
=== westor{off} is now known as westor
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest41316
BluesKaj_hey folks10:46
=== lukas is now known as Guest60235
nils_hi, I'm wondering how I would go about disabling the internal/embedded akonadi mysql server and using another mysql server instead. I can't seem to find any configuration dialogs and my settings in ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc don't seem to have any effect.13:13
=== administrator is now known as Guest51547
Guest51547Howdy.  Looking for some guidance on WiFi adapters for use with Kubuntu15:04
nils_Guest51547, I always use Intel Devices, they have excellent Linux support.15:14
Guest51547Thanks.  I tried TP-Link's AC600 version of the Archer T2U, but I can't get the dang thing installed and talking.15:18
Guest51547So then I tried their TL-WN725N thinking that would be simpler, but no.  Both are USB dongles.15:19
Guest51547I was hoping that someone could reccommend a specific Wifi dongle that would install easily and work well with Kubuntu without all the hassle15:20
diogenes_Guest51547, my d-link works flawlessly, plug-and-play.15:22
Guest51547Thanks.  Which model #?15:23
diogenes_Guest51547, it's old as hell, DWA-119 but works as a charm.15:24
Guest51547Hmmm... probably not going to find that on Amazon. Looking thru the KForums and can't find this issue addressed?15:25
Guest51547Google's no help.15:25
diogenes_Guest51547, sorry, 110: http://www.dlink.ru/mn/products/2/750.html15:26
Guest51547Thanks, I'll check it out.15:27
ubottutunin: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:55

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