
apwderjohn_was_occu: np07:19
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=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
TJ-what's the best way to make a single CONFIG_ change for a kernel build? add/edit it in debian.master/config/config.common.ubuntu or set the policy in debian.master/config/annotations ?15:13
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
dupondjeNo reports today of crashes? Since latest kernel update I already had 2 crashes16:03
nacchiya! it seems like the src:linux and src:linux-meta packages in bionic-security and bionic-updates are out of sync20:11
nacc4.15.0-51.55 for src:linux and 4.15.0-51.53 in src:linux-meta20:11
naccvorlon: sorry for the direct poke on this, but not sure who to contact (it seems sil2100 did the updates) for the above, but it's breaking some of our preseeds all of a suddent :)20:14
apwnacc, ?20:27
apware you saying that they are in sync in those pockets but out of sync across pockets, or out of sync in a pocket20:27
apwnacc, no neither, they are in sync in both directions ... you are incorrectly assuming the linux and linux-meta packages have versions in sync20:28
apwnacc, they only match in the first four octets20:28
naccapw: oh! i'm very sorry for the noise then!20:30
apwnacc, np ... the meta package mearly defines the abi in use; both packages have indepenent upload numbers after that20:31
apwnacc, so we have clearly messed up the main package twice more than the meta20:31
naccapw: lol ok20:31
=== ben_r_ is now known as ben_r

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