
hexhaxtrondnegreira, psydroid ubuntulog2 olá!17:54
psydroidolá hexhaxtron!17:57
psydroideu não falo português muito bem, mas entendo17:58
hexhaxtronpsydroid, eu queria alterar este pacote porque tem erro: language-pack-gnome-pt-base17:59
hexhaxtronEu tenho deb-src nos repositórios mas esse pacote não tem fonte...18:00
psydroidhexhaxtron, por qué necesitas deb-src? (desculpa, si falo portunhol, falo melhor espanhol)18:03
psydroidsudo apt search font18:04
hexhaxtronpsydroid, https://imgur.com/a/F0jUES718:05
hexhaxtronEstá escrito Shorwell em vez de Shotwell.18:05
psydroidhexhaxtron, cómo has instalado ubuntu?18:21
psydroidno puedo ver nada en esta imagen18:21
hexhaxtronpsydroid, eu estou a usar o Disco neste momento. Fiz: apt dist-upgrade18:21
psydroidhex, y antes fue bueno? sólo después de hacer apt dist-upgrade no se ve bien?18:25
psydroidfc-cache -v18:25
hexhaxtronpsydroid, do you speak English?18:31
psydroidhexhaxtron, I do18:31
psydroidwhich makes things a lot easier, I guess18:32
hexhaxtronpsydroid, in the link I posted above it's written Shorwell instead of Shotwell. I never fixed a bug before and this is my first time.18:32
hexhaxtronpsydroid, but I think they fixed that already.18:33
psydroidbut which ubuntu version are you running now?18:33
psydroidI've never had an upgrade mess with my fonts18:34
psydroidI'm using 19.04 on my orange pi and 18.04.2 on my laptop18:34
psydroidmaybe you can do fc-cache -v as I said before18:36
psydroidbut it's still weird18:36
hexhaxtronpsydroid, again? It's not a font problem. :P18:39
hexhaxtronIt's a typo.18:39
psydroidhexhaxtron, file a bug with gnome then :)18:40
psydroidI thought you were having some weird problem with xorg or your font libraries or something18:54
=== hexhaxtron__ is now known as hexhaxtron

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