
lordievaderGood morning08:29
DJ-ArcAngeli have an interesting problem.. migrated a VM with rsync from UEFI bios to normal bios, machine still boots and works, but when i try to upgrade, the install hangs on updating grub, there is no efi partition anymore.09:25
DJ-ArcAngelanyone have an idea where to look to fix thsi09:25
cpaelzerDJ-ArcAngel: to admit I'm often lost in all the varieties of grub-* but maybe installing grub-pc instead of grub-efi ?09:49
TJ-DJ-ArcAngel: is the VM guest providing the boot-loader/kernel or are they provided by the hypervisor?09:53
DJ-ArcAngelcpaelzer: yes.. an advice was to re-install grub-pc.. will try that09:59
DJ-ArcAngelTJ-: it's vmware, so the guest09:59
TJ-DJ-ArcAngel: if the guest originally was configured to boot using UEFI mode and is migrated to a BIOS mode boot then I cannot see how it could initially boot at all, unless grub-pc was also installed beforehand10:02
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jamespagecoreycb: hey so I've pushed patches to stable/{queens,rocky,stein} for that neutron dns behaviour regression - and I uploaded to eoan14:42
coreycbjamespage: ok great. i think the only other in-flight neutron change is point releases from sahid, which there's a queens one in the unapproved queue.14:51
jamespagecoreycb: shall I squash that into the previous changelog entry and re-upload?14:51
jamespagecoreycb: infact I will do that14:53
coreycbjamespage: sure14:54
fricklerjamespage: coreycb: "neutron dns regression" doesn't sound good to me, do you have a pointer to a bug for that?16:51
coreycbfrickler: https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/182641916:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1826419 in neutron "dhcp agent configured with mismatching domain and host entries" [Undecided,In progress]16:56
fricklercoreycb: thx, that looks like I need to read it in depth tomorrow17:01
kinghatso i have a service running on a vps and its console is at local host, its possible to interact with that?17:53
sarnoldtry hitting enter a few times, see i fyou get a login: prompt17:57
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UssatWelp, trying oput Landscape here next week to manage Ubuntu Laptops18:51
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