
chomwitthi from greece. gnome-software wont ask me for a password. it just refuses to install a package10:36
M_aDchomwitt: i never use it because it's buggy and installed synaptic instead11:39
M_aDi also install from the terminal if i know the package name11:43
chomwittyes , i could install by lower level tools, but i was wondering why that tools fail13:08
chomwittstrangely   update-manager also wont work. It crashed suddenly just when it should display a dialog asking for my password. strange, what action i did could mess with two applications?13:37
M_aDchomwitt: which version of xubuntu are you running?13:46
chomwittDesktop: Xfce 4.12.3 Distro: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS13:46
chomwittyep , u'r rigth13:47
M_aDi would either search for bugs related to that version or file a bug report if there are none13:47
chomwittok. i'll do that13:52
Thr0rWhere can I find "Activities menu" in XUbuntu? Anyone knows? There's supposed to be at Hotkey for it but the ones suggested does not work15:31
Unit193What is an 'Activities menu'?15:32
Unit193M_aD: If you don't know the name of the package you wish to install, apt-cache search can assist.15:32
Thr0rIt's refrerred to in much of the documentation I read15:33
Thr0rI want to enable remote desktop sharing and I am supposed to go to Activities menu and search for "Sharing" - cant fint it15:34
Unit193And which documentation would that be?  Surely not in https://docs.xubuntu.org15:36
Unit193There's several tools you can use to do that, VNC (x11vnc?) is one such tool you can set up.15:38
Thr0rWell - right now I was just reading a post on https://websiteforstudents.com/access-ubuntu-18-04-lts-beta-desktop-via-vnc-from-windows-machines/15:40
Thr0rI have installed VNC15:40
Unit193Ubuntu uses GNOME, so 'activities' is a GNOME-ism.15:40
Thr0rOh - ok . But is there a guide somewhere explaining how to enable sharing and connect via VNC using Xubuntu15:42
Thr0rSurely this Sharing setting is essetial.. cant find it15:43
M_aDUnit193: thanks, forgot about that. :)15:43
Thr0rUnit193: Still there? was that your final reply?16:03
xubuntu52whey! is there anyone that can help me with shared folders?17:14
Unit193xubuntu52w: What seems to be the issue?18:13
Unit193Thr0r: Yes that was pretty much my final statement.  Depending on if you want VNC or RDP changes which tool you should likely use, and how to implement it.18:22
Thr0rUnit193: Ok - I will look into it. I want to use VNC. But It seems I have to permit sharing of the desktop I am going to take over first. Hope I find how to do that. Now I'm looking into Ubuntu studio to create a lib of all my old music CD's and playlists and all but when copying from CD I only get Track 1, Track 2,.. Not the song title....18:29
alexandre9099hi, i'm trying to boot an ancient laptop with xubuntu, but i'm getting a kernel panic with "unable to mount root fs on unknown block", how can i try to fix it?18:31
diogenes_alexandre9099, 90% it's HDD fault, 10% your usb pendrive fault.18:41
alexandre9099first i removed the hdd (does the live image need some disk to boot?), and the pendrive is "new"18:43
diogenes_how did you write the iso onto pendrive?18:44
alexandre9099using dd18:44
diogenes_try formatting it and use etcher.18:45
alexandre9099i'll give it a try18:47
=== malysps is now known as Spass
alexandre9099diogenes_, nope, same error (i'm discussing on #ubuntu)19:17
diogenes_alexandre9099, can you test if that pendrive can boot successfully on a different machine?19:19
alexandre9099i don't have any other BIOS only/32 bit devices :/19:19
muchachohow can i make the previews bigger when cycling ?22:32
muchachowith alt-tab22:33

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