
lubotbhargo360 was added by: bhargo36014:30
sliptteesHI guys. I have pulseaudio problem with the 18.04.2 clean install. Open youtube video in chrome or firefox and get more 100% CPU usage. i try remove pulseaudio and video work without problem, but do not have sound anymore.21:40
wxlweird. does restarting pulseaudio fix it?21:41
wxlthis is a possible fix https://askubuntu.com/a/100796121:42
wxlactually for that matter, which PROCESS(es) is/are using all the CPU?21:43
slipttees_HI guys. I have pulseaudio problem with the 18.04.2 clean install. Open youtube video in chrome or firefox and get more 100% CPU usage. i try remove pulseaudio and video work without problem, but do not have sound anymore. Someone can help me?21:44
wxlweird. does restarting pulseaudio fix it?21:44
wxlthis is a possible fix https://askubuntu.com/a/100796121:44
wxlactually for that matter, which PROCESS(es) is/are using all the CPU?21:44
slipttees_wxl: No21:44
slipttees_wxl: pulseaudio 123% now21:45
wxldid you try the potential fix?21:46
slipttees_remove pulseaudio rsrs21:46
sliptteeswxl: back21:49
sliptteesso. U can send me link again?21:50

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