[15:35] Is there a packaging guide for NEW packages that a) have an upstream repository-only publishing scheme (no tarballs), b) doesn't assume upstream does tagged releases (got to pick HEAD at a point in time), and c) using git tooling (not bzr). I've looked at Ubu Packaging Guide which assumes tarball or bzr, and the Debian guide that assume tarballs [15:35] What I need is an example, or confirmation, that it is OK to start from an already git clone X working directory) [15:36] Or whether the debian/rules needs to do a source git clone operation itself [20:38] TJ-: acheronuk could give you some good tips [21:13] TJ- valorie all I can mostly do is point at http://honk.sigxcpu.org/projects/git-buildpackage/manual-html/gbp.import.upstream-git.html#gbp.import.upstream.git.notarball [21:14] valorie: I thnk I've almost got there but still struggling with precise instructions. Been trying to use gbp-buildpackage but I think that's the wrong one [21:15] I've got an sbuild env set up but struggling to figure out how to generate the orig.tar source package from the git; gbp-buildpackage --git-pristine-tar also seems to want to build the binaries, which is not what I want [21:15] acheronuk: Yes, been reading that but seems to miss out things that for regular Debian devs are obvious :) [21:18] hmmm, found somewhere else that recommends "git archive master | gzip > ../${package}_${version}.tar.gz" [21:19] well, I've built stuff from source, but never packaged [21:20] although I think I could manage to make a tarball [21:20] perhaps [21:22] it's a very confusing mess of changing processes tools and methods unfortunately. 10 years ago I found it easy, now I get lost just trying to figure out which instructions are the correct ones! [21:24] the trick is reliably automating that with packaging and tags [21:26] I'd settle for just having the Ubuntu docs kept current; so much is about bzr or working with tarballs [21:27] e.g the Getting Set Up page still tells us to install pbuilder [21:33] TJ-: kubuntu's old tooling used to use: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PskbkKKdGQ/ [21:47] acheronuk: did that default to using sbuild? [21:49] hmm, am I correct setting source/format to "3.0 (git)" if upstream + packaging is all using git ? [21:53] that just built the source package for upload. no sbuild [21:57] oh?is the final -S being passed to dpkg-buildpackage then? [21:57] I didn't spot that initially [22:21] looks like I may have gbp buildpackage working; now I've got to solve why there are loads of mounts inder /run/schroot/mount and the build now runs out of memory! [22:23] hmm, that needed "schroot --all-sessions --end-session" to close them all