[00:35] Eickmeyercan you hit that again? I'll try pidgen [00:35] To help us further assess your audio problem, please type this into a terminal (minus the quotes): "cd /tmp && wget http://jackaudio.org/downloads/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh | pastebinit" [00:35] It hasn't been implemented yet. [00:36] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PGnSN45wSM/ [00:36] Yep. Worked. [00:36] Ya but I can do one copy paste anyway. I joined the wrong place is all. [00:38] OvenWerks: Heh, ran it inside Windows Subsystem for Linux: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9JntcX73rS/ [00:38] That is a valid reply [00:38] no alsa no jack [00:39] Yep.