=== MrPocketz is now known as MrPockets [00:10] hi all, i just installed the kubuntu-desktop package and prefer it over my original ubuntu installation. i'd like to get rid of old ubuntu/gnome files for a more "pure" kubuntu install, any way to do that short of reinstalling a new kubuntu install? i'd rather not lose all my documents and settings i've already made in my kubuntu install [00:28] Blimpo: That my friend is real tough. For an idea of how much see: https://github.com/aysiu/purebuntu ; http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelubuntu <-Getting Back to a Pure *Lubuntu./// Adapt to your personal use case ! [00:30] oh wow that's slick [00:30] thanks [00:35] that python script did the trick i think outside of removing amarok but i can reinstall it no problem [00:48] Blimpo: Blimpo Great :D [00:51] hello giuys, i cant make a bootable usb [00:51] some help please? [00:51] what have you tried? [00:52] woeusb [00:52] select my wxp iso [00:52] xp? lol [00:52] yep [00:52] i want to use my ezbook for retro gaming [00:53] audio in this kind of laptop doesnt works [00:53] so my idea is to install a light os just to emulate retro consolle [00:53] well, there are other programs for writing isos. even the dd command [00:53] Carlito98890: This is #ubuntu, please take it with the ##Windows guys. [00:53] rufus? [00:54] but im running ubuntu.. [00:54] how dare you!! [00:54] og wait, nm [00:55] what's the problem? finding a windows image? or modifying it before writing it? or writing it? [00:56] *are* there images of windows installers intended for use from a usb stick? [00:56] cant make a bootable usb [00:56] excellent question [00:56] woeusb does everything ok [00:57] but when i boot my usb, system doesnt view it and boot ubuntu ( second on priority ) [00:57] Carlito98890: that that is the end of the support you will get here. Not only can we not support Windows here, we certainly cannot support a version of Windows that even Microsoft condemns(Windows XP) [00:57] if you hit f11 to select a device directly, do you see uefi or normal options? [00:58] left, i'm not in windows [00:58] i'm on ubuntu [00:59] i don't undestand what is not clear [01:00] Carlito98890: you installed woeusb. It flashes an ISO. That is the scope of support this channel can provide. Anything beyond that is a problem with your ISO or your hardware. === zbenjamin is now known as Guest88210 === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin === DetectiveTaco is now known as Mahjong^ === Mahjong^ is now known as DetectiveNarco [01:46] I saw some news that the Ubuntu devs are working on native ZFS root install [01:47] Is that correct? [01:49] Native encryption without using LUKS? [01:49] UNIcodeX: it's a bit complicated I think -- the curtin installer, used by maas and some of the server install discs, can handle some cases already [01:50] UNIcodeX: looks like the native encryption support isn't in our tools yet https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zfs-linux [01:50] UNIcodeX: the newest we've got is 0.7.12, and encryption was added upstream in 0.8.x [01:51] sarnold: Interesting. I'm no stranger to using a server installer to get what I want out of, essentially, a desktop configuration. [01:51] sarnold: thanks for the info === zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin [02:19] good morning to all [03:04] how would i go about configuring a usb c port to be a device/appear as a serial port to another computer? [03:05] usb to serial is probably the way to go. there's loads of them, and I don't think linux supports them all. I'd be surprised if anyone's got a usb-c model yet, so it migth take a hub or adapter .. [03:07] sarnold, i'm trying to get build a device and I want to have it accessible via usb from a host computer [03:08] and I was hoping that usb c would make that easy, since i'm having a hard time finding a sbc with a b port (or maybe i'm being stupid) [03:11] Hello, anyone here? [03:12] !ask | mazaduk [03:12] mazaduk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [03:13] Oh, ok. I want to get a job as an linux admin, maybe with Ubuntu tools. I have no experience. Blueprint/path for getting a job at Canonical as a support engineer or dedicated junior sysadmin somewhere? [03:14] lotuspsychje how do you reply to someone? [03:15] mazaduk: like this [03:15] !patience [03:15] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [03:15] mnathani: do I need the colon? [03:16] Yeah there are like at least a hundred people here; I hope someone has job advice lol [03:16] clear [03:17] mazaduk: shows that you intend to reply to that person, rather than just say something about that person, also I think some IRC clients will actually notify the person when they detect the name being mentioned like that [03:17] oh cool [03:17] I want to get a job as an linux admin, maybe with Ubuntu tools. I have no experience. Blueprint/path for getting a job at Canonical as a support engineer or dedicated junior sysadmin somewhere [in the nyc area]? [03:17] mazaduk: try starting by reading this http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html [03:17] ^just repeated my question with location update [03:17] I noticed [03:17] oh is that Raymond? [03:18] mnathani: what an archlinux move to make ahaha [03:19] not sure what you are referring to [03:19] but if you want to get a job as a linux admin, you need to learn some of the skills mentioned in that article [03:19] You sharing that link about how to ask "smart" questions. [03:20] please keep it ontopic [03:20] I'm not asking a specific technical question about a bug for a certain program; just wanted to know how to get from 0 to Canonical. [03:20] That is not a topic for this channel. [03:21] mazaduk: this is an ubuntu support channel, fits ubuntu related questions [03:21] Not sure how I can ask a "smarter" question than the one I have (in terms of being specific) [03:21] @lotuspsychje is there a better channel? [03:21] !ot | mazaduk yes [03:21] mazaduk yes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [03:22] Wait, what's this channel's topic? I typed /topic and it says "Insufficient arguments for command." [03:24] ok. [03:24] -_- [03:26] mazaduk: most admin jobs at canonical would benefit from strong openstack, juju, kubernetes, experience. try installing the microk8s snap on your systems, configure lxd, configure some openstack clouds on a dozen machines, etc. [03:27] mazaduk: write juju charms to deploy your own infrastructure at home [03:27] mazaduk: maybe use maas to bring up your openstack clusters [03:27] mazaduk: time for me to run, I hope this is enough to get you started [03:29] mazaduk: perhaps join #juju and #openstack-charms to learn more about what sarnold is referring to [03:33] Oh I haven't heard of juju before; thanks @sarnold and timClicks [03:33] you're welcome, have fun :) [03:34] it's marketing is probably juju's biggest weakness (but I would say that, I'm on the core team) [03:35] oh, is juju like ansible with gui? [03:35] it looks like that at first [03:36] but it also handles teardown and upgrades much more effectively imo [03:37] Are there any free resources to get started? I found a serverguide.pdf at help.ubuntu.com for 18.04; is that a good start? [03:45] mazaduk: yes, that's a pretty decent introduction to the simpler bits that we've got [03:45] what's the best way to transfer a (k)Ubuntu install from one machine to another? [03:47] I set up a bunch of packages and a dev environment on Kubuntu 19.04 on a netbook to test it; but I realized I need more perfomance out of it, so I'd like to transfer the install to a more powerful laptop I have [03:56] coolstar: I'd probably used dpkg's get-seelctions and set-selections to transfer package choices [03:56] coolstar: and rsync for home dir [03:56] sarnold: ah ok; will try that [03:57] coolstar: (though its not the worst thing in the world to have a bit of a blank slate for packages ;) [03:57] sarnold: I have a lot of package dependencies I have installed for uni programming assignments lol [03:58] that's why I'd like to migrate the packages as-is [03:58] coolstar: alrighty :) iirc apt-get install -f is the tool to use after set-seelctions [03:58] but it's been ages [04:02] sarnold: I'm guessing I can just copy /etc/apt/sources.list.d over to the new machine? [04:02] (and sources.list) [04:04] coolstar: yes [05:01] ended up having to fiddle with dselect a bit; but looks like everything migrated fine [05:02] rsyncing the home dir + using dselect worked; setup seems to be identical across both machines now (outside of one being way faster) === Tempesta is now known as Guest5254 [05:28] Hi, I got a certain problem. I have a VPN from an office that I need to be connected to, to be able to work. But when I am connected to this VPN, the rest of the internet stops working. Is there a way that I could use the VPN only for determinaded hostnames? [05:32] I want to watch the closed-camera video. These are the things I have borrowed from the bank: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XDGR6bRNrP/ (recorded by the bank camera) Using what program can I open the movie? [05:34] I tried to open the directory by VLC, but It can't: "Unidentified codec: VLC could not identify the audio or video codec" [05:58] can anyone provide detail how systemd work linux system [05:59] !systemd | randomel [05:59] randomel: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units [06:01] ubottu thanks for sharing informational content regarding systemd [06:01] randomel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [06:04] can Anyone provide the best content to learn linux System admin level knowledge or atleast what knowledge require for linux system level admin [06:04] randomel: this channel is not for linux lessons, only ubuntu support questions [06:05] ok [06:09] Why does apport (I think it's name is that) "disallows" reporting core dumps, when unrelated updates have not been installed? [06:09] Evolution crashed, and my missing updates are: "libqt5core5a, libqt5dbus5, libqt5gui5, libqt5network5, libqt5opengl5, libqt5printsupport5, libqt5sql5, libqt5sql5-sqlite, libqt5widgets5, libqt5xml5 [06:15] Are you sure Evolution doesn't use qt? === shann_ is now known as shann [06:16] I cannot be sure, as I haven't built it. [06:16] It just feels I am seeing that message all-too-often without a reason, and it's a shame that an "update" that came a bit ago, would not allow the cores to be reported [06:19] Yea, I understand the frustration but I can also see why apport would want everything to be up to date. [06:23] Hi [06:24] When a new printer is printing squares instead of certain characters, where lies the problem? [06:24] HP Laserjet ^^ [06:33] how to check if smbd is running? [06:51] when i define an alias it only works in that specific terminal window [06:52] how can i make it global? [06:52] untakenstupidnic: put it in your .bashrc [06:53] onizu: systemctl status smbd [06:54] I think I solved it, I had to select an earlier version of the printer PPD [07:03] ok EriC^^ [07:22] How can i update my kernel in ubuntu [07:23] i ran apt update and apt upgrade, but i still have an outdated kernel [07:24] My kernel is 2.6.2 [07:24] ok, so i'm running disco now [07:28] but - where can i find a screensaver?? [07:29] ok, what has ubuntu done [07:29] i'm running gnome session fallback.. on a i3 machine with 2 GB RAM [07:30] opening a few tabs in chrome completely renders my machine useless [07:30] the mouse freezes nearly entirely.. it's like the machine has gotten a stroke [07:30] and nothing i can do to save it from this state.. waiting doesn't help [07:30] jack-: xscreensaver [07:32] Chrome eats a lot of ram. [07:32] Your machine has 2gb of ram [07:32] > what has ubuntu done [07:32] You should use firefox or something like that [07:33] olavx200: ok, so your recommendation is to use firefox? [07:33] zamba: I would try that :) [07:33] I have an thinkpad x200 with 3gb of ram and i can run a lot of tabs in firefox or qutebrowser [07:34] the problem is that i have everything synced in chrome [07:44] in ubuntu 18.04 is there any keyboard shortcut option to minimize a window? I've got this program that goes full screen and can't find the way to minimize it without killing it. Thanks [07:47] gofio: alt+space then n [07:49] EriC^^: thanks! gonna try. I'm into this second monitor that has some resolution or however said issue and some windows go outside the screen, so to say [07:49] zamba: chorme is also closed source and sends your data to google if you care about that too. [07:49] chrome [07:50] EriC^^: just worked great, alt+space it opens up the menu. Thanks [07:50] np [07:51] zamba: you can also dedicate some disk space to swap memory [07:53] On my x200 i have 4G of swap memory. [07:54] Hi all [07:54] How to get 'beep' working? I want beep to produce on of the default system sounds [07:54] Currently there is no any sound when I type: beep [07:55] Check if it is enable in your bios/uefi [07:57] OnkelTem: is this a laptop? [07:57] EriC^^: no, a desktop. With Kubuntu 18.04 [07:57] oh ok [07:58] check the bios for some pc speaker stuff or something [07:58] as suggested above [07:58] I don't want pc speaker sound of course. I want one of those fancy SoundBlaster sounds :) [07:59] In Personalization/Notifications settings group I cannot find anything like "Default system notification" or something [07:59] OnkelTem: Do you want to change notification sound? [08:00] That isnt the same as the beep sound necesarily [08:00] olavx200: no, I want ANY sound to be played in the first place when I issue "beep". I need it for scripting [08:00] "command; beep" - an example [08:01] to get notified [08:02] You need to enable it in your bios/uefi [08:04] I don't remember I saw it there. And that's said - how do they related? Why should I depend on some bios/uefi... [08:04] are* [08:04] If you run beep, do you get the message "beep: Error: Could not open any device" [08:04] no, just silence [08:05] and emptiness... :) [08:05] Yeah I feel empty too. As a matter of fact it's a long-running problem for me. I haven't been using beep normally for years [08:06] Every time I start to investiage this issue - I don't find any solution [08:06] And every new release I try to get it fix, but no chances [08:06] The beep is a seperate device from the speaker. [08:06] It might depend on your terminal emulator though [08:06] Konsole [08:07] printf '\a' to make the terminal emulator itself make a beep [08:09] geirha: yeah, no sound either [08:09] I'd say that's more of a "doop" [08:09] OnkelTem= have you used hdmi recently? [08:10] lotuspsychje: thx - its running now :) do you know a way to activate "cinnamon-screensaver" without cinnamon? [08:10] cfhowlett: nope [08:25] How can i update my kernel. [08:26] !kernel | olavx200 [08:26] olavx200: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages) [08:55] hi,i tried to follow this tuto https://dustymabe.com/2015/07/06/encrypting-more-boot-joins-the-party/(that worked out on ubuntu 18.04 2 momths ago).now i tried it on ubuntu discodingo abd the command that should return "insmod cryptodik" does return nothing.any ideas? [08:56] with the consequence that encrypting /boot is not possible [09:00] diffy: those instructions are terribly wrong! [09:01] diffy: the reason the "cat /boot/grub2/grub.cfg | grep cryptodisk" fails is because 'cryptodisk' won't be added until after the step in the next section has been done, the "echo GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y >> /etc/default/grub" followed by "update-gub" [09:01] diffy: also, Ubuntu does't use /boot/grub2/ it used /boot/grub/ [09:02] diffy: have you already created the separate LUKS-encrypted /boot/ file-system? [09:05] as i said i followed the instructions for several times on debian and once for ubuntu and it worked,but i will have a look at your suggestions [09:05] diffy: I've been doing that stuff since 2007; those instructions are NOT correct for Ubuntu [09:06] greetings! i'm gonna install ubuntu next to windows 7, the laptop has UEFI... do i need some special way for a boot usb stick or is mkusb and some other software enough? [09:06] i figured it already out that /boot/grub2 doesnt work.must be /boot/grub [09:06] the one that makes bootable iso [09:08] rud0lf, provided you create your bootable usb correctly, you should be OK. I've seen people need to switch the boot from UEFI to either BIOS or Legacy (depending on the system) [09:08] diffy: also this "Unfortunately this does mean that you have to type your password twice " is not correct if you add a keyfile in another LUKS slot and install cryptsetup-initramfs (available since 18.10 cosmic) you can avoid entering the password again [09:08] TJ,i believe you,but on the ubuntu bionicbeaver i am running right now it worked.but since i am a noob could you refer me to a tuto that would be working for discodingo? [09:09] diffy: have you already created the LUKS-encrypted /boot/ ? [09:09] true,i need to type passwd twice,but i am fine with that [09:09] willksm: thank you for help [09:10] right now i am just about to make a new install and wonder how to proceed for the /boot encryption [09:11] diffy: OK, are you installing from the GUI LiveISO installer? [09:11] yes [09:11] diffy: right, so first thing is, start it using the "Try Ubuntu" choice so you can operate an independent terminal [09:11] !dualboot | rud0lf [09:11] rud0lf: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot [09:12] ok [09:12] diffy: also, ensure the installer is started in the boot-mode you want to install for. By that I mean if the system has UEFI and you want to install for UEFI make sure the firmware boot-loader menu starts the installer in UEFI mode, not BIOS/Legacy/CSM mode [09:12] rud0lf: keep in mind that w7 goes eol end of the year, more info at ##windows [09:13] lotuspsychje: thanks, i understand dual boot, did it few times.. i'm worried about uefi which i never did [09:13] i figure ubuntu install is smart enought to detect uefi [09:13] diffy: once you're at the desktop you need to ensure the installation target device has sufficient space for the /boot/ file-system. I'd recommend a minimum of 750MB to avoid problems with accumulated older kernel images, which can cause problems thorugh running out of space on /boot/ [09:13] its supposed to be for an old thinkpad,so it should be for BIOS/LEGACY [09:14] diffy: does the target install device already have a partition table and partitions you need to preserve? [09:14] where can i make the selection for the boot-mode? [09:15] no ,there is nothing to be preserved on [09:15] diffy: if the PC is BIOS-only it doesn't matter. That is just for UEFI systems when doing a manual boot selection (because they often don't make it obvious which mode the installer will use) [09:15] diffy: Great, that makes it easy for you! [09:15] good news! [09:15] diffy: you can simply blow the existing disk content and over-write with the ideal layout [09:16] ok,how do i proceed further? [09:16] diffy: You've got 2 choices here; pre-prepare the basic layout on the disk from terminal before starting the installer, OR start the installer, do some manual partitioning then pause it and switch to a terminal to set the LUKS encryption layout, then switch back into the installer [09:17] diffy: one caveat here is, after the installer completes its work DO NOT immediately do a reboot since there are a couple of things you need to do post-install to ensure the installed OS will boot :) [09:18] pre-preparing the basic layout,does that mean doing the partioning? [09:18] diffy: yes, using either gparted GUI or command-line tools to create the basic partitioning layout, and then doing the encryptioin of the partition for /boot/, opening it, creating the file-system in it [09:19] diffy: how urgent is this? It seems like something I should document in a web page for you and others to follow [09:20] that would be very cool if you did some detailed comment on it [09:20] and yes ,the whole encryption topic is very important to me [09:21] i try to encrypt everything possible [09:21] hi all. i enlarged the separate /home partition with gparted. this went smooth, and ubuntu still uses it as her /home. but what also happened is that now the partition isn't recognised as a separate 'device' which can be mounted. not by ubuntu. nor the other distro's populating this pc. what can be done? [09:27] !ping [09:27] pong! [09:27] diffy: I'll download disco installer now and go through it in a VM, take screenshots and detail the exact commands... will take me a few hours total before it's ready for consumption though :) [09:29] mandje: if Ubuntu still mounts /home/ then it is OK, did you change the file-system itself (such as its UUID ) ? [09:35] thanx a lot! [09:57] diffy: I'll publish on this URL once its done so keep an eye on it. I'll put "Warning: Work In Progress" at the top until it is finished as well, so you don't use it until it's correct! https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019 [09:59] thank you for all the work [10:00] Hey, i still have issue with too much RAM being used, i closed firefox and all, there is still far too much ram being used, any help with that please: https://imgur.com/a/mAqlty3 [10:01] Nearly 6 Ggb and it's just fluxbox, when i start the session it was like 500 Mb used. [10:01] started [10:06] akem: what does "free" show ? [10:06] akem: that 'top' output doesn't show any problems [10:07] TJ-, Mem: 8055940 5628692 1448360 79492 978888 2092072 [10:07] TJ-, i know but it's not normal. [10:09] It should be using like 2 Gb at most with nearly no app and fluxbox, and it grows up to more than 6 Gb if i use firefox for ex. And with gnome or cinnamon the computer gets unresponsive, it's after 1 night of sitting. [10:10] TJ-, even logging out/in does not fix the issue. With 17.10 i could let the computer runs for weeks without restarting anything with gnome (i just restarted the gnome-shell sometimes). [10:11] akem: so it feels like a creeping leak ? [10:12] TJ-, I don't know but i'd like to fix this issue, cause i can't use the computer this way. [10:13] akem: can you show us "pastebinit <( ps -efly )" [10:15] TJ-, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/nchmj2C5ym/ [10:17] akem: quick question: does the memory usage drop if you both log-out AND stop the gdm session (from a tty do "systemctl stop gdm3.service" [10:17] akem: 2 things I suspect on a quick scan of the process list: NTFS mounts, and Samba smbd [10:19] I don't have any samba share set up but i use them sometimes, i used them with no problem on 17.10, and the mount is my Windows partitions and data D:\ partition. Ok i'll try to log out and use that command and i'll be back. [10:19] ubuntu just bumbed openvpn, a universe package? color me enthused [10:20] akem: I also seem to be seeing you've got 2 GUI session, Wayland and Xorg [10:20] now if you could only do it for wpa_supplicant (not universe) [10:20] bumped, sorry [10:20] akik: You've got wayland on tty1 and Xorg on tty3 as far as I can see [10:21] TJ-, no the memory usage remains. [10:22] was there any shakeup in the security team around new years? i'm asking 'cause they've gone from sluggish to stellar? [10:24] akem: remains... but how about if you boot the system to multi-user.target and leave it there, without starting the GUI? You could test that overnight whilst sleeping. See if memory usage has increased whilst you sleep. If it doesn't you've started to narrow down the cause. [10:25] akem: as in, on kernel command-line, using "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" [10:26] TJ-, i write "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" as grub boot parameter? [10:27] akem: yes, on the kernel command-line, the one that begins "linux ..." and has 'quiet splash' on it [10:28] akem: that'll make the system start with the text consoles but no GUI [10:28] TJ-, okay i'll do that and i'll let you know. Thanks for the help. [10:29] akem: if you still have growing memory usage capture the "ps -efly" again so we can see what was running when it happened [10:29] akem: it could be an obscure kernel issue but I doubt that right now [10:30] akem: I'll keep your current 'ps -efly' to compare if needed [10:30] TJ-, Ok, thanks. [10:38] Howdy folks [10:39] hmmm, why does the guest cursor disappear when using libvirt/QEMU to run a guest, when switching out of the guest to do things, e.g. take a screenshot? [10:42] does anyone know a way to run cinnamon-screensaver without cinnamon? [10:42] Hi all. I am stuck in a login screen loop on my Ubuntu 19.04 Gnome. Any help? [10:43] does anyone know a way to run gnome-screensaver without gnome? [10:44] TJ-: btw i wanted to mention that i use the kernel boot flag "pci=noaer" otherwise i get flooded with some kernel messages and i remember on 17.10 it was taking all the disk space in the system logs but that option get rid of that issue, but could it be something like that but in RAM? [10:47] sazawal: if you click the little gear icon at login can you choose a desktop environment like gnome or cinnamon? [10:49] akem, yes. I only have Gnome classic, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Wayland there. None of which are working at the moment. [10:50] akem: I'd have to investigate, but in general we do know about some systems (motherboards/firmware) that have faulty PCI-AER implementations. Off top of my head I don't think AER should cause memory leaks/loss [10:52] akem: actually, lets roll back. I can imagine scenarios where PCIe errors could eat up invisible memory [10:53] sazawal: it's all gnome, i would try to install another one like cinnamon from the console, reboot and see if i can log with it maybe, then try to fix the gnome one...or alternatively uninstall and reinstall gnome directly. [10:54] akem: can you show me "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )" [10:54] akem, I was thinking to install gnome-fallback or flashback [10:54] do you think its a good idea? [10:55] sazawal: i would try something else than gnome there are other DE or window manager. [10:55] TJ-: ok np wait a sec i'm in console mode. [10:55] akem, okay. [10:57] TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GNRP8PcpWK [10:59] Hi! Ubuntu 16.04. For some reason I can't ctrl alt arrows to switch workspace, nor snap a window to an edge to make it half screen. This is on a shared account so I have no idea which modifications were applied. On a freshly created account both work. [10:59] Any idea what to touch? [10:59] akem: thanks; would you happen to still have log-files around containg some of those AER error messages? [11:00] TJ-: No. but i could try to boot again without the pci=noaer next time. [11:01] Maybe some compiz settings were modified? [11:01] akem: that'd be useful, if only to be able to eliminate it as a possible cause. [11:01] what's ubuntu's policy on using NOPASSWD in sudoers? i'm asking because cloud-init is still doing it for the default user and cloud-init is originally a ubuntu project [11:09] akik: best to ask that directly of the developers/packager(s) [11:09] akik: try asking in #ubuntu-devel [11:10] akik: or possibly #ubuntu-server (seeing as it's cloud-init) [11:10] cousteau: system up to date? [11:10] TJ-: i asked at #cloud-init but they thought it was business as usual "always been like that" [11:10] Oof... probably not [11:10] !uptodate | cousteau lets try that first [11:10] cousteau lets try that first: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`. [11:11] akik: hmmm, so #ubuntu-devel then or the mailing list for that team [11:11] I can update it later. It's a machine that's rarely connected to the internet [11:12] cousteau: for volunteers its a bit hard to troubleshoot, knowing the problem could come from outdated kernel or security flaws, hope you understand [11:13] I see [11:13] In fact I think it's not a bad idea to update [11:14] cousteau: something else to try is installing compizconfig-settings-manager and see whats enabled and what not [11:14] Yes, I was thinking on doing that [11:15] cousteau: some compiz settings/plugins fight with each other, making the other not work for example [11:18] cousteau: if a fresh user account doesn't have the issue, you might be able to find the setting via grep-ing $HOME/.config/ for something - not sure what though! [11:18] cousteau: sounds like a bindings issue [11:20] Yeah I was trying looking around there [11:20] CCSM seems to be helping [11:21] using SCREEN, is it possible to make respawn the child process if it dies for whatever reason? [11:23] I still can't figure out how to get Windows to boot [11:23] leonardus: ##windows can help [11:23] nope, they always say that they don't give support for dual boot [11:23] should have clarified, windows won't boot after installing ubuntu [11:24] leonardus: can you share the process of how you installed exactly? volunteers might have ideas [11:25] sure. I burned the ubuntu live iso onto a flash drive, booted that, and selected the disk I had gentoo previously installed on, and wrote over that [11:25] there is a Microsoft directory in /boot/efi/EFI, but running grub-mkconfig and update-grub don't make an entry. I also can't boot it from the UEFI menu on my motherboard [11:25] #+1 deals with eoan, right? [11:26] jack-: yes [11:26] ok [11:26] leonardus: are you in the live usb right now? [11:26] I've installed ubuntu already so no [11:27] leonardus: I think I mentioned to you yesterday that on UEFI it isn't GRUBs jog to start Windows, it is the motherboard's firmware boot manager [11:27] ok, so boot it [11:27] leonardus: "efibootmgr" command will show what EFI boot entries are in its menu [11:27] TJ-: here is the output of efibootmgr https://termbin.com/gl39 [11:28] Windows won't boot from the motherboard either, it just reloads the menu [11:28] leonardus: ubuntu is working you mean? [11:28] Yeah ubuntu boots just fine [11:28] ah ok [11:28] leonardus: OK, so that means there's something wrong with the Windows install. It could be it didn't install in UEFI mode - depends on which Windows version it is though [11:28] leonardus: try efibootmgr -v please [11:29] leonardus: also sudo ls -lR /boot/efi [11:29] paste both [11:29] and preferrably lsblk -f as well [11:29] https://termbin.com/m91h9 https://termbin.com/ah6u https://termbin.com/vndk [11:30] windows was booting fine before I had ubuntu installed so I don't think it's anything wrong with windows itself [11:30] leonardus: the microsoft efi file isnt in /boot/efi/efi anymore [11:31] so that explains it going back to the menu [11:31] leonardus: as EriC^^ says, you can see that the UEFI FW is looking for "\EFI\MICROSOFT\BOOT\BOOTMGFW.EFI" [11:32] hmm. I wonder what went wrong then [11:32] leonardus: do you have a windows installation disk? [11:32] yeah [11:32] it's easy to recover the bootloader https://www.dell.com/support/article/us/en/04/sln300987/how-to-repair-the-efi-bootloader-on-a-gpt-hdd-for-windows-7-8-8-1-and-10-on-your-dell-pc?lang=en [11:32] thanks, I'll try that. one sec [11:34] leonardus: is it a usb install by any chance? [11:34] Yeah [11:34] Well what do you mean [11:34] take note on the final command you need to use a certain option for usb installs [11:34] is the disk that has ubuntu and windows a usb [11:36] leonardus: 1 sec, the windows partition doesnt seem to be there unless it's the sdb or sdc ones? [11:36] Windows is the 256gb drive [11:37] leonardus: can you paste 'sudo parted -ls' ? [11:37] I'm in the windows repair disk right now [11:37] ah that's a shame, i'd stop [11:38] i think windows might have been installed in legacy mode not uefi [11:38] cause sdb doesnt have an efi partition and it wouldnt have used the efi off of sda anyways [11:38] Hi all. I am using Ubuntu 19.04. After today's update of gnome-shell, I was stuck in a login screen loop. I had to install gnome-sessions-fallback to login. The default Ubuntu is still not working. How do I troubleshoot the problem? [11:38] boot back into ubuntu, run parted -ls, if the partition table is msdos, it means it was legacy booting for sure [11:39] leonardus: if you want, choosing legacy mode and sdb as your first disk in the bios should boot windows, unless the mbr bootloader got overwritten somehow [11:39] !info gnome-shell disco [11:40] gnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 3.32.1-1ubuntu1~19.04.1 (disco), package size 677 kB, installed size 3349 kB [11:40] If it is installed in legacy mode I could really just reinstall it. I didn't put anything important on there, I only use it when I need to run programs that are incompatible with Linux. [11:40] sazawal: i noticed a bug today, can you see if this could be you too? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1831578 [11:40] Launchpad bug 1831578 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in stack_do_window_deletions() from stack_ensure_sorted() from get_default_focus_window() from meta_stack_get_default_focus_window() from focus_ancestor_or_top_window()" [Undecided,New] [11:41] EriC^^: https://termbin.com/hn6g [11:43] leonardus: oh ok, it's using gpt so it was uefi [11:44] kinda odd windows would put the uefi on another disk, anyways, try the bootloader install again if you havent already [11:45] yeah I did that and got some "Permission Denied" when I tried running `bootrec /FixBoot` [11:45] gpt supports legacy bios too [11:46] BluesKaj: on windows? [11:46] lotuspsychje: I can't say if this is it. Atleast I don't see such a problem in logs. [11:46] Would reinstalling Windows fix it? [11:46] leonardus: did you mount the efi partition and cd to it and stuff [11:46] yeah [11:46] EriC^^, oh, my mistake, not sure about windows [11:47] sazawal: nothing in var/log/crash ? [11:47] i ran kubuntu with gpt table on legacy bios for a while. [11:47] leonardus: did you try just doing 'mkdir something' in the dir? [11:47] no [11:48] BluesKaj: yeah linux doesnt mind it at all, windows strictly wants gpt + uefi for some reason [11:48] probably some marketing/coorporate deal stuff [11:48] lotuspsychje: Sorry I don't find the file /var/log/crash. Where should it be? [11:49] EriC^^, ok , good to know, thanks [11:49] sazawal: var/crash sorry [11:51] EriC^^: I ran mkdir and it's still giving me "Access is denied" [11:51] lotuspsychje: There is a file _usr_bin_gnome-shell.1000.crash in this directory. How to read it? [11:51] Hey Guys, i want to create a local user on my machine, how do i do that? (considering theres a network user on the same) and i want the machine to recognize the local user when i su - name for example that it will direc tme to the lcoal one [11:51] If reinstalling would fix I'll just do that [11:53] leonardus: sure reinstalling windows should fix it [11:54] thefatma: sudo adduser [11:57] sazawal: ctrl+l in nautilus then type admin:/// [11:57] Hmmm, what is the point of 'parted' --align option if it is ignored? [12:04] sazawal: does it match the bugs crash? === BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex [12:41] Guys, any idea why when i try to su - username i get authentication failed (ignored) ? [12:41] don't cross post [12:43] geirha : roger [12:45] Is anyone familiar with notepad++ here? === bonzibud1y is now known as bonzibuddy [12:49] jpoeta2, this ubuntu support, not windows [12:49] is [12:51] Hahaha... I know it but I would like a software very similar to notepad++ in linux which has an specific functionality I need [12:52] i tried notepadqq but it doesnt has it... [12:56] I use lot the find and replace bookmarked lines in Notepad++. But I dont see the option to bookmark lines in noteplus++ in in noteplusqq [12:57] jpoeta2: You can install notepad++ on ubuntu using Wine [12:57] !wine | jpoeta2 [12:57] jpoeta2: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [13:00] jpoeta2, or look here for linux alternatives to notepad++, http://www.linuxandubuntu.com/home/10-notepad-alternatives-for-linux [13:10] Is it the case that the Installer's "Something else" method still cannot create LVM ? [13:25] Hello [13:25] how do I execute a .sh file? [13:25] :) [13:27] marcoagpinto: "sh {sh_file_to_execute}" [13:27] ohhhhhhh [13:27] that simple? [13:27] thanks [13:28] I used to edit it and copy the commands into the terminal [13:28] :) [14:13] Hello, can someone help me diagnose an issue? I have a docker container that exposes a port, I've always been able to hit this configuration by going to localhost:port, but this is a new codebase and for some reason I can't . What I need is help figuring out why the url doesn't work in the host but does work in the container [14:18] Hi all [14:20] How can I sniff a serial port in Ubuntu? [14:21] I need to verify that a program is writing data correctly to a serial port [14:22] Is there a tool like wireshark for serial ports? [14:24] this might help: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12359/how-can-i-monitor-serial-port-traffic [14:26] lotuspsychje, Hi, sorry I missed your last comment. How do I view the file in /var/crash? [14:29] Hi, I can't seem to find up to date docs regarding how to enable your keyboard to write accented letter with RightAlt + letter, could anyone help? [14:30] Using Ubuntu 18.10 [14:34] TJ-: you around? [14:45] jennis, and letter + AltGr + semicolon does not work [14:45] ? [14:45] I have a list of filenames without the full path. Whats an easy command to find the full path to each file? [14:46] find and locate, locate uses its own database [14:47] to update the database, sudo updatedb .. find is much slower ofcourse [14:48] ioria, yes that works, thanks! [14:48] ok [14:50] sazawal_: ctrl +l in nautilus then type admin:/// and open the crash file [14:50] onesixfivetwo: well, maybe ls -d -1 "$PWD/"**/* [14:50] ioria: although with this, I'm unable to get: ñ or ¿ [14:50] For example ^ [14:55] lotuspsychje, thanks. This is quite a big file 58 MBs [14:55] hi. im trying to migrate to bionic from a non-netplan environment. i need a "routed bridge" for my kvm vms. every vm has an ip from a subnet an the hypervisor has yet another ip. i am not allowed to use a simple bridge which will expose other MACs to the router in the datacenter. [14:55] so traffic needs to be routed. my first try: https://paste42.de/14472/ [14:55] ALT = old, NEU = new [14:56] using this i have connectivity but the traffic is originating with the MAC adresses from the vms, so something wnet wrong [14:56] any hints? [15:00] lotuspsychje, the file is full of combination of alphabets which doesn't make any sense. [15:02] jennis, AltGr + ] + n [15:03] 💰 [15:14] what's the best terminal for ubuntu ? [15:17] !best | kappa1 [15:17] kappa1: Best is relative. Try out ones you find and decide which one is best for you [15:18] kappa1: "best" is not a support question [15:18] kappa1: that said, lots of people (including myself) like terminator [15:23] I see [15:24] leftyfb: what about tilda? [15:24] kappa1: try it and decide if you like it [15:25] kappa1, tilda is great if you want the drop-down style. I use tilda specifically to run taskwarrior in. But yeah, try it [15:31] kappa1: I'm a fan of Terminator. (https://gnometerminator.blogspot.com) But I agree that "best" is definitely subjective. [15:33] Is there a way to delete the functionality that Gnome is nagging every few seconds that my Logitech mouse battery is almost empty? It is extremely annoying and disturbs my workflow, the mouse even stutters when Gnome does its weird notification polling [15:36] I would not care if Gnome notifications were completely disabled/destroyed if it just would leave me alone doing my work without annoying me further [15:37] Hi all. I am using Ubuntu 19.04 Gnome. After an update today, I am stuck in a login loop. How to fix it? I am able to login only after installing gnome-session-flashback. [15:37] dconf org → gnome → settings-daemon → plugins → power. Alter the "percentage-low" setting to what you want [15:37] de-facto ^^ but you could find this easily yourself === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:37] best thing is to renew battery [15:41] Thanks OerHeks :) [15:41] have fun! [15:53] finally working without interruptions awesome :) === ledeni_ is now known as ledeni [16:27] with pkg-config how do you find what the library is called? [16:27] like I know the apt package name [16:28] but how do I tell pkg-config the correct name? [16:28] with google :p [16:28] this is my solution [16:28] i always look it up [16:28] you could also use the search function i think [16:35] hi. I installed my new crt and restarted apache, when i use an SSL checker site it doesn't show my newly installed certificate. is this the right place to ask or should I be looking in ~#http? [16:36] i-make-robots: it'd depend on how you installed the certificate/key files, whether you did it manually or using some tool [16:37] manually, command line. [16:37] used openssl -verify to check it's the right crt file. [16:37] sudo update-ca-certificates # usually does the trick [16:38] OerHeks - huh. never ran into that tip before. [16:38] trying... [16:38] OerHeks: that shouldn't make a difference [16:39] did you add the certificate/key file paths into the VirtualHost config stanza ? [16:39] i tried. still seeing the wrong expiry date. :T [16:39] TJ- they were there from the previous year. i backed up the old cert files and copied the new ones over the old. no need to change paths. [16:40] i-make-robots: this is in a VirtualHost *:443 stanza? [16:40] yes [16:40] Sebastien: what is the point of a chat if all you do it tell people to look it up? [16:40] i already looked it up a few times. that's where i'm confused. [16:40] i-make-robots: how did you restart apache2? [16:40] fwiw, the domain is marginallyclever.com [16:41] of course [16:41] goddard, sometimes it's the best way to do [16:41] it's to look it up [16:41] because a chatter will also look it up for you [16:41] i-make-robots: did you check the apache log-file? [16:41] well i didn't see a startup fail, if that's what you mean. [16:41] goddard, didn't you look it up? #1 thing you do on irc, is look it up, THEN bother other people with it [16:41] i-make-robots: generally apache will report any issues with the SSL files [16:42] i-make-robots: Comodo cert, expires Sept 2019, is that the 'old' certificate? [16:42] "OpenSSL/1.1.0g configured -- resuming normal operations" [16:42] yeah, the new cert expires in 2021. [16:42] Hi. I am using Ubuntu 19.04 Gnome. I am stuck in the login loop perhaps due to a gnome-shell update today. How do I identify the problem? I am able to log in after installing gnome-session-flashback. [16:43] i-make-robots: then the files you *think* are for the cert, aren't! [16:43] Hi [16:43] i-make-robots: double-check your apache config [16:43] TJ- I'll tripple check. again, openssl -verify says they're the right ones. [16:43] is there a way to check the .key file and the .csr are the right files? [16:44] Can I safely remove all 4.4.x-initrd-images? [16:44] need to free up some /boot [16:44] i-make-robots: CSR doesn't matter, key will match certificate or TLS would fail [16:45] i-make-robots: ensure you are actually stopping and starting apache2, just in case your 'restart' isn't [16:45] yes, i did a full stop/start just to be sure. [16:46] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yfs8cqh7Rj/ [16:46] i-make-robots: just in case you have multiple over-riding directives do "sudo grep -rn SSLCertificate /etc/apache2/ [16:46] idk why it's now systemctl * apache2, i was used to service apache2 * [16:46] mutter mutter [16:48] i-make-robots, because most distros switched to systemd years ago [16:48] ok [16:48] grep doesn't reveal anything wonky. [16:48] I generally do "apache2ctl graceful" to have it reload config without breaking connections, but "systemctl restart apache2" is goof [16:48] i-make-robots: then you've something 'wonky' in the files youu overwrote! [16:48] doesn't "systemctl reload" do the same as "apache2ctl graceful"? === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [16:49] i-make-robots: apache just doesn't 'remember' data from files you've replaced [16:49] is goof? [16:49] well obv. that's what the files are for :) [16:49] lordcirth__: not sure, systemctl's handling of reload-or-restart, restart, reload can be different depending on the service [16:49] "hey yeah, i copied these into a local cache just to screw with you." [16:50] i-make-robots: are there any proxies in front of apache? [16:50] no, but i do have cloudflare. i checked if it was doing something weird, doesn't appear to be. [16:52] i-make-robots: your domain hostname resolves to 2 IPv4 addresses, on different subnets [16:53] i have windows 7 installed and i placed a second disk... will it take extra effort to install ubuntu bionic on the second one and make it both dual-boot? [16:53] i'm not a newbie but i have completely know knowledge about uefi [16:53] s/know/no [16:54] TJ-, ok, so in 16.04 it still uses an init script, but on 18.04, ExecReload=/usr/sbin/apachectl graceful === coffeeguy is now known as zenguy [16:57] !efi | rud0lf - There are links to guide you here on UEFI. Installing to the second drive should not create any issues. [16:57] rud0lf - There are links to guide you here on UEFI. Installing to the second drive should not create any issues.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI [16:59] pragmaticenigma: thank you [17:01] TJ- uh... that's news to me. what did you run to see that? [17:02] i-make-robots: "dig ..." [17:04] huh. [17:04] Hi. I am using Ubuntu 19.04 Gnome. I am stuck in the login loop perhaps due to a gnome-shell update today. How do I identify the problem? I am able to log in after installing gnome-session-flashback. [17:06] huh. and the dig answer doesn't match my ips. at all. [17:07] oh, a cloudflare ip. [17:09] got no sound after upgrading to kernel 4.15.0-51 [17:10] where shold I start digging? [17:11] i-make-robots: right, and this shows you 2019 expiry for both: echo | openssl s_client -connect -servername www.marginallyclever.com 2>/de [17:11] It's a USB headset, dmesg gives me a shit ton of output [17:11] v/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate [17:12] okay, replugged it and it works lol [17:14] sazawal, have you tried to create a new user and login ? [17:15] ioria: ive been seeing some gnome-shell bugs passby today, like bug #1831555 [17:15] bug 1831555 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGTRAP in gjs_callback_closure() from ffi_closure_unix64_inner() from ffi_closure_unix64() from clutter_actor_allocate_internal() from clutter_actor_allocate()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1831555 [17:15] ioria: sazawal has also a gnome-shell crash in var/crash [17:15] ioria, No, would that help? [17:15] lotuspsychje, i see [17:16] TJ- I really appreciate your help in this. I'm sorry I'm so thick. I really thought I had everything installed right. I checked the csr, crt, and key file all have the same md5 like https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=4064 [17:16] sazawal, does no harm [17:16] ioria, lotuspsychje By the way I tried reinstalling gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-dektop. Disabled all the gnome extensions too. [17:17] sazawal, using wayland ? [17:18] sazawal, btw, is ubuntu-desktop not ubuntu-gnome-dektop [17:18] ioria, I see wayland option when I login. But I think it was not working before as well, and still doesnt work. [17:19] ioria, Sorry I don't really know the difference. THere was a package installed named ubuntu-gnome-desktop on my system. [17:20] sazawal, nope, default ubuntu 19.04 gnome-shell is 'ubuntu-desktop' [17:21] ioria, Then maybe I installed it sometime after ubuntu installation, while tweaking. [17:21] Let me try creating a new user first. === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [17:43] i-make-robots: have you found the issue? is it something to do with cloudflare setup? [17:54] ioria, I am able to log into Ubuntu (Gnome) as a new user. It gave a plymouth error on first login, but then it worked. It still doesn't work with the current user (admin). [17:56] sazawal, i'am afk atm; i suggest you check your home folder file permissions; i'll back in 40 min. l -al etc. etc [17:58] ioria, Alright. I will be here when you are back. [18:01] how do you get the newest version of node [18:05] TikityTik: https://tecadmin.net/install-latest-nodejs-npm-on-ubuntu/ [18:11] Hi..my computer wont connect. Lspci lists it but ipconfig listsonly lo as a device [18:12] Also it is a dual boot and windows connects fine [18:12] To the internet I mean [18:13] How cani find out what module to load? [18:14] Lshw says 'unclaimed' ..any idea what that means? [18:16] Shomon, sounds like a windows 10 fast boot issue, disable that, according to the !uefi manual [18:16] ioria, So I compared the home folder file permissions of admin and that of the new user. The admin has some extra files, but the common files have the same permissions. [18:16] Shomon: did you try "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" ? [18:17] Ok trying now [18:17] Shomon: it should show the recommended drivers for the devices if any [18:17] EriC^^, without internet, it cannot see drivers on the server, no? [18:17] Oerheks, it is windows 7.. [18:18] oh didnt know he had no net, but still it should mention the driver, see if it's installed or not [18:18] or try loading its module using modprobe [18:19] No output [18:19] Not sure how tofind out the driver name for mpdprobe [18:19] Shomon: which card is it? [18:20] Sorry.. typing on my phone.. [18:20] EriC^^: that nodejs is breaking on installing the pg-native module [18:20] Qualcomm atheros ar9485 [18:21] And netlink bcm57780 [18:22] Shomon, so put in a network cable, and see with ubuntu-drivers if there is one available? [18:22] Network cable is in [18:22] No eth [18:22] I edited network interfaces to add eth0 inet dhcp [18:23] But no change [18:23] eth0 .. that is the old naming .. [18:23] TikityTik: no idea, i dont use it myself, maybe try the nodejs channel or their forums/support [18:23] Ipconfig only lists lo [18:23] Shomon, what machine hardware is this? [18:24] sure there are others before you that run into this issue [18:24] Shomon: try ifconfig -a [18:24] S [18:24] i think the new program is 'ip' for stuff like this [18:24] Sorry machine? Ah thanks [18:24] "ip a" [18:24] ifconfig -a # should work fine [18:25] Only lo is listed [18:25] With both [18:25] Shomon: what does "lspci | grep -i network" show? [18:26] Qualcomm atheros ar9485 [18:27] Shomon: what about "lspci | grep -i ethernet" [18:27] netlink bcm57780 [18:28] Broadcom [18:28] ok thanks [18:29] Shomon: try "sudo rfkill list all" is anything hard or softblocked? [18:29] It is an aspire running ubuntu 16.04 === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:30] No output from that [18:31] Sorry [18:31] how can I get the latest version of the libpq-dev [18:32] About hardblocks. In windows it connects to both.. i'm convinced it is aoftware [18:32] TJ-, i'm in console mode since the afternoon with just irssi and top running, and the RAM usage is near 3 G, that's not normal imho: https://imgur.com/a/cByfsKF [18:33] Shomon: try 'sudo modprobe ath9k' [18:33] And it keeps growing apparently. [18:33] akemlenovo: looks normal to me [18:34] TikityTik, latest?? upgrade to 19.04, that would give v11.x [18:34] hi, would it be possible to get GLIBC_2.28 on ubuntu 18.04? [18:34] Eric, it was not found 🙍 [18:34] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libpq-dev [18:35] sarnold, i don't think so, i'll keep it this way until tomorrow to see...but 3Gb RAM in console mode with 1 app running is already too much imho, how could you use Ubuntu with 4G RAM laptop in graphic mode then? [18:36] OerHeks: i have to upgrade to the latest version? [18:36] Shomon: type "uname -r" [18:36] TikityTik, yes? [18:37] TikityTik: are you sure you used the ppa for your ubuntu version or a newer? [18:37] 4.40+.0-148-generic [18:37] akemlenovo: you've got over four gigabytes completely unused, and nearly a gigabyte that's just used to cache file data [18:37] Sorry 4.4.0 [18:37] unused ram is wasted money :) [18:38] bingo [18:38] Shomon: try sudo apt-get install linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-148-generic [18:38] EriC^^: what do you mean? it's default i'm sure [18:38] https://www.linuxatemyram.com/ [18:38] Um.. but without internet.. [18:38] sarnold, i do this because in graphic mode after 1 night running the RAM is 100% used and the computer freeze, i try to see in console mode if it does the same. [18:38] akemlenovo: aha, now *that* is a lot more interesting. [18:38] sarnold, Yes because i got 8Gb on this machine. [18:39] TJ- told me to try this and see if it does the same. [18:40] EriC^^: so am i able to use the newest ppa for libpq-dev with 18.04? [18:40] Wow, it works! Ok installing [18:40] if you see oom-killer in dmesg it ran out of ram [18:40] Shomon: ok, see if it's installed, try 'apt-cache policy linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-148-generic' [18:40] i am using 18.04 because there's a kernel bug for suspending to desktop in 19.04 on my laptop [18:40] Shomon: hmm maybe the ethernet is working? [18:41] Shomon: anyways, that's a nice break [18:41] TikityTik: i have no idea, i meant did you use the ppa that's not 18.04 (the nodesource ppa) [18:41] No, can't find google... [18:42] cause it should resolve dependencies i think and not require a newer libpq-dev than 18.04 provides.. unless you missed something in their docs about the installation? [18:42] Shomon: no worries, seems like you have net but no dns maybe [18:43] But I 'apt-cache policy linux-modules-extra-4.4.0-148-generic' and it says installed. [18:43] *ran [18:43] Shomon: great [18:43] Shomon: try now sudo modprobe ath9k [18:43] sazawal, let's see what we can do; can you paste ls -al /home/ [18:43] Connected! [18:44] Shomon: nice, i think that package was missing for some reason, but i dont know what usually pulls it in, for me apt-cache rdepends linux-module..... doesnt return anything [18:44] Thanks so much eric and 0erke [18:44] 'Oops sorry can't type 😃 [18:44] no problem :D [18:45] akemlenovo, btw if you run "top" and prexx [shift] + [m] it will sort according to memory usage column "RES" [18:46] I will try and update everything now .. [18:46] sounds good Shomon [18:47] ioria, https://termbin.com/qq2x [18:47] de-facto, i see but i don't remember the exact differences. [18:48] sazawal, sudo rm -rif /home/admin-user/.dbus [18:48] ioria, should i take a backup of it? [18:48] sazawal, i don't think so [18:48] alright [18:49] sazawal, reboot after [18:49] ioria, Done. okay rebooting. [18:52] My memory usage is still growing now it past 3 Gb, it slow but it grows. But i'll see later. I can't believe console mode with 2 apps using all that RAM already. [18:53] akemlenovo, what 'apps' exactly? [18:54] OerHeks, irssi and top. [18:54] ioria, Still didn't work. [18:54] Any reason for why apt keeps packages back? [18:54] akemlenovo, and what processes are using the most? [18:54] coconut, run dist/full-upgrade for those to be installed too [18:54] sazawal, cd /home/admin-user/ ; mv .xinputrc xinputrc.back ; logout login [18:56] ioria, okay [18:56] lordcirth__, looks like it's snapd smbd networkmanager that sort of processes. [18:56] ok, will do that [18:56] snapd first, but i don't use snap at all afaik. [18:56] akemlenovo, ah, ok. Well, if you don't intend to use snaps, you could disable & stop snapd. But I wouldn't worry unless you actually get low on RAM. [18:58] lordcirth__, yeah i was thinking about this, that's the problem i get out of RAM in graphic mode and i don't know why, someone is helping me fixing it, i'll let it sit in console mode for now. But i'm curious it looks like i'm the only one with this issue, it's a relatively common laptop HP pavilion. [18:59] And nearly stock 18.04 ubuntu. [18:59] akemlenovo, "nearly"? [18:59] akemlenovo, how much RAM do you have? [19:00] I just installed few packages but i didn't mess with any configuration, i changed nothing on this side. [19:00] lordcirth__, 8Gb [19:00] akemlenovo, so, when you are using a desktop and run out of RAM, have you checked what the top processes are then? [19:00] Also, do you have swap configured? [19:02] ioria, No, didn't work. [19:02] sazawal, did you edit .bashrc or .profile ? [19:03] ioria, no [19:03] lordcirth__, yeah it was apparently firefox cause it was streaming, but quitting it did not do anything, but last time, it was frozen i had to use the button to shut it down. I have a 2Gb swap file that was starting to be used in graphic mode when RAM was getting lower. [19:03] sazawal, paste again ls -al /home/ [19:04] https://termbin.com/a12m [19:05] ioria, [19:06] sazawal, are you sure disabled all the extensions ? locally installed included ? [19:11] ioria, I did something to disable them, but I am not sure if it worked. So first I did "gsettings set org.gnome.shell disable-user-extensions true". And then in ~/.local/share/gnome-shell "mv extensions extensions.bak; mkdir extensions" [19:12] sazawal, paste ls -al .local/share/gnome-shell/ [19:13] sazawal, paste ls -al /home/adim-user/.local/share/gnome-shell/ [19:13] ioria, https://termbin.com/m3dv [19:14] sazawal, never seen that stuff in there [19:14] sazawal, paste ls -al /home/adim-user/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions [19:15] ioria, This directory is empty. I moved it to extensions.bak\ [19:17] sazawal, let's try something drastic ; mv /home/admin-user/.local /home/adim-user/local.back ; logout login [19:17] ioria, YOu mean local.bak? [19:17] it's the same [19:18] okay [19:20] Iolo, strange, it worked now :D [19:21] sorry Iolo [19:21] ioria, strange, it worked now. [19:21] i think you did something 'unsual' with your extensions [19:22] ioria, I think so. The web interface of gnome-shell-extensions has some issues. When I update an extension I often get ERROR tag there. [19:22] sazawal, yep [19:23] sazawal, troublesome tool === jstein_ is now known as jstein [19:23] sazawal, always check the compatibility [19:24] ioria, yes. I don't know I think I was only updating the installed ones. And the installed ones must be for the current version of the shell. Anyway, there are a lot of issues there. [19:25] sazawal, i concurr [19:25] ioria, So, I will reinstall the extensions, that is not a problem. What should I do with local.bak? [19:25] sazawal, nothing [19:25] should I delete it? [19:26] sazawal, nope, you might need to check it [19:26] ioria, Alright. Thanks. [19:26] sazawal, no problem [19:51] not sure if it's correct for #ubuntu or ##windows but I have chromium on Ubuntu 18 (the latest 74.x version) but I want to transfer all the cookies, logins etc to Windows 10, can I do that? [19:54] Chunkyz, perhaps you need to sync them via google account? [19:54] oh that's a good idea. I checked around ~/.config/chromium/ and there's a few thousand files and nothing obvious [19:54] diskin, nope. if I transfer from ubuntu > ubuntu or ubuntu > arch > I just copy the .config folder but that's differrent on windows. [19:56] Chunkyz, then why using sync is not an option? [19:56] how? [19:56] it allows you to choose what to sync [19:56] never heard of this "sync" [19:56] and this is a topic for chrome channel... [19:59] Chunkyz, seems I was wrong, see https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1327224-can-chrome-sync-cookies/ [20:00] https://superuser.com/questions/1182283/share-the-browser-session-cookies-local-storage-betwe === gluon- is now known as gluon [21:33] Howdy. So when I boot up Ubuntu 18.04.02 LTS Server on a non-DHCP network, and go to do manual interface IPv4 config, and put in a search domain, the installer crashes and restarts. Verified with various search domains as either TLDs or sub-domains. [21:55] Hey, i have a memory leak on my laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 even in console mode, RAM usage keeps growing slowly but i'm not able to really identify what's going on if someone has an idea https://imgur.com/a/z7eN9dw [21:57] How do you know it's a memory leak and not just cache [21:57] Man, I fucking love how pileofshit(TM) (systemd) forces the hostname to stay the same. Even after I use the newfangled hostnamectl command. So I have to Google around and discover that some cloud config forces it to be the same. Yay! [21:59] xamithan, there is just irssi and top running. [21:59] xamithan, and it graphic mode it keeps eating the ram to the point that the computer doesn't respond anymore. [22:00] Ooh, amazing, the moment I revert the cloud.cfg change, it forces it to the installed hostname. So it means it keeps it somewhere in its bowels, forever. That's amazing. [22:00] Linux uses unused ram for disk cache but ok [22:01] xamithan: there is a memory leak, likely in the kernel [22:02] xamithan, 4Gb is too much for just a console mode with 1 program running, my laptop used to have only 4Gb of total RAM... [22:02] :( [22:03] akemlenovo: Hey, I'm getting installer crashes if I specify a search domain when doing a static IP config. [22:04] saaam, sorry i don't know about this. [22:04] akemlenovo: No worries, just saying that it's a quality half-baked release. === M144 is now known as rm-r === rm-r is now known as M144 === wymillerlinux_ is now known as wymillerlinux [22:16] hi if I want to use dpkg -i *.deb in a script how do I get it to install without prompting [22:21] <_KaszpiR_> export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive [22:22] _KaszpiR_, do i do an export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=interactive to get it back? [22:23] hi [22:23] <_KaszpiR_> unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND [22:23] <_KaszpiR_> and it will just destroy env var [22:23] ah of course thanks [22:24] my wifi just dropped from my ubuntu 18 today,, not sure if was after upgrade [22:24] I can still see the pci device [22:24] by running lspci [22:24] but have no clue how to debug the problem [22:25] The wifi controller is very common "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac ..." [22:25] brobert, how long have you been using Ubuntu? [22:25] lsmod might help right, [22:26] some time :( [22:26] dmesg doesnt show any error btw [22:26] ok, wrong [22:26] brobert: in terminal run the command and reboot> sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/* [22:26] I must have missed it earlier [22:27] dmesg says ath10k_pci "unable to read from device" [22:28] brobert: sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/* [22:28] thanks will try :) [22:28] It might be caused by wifi power management, the ath10k devices have never worked well with it [22:29] ok I see you replace the powersave = 3 with 2 right? [22:29] in case I have to undo [22:30] brobert, yes [22:32] ok yeah I still have same issue -- [22:32] must be hardware related [22:32] maybe my kids sat on my laptop [22:33] the demsg errors are unable to read from device, could not execute top for board id check: -110, failed to get board id from odp...., could not probe fw [22:36] jeremy31... ok yeah you are right... this is a problematic chipset --- loads of reports very similar to mine... same error in dmesg [22:37] maybe mine was just hanging in there all this time, and suddenly got worse for some unexplained microscopic electronic reason [22:37] go this laptop last summer [22:37] worked fine until now [22:38] brobert: Might want to take the laptop apart, remove and reinstall wifi chipset [22:38] right, I was thinking that [22:39] sometimes just a loose connection [22:39] If you are out of luck you can still get a mini USB Wifi dongle. [22:39] yeah [22:39] dont know how to identify the wifi chipset lol [22:39] haha ok I found a video [22:40] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s92TggVK_CQ [22:40] the yoga awful wifi module [22:40] assuming the machine isn't usign a wlan whitelist. [22:40] Lenovo sure loves those. [22:41] thanks _KaszpiR_ [22:42] I used a QCA9377 for a while and it seemed to work well with power management disabled on Ubuntu 18.04 based Mint 19 [22:51] what should be the permissions of /var/log? [22:52] Soni: what are your permissions? [22:52] 700 root:root [22:53] Soni: what version of ubuntu? [22:53] 18.04 or something? [22:54] Soni: nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};) [22:55] 18.04.2 LTS and I'm not sending you my cmdline [22:56] Soni: the above command only shows all the versioning of ubuntu [22:56] Soni: my permissions are 775 root:syslog [22:56] Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS; Linux version 4.15.0-45-generic (buildd@lgw01-amd64-031) (gcc version 7.3.0 (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3)) #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 16:28:13 UTC 2019; [22:57] hm, what the hell happened on my system [23:00] What is this https://imgur.com/a/DsrJ5j1 and how can I get rid of it [23:00] leftyfb: what should I do, chmod and chown and see if that fixes it? [23:00] Soni: sure [23:01] WhatTheDilly: how you take your screenshot without making it go away? [23:01] no [23:01] is there an easy way to check everything against a known-good set of values? [23:01] how do i get rid of the Windows 8 Start screen concept [23:01] Soni: no [23:01] where when i need to go search for an app it blanks out everything i'm working on and i forget what i went to get [23:01] WhatTheDilly: pick a different Desktop Environment [23:01] ugh, okay [23:02] so i have what? and any recommendation for something nice and minimalistic? [23:02] WhatTheDilly: https://www.ubuntu.com/download/flavours [23:02] hm, still unable to start lighttpd [23:02] Maybe cinnamon WhatTheDilly . [23:02] do i have to start over from scratch? [23:03] No you can install several desktop environment and window manager then select them at login by clicking on the gear icon. [23:03] WhatTheDilly: https://vitux.com/how-to-install-the-kde-plasma-desktop-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts/ you can use this method for most of the flavors as opposed to KDE (kubuntu) [23:04] thanks leftyfb so is it Gnome 3.28 that's giving me the full screen start menu? [23:05] WhatTheDilly: yes [23:06] Is there anything that can cause ubuntu to somehow get to the main login prompt without having to enter the full disk encryption password? [23:06] Kyoku: no [23:07] well it happened to me, I did a fresh install and left a machine powered on at the disk encryption password, came back following morning and it was at the main login [23:07] could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend [23:07] Kyoku: yes, what ubuntu release? [23:08] fresh install, nobody knows the disk password except me [23:08] Kubuntu 19.04 [23:08] Kyoku: nope. That's not how it works. Do it again and report a bug if you see it again. [23:08] Kyoku: is there a key-file attached to one of the LUKs slots? [23:08] no [23:09] !info cryptsetup-initramfs cosmic | Kyoku if there's a key-file then the slot can be unlocked using this [23:09] Kyoku if there's a key-file then the slot can be unlocked using this: cryptsetup-initramfs (source: cryptsetup): disk encryption support - initramfs integration. In component main, is optional. Version 2:2.0.4-2ubuntu2 (cosmic), package size 25 kB, installed size 137 kB [23:09] I know how to do that as I have it set up on another box but for this box I only had a password, definitely no keyfile [23:10] Kyoku: check the log then, "journalctl -b" [23:10] havr to go out but when i get back i'll do that and update you, thanks for help - it's kinda freaking me out [23:11] TJ-: the journal log doesn't show anything about decrypting the disk during the GRUB phase [23:11] Kyoku: you'll see things like "Starting Cryptography Setup for ..." and other messages [23:12] TJ-: I take that back, so it does [23:12] leftyfb: Kyoku didn't mention GRUB; Kyoku is it the passphrase prmopt provided by the initialramfs you're on about? [23:13] leftyfb: someone has added a key-file without Kyoku knowing and has enabled crypsetup-initramfs :D [23:14] or .... several other possibilities [23:14] presumably it isn't FDE else the thing wouldn't even boot to a prompt [23:24] need more SSD so i can move this linux vm to a ssd drive [23:30] I've just noticed the 19.04 desktop installer sets the wrong time; it sets for automatic time and date but doesn't account for DST. It's set to London and the time is 23:30 Tuesday, not 00:30 Wednesday [23:32] my linux is off by 2 hours :D says it's 16:32 [23:33] What The... :p [23:33] (hello!) [23:33] hi [23:33] * brendantcc4 feels noticed :D [23:35] so uh... how often is the channel logged? just curious [23:35] 24/7? [23:36] hm... seems like it was last logged at... 23:01 [23:36] kubuntu plasma has too many similarities with windows 10 without the flashy spammy tiles in the start menu [23:37] might not be updated in real time? [23:37] * WhatTheDilly shrugs [23:37] or maybe the bot's pipes broken! [23:37] anybody good with UFW rules? [23:37] 🤔 [23:37] brendantcc4: can we help you with something? [23:38] oh, shivers... this is the full blown support channel... uh, where's the general ubuntu chat channel? sorry for the inconvenience. [23:38] 250 packages to update [23:38] how bout me leftyfb? [23:39] conr: sorry. I use straight iptables. Someone else might be able to help you. Or you could read the documentation. [23:39] brendantcc4: #ubuntu-offtopic [23:39] thanks! :) [23:39] leftyfb: i'm ok with that let me state my question === brendantcc4 is now known as brendantcc [23:40] thanks for the help leftyfb. got kde/plasma installed and logged in on it. much better than that gnome / full screen crap [23:41] WhatTheDilly: good. Though there's no need to call other DE's "crap" if you don't personally like them [23:43] WhatTheDilly: though, I wouldn't consider KDE even remotely "minimalistic" [23:43] i honestly just can't stand the "full screen / wipe your memory/slate " [23:44] and then the kludginess that it introduces, ignorring for a moment that your whole temporary memory can be wiped of what you were thinking of when your whole desktop instantly blanks [23:44] like can't drag and drop a shortcut to desktop? [23:44] just trying to get gitlabs installed and running to see whether it's worth trying to put on a real machine [23:45] WhatTheDilly; standard gnome nothing on desktop look at the gnome-tweaktool [23:45] kde plasma could honestly use a lesson in tiny light grey text on dark grey background :p [23:45] okay so lighttpd hates me and won't start up [23:45] WhatTheDilly: feel free to discuss further opinions in #ubuntu-offtopic [23:46] Soni: what do your logs say? [23:46] interesting kk4ewt [23:46] leftyfb: Jun 05 01:43:55 server01 lighttpd[2437]: 2019-06-05 01:43:55: (log.c.171) opening errorlog '/var/log/lighttpd/error.log' failed: No such file or directory [23:46] Soni: does the file exist? [23:46] anybody setup a manual kill switch on their ubuntu device? [23:46] syntax ok, everything ok, but when I go to start it it just does that [23:47] conr: what do you need help with? [23:47] it was working fine before I tried setting up a new subdomain [23:48] can't get local lan devices to connect with vpn device on a different subnet. [23:48] Soni: does the file exist? [23:48] my husband's computer with ubuntu 18.04 keeps crashing. we have been trying to figure out why, but nothing is really obvious. it just freezes. He's run sudo journalctl -b -1 to a file several times, if that would help? [23:48] chull: could it be overheating? Checked the fans? [23:49] leftyfb, it's been doing it whether it's cold or hot. [23:50] we replaced the heatsink compound not that long ago. [23:50] leftyfb: no but that shouldn't matter [23:50] lol chull. if a fan is dying/dead something can be overheating just "being on" [23:50] Soni: the error logs begs to differ with you [23:50] leftyfb: the error logs are useless [23:51] WhatTheDilly, yep i know. But it's not fans either. [23:51] Soni: did you try creating the file? Does the directory exist? [23:51] well scroll through the files looking for any incriminating / sensitive information .. and then pastebin them and provide urls (pastebin url is in topic) [23:51] (after scrubbing any incriminating/sensitive info) :p [23:52] WhatTheDilly, i don't think they have that but what do i know? [23:53] most common thing might be somebody's name if it was used as a username [23:53] if there isn't then pastebin away [23:54] now I'm getting permission denied [23:56] Soni: while I have a good idea what you're talking about, please give more context. chown the lightttpd directory and file to the proper owner for lightttpd [23:57] WhatTheDilly, i'm going to take a nap and will try later. I can't remember the automatic command and he forgot 'what is a pastebin' .. not our day. Thanks for the help :) [23:57] np [23:58] have a good nap [23:58] thanks :) [23:58] you too!