
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube
R2SAABHi. 😊08:39
xubuntu56dHELLO i need a help where can i find sha256 of xubuntu iso ?10:40
diogenes_xubuntu56d, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04/release/10:47
diogenes_or any other release: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/10:47
=== NGRhodes is now known as NGRhodes_
=== NGRhodes_ is now known as NGRhodes__
=== NGRhodes__ is now known as NGRhodes___
=== NGRhodes___ is now known as NGRhodes____
=== NGRhodes____ is now known as NGRhodes
NGRhodesI've been googling with no luck - running Xubuntu 18.04 clean install. I am getting a blank tty on screen blank, I tried various fixes, no luck, I get the same issue with 19.04 live.15:09
NGRhodesscreen lock, not screen blank.15:09
diogenes_NGRhodes, light-locker or xscreensaver.15:26
diogenes_try xscreensaver.15:27
NGRhodesdiogenes_, argh, too many Gnome dependancies :/15:50
diogenes_NGRhodes, then xlockmore-gl15:51
=== xerox123_9 is now known as xerox123_
=== marcc is now known as kub

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