
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
Sonileftyfb: idek what thos are00:01
leftyfbSoni: then my quick answer is, if you're not willing to look it up and learn, then you shouldn't be running a web server. That said ...00:04
leftyfbSoni: drwxr-x---  2 www-data  www-data        4.0K Jun  5 00:03 lighttpd00:04
Sonileftyfb: I can't even find that stuff anywhere and idk where you're finding it00:04
leftyfbSoni: I spun up a container and installed lightttpd and looked in /var/log00:04
Sonileftyfb: that's awful00:04
leftyfbSoni: awful?00:05
Sonithere's no easy way to check the stuff = that's awful00:06
leftyfbSoni: there are other ways. This was the quickest for me00:06
sarnoldSoni: https://sources.debian.org/src/lighttpd/1.4.53-4/debian/lighttpd.init/00:09
Soniugh, okay, I see what's going on00:11
leftyfbSoni: you really need to provide details/context.00:12
Sonileftyfb: certbot is a piece of crap that eats filesystem permissions00:12
Soniand nobody should use it00:12
leftyfbSoni: nope00:13
leftyfbSoni: certbot works just fine. I have it running on multiple Ubuntu servers00:13
Sonileftyfb: I am 99.9999% sure it was certbot that fucked my /var/log00:13
leftyfbSoni: you were also sure you didn't need the log directory like the error log told you, that you didn't believe00:14
leftyfbSoni: also, please watch the language00:14
sarnoldhm. why did certbot run with enough privileges to change the directory owner?00:14
Sonisarnold: because it does that00:14
SoniI followed the official guide00:14
Soniyes I realize the official guides often include "curl | sh" at some point00:15
Sonianyway it was probably because I hit ^C on the certbot expand certificate screen00:18
hexhaxtronHi! I did add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/xbmc-nightly and then apt-get update but when I do apt-get install kodi-game* nothing is installed... However those packages exist. What's should I do?00:19
sarnoldwithout looking, I'm going to guess it's the *00:19
leftyfbhexhaxtron: what version of ubuntu?00:19
hexhaxtronleftyfb, Ubuntu Disco00:20
leftyfbhexhaxtron: does this return anything? apt-cache search kodi-game00:21
hexhaxtronleftyfb, no, nothing.00:22
leftyfbhexhaxtron: doesn't sound like the repo has been added. Or you're not running Ubuntu 19.04 proper00:23
hexhaxtronleftyfb, apt-get update shows: Hit:5 http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/xbmc-nightly/ubuntu disco InRelease00:23
Soniso, using ^C to cancel out of certbot causes it to eat /var/log, I think00:24
SoniI don't wanna try that again because it was a pain to fix00:24
Soniyeah sure I know what I need to do to fix it now, but still. I just spent 2 hours fixing it :/00:24
sarnoldhexhaxtron: here's the packages i see in that ppa for disco http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bzcm434sx7/00:25
Sonihow do I make sshd and PAM stop logging failed logins?00:26
WhatTheDillymaybe address the problem of there being a lotof failed login attempts instead? :p00:46
conrif i hard code DNS addresses in the IPv6 tab of a Connection Manager profile, what does Automatic ON/OFF do?00:50
leftyfbSoni: you should not stop logging. You should lock down your public server. Change the ssh port, use key auth only and use fail2ban00:51
TJ-Soni: but SSH behind/inside a VPN01:21
vaejovisHey how's it going? I just installed ubuntu 19.04. I have a lenovo thinkpad l390 yoga. my right click will not function even after using gnome-tweaks and gnome-tweak-tools01:38
OerHeks vaejovis sounds like your fix https://askubuntu.com/a/114700401:46
vaejovisthank you very much01:48
vaejovisI will try that01:48
vaejovisyep that definitely worked01:53
vaejovisthanks again01:53
OerHeksvaejovis, have fun!01:53
vaejovisI haven't used linux in like 8 years or so01:53
vaejovisI can't believe my touch screen worked on a fresh install01:54
brendantccsuch surprisement01:54
OerHeksyes, ubuntu starts getting boring ..01:55
KyokuAnd I can't believe my disk password gets bypassed somehow.  It's really freaking me out.01:55
KyokuluksDump shows only one slot, the one that's supposed to be there01:55
OerHeksKyoku, i read that in #Kubuntu too01:55
OerHeksif you can repeat this behaviour, surely worth a bugreport01:57
Kyokuyep, i'm not doing a thing on that box for the rest of the week, just gonna see if it repeats01:57
OerHeksit happened before, continuously hitting enter or something like that.. but the real problem was that the encrypted volume was not unlocked01:57
Kyokui'm even setting up my Canon 77d in timelapse mode to record the screen01:58
brendantccKyoku: what are you using for disk encryption?01:58
OerHeksi understand yours does01:58
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vaejovishow does one submit a change to documentation? I had an undocumented UEFI issues while installing01:58
Kyokubrendantcc i used the Kubuntu 19.04 option for fde01:58
Kyokuduring install01:58
Kyokuchecked luksDump to ensure no other key added01:59
brendantcctry accessing the disk thru something like Puppy Linux, and see if it's actually encrypted (i don't know...)02:00
OerHeksvaejovis, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam, not sure #ubuntu-doc is the best way, i suggest to write to the mailinglist02:00
Kyokuit was a fresh install and only two things i put on it were https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fishovkun%2FSierraBreeze&v=uyz4-KZOzyI&event=video_description&redir_token=ZrYFdcrYhVdjijKWOL2u5gwFgxZ8MTU1OTc4NjQyMEAxNTU5NzAwMDIw and VirtualBox02:00
Kyokuso it's possible this SierraBreeze is malicious but I think very unlikely02:01
vaejovisI'll try. there is a known bug but none of the documentation material shows the solution which I found on a seperate post.02:01
vaejovisand finding logs is impossible because once you fix it you're able to install02:02
vaejovisI take that back I could run a live cd and reproduce but I don't know what to look for02:02
OerHeksoh, surely worth mentioning, such decoration can do a lot of funny stuff, but leaving encrypted inlog and come back and see the desktop-login, is weird.02:02
OerHeksweird if the volume is unencrypted02:02
Kyokuyeah and i'm 100% certain i left it sitting at the disk password prompt because i had forgotten the password02:03
Kyokui finished setting up KDE, did a reboot and left it there02:04
hello_kittyI have these game services named instance1 through instance24. Sometimes they crash and I want to read their logs... but I have so many of them and no real reporting in place. Is there a command that I can run to find services that have been restarted within a certain window of time? For example systemctl status instance10.service returns a bunch of information including a line like active (running) datestuff 5m ago02:22
hello_kittyI feel like there is some clever command that can probably find the ones that have been autorestarted within the last day or so02:23
TJ-hello_kitty: are these systemd service jobs?02:35
OerHeksjournalctl -u nginx.service ## journalctl -u nginx.service --since today  ## journalctl --since 09:00 --until "1 hour ago"02:35
OerHekssomething like that?02:35
TJ-hello_kitty: what you you mean by restarted though? Do you mean the service executable fails and systemd restarts it, and you want to track that?02:38
hello_kittyTJ-: yea they are systemd services. And yes I have them set to autorestart. But there are many of them so rather than typing all of their names one by one and seeing if they have been active for a suspicious short amount of time, I'd like to find them in a more automated fashion02:41
TJ-hello_kitty: make it easy on yourself; make each service record when it starts. Add this to your service template:  ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c '/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S >>var/log/instance_%i.log'02:46
TJ-hello_kitty: as you likely know the %i will be replaced by systemd with the instance name02:48
hello_kittyTJ-: i've never used a command like that. If my services are named things like instance22.service, can i just make it %.log?02:49
hello_kitty%1.log  *02:49
hello_kittywhoops lol02:49
sarnold%i not %102:49
TJ-hello_kitty: I assumed you have a instance@.service template and then have created multiple named services from it02:49
hello_kittyyeah, there's one: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Qv7SnGQN6H/02:50
TJ-e.g. instance@01.service, instance@02.service. In which case those '01' and '02' replace the %i in the command02:50
hello_kittyor rather the template for all of them (48 so far..)02:50
TJ-hello_kitty: right, so you just need to add the suggested ExecStartPost= to the [Service] section of the template (test it first of course because I haven't!) make sure it doesn't break your services starting or restarting, and the log files are correctly created and updated if you restart a service02:52
hello_kittyTJ-: i'm trying to work with that command a bit more. It certainly works when executed manually, but not when part of a service.03:07
hello_kittyi was reading that maybe it has something to do with missing a shell context (though not 100% sure what means)03:07
hello_kittymaybe this is entirely unrelated, but they're working on a command like ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/zsh -c 'pgrep process_name > /var/run/process_name.pid'03:08
hello_kittyFailed to restart instance22.service: Unit instance22.service has a bad unit file setting. See system logs and 'systemctl status instance22.service' for details. Let me paste the actual service file one sec03:10
hello_kittyhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t59rgYFMCx/  checking that status command only says "Loaded: bad-setting (Reason: Unit instance22.service has a bad unit file setting.)"03:12
hello_kittymaybe if i could open that systemlog from being unable to create the service unit file? i'm nto sure where that is tho03:14
TJ-hello_kitty: what does "systemctl cat instance22.service" show ?03:16
hello_kittyTJ-: sorry was trying a few variants. I've got this now https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BSqXp7zr7n/ from cat03:22
hello_kittyand no error being displayed on restart03:22
hello_kittyno log file either, if i'm looking for a log file called instance2203:23
hello_kittydoes it have the permissions to make that log file? b/c my user doesn't appear to be able to make stuff in /var/log03:23
TJ-ahhh! this is a --user service, not system?03:25
TJ-in which case write to a different directory where the user has permissions :)03:25
hello_kittyty TJ- :D03:52
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GrimSleeplessHey guys!04:08
GrimSleeplessI am wondering who is in charge of nvidia-prime?04:08
GrimSleeplessI fixed a bug for them and I wanted to ask them if they wanted my fix :)04:10
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EickmeyerGrimSleepless: find the bug and post the fix there.04:17
GrimSleeplessDone and done :P04:18
EickmeyerGrimSleepless: Then that's all there is to it. :)04:18
friendlyGoathello i was wondering how i'd go about making it so the stream of text when im first booting up isnt there04:21
GrimSleeplessEikmeyer: thanks :)04:22
BruceThe_Hi.  Question on Ubuntu 18.04.  Trying to convert the following rule and route to netplan.  "ip rule add iff eno1 lookup tun_rtā€ and ā€œip route add default via table tun_rtā€.  I get an error "NetworkManager does not support non-default routing tables."  It works fine from ip commands, but not netplan.  Any thoughts?04:23
EickmeyerGrimSleepless: You're welcome. :)04:23
EickmeyerBruceThe_: I have no idea, but if nobody in here can answer, try to ask in ##networking.04:23
BruceThe_ok thanks for the pointer.  If I don't get any suggestions I'll try over there.04:24
x64_Bionic_YMMVgreetings, room. guidance sought. issue: "Gnome-flashback ā€œApplicationsā€ menu disappeared"04:28
x64_Bionic_YMMVi've already tried mv ~[.gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gonfd .metacity] to *.bak, and sudo apt remove gnome-session-flashback and sudo apt install gnome-session-flashback04:33
x64_Bionic_YMMVi'd like to invoke whatever commands/scripts to reset gnome2 application menu to defaults, or rebuild it. if there's a config file that i can nuke to get it to re-create the application menu, that'll do too04:35
x64_Bionic_YMMVi've got a screenshot, if that helps04:36
x64_Bionic_YMMVran outta time. will try again later. g'nite room04:42
conron connection manager for a vpn profile, what would be the route under "routes" i would put to allow any connection within the LAN?04:58
lotuspsychjeGrimSleepless: what is this bug about exactly?04:59
conrif i check ".. only resources on its network" and leave the routes blank, it works but is that save?04:59
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Thr0rHi. I got this command from someone in here the other day and: "inxi -Fxz" shows: Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 6280.0 C mobo: N/A gpu: radeon temp: 65 C Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A.  6280.0 C is terribly hot and the Fan Speeds are not showing.. Anything I can do to fix this so it show correct? Drivers? (Asus X53Z and ubuntu studio 19,04). I'm new to linux so be kind.....05:11
lotuspsychjeThr0r: inxi cant always grab the fan speeds05:15
guivercThr0r, if it were 6280.o C. many times the melting temp of silicon you'd have a problem.. the high temperature is obviously wrong (at 100oC many cpus turn themselves off anyway)05:15
lotuspsychjeThr0r: for your heating, you can look into your bios for fan control, or try some snaps: fancon or cpufreq05:16
Bashing-omThr0r: Just out of curiosity - does ` cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp ` give you a true temp ?05:18
Thr0rOk, thanks. I'll have a look. My Thinkpad T400 shows almost correct info.. And thanks to you guiverc: for pointing out that the info is obviously wrong..05:19
Thr0rBashing-om: that command gives 60.00005:21
Bashing-omThr0r: :) .. that is in milli-degrees Celcius.05:21
sammmhey, how can I disable lock after inactivity (this is for a kiosk type environment) for a new user (before they have even logged in and gnome has populated .config?05:22
sammmi am on 16.04 LTS05:22
plongshotThe following command was given in an instructional showing how to insatll zsh  and set it as the default shell. The insall went find but the command given to set zsh as default fails. This is what "sudo usermod -s /bin/bash ${whoami}"  I see that executing $ whoami returns the correct result.  What do I do to set zsh to the default?05:22
plongshotI would actually prefer to set zsh as the global default shell system wide if anyone can help me05:22
sammmplongshot: sudo chsh -s /bin/zsh <user>05:23
plongshotsammm: Is there a version that sets it globally across the entire system?05:24
sammmif you are feeling brave, sudo sed -i 's:/bin/bash:/bin/zsh/g' /etc/passwd05:24
Thr0rBashing-om: ok - thats fine as long as you know - but I would like to think a utility that is supposed to give info is also configured to recalculate the figures like it does on my thinkpad.. Anything I can do?05:24
sammmbut plongshot , double check, i just wrote that out quickly05:25
plongshotsammm: Is zsh that different?05:25
plongshotfor sure --ty05:25
sammmif you dont know the difference between bash and zsh05:25
sammmdont change it for everyone05:25
plongshotsed scares me05:25
sammmjust change it for yourself05:25
sammmediting passwd in place should scare you too :)05:26
plongshotsammm: good itdea.  If I learn it well enough that I like it then I'm sure I'll learn how to change the setting.  :>05:26
sammmplongshot: take a look at fish too05:26
Bashing-omThr0r: Sorta too disappointed that "inxi" is not accurate. I do not kave any idea of what we can address in the tool. Might try and see what 'lm-sensors' can do ?05:28
Bashing-om!info lm-semsors bionic | Thr0r05:29
ubottuThr0r: Package lm-semsors does not exist in bionic05:29
Bashing-om!info lm-sensors bionic | Thr0r05:29
ubottuThr0r: lm-sensors (source: lm-sensors): utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:3.4.0-4 (bionic), package size 82 kB, installed size 366 kB05:29
plongshotIs there a way to gain the effect of restarting the system without restarting the system? I have a lot of windows open05:31
plongshotCould the source command help me here?05:32
Thr0rBashing-om:  & ubottu:  Ok - But both the temp and the fan is showing on my Thinkpad T400.. That's running Xubuntu 18,0405:33
Thr0rI'm asking this about CPU temp and Fan because they both run like crazy on both my computers sometimes and I would like to log it..05:34
plongshotI thought zsh was it's own (standalone) product.  When I do Help > About it still shows "Gnome Shell"  Did the install mess up or something?05:49
plongshotlast command run was to set zsh as default05:51
plongshotso zsh doesn't have "history" (the normal commands)?05:51
plongshotwhat is this thing?05:51
ryuoplongshot: zsh is a shell not a terminal.05:52
ryuoplongshot: it's an alternative to BASH.05:52
plongshotoh jesus!05:52
plongshotwhat have I done?05:52
plongshotso any of the normal command work?05:52
plongshotless, ls, grep, find, cd05:52
plongshotthe normal shit05:52
ryuoit's a different shell but external commands should still function the same.05:53
plongshotthank God. It works the same05:53
plongshotI tried some stuff05:53
plongshotthat freaked me bad bro05:53
ryuoZSH is different but it still supports a POSIX Subset.05:53
plongshotWell /bin and /usr/bin didn't change05:54
ryuowhat did you think zsh was?05:54
ryuoall it would change is your interface to the system, really.05:54
plongshotan entirely new terminal such that when I pressed <ctrl> + <alt> + T  I would get an brand new application launch05:55
plongshotthe history just didn't carry over from prior to install so I didn't recognize what I saw (like 4 lines of output).05:55
ryuoof course not. that history is specific to BASH.05:55
plongshotsadly  :(05:56
ryuostored in .bash_history05:56
plongshotbut I'll live  :)05:56
plongshotThis is gonna be neat ( a new shell )05:56
ryuoeh, maybe not. i just use old reliable (BASH).05:56
plongshotBeen with it for the entire time (started w/ linux in aabout 2010).05:57
ryuosounds like you haven't spent much time underneath the GUI.05:58
plongshotNever thought about changing but I don't like a lot about gnome terminal05:58
plongshotnot as much time as I'd like05:58
plongshotI want to focus in other (certain) areas but I can't afford to pay expert for all the other areas. I end up having to do it all or get nothing.05:58
plongshotI love talking to you guys05:59
plongshotmakes a diff to me05:59
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plongshotSo my .bashrc means nothing now06:05
plongshotI wish I would have understood the ramifications of this06:05
plongshotmy own fault06:06
devslash2I'm on Ubuntu 19.04 Desktop. I updated the packages with apt-get yesterday and it installed an update to X server and now i can only choose 1024x768 resolution. i checked and i have nvidia-380 drivers installed06:12
thingfishdevslash2: shouldn't it be using the 418 drivers?06:13
devslash2i dont know06:13
thingfishwell that's what installed on my box.06:14
devslash2let me try it out06:15
thingfishdevslash2: what vidcard do you have?06:15
devslash2its a gtx06:17
devslash2i forget the model #06:17
devslash2gtx 75006:18
thingfishyou may be limited to the older drivers then.06:18
devslash2i cant install 41806:18
devslash2it worked fine up until yesterday06:19
thingfishbut still, you should get the resolution you want.06:19
devslash2hang on BRB idea06:19
devslash2no luck06:22
devslash2i dont know what to do06:22
devslash2how do i roll back an apt-get update06:23
devslash2so I fixed the glitch06:35
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Steven_hello everyone, I'm looking for a way to easily change many settings at once depending on the location I am at. For instance, when I'm at work I want to use a certain wifi, proxy and display configuration, and at home I want to use another set of config settings06:57
Yuki__Tried to hop in yesterday, wasn't making it easy for me... Once I got through NickServ freenode was password locked, for some reason šŸ™ƒļø06:57
Steven_is there a way to do that in ubuntu with e.g. a dropdown menu selection?06:57
_Zaphod_I have made a UEFI external ubuntu. i wish to make it also bootable from BIOS. how do i do this?07:42
_Zaphod_specifically it needs to boot from bios only and uefi only systems. :)07:43
lotuspsychjeYuki__: try #freenode07:43
_Zaphod_if this can't be done without repartitioning, then is there some sort of usb boot manager that can do UEFI boots off a GPT disk?07:44
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: one for you ^07:44
EriC^^_Zaphod_: install grub-pc temporarily it should write the mbr07:45
_Zaphod_install it to what? the uefi gpt drive that doesn't have a bios boot parition?07:48
_Zaphod_or to the teeny usb drive i wish to use ot do the handoff?07:48
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_Zaphod_what i did was i pulled an ssd fomr a laptop, and used another laptop +unetbootin to install a uefi ubuntu to the ssd. but of couse it wont' boot when put back into the laptop whihc has not uefi.07:51
_Zaphod_i have the unetbootin stick, can i use its' live linux to fix this without loosign data?07:52
sudo-dirkhi, i recently changed tu ubuntu budgie. using kodi, playing a dvd, the menus are very slow.07:53
sudo-dirkis there a place to past a log for inspection?07:53
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: lets have some details first, like budgie version, graphics card? kernel version? pc specs?07:54
sudo-dirkOS: Ubuntu 19.04 x86_6407:54
sudo-dirkKernel: 5.0.0-16-generic07:55
_Zaphod_hmm. "this kernel required an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU."07:55
_Zaphod_never mind. lol.07:55
sudo-dirkGPU: Intel HD Graphics 550007:55
sudo-dirkGPU: NVIDIA GeForce 840M07:55
__raven__(x)ubuntu 19.04 is causing some issues on an "acer e5 573" probably due to missing firmware. missing volume fn key function, sudden freezes, black screen/crashed light locker, too small range of backlight adjustment and such. any assistance welcome :)07:55
sudo-dirkBudgie Version 0.8.3 - Budgie Desktop 10.5-0ubuntu1.107:58
_Zaphod_i was able to use unetbootin to boot the uefi, but the kernel wasn't compatible anyway. :)07:59
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: is your nvidia driver installed correctly?07:59
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: I use the recommended driver metapackage nvidia-driver-41808:00
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: how can i find out if there are problems? nothing visible, but this is not what you need to know^^08:01
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: is your nvidia card set to performance mode?08:02
EriC^^_Zaphod_: yeah if you're using gpt you need a bios-boot, any 1M will do08:03
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: you can check that in nvidia-settings08:04
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: i am already in that dialog and searching for the information08:04
sudo-dirkIn Prime Profiles I see NVIDIA (Performance Mode) checked08:05
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: ok, thats good08:05
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: The preferred Mode is "Auto"08:07
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: it depends of your needs, as kodi will play alot of movies, best to use your nvidia card08:07
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: The Performance-Level change from 0 to 208:08
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: not really sure yet what lags your dvd playing..08:08
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: you have an ssd? how much ram?08:08
sudo-dirkThe playing is okay it is just an issue with the menues08:08
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: ssd: yes ram: 8G08:09
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: yeah should be plenty to run smooth08:09
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: Memory: 927MiB / 7862MiB08:09
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: maybe you can try running kodi from a terminal, and also open a tail -f /var/log/syslog and see what happens when you play with the menu's08:10
zambahi guys! i have a problem with lots of logind sessions in the closing state08:10
zambathis is filling up my /run08:11
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: In the kodi-log i see things like:08:11
zamba# grep -r 'STATE' /run/systemd/sessions/ | grep closing | wc -l08:11
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo::CalcDropRequirement - hurry: 1 (80 times)08:11
sudo-dirklotuspsychje: ERROR: (VDPAU) unable to init VDPAU - vdp_st = 0x1.  Falling back.08:12
sudo-dirkINFO:   msg: libdvdnav: Language 'de' not found, using 'en' instead08:12
lotuspsychjesudo-dirk: maybe the #kodi guys might have an idea on that08:13
sudo-dirkThey send me to the distro support^^08:14
sudo-dirkWARNING: could not find codec parameters for /home/dirk/Videos/g08:14
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eraserpencilhi, I suspect theres a process somewhere that happens at startup that kills my wifi and pulseaudio. How am i able to trace it?08:33
dan01If you have an nVidia GPU is it enough to run steam via "Run on Dedicated GPU" or you must specifically run the game with the dedicated GPU? I guess it's one thing to start steam on the GPU and another to start the game on the GPU08:55
dan01how about amd?08:55
Sonileftyfb: I don't wanna try to use fail2ban because it's not user-friendly and can easily fuck up the server08:59
Sonifind me an user-friendly alternative and I'll happily use it09:00
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eugenio_hi all, I need a hint on how to make a fs backup on a NAS. I would like to choose the folders to be backupped and discarded. In addiction to schedule the job and eventually to have the possibility to restore a single file (not the whole). I tested Deja dup but it not allows to restore the single file, and back in time, but it is to slow to perform a backup (around  1 Tb and 200000 files)10:05
bitlanHello, i have Khadas VIM with ubuntu 18. I tried to disable/change startup screen (i meen startup screen with loading all daemons). I installed plymount but i stuck with U-boot10:13
bitlanall tutorials is for grub :(10:14
westorQ: is there any app that can display in desktop or anywhere else the CPU + RAM usage?10:32
anddamhello, can I rebuils /etc/apt/sources.list by reconfiguring a package or the like?10:33
anddamI had a hardcoded de.archive.ubuntu.com but it is now very slow, I did a replace http;//de.archive with mirror://mirrors but this results in a couple URIs not being found10:34
anddame.g. mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates10:34
jeremy31anddam: Isn't there an option to choose mirror in Software & Updates?10:36
anddamwhat is Software & updates?10:36
anddamI do not have a desktop entry for such a program10:37
jeremy31Search the program menu for software10:37
sudo-dirk\join #manjaro10:38
anddamand I did, hence my line10:38
anddamjeremy31: ^10:38
jeremy31server?  Otherwise you should have something like https://i.stack.imgur.com/iC2SL.png10:39
anddamI'm not using GNOME10:40
anddambut if that was a program I figure it would have a desktop entry of its own10:40
anddamcan it be some "preference panel" or the like?10:40
DGMurdockIIIhi when i boot i get a purple screen instead of the boot option window any way to fix this10:53
spinningCati cannot install dotnet10:53
mr_louWhy does my external USB harddisk suddenly get /dev/sda ? It has always used /dev/sdc or /dev/sdd10:53
spinningCatubuntu shit10:54
DGMurdockIIIwhat ubuntu runs fin for me just this one problem10:55
DGMurdockIIIif i fix it no bix deal if not no big deal eather10:55
spinningCati need help11:02
spinningCati could install dotnet-sdk2.211:04
Tankburnhello,  how do I edit the unique identifier for my BT device in ubuntu? I need to match it with the unique identifier with Windows do my dual boot situation has the same identifier11:23
Tankburnuninstall Windows? XD11:24
b0bmr_lou: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Persistent_block_device_naming11:30
mr_loub0b, Thanks. Using by-label now.11:30
Heleg /msg nickserv group ShinMori F4ncul01rcXCh4t!11:42
cfhowlettbest to do this is the freenode tab heller_11:43
M_aDcfhowlett: already left11:46
BluesKajHi folks11:53
M_aDBluesKaj: hey12:01
BluesKajhi M_aD12:02
leftyfbSoni: you love making pretty inaccurate statements. I'm going to guess you have that false assumption with fail2ban due to an issue you personally ran into that was completely not your fault in anyway12:05
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Sonileftyfb: I don't trust it to not lock me out12:06
hggdhSoni: by the way, please mind your language12:07
leftyfbSoni: so you don't trust it because you don't know how to use it? You do know there's a whitelist for it right?12:07
leftyfbSoni: also, as far as ssh goes, if you're using ssh keys like I suggested, fail2ban has no way of locking you out due to an invalid password authentication12:08
Sonileftyfb: I'd rather just ignore the failed logins, because as long as they're failing everything is fine12:09
rockyfelleAny clue why this doesnt work? https://pastebin.com/2ZL9P6dD I recall it working last time I ran it12:09
rockyfelle(fixes perms in a dir wheneveres theres a change in it, is a root dir and sh is run by root)12:10
leftyfbSoni: wow. I hope some day you look back on that statement and realize how wrong you are12:11
Sonileftyfb: prove it12:11
Sonifailed logins = stopped attacks12:11
leftyfbSoni: failed logins = attack in progress12:11
Sonifailed logins = stopped attacks12:12
Sonisuccessful logins = successful attacks12:12
leftyfbSoni: please seek some education on security. Please.12:12
Sonimaybe I should just disable authentication entirely12:15
hggdhSoni: OK, this is enough.12:16
leftyfbSoni: you mean like I suggested to you yesterday?12:16
Soniyeah I'll just ask the server to SSH to me12:16
Sunycan someone help me enable ssh server ?12:17
hggdhSuny: sudo apt install openssh-server # this will install the SSH server12:18
SoniI wonder how OpenVPN deals with attackers and I wonder if it logs failed password logins12:18
Sunyhggdh : i do that but cant connect12:19
hggdhSuny: "I cant connect" does not really tells us much. What happens? Exact error messages, please12:19
Sunyhggdh: time out12:20
Sunyhggdh: from putty window12:20
rud0lfhi. my problem is as follows: i have new laptop with windows 7 installed (on primary and only SSD). i want to swap this disk with second one to install ubuntu on, and put windows disk in second disk socket (because second socket is SATA II)... my laptop uses uefi. so my question is, will installed ubuntu detect the other disk and add windows to grub?12:21
rud0lfi'm not a newbie but i'm completely lost when it comes to various installation configurations12:21
leftyfbrud0lf: I would suggest removing the Windows drive during the Ubuntu installation. When the install is done, put the Windows drive back in and set it as secondary boot to the Ubuntu drive. Within Ubuntu, run update-grub. Ubuntu should add Windows. Though, you should also just be able to make your selections through the UEFI menus at boot.12:23
ioriarockyfelle, try with /bin/bash (not /bin/sh)12:24
rud0lfthank you12:24
hggdhSuny: a time-out means a TCP connection could not be established. This *may* mean you are firewalls in between the two machines (the SSH client and the SSH server) and the firewall(s) is(are) blocking the traffic12:25
oddcoderI tried installing binutils-dbgsym12:26
oddcoderbut it says package not found12:26
oddcoder(not that bash-dbgsym is found so the repos should be setup properly)12:26
oddcoderwhat might I be doing wrong12:26
oddcoderalso thought that maybe it is called12:26
oddcoderbut still no lock12:27
hggdhoddcoder: dbgsym have their own repository. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages for details12:27
oddcoderyes I have the repository setup12:27
oddcoderthat is the problem12:27
oddcoderI verified by trying to install bash-dbgsym and it *did* work perfectly12:28
oddcoderbut can12:28
oddcodercan't* find symbols for binutils12:28
hggdhoddcoder: oh, OK.12:28
oddcoderquick googling shows that packages are called after their respective arch12:29
hggdhoddcoder: binutils has a non-intuitive naming12:29
oddcoderlike binutils-avr-dbgsym or binutils-msp430-dbgsym12:29
oddcoderhggdh: so what is the naming ?12:29
oddcoderthis is my uname -a12:30
hggdhoddcoder: what you want is (for example) binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu-dbg12:30
oddcoderLinux ubuntu 4.15.0-50-generic #54-Ubuntu SMP Tue May 7 05:57:03 UTC 2019 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux12:30
oddcoderfound it!12:30
oddcoderthanks for the help12:31
hggdhnot all packages generate dbgsym12:31
oddcoderluckly the one I have problem with does xD aka binutils12:31
hggdhof course, law of greater impact12:32
akemlenovoHey TJ-, do you have some time to look at my memleak problem? https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15ijmYNmm5ceOXbr4hx4E21KsdEdkHcuG12:50
TJ-akemlenovo: sure12:51
TJ-akemlenovo: can you pastebin "sudo lspci -vvvnnk"12:54
TJ-akemlenovo: I think you need to open a bug report if you haven't already and attach some of these files so we can get the kernel developers looking at in a structured way12:55
john_ramboI type in my username/password on ubuntuforums.org then I get logged in but when I try to post it says I am not logged in ...12:55
john_ramboYou do not have permission to perform this action. Please refresh the page and login before trying again.12:55
TJ-akemlenovo: it is looking like the AER *is* causing silent memory gobbling though12:56
leonardusI'm getting screen tearing when youtube videos are in full screen12:57
leonardusRX 580 with whatever drivers were preinstalled12:57
akemSorry i had to reconnect and install lspci.12:59
iffraffHi, so I'm having a horrible time getting two montitors to work with my laptop, which has a hybird intel nvidia gpu situation.  I've been trying different docks ans none of them will show both monitors at the same time, most of them introduce lag.  is there anyway to do this?  I'm super exasperated. what about an hdmi splitter?12:59
akemTJ-, i see, here is lspci output https://pastebin.com/E09TanAb13:00
akemTJ-, but i had the same pci aer messages on 17.10 but no memory leaks i could let the computer running for days without reboot.13:03
leonardusalso I got this error while installing the AMD driver13:03
akemI used pci=noaer boot parameter too. And i looked a bit into that people have the same log problems but that's about it...I'm curious i'm the only one with this bug.13:04
TJ-akem: the device causing AERs is 00:1d.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:9d1b] (rev f1)   -- so we need to see what, if anything, is behind that bridge so show us "lspci -tvvvnn"13:04
TJ-akem: well, there is a kernel MEMLEAK detector we could use, but we'll likely have to build a custom kernel for that.13:05
john_ramboAny ideas?13:05
akemTJ-, https://pastebin.com/Bm2Sz2aE13:06
akemTJ-, Looks like it's a very annoying bug i have :(13:06
TJ-akem: so behind the bridge is Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [10ec:b723]13:07
akemTJ-, My Wifi?13:07
akemTJ-, it looks like it works fine here, it wasn't working in previous version i remember the release just after 17.10 i think i couldn't use Wifi i remember on the live USB when i tested, it was not detected.13:09
TJ-akem: right. So here's another test for you. Is it possible to disable that device *in BIOS* overnight and see if the leak continues. If BIOS cannot disable it that won't help us so you forget this idea (unless you can *physically* remove the mini-PCI Wifi card itself!13:09
TJ-akem: but I wouldn't be surprised if this is caused by that mini-PCI adapter not being fitted into the slot correctly and actually causing data errors. It may be soolved simply by re-seating firmly it in the slot13:10
TJ-akem: it isn't unknown for laptops to have these vibrate slightly free of the contacts13:10
akemTJ-, shouldn't i have the same sort of problem on Windows then?13:11
akemTJ-, Cause i have Windows 10 in dual boot and i don't have this kind of problem with it.13:12
TJ-akem: really? I didn't realise that! Then that suggests the PCI bridge is not being set-up correctly. Then you do need to create a specific bug report on this because that definitely points to a bug13:14
iffraffI have a laptop dock connected via thurnderbolt (1 I think ) and I'm getting lag.  Where does this lag come from? So I can find one with more band width in this area.13:15
TJ-akem: In windows, have you checked the Event Logs to discover if it is receiving AERs too?13:17
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: If you're on thunderbolt 1, I would think the lag is coming from the limitations of the port itself. You may want to verify what port exactly you're connecting to13:17
akemTJ-, nop.13:17
iffraffwell, actually I think the device is thunderbolt 1.  Is there a command to inspect this?13:17
TJ-akem: it's possible Windows is receiving these AERs too - if we could confirm that it would at least tell us this is unlikely to be a Linux PCI device config issue13:18
iffraffpragmaticenigma: were you helping me the other day with my dual monitor debacle?13:18
akemTJ-, ok, i will look in Windows events logs.13:19
akemTJ-, i sent you a pm.13:20
akemBrb rebooting.13:21
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: some of this posting might help you figure out what's in your system and its capabilities. I'm not sure how to determine versioning of ports, other than through speed testing13:22
iffraffpragmaticenigma: which posting?13:23
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: https://askubuntu.com/a/98507413:23
iffraffah right, thank you :)13:24
iffraffah this works lspci | grep -i thunder  shows thunderport 3 so I'm guessing the device is thunderport 1? and you would suspect that as the bottle neck?13:26
pragmaticenigmaiffraff: If the device is thunderbolt 1, that would be where I would think a bottle neck could be occurring.13:35
iffraffcrap, I just looked it up and it says thunderbolt 3 too.  Does the hrtz of a monitor limit throughput or create lag? my 4k is running at 3013:37
TJ-iffraff: the monitor supports > 30Hz @ 4K ?13:40
tuxihi, is there anyone know a tool where to root an android smartphone?13:41
leftyfb!ot | tuxi13:42
ubottutuxi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:42
pragmaticenigma!alis | tuxi - Use this tool to find a better channel for your topic of interest13:43
ubottutuxi - Use this tool to find a better channel for your topic of interest: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"13:43
tuxiehm i mean a software for ubuntu to root the phone, windows have but also ubuntu?13:44
leftyfbtuxi: what have you found in your research so far?13:45
tuxinothing thats the problem, only for windows13:46
leftyfbtuxi: what did you search for exactly?13:46
leftyfbtuxi: if I type "ubuntu root android" into google, the first link that pops up is https://itsfoss.com/root-nexus-7-2013-ubuntu-linux/ and looks promising13:47
tuxiok thx13:47
leftyfbtuxi: keep your search terms simple when using a search engine like google13:48
=== saint__ is now known as saint_
iffrafftj, the monitor supports 60 I believe, but I think maybe the cord is old because ubuntu will only offer me 3014:27
lordcirth__iffraff, does the GPU support 60Hz? Also some monitors have a setting to allow newer protocols14:29
iffrafflordcirth__:  well I know this, I have another 4k monitor ( I'm desperately trying to get the two to work together with my lap top but that's another HUGE pita ) and that one will show 60 hz as an option.  So I'm thinking maybe the cord is like an old version of hdmi14:32
isomarigreetings, my laptop in uefi mode no longer boots ubuntu. Since there is no windows on my laptop, how can I boot ubuntu in legacy mode?14:35
bad63risomari: which ubuntu version and DE are you trying to boot?14:40
OderusHello everyone. I have been having issues staying connected to my wifi on my desktop. No other devices have difficulty so I assume it's something with the pc itself. I did some looking, and it looks like my card is a RTL8812AE but modprobe says i have RTL8821AE. Here's the paste o my terminal. What do I do to rectify this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3HBbvqkFSG/14:42
shomonhi, I have just updated ubuntu and now I have the unity plugin installed according to compiz but no launcher or menu of icons down the side15:01
shomonor window manager.. all windows appear over each other and I can't switch15:01
shomonbut I can launch terminals etc..15:01
shomonhow can I get it to go back, or even just with the old fashioned start menu style launcher?15:02
pragmaticenigmaOderus: The driver is valid for both the 8821  and 8812 variants of that card: https://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/RTL8821AE.html ... try moving the PC to a different location, make sure microwaves, mobile devices, BlueTooth devices are moved away from the PC. Make sure there are no large metallic objects near the PC. Finally you might need to move the PC a bit, as sometimes the antenna may be in a "null" point15:02
Oderuspragmaticenigma: ok thank you. is there any settings i can change to improve the situation?15:04
pragmaticenigmaOderus: Start with the physical aspects first15:04
Oderuspragmaticenigma: alright thank you15:05
shomonIf I run unity I get a compizconfig error "unable to find interface type 3 on 0x11d4ad0"15:06
zansystemHi to all, trying to connect a Canon Ir2520 scanner via network to Mint. Ping ok, Print ok, tryed sane - no luck. Any help? Thanks15:07
shomonsorry zansystem , no idea. I wonder if the sane project keeps a list of what it supports15:12
M_aDzansystem: since when is Mint supported here? you know they have their own support channel on another network, Spotchat, iirc15:20
zansystemM_aD: no need to be tribal, it's only a question.15:25
M_aDbut Mint related, thus it doesn't belong here15:26
pragmaticenigmazansystem: It's not tribal, Linux Mint is not the same as what is found in Ubuntu. They use different repositories and have different packages available for each platform. Just like the Debian channel does not appreciate Ubuntu users asking questions there, we ask that you seek out the appropriate resource for your choosen distribution. They will be better suited to answer and help you with your question15:26
zansystemVery well. Bye then15:28
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
john_ramboI want add some text to a pdf file. Which app do you recommend ?15:37
pragmaticenigmajohn_rambo: This channel focuses on supporting Ubuntu and it's applications. For software recommendations, you're encouraged to ask in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel15:37
john_rambopragmaticenigma, Okay15:38
KKringGood Morning, I have some questions regarding USB ports, first, when I plug my headset into the USB3.0 it causes my keyboard to stop typing, it still lights up but wont type, is this a power draw issue? and Second, I have 3 usb3.0 and 7 usb2.0 but mouse keyboard or headset are not working when plugged in, is there a way to check to see if the ports are working?15:50
mgedminwell, you could look for USB messages in dmesg or run lsusb to see if devices were detected15:51
KKringwhn i run lsusb it has a lot of output, does root hub mean anything on them?15:54
pragmaticenigmaKKring: does the headset provide its own power supply?15:54
KKringit is a usb bluetooth headset, i am assuming so because it has to be charged, not very good with this stuff sorry15:55
leftyfbKKring: if it's bluetooth, then why do you need to plug it into USB?15:56
MrStevebluetooth paired?15:56
KKringthe headset has a usb part that needs to be plugged in to be detected, guess that just means wireless15:57
=== nat is now known as Guest47985
mgedminbluetooth headsets usually have MicroUSB ports for charging15:58
mgedminwhile my headset is charging it cannot be used over Bluetooth15:59
mgedmin(my headset also has a 3.5 mm audio jack that works even while it's charging over USB, which is totally irrelevant to anything)15:59
mgedminpower issue sounds plausible?  not sure how to verify that16:00
ankkhi. when i open vim on ubuntu gnome, it opens vim via default xterm terminal. i want to use terminology terminal as default for vim16:00
ankki set shell as terminology  but i am not sure it is enough or correct :|16:00
KKringwhen i plug in the audio jack the headset and keyboard work fine, but when i plug in the usb device for it to work wirelessly my keyboard stops typing16:00
KKringi have tried plugging keyboard into usb2.0 but it wont work16:01
KKringill have to find a way to check to see if the 2.0s are working or not16:01
mgedminankk: I'm like 95% sure this can be changed with sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator16:01
ankkmgedmin: i changed it and ctrl+alt+t opens that terminal but when i open vim via gnome, it opens previous terminal16:02
ankki logged out and logged in again but same..16:02
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mgedminankk: I was wrong!  /usr/share/applications/vim.desktop is not using x-terminal-emulator, it's setting Terminal=true16:04
mgedminnow how does one set the default terminal program for gnome-shell?16:05
ankkmgedmin: https://askubuntu.com/questions/749832/how-to-change-default-terminal-application-in-gnome-shell16:06
mgedmingsettings list-recursively org.gnome.desktop.default-applications.terminal16:06
mgedminshows that on _my_ system it's using x-terminal-emulator, like I thought16:06
mgedminstrangely this option was removed from gnome-control-center and never got added to gnome-tweaks so you can only set it from dconf-editor (or gsettings set ...)16:06
akemlenovo_KKring, your keyboard is wireless too?16:07
mgedmin(dconf dump confirms that I never changed that option, so it shoul dbe using x-terminal-emulator on every ubuntu install by default)16:07
MrSteve Gnome-Terminal is what it should use ... it's default.16:08
MrSteveothers are emulated under gnome16:09
mgedminI don't think that word means what you think it means16:09
sruliis there a way to add a hook to iptables? i want to run iptables-persistent after i add a rule16:21
k_szeWhy does `apt list --upgradable` show "linux-generic-hwe-16.04/bionic-updates,bionic-security amd64 [upgradable from:]"?16:25
k_szeMy server is already on 18.04, do I even need that HWE package??16:26
leftyfb!hwe | k_sze16:26
ubottuk_sze: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack16:26
hggdhk_sze: it seems you *already have it installed (but on an older version)16:26
k_szehggdh: yes, which is a bit odd.16:26
k_szeif anything, I should be on linux-generic-hwe-18.04, right?16:27
TJ-sruli: Yes16:27
sruliTJ-: google isnt being helpful, how do i do that?16:27
hggdhk_sze: what is your Ubuntu version?16:29
hggdhk_sze: and what kernels you have installed? You can run dpkg -l linux-generic\*, or just ls /boot) Put the results in a pastebin16:30
hggdhk_sze: also was your system upgraded from 16.04?16:31
k_szehggdh: yes, upgraded from 16.0416:31
k_szehggdh: https://bpaste.net/show/cd986c0b232916:31
TJ-sruli: create /usr/local/sbin/ip{,6}tables shell scripts, with "#!/bin/sh" "/sbin/${0##*/} $@" "/sbin/netfilter-persistent save"  or similar16:32
hggdhk_sze: there is your answer (in the output): linux-generic-hwe-16.04 is a "dummy transitional package".16:33
ioriak_sze, can you paste   dpkg -l | grep linux-image   ?16:33
MrStevetrusty did it to me going on with 16.0416:33
k_szeioria: https://bpaste.net/show/e945f191e9bb16:34
ioriak_sze, current is -1; sudo apt full-upgrade16:35
k_szeioria: yes, I realize that.16:35
sruliTJ-: like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kM8jVJKJCp/ ?16:36
hggdhk_sze: you also should be able to remove the linux-generic-hwe-16.04 -- it is most probably a left-over from the upgrade16:36
k_szeyeah, I'll do that.16:42
k_szethat's for the help16:42
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
sruliTJ-: like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kM8jVJKJCp/ ?16:44
TJ-sruli: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s7fbYmsm28/16:44
gamesterHello. At some point I installed the non-ubuntu gnome desktop. Now I'm trying to remove it without removing ubuntu, with difficulty. Is there a package name that encompasses all of the ubuntu gnome things that ubuntu ships with?16:48
ioriagamester, what is 'the non-ubuntu gnome desktop' ?16:49
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gamesterioria: If you install 'gnome' then on login you get "ubuntu" and you get "gnome". Obviously both are gnome.16:49
ioriayes ....16:50
OerHeksadding a desktop is easy, removing one is interesting.. non-ubuntu desktop?16:50
gamesterAnd I'm trying to remove the "Gnome" one which I no longer have an interest in, without ruining ubuntu gnome.16:50
sruliTJ-: doesnt seem to run16:50
TJ-sruli: is /usr/local/sbin in PATH ?16:50
TJ-sruli: "which -a iptables"16:51
sruliTJ-: # which -a iptables16:51
TJ-sruli: what doesn't work? do you not see the test messages?16:52
sruliTJ-: i dont see the rule in /etc/iptables/rules.v4 also the test message is not showing16:53
leftyfbsruli: type -a iptables16:53
srulileftyfb: # type -a iptables iptables is /usr/local/sbin/iptables iptables is /sbin/iptables16:54
leftyfbsruli: going forward, you should use pastebin for these sorts of outputs16:54
srulitrue, sorry16:54
ioriagamester, the 'rule' is that you remove / purge the main package you installed and then run  apt autoremove16:54
TJ-sruli: you could add "set -x" to the beginning to ensure the script is executing. I assume you're calling it with "sudo iptables ...." so ensure /usr/local/sbin/ is in the PATH "sudo which -a iptables"16:55
sruliTJ-: i am testing it as root, i might be doing this wrong, to use this do i need to add the rule using this script "/usr/local/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT"16:57
TJ-sruli: no, just "iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT" as per normal. If /usr/local/sbin/ is in the PATH then the script should pick that up and pass the args to the real iptables16:59
TJ-sruli: it won't matter you're using its absolute pathname though16:59
sruliTJ-: tried with set -x i also attach a "touch /tmp/file" doesnt execute it16:59
sruliTJ-: /attach/tried17:00
TJ-sruli: did you make the file executable?17:00
sruliTJ_: sure17:00
sruliTJ-:  ^^17:00
TJ-sruli: as per usual then, you've done something weird !17:00
sruliTJ-: lol its a new install have not done anything yet17:00
TJ-sruli: is /usr/local/ a separate file-system or part of /rootfs/17:01
TJ-sruli: that's not stopped you yet! :D17:01
TJ-sruli: there is a /bin/sh isn't there?17:01
sruliTJ-: same fs, /bin/sh -> dash, ubuntu 18.04 server17:02
TJ-sruli: I'm not sure what you've done then!17:02
sruliTJ-: aint done nothing ;-(17:04
akemHey, so i just installed Ubuntu 18.04.2 on a lenovo thinkpad x131e and i'm missing the Wifi which is a Broadcom BCM43228, i tried https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2365894 which apparently works on Ubuntu 16.4 but not with current one :/17:04
TJ-sruli: hang on, are you using the 'bash' shell? I bet you've got iptables in the hash table. Type "hash"17:05
TJ-sruli: clear it with "hash -r"17:05
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sruliTJ-: yep, works now but "+ DEBUG=echo iptables help me test it 4" repeats endless17:06
TJ-sruli: that sounds like it's calling itself not the real /sbin/iptables17:07
TJ-sruli: which suggests the ${0##*/} is incorrect17:07
akemIt looks like the drivers modules like bcm43xx or brcmsmac are not present on 18.04 :X17:07
TJ-!info broadcom-sta-dkms | akem is this what you need (provides the 'wl' driver)17:10
ubottuakem is this what you need (provides the 'wl' driver): broadcom-sta-dkms (source: broadcom-sta): dkms source for the Broadcom STA Wireless driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2152 kB, installed size 14139 kB17:10
SimonNLakem does ubuntu have driver manager ?17:10
ioriaakem, maybe give us the exact chip :   lspci -nn -d 14e4:17:11
sruliTJ-: I commented all and added "echo $0" and "echo ${0##*/}", output is /usr/local/sbin/iptables & /sbin/iptables -F so the var manipulation seems right17:11
SimonNLakem: if it does make it show the recommended driver for wifi will be used17:12
TJ-sruli: ooooo I know! the one bit I couldn't test here! netfilter-persistent will call iptables!!! ooops17:12
TJ-sruli: obvisously it isn't calling it using its absolute path, grrr17:12
sruliTJ-: aha /usr/sbin/netfilter-persistent, works now thanks as usual you save the day (whats different this time is that i havnt managed to break anything yet, wont be long)17:13
srulicookie | TJ-17:13
TJ-sruli: no, not that! the plugin uses absolute paths17:13
TJ-sruli: see to check me on this /usr/share/netfilter-persistent/plugins.d/15-ip4tables17:14
akemTJ-, ok thanks i'll look into that - ioria: 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Limited BCM43228 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4359]17:14
sruliTJ-: when running the script it calls "/usr/share/netfilter-persistent/plugins.d/15-ip4tables save" is that ok?17:14
ioriaakem, that should use the bcmwl-kernel-source17:15
ankki love you girls17:17
akemioria, i need to add a repository to install it?17:18
ioriaakem, nope17:19
TJ-sruli: I spotted a problem , it should be calling /usr/sbin/netfilter-persistent (not /sbin/...)17:19
sruliTJ-: yes, thats what i wrote before17:19
ioriaakem, but it's in restricted17:19
TJ-sruli: yes, that is correct; those are the netfilter plugins for iptables17:19
TJ-sruli: OK, I'm 1/2 asleep here!17:19
sruliTJ-: i'm gonna need to add some filter in the script to only execute if command start with -A/F/P/Z17:20
akemioria, ok thanks, i will try to get a wired connection, bbl.17:20
TJ-sruli: you mean you don't want delete/change ?17:21
sruliTJ-: i dont want it to run when just calling iptables -nvL or similar17:21
ioriaakem, https://askubuntu.com/questions/626642/how-to-install-broadcom-wireless-drivers-offline/626653#62665317:22
ash_worksiso, I think I need to understand mounts a little better before I (keep) make(-ing) an ass out of myself asking questions about it...17:26
ash_worksiif you have a usb-port, and you run `fdisk -l` with nothing inserted, might you see something representing that that port exists such as `/dev/sbc` or that would ONLY be the case when a drive is actually inserted?17:27
sruliTJ-: do you have a regex handy to filter the iptables command for the ones which add/change rules instead of always executing the script?17:31
sarnoldash_worksi: sbc or sdc?17:32
sruliTJ-: i gotta run, if you have a regex for it handy please PM me, thank again17:35
TJ-sruli: switch to using bash and you should be able to match it with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y5zVXM6rMd/17:36
akemioria, yay it worked just fine :P thanks a lot.17:38
ioriaakem, ok, no problem17:38
alexandre9099so, how can i put GLIBC_2.28 on ubuntu 18.04? do i have to upgrade the ubuntu version?18:23
leftyfbalexandre9099: why do you think you need it?18:24
alexandre9099cause i'm compiling a binary on a machine that uses GLIBC_2.28 ;)18:25
zambaok, what has happened with ubuntu lately.. my system has 4 GB RAM and a SSD.. but it freezes daily18:25
leftyfbalexandre9099: which binary are you trying to compile?18:25
alexandre9099leftyfb, sl-modem-daemon with a "patch" that i hope would work18:25
zambai'm even running gnome-session-fallback18:25
leftyfbzamba: overheating? Looked in dmesg?18:26
zambaleftyfb: nothing in the logs18:26
zambaleftyfb: seems like some kind of feedback chamber.. where it just escalates out of control18:27
zambaleftyfb: i have "saved" the system a couple of times.. last time when i google image searched for something.. loading up those images nearly grinded the machine to a halt18:28
zambabut a quick response with ctrl + w managed to keep me floating18:28
OerHeksalexandre9099, like i told you yesterday: upgrade to 19.04 which gives that packages glibc18:28
zambathough it took a couple of minutes to catch up18:28
leftyfbzamba: lack of a proper video driver? Also, 4G is a bit low18:29
zambaleftyfb: this is not windows18:29
OerHekswild guess: that patch is written for 19.04 too, no?18:29
alexandre9099OerHeks, i didn't see it, my bouncer went nuts yesterday :/ problem is that the laptop has like 250MB ram, and only the netinstall would work, unless there is some way to update directly from the system, but even then, it would take ages to update (imagine a 30GB 2.5GB IDE disk)18:30
OerHeksoh, it is cosmic 18.10 actually https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/libc618:30
alexandre9099btw, i don't recall having any version select on the mini iso18:31
leftyfbalexandre9099: the mini.iso is released per release. You download the mini.iso for the release you want. Just like every other iso18:32
OerHeks250 mb ram.. too little to make linux work properly..18:32
leftyfbOerHeks: %s/linux/Ubuntu/g fixed it for ya :)18:32
alexandre9099OerHeks, yeah i know, but i would like to use this laptop to get the modem working ;)18:32
zambaleftyfb: i believe the culprit may be thunderbird18:34
zambai don't think it handles big imap folders particularly well18:35
alexandre9099oh well, i just compiled it on the system i want to run it on, turns out my patch didn't work, though i have no idea how alsa api works18:35
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alexandre9099my problem is that i would like to use slmodemd at the same time as aplay, for example, but if slmodem opens the device in "exclusive" mode (hw:) nothing else can access the card18:38
leftyfbzamba: I have 9 IMAP accounts in my Thunderbird. One mailbox is 6G in size, totaling about 15G18:38
zambaleftyfb: what is the resource demands for your thunderbird?18:39
zambaleftyfb: and which version?18:39
leftyfbzamba: under 400M and 60.7.018:39
zambasame version here18:39
OerHeks"slmodem" or "Smart Link Soft Modem for Linux"; the supported hardware is known as "Alsa modems", "AC97-like modems", or "HAMR" or "AMR/CNR/MDC/ACR".18:41
OerHeksthat modem uses alsa, so i guess it can do 1 job at the time? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportSlModem18:41
alexandre9099OerHeks, exactly, that's the "problem", cause i would like to use the modem as a phone, but i can't "speak" if the mic is blocked by slmodem18:42
Niwla23I have done chmod +s /sbin/shutdown. How to do it for killall? /sbin/killall dont exists18:43
OerHeksi think it is /bin/kill ..18:44
leftyfbit is /usr/bin/killall18:44
leftyfbNiwla23: what version of ubuntu are you running?18:44
Niwla23oh, i think its debian does it changes something?18:45
leftyfbNiwla23: try #debian  ... not sure why you're asking here18:45
tpw_ruleshi i'm trying to add an external monitor to my laptop and it works now but whenever i unplug the hdmi the internal monitor turns off too19:13
ksbalajiI 'm on ubuntu 18.04 in acer aspire. My synaptic wont start after an update. Some MITMAGIC error please19:14
ioriaksbalaji, are you using wayland ?19:18
ioriaksbalaji, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE19:19
ncollinshello - I have two hard drives connected to an 18.04 server via a SATA -> USB enclosure, however it seems only one at a time is showing up in /dev/disk/by-id. They're both recognized and writeable, but only the last one that I write to actually shows up as a symlink in /dev/disk/by-id/. Anyone know of a fix for this?19:24
pragmaticenigmancollins: I'd start looking in the logs19:26
ioriancollins, also sudo blkid might help19:27
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TJ-ncollins: do the drives have identical IDs ?19:28
ncollinsoh, yup, that's what it is19:28
ncollinsthey're both getting 0123456789ABCDE, likely due to the USB enclosure19:29
TJ-ncollins: right, means the USB<>SATA bridge isn't a translating bridge, it's creating 'virtual' IDs and hiding the devices behind those19:29
ioriaget another enclosure19:29
TJ-ncollins: do they both have the same UUID in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ ?19:30
ncollinsnone of the connected drives are showing up in by-uuid, for some reason19:31
TJ-ncollins: those should be different since they're file-system UUIDs19:31
ncollinsI think my question is answered enough to work around for now, though19:31
ksbalajiioria, Yes its wayland19:32
TJ-ncollins: the other possibility is " ls -l  /dev/disk/by-path/ "19:32
ioriaksbalaji, if you really want  'sudo xhost si:localuser:root'; but i suggest ubuntu on xorg19:33
ncollinsyep, they're different in /dev/disk/by-path/19:33
ksbalajiioria, Also, it seems I don't have any other choice than wayland,19:33
ioriaksbalaji, what ?19:33
ksbalajiioria, how to switch to any other session please? The effort fails.19:35
OerHekssynaptic (0.84.3) [ Michael Vogt ] fix user-mode synaptic to not crash under wayland https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=synaptic19:35
ioriaksbalaji, from the login screen19:35
OerHeksshould be fixed long time ago19:35
ksbalajiioria, from the login screen, I am unable to login to any other session than wayland..19:36
OerHekslogin, click username, then the change icon appears19:36
ioriaksbalaji, not the default behaviour19:36
ksbalajiioria, Maybe, installation problem. But How to find out please?19:36
ioriaksbalaji, find out what ?19:37
ioriaksbalaji, anyways, try to create a new user19:37
ksbalajiioria,  find out: Whether any other session is available for me to login?19:38
ioriaksbalaji, ubuntu 18.04 gives you  2 choices : 1) (default) ubuntu on xorg and 2) wayland19:39
ioriaksbalaji, create a new user19:39
ksbalajiioria, how to find xorg is properly installed for me please?19:40
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ioriaksbalaji, dpkg -l | grep xorg19:41
ioriaksbalaji, but it should not be a problem ....19:41
ksbalajiioria, ok . .  That command gave 20 lines output! I shall try creating new user also.19:42
ioriaksbalaji, paste it please19:42
ksbalajiioria, I wish that I can login with my user name instead of creating multiple user names.19:43
ioriaksbalaji, paste it please19:44
ioriaksbalaji, is that un upgrade from xenial 16.04 ?19:46
ksbalajiioria, Yes I remember so.19:46
ioriaksbalaji, uname -r19:47
ksbalajiioria, 4.15.0-45-generic19:48
ioriaksbalaji, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:48
ioriaksbalaji, i suspect a bad ugrade from xenial19:50
ksbalajiioria, Its doing something. something error popping up. let me see...19:51
ioriaksbalaji, sy, i'am leaving ....  hope you solve it19:51
ksbalajiI think ioria is right. someone might help with a bad upgrade. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TgGRPYxngM/19:54
hggdhksbalaji: why are you installing i386 and amd64 versions of the same binary?19:56
hggdhksbalaji: google-android-build-tools-installer:i386 (already installed) has a file called /usr/bin/aidl; the new package is trying to overwrite it19:58
ksbalajihggdh, Maybe you got it. Which one do I choose and how to ditch the other one please?20:01
ksbalajihggdh, would this routine help eliminating double versions? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QgkkHbpKcX/20:04
OerHeksremove google-android-build-tools-installer if you don't need it20:05
OerHeksthere is android studio as snap available https://snapcraft.io/android-studio20:06
ksbalajiOerHeks, OK I don't need this google tools installer. I am removing this.,20:12
Dodekhey, openssl package in ubuntu 18.04 supports only a rather limited set of ciphers. is there some other package that adds extra ciphers, or do i need to recompile openssl manually?20:36
ankkDodek: https://superuser.com/questions/1179309/how-to-enable-3des-ssl-ciphers-for-openssl-1-0-2k20:38
Dodekankk: this post tells me that recompiling manually is a solution, but i've already known that.20:39
ankkhe didn't get answer since 2017. maybe you shouldn't wait too much20:46
Dodekeither way, i just learned that it's not because the cipher i wanted to use hasn't been compiled in, but rather because it was removed in more recen version20:48
Dodekand that's because it never actually worked in the first place, and was listed in supported ciphers erroneously20:48
Dodekanyway, thanks20:48
ankkshe is angry about that20:49
Thr0rHi! I have 4 workspaces on my buntu. Is there a way to display all 4 at the same time on one monitor? I have a 58" monitor and I want to see all workspaces in a "split view"21:06
akemHey, i want to run a boot script as root for normal boot, should i create the symbolic link in rc2.d or rc3.d, i'm not sure?21:15
xamithanDo a systemd unit file instead21:15
akemxamithan, is it not too complicated? cause it's just for one line to set the fan speed to the max.21:17
TJ-Thr0r: you'd need to use a window-manager that supports multiple workspaces in that way21:17
xamithanIt's pretty easy,  or if you want just throw the path to script in /etc/rc.local21:20
xamithanrc3.d/rc2.d etc it depends on what runlevel you are starting in21:20
Thr0rTJ-: Ok - I have two window managers: "Window Manager" and "Window Manager Tweaks". None of them seems to do what I want. Suggestions?21:22
akemxamithan, i'm in front of some systemd doc, it looks more complicated to setup...I'll try the /etc/rc.local first thanks.21:24
TJ-Thr0r: that isn't the kind of window manager I meant; the layout of application windows are managed by a ... "window manager" and there are a LOT of them and their names usually end with "wm"21:25
greenstaticanyone knows why http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ contains the directory ubuntu which points to the same dir thereby causing an infinite loop?21:26
TJ-Thr0r: for example, to get a rough list of what Ubuntu has in the archives do "apt list '*wm' "21:26
Thr0rTJ-: Ok - I was thinking I should not bother folks in here with such an easy Q, but it seems it is more to it than just; Click that and choose that.. Thanks - I will have to have a look then. What I want is to be able to view all workspaces at once and the go to the one where something is happening when it does, or some work is finished. I do alot at the same time...21:31
TJ-Thr0r: yes, that's where multi-monitors come in useful :)21:33
Thr0rTJ-:  Yes! - and I used to have 3 physical and want to narrow it down to one big one with several workspaces - Small Flat here :)21:35
LopeI'm having trouble mounting a windows 10 share from ubuntu 18.0421:40
Lope mount -t cifs //192.168.x.y/Z /mnt/foo/ -o username=john,password=secret,noexec,uid=1000,gid=100021:40
Lopepermission denied21:40
TJ-Lope: as root, or using 'sudo' ?21:42
LopeTJ-, as root21:43
Lopesudo better?21:43
TJ-Lope: no, I just wanted to be clear21:43
TJ-check the kernel log for clues as to what object "permission denied" refers to. It could be the remote share or it could be the local mountpoint21:44
LopeI already set the local mountpoint to 777 and owned by nobody:nogroup21:44
TJ-Lope: look for clues with "journalctl -b -p warning"21:45
Lopein windows I gave the user full control, and also went into the security tab and gave full access there too21:45
ChadTaljaardtHello, I am trying ubuntu 19.04 without installing it but the monitor is rotated 180 degrees21:46
TJ-Lope: also, try adding "--verbose" before the "-o ..."21:46
ChadTaljaardtany idea how i can fix this with the terminal?21:46
TJ-ChadTaljaardt: "xrandr -output XXXX --rotate inverted" where XXXX is the output listed by "xrandr"21:47
LopeTJ-, no more info from verbose21:47
ChadTaljaardtill give it a try TJ-21:47
TJ-ChadTaljaardt: if you're using SSH you'll need to prefix that with "DISPLAY=:0 ..."21:48
TJ-Lope: you could run the command wrapped with strace to see where the -ENOPERM is being returned, as in "strace -f -o /tmp/mount.strace.log mount ...."  then examine (or pastebin) /tmp/mount.strace.log21:49
WiseMonkHello, I have a question, when using the command "festival --tts <(echo "hello test") "  I get an audio output, but when using: "festival --tts /dev/stdin" and the typing + pressing enter, I get no audio.  Why and how to make it work?21:51
TJ-WiseMonk: "man festival" tells us you just do "festival --tts" to have it read from stdin21:53
TJ-WiseMonk: "--tts   Synthesize text in files as speech no files means read from stdin (implies no interaction by default)"21:54
LopeTJ-, thanks buddy! I figured it out21:54
TJ-Lope: what was it?21:54
Lopeit's because I'm trying to mount it from inside a LXC container21:54
TJ-Lope: doh!21:54
Lopejust goes to show that a container can't do everything properly.21:54
LopeCos cifs is kernel stuff21:55
TJ-Lope: unprivileged container I presume?21:55
LopeTJ-, yes!21:55
TJ-Lope: make the container privileged21:55
Lopethe strace helped me think of it21:55
LopeBecause I saw errors like: connect(4, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/nscd/socket"}, 110) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)21:55
LopeNot that I understand exactly what that means, but the container couldn't find something to setup some kind of socket21:55
TJ-right, ENOENT means Error No Entry (e.g. /var/run/nscd/socket isn't there)21:56
LopeTJ-, hmm, I COULD make the container privledged, but the whole point is to give someone SSH access to be able to upload files to the windows VM21:56
LopeAnd I don't want the SSH account to be privledged.21:57
Lopemy girlfriend says ENOENT sometimes21:57
TJ-Lope: if you're using LXC I think you can configure the mount itself from outside the container as part of its config21:57
TJ-Lope: are you using lxc or lxd ?21:57
TJ-Lope: sounds like lxd (with the 'lxc' command, confusing or what!)21:57
Lopeyeah, so I'll mount it from the host21:58
Lopethen bind it into the unprivledged container21:58
LopeKind of sucks to have everything on the host21:58
Lopebut hey, what u gonna do.21:58
TJ-Lope: could be fun organising the permissions between unpriv-ed and priv-ed though21:58
Lopewell, how would it even be possible to bind mount it from one CT to another?21:59
TJ-Lope: if it is a lxd container: https://bayton.org/docs/linux/lxd/mount-cifssmb-shares-rw-in-lxd-containers/21:59
ankkgood night girls22:08
bear38I think I once saw a package that provided a program that would extract any compressed file extension from the command line -- .tar, .bz2, .xz, etc. Does anyone know what package that was?23:10
xamithan7zip ?23:10
jeremy31bear38: It isn't included anymore?  engrampa?23:10
bear38jeremy31, thanks, i think that was it!23:15
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friendlyGoathello, i was wondering about something23:53
friendlyGoatis there a way i could go about making it so the quick black before my login prompt appears where its the login in a text only mode format, isnt there? i want it to go straight to gui without stopping there for a second23:53

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