[00:28] hi [00:29] i am trying to generate a MIDI arpegiator... keyword GENERATE. that means, no midi input. all the arpgeiators that i have tried require a midi input device with someone playing notes. [00:29] it looks like alsa modular synth is what i need [00:29] this PD thing doesn't work out of the box and crashes [00:30] tried to compile alsa modular... first it tels me that i dont have asound [00:30] then it tells me that i don't have jack. [00:30] what is going on? seems like this app should be included in this distro. [00:31] which app? [00:31] alsa modular studio [00:31] It appears not. [00:32] Not everything that is an audio or video or graphics app is included.... there does try to be one of everything though [00:33] why does it say i dont; have jack installed? [00:33] just as an example, if drumgismo came with drum kits the iso size would double. [00:33] clearly i am using jack [00:33] that is a good question. it may be that the depends is for jackd1 rather than jackd2 [00:33] is there a forum that deals with this issue? [00:34] is there a distro specific package for alsa modular? [00:34] what is the package name? [00:34] alsa modular synthesizer [00:34] oh, are you trying to build it? [00:34] is there any other way? [00:35] the package you are probably looking for is libjack-jackd2-dev [00:36] when building packages on debian based distros, you generally need the packages for the lib that is libname-dev for building [00:37] I was pushing to have libjack-jackd2-dev included in the distro, I thought it made it.I guess not [00:37] too many people install libjack-dev which uninstalls half the audio packages :( [00:38] so now it is this: configure: error: clalsadrv is required [00:38] what is that? [00:38] same problem? [00:39] That one does n't seem to be there at all [00:39] (that I can find) [00:40] BTW, I personally do not trust the software application and always install synaptic instead [00:40] im using apt-get install whatever you say [00:41] i got past the jack2-dev thing [00:41] atp-get is great [00:41] libclalsa-dev [00:42] Unable to locate package libclalsa-dev [00:42] that one is not in my lists [00:42] sorry libclalsadrv-dev [00:42] that is the lib for clalsadrv [00:43] it will probably install libclalsadrv2 as well [00:43] hopefully this is all it needs. [00:43] i have desperately needed a replacement for my windows softsynth for years [00:43] This is why I use synaptic, it has a nice search. [00:43] it works under wine, spare MIDI [00:44] I am not the person to ask about synths... I am more guitar/bass/mandolyn based rather than kb [00:44] checking for Qt4... no configure: error: cannot find Qt4 library >= 4.2 [00:45] You may wish to ask what are good linux soft synths in #ardour [00:45] well i am the guy who has to record you so, i need good tools [00:45] It is oof topic, but there are a number of people who do all electronic music too. [00:45] i do both [00:45] i have old tape machines [00:46] I play a little kb.... I have an old DX7, but I am far from being a synth conisour [00:46] what is QT4? [00:47] QT4, is old. let me check [00:47] i have been able to use ardor in realtime to process sounds with custom plugins in sunvox [00:47] ardor is pretty nice [00:48] my next task is to see if i can record multitrack with it using some behringer gear [00:48] libqt4-dev [00:48] i just shelved an old Alesis XD32 [00:50] when you record mandolyn, do you use a mic or do you have a pickup installed? [00:50] I have both. I use the PU live, but I would like to try a ribon mic for recording... if I get that far [00:51] yeah mics are great with the right pre-amp [00:51] its all subjective tho [00:51] you can get great sounds from really cheap gear [00:52] or medi-ochre sounds from expensive stuff [00:52] My condencer mic is cheap, but sounds tinny to me. It is small diaphram. The ribon doesn't have the same high end but sounds more natural to me. [00:54] The manolyn pu actually sounds pretty good (for a stick on), but the preamp is key for that. [00:56] well make gave me errors: [00:56] _vocoder.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void M_vocoder::generateCycle()’: m_vocoder.cpp:298:52: error: incompatible types in assignment of ‘float’ to ‘fftw_complex’ {aka ‘double [2]’} [00:56] That is probably a c++99 to c++11 error [00:57] you can try using a cast [00:57] will it crash the whole app or just that module? [00:57] because i dont need a vocoder right now [00:57] it would be cool to have one [00:58] I don't know in that case... if the build wants to build it all that would be a problem [00:58] yeah they are nice to have [00:58] why o why. [00:59] For example a build all. [00:59] not knowing the sw at all, I can't tell. [00:59] it wont make install [00:59] ok, so this app is off the list. [01:00] There may be a compiler or configure opyion that would fix it too. [01:14] OvenWerks: & Keres: Hi. I'm going to rip off all my old CD's and store them on my computer. I was told to use Asunder to get the music and I am using Parole to play it. Is that a good choice of tools or is it just the same what one use to create a library of ones old music? Talking about quality in both end - the copying and playback. What do you use? You seem to have some knowledge when it comes to sound and quality.. I have Ubunt [01:14] u studio 19.04 on the pc I'm using for that work. [01:15] both are as good as the underlying codec [01:15] Are you saving them as flac? [01:17] No - Wav uncompressed.. [01:17] that is as good as you will get for quality. [01:17] flac should be the same in less space, but I don't know if flac has metadata [01:18] ogg is lossy, but better than mp4 quality wise [01:18] ogg does have meta data for sure [01:19] tons of compression settings in asunder [01:19] Ok - I don't know either - just want to make sure it's the best quality. Want it to last "into the unknown future".. [01:19] just test 3 songs in different settings [01:20] a wav is the same, bit for nit as what the CD has on it. [01:21] ok. And the tools I'm using is also ok? Asunder and Parole? [01:22] asunder .. never tried something else, actually [01:22] ok [01:22] seems ok, I would tend to use audacious for playback, but parol has never been a problem for me either [01:23] ok thanks [01:23] parol is a video player, audacious is audio only and may have more options. [01:23] mpv and clementine, are my players. [01:24] there are differences in players, i selected on fast handling large collections [01:25] Ok - I have taken notes of this advice and I will check them out. [01:26] * OvenWerks doesn't a large collection :) [01:26] 150k songs, maybe not that large .. [01:26] graziano_palamara was removed by: graziano_palamara [01:27] and in those music folders hidden a ton of music clips .. [01:35] is there anyone here who is good with PD?? [01:36] probably not. [01:36] It's really cool to go thru the old cd collection :) Lots of memories, and I even find CD's that my (now adult) children burned when they was small... [01:36] you may find a better responce on the LAU mailing list. [01:38] And don't hit me with that Off Topic - I know it was [01:56] yeah if you want to back up your CD's you use .wav [01:57] .flac is pretty good tho... if i were just backing up some CD's from the 1990s i would just use that. [01:57] ogg format is the best tho for portability [01:57] ogg is incredible [01:58] but ogg, you will notice the sound quality difference. [01:58] ogg is more for like... programmers to put into game soundtracks [01:59] Ok - I saw the .ogg files where really really small so something must be lost I figure.. [02:00] as far as players for ubuntu studio, i am using mvp [02:00] vlc crashed on install here [02:00] think it might work now, but not willing to crash other sound apps to test it. [02:01] as far as rippers go... i havent used one in a while but an app called SoundJuicer comes to ming [02:01] mind [02:39] I checked out Audacious as player - it has a lot of settings i have to check out but so far I think Parole plays the songs best. On my system anyways. I'm using a samsung monitor with the sound there (it's no good) but I hear difference. Dire Straits/Love over Gold/ and the song Telegraph Road is a good song to test a thing or to with sound, especially the first minutes.. [02:43] no, i havent seen audacious [02:44] the only thing i have done with media on here is firefox with tv.youtube.com into a live dsp effect [02:44] and catching up on the HBO Chernobyl [02:44] which... Parole failed in seeking back to where it crashed at so i installed mvp player [02:45] but the ability to remix audio from a live source is awesome [02:47] I will check this mvp player aswell - enjoy HBO "Chernobyl" [02:55] ... mvp player is not in the Ubuntu SW shop [03:16] !info gnome-mpv [03:16] gnome-mpv (source: gnome-mpv): simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 143 kB, installed size 657 kB [03:20] mpv [03:20] sorry was watching basketball [03:24] ok - I'll Try. [03:29] Sorry for bothering you guys with all my Q's but this Linux thing and ubuntu studio really triggered something in me which I should have done years ago. The music, the sound. There's alot(!) of applications in ubuntu studio - so just be prepared for more Q's :) [04:24] Hmm.. Some say MPV is malware, some say it should not be listed, some like it.. I don't know. This is info from the Ubuntu shop..