
=== mundus2018 is now known as mundus
stripeHi Everyone, setting up a home 3 disk array (running / on the array), for partitioning would a seperate /boot partition (raid 1), the / partition (raid 5) and the swap partition (raid 0) be an acceptible scheme? (and not cause problems resilvering a disk after faliure) thanks :)09:51
TJ-stripe: why the different RAID levels per FS, if there's the same 3 disks underlying it all?09:53
stripeTJ the /boot is raid 1 to allow booting from any drive after faliure, the swap (0) is to minimise the amount of writes. or am I over thinking it (as usual lol)09:55
TJ-stripe: I wouldn't like to be using RAID-5; it is very risky especially with 3 disks09:57
stripethanks TJ what would you use?09:58
TJ-once you lose a disk you've no resiliance until you've replaced it with a hot spare, and most admins will tell you with RAID-5 *don't touch the array, don't shutdown" until you've got the replacement drive in place (oh, and do a full backup BEFORE adding the replacement disk) !09:58
stripeTJ would you add another spare disk to the array or run a 4 disk (raid 5) array? I will have all my data snapshot'd and backed up.10:03
TJ-I wouldn't use RAID-5 at all; RAID-6 or RAID-10 (mirror + stripe)10:09
TJ-stripe: are these real spining disks or actually SSD ?10:10
TJ-stripe: short informative read here: https://storageswiss.com/2015/01/13/which-raid-level-use-for-ssd-tier/10:12
stripethank you TJ will look at 6 and 10, all spinning drives, and thanks for the link. all the best :)10:21
TJ-stripe: I'd always prefer RAID-10 even if it does give less capacity than 5/6 because it so much easier to rationalise about and work with when a disk (or two) fail10:23
stripeTJ the loss of capacity is not an issue, (will mainly be running LXD{lxc} containers) so will do some further reading, thanks again for the help. have a great day :)10:33
blackflowGB are cheap. What RAID10 loses in $$ for storage space, it gains with simplicity and robustness.10:34
stripethanks blackflow, my two favourite words simplicity and robustness it looks like I will be using raid 10 :)10:35
blackflowalso btw I wouldn't recommend RAID0 for swap. In case of disk failure it's crashy-crashy time, and the whole point of RAID is to keep the server running while you resilver the faulty disk10:35
blackflow(and if at all possible, use ZFS)10:36
stripeblackflow, have used zfs on freebsd, never even thought about using it on linux (facepalm) excelent reminder :)10:38
blackflowstripe: the only "problem" (for now) is that you'll have to install Ubuntu from debootstrap, until the installer grows the ZFS capabilities, which is in progress. But hey, I prefer deboostrapping anyway, I end up with most minimalist possible installation, no cloud-init, snapd and similar bloatware.10:41
stripedebootstrap is not a problem, thats how I originally built my containers/chroot's (back in the day)10:45
blackflowZFS it is, then :)10:46
stripeyep :)10:50
RoyKblackflow: the only issue with zfs is the lack of flexibility11:10
RoyKblackflow: you can't just toss in a new drive in a VDEV or remove one - it's rather static on the VDEV level - there are talks of this changing, but I haven't seen the code yet11:11
blackflowprecisely why a 2-disk mirror vdev is best. you just keep expanding by adding 2 disks at a time (or replacing them with bigger ones)11:14
blackflow2-disk mirror vdev, and then many vdevs are "stripes", so it's effectively a RAID10 as ZFS doesn't explicitly have a "RAID10" option11:15
RoyKblackflow: for striped mirrors, yes, but I was thinking of raidz things11:28
rbasakbryce: bug 1773324 came up in triage. Are you OK to re-review/sponsor please?15:47
ubottubug 1773324 in rabbitmq-server (Ubuntu Eoan) "rabbitmqadmin shows %%VSN%% as version" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177332415:47
rbasakbryce: and nice job helping the volunteer to get the patch into shape :)15:49
brycerbasak, sure will take a look at it now16:28
supercoolCould someone tell me if Ubuntu Server comes with an active firewall nowadays?23:11
sarnoldsupercool: ufw is available to install if you want a friendly front end to iptables23:14
supercoolsarnold: actually I am just trying to figure why am an unable to access a server from a client server23:15
supercoolI think iptables are not initialized here23:17
supercoolSo, no firewall?23:18
sarnoldhow about nftables or ebtables?23:18
ploxilnI don't think there is a firewall config blocking SSH or HTTP etc by default. probably no significant firewall by default23:18
supercoolI am trying to use 8000 and 8080 port and none of them worked23:19
supercoolI mean couldn't get anything from host side23:19
ploxilnare you on the same lan, the same subnet?23:19
ploxilnhow do you know some application is listening on those ports?23:20
supercoolploxiln: I am running a Django server on those ports23:20
supercoolI can acess from or using curl23:21
ploxilnis it listening on or
supercoolBut the host doesn't receive anything23:21
supercoolI bridged the guest, So I think it is listening on from outside23:22
ploxilnso this is running in a VM on your laptop/desktop23:22
ploxilnand you are trying to access from the browser on your laptop/desktop?23:22
supercoolMy network IP would be for example23:23
supercoolYes, exactly23:23
tdscan you reach it on the non-loopback IP if you curl on the same box?23:23
supercooltds: yes23:24
ploxilnhmm, well, that might not do it, the VM might not have the same ip as your laptop. depends on VM setup. how do you ssh to the VM?23:24
ploxilnthe laptop/desktop may have a firewall enabled by default23:24
supercoolssh user@
ploxilnhmm. ok, I would expect that accessing from the same context as you ssh would work23:25
ploxilnfrom the laptop/desktop, outside the VM23:26
supercoolploxiln: yes, but it is not23:26
ploxilnif run "ip addr" inside the vm, do you see the same or similar address in the output23:26
supercool inet brd scope global dynamic23:27
tdswhat's the full output of `iptables-save`?23:29
supercooltds: nothing shows23:30
supercoolor shows nothing*23:30
tdsok, doesn't sound like firewall then23:30
tdsunless there's ebtables of nft rules as sarnold suggested, seems unlikely though23:30
ploxilnlooks like django listens on by default, you need to specify
ubottuDjango bug 27537 in Core (Management commands) "Provide a simpler way to default runserver IP/port to" [Normal,Closed]23:31
supercoolploxiln: you are right! o/23:33
tdssounds like it's already bound to the right ip if you can reach it from on the same host though?23:33
tdsoh, weird23:33
supercoolI had to runserver as 0:800023:33
supercool0 is a shortcut for Full docs for the development server can be found in the runserver reference.23:34
ploxilngood to hear :)23:34
supercoolThank you a lot! What is your account number for the deposit?23:35
supercoolThank you guys!!!23:36
ploxilnhaha. uh, 4223:36
supercoolploxiln: \o/23:38

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