
whereistimboHi guys. I'm having trouble building pulseaudio deb from git branch remotes/pkg/applied/ubuntu/bionic, I'm using clean install of xubuntu 18.04.2 with virtualbox, any help with recommended setup?10:07
raviolaHi guys. I'm having trouble building pulseaudio deb from git branch remotes/pkg/applied/ubuntu/bionic, I'm using clean install of xubuntu 18.04.2 with virtualbox, any help with recommended setup?13:05
raviolaI need build pulseaudio deb package from source so I can debug it. But I have trouble to build it even in clean install13:07
cjwatsonthis is not me offering to help, but you probably stand a better chance of finding somebody to help you if you put a transcript of exactly what you've done and the resulting error messages on a pastebin (e.g. paste.ubuntu.com)13:07
cjwatson(please don't highlight me in responses)13:08
raviolaThanks cjwatson, however I think the fault is my part so I'd like to just redo the clean install in virtualbox13:08
cjwatson14:08 <cjwatson> (please don't highlight me in responses)13:08
cjwatsonanyway, if you don't show what the errors are then probably nobody will be able to help13:09
cjwatsonso that would be your best way forward13:09
sil2100Laney: hey! A quick question - do you know if the latest version of britney2-ubuntu is used in production right now? Since I was thinking of maybe switching off dry-run mode from the SRU ADT thingy this week, it looks like it works as expected but still doesn't save the state apparently15:30
sil2100Laney: I think I fixed that though15:30
sil2100Laney: is the latest master in production now? Or is it simply the broken version still?15:31
Laneysil2100: what broken version?15:32
Laneyevery run does a 'git pull' from the branch15:32
LaneyI didn't merge anything further from you yet if that's what you mean15:33
sil2100Ah, hmmm, so it's basically using the latest master15:38
sil2100Since I pushed 2 fix commits there, but maybe there's something broken somewhere else15:38
sil2100Laney: thanks, will look into what's up then o/15:39
Laneyyou can go onto the machine and look at 'git log' in there15:39
sil2100Laney: but isn't that on snakefruit?15:39
Laneycan confirm the head is 1cbc21d25851bf5652663a434d20a2c671c59e5415:40
sil2100Laney: thanks!15:41
* sil2100 looks into that15:42
sil2100Laney: aaaah, ok, forgot that when it's run in dry-run mode, the state file is simply not saved16:36
sil2100Laney: duuuh16:37
sil2100Laney: so ok, it will most probably work once we switch to normal mode of operations16:37
sil2100Laney: do you think we could switch dry-run off tomorrow?16:38
Laneysil2100: yeah, I think that should just happen if you commit the appropriate change to b116:45
=== laptop27 is now known as laptop2
ahasenackis there a specific log file ownership/permissions policy for when we want the logs to be restricted?18:45
ahasenackI've seen some 0640 root:adm18:45
ahasenackor root:root 060018:46
ahasenackalso syslog:adm 064018:46
ahasenackapport.log: 0640 root:adm18:46
ahasenackauth.log: 0640 syslog:adm18:46
ahasenackboot.log: 0600 root:root18:46
ahasenacksyslog: 0640 syslog:adm18:47
sarnoldahasenack: hmm, I thought the policy manual dictated adm group for most logs, but don't see it on https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files#log-files18:48
ahasenackyeah, it talks about purging, but not ownership or permissions18:48
ahasenackeven 10.9 just below18:48
=== laptop20 is now known as laptop2

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