
Megaladonhey, I'm running ubuntu studio 18.10 and my volume keys aren't working00:54
EickmeyerMegaladon: known problem. Let me see if I can find the bug report.00:55
EickmeyerMegaladon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-volumed/+bug/129185500:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291855 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "After pulseaudio restart, volume keys no longer work" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:56
EickmeyerMegaladon: Read my comment #7, that should be your workaround.00:56
EickmeyerPermanent workaround coming to 19.10.00:56
EickmeyerUnfortunately, development has stopped on xfce4-volumed.00:56
Megaladonis it this one? killall xfce4-volumed00:57
EickmeyerYes. That needs to be entered in a terminal, one line at a time, or with && between them.00:57
Megaladonbash: syntax error near unexpected token '&&'00:59
EickmeyerNo, if you want to put them all in one line, you'd but && in the middle.00:59
Eickmeyer"killall xfce4-volumed && xfce4-volumed"00:59
Megaladonworks now01:00
Megaladonthank you!!01:00
EickmeyerGood. Unfortunately, you'll have to do that any time you switch between Jack and PulseAudio. In other words, when PulseAudio restarts.01:00
MegaladonWhat's the difference between Jack and PulseAudio?01:01
MegaladonI frequently use Ardour is that goig to mess with anything I just did?01:01
Megaladonnvmd, I just looked it up.01:08
Megaladonthanks for the volume fix01:08
EickmeyerMegaladon: You're welcome. I finally pulled the trigger and put it in the release notes.01:16
EickmeyerIt has only become a problem recently, which is why it went undetected.01:16
MegaladonI'm way stoked on ubuntu studio and recording with ardour01:22
Megaladonwhat would cause PulseAudio to restart01:22
EickmeyerMegaladon: It's fun. I used to do a lot more recording, but I also have used it for live effects processing.01:22
Megaladonlike adjusting the output sound of a pedal while playing live?01:23
EickmeyerMegaladon: I'm an audio engineer, so we're talking vocal effects or taking an instrument and adding a stereo-pseudo-surround effect to it using phase and delay manipulation.01:38
Megaladonsounds like an advanced form of reverb01:41
EickmeyerNot exactly. The guitarist would send all of that to the amp, then I'd have the amp mic'd to the mixer. From there I'd send the audio from the mixer to my computer via USB where it would split the signal into two,01:46
Eickmeyerchange the phase on one, then add a slight (10-20ms) delay on that channel with a slight EQ to make it sound like the amp was a stero amp.01:46
EickmeyerMegaladon: ^01:46
EickmeyerEQ boost around 3k of about 2-3dB.01:47
EickmeyerThen I'd send that back to the mixer in the form of a stereo return to a spare channel.01:47
EickmeyerThe effects I'd do would be controlled via a Behringer X-Touch Mini MIDI controller.01:48
Megaladonthanks again for the help, I'll catchya later01:58
studio-user268Can I run Ubuntu Studio on a PC with 2 GB ram and 2,2 Ghz single core processor? Also, will it work to run the latest version alongside win 7?03:32
Thr0rI'm looking into Ubuntu studio to create a lib of all my old music CD's and playlists and all but when copying from CD I only get Track 1, Track 2,.. Not the song title.... Is It possible to retrieve that from the CD? I'm using Parole 1.0.2 now.18:35
M_aDinstall asunder to rip CD's18:50
Thr0rok - thanks - I will check that18:53
M_aDworks great, been using it for a few years now myself on various distro'18:57
Thr0rM_aD:  I installed Asunder but it will not start. Nothing happens when I click on it..19:09
M_aDi'm no expert on when stuff goes wrong or doesn't work19:10
M_aDdoe you have Jack running? If so stop it and try again19:10
Thr0rOk, It seems to happen from time to time on Linux...19:11
Thr0rok - I will try19:11
M_aDnever had that issue so it doesn't happen from time to time, at least not at my end19:13
M_aDThr0r: by the way, which version of ubuntu studio are you using?19:15
Thr0rThe latest 19.0419:18
M_aDHad Ubuntu Studio 19.04 running myself without any issues using asunder, same on xubuntu 19.04 that i use on this machine at the moment19:27
Thr0rI have tried to stop Jack, did not help, I have tried to uncheck "Auto Start Jack at session start" and reboot - did not help. Now I also tried to install Asunder on my xubuntu laptop with no Jack installed - And it still will not start. Nothing happens..19:32
M_aDhard to believe since it works at my end19:32
M_aDis it a VM or bare metal install19:33
M_aDif it's installed on your computer what are the specs19:35
Thr0rStudio install i dualboot with win7 using Grub. xubuntu is "bare metal" - Only xubuntu install on that19:35
Thr0rWhat is the command in Linux to get the specs of my computer?19:38
M_aDinxi -Fxz19:39
M_aDuse pastebin to share the info19:40
Thr0rok -I used pastebin now19:50
Thr0rthat is info of my xubuntu laptop19:50
M_aDwhere's the link?19:51
Thr0roh....   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BdfJzRjzzF/19:51
M_aDthat's not the complete output of inxi -Fxz19:52
M_aDhow much ram does it have?19:52
Thr0rBut when it does not work on any of my laptops it must be something wrong with the insall19:53
M_aDis that xubuntu or ubuntu studio...19:54
Thr0rthat is info of my xubuntu laptop.  The Ubuntu studio has 6GB RAM19:55
M_aDoh, i thought xubuntu also was 19.04 but it's 18.04.219:56
M_aDmaybe something is wonky hardwarewise, hard drive issues maybe that's causing stuff to get corrupted and act weird19:57
Thr0rYes - I don't think the is any xubuntu 19.04?19:58
M_aDwhat do you mean?19:59
M_aDthat there's no xubuntu 19.04? sorry not getting the last phrase19:59
M_aDanyway, no matter what, i can't help you further with the issues you have20:02
Thr0rWhen I was downloading I just saw studio in 19.04 and xubuntu in 18.04 - but I don't know. Doesn't mater really. Asund does not work and I am getting nowhere. I would like to have some way of copying my CD's with Album and Song titles. But I will have to look somewhere for that20:02
M_aDthere is a xubuntu 19.04..... as with Ubuntu releases all flavours are released at the same time20:03
M_aDtry restarting and see if asunder starts then20:04
M_aDif not check if your hard drives are still ok20:04
Thr0rok. I have tried restart. But anyway - thanks for the help.20:05
M_aDyou're welcome20:05
Thr0rM_aD: Still there? I must apologize to you for the Asunder issue - not starting etc. I went into Software shop and search for Asunder and installed the first one there. The description matched what I wanted but as you know it did not start. Turns out I installed Asunder-casept (don't know what that is but has the same description as Asunder CD-ripper). So now I installed Asunder CD-ripper and it starts and works like a charm, seems21:51
Thr0r really, really good! Sorry for taking up your time but the Software shop descriptions tricked me...21:51
M_aDThr0r: no problem :)22:42

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