnx: pastebin: lsb_release -a && uname -a && sudo lshw -C video and we will start troubleshoot you18:44
sarnoldon unix systems low process priorities are *higher* priorities18:44
cnnxok hang on please18:44
lordcirthcnnx, it's not on executables, you have to call the miner with "nice"18:44
blackflowcnnx: layers.acceleration.disabled (must be false) in about:config18:45
cnnxso in my miner.sh18:45
cnnxpreceed the executable with nice?18:45
blackflowif the miner is using the GPUs nice won't help unless it's also using teh CPU18:45
lordcirthYes. Though the others here may suggest a better way.18:45
cnnxmy desktop is using the igpu on the motherboard18:46
blackflowcnnx: you can test it with `nice sh miner.sh`  in the script's dir18:46
cnnxthe 6gpus are onyl for mining not for showing my desktop18:46
pavlosman nice, -20 is top priority, 19 is least priority. Most procs run at 018:46
cnnxdo i need to send a parameter to nice like -20 ?18:46
blackflowno (and you don't want negative, but positive values)18:46
cnnxok trying now18:46
lordcirthnice defaults to +1018:47
blackflowI doubt nicing would help18:47
lordcirthIt's worth a shot18:47
blackflowI'm betting on the pci bandwidth.18:47
blackflow6 gpus? dat sum srs lane width thar bud.18:48
cnnxthe gpu is not the best G4500 but it was really fast on win10 and linux uses direct hardware addressing so it shouold be even faster18:48
cnnxstill slow18:50
lordcirthG4500? What GPU is that?18:50
blackflowcnnx: note that OpenGL uses some CPU even if there's GPU. So if the miner is hogging the CPU as well (directly or through all the bandwidth handling with 6 GPUs), FF is gonna have hard time using hw accel.18:52
blackflowcnnx: but for starters, check if FF is hw accelerated.18:52
cnnxblackflow: where do i check that? in ff settings?18:54
blackflowcnnx: layers.acceleration.disabled (must be false) in about:config18:54
cnnxits already set to false18:56
cnnxwhat if i try true?18:57
cnnxim wondering if its cause the igpu is confused beyween nouveau and nvidia18:57
cnnxtrying chrome18:58
Priceyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates#Using_the_.22unattended-upgrades.22_package does not work for me... "sudo unattended-upgrades -d" works fine. Looking at /var/log/unattended-upgrades I can see that cron is starting it but "o=Ubuntu,a=bionic-updates" is missing from the allowed origins when run from systemd? Why would manual runs be different?19:04
cnnxI did something... I started chrome, then started my miner and now everything is smooth, could firefox be the problem?19:05
iffraffI have a laptop (hp spectre 360 15"). It has intel gpu on board the motherboard, and a geforce mx150 card. I am running ubuntu 19.04. I have a laptop dock (cable matters thunderbolt 3 dock) that attaches via thunderbolt and has 1 hdmi out and 1 usb-c out ( for monitor ). Each of my monitors work separately but I can't get the system to use both of them. When I run xrandr I see both monitors and they both say connected. I don't know19:13
iffraffwhere the problem is.19:13
iffraffactually only one of them says connected now, but who knows maybe they used to both say connected19:14
ioriaiffraff, no idea, but sometimes with an nvidia card might be useful to try lightdm (instad of gdm3); but could be a thunderbold issue19:18
iffraffI should try that as I've heard that before.  I'm currently using the nvidia 390 driver. do you thknk that's better or worse than the nouvoux open source driver?19:22
ioriaiffraff, nouveau with kernel 5 is ok, afaik19:23
azxhey guys i'm getting static in my audio when i play any audio19:24
azxwhat could cause this issue?19:25
azxit's going to my monitor speakers , and when i'm using windows or etc it does not occur19:25
lordcirthazx, what Ubuntu version?19:25
azxUbuntu 18.04.2 LTS19:26
lordcirthazx, if you run "pulseaudio -k" does it go away?19:27
azxodd, it seems to have fixed itself for the moment. Since it's thru shielded displayport cable i know it's not interference19:30
azxlordcirth: thank you for your help!19:31
friendlyGoatiwlwifi 0000:00:0c.0: BIOS contains WGDS but no WRDS, im still having an issue with this and i have no idea how to get rid of it19:44
azxwhat is the best way to get apps on ubuntu19:48
azxthere's apt-get and snap , how do i keep them up to date?19:48
azxthere is also the gui software manager19:48
sarnoldazx: if the unattended-upgrades package is installed, your system will make sure security updates published through apt are installed overnight19:50
azxAlright, thank you !19:52
azxshould i use apt-get or snap to install unattended-upgrades19:52
azxit appears it is already installed19:52
azxhow can I change the scale of the DE more granularly? as when i go into display manager it only offers me buttons in increments of 100%19:55
azxwhat if i want to change it to 125%19:55
azxi think a slider would be a more appropriate option here, i remember doing it in the past but don't remember how19:56
azxit appears i can do it through a cli tool called xrandr19:57
azxhmm interesting , experimental feature19:59
azxAfter enabling the experimental feature, it doesn't seem to have taken effect in the display manager20:01
azxdo i need to reboot?20:01
TJ-azx: no, but restart the DM/DE, by logging out20:01
azxAlright, thank you! :) brb20:01
azxafter logging out of the DE and logging back in, it still hasn't taken effect in display manager20:03
azxi think i will have to resort to xrandr20:03
azxxrandr is quite a complex tool for someone of my stature20:04
TJ-azx: because the GUI is separate from the operating system (it's just another application) logging out to cause it to restart is all that is needed, unlike on Windows and Mac20:04
TJ-azx: although on Mac it should in theory be the same20:05
JPSmanSo, I just read an article about HiddenWasp -- Where can I get the latest information about this Linux Virus?20:29
sarnoldJPSman: https://www.intezer.com/blog-hiddenwasp-malware-targeting-linux-systems/20:32
JPSmansarnold, thank you, im reading this now20:33
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blazeme8I've had `debmirror` set up for a xenial & bionic mirror for awhile. I just tried adding disco and it's having trouble verifying the gpg signatures of the disco release files20:43
blazeme8Did disco switch to a new apt signing key?20:43
blazeme8they keys that ship in the docker image don't look any different from previous releases...20:43
jayjoI had to verify what I had actually done. I have added an additional interface and associated addresses with it on ubuntu. I see this guide here for how to https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ec2-ubuntu-secondary-network-interface/ actually use the second interface. When I edit the 51-eth1.yaml for the netplan, which is the internal ip of the interface?20:47
sarnoldblazeme8: here's what I've got on my local mirror http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5jrzZBzGzY/20:49
sarnoldblazeme8: we've collected many of the gpg key fingerprints used by ubuntu on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#GPG_Keys_used_by_Ubuntu20:49
blazeme8thanks for the tip sarnold. I realized debmirror isnt using the system's default keyring, but an isolated one20:53
blazeme8I guess i upgraded the host OS of my mirror at some point and forgot to import the updated keys :)21:00
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acresearchpeople, i am trying to install ubuntu 19.04 on my macbook pro 2011 8,1     it worked previously    but now it fails to install grub on /dev/sda     how can i fix this so i can successfully install ubuntu?21:28
lordcirthacresearch, what exactly does the error say? Also, when you say it worked previously, what Ubuntu version was that?21:29
acresearchlordcirth: i have been working with ubuntu since 14.04   all worked up to 19.04     so i have had 19.04 working on this same laptop21:30
acresearchi decided to reformat my system   but halfway through the installaition i get an error sayinf  installl-grub failed to install grub in /dev/sda    that is it, and it asks to restart    after that the system has no OS   (or one that does not boot)21:31
jeremy31acresearch:  UEFI install with internet connection?21:33
acresearchjeremy31: i do not know how to verify,21:34
acresearchjeremy31: but i do not get any errors21:34
acresearchabout UEFI21:34
jeremy31acresearch: post URL for> sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999921:34
acresearchjeremy31: https://termbin.com/0s1a21:35
acresearchjeremy31: just so you know, i am on fedaro right now     it is the only distro that i was able to install21:36
jeremy31acresearch: Try installing Ubuntu again with no internet connection21:36
acresearchjeremy31: hmmm21:36
acresearchjeremy31: why do you think this will work?    it takes 1.5 hours to install fedora   so i have limited trial/error ability21:37
jeremy31acresearch: An old bug might still be around, only affects EFI installs with internet connection21:37
acresearchjeremy31: hmmmm21:37
acresearchjeremy31: ok21:37
acresearchi will try21:37
sarnoldblazeme8: aha! :) thanks for reporting back21:46
ahi2jeremy31, so installing ubuntu without internet connection will allow install of bootloader to /dev/sda?21:56
jeremy31ahi2: There were some major issues last July and it only seemed to affect people that were doing EFI installs with an internet connection while installing.  Actually from looking at bug reports, the real issue might have not been fixed in any update21:58
ahi2i have an acer 4750g laptop. wouldn't install bootloader to /dev/sda. had to install bootloader to efi partition. funny thing is i had 16.04 installed without efi21:58
sarnoldsome systems are legacy bios only; some systems are efi only; many will let you switch between them as you wish, via a switch in the bios settings21:59
jeremy31ahi2: If you had EFI with CSM/Legacy support enabled you could have booted the installer in EFI21:59
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ahi2the bios doesnt have a choice of legacy or uefi22:02
ahi2sohow could i have install 16.04 bootloader to /dev/sda and 18.04 had to install to efi partition?22:03
jeremy31ahi2: Might have just been a change in the installer and how things are worded.  I think part of grub in EFI is installed to /dev/sda and then it installs some other files in /EFI/ubuntu22:05
truexfan81can someone help me make an fstab line? i want to automount a ntfs partition by uuid and have it mount with correct permissions so i can rw, etc without having to sudo22:26
truexfan81it seems mounting them into custom directories in my home folder gives the correct permissions automatically, so now i just have have to make fstab do that22:31
el_maquinistoHello all22:35
el_maquinistowould anyone here be able to help me with vim syntax highlighting?22:37
sarnolddepends on the question :)22:39
el_maquinistoI'm using a custom syntax highlighter. Works fine if I load a file. But when I load a second file in another vim window, the second file doesn't get highlighted22:41
el_maquinistono idea why22:41
sarnoldhmm, I've got some autocmd rules to set specific syntax types for specific filenames22:43
sarnoldalso a simple 'filetype plugin on' for the more advanced syntax rules that know how to identify their files22:43
b1ack0pdoesnt ubuntu server have user interface? is it only command line?22:47
sarnoldb1ack0p: you can certainly install x11 with your choice of environment, or wayland, if you so choose22:47
b1ack0psarnold: i watched installation on youtube and it all shows server command line. i didnt see desktop environment22:48
b1ack0pi mean official setup22:48
sarnoldb1ack0p: whoever filmed the video must not have wanted to install one22:48
el_maquinisto@sarnold I'm afraid most of that went over my head but thanks for the help22:48
b1ack0phmm so by default there is no desktop right?22:48
sarnoldb1ack0p: yeah, the installer and cloud images don't bother installing one, the clear majority of server installs don't have monitors attached22:48
b1ack0pi got it22:49
b1ack0pcan i install gnome as ubuntu desktop?22:49
el_maquinistoI think I'm gonna try going back to step one and read the manual again22:49
b1ack0pel_maquinisto: what are u editing on vim?22:50
el_maquinistonc files, g-code22:50
el_maquinistoCNC machine code22:50
el_maquinistoi found a syntax highlighter plugin on vim.org. It's good. but only for one file at a time :P22:51
sarnoldb1ack0p: probably "apt install gnome-session" would get you most of the way there22:51
b1ack0psarnold: thx i will try that22:51
truexfan81disregard my earlier question, i found a gui way to do it, and its working perfectly22:56
t0ntinHi, all. Can someone tell me how to access vivaldi temporary files? I don't now a lot about linux. Thanks.23:29
sarnoldwhat's vivaldi?23:30
sarnold you can use fatrace to see what files are being opened and closed; if you run that at the same time that vivaldi is running, you should be able to see where the files are23:31
lawltoadHi, I tried to use chntpw to change my windows password but it dosn't seem to be actually changing the file.23:35
telescopeemoji3Why does Ubuntu Server for RPI3 image update to RPI2?23:41
Moule_NoirHey tele can you see my chat?23:41
Moule_NoirI'm new to IRC, trying to see if it is working23:41
pavlosMoule_Noir: it's working23:42
Moule_NoirThank you23:42
pavlosMoule_Noir: yw23:42
Moule_NoirAny of the games in Ubuntu Software worth checking out?  I am new to linux.23:47
t0ntinsarnold, I just installed something called report system wide file access events (fatrace). Is that the one? How do I use it?23:47
sarnoldt0ntin: run 'sudo fatrace' in a terminal then do what you're doing :)23:48
telescopeemoji3we should just grid it out and let the thunder roll23:50
t0ntinsarnold, it's still going...23:56
sarnoldt0ntin: it'll run forever23:56
sarnoldt0ntin: you can use ^C to kill it23:56
truexfan81ubuntu 19.04 running mate, compiz, i'm wondering how to get wobbly windows and desktop cube, the seem to be missing23:56
t0ntinso what do I do?23:56
sarnoldt0ntin: do whatver it is you want to do with your browser, see where it puts temporary files, then you can go look for them :)23:57
t0ntini'm not quite sure how to do that23:57
Isildurhey, i have some problems with audio card who's not recognized. if someone can help me, please.23:59
pavlostruexfan81: sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-plugins23:59

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