
ubottuIn #ubuntustudio, Eickmeyer said: !ubuntustudio-adevices is  To help us further assess your audio problem, please type this into a terminal (minus the quotes), and !paste the output to https://paste.ubuntu.com: "cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh"00:03
Eickmeyerhggdh, dax: Got one for you. ^00:05
wxlEickmeyer: maybe add pastebinit in there for extra gloss? :)00:18
Unit193I'm pretty sure we don't want to recommend people (basically) 'wget -qO- .. | sh'00:18
EickmeyerUnit193: One can look at the script first to see what it does beforehand.00:19
Eickmeyerwxl: That's a good idea.00:22
ubottuIn #ubuntustudio, Eickmeyer said: !ubuntustudio-adevices is To help us further assess your audio problem, please type this into a terminal (minus the quotes): "cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh | pastebinit"00:29
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (blackandblue)01:27
leftyfbcan someone please take care of this troll? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/3nzztjghMv/01:32
ubottuEickmeyer called the ops in #ubuntu (blackandblue racist comment)01:32
ubottuleftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (Optimus_Prime)13:03
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (Optimus_Prime excessive trolling)13:03
wxl@HMollerCl that's a good question about us being behind debian on nm-tray. do explain to all of us briefly how this works, @tsimonq2 (without using any links)17:40
wxlhere we go with the wrong channel17:41

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