
kenvandinerobert_ancell: yes, I'll do that00:06
kenvandinerobert_ancell: can you please add a Trello card for me?  I'm afk right now00:07
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didrocksgood morning06:05
dufluHi didrocks06:08
didrockshey duflu06:09
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:59
dufluHi oSoMoN07:00
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
oSoMoNhi duflu07:10
seb128hey again desktopers07:11
dufluHi seb12807:13
didrockshey oSoMoN, seb12807:14
seb128hey duflu didrocks oSoMoN07:15
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, seb12807:16
WimpressMorning o/07:16
oSoMoNmorning Wimpress07:16
dufluMorning Wimpress07:19
didrockshey Wimpress07:21
seb128hey Wimpress07:26
marcustomlinsongood morning!07:40
didrockshey marcustomlinson07:40
oSoMoNmorning marcustomlinson07:41
marcustomlinsonhey didrocks and oSoMoN, how are you?07:41
didrocksI'm ok, thanks, yourself?07:41
marcustomlinsonyeah pretty good07:42
dufluHi there marcustomlinson07:42
marcustomlinsonhey duflu07:42
seb128hey marcustomlinson07:42
marcustomlinsonhow goes it seb128 and duflu?07:43
seb128good, I need to try to stop being distracted by bugs triaging and wanting to SRU more fixes to the LTS though :)07:43
duflumarcustomlinson, tired and aching. I am assuming that's temporary. You, marcustomlinson?07:43
seb128I saw an evince bugs about annotations and now I'm going over the topic and triaging issues downstream and upstream :p07:43
marcustomlinsonduflu: that sucks... I jut recovered from a sore back recently, was torture07:44
marcustomlinsonSo sad though, I hurt it... getting up from my chair wrong... 🤦🏻‍♂️07:45
jerbob92Hi! Due to recent problems with a Intel microcode update which broke booting completely, I'd like to suggest to add dis_ucode_ldr (disable loading of microcode) to boot options in recovery mode. Where should I add such suggestions?07:46
marcustomlinsonseb128: sounds like you need a long weekend to reboot ;)07:47
seb128jerbob92, hey, that's not rather a desktop topic, on IRC I would suggest #ubuntu-devel. You can file a wishlist on launchpad and for discussion I would recommend https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel07:49
jerbob92seb128, thanks! I'll try the mail-list!07:50
marcustomlinsonmorning willcooke07:50
willcookehow goes marcustomlinson07:50
marcustomlinsongood thanks! Yourself?07:50
willcookeNot too bad thanks07:51
didrockshey willcooke07:52
willcookehi didrocks07:52
oSoMoNhey willcooke07:53
willcookemorning oSoMoN07:54
willcookeduflu, thanks for pitching in on:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/183151407:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 1798790 in gdm3 (Ubuntu Eoan) "duplicate for #1831514 Ubuntu login screen never appears when using the Nvidia driver (and setting WaylandEnable=false fixes it)" [High,In progress]07:54
willcookeis there something we should rollback to stop people hitting that, or is it fairly low impact?07:54
willcookeI know Laney is working on the fix upstream, but is there something worth doing in the meantime?07:55
dufluwillcooke, I've been handholding that bug for a long time now. The workaround listed in the title is my only suggestion07:55
dufluMorning willcooke07:56
willcookeafternoon :)07:56
willcookeI would assume it's not blowing up for everyone with an nv card, or we would have heard more about it07:56
dufluwillcooke, it was not anything new so I would not worry about whatever caused one or two people to only see it recently. Many people have been seeing it for a long time07:57
willcookegot it, thanks duflu07:57
dufluwillcooke, I think Laney said a "race"? If so then it would come and go07:57
willcookeahhh, that sounds likely07:57
dufluI think I saw it once or twice last week, but otherwise I do not see it. Meanwhile there are 58 people "affected" by the bug07:59
dufluSo more in reality07:59
popey_I got pinged by someone last night who was affected when the latest g-s and g-s-c landed.07:59
popey_they had to hold back the packages or get black screen08:01
dufluIn that case it would be a side-effect. The new packages are not faulty, but some slowdown (or speedup?) somewhere could make the same old bug more easily reproducible08:02
dufluThe only condition is that we ask all users to try the workaround. If the workaround doesn't help them then they need to log a separate bug08:02
dufluHi Laney08:04
Laneyit's to do with how long the wayland attempt takes to fail, yes08:04
Laneyhey duflu08:04
didrocksmorning Laney08:06
oSoMoNmorning Laney08:12
Laneymoin didrocks oSoMoN, how's it going?08:12
oSoMoNnight was short so feeling a bit tired, but good otherwise08:13
Laneyhope nothing too bad08:13
seb128hey Laney08:15
seb128duflu, there you are assuming that their issue is the same one, but I don't think that has been backed up by fact, from what we know it could also be that gnome-shell segfault for them (we had a few segfault regression reported)08:16
seb128that report the reported said he has constant failure to login, post reboots and post reinstall08:16
seb128it seems different from the race to me08:16
marcustomlinsonmorning Laney08:17
dufluseb128, there may be other causes of the Wayland probe crashing on Nvidia, but I am not sure it's helpful to assume that's more likely. I'm also not sure we get crash reports for that -- maybe gdm catches them08:17
seb128we should at least get a journal log08:18
dufluYes, that might help. Otherwise just treat it as a separate bug after the big one is fixed08:18
dufluI think being wrong about a duplicate status is better organisation than never linking bugs at all. They are more likely to linger forever if not linked08:19
oSoMoNLaney, nah, just went to bed late and got up too early, that's it, no sick kids or anything like that08:19
dufluBut there's no evidence yet that it's wrong08:19
seb128duflu, I'm concerned that we overlook a regression but flagging it as "it's is old issue"08:20
seb128but oh well08:20
seb128we have 3 reported regresssions for sure which are new segfault/errors, so maybe that's just one of those08:20
seb128the SRU is blocked meanwhile08:20
dufluseb128, OK no problem. If they are assigned to gdm3 and tagged 'nvidia' they also won't get lost.08:21
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seb128Laney, oSoMoN, others, I've added https://trello.com/c/2aTq2RXr/167-gnome-stable-updates-srued-to-bionic to the june backlog where I listed some GNOME updates that look like that would be usefil to SRU to bionic08:32
seb128that's low priority and "free to grab" for those who want to do some of them (I will pick a few)08:33
seb128just pinging you as a FYI, help is welcome but I'm not assigning/forcing those on anyone08:33
didrocksLaney: I'm ok (in meeting, sorry). Seems the zfs list made it to phoronix again08:36
Laneyyou celebrity08:37
seb128positive echo there?08:38
Laneythey found the todo board on github and wrote a bit around that08:40
* Laney goes to figure out charm relations08:41
Laneynow you can deploy the cloud worker, and it sets up some of the units08:42
Laneyneeds to connect to rabbitmq now08:42
* seb128 changing location, brb08:48
seb128didrocks, I guess you got the email, but in case not the desktop list moderation queue had emails about grubzfs-testsuite failing to build in the canary ppa11:59
didrocksseb128: that was ~ppa1, correct? ~ppa2 passed12:04
didrocks(and is the one corresponding to the NEW queue)12:04
seb128didrocks, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/426755593/buildlog_ubuntu-eoan-amd64.grubzfs-testsuite_0.1~ppa1_BUILDING.txt.gz12:04
seb128so yes12:04
didrocksseb128: yeah, already handled, but thanks for the ping :)12:05
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
tkamppeterI have prepared a debdiff for the Bionic SRU for bug 1763520, could someone sponsor the upload? Thanks.13:52
ubot5bug 1763520 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Bionic) "after upgrade to bionic, printing fails without explanation / logs / debuggability" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176352013:52
seb128tkamppeter, you should subscribe ubuntu-sponsors14:00
seb128(it's fine to ask on the channel as well, I might have a look at some point if no-one else does it before)14:01
tkamppeterseb128, I have subscribed ubuntu-sponsors now, but I asked in the channel first in the hope to get it done with higher priority and not in the long line of non-Canonical contributors.14:09
seb128tkamppeter, as said it's fine to ask here, but best to also subscribe sponsors14:09
seb128some of us do use the sponsoring queue as a reminder as well14:09
xnoxmvo:  seb128: bionic currently uses core (and snapd from within), is it ready to switch to core18+snapd snaps?14:12
mvoxnox: yes, with 2.39 we should be good to move to the snapd snap14:15
didrockscyphermox: hey, small question on the grub launchpad branch. I did branch ubuntu, upstream, pristine-tar. However gbp builpackage --git-ignore-branch (as I'm on the ubuntu branch) tells me "gbp:error: upstream/2.02+dfsg1 is not a valid treeish". And indeed, this tag doesn't exist, how do you build it?14:26
didrockscyphermox: related to this, gbp pq rebase/import fails on the first patches with index errors. I wonder if there is something special when you work on those branches?14:26
cyphermoxdidrocks: it's a git-dpm branch14:26
cyphermoxnot gbp14:26
didrocksah, that explains14:26
cyphermoxyup :)14:26
didrockscyphermox: ok, thx! I will refresh with this :)14:27
cyphermoxso to build, you may need to run git-dpm prepare (if you don't already have downloaded the tarball before), and then you could just debuild I guess14:27
didrocksnice! I'll see how to refresh/add patches. I hope the mapages are good enough :)14:27
cyphermoxdidrocks: what are you trying to do? I have blocked time to do the grub merge and a few changes in SB now14:27
cyphermoxoh boy14:27
cyphermoxno, they aren't great tbh14:28
didrockscyphermox: jibel and I are adding zfs linux support14:28
didrocksspoiler alert on doc quality :)14:28
didrocksso, this shouldn't impact too much your merge14:28
cyphermoxisn't there already some zfs support in grub?14:28
didrockscyphermox: not really for multi-systems, also no snapshot/clone supports and so on14:28
cyphermoxwell, in short:14:29
cyphermoxgit-dpm checkout-patched; <do your changes>; git add <whatever you changed>; git commit <and add Patch-Name: below your description, see the other patches>; git-dpm update-patches14:30
cyphermoxif you need to modify patches, or put it somewhere other than the end; you can 'git rebase -i upstream'14:30
didrockscyphermox: wonderful, that will help. Thanks again :)14:30
cyphermoxyou really shouldn't change any patch unless you're in 'git-dpm checkout-patched' (a branch starting with patched-)14:31
cyphermoxthat is, if you care about committing and merging without a universe of conflicts14:31
didrocksgot it. Will take care of this14:31
cyphermoxif you run into trouble, I'm happy to do the git-dpm bits, just give me a patch and I'll figure it out ;)14:31
didrockscyphermox: sure14:33
cyphermoxessentially the end result is if you're in a patched- branch, then you have a nice git tree with everything being commits, first upstream code and then any debian/ubuntu changes14:33
didrocksyeah, a little bit like gbp pq with the additional branch, so not that different :)14:33
seb128willcooke, Laney, could you give another round of testing to update-notifier in bionic-proposed (and bug #1820259), I've updated it with a fix to hide the icon when livepatch is not in use, things seem to work fine form my testing but since you found issues in the previous round I would appreciate if you could poke again14:52
ubot5bug 1820259 in update-notifier (Ubuntu Bionic) "[FFe] Add a indicator to show the status of Livepatch" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/182025914:52
Laneyyes sure, is tomorrow ok though?14:53
seb128Laney, yes, no problem14:54
Laneybasically for me: if you install it on a clean system and don't set up livepatch, do you get no indicator?14:55
Laneysame for if you turn it on and then later disable14:55
seb128yes and yes14:58
seb128it hides as soon as the service is disabled14:58
Laneycan double check though ;-)14:58
seb128it probably doesn't require you guys to try it, but it doesn't hurt to have another look, you did find a problem in the previous round :)14:59
willcookeseb128, I've just this moment installed a fresh 18.04 on my test laptop for this :)14:59
seb128willcooke, woot, thx14:59
willcookeseb128, Laney done.  All looks good to me now15:27
willcookeBug updated15:27
willcookeThe UX is good now, I like15:27
seb128willcooke, thx for testing!16:03
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
willcookenight all17:25
oSoMoNgood night18:45

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