
DGMurdockIIII have a problem when I boot up Ubuntu I don't see the grub boot option screen I just see a purple screen before it shows the command line booting info00:05
CarlFKDGMurdockIII: try holding the shift key down when you boot00:06
CarlFKDGMurdockIII: also there is some .conf setting somewhere if you want it permanent.   I'm not sure what the right file is00:07
DGMurdockIIIMy pc boots fine its just i dont have nice boot menu00:07
CarlFKhow long to you want the boot to pause while you enjoy looking at it? ;)00:08
leftyfbDGMurdockIII: why do you need a menu?00:08
justthedoctoris there a way to do a ls in a dir that would count each file and return the number?00:08
sarnoldjustthedoctor: ls | wc -l00:09
DGMurdockIIILeftyfb: I don't but I just like to have thinks working00:09
justthedoctorthank you00:09
leftyfbDGMurdockIII: it's working. If things stop working and you need to get into the menu to fix it, then hold down SHIFT while you boot and the menu will come up00:09
TJ- DGMurdockIII the solution is to set "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" in /etc/default/grub (and do "sudo update-grub")00:10
leftyfbjustthedoctor: that will count directories as well00:10
justthedoctoris there a way to do just files? (this specific dir im ls'ing for file count doesnt have dirs  but future ref would help)00:11
DGMurdockIIIYeah but I had install on this machine before and and when I booted I did not get just a purple screen I got the boot option screen that has a countdown time00:11
sarnoldleftyfb: good catch00:11
CarlFKDGMurdockIII: how long to you want it to wait?00:11
leftyfbDGMurdockIII: again, why do you need it if things are working fine?00:12
leftyfbDGMurdockIII: are you asking how to bring it back or are you just complaining about it?00:12
CarlFKDGMurdockIII: a good answer is "0.0 as fast as it can" which is what became the default years ago00:13
sarnoldjustthedoctor: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f  | wc -l00:13
Svetaleftyfb, he wants to bring it back00:13
CarlFKI don't think he really wants it back00:13
leftyfbSveta: "I don't but I just like to have thinks working00:13
justthedoctorThank you sarnold00:14
leftyfbDGMurdockIII: care to clarify what you would like?00:14
DGMurdockIIIJust a second00:15
TJ-As I said...00:15
TJ- DGMurdockIII the solution is to set "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" in /etc/default/grub (and do "sudo update-grub")00:15
CarlFKTJ-: won't that slow down booting?00:16
CarlFKor does it display the menu but not wait?00:17
TJ-CarlFK: it uses text mode, nothing more, instead of trying (and failing) to select a graphics mode00:17
blackandblueUbuntu is an ancient African word, meaning “I can't configure Debian”.00:24
brendantcchow long has that meme been going around? pls move to #ubuntu-offtopicu00:24
leftyfbblackandblue: trolling is offtopic here. Please leave00:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248619 in file (Ubuntu Karmic) "duplicate for #255161 file incorrectly labeled as Erlang JAM file (OOo does not print on Tuesdays)" [High,Fix released]00:32
blackandblueis this bug still valid in ubuntu?00:33
OerHeksit *is* thursday in my timezone, but i have no brother printer00:35
SvetaOerHeks, what do you need one for?00:36
leftyfbblackandblue: trolling is offtopic here. Please leave00:39
blackandblueleftyfb: sorry its not trolling. can you please guide me how to fix this bug?00:44
Eickmeyerblackandblue: You've been warned twice. That bug is marked invalid for a reason and is ancient.00:44
blackandblueEickmeyer: sorry didnt know this channel doesn't support ancient bugs.00:45
bear38jeremy31: alright, found it -- it is "dtrx" -- one command to extract any file type :)00:53
phctHello, there is any Minimal Ubuntu ISO offline installer? what are the best options?01:02
OerHeksphct, no, the minimal needs internet.01:05
phctwhat can i use instead? alternate? does it contain same drivers as full installer?01:05
OerHeksthere is no alternate no more, just the mini iso01:05
leftyfbphct: why can't you use the regular installer?01:06
OerHeksit required wired networking AFAIK01:06
phctdoes any of the other flavours support alternate?01:08
leftyfbphct: why can't you use the regular installer?01:09
sario528In gnome3 is there a way to change the window border color?01:13
phctleftyfb: ? whats the point ? the question is clear01:14
leftyfbphct: good luck01:14
FaTaL_Gquestion with ip-tables, when I try to do a iptables-reload, it is telling me it cannot initialize the nat table, error at line 1..... line one is literally *nat01:15
FaTaL_Gsorry, iptables-restore01:15
phctleftyfb: chitchat not here01:15
leftyfbsario528: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?p=5859768#post5859768 found by searching for "gnome 3 is there a way to change the window border color?" on google01:16
subcoolSo, my external passport drive keeps "disappearing" - if i unplug it, and plug it back in. It will reappear. How do i check its integrity? i already ran the windows test on it, and its came up fine. But i dont believe it.01:19
OerHekscheck smart, in disks util, or perform a check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting01:21
subcoolsmart says ok. Im thinking its overheating, but - i should see some errors.01:22
OerHeksand that "disappearing" is what you want.01:22
sarnoldmy guess is a stupid powersaving thing01:22
leftyfbsubcool: could it be the usb port you're plugged into might not be powering the drive enough?01:22
leftyfbor that01:22
OerHeksor wait, a wonky connector?01:23
subcoolits a laptop, ...01:23
subcoolMaybe, its plugged into an regular USB spot. It appears i only have one USB that is "powered" - but.. idk. I always have issues with HP.01:24
blackandbluehow to shutdown PC in ubuntu01:24
subcoolblackandblue, sudo halt01:25
Svetasay bye01:25
leftyfbblackandblue: please stop. You've been running Ubuntu (or so you say ) since last September.01:25
blackandblueleftyfb: last september? when did I say that sir01:25
leftyfbblackandblue: you're clearly just here to troll. Take it elsewhere.01:26
subcoolnvm, appears to be IO errors01:26
subcool-- Sigh -- never a break.01:26
blackandblueleftyfb: no I am asking genuine ubuntu level question01:26
leftyfbblackandblue: no, you're not. You haven't since you joined here01:27
leftyfb!op blackandblue01:27
leftyfb!op | blackandblue01:27
ubottublackandblue: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax01:27
subcoolleftyfb, hate to sympathize, but i';ve been at it for years. and here i still am asking stupid q's.01:27
blackandblueyea subcool01:27
leftyfbsubcool: this isn't their first rodeo01:27
blackandbluesubcool: he thinks he is the best and others are stupid for asking simple ubuntu support questions01:28
kyle__ umm... seri9ously though, is the question how to shutdown?  Because there are a few ways of doing it.01:28
subcoolthen again, i really honestly ask you guys than look things up. I tried to setup a Zenbox - googled it. etc. spent 6 months trying to get it to work. Frustrated, i youtubed the question. Found out i SOMEHOW was ONLY be routed to some CRAPPY headless debian setup, that rendered two of my laptops useless. - Someone watching me got a shit ton of laughs.01:29
Eickmeyer!ohmy | subcool01:30
ubottusubcool: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:30
blackandblueif I were smart, I wouldnt be using ubuntu in first place. so please be gentle and I am still learning linux. ubuntu is beginners friendly. so support accordingly.01:30
kyle__Dude, not cool.01:30
subcoolblackandblue, watch the youtube channels.01:31
subcooland practice off a liveUSB that you dont care what you lose every time you reboot. You are BOUND to lose things playing with this. Dont keep anything meaningful to you on it.01:32
blackandblueok subcool01:32
blackandbluesubcool: most of the youtube videos are by indians and I cant understand their english accent.01:32
blackandbluesubcool: is there good way to learn ubuntu01:32
kyle__Again, not cool man.01:32
Eickmeyer!ops | blackandblue racist comment01:32
ubottublackandblue racist comment: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax01:32
subcoolblackandblue, keep scrolling, there are plenty.01:33
blackandbluetruth is not racism. please get your facts straight Eickmeyer01:33
leftyfbdax: Thank you01:34
Eickmeyerdax: Thanks01:34
thingfishthanks dax01:34
daxapologies for the delay, was looking up their behavior in logs01:34
* kyle__ hugs Drone01:34
kyle__You're my favorite entity I've never noticed before.01:35
subcoolhes really been that bad?01:35
EickmeyerOk everyone, let's get back on topic.01:35
leftyfbsubcool: I would check another pc with a different usb port to be sure. Lack of power could also cause your I/O issues01:36
subcoolyes, ubuntu.01:36
subcoolleftyfb, ive seen it before on my SATA devices if i overload them. ANy to be honest.01:36
kyle__subcool: You had the passport drive issue?  Is it the little one with the weird flattish cable that looks like an HDMI on steroids?01:37
subcoolEspecially if i run torrent (clean speak) and they are saving to a SATA drive. Im just really good at overloading HDD's and they arent even running at full speed. :(01:37
subcoolkyle__, u mean an Esata?01:37
kyle__No, more the first version of slim usb3.  Mostly used on external cases for 2.5" drives.01:38
subcoolOH- you mean the USB-3 original thingy01:38
* kyle__ ndos nods nods01:38
subcoolthatd be him- 4tb.01:38
kyle__I've had SO many of those cables go bad.  Then they start dropping randomly... but it's not more likely under heavy IO than under light, so if IO load is an issue, that's not it.01:38
kyle__Do you have the y cable, so it can plug into two USB ports at once?01:39
kyle__(one is just for power, the other is for data, but damned if I can tell the difference without trial and error)01:39
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eelstrebori have a dual boot machine where the win10 partition works fine but the ubuntu 18.04 partition is excruciatingly slow - they're running on a 500 GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD - i tried sdd optimizing on the ubuntu partition but have not been able to speed things up02:24
eelstreborsmart tests don't show any errors02:29
eelstrebori guess i can always try a fresh install (what a hassle)02:29
Thr0rIs "PowerShell Core" commonly used in the Linux community or do you guys use something else to get things done?02:54
Thr0rI'm wondering if I should spend time learning it or something else maybe?02:59
Thr0rxamithan: - bash. Because it is better and does something more than powershell or is it because you just know bash better?03:07
xamithanpowershell is a windows thing,  even though it is cross compatible03:08
puppetmasterFPUi use it on occasion, on ubuntu03:08
Thr0r  xamithan:  Ok - I know but I was looking at this : https://github.com/powershell/powershell. I don't really care if it is a windows thing as long as it get things done..03:10
xamithanUse what you like,  I couldn't find anything it could do for me that bash/python couldn't03:11
Thr0rok -thanks for being so helpful..03:12
puppetmasterFPUps really just complements bash. it doesn't 'replace' it03:13
Gendie007in my experiance, powershell isn't as flexable as bash.03:16
Gendie007I remember butting my head against it trying to get to do something that bash could do in an instant03:16
Thr0r puppetmasterFPU: Yes - ok. I'll look into it. Guess you can't do everything in PS but need Bash aswell03:16
Gendie007well, powershell works well for basic stuff03:17
Gendie007it's the more advanced stuff that it struggles with03:17
angellNeed some help. Installed ubuntu about 3 days ago. Desktop icons (trash and home) dont open when I click them. If I launch nautilus from the dock, then they open, but nautilus never launches from double clicking the icons. Already tried reinstalling gnome desktop and nautilus, same problem.03:19
angellproblem started only a couple hours ago03:19
Gendie007have you tryed double clicking them?03:20
Gendie007oh, sorry03:20
Gendie007didn't see what you said03:20
Gendie007try starting Nautilus from bash03:21
angellGendie007, the odd part is that if I launch nautilus from the dock, the icons i double clicked on suddenly open. Right clicking and opening with nautilus also opens them.03:21
angellGendie007, opens fine03:21
Gendie007but it's the double clicking that doesn't work?03:21
angellneither does right click open, only right click open with03:22
Gendie007do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in bash03:22
Gendie007then restart your computer03:22
angellGendie007, done that03:22
Gendie007ok, well that's the limit of what i know03:23
Gendie007so if you right click the icon's and then click open it works?03:23
angellGendie007, no, only if I click open with and select Files (nautilus) from the list03:24
angellrunning 18.04 LTS03:24
Gendie007is the icon on your desktop or your dock?03:24
angellnot sure if this is relevant, but there's also an option for Open In New Tab and Open in New Window.03:25
angelldock appears to be fine03:25
Gendie007click the show applications buttion on your dock, then click on a program that is also on your desktop and see if that works03:27
angellI don't have any shortcuts / icons to programs on my desktop03:29
Gendie007wasn't that your problem in the first place, that icons on your desktop weren't responding?03:29
angellicons of folders03:29
Gendie007oh, folders03:30
angelltrash / home / others03:30
Gendie007can you right click them and get a pop up minu?03:30
angellyes I get the context menu03:30
Gendie007can you click open on the context menu?03:30
angellyes, it doesn't work03:31
angellI also get Open in New Tab and Open in New Window03:31
angellas options03:31
angellthose don't work either03:31
Gendie007ok, open nautilus on your dock, then look fo those files03:31
Gendie007go to other locations, and tell me if you see your home file there03:32
Gendie007sorry, home folder03:33
angellfrome inside nautilus, I cannot see the home or trash folders on my desktop03:33
Gendie007well, it seems something happened to them03:33
angellWhen I create a new folder on my desktop, the same thing also happens with them. Can't open03:34
Gendie007in other locations, there should be something called computer03:34
Gendie007click that and tell me if you see your home folder03:34
angellI do03:34
Gendie007click that, then click the folder after it03:35
angellIt would seem that I can only launch nautilus from the dock and bash03:35
angellGendie007, done, everything is fine03:36
Gendie007you fixed it?03:36
angellI'm saying that everything appears fine03:36
angellwhen opening that folder03:36
Gendie007ok then03:36
Gendie007oh, click desktop03:36
angellappears empty03:36
Gendie007well there's your problem03:37
angellcurrently I only have Home and Trash on my desktop03:37
angellI deleted all other links03:37
angellIf I create one03:37
angellit does appear03:37
Gendie007but do you have home and trash in your desktop folder?03:37
angellno, they don't appear. Only other things that I create03:37
angellbut those folders also don't open when double clicked03:38
angellthe problem is probably something corrupted the way nautilus is launched03:38
Gendie007can you access trash from nautilus?03:38
Gendie007ok, well. sorry, i don't know what the problem is03:39
angellThat makes two of us03:39
netkam2heh where is trash on the filesystem03:39
angellhmm... is it normal for the default application for calendar is text editor?03:40
Gendie007the last thing i can think of is the icons on your desktop arn't actually shortcuts anymore03:40
Gendie007er, no?03:41
angellhere's my brilliant theory. Something has corrupted default applications.03:41
Gendie007maybe you should back up your files and reinstall ubuntu03:41
angellI'd rather not03:41
Gendie007well, back up your files anyway, and make sure you reinstall ubuntu if you need to03:42
Gendie007make sure you CAN reinstall ubuntu03:44
angellall my work is on offsite repos, I just don't want to through the hassle of doing this all over again.03:44
Gendie007you may need to, sooner or later03:45
Gendie007if your system gets corrupted03:45
angellI just installed 3 days ago03:45
angellI haven't even installed much of anything other than gnome extensions, node, git and firebasetools and some ides03:45
Gendie007well, all i can tell you is save your data and have a spare install disk or usp ready if something worse happens03:47
netkam2boot live usb03:48
angellcan anyone send me the output of ~/.config/mimeapps.list03:53
angellto verify against my own03:53
angellmostly the part regarding nautilus would be good03:53
Gendie007this is what i got: bash: /home/aggendie/.config/mimeapps.list: Permission denied03:57
angellrun with sudo03:57
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Gendie007sudo: /home/aggendie/.config/mimeapps.list: command not found03:59
x64_Bionic_YMMVgreetings, ubuntu. guidance sought. issue: "Gnome-flashback “Applications” menu disappeared"03:59
x64_Bionic_YMMVi've already tried mv ~[.gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gonfd .metacity] to *.bak, and sudo apt remove gnome-session-flashback and sudo apt install gnome-session-flashback03:59
angellGendie007, sudo nano04:00
Gendie007what that on purpose?04:00
Gendie007how do i get out?04:00
Gendie007i had to close the terminal04:01
x64_Bionic_YMMVwanting to reset gnome2 application menu to defaults. screenshot available, if that helps04:01
angellGendie007, I just fixed it. I ran a command to reset my desktop to default.04:01
angellnow to set up all the GD extensions again.04:01
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, test with a newly created OS user04:02
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, assuming the issue does not persist on new OS user account... what next? I'll have to logoff here to test04:04
angellGendie007, now its broken again. Wtf04:04
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, just re-login back, someone will help you out here04:05
Gendie007must be something witht he GD extensions04:05
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, thanks04:05
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, you can also switch user04:07
Svetano need to log out04:07
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, not sure if my current login is gnome or unity. anyways: new user added via computer/settings/details/users: adduser. trying to figure out how to switch without logging out04:22
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, 'dm-tool switch-to-greeter' in terminal, maybe04:23
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, figured out how to switch. Application menu on new user looks fine on gnome-flashback (compiz)04:25
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, on this user are you using gnome-flashback (compiz) also?04:26
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, yes. on login screen i have gnome flashback compiz, gnome flashback metacity, gnome, unity, ubuntu. i normally use one of the gnome flashbacks04:27
x64_Bionic_YMMVi'm currently logged in on the 'Ubuntu' desktop environment04:27
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, i guess you will need to find what else to rename, pastebinning 'ls -latr ~' could be a bit helpful (it'll list your $HOME contents sorted by date)04:31
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, alternatively, review ls -algort for the new test user too... see what's different. ugh. was hoping to avoid doing a diff. would rather just run a script that reverts the application menu to defaults, lol04:40
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, thanks, tho, appreciate the help :)04:40
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, if you want to be really annoying, you can copy a half of your normal user directories over to the new user and check for the issue04:42
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, this is called 'method of half division', it helps to narrow it down a lot faster04:43
Svetax64_Bionic_YMMV, but you will need to learn to copy (as root potentially) and assign file permissions (also potentially as root004:43
SvetaI would recommend this. But I have a meeting now, I will not be able to help with this immediately.04:43
x64_Bionic_YMMVSveta, acknowledged. ttyl04:45
SvetaOk, thanks04:45
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greenstaticanyone knows why http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ contains the directory ubuntu which points to the same dir thereby causing an infinite loop?05:07
ravustaj1could someone help me with setting up an USB Wlan stick please?05:32
cfhowlettshould be plug n play ravustaj105:32
cfhowlettwhat's the issue?05:32
ravustaj1I'm using a SoC, OS is Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS. It's a headless machine and was using network-manager. which I'd rather not use05:33
ravustaj1here's some output from several commands05:34
cfhowlettare you using SoC linux?05:34
ravustaj1I meant single board computer or what ever its called. Odroid XU4Q05:35
cfhowlettah.  got it.05:36
cfhowlettno expert here, but network manager is the default.  why not use that??05:36
ravustaj1I also use Raspberry pi and the wlan0 Link X (wlan0) says       Current Scopes: LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv605:37
ravustaj1while odroid says Current Scopes: none05:37
ravustaj1I'm talking about "systemd-resolve --status" output05:37
ravustaj1it is quite terrible imo espesiaclly when used from command line05:39
ravustaj1that was the answer regarding network-manager05:39
ravustaj1I'd rather user /etc/network/interfaces , dhcpcd and wpa_supplicant05:39
cfhowlettwhat exact USB wlan stick is failing?05:40
ravustaj1it headless machine05:40
ravustaj1it worked with network-manager, so I doubt the problem is in the USB donge/stick05:41
cfhowlettah.  OK then05:41
CroranI'm trying to use checkinstall to create a package for the Rust application neovim-gtk.05:46
CroranFirst I was getting an error about cargo not found. So i hardcoded the path of cargo into the Makefile.05:47
CroranNow I'm getting an error that the nvim-gtk package failed to compile, which is weird because 'make' ran fine and tests completed successfully.05:48
CroranI thought checkconfig wasn't compiling anything.05:48
Crorancheckinstall rather.05:49
CroranIf anyone has experience with checkinstall, I'd appreciate your advice.05:50
lotuspsychjeCroran: we dont really support own compiling here, use the official packages with apt, or try snaps05:50
lotuspsychjegreenstatic: perhaps ask in #ubuntu-mirrors05:56
greenstaticlotuspsychje: thanks for the heads up!05:56
CroranWhat is the best way to report problems with snaps? Of the 3 I've installed, only MS Skype works. Irfanview does not work and nvim-gtk does not work.05:58
lotuspsychjeCroran: when you: snap info snap-name, you can see a 'contact' where to place the bugs/contact maintainer05:59
thingfishCroran: when you say "does not work" what do you mean exactly?  Does the app start?05:59
CroranI'm not interested in emailing someone privately. Is there a public issues page?05:59
Crorannvim-gtk does not start. segmentation faul.t05:59
Croranirfanview... as I recall it gives errors when trying to open any file from the file->open menu.06:00
Croranit's been a few weeks since i tried it.06:00
lotuspsychjeCroran: every snap has its own maintainer, there's no general place to put bugs06:00
Crorandetails on the segmentation fault here. I'm on
lotuspsychjeCroran: we dont support the issues of snaps, just explained where to contact06:03
Croranlotuspsychje:thingfish asked for details.06:03
lotuspsychjeCroran: maybe you can try install neovim from apt?06:03
Croranlotuspsychje:there is no neovim-gtk package for Ubuntu06:04
geirhasnap info nvim-gtk    shows: "contact:   https://github.com/daa84/neovim-gtk/issues"06:04
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ravustaj1well, I switcher back to network-manager and at least it's working now. How ever I find it quite unpractical and a lot typing for a changing a simple setting06:36
CoolerYmy sony wi c300 wireless earphones are not showing up in bluetooth settings07:33
CoolerYit shows up in my phone's bluetooth settings07:34
flughafendoes unbuntu have an /etc/default/grub file?07:34
ayekatflughafen: if grub is used, yes - why?07:45
flughafenayekat: just curious.  ayekat do you mine posting yours?07:46
flughafenwhy wouldn't grub be installed though?07:46
ayekatflughafen: there are other bootloaders than grub07:47
ayekatflughafen: http://ix.io/1L3k <- this is from a 16.04 machine, I don't think I've modified it07:47
flughafenthank ayekat07:48
ayekatif there was an obvious link from the ubuntu website to the package sources, I'd have linked you to that, but... alas07:51
flughafenyeah, no worries.07:52
alazywhat's the trick to add via CLI a wired network printer sudo lpadmin -p ML2010ND using dnssd? I tried sudo lpadmin -p ML2851ND -v dnssd://Samsung%20ML-2850%20Series%20\(Laser\)._printer._tcp.local/ipp/print -m everywhere07:58
__raven__(x)ubuntu 19.04 is causing some issues on an "acer e5 573" probably due to missing firmware. missing volume fn key function, sudden freezes, black screen/crashed light locker, too small range of backlight adjustment and such. any assistance welcome :)08:01
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realiescan you resize the live usb partition and install to it?09:15
realiesDisks says it's busy :/09:15
guivercrealies, whilst it's in use, yes it's busy. it'd be better not to (even if possible)09:16
realieslemme try find a spare disk then09:16
realiesanyway to scale the UI to 150%?09:17
realies*any way09:17
guivercrealies, i don't know, but others may need to know what release (gnome, unity desktop etc) you are referring to09:18
realiesI can try 19.04 too09:20
realiesseems like the better pick https://community.ubuntu.com/t/x11-hidpi-scaling-available-for-testing-on-disco/1029309:20
guivercrealies, i have no experience with scaling, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/18.04 has some notes about it (and an issue that can be worked around re: install)09:23
=== rubdos_ is now known as rubdos
guivercrealies, 19.04 has fractional scaling (in 25% increments) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes09:24
Walex__raven__: those look like hardware problems09:40
Walex__raven__: except for backlight adjustement09:41
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JonelethIrenicusanyway to do negative scaling?11:52
rebabIs it possible to change Ubuntu GUI Desktop to TTY1 by default?12:34
rebab*without uninstall ubuntu-desktop12:35
OerHeksi think no, tty is not reserved for a DM12:37
EriC^rebab: i think the vt.handoff=7 in the grub kernel line is related to that, not sure, look into it12:37
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
rebabEriC^^: Where do I find this?12:40
rebabI found it /etc/grub.d/10_linux It is vt_handoff="1"12:43
EriC^^rebab: why do you want it on tty1 instead of tty7?12:50
Optimus_Primehey where can I get a copy of ubuntu in 1080p?12:50
EriC^^btw that parameter only shows stuff on the screen quickly so the boot process looks smoother, i dont think it actually switches it12:50
EriC^^Optimus_Prime: that doesnt make sense12:51
EriC^^Optimus_Prime: you mean you have a 1080p screen and you want to install ubuntu and run that resolution?12:51
Optimus_Primei jst wanna install it on a 1080p operating system12:52
EriC^^um, ok12:52
Optimus_Primedw I'll jst buy a max stand for 999 dollars and install it thru the stands boot config12:53
TJ-Optimus_Prime: please stop; this is a support channel. /join #ubuntu-offtopic for that kind of comment12:53
EriC^^Optimus_Prime: are you asking which laptops are 1080p and have ubuntu installed by default?12:54
TJ-EriC^^: it's a snide swipe at Apple Inc's US$$999 monitor stand shown at their WWDC recently, and the fuss over Apple using DMCA to take-down videos of the audience booing it :)12:54
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EriC^^heh, he could have made the joke somewhat coherent, 1080p operating systems and ubuntu iso, i thought he had some disability or drunk/high12:56
rebabEriC^^: My brother turns on my pc. I want him confused seeing TTY1.12:57
SwedeMikeTJ-: https://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhdX4ZZ3cn6KSPO52B I wouldn't call that a boo. I would call that a complete lack of enthusiasm and confusion.12:57
EriC^^rebab: so basically you want that the pc boots to tty1, but not the gui on it right?12:57
EriC^^i kind of thought at first you wanted the gui to show up at tty1 instead of tty712:58
EriC^^rebab: anyways, add 'systemd.unit=multi-user.target' in the grub line and that should boot to a console, from there you can systemctl start lightdm/gdm/etc to start the display manager12:58
leftyfbrebab: sudo systemctl disable gdm12:59
rebabEriC^^: Yes, not GUI. I want to boot TTY1 I'll change it manually.12:59
Optimus_Primein that video "quick keep talking no1 will notice"12:59
Optimus_Primecrowds like "lol we has to keep listening cos its apple REEEEE"12:59
EriC^^rebab: add 'systemd.unit=multi-user.target" after "quiet splash" in /etc/default/grub then update-grub13:00
leftyfbOptimus_Prime: trolling is offtopic here. Please leave.13:00
cfhowlettOptimus_Prime added to ignore13:00
leftyfbEriC^^: that is overkill. Just disable gdm at started13:00
EriC^^leftyfb: it's the recommended way online, why overkill? i think that would actually encompass any future dm's he'd install rather than just targeting the current13:01
TJ-rebab: changing vt_handoff= won't affect much if the Display Manager starts it'll switch to its VT anyhow, you need to do what EriC^^ recommended13:02
EriC^^is there an actual reason, as in other ubuntu services wont start if he uses that as the target?13:02
leftyfbEriC^^: it's overkill for a silly prank on his brother that he's just going to revert13:02
Optimus_Primemy notepad got pegged with "null density zero algorythem" Funny thing is that makes no sense, and never have I read such a thing in my life. Just got me questinging the validity of what everybody is saying right now13:03
leftyfb!op | Optimus_Prime13:03
ubottuOptimus_Prime: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax13:03
rebabactually manual boot also works13:03
Optimus_Primeam not op13:03
cfhowlett!ops | Optimus_Prime excessive trolling13:03
ubottuOptimus_Prime excessive trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax13:03
EriC^^leftyfb: yeah, that's kinda subjective, i thought he was leaving it like that so his brother doesnt mess with his stuff13:03
EriC^^rebab: is this a one-time prank or something long term?13:04
rebabEriC^^: Long term, it's my pc.13:04
EriC^^ok, then use /etc/default/grub as suggested13:05
Picileftyfb, cfhowlett: ping me if he comes back13:05
cfhowlettPici= I'll have to de-ignore him but ... IK13:05
Piciwell, someone ping me/ops ;)13:06
aconite33I'm trying to get openldap to work as a client auth. I'm able to do ldapsearch and get results, but trying to authenticate via ldap I keep getting errors. I see no traffic generated over 389/636 when I authenticate on the system, but ldapsearch does generate traffic13:33
aconite33I've followed this guide: https://www.tecmint.com/configure-ldap-client-to-connect-external-authentication/13:33
aconite33but I'm still having issues. Anyone able to get openldap working as a client auth?13:34
TJ-aconite33: is that using pam_ldap?13:36
aconite33I believe so13:36
aconite33I think I just stumbled onto something13:37
aconite33I added host <ip_ldapserver> in /etc/ldap.conf13:37
aconite33and now I'm seeing traffic being generated13:37
aconite33but now I have to debug the error, something invalid with my DN syntax13:37
TJ-aconite33: I'd point you towards pam_ldap and libnss-ldap13:38
TJ-aconite33: I'd assume you're wanting the local system to use the LDAP server for user accounts etc.13:38
aconite33Correct TJ-13:38
aconite33Want local users to be able to login13:39
aconite33"apt install libnss-ldap libpam-ldap ldap-utils nscd"13:39
aconite33are the packages I installed on the client13:39
TJ-aconite33: OK, so you're struggling - like most of us - to figure out the config voodoo!13:39
aconite33Most likely13:40
aconite33I just did add host in my config13:40
TJ-glad you're not asking about kerberos!13:40
aconite33and now I'm getting a different error and traffic13:40
aconite33Kerberos is a mystery.13:40
TJ-wrapped in an Enigma ... machine!13:40
aconite33I think I have to wait inbetwen authentication attempts13:41
aconite33or else it won't try to auth remotely13:41
aconite33Getting "No passwd entry for user 'user1'"13:47
aconite33Do I need to define what object my password is?13:48
aconite33Is that not a standard objectclass for OpenLDAP?13:48
aconite33well, debug on openldap is shining more light. definitely looking for the wrong filter for users.13:58
Xat`hello guys, I'm using Tomcat 8 on Ubuntu 16.04 . When I change values of Xms/Xmx from /etc/default/tomcat8 , then restart tomcat service, new values are not take into account14:05
Xat`any idea ?14:05
TJ-Xat`: is that file being read? How is the tomcat server managed? by sysv init script or systemd unit?14:12
xamithanIsn't that stuff you normally put in the catalina.sh file14:12
Xat`TJ-: systemd use it through /etc/init.d/tomcat814:12
TJ-Xat`: I've seen a few packages recently that have switched to systemd and the service file doesn't read the /etc/default/XXX that that the sysvinit /etc/init.d/XXX reads14:12
pragmaticenigmaDuring "apt upgrade" or "apt-get upgrade", when updates are applied to PHP or Apache, is the Apache service automatically restarted?14:12
TJ-Xat`: maybe "systemctl cat tomcat8" will shed some light on the arguments being read/used?14:13
Xat`TJ-: yep, it runs /etc/init.d/tomcat8 when starting14:13
Xat`in /etc/init.d/tomcat8 script , I can see the . /etc/default/tomcat814:13
Xat`JAVA_OPTS in well set in /etc/default/tomcat814:14
Xat`I note that just echoing something before loading this file /etc/default/tomcat8 from /etc/init.d/tomcat8 , it does not echo anything14:14
Xat`so, it could not load /etc/default/tomcat8 well14:15
TJ-Xat`: I don't have 16.04 with tomcat8 installed to hand; can you "pastebinit /etc/init.d/tomcat8" for me?14:16
ntemissystem program problem detected blah blah14:17
ntemiseevry time i boot my pc14:17
TJ-ntemis: sounds like a bug in blah blah from your description14:19
ntemishow to upload log14:19
pragmaticenigma!paste | ntemis14:20
ubottuntemis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:20
ntemis@TJ- https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V43YrDsytd/14:21
Xat`TJ-: here is the init script : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xJnKr54s6W/14:21
TJ-Xat`: from the top, lets check basics. Is the file you're editing /etc/default/tomcat8 ?14:22
TJ-Xat`: and you're editing the JAVA_OPTS= variable?14:24
Xat`JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx3096m -Xms3096m -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC"14:24
TJ-Xat`: can you pastebin that file too just so I can do a quick test of the script itself14:24
grkblood13is there a way to verify a users password while root?14:26
Xat`TJ-: here is the /etc/default/tomcat8 file https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GGSTx8nWYG/14:26
xamithanYou could switch to that user and enter the password14:27
grkblood13su doesnt prompt for a password as root14:27
xamithanso switch to another user,  then switch to the user you want to check14:27
xamithanor even ssh user@localhost14:27
grkblood13good call14:28
ntemis@TJ- https://imgur.com/a/CIuCHgX14:28
akem-hpTJ-, i'm on Windows on the laptop with memleak on Ubuntu, i found nothing with AER in the logs, there are few errors but they seems unrelated.14:29
ntemisI WANT TO GO AWAY IS A pita14:29
akem-hpTJ-, Hello btw ;)14:29
=== cmonahan is now known as roler
Xat`TJ-: I note there are a setenv.sh script in /usr/share/tomcat8/bin . It overrides JAVA_OPTS !14:38
TJ-Xat`: hmmm, having all sorts of fun running that init script via /bin/sh (dash). Wondering if it is really a bash script too14:38
TJ-Xat`: is that being executed?14:39
Xat`on another ubuntu 16.04 with tomcat8 server, this setenv.sh script does not exist, and redefining Xms in /etc/default/tomcat8 works very well14:39
TJ-Xat`: did you by chance edit those files you pastebinned with aWindows system?14:40
Guest47619Hi all just wondering if my old laptop can run ubuntu 1914:40
Xat`TJ-: I already tried cat -evt file14:41
TJ-Xat`: I ask because I've spotted why they won't execute here - downloaded from the pastebin they have CR,LF line endings, not just LF.... that may be just the download operation messing with them though14:41
akem-hpGuest47619, just try the live USB.14:41
akem-hpYou'll see how it runs and how the hardware is supported.14:42
Guest47619akem-hp,  I am wanting ubuntu studio actually and there is no live os version unless that has changed14:42
Guest47619what the14:43
EickmeyerGuest47619: There's a live ISO of Ubuntu Studio. Has been since 12.04 (April 2012)14:43
TJ-Xat`: dos2unix fixed that problem for me :)14:43
Xat`TJ-: I also solved the problem by removing the script in /usr/share/tomcat8/bin/setenv.sh14:44
Xat` setenv.sh contains override of JAVA_OPTS :x14:45
leftyfbGuest47619: there's also no such thing as "ubuntu 19"14:45
TJ-Xat`: what is calling that though? that seems contrary to the entire service start scripts14:45
=== Guest47619 is now known as HiDeHo
HiDeHoleftyfb, there is 19.04 or 19.1014:46
xamithanthe catalina.sh calls setenv.sh14:47
Xat`TJ-: it is load from catalina.sh script, which is call in catalina_sh() from /etc/init.d/tomcat814:47
leftyfbHiDeHo: correct. Not "ubuntu 19". It makes a difference which one you refer to.14:47
HiDeHowhat is the last ubuntu lts version14:47
TJ-Xat`: hmm, I'd have to install tomcat8 to work out why,that sounds like a pretty obvious bug though14:47
HiDeHoi dont think ubuntu 19.10 is official yet is it14:47
lucidguyOk, Server with 192GB of ram.  I assume that's GIGA, and not GIBI.  Convert that to Gibibytes and you get 178GiB.  If you do a free -g on the box you get 187?  I'm pretty sure df is in GiB, so why is there about 10GiB discrepancy?14:47
HiDeHothats all good aye14:48
HiDeHohey all what is the latest lts of ubuntu14:49
Eickmeyer!19.04 | HiDeHo14:49
ubottuHiDeHo: Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) is the 30th release of Ubuntu, supported until January 2020.  Release Notes: http://ubottu.com/y/dingo14:49
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Sorry, wrong one14:49
Eickmeyer!18.04 | HiDeHo14:50
ubottuHiDeHo: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) is the 28th release of Ubuntu and the current LTS release. Download at https://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes14:50
lucidguyIts funny how nobody has the answer to this.14:50
HiDeHoEickmeyer, 19.04 is not an lts version is ti14:50
EickmeyerHiDeHo: That's why I corrected myself. :P14:50
HiDeHothanks all14:50
HiDeHothanks man14:50
Eickmeyer!patience | lucidguy14:51
ubottulucidguy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:51
HiDeHoi have ubuntu studio 16.04 on thsi old laptop atm14:51
Xat`TJ-: anyway, thank a lot for your time14:51
HiDeHoso i will assume that ubuntu studio 18.04 will work14:51
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Awesome (I'm the Ubuntu Studio lead), but it's unsupported. You'll need 18.04 with the backports PPA for LTS support.14:52
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | HiDeHo14:52
ubottuHiDeHo: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer14:52
HiDeHoi know14:52
HiDeHothanks Eickmeyer14:52
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Just making sure, and you're welcome.14:53
lordcirthlucidguy, * 'man free' says that -g is gibibytes14:53
lucidguyThat's correct14:53
lucidguyI knew that14:53
HiDeHoCPU~Single core Intel 585 (-UP-) speed~2161 MHz (max) Kernel~4.4.0-22-lowlatency x86_64 Up~16 min Mem~616.4/2937.8MB HDD~160.0GB(13.5% used) Procs~201 Client~Shell inxi~2.2.3514:53
HiDeHoi assume this is a 64 bit computer14:54
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Looks like it, considering the kernel running shows x86_64.14:54
HiDeHook cool most are these days anywa.14:54
TJ-Xat`: the reason you have that setenv.ch file is you've installed tomcat8-user too14:54
HiDeHook i am going to download ubuntu studio 18.04 thanks14:55
TJ-Xat`: I suspect you don't really need/want that package14:55
EickmeyerHiDeHo: You're welcome.14:55
HiDeHothe #ubuntustudio is usually not active it has 34 ppl only there14:55
EickmeyerHiDeHo: I'm there, so are other Studio developers. Either here or there can give support, but if it's Studio-specific you'll want #ubuntustudio.14:56
HiDeHoyes as i assume14:56
EickmeyerHiDeHo: First line of support is always askubuntu.com regardless.14:56
HiDeHoEickmeyer, do you use US14:56
EickmeyerHiDeHo: I'm the project leader, so I'd hope so! lol14:57
hans__anyone know the default mysql unix socket location for mysql-server on Ubuntu 16.04?15:14
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xibalbais there a way to configure postgrey to keep an email that has passed through in it's database/whitelist for a longer period of time, say 30 days15:37
xibalbacan't find it in the docs15:37
revolutionaryhi all. embedded micro SD card reader is not working. is there anyone to help me about this issue? Thanks.15:38
revolutionaryUbuntu 18.05 LTS15:38
pragmaticenigmaxibalba: You may want to try in #ubuntu-server with your question (this channel is more focused on the Ubuntu Desktop instances) or you may need to reach out to the postgrey community directly15:48
xibalbak ty15:48
revolutionaryhi all. my sd CArd is not working on ubuntu 18.04, is there anyone to help?15:49
TJ-xibalba: you mean set the --max-age=  ?15:50
TJ-xibalba: the default is supposeed to be 35 days15:50
TJ-xibalba: usually it is set in /etc/default/postgrey in POSTGREY_OPTS15:52
xibalbathank you i'll check it out15:52
xibalbaah yes it is still set to the default. i see the issue. the triplet wasn't an exact match. email coming from outlook.com, 1st attempt out of IP #1, 2nd attempt out of IP #216:01
no_such_userHeya, updated to 18.04 LTS a few weeks ago and had nothing but problems compared to 16.04. Has anyone else had issues? Trying to decide whether to downgrade or try 19.04?16:14
hans__revolutionary, try echo "print all" | sudo parted | pastebinit16:14
hans__no_such_user, what kind of problems?16:15
no_such_userhans__: 1) HiDPI support broken via no fractional scaling, 2) multi / external monitor support broken and often gets confused and breaks, 3) GUI often freezes unrecoverably or crashes when system under high load conditions16:17
no_such_user4) pulseaudio regularly dies16:18
no_such_userThose are the main ones off the top of my head...16:18
no_such_userSeems like a huge step backwards from 16.04 and should really be an LTS... :-(16:19
TJ-no_such_user: those do not sound common16:19
TJ-no_such_user: sounds like a local issue on the freezes and PA16:19
hans__no_such_user, yikes, maybe try rolling 16.04 until 20.0416:20
TJ-no_such_user: have you done any systematic testing with a brand new, empty, user profile to elimiate the possibilty of user-config causing it?16:20
no_such_userTJ: I'd been using the machine for a couple of years under 16.04 with it being rock solid so I don't think its the hardware.16:20
hans__.. and compile coreutils from master if that bothers you (that they're too old)16:20
TJ-no_such_user: biggest thing I can think of that may have changed, depending on which GPU maker/driver is used, is Gnome Wayland compositor instead of Xorg16:21
TJ-no_such_user: I didn't suggest its hardware16:21
no_such_userTJ: I havent tried, but I upgraded by adding in a new system drive and installing clean (everything I care about is on a data disk and /opt not home dirs etc)16:21
hans__TJ-, that was changed in 17.10?16:21
no_such_userI know you didnt, just saying that was a known good thing :-)16:22
TJ-hans__: but the update was 16.04 > 18.04 so this would be the first time no_such_user  would experience Wayland, if at all16:22
TJ-no_such_user: the fact you report multi-monitor issues makes me think wayland as well. Can you check which session is being used? echo "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE"16:23
no_such_userTJ: Wayland? My install defaulted to X - I thought the only real change was swapping Unity -> Gnome and lightdm to gdm (which doesnt understand the external monitor either!)16:23
no_such_userpev@zed:~$  echo "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE"16:23
TJ-no_such_user: GDM will use its wayland compositor, depending on which GPU type is installed, I think (nvidia always uses Xorg)16:24
TJ-no_such_user: now I have to confirm the XDG_SESSION_TYPE is the correct and only variable to check !16:24
no_such_userTJ: Ah, that makes sense - this is a laptop with a nvidia Quadro M3000M16:25
TJ-no_such_user: how about: "echo $DESKTOP_SESSION"16:25
no_such_userpev@zed:~$ echo $DESKTOP_SESSION16:25
hans__no_such_user, btw are you using the nvidia closed-source driver, or the open-source driver?16:26
TJ-no_such_user: hmmph! that doesn't help me. I was reading suggestions it wouls say "gnome" or "gnome-wayland" - I wonder if you've still got Unity in use16:26
no_such_userTJ: It was a clean install of 18.04.01 IIRC so shouldnt be anything leftover from unity?16:27
TJ-no_such_user: I've a lot of experience with multi-GPU and multi-monitor configs, especially nvidia, so if you could give a specific example or three of how that has broken for you maybe we can narrow the cause down16:27
TJ-no_such_user: you didn't copy over the original $HOME directory ?16:27
hans__Nvidia GT710 was nearly useless on the open-source driver, but works great with the closed-source driver from nvidia (the open source driver was laggy and couldn't even render youtube videos, the closed-source one worked fine)16:27
no_such_userTJ: Nope, left it clean to try and avoid such problems!16:27
TJ-no_such_user: well, that's a help since it infers we might be able to discount inherited legacy config options breaking things in unusual ways16:28
TJ-no_such_user: I have a couple of setups, one wth 3xGPU and 6x monitor, and another with 2xGPU and 4x monitor, and never had issues, so I'm interested to know what you are experiencing16:29
no_such_userSo full breakdown : ZBook G3 17 with M3000M and 1080 panel. BIOS set to discrete gfx only. Using nvidia proprietary 390 driver16:29
no_such_userTJ: problem of hidpi being broken isnt fixable as some bright spark decided to remove fractional scaling per-monitor between 16 and 18. I think I read someone had maybe a preliminary re-implementation in 19?16:30
no_such_userTJ: problem with gdm is that it appears to not be aware of external monitors so if Im on an external monitor and logging in or recovering from sleep, I have to open the laptop and use that display before it hands over to X and starts the external monitor working16:31
Walexno_such_user: "per monitor" is usually not doable.16:32
Walexno_such_user: but look at per-monitor DPI settings with 'xrandr'16:32
no_such_userTJ: Next problem is that moving between work sites I have a UW monitor at one site and 4k at the other. Often moving between sites, by sleeping the machine, often the multi monitor support gets confused and wont display on any screen (including builtin) and you end up needing to restart gdm.16:33
Walexno_such_user: in general these are my notes on HiDPI: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SDdkHFWCck/16:34
no_such_userWalex, Yeah, I've got a bodge using xrandr. Was fine with fractional scaling per monitor under 16.04 but now can only do global scaling and not fractional so cant use built in screen + 4k external as one or the other will be vastly out of scale16:34
lotuspsychjeno_such_user: easy on the enter button please, one problem at once16:34
no_such_userlotuspsychje, OK!16:35
no_such_userTJ: with your setup, goes gdm cope with the monitors?16:36
no_such_userTBH, I can almost put up with all the monitor nonsense but its really when the GUI goes completely or the system hangs that is something I cant put up with...16:37
TJ-no_such_user: re GDM, I don't use that at all. I use lightdm and at boot-time the DM greeter appears on whichever monitor has input focus (log-in dialog follows mouse )16:40
TJ-no_such_user: the confused monitors over sleep *should* be solvable by disconnecting the external monitor(s) before putting the system to sleep16:41
no_such_userTJ: Yep, that's what Ive been doing so far - it still gets a bit confused sometimes on plugging and re-plugging though and the settings applet often refuses to let me go into "joined" config and gets stuck in "single" on the internal display. Usually goes after 2 or 3 tries tho16:43
TJ-no_such_user: as to the different scaling, I've an 13" 2560x1440 in the notebook and an external 40" 192x1080 right now - using Xubuntu - and don't have any problems with that16:43
TJ-no_such_user: it does sound like "Gnome"16:43
no_such_userTJ: Ah, I didnt realise I could go back to lightdm - is it also possible to go back to unity as well? I wonder if thats worth a try16:43
TJ-no_such_user: on 16.04 you'd have been using Unity I presume16:44
TJ-no_such_user: not sure about Unity, because I never used that either16:44
* TJ- tends to prefer command-line for most things, and if not, then Xubuntu :)16:44
no_such_userIve never tried xubuntu, maybe I should give it a go some time...16:45
no_such_userYeah, Im totally command line based - I just use big monitors as I have maybe 20 terminals, 10 emacs and a zillion browser sessions open at a time16:45
TJ-no_such_user: lightdm has its own downsides. The funniest/most frustrating is if you close the lid to suspend, then light-locker on wakeup blanks the display.. you can switch to a TTY and use that, but the GUI turns the display off using DPMS!16:46
no_such_userWhich reminds me, workspace implementation went a step backwards in 18 as well!16:46
no_such_userTJ: Ah, Ive never done that as I dont trust it as much as I do my macbooks, always manually suspend!16:47
TJ-no_such_user: on this system I usually only have a single Terminal Emulator going, with tmux. I have tmux as the login shell, so multiple tmux windows/panes to separate things. On the 6-monitor system I've partitioned it into 4 X Session, and I put separate terminal emulators in the different sessions, so I know that looking at a particular monitor-pair means I'm dealing with specific remote hosts via16:48
=== mondo is now known as Mondo
MondoI'm having trouble with me sound. I spent over an hour with a very patient user on #ubuntustudio and, also, went through the troubleshooting in !sound.16:54
EickmeyerEveryone: That was me helping Mondo. Can confirm, he went through the steps.16:56
EickmeyerMondo: That said, I have one more thing for you to do to help: type this into a terminal (minus the quotes): "cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh | pastebinit" and paste the link it spits out here.16:57
MondoThe system's audio works just fine in Mint (live distro)16:57
Mondo--2019-06-06 09:57:41--  http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh16:58
MondoResolving jackaudio.org (jackaudio.org)...
MondoConnecting to jackaudio.org (jackaudio.org)||:80... connected.16:58
MondoHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK16:58
MondoLength: 2249 (2.2K) [text/x-sh]16:58
MondoSaving to: ‘adevices.sh’16:58
EickmeyerMondo: No, in a command line!16:58
* Eickmeyer should've specified16:58
EickmeyerMondo: Hang on, I'll get someone to -q you.16:58
no_such_userHm, just had another freeze that took out X... *sigh*16:58
EickmeyerMondo: Also, just the URL at the end.16:58
EickmeyerMondo: Ok, go ahead with JUST THE URL.16:59
EickmeyerMondo: OvenWerks has been active today. I'll post in #ubuntustudio and see if he knows anything. In the meantime, hopefully someone in here can help.17:03
TJ-no_such_user: check logs :)17:08
TJ-no_such_user: e.g. one thing you can check is "journalctl -b -p warning"17:10
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MondoSorry. A client called. I'm back now17:19
zambaloginctl list-sessions lists 19k sessions on my ubuntu server17:22
zambainvestigating /run/systemd/sessions i see a lot of sessions in the "closing" state17:22
TJ-Mondo: what is the actual problem?17:23
MondoNo audio17:23
TJ-Mondo: for what?17:23
TJ-Mondo: desktop generally, or specific applications?17:23
MondoFor anything. the "center" test from terminal; RhythmBox; I can't hear anything.17:24
MondoMixer shows audio happening, but there's no sound17:24
MondoPlug in headphones and they get ack'd. But, also silent.17:24
TJ-Mondo: can you show us "pastebinit <( aplay -L )"17:26
Mondosure. hold on17:26
ioriaMondo, have you tried it from  a livecd ?17:26
MondoYes. Works from live17:27
TJ-Mondo: test if you hear something with "speaker-test -c 2 -t wav -l 2 -Dfront:PCH"17:28
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MondoNo joy17:29
TJ-Mondo: that suggests a mixer/mute issue17:31
MondoQasMixer says things are working. Eikmeyer had be stop jack, but that didn't help.17:32
MondoIs there somewhere else that might be muted?17:33
TJ-Mondo: does this report the Card default as HDMI? "amixer info"17:34
MondoWhere would I find the default card? Also, note that I don't have HDMI. System has 1-VGA and 2-DP.17:35
roryWhen using "grep" on an Apache access log, there comes a point beyond which it just says "binary file matches". I can obviously use "grep -a" but can I identify and remove the naughty bytes?17:36
cncr04show do I do-release-upgrade from a chroot on mounted partition via live-cd, it says I need to be connected to a terminal17:37
ioriaMondo, restarting pulseaudio ?17:37
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MondoI've rebooted numerous times. No joy. is there a command for that?17:38
ioriaMondo, pulseaudio -k ; pulseaudio --start17:38
MondoStill failing speaker test.17:40
Mondowith and w/o phones17:40
ioriaMondo, alsamixer and then F6 ? what card is slected ?17:40
MondoI don't seem to have AlsaMixer. I'm using Ubuntu Studio and have others. Should it be there?17:42
EickmeyerMondo: alsamixer is a command-line program.17:42
ioriaMondo, honestly i don't know studio, but afaik it's installed by deafult in all ubuntu versions17:43
MondoHow do you feed an F6 keystroke to it in terminal?17:43
ioriaMondo, just press it17:44
EickmeyerF6 should be a key in and of itself on your keyboard.17:44
Mondoyes, I know that.17:44
EickmeyerMight requrie an "fn" key modifier on your keyboard (mine does).17:44
MondoAll I get is a tilde (~) and a bash response saying that it's a directory17:45
MondoNo Fn keys here. Plain old keyboard17:45
ioriaMondo,   but do you see the alsamixer  window ?17:45
EickmeyerMondo: Type "alsamixer" in your terminal. It'll come up with a pseudo-text-graphic interface. Then press F6.17:45
cncr04salso https://i.gyazo.com/39b7df93f5a43c71051b16bbefe4bc29.jpg partition is on a imsm/isw intel fakeraid, it used to work last time I booted about 6 months ago. Not sure what to do or what changed to make it unbootable. mounts fine in livecd. whats weird is that is says sda2, it should be a md container, grub points to the md container uuid so I don't know, u14.0417:47
MondoOops. The copy/paste dropped the first character (a). Now I've got it.17:47
ioriaMondo,  also '90 kbs have fx keys17:47
MondoThe F6 give me a selection menu:17:47
ioriayes ... and ?17:48
Mondo. (default)17:48
Mondo0 HDA Intel HDMI17:48
Mondo1 HDA Intel PCH17:48
ioriago 117:48
MondoThen "enter device name17:48
ioriago 117:48
MondoOk, 1 selected17:48
MondoGot some bars17:48
ioriaMondo,  active them to max17:49
MondoMaster is full; headphone is nothing. headphone is empty; speaker is full; PCM is full; line is empty;17:49
ioriaMondo,  yo don't want 'MM' in there17:50
MondoI can move the selection with arrow keys and adjust levels, but can't get MM off.17:52
MondoMaster, phones, speaker, all have MM17:52
ioriaMondo,  press 'm' on the keyboard to change it17:53
MondoOK. Now they say 00 and I set for same with phones.17:54
MondoHold and I'll test speaker17:55
MondoOMG! That did it!17:55
MondoLoria, you're my hero!17:55
TJ-Mondo: try a reboot; it is possible those devices are being set to mute at boot-time17:55
MondoOK. BRB17:56
ioriaMondo,  glad to hear17:56
Eickmeyer!cookie ioria17:56
Eickmeyer!cookie | ioria17:56
ubottuioria: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!17:56
Eickmeyerioria: But seriously, thanks. I knew it would require a different approach.17:57
TJ-Eickmeyer: first port of call should always be ALSA - common issues are: HDMI is the default device and no external HDMI sound device (TV) is active, or as we see here sinks are auto-muted17:58
ioriaEickmeyer, no prob17:58
TJ-Eickmeyer: simple test for ALSA or PA level issue is usually "speaker-test -Dfront:PCH -c 2 -t wav -l 2"17:59
TJ-Eickmeyer: if that works ALSA is fine; if not, ALSA problem17:59
mondoI'm back. Things are still working!18:00
TJ-mondo: hail the almighty ioria18:01
ioriait's the D day18:02
TJ-funny thing is... ioria usually wants to Mute people here, not un-mute them :p18:02
Eickmeyer*shots fired*18:02
mondoOh, yea! ioria ROCKS!18:03
mondoTake care, all of you, and thanks for the fish! ;)18:03
emilsphiya, where would I be able to get an iso for ubuntu 18.04.1 (not 18.04.2) ?18:05
TJ-emilsp: cdimages.ubuntu.com possibly18:10
sarnoldemilsp: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.0/ -- PLEASE be careful with how you use these things. the apt on them is vulnerable to a MITM attack https://justi.cz/security/2019/01/22/apt-rce.html18:12
TJ-emilsp: or you can get them via http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/392/builds18:14
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maxcell_I'm trying to install kernel-xanmod5.1.6 but nvidia dkms give it an error and i didn't find anything on google that helps18:40
maxcell_I'm not an expert can someone help?18:40
Sebastienmaxcell_, you didn't post the error message you got, and what you tried, and where you got stuck, you got to be more precise with your questions.18:41
maxcell_Sebastien: error message and log coming18:41
Sebastienalso .18:41
Sebastienit's a nvidia issue. not a #ubuntu issue18:41
Sebastienyou might want to find the proper room for your issue18:41
maxcell_Sebastien: ...18:43
angellI had a problem where my headphones were muted after each reboot. I modified pulseaudio config and they are no longer muted, but the volume is always reset to 0 on reboot. How can I fix this?18:43
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TJ-angell: that sounds like an ALSA-level issue18:45
ffledglingHello, I'm running an Ubuntu VM on Google Cloud, I'm running into a weird issue where for some reason apt is unable to resolve the proxy server it is supposed to use to reach out and fetch packages, however everything else on the machine can resolve the proxy (and use it) correctly.18:46
angellTJ-, something is resetting headphone volume on reboot. Pulse audio was muting them, which is why I also suspect its resetting the volume to 018:46
TJ-angell: we had someone else earlier today with a similar issue. Have you checked the state of the controls using 'alsamixer' in the terminal?18:47
ffledglingAny idea if apt/ubuntu caches DNS results somewhere or likes proxy configurations in a particular manner or if it tries to get dns answers from systemd-resolved directly or something like that?18:47
angellTJ-, yes. That's how I know that keeps getting reset to 0.18:48
TJ-angell: it may be something in the kernel driver for that specific device then18:52
sarnoldffledgling: I wonder if apt has had a proxy configured already and thus ignores the http_proxy environment variable; check out apt-config dump | grep -i proxy18:53
MondoEvery time I boot up I need to manually change AlsoMixer default.18:54
MondoI set: "pacmd set-card-profile 1 output:analog-stereo" But that doesn't stick.18:54
ffledglingsarnold: the proxy is configured via a config-file, I'm not using the env variables for it. Let me look at the output of config dump however18:54
ffledglingIt has it set correctly with the `Acquire::http::Proxy` directive in the dump18:55
ffledglingThe problem is not that it's using the wrong proxy, it's the it says it's unable to resolve the proxy itself18:55
ffledgling*it's that it18:56
ioriaMondo, the '1' not permanent ?19:00
aroonianyway to turn off the clock and slide to unlock feature on ubuntu 18.04 after my laptopgoes blank?19:02
MondoIt's the same every time19:03
ioriaMondo, sudo nano /etc/asound.conf19:03
ioriaMondo, and put this in there : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F3Cm6pfy23/19:03
MondoOK. Done19:04
ioriaMondo, paste   $ aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq19:05
ioriaMondo,    aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq19:05
Mondoplay WARN getopt: option `l' not recognized19:06
Mondoplay FAIL sox: invalid option19:06
ioriaMondo, again please:       aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq19:06
MondoThen two blank lines followed by "off"19:06
MondoThat got something19:07
ioriaMondo, .... what ?19:07
MondoUnexpected end of file]19:07
Mondo"/etc/asound.conf may be old or corrupted: consider to remove or fix it"19:08
ioriaMondo, copy and paste, please19:08
ioriaMondo, cat  /etc/asound.conf | nc termbin.com 9999   (and paste the url here)19:09
MondoI did Ctrl-O / Ctrl-X. File should be fine.19:09
ioriaMondo, no19:10
ioriaMondo, please open this link : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F3Cm6pfy23/19:10
ioriaMondo, you paste the url not the content19:10
ioriaMondo, you need to fill the  /etc/asound.conf file with THAT content19:11
MondoThe content of the URL that resulted from  cat command?19:11
MondoPast contect from your link into .conf?19:11
ioriaMondo, yes19:12
ioriaMondo, ok,  try again    :     cat  /etc/asound.conf | nc termbin.com 9999   (and paste the url here)19:13
MondoThat's it. https://termbin.com/5rgo19:14
ioriaMondo, ok:          aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq19:14
MondoShall I rerun aplay command?19:14
Mondoresults: HDMI PCH19:15
plongshotIs there anywhere to get a list of just the gnome terminal shorcuts that have to do with text manipulation (eg: I learned there is <ctrl> + k and <ctrl> + y to kill / yank text - what about the others?).19:15
ioriaMondo, try a reboot19:15
MondooK. BRB19:15
plongshotI looked in the terminal configuration and there are other keybindings there (not of the class indicated).19:16
helioscultistI have a bionic vm running headless, should it not have pusle installed?19:18
MondoSpeaker-test says device front:PCH is busy. Then I set AlsaMixer and speaker-test is good.19:26
ioriaMondo, again:           aplay -l | awk -F \: '/,/{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}' | uniq19:26
MondoHDMI PCH19:27
ioriaMondo, so you need to reset it each reboot ?19:27
Thr0rMondo: You are posting the same in two channels - confusing...19:28
ioriaMondo, sudo nano   /etc/asound.conf  ; delete the content and replace with this :   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/393zBdbsDZ/19:28
MondoSorry. I'm new19:28
ioriaMondo, not with url but with the content's url19:28
Mondogot it. You can only fool me once! ;)19:29
pearokaHi all, I'm hacking an apparmor profile without much success, this should be fixed for the restricted application: "failed to load driver amdgpu". OFC it works well without apparmor19:30
ioriaMondo, reboot again (sy)19:30
sarnoldpearoka: what are the DENIED lines?19:31
TJ-ioria: Mondo the usual way to stop HDMI being card 0 (default) is via an additional entry in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf  --- add:19:31
TJ-options snd-hda-intel id=PCH index=019:31
TJ-options snd-hda-intel id=HDMI index=119:31
ioriayeah, probably19:32
Mondofrom terminal?19:32
ioriaMondo, not working ?19:32
MondoYeah. Same. have to set in Alsa19:33
ioriaMondo, go with TJ- advice19:33
TJ-Mondo:  echo -e "options snd-hda-intel id=PCH index=0\noptions snd-hda-intel id=HDMI index=1\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf19:33
pearokasarnold: I use a custom profile (it had been downloaded from github) it doesn't have any special restriction but grant19:33
TJ-Mondo: unfortunately, yes19:34
MondoDevice front:pch still busy19:36
MondoStill setting in Alsa fixes it. But, NOTE: PCH is now device 0.19:37
ioriaMondo, sudo rm    /etc/asound.conf19:37
ioriaMondo, you know what19:38
MondoStill need to change Alsa19:39
Mondo I haven't really had a chance to appreciate this system's speed until now.19:41
MondoSo many reboots!19:41
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TJ-Mondo: what's the remaining issue? muted?19:42
MondoStill no sound unless I change the default in Alsa19:42
ahi2i created a launcher to open the terminal and how do I make it run a command like /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal && sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade? except this opens terminal but doesnt run the command19:43
TJ-Mondo: that does appear to be a configuration issue then, alsa presumably picking the HDMI rather than the PCH?19:43
ioriaMondo, we probably need to edit /etc/pulse/default.pa19:43
helioscultistI looked into my /etc dir and found pulse and in dpkg libpulse is installed but pulseaudio isn't. Now i would like to output sound through ssh, how should i go about this19:43
MondoI don't think so. Speaker-test reports that PCH is busy.19:43
TJ-Mondo: ahhh, so something has taken exclusive hold of the PCH device19:44
ioriaMondo,  cat cat /proc/asound/cards | nc termbin.com 999919:45
ioriaMondo,  cat /proc/asound/cards | nc termbin.com 999919:45
dmnurahi2: use the -e option, like this: /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal -e 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'19:45
helioscultistI you check superuser for this than they recomend to load module-native-protocols-tcp19:45
ahi2dmnur: thank you19:45
ioriaMondo,  now is set to '0', good19:46
ioriaMondo,  pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo19:46
MondoNo such profile: output:analog-stereo19:46
TJ-Mondo: what does this show? "ls -l /etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf"19:47
ahi2dmnur:  it works and asks me for a password but then terminal closes right away without updating19:47
Mondo"ls: cannot access '/etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf': No such file or directory"19:48
TJ-Mondo: OK, so not alsa saving state then19:48
TJ-Mondo: is the system sound currently working fine, after you've altered it?19:49
MondoPhones are ack'd, also19:49
Mondogood sound external speaker and though phones. But, have to change default in Alsa19:50
MondoIs there a way to "roll back" to earlier in the week. Everything was working last Monday.19:50
TJ-Mondo: right, so now do "sudo alsactl store 0"19:51
MondoOk. Reboot?19:51
ioriai don't dare to tell19:52
MondoRebooting now. BRB19:53
TJ-Mondo: then do "sudo mkdir /etc/alsa; touch /etc/alsa/state-daemon.conf"19:53
TJ-not yet not yet!19:53
dmnurahi2: this should work then: /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal -e 'bash -c "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade"'19:53
ioriaTJ-, sy19:54
dmnurahi2: if you want it to not terminate after updating, this hack may help: /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal -e 'bash -c "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade; exec bash"'19:54
MondoStill have to change in Alsa19:55
TJ-Mondo:  do "sudo alsactl store 0" then...19:55
ahi2dmnur: thanks. ill try it19:55
TJ-Mondo: ... try "sudo systemctl restart alsa-restore"19:56
TJ-Mondo: and ensure you still have sound output19:56
Mondodone. Sound is still good. Rebooting (again!)19:57
TJ-Mondo: if you still have sound output, at boot-time the alsa-restore service should run and restore your current settings19:57
Mondono sound19:59
Mondoshall I change Alsa?19:59
Mondo... or wipe/re-install?19:59
ioriaMondo, i'd try with  /etc/pulse/default.pa ;   https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038490/how-do-you-set-a-default-audio-output-device-in-ubuntu-18-04/103849220:00
ioriaMondo, have to leave; gl20:00
MondoOK. Thanks, ioria!20:00
MondoCan someone explain what ioria means? Try how?20:01
TJ-Mondo: the issue is that alsa is apparently not able to restore the saved settings, or those settings are incorrect20:01
MondoI think we removed the default.pa earlier20:01
TJ-Mondo: can you "pastebinit /var/lib/alsa/asound.state"20:02
MondoOh... it's still there20:02
MondoSure. hang on.20:02
TJ-Mondo: at boot time the systemd alsa-restore unit should cause alsactl to read that file and restore the settings saved there. I'm beginning to think you've something else installed that is interfering with that process and changing the file20:03
MondoQuite possible, TJ. I'm a noob and could have done something20:04
TJ-Mondo: also, check the timestamp on that file is just a few minutes ago with "ls -l /var/lib/alsa/"20:04
Mondo-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16860 Jun  6 12:58 asound.state20:05
MondoNoticed that it says "total 20" even though there are only 4 files.20:06
TJ-Mondo: looking inside that file, I notice under the state.PCH settings, for the "name 'Auto-Mute Mode'" it is set to "Line Out+Speaker" -- I'm not sure how to interpret that right now but it could be read to mean it auto-mutes those outputs.20:07
Mondoclient.conf  daemon.conf  default.pa  system.pa20:07
TJ-Mondo: "total" is the number of file-system blocks used20:07
MondoAh. Thanks20:07
TJ-Mondo: I'll compare that setting with mine here in case I can get a clue20:07
MondoMy windows past is showing...20:08
TJ-Mondo: Mine has slightly different options (only Enabled or Disabled) but it is set to Enabled so I think it relates to muting Speakers when Headphones are plugged in20:09
MondoMine does that. Switches speakers off when phones are plugged. Back again when unplugges.20:09
Thr0rTJ-: Regarding Mondo's problem I remember reading in #Ubuntustudio about something similar  some time ago. - OvenWerks suggested  to create a script to run at startup that would sleep for 10 sec and then run to restore the settings in asound file. I may be way off but just mentioning it...20:13
TJ-Mondo: I cannot see anything in that file that would explain the device being muted.20:13
TJ-Mondo: That is the issue isnt it? On reboot the PCH payblack device is set to mute?20:13
MondoIt's not muted. Speaker-test says it's "busy". Also shows it's OK when I change to it.20:14
MondoWith Alsa20:15
TJ-Mondo: oh, damn, then I'm chasing the wrong the issue :D20:15
TJ-Mondo: Do you know how to reboot into the text consoles - not starting the GUI? let's see if this is being caused by the GUI20:16
MondoSorry, no. Willing to try!20:17
MondoIs there a prompt after BIOS?20:17
Mondo(ie. Windows)20:17
TJ-Mondo: at boot-time tap Esc key a few times to get the GRUB boot-loader menu, hilight the default entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line beginning "linux ..." and at the end of it, after it says "quiet splash" and maybe other things, add "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" then press Ctrl+X to boot with that option. This will prevent the GUI from starting...20:18
MondoOK. BRB!20:18
TJ-Mondo:  ... and when you get a text login prompt log-in and do the speaker-test ("speaker-test20:18
* TJ- pins Mondo to the chair20:18
TJ-Mondo: ... do the speaker-test command we did earlier (I assume you have that written down safely) to see if the speakers work. If they do NOT work then do "lsof /dev/snd/* | tee /tmp/lsof.log" (this will save a list of  any processes that have the sound device open).20:20
TJ-Mondo: ....20:20
TJ-Mondo: ... then start the GUI with "sudo systemctl start graphical.target" and log-in as normal20:20
MondoYou know what they say about assuming!20:20
TJ-Mondo: record all this then you may reboot :D20:20
MondoGetting it down now...20:21
MondoOK... rebooting now20:23
MondoSee you shortly!20:23
Soniwhat are lightweight alternatives to lighttpd?20:24
TJ-Soni: isn't that light?20:25
dmnurSoni: depends on what you need.20:25
Sonidmnur: static pages, HTTPS, a blog20:27
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TJ-Soni: but how 'light'? RAM usage, disk space, what?20:28
Soniit's a so-called shitbox VPS. 1 core, 256 MB RAM, 10 GB disk, etc20:29
lordcirthSoni, and what problem is lighttpd having?20:30
Sonilordcirth: the config's a pain20:30
SoniI basically have the same thing copypasted 5 times, once for each subdomain20:31
SoniI don't even wanna know what adding a blog would look like20:31
thaurwylthIs the Ubuntu on Azure cloud VM always a standard mainline U?20:32
TJ-thaurwylth: you'll get a better answer for that in #ubuntu-server20:32
Forty-3how can I replace netplan with something else? I am affected by https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/177399720:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773997 in netplan "Cant set up 'empty bridge' with IP-addresses configure" [Undecided,Fix committed]20:33
Forty-3do I just purge it and install netctl or something?20:33
lordcirthForty-3, desktop or server?20:33
TJ-Forty-3: don't use netplan, write the config in the systemd.network config directly20:33
hans__iirc mysql has a buggy BEGIN TRANSACTION; after X amount of records, everything is silently-committed behind-the-scene and every following record becomes a transaction->insert->commit like a transactionless query20:33
lordcirthForty-3, you should be able to remove netplan and write in /etc/systemd/network20:33
Forty-3oh, really20:34
Forty-3the wiki made it seem like netplan was the default20:34
Forty-3I'll try systemd then20:34
hans__solution is to limit number of INSERTs per COMMIT20:34
hans__or... workaround, rather20:34
lordcirthNetplan compiles networkd files20:34
thaurwylthAlthough: does this imply that it won't be a regular desktop user like Ubuntu?20:34
lordcirththaurwylth, what do you mean?20:35
thaurwylthI don't know! That's why the question looks silly, tee hee. I mean I didn't know that a VM might run Ubuntu server, even though now it sounds kind of like it makes sense.20:36
TJ-thaurwylth: yes, the installs in the 'cloud' virtual machines are ubuntu-server variaties20:36
* TJ- thinks he lost Mondo20:37
MondoI'm back!20:37
MondoTook longer than expected because Linux usernames are case sensitive!20:38
MondoOK. So... Speaker-test still says busy20:38
TJ-Mondo: :D yay!20:38
pearokaeverything is case sensitive in linux20:38
TJ-Mondo: so we now know something is starting early, before GUI, that grabs the snd device20:39
MondoI'm finding that out, pearoka20:39
TJ-Mondo: did you run the 'lsof' command?20:39
TJ-Mondo: OK, let's see it "pastebinit /tmp/lsof.log"20:39
TJ-Mondo: hmmm, pulseaudio only, which is what I'd expect. So no clue there!20:40
MondoBut, isn't it supposed to be 0 then 1?20:41
thaurwylthHave you tried hardware related troubleshooting? Such as super old times' IRQ conflicts and things like that? (Maybe IRQ conflicts can't even happen any more.)20:41
Mondohaven't tried that, thaurwylth20:42
MondoI doubt that's the issue, though. Audio is normal with a live distro20:42
TJ-Mondo: It has to be some additional package installed that isn't on the Live, of course20:44
Mondoof course.20:44
MondoSomewhere, we should be able to see that.20:45
MondoSome little gremlin is hiding in there. We just need to wet it down!20:45
dmnurMondo: let's try this command: getent group audio20:48
TJ-Mondo: let's get a list of all the running services: "pastebinit <( systemctl status )"20:49
dmnurMondo: oh. Try this: sudo gpasswd -d mondo audio20:49
dmnurMondo: then reboot.20:49
MondoHold on, dmnur20:50
Mondo(PS: not comfortable with your suggestion)20:51
TJ-dmnur: what's the rationale for that?20:51
dmnurMondo: TJ-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/TheAudioGroup20:51
Mondopassword things make me nervous20:51
TJ-dmnur: ignore that wiki, it was last edited in 2013!20:52
TJ-dmnur: standard install is a user-owned pulseaudio server so user has to be in the audio group20:52
TJ-Mondo: gotchya!!! I think!20:53
MondoOK. Doing the gpasswd thing w/ reboot. BRB20:54
dmnurTJ-: still relevant though. Having a user in the `audio` means that the user has direct access to audio devices. And that means that any process ran by that user can block software mixing.20:54
TJ-Mondo: in your system service list is "osspd" which is the Open Sound System Proxy Daemon. OSS used to be famous for grabbing exclusive use of sound devices. Let's ask Eickmeyer[m] if osspd could be an issue20:55
TJ-dmnur: it's standard: "S tj        4166     1  0  80   0  8956 292693 poll_s Jun01 ?       00:00:34 /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start --log-target=syslog"20:55
MondoSpeaker-test still says PCH is busy20:56
TJ-Mondo: you got out before I wrote you something again!20:57
TJ-Mondo: in your system service list is "osspd" which is the Open Sound System Proxy Daemon. OSS used to be famous for grabbing exclusive use of sound devices. Let's ask Eickmeyer[m] if osspd could be an issue20:57
TJ-Mondo: also, in your user session I see something that could be related to Jack: "/usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/bin/autojack >~/.log/autojack.log"20:58
TJ-Mondo: I have a US DAW that hasn't exhibited your issue. It's about 25 miles away; but I can VPN in, so we could compare what that is running20:59
MondoOK. I'm game.21:00
TJ-Mondo: ok, it has osspd too: "│ └─753 /usr/sbin/osspd -f --dsp-slave=/usr/lib/osspd/ossp-slave"21:00
pd09041999[m]'drm:drm_mode_addfb2'----what does this mean?21:01
TJ-Mondo: but it doesn't have this autojack thing21:01
MondoIs it a Studio install?21:01
TJ-pd09041999[m]: drm_mode_addfb2() is a function in the kernel21:01
TJ-Mondo: yes, it's US (Ubuntu Studio)21:01
Mondo18.04 LTS with back Ports?21:02
TJ-Mondo: 1st line of /etc/apt/sources.list shows "#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Studio 18.04 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20180426)]/ bionic main multiverse restricted universe"21:02
pd09041999[m]these messages are polluting my logs21:02
TJ-Mondo: "/etc/apt/sources.list:36:deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ bionic-backports main restricted universe multiverse"21:03
pd09041999[m]is it a warning or error or what21:03
TJ-pd09041999[m]: not sure! if there's no message with it I would think it is just telling us its been called :)21:03
MondoHere's mine: "deb cdrom:[Ubuntu-Studio 18.04 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20180426)]/ bionic main multiverse restricted universe"21:04
emilspsarnold, TJ- this is a very belated thanks for the links :) I'm well aware they might be vulnerable, but I need them for testing purposes.21:04
TJ-emilsp: :)21:04
MondoHey... I don't see my backports21:04
TJ-Mondo: Mondo interesting, II find a reference to autojack in the UbuStudio release notes for 18.10, which infers it is part of the US install, but I don't see it21:09
MondoOK. Is that good or bad?21:10
TJ-Mondo: well, it's the only difference I see, and it is related to something (jack) that also takes exclusive hold of audio devices21:11
MondoWould that change AlsoMixer? It seems like the only consistency21:13
TJ-Mondo: alsamixer reflects the state of the controls. we KNOW you have saved the correct state in asound.state, but that it is somehow changed at boottime21:16
TJ-Mondo: that points to something like Jack making changes, I wonder if this "autojack" is writing that config into the device after alsa-restore.service has run21:17
MondoGood theory. How do we prove/disprove it?21:18
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TJ-Mondo: I've just done a full text archive search using apt-file for "autojack" and not got a match21:19
TJ-Mondo: that means that filename isn't in any of the Ubuntu archives listed in the apt sources.list, so I'm confused!21:19
Thr0r"Run at start" script will resolve this - just make it reset to what you want in asound..21:20
TJ-Mondo: but it is mentioned in more detail here in the Audio section: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuStudio21:20
MondoStarting the Ubuntu Studio Controls gives me the Studio Set Up Utility with the message "Warning: Real time permissions have not been properly installed!"21:22
TJ-Mondo: hmmm, as I'm on a remote SSH I can't easily execute the full desktop here,... or can I, I think I had VNC installed for just this reason!21:24
EickmeyerMondo: That's not a problem. Click on the button that says that and it'll set that up for you. :)21:25
TJ-Mondo: I *love* linux sometimes; just ran "sudo -u lightdm x11vnc -display :0 -auth /var/lib/lightdm/.Xauthority" on the remote system and I have its greeter here21:26
ztychrRunning Ubuntu 18.04. Fullscreen on youtube in Firefox is adding a white space/bar in the top. Doesn't happen on firefox on Windows. Non fullscreen: https://pasteboard.co/IidhEso.png Fullscreen: https://pasteboard.co/IidhPKz.png Has anyone had this problem?21:26
dmnurMondo: TJ-: ah, I see, it's Ubuntu Studio... Yeah, there for real-time audio a user needs to be in the `audio` group. My bad.21:26
MondoOops. how do I add back in?21:26
dmnurMondo: sudo gpasswd -a mondo audio21:26
Eickmeyerdmnur: The button in Ubuntu Studio Controls does that automatically.21:27
ubottuUbuntu Studio Controls is the application through which audio is configured in Ubuntu Studio. It configures Jack, sets the CPU governor, and ensures the user has realtime audio permissions. For more info, see !jack and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioControls21:27
TJ-Mondo: where do I find the Studio Controls!?21:27
TJ-Eickmeyer: can you tell us what this autojack is and which package it is in?21:27
MondoBefore that, I have a message from the Controls when I clicked on "Fix". Want to see the screenshot?21:27
EickmeyerTJ-: autojack is part of Ubuntu Studio Controls (ubutnustudio-controls)21:28
MondoHow do I paste graphic to you?21:28
EickmeyerThe user shouldn't have to touch it.21:28
EickmeyerMondo: Use imgur21:28
MondoDo i need an account for that?21:29
TJ-Mondo: I found the controls :)21:29
TJ-Eickmeyer: right, what does it *do* though? I could not find it with "apt-file search autojack"21:29
EickmeyerTJ-: It starts Jack automatically at startup if it was left running when the user shuts down the system. It's configured by Ubuntu Studio Controls.21:30
TJ-Eickmeyer: I'm puzzled as to why apt-file cannot locate it; which release of U-S first included it?21:31
EickmeyerTJ-: the one in Cosmic21:32
TJ-Eickmeyer: aha! The system I'm checking on is 18.04!!21:33
TJ-Mondo: mystery solved :)21:33
EickmeyerTJ-: That's why the Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is REQUIRED for Ubuntu Studio 18.04.21:33
MondoOh, yeah?21:33
ubottuThe Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer21:33
TJ-Eickmeyer: yes, and it is enabled21:33
MondoI didn't see it on my first line as you did on yours.21:34
TJ-Eickmeyer: oh sorry, it's the main backports enabled, not a PPA21:34
EickmeyerTJ-: Yeah, need the PPA (the ultra-rare official PPA, btw).21:35
TJ-Mondo: I'm now worried if I enable the backports PPA I might break our DAW!21:35
EickmeyerTJ-: You won't. There's no DAW in the PPA.21:35
MondoOh, don't do that!21:35
MondoI'd rather wipe my system than put someone else's down!21:35
dmnurEickmeyer: and it also should automatically set up PulseAudio to use JACK instead of directly accessing audio devices, right?21:36
EickmeyerIt's pretty benign as PPAs go: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/backports?field.series_filter=bionic21:36
TJ-Eickmeyer: the DAW is setup with Ardour + Alsa (no jack) with an external delta 1010 and a UC33 controller, so I don't want to risk something in the backports breaking config it took a while to get it set :)21:36
Eickmeyerdmnur: The PulseAudio bridge makes Pulse act like an audio device within Jack. Jack needs direct access via ALSA to function correctly.21:37
EickmeyerTJ-: That won't happen.21:37
MondoSorry it took a minute. I've never used Imgur...21:37
TJ-Eickmeyer: the only purpose in my looking at our DAW config was to try to spot a difference with Mondo's that might help us figure out what is grabbing exclusive control of the PCH sound device on his system21:37
EickmeyerMondo: That means you need to log-out and log-in for it to take effect.21:37
MondoLog out of Studio?21:38
EickmeyerMondo: Yes.21:38
EickmeyerOtherwise the system won't put you in the audio group.21:38
MondoOK... Anything before I go, TJ?21:38
TJ-Eickmeyer: did you see earlier I got Mondo to boot to a multi-user.target - so no GUI - and something had exclusive control of the PCH, such that speaker-test couldn't use it, so we are working on the theory that something is grabbing it21:39
TJ-Eickmeyer: we ensured the alsactl store in asound.state is correct, and that alsa-restore.service is running and doing its job21:39
EickmeyerTJ-: I didn't see that. Did you figure out what was grabbing it (if anything)?21:40
EickmeyerIf it was Jack (or autojack) a simple "Stop Jack" click in Ubuntu Studio Controls should handle it.21:40
TJ-Eickmeyer: no, Mondo ran "lsof /dev/snd*" whilst in that TTY and we had the log; it just showed pulseaudio as per usual21:40
EickmeyerTJ-: Ah. Odd.21:40
TJ-Eickmeyer: this was the lsof /dev/snd/* log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VvjFq5X9Ch/21:41
EickmeyerTJ-: I see.21:41
TJ-Eickmeyer: and in case you can spot something we cannot, here's a the GUI session "systemctl status" -- this is where I saw "autojack" and got fixated on finding out what it is, and if it coudl be implicated http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wS7Z4b2h8K/21:42
EickmeyerTJ-: Ah, yes. autojack serves one purpose: to determine whether or not Jack runs at startup.21:42
TJ-Eickmeyer: is it being started as part of the user GUII session, or could it have been started for a TTY login with the multi-user.target ?21:44
EickmeyerTJ-: It should be part of the GUI session, but the developer (OvenWerks) is in #ubuntustudio and would have more specifics.21:45
TJ-Eickmeyer: because if whatever had grabbed the PCH inn the TTY session is the same as is affecting the GUI session, that would rule out autojack21:45
EickmeyerTJ-: I don't know that much, sadly.21:45
TJ-Eickmeyer: I feel lost too :D21:45
EickmeyerTJ-: OvenWerks is definitely the guy to talk to.21:46
TJ-At least we fixed the problem with the HDMI device being the default, so Mondo does now have a known woraround on each start-up to enable sound21:46
TJ-I've joined ubuntu-studio in case we have any bright ideas :)21:47
EickmeyerTJ-: Wrong channel. It's #ubuntustudio21:47
MondoYes. But, it's a PitA and shouldn't be/didn't used to be that way.21:47
EickmeyerTJ-: Nm, you got it.21:47
TJ-Mondo: I think we're all out of ideas right now, but check in #ubuntustudio we may discover something¬21:47
MondoOK. Heading over thre now.21:48
TJ-Eickmeyer: hahaha! first time a typo has actually helped me!21:48
EickmeyerMondo: We did it that way because 18.04 was released as non-LTS for Ubuntu Studio. This is the only way we can give it that extra LTS-like support.21:48
TJ-Mondo: was PiTA about the HDMI default?21:49
helioscultistI have a question:what is the diffrence between libasound and libpulse0 and alsa and pulse?21:49
Smokiehey guys, i have apache2 running on a new VM to test some stuff, how can i give my User access to /var/html/www so i dont have to use the root user every time i want to add something?21:53
TJ-helioscultist: ALSA is the Linux kernel sound infrastructure, plus associated user-space controls. Pulseaudio is a sound server that can route and process sound21:53
helioscultistyes. but lib alsa ansd alsa?21:54
helioscultistsory libasound and alsa21:54
TJ-!info libasound221:55
ubottulibasound2 (source: alsa-lib): shared library for ALSA applications. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.3-5ubuntu0.2 (bionic), package size 372 kB, installed size 1386 kB21:55
OerHekslib is a library, part of ~21:56
splifpufSmokie, sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/html/21:57
Smokiesplifpuf, should i expect any issues when doing that?21:57
OerHekssplifpuf, meh, normally one would add the user the www-data group21:58
TJ-Smokie: i'd use ACLs for that; "sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:rwx /var/www/html"21:58
Smokiehmm i never heard of ACLs before.. how is it different than what splifpuf suggested?21:58
splifpufwell, test it before, or maybe you should made a symlink..21:58
helioscultistty, still conffused, if alsa comes with the kernel (does it?) shouldn't it be available always?21:58
TJ-Smokie: but, if you're using apache2, you could enable the mod_userdir module, then the server can server your $HOME/public_html/ directory on the http://localhost/~$USER URL, e.g. for me it'd be /~tj21:59
TJ-Smokie: ACLs do not change the POSIX ownership21:59
TJ-Smokie: ACLs can add additional users/groups as well as the file-ownership21:59
SmokieTJ-, i dont want to use http://localhost/~$USER on a local VM that has no access outside my network22:00
Smokiesplifpuf, hmm like create an html folder in my user directory and do a symlink from /var/www/html to that?22:00
dmnurhelioscultist: to play sound using ALSA, programs need a way to communicate with it. libasound provides an interface for that, programs use this interface.22:01
splifpufOerHeks, you'r right22:01
splifpufSmokie, if it's only for test or for learn you can do it22:01
splifpufbut it's not safe to put if on your home/user22:01
SmokieOerHeks, hmm add my user to www-data group would give me access to /var/www/html'22:01
splifpufSmokie, if you do a ls -all you can see groups22:02
TJ-Smokie: I used localhost purely to demonstrate the /~ part, it works for all virtualhosts apache has defined22:02
dmnurhelioscultist: libasound is used to communicate with ALSA directly. libpulse, on the other hand, provides an interface to PulseAudio. Most programs allow users to choose which one to use.22:03
helioscultistok, so alsa/pulse are aggregators?22:03
Smokieso what is the best way of doing it then guys?22:05
TJ-Smokie: ACLs :)22:06
dmnurSmokie: using ACLs is better, yes.22:06
TJ-Smokie: that's what they're for22:06
OerHeksACL is better than add user www-data, as your webservice is more secure22:06
Smokiethanks a lot for the help guys22:07
OERIASI have a silly question but...22:09
OERIASdoes anyone know how to speed an old ubuntu installation?22:09
OERIASIt is running 19.04 and it takes a billion years to boot up and when I log in it also takes another billion years to load up the desktop.22:10
splifpufOERIAS, specs ? and desktop env ?22:11
splifpuflaptop or desktop ?22:11
plongshotI'm looking for a complete set of these guys to use as icons in a project. Does anyone know what they are called (do they have a name)? Or where I could find a complete set of them?  https://tinyurl.com/yxf8xjbk22:13
sarnoldOERIAS: you can disable all the CPU flaw mitigations with some kernel command line parameters. this is a bad idea if you do important things on the web with a web browser, or run programs that you'd consider untrusted alongside programs you consider trusted..22:14
sarnoldOERIAS: but for a single-user machine that doesn't run javascript or other untrusted programs, you may find this useful: https://make-linux-fast-again.com/22:15
OerHekssystemd-analyze plot > filename.svg # gives a nice graph22:16
OerHeksor systemd-analyze blame22:16
OERIASOerHeks, will produce a command...22:17
plongshotfound out thanks: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/3d-operator-working-call-center-rendered-9480438122:17
OERIASsarnold this is an 12 GB of RAM laptop with an i5 processor running the Unity Desktop environment22:18
splifpufOERIAS, GPU is enabled ?22:20
splifpufdo you got ant graphic card inside ?22:20
MondoI know I wasn't going to come back until tomorrow. But...22:24
MondoRecovery mode in Terminal Emulation (as Mondo) Speaker-test failed22:24
MondoRecovery mode in XTerm (as Root) Speaker-test passed22:24
coz_hey all22:26
p0wderim getting an error when i try to open nautilus as root22:37
p0wderthis is the error im getting:22:37
p0wderNo protocol specified22:37
p0wderUnable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused22:37
p0wder(nautilus:12675): Gtk-WARNING **: 18:37:17.869: cannot open display: :022:37
p0wderit used to work.. im not sure what i did to make it stop working22:38
OerHeksjust warnings.. and do not open a gui program like that, install nautilus-admin to obtain proper root from nautilus22:38
OerHeks!info nautilus-admin22:38
ubottunautilus-admin (source: nautilus-admin): Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1 (bionic), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB22:38
p0wderi was trying to quickly edit my grub theme22:39
p0wderi type-  sudo nautilus /boot/grub/themes22:40
OerHekstry nano ?22:40
p0wderi shouldn't be doing that?22:40
OerHeksthat is if themes is a file , but i understand you want to edit files in that folder?22:41
p0wderi want to swap out some .pngs22:41
p0wderi ended up cd'ing to the directory and using mv commands to edit everything22:43
OerHeksthat nautilus-admin plugin gives root priv to move copy rename, and to edit22:43
p0wderany idea why it stopped letting me do it the "sudo nautilus /" way?22:44
p0wderClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz (1.62GHz) • Memory: Physical: 7.5 GiB Total (6.4 GiB Free) Swap: 2.0 GiB Total (2.0 GiB Free) • Storage: 20.7 GB / 254.1 GB (233.5 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV620/M82 [Mobility Radeon HD 3450/3470] @ Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controlle22:45
p0wderr Hub • Uptime: 39m 53s22:45
OerHeksbecause systemd i guess22:47
p0wderoh :(22:47
OerHeksthere are more nautilus plugins, i need one that lists  snap/flatpack (wishlist)22:49
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archuserauHey, is anyone using ubuntu on an imac?23:33
Svetaarchuserau, perhaps someone is.  (Not me, but this is unimportant.) What is the issue?23:57
archuserauIt is not booting unless i use nomodeset23:58

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