
EickmeyerThr0r: Probably compatibility issues between iPhone and Linux. Apple tends to keep their products locked tight as a drum.00:08
Thr0rok It's the same with music aswell...00:11
studiobot<marneu> Question for the v1-suite: I had this issue https://discourse.ardour.org/t/solved-samplv1-drumkv1-synthv1-padthv1-no-gui-in-ardour/9981301:16
studiobot<marneu> tried the fix and can now see the GUI if I add synthv1 as a plugin, but it doesn't actually produce any sound and I can't select it as an instrument for a new MIDI track.01:17
studiobot<marneu> Solution from Reddit:  … "In there, turn on manual config, add one (mono) or two (stereo) audio outs, and click and drag from the green diamonds to the green tabs, to make it look something like [this screenshot(https://i.imgur.com/CCqpjdx.png). … Regarding not being able to add them as an instrument in the new midi track window, that'02:37
studiobots just the way it is because the developer of the vee suite didn't set it up 'properly' for that functionality. Just create an empty midi track and add it as a plugin, works fine."02:37
studiobot<marneu> works. neat.02:38
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @marneu [works. neat.], Glad to see you got a solution. In the future, please post on askubuntu.com first BEFORE posting on Reddit, and then link to the question on askubuntu.com in your question on the subreddit. This way we can reference your question and the solution in the future. Reddit is a bad place for tech support. As s04:37
studiobotuch, you broke Rule #2 in the subreddit.04:37
studiobot<marneu> The only subreddit I know of with that rule is r/ubuntu. r/linuxaudio and r/ubuntustudio are MUCH more appropriate and either don't have that rule or hide it.04:45
studiobot<marneu> Also, fuck stackexchange.com.04:46
Eickmeyer[m]!ohmy | @marneu04:48
ubottu@marneu: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList04:48
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Don't let that happen again.04:49
studiobot<marneu> ew.04:49
studiobotmarneu was removed by: marneu04:50
Eickmeyer[m]The rule isn't hidden. It's the top stickied post. -_-04:51
HiDeHoanyone recomend a good mp3 music player for ubuntu stgudio.08:01
HiDeHomusic library manager.08:02
HiDeHoparole seems similar to VLC not good media library function.08:03
HiDeHohi al what webcam app does US come with.09:05
M_aD<HiDeHo> anyone recomend a good mp3 music player for ubuntu stgudio. ---> i always install audacious09:15
HiDeHoM_aD, ok. how is that compared to rhythmbox and deadbeaf09:16
M_aDhard to tell but i like it more than rhythmbox. Try it and see :)09:17
M_aDre webcam app, did you find it out already? If not, there's none insalled by default afaik but youcould pull in Cheese09:17
HiDeHoi have used sop many over the years most os now ship with a generic media player like vlc, smplayer, parole that play all media but dont have a good media manager ability.09:18
HiDeHocheese has been the recomended app for a long time before there where such things09:19
HiDeHoguess i will have to use one app, like cheese, to capture the videos and another like kdenlive to edit them.09:20
HiDeHoon another thing. what simple photo editor apps does US have, gimp is a bit complicated. i used to like the old picassa app from google. its eol but i can find the last version they had and install that as it does so much cool stuff.09:24
M_aDdon't know, have a look09:25
HiDeHommm i wonder why scribus is under graphic design. when its reallly more an office tool likew ms pages.09:29
HiDeHoi wish more ubuntu studio users used this chat09:39
HiDeHoi am wanting to capture webcam and combine different videos into one of me playing different instruments etc.09:39
MondoHey, guys! Just wanted to let you know that the sound on my system is working. I have to wait about 20 seconds after login and something kicks it over.21:40
MondoThank you all, very much for you help and patience with the situation!21:40
EickmeyerTJ-: Thanks for the team effort on that one! ^22:59
TJ-Eickmeyer: hmmm, that's a weird one... having to wait... that suggests something is using the device for 20 seconds... could it be something related to a start-up log-in sound?23:00
EickmeyerTJ-: Highly unlikely. We don't implement one.23:00
TJ-presumably not going through pulse else it'd mix23:00
EickmeyerTJ-: my guess is there's some odd config files and/or strange hardware going on here.23:02
EickmeyerFor thousands of people, it "just works." (tm)23:02
TJ-indeed, I suspect someone's installed something blindly with a few clicks :)23:04

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