[05:01] morning [05:31] mup_ needs a little nudge [06:25] hey [06:25] mborzecki: mvo is offline [06:25] mborzecki: he asked to relay to the team [06:25] mborzecki: over weekend I noticed master is broken [06:25] mborzecki: ineffectual assignment in shlex.go [06:26] mborzecki: I'll start around ~10 today, moving downtown to work from a cafeteria, it's super hot in the office today, I have no AC here [06:27] zyga: hey, there's a PR fixing this up already [06:27] mborzecki: super, looking [06:27] mborzecki: let's land it and notify chipaca when he's around [06:28] zyga: ok [06:28] mborzecki: can you please review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6940 -- I will need it today [06:28] it's just python compatibility for mountinfo-tool [06:29] zyga: ack, looking [06:29] I didn't commit that because I'm not quite sure where to put it [06:29] but I have a makefile there that does [06:29] black, flak8, mypy -2 and mypy checks [06:29] (and shellcheck on the shell script) [06:29] and this is 100% green [06:31] heh [06:31] need more python linters [06:33] zyga: that's because of 14.04 right? [06:33] not even that [06:33] it's mainly because we need 2.7 for places like amazon [06:33] on the upside, now it's compatible with everything [06:34] zyga: yeah, but the looks of it :/ [06:34] mborzecki: it's not too bad [06:34] mborzecki: I actually think that function signatures are nicer when they are on the following line [06:34] only python byte/unicode quirks are ugly IMO [06:35] ok [06:35] packing up and going [06:35] zyga: let's agree to disagree :) [06:35] this office is nice but during summer time it's an oven :) [06:36] mborzecki: don't get me wrong [06:36] mborzecki: I'd love not to have to do this :D [06:36] mborzecki: the details we can have opinions on that diverge [06:37] zyga: makes me wonder, how people actually get python3 on centos [06:37] zyga: i see 3.6 in epel :) [06:37] maybe EPEL [06:38] on rh it's probably software collections [06:40] zyga: so centos has python34 & python36 from epel, amzn2 has python 3.7 directly from their repos :P [06:40] mborzecki: the tool required 3.6 before this patch [06:41] zyga: right, so there's a quesion of 14.04 then [06:57] mborzecki: hmm? [06:58] mborzecki: it works on 14.04, I think [06:58] I think it passed all spread locally [07:06] morning [07:07] good morning pawel [07:07] * zyga commutes to work for a change :) [07:14] pstolowski: hey [07:17] looks like it's going to be quite warm today [07:32] mvo: hey [07:36] Hey mbo [07:36] mvo: [07:36] Working from afar today? [07:45] okay, arrived and setting up for work [07:49] ah --version changed across python versions [07:49] drat :) [07:54] thanks for merging 6928 mborzecki [07:54] is mup down? [07:54] mup_: hello, how are you today? [07:54] mvo: yup, it is [07:54] mvo: mup is off today :) [07:55] * dot-tobias says hi [07:55] mvo: probably since friday, iirc there was a split during the day [07:55] hey dot-tobias [07:56] mborzecki: I cherry picked the ppc build fixes to 2.39 now (just fyi) [07:56] mvo: can you cherry pick ineffassign fix too? [07:56] mborzecki: sure, what pr number is/was that? [07:56] mvo: it's 8d883ae66 [07:56] ta [07:57] mvo: lets bump delta ref to 2.39.1 [07:57] mborzecki: thanks for this one! was it needed because of a new go vet? [07:57] mvo: recent changes in ineffassign [07:58] * mvo nods [07:58] mvo: this commit https://github.com/gordonklaus/ineffassign/commit/8863c8f9d746c0e28d65c1bc46c8d3aa8ab1ee82 :) [07:59] mborzecki: nice! and nice^2 for tracking the exact change down [07:59] mvo: i've made the measurement before- and after- maxprocs patch, see comments below https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6933 ; unfortunately no improvement [07:59] mvo: and hi btw :) [07:59] pstolowski: goooood morning :) [08:00] pstolowski: you rock! [08:00] pstolowski: thank you so much, let me look at the data [08:00] pstolowski: is there a tl;dr ? [08:00] pstolowski: aha, looks like zero effect ? [08:01] mvo: yep, random fluctuations, nothing more [08:01] mvo: pstolowski: wonder if there'd be an observable change in reaching seeded target [08:02] pstolowski: a shame - oh well [08:02] pstolowski: what cmdline did you use to limit the cpu? [08:04] mvo: setenv snappy_cmdline net.ifnames=0 init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc maxcpus=1 [08:04] mvo: followed by saveenv [08:04] mvo: verified with lscpu afterwards [08:08] pstolowski: cool, thanks! [08:09] mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6937/files [08:24] * Chipaca goes for more coffee [10:53] mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6925 can land? [10:56] * zyga breaks for lunch [11:37] Setting in [11:47] mvo, pedronis, zyga: spike successfully installs using writable on tmpfs [11:49] cmatsuoka: hey [11:49] cmatsuoka: that's cool :) [11:50] cmatsuoka: I'm progressing towards go-only initrd that can hand off to existing stack [11:50] * cmatsuoka notices he can't read IRC and code at the same time, he just typed "build_zyga" as a function name [11:51] hahaha [11:51] make -j 2 [11:52] zyga: nice! I ported writable preparation steps from shell script to go for the spike and sometimes it's a bit annoying [11:52] I just exec.Command().Run() in some places just to keep things going [11:53] with proper infrastructure it will be much nicer [11:54] +1 [11:54] that's good for the spike IMO [11:58] there are a number of hacks there that must be solved in a better way, such as console-conf telling snapd that it's done [11:59] and when I request a reboot it takes a really long time to reboot [12:05] off to pick up the kids === ricab is now known as ricab|lunch [12:27] cmatsuoka: awesome! [13:15] hi, I'm trying to get chrony to work in a snap, I added the time-control interface, but getting a permission denied from adjtimex [13:18] I'm getting no denials in logs === ricab|lunch is now known as ricab [13:38] mvo: we were previously injecting stuff into kernel initramfs, I'm now injecting into core and adding a custom snapd from my writable-ramdisk branch [13:39] also core-build from writable-ramdisk branch [13:40] cmatsuoka: so core-build is the branch I need to look at? [13:41] you need the writable-ramdisk branch in spike-tools, core-build and snapd [13:42] all of them are in github.com/cmatsuoka [13:44] * mvo looks [13:48] mvo: hmm, and I think I broke something because I can't log into the installed system anymore [13:49] * cmatsuoka investigates [13:50] ok [13:53] #6935 needs 2nd review [13:53] mvo, hi, any idea off the top of your head for the issue above? [13:54] pstolowski: if you have a chance, can you give #6905 a look to see if your LGTM still stands? (and make it an actual +1) [13:54] Chipaca: ok [13:54] ackk: just read it, let me think for a minute [13:55] * zyga goes to find some shade [13:55] ackk: it sounds like its a missing syscall in the interface, let me look at the code [13:56] mvo, thanks [13:58] mvo, I have a simple snap which shows the issue, if it could be useful [14:00] ackk: see #6943 [14:01] mvo, that doesn't seem like an LP bug# :) [14:02] oh you mean https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6943 [14:02] mvo, thanks! [14:04] ackk: yes, sorry, usually mup expands this but it seems to be off today :P [14:04] heh [14:04] ackk: lets see if this is enough, if you need more just let me know, hopefully will land in edge soon [14:04] mvo, how do I get that ? via a PPA? [14:05] (once it lands of course) [14:06] ackk: snap install --edge core (or snapd if you use that already) should be enough [14:06] ackk: once you are happy you can always "snap refresh --beta core" (or snapd) (or candidate/stable) to get off edge of course [14:08] mvo, cool, thanks [14:29] pstolowski: does my review make sense? [14:30] mvo: during the spike it could be good to add systemd.debug-shell=1 to the gadget grubenv as well [14:30] Chipaca: absolutely, thank you! [14:32] Chipaca: thx for looking at that [15:01] cmatsuoka: yeah, I think so [15:42] * cachio lunch === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [16:37] back in the office [16:37] sorry for the lag, had dinner too [17:07] mvo: I'm fixing seed installation on the real writable === Greyztar- is now known as Greyztar [18:14] zyga: hey, do you know who was working on '(cannot find required base "core")'? I thought that was supposed to be fixed in 2.39, but I'm seeing it [18:14] * jdstrand has core installed [18:14] jdstrand: I think eventually that was mvo [18:14] how about .1? [18:14] oh [18:14] hmmm [18:15] snap version says 2.39 [18:15] $ snap list core [18:15] Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes [18:15] core 16-2.39 6964 stable canonical✓ core [18:15] $ sudo snap refresh review-tools [18:15] error: cannot perform the following tasks: [18:15] - Mount snap "review-tools" (857) (cannot find required base "core") [18:17] huh [18:17] so, 847 doesn't have 'base: core', but 857 does have 'base: core' [18:23] hmmm, remove and install, same thing [18:27] jdstrand: hmmm [18:27] jdstrand: can you report it please, I'll check it out tomorrowm orning [18:44] zyga (cc pedronis): https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/cannot-find-required-base-core-when-installing-refreshing-when-using-base-core/11641 [18:45] zyga: fyi, I refreshed to --beta (2.39.1) and it was the same thing [18:46] sergiusens[m]: fyi ^ (not sure if you have anything to add to that, so just fyi) [18:47] sergiusens[m]: hi btw :) [18:54] hi jdstrand [18:55] jdstrand: answered on the post [19:01] sergiusens: thanks! trying that. is that true for snaps that use 'base: core18' too? === valentind_ is now known as valentind [19:20] zyga: fyi, nm, sergiusens fixed it for me (see forum) [19:35] jdstrand: yes, it is true for core18 as well, let me see if I can find the launchpad bug for this [19:37] sergiusens: interesting. I have some core18 snaps and didn't see this before [19:37] * jdstrand fixes those [20:09] hey jdstrand do you think we can merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/6805 or do we need to fix that erroneous test? [20:15] ijohnson_: I'm not comfortable doing that. I recommend clicking through to the failing job and doing 'Restart job' until it passes [20:16] ijohnson_: if that doesn't work after a few times, ping mvo or cachio or someone for assistance (they may have insight on the failing test that I don't) [20:21] okay, well I don't have permission to restart the jobs, do you have permissions to restart the tests on that PR? [20:21] jdstrand: ^ [20:21] I do [20:21] let me do it [20:22] ok, done. I'll keep an eye on it [20:22] ack, thanks === Greyztar- is now known as Greyztar [21:01] * cachio afk [21:06] hey jdstrand it looks like those tests passed, do you still want another review before merging? [21:07] ijohnson_: there need to be two approvals [21:07] needs* [21:07] ah okay wasn't aware of that, I will ping someone else tomorrow morning [21:07] thanks! [21:27] zyga, looks like we have a problem... https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1716397