
HiDeHolooking for a decent audio player. i have noticed Audacious has no library function. it is a playlist only browser unlewss i have gotten something wrong12:53
studio-user855Yo yo13:37
studio-user855New user here. Not sure what this service is for yet exactly. Is this a chat room so-to-speak?13:38
studio-user855This OS looks dope! Cannot wait to mess with the functionality once my install is complete.13:38
HiDeHohi how to actrivate my bluetooth its not detected and does not seem to work.13:53
HiDeHohi all how do i setup and use a bluetooth devicce14:07
HiDeHoall bluetooth options are greyed out14:07
EickmeyerHiDeHo: That sounds odd. What kind of bluetooth device?14:08
HiDeHotesting my bluetooth speaker14:08
EickmeyerThat might be why. Bluetooth speakers add latency to the lowlatency setup, and are therefore unsupported.14:08
EickmeyerLike, massive amounts of latency.14:09
HiDeHosee http://i.imgur.com/HwTfy1r.png14:10
HiDeHosao that should not make much difference. bluetooth speakers and headsets should work. and US should have tools to fix that issue14:10
EickmeyerI see. Completely grayed out.14:11
HiDeHoi guess mainly old laptops bluetooth are really best for file sharing14:11
HiDeHoi bet if i had a bluetooth dongal it would work bnetter14:11
EickmeyerOpen a terminal and type "sudo systemctl restart bluetooth"14:11
EickmeyerHiDeHo: That might be the issue too. Bluetooth 1.0 or 2.0 were only capable of so much.14:12
HiDeHoyea ok14:12
HiDeHothat sounds like it14:12
HiDeHoif i really need a bluetooth speaker i have a small headphone jack style bluetooth receaver mainly for making headphones bluetooth etc14:13
EickmeyerThat's probably a decent solution.14:14
HiDeHoit wasda just a test thanks for clarifying14:14
EickmeyerYou're welcome.14:14
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Are you running 18.04?14:15
EickmeyerYour screenshot suggests you haven't added the backports.14:15
HiDeHoi am starting to set this laptop up and am going to enjoy music and video production as well as a general use desktop14:15
HiDeHowell this is a new instawll as of 3 days ago14:15
HiDeHoEickmeyer, how do i do that14:15
HiDeHoand why not done on first install14:16
Eickmeyer!ubuntustudio-backports | HiDeHo14:16
ubottuHiDeHo: The Ubuntu Studio Backports PPA is required for users of Ubuntu Studio to receive LTS support for Ubuntu Studio 18.04, and for #ubuntustudio to support users of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and its flavors using !jack. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA, !ubuntustudio-controls, and !ubuntustudio-installer14:16
HiDeHowell if they are required then they should be setup automatically14:16
HiDeHoyes i am on 18.04 for lts14:16
EickmeyerHiDeHo: We can't go back and change the past.14:16
HiDeHolol i know14:16
EickmeyerWhen 18.04 was released, we were only able to sign-off on a 9-month support term. Without the backports, support ended in January.14:17
HiDeHoi see i prefer lts when i can14:17
HiDeHoso how do i add these lts backports14:17
EickmeyerHiDeHo: The link I just provided has the instructions.14:18
* HiDeHo goes to read the link ^ 14:18
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Here's the official statement: http://ubuntustudio.org/2019/04/ubuntu-studio-18-04-extended-support/14:19
HiDeHook adding the backports now thanks man14:20
EickmeyerYou're welcome.14:20
HiDeHofirst may i ask what the full upgrade option does14:20
HiDeHois it just the same as the update manager14:21
HiDeHoif so i will hapily iinstall them14:21
EickmeyerHiDeHo: full-upgrade just makes it so that you get what is in those packages and it removes packages that conflict/aren't needed anymore.14:24
EickmeyerIt wouldn't be in that link if it weren't needed/wasn't safe. I'm the one who wrote it.14:25
HiDeHook done thanks its doing its thing14:25
HiDeHolol you amazing developer you14:25
HiDeHomy next goal is to work out how to rechord my song i want to do using the tools in US14:26
EickmeyerI wrote the wiki article, not apt. XD14:26
HiDeHoi may have to wait a week or so to start but when i am on track i will14:26
HiDeHolol i know14:26
HiDeHoEickmeyer, i thought you where a dev for US14:26
EickmeyerHiDeHo: I am, but mostly just packaging and stuff. None of us on the US team write every bit of code in it. In fact, what we have done is a small fraction of what is included.14:27
HiDeHoyes i know its a big team doing it all14:28
HiDeHoi understand how the basic idea works14:28
EickmeyerI do lead the US project, but there's only about 3 of us consistently working on it with small contributions here and there.14:28
EickmeyerBeing part of the bigger Ubuntu whole is where the benefit lies.14:29
HiDeHoi also need to get other projects done too like i have an old Odroid U3 its a dmall dev board like a RaspberryPI14:29
EickmeyerI have quite a bit of packaging work to do today for 19.10.14:29
HiDeHoi found that there was a currently maintained arch linux arm os for it. i had trouble installing and using it though14:30
HiDeHook cool14:30
HiDeHoLTS for the word.14:30
EickmeyerWell, anything that gets worked on for 19.10 gets polished and solidified for 20.04 LTS, so that's what it's leading toward.14:30
HiDeHoyou know how Linux mint os builds only on LTS base now and runs updates on that and ports newer stuff etc14:31
EickmeyerYes, but they're not part of Ubuntu. There's a difference between being a derivitive and an official flavor.14:31
HiDeHoi like that build moto14:31
HiDeHoi thought US was not official14:31
HiDeHoubuntu only supports their unity bloated versions14:32
HiDeHoas far as i remember they dropped official suppoirt for all other versions14:32
EickmeyerHiDeHo: That's not true anymore. Ubuntu dropped Unity starting in 17.10.14:33
EickmeyerOfficial flavors are Kubuntu, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Ubuntu MATE, Ubuntu Kylin, and Ubuntu Budgie.14:33
HiDeHoso xubuntu, edubuntu, kubuntu ubuntu studio where taken on and supported by the community who wantes to keep them going14:33
HiDeHowell then something must have changed over the years14:33
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Except for Kubuntu, they were never directly supported by Canonical.14:33
HiDeHoi was a user of ubuntu untill gnome 314:34
studiobot<tsimonq2> @Eickmeyer [<Eickmeyer> HiDeHo: Except for Kubuntu, they were never directly supported by Ca …], Yes they were14:34
studiobot<tsimonq2> Waaaay back in the day14:34
Eickmeyerstudiobot: I was referring to the others, but Kubuntu was supported by Canonical.14:34
HiDeHoi remember ubuntu officially said they wherfe dropping all support for any distro appart from unity14:34
Eickmeyerer, @tsimonq2 ^14:34
studiobot<tsimonq2> ohhh14:35
HiDeHothats when i switched to mint14:35
HiDeHoas my main os14:35
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Official flavors are community supported, but are still part of Ubuntu, whereas Mint is not.14:35
ubottuRecognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours14:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:36
HiDeHofrom my rusty memory ubuntu said they would maintain the base os and leave other community builders to build the other flavors while they worked on unity14:36
EickmeyerHiDeHo: Yes, but Unity was dropped.14:36
EickmeyerThey use GNOME now.14:36
HiDeHooh oik i never knew that14:37
HiDeHoso what happenjed after unity was dropped.14:37
HiDeHodid ubuntu team go back to the old model14:37
HiDeHognome 3 is also bloated in itself14:37
EickmeyerIt's still maintained by a small community, and can be installed, but it's no longer part of any Ubuntu ISO at the moment.14:37
HiDeHoubuntu 8.04LTS was the most stable reliable ubuntu os i ever used14:38
EickmeyerThere was a huge announcement about all of this in 2017.14:38
HiDeHoit was all gnome 214:38
HiDeHognome 2 was falked to mate desktop and continues as that14:38
HiDeHookl i as focusing on mint then14:39
HiDeHodecided i needed to keep things simpler and easier for myself.14:39
HiDeHosince i want to get back into my music production adn this old laptop workes again i am trialing US adn if i can do what i need then i wil stick with it and leave mint again.14:40
HiDeHowhen gnome 2 went eol i moved to xfce14:40
EickmeyerWell, let's stay on-topic in this channel.14:40
HiDeHomy main is have been mint xfce and puppy linux14:41
HiDeHooh sorry14:41
HiDeHoyes i have updated to backports now14:41
HiDeHoafter that has instawll do i need to run the software updater14:41
HiDeHoor is that done14:41
EickmeyerIt's done.14:42
EickmeyerI'd log-out and log-in. You probably saw a bit of a user interface change.14:42
HiDeHoand am i corect to assume the the software updater in US is automatic14:42
EickmeyerYes, it'll notify you, but not necessarily install without your permission.14:42
HiDeHoyyes col thanks14:43
HiDeHothats all i mneed to know atm thanks14:43
HiDeHowill reboot then i need totake a break thaks man14:43
EickmeyerYou're welcome.14:44
OvenWerksEickmeyer: there is no alsa bluetooth. There once was, but is no longer supported snd seems to not work any more. Blue tooth audio _should_ work through pulse though.19:14
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes, true, but they couldn't get anything in the menu.19:14
EickmeyerCheck the imgur image.19:15
OvenWerksnot dissagreeing, just pointing out that for "pro" audio it is just not there to begin with.19:15
OvenWerksso for example, I don't know how a bluetooth speaker would be able to monitor a jack output.19:18
OvenWerksit would seem to require a pulse "pass through" Or maybe more routing is available through pactl19:20
OvenWerksI don't see either hdmi or bluetooth being effective jack masters. I do not know how well zita-ajbridge would handle hdmi either with its very large latency.19:22
OvenWerksI am currently not using hdmi anywhere and so cannot test.19:23
EickmeyerOvenWerks: I just consider it a bad idea to begin with for our purposes.19:26
OvenWerksI would like to see a bluetooth jack client/bridge19:34
OvenWerksAt least for output19:34
OvenWerksEickmeyer: with regard to PA bluetooth and jack via controls...19:44
OvenWerkscontrols unloads the udev device detection. This may affect bluetooth.19:45
EickmeyerAh, yes, but I have no problem with bluetooth mice and such.19:47
EickmeyerOvenWerks: ^19:47
OvenWerksIt does appear that pactl can connect arbitrary sources to arbitrary sinks though19:48
OvenWerksbluetooth audio is the only thing pa deals with and it is within PA we remove the udev module19:48
OvenWerksSo if the same user shows again... my question is if BT headset works with jack off which reloads udev detection.19:57
TJ-best thing is "bluetoothctl" and "list" and then check the controller is present and active with "show"19:59
OvenWerksEickmeyer: if BT doesn't work with jack off, it should be listed as a pulseaudio bug19:59
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Agreed.20:00
studiobot<gennargiu> hi all comunity ubuntu studio... i have a problem with installation ubuntu studio 18.04.2 and 19.04 in dual boot windows 1021:29
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 847x350) https://i.imgur.com/UyXWCRe.jpg21:29
studiobot<gennargiu> my computer is old hp elite 8200 sff and windows 10 is installed in uefi mode with table partition gpt21:30
studiobot<gennargiu> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://i.imgur.com/DI9iLAy.jpg21:36
studiobot<gennargiu> i have a reduce partition windows 10 in 910 gigabyte for ubuntu studio,but installation in uefi mode on jetflash usb of 8 giga don't finish installation for error grub.21:39
studiobot<azbulutlu> I have my user hat on this. as this is something that sometimes shows up on ubuntu installs on uefi (I had it happen on my current laptop)21:48
studiobot<azbulutlu> there is some suggestions online for various laptop models, but my suggestion is to go to ubuntu support with this, as it is not a flavor specific issue.21:51
windowli_'lo all22:29
windowli_im quite excited about installing ubuntu studio on my dell inspiron 7352 2-in-1 but i find that xfce doesnt allow me much control when i have it in touchscreen tablet mode.. will it be ok to install gnome over top of xfce or will it negate the optimizations ?22:30
OvenWerksdo it the other way around I think22:30
OvenWerksinstall a gnome based desktop and then install ubuntustudio-installer22:31
windowli_ohhh didnt realize i could do this!22:31
windowli_thank you22:31
OvenWerksAny ubuntu flavour should work22:31
windowli_and that will also install the realtime kernel?22:32
studiobot<Eickmeyer> !ubuntustudio-installer22:32
OvenWerksIt can yes22:32
ubottuUbuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, or add additional packages. For more info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/UbuntuStudioInstaller22:32
ubottuthe RT kernel is the Linux kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is not available in Ubuntu. See also !lowlatency22:32
ubottuThe lowlatency kernel is a special Ubuntu kernel build with modifications for systems which require low latency when communicating with some hardware, such as some Audio devices. Included with Ubuntu Studio by default.22:33
Eickmeyerwindowli_: ^22:33
windowli_very cool, thanks yall22:33
windowli_though i should have asked this 5 mins earlier beacuse im typing from the install :) but thats ok, ive got some time on my hands today22:35
Eickmeyerwindowli_: For the standard GNOME-based Ubuntu, you can also install ubuntustudio-gnome-branding to get all of the theming that is normally on the Xfce install too.22:35
windowli_ahhh this is great information, thank you.22:36
EickmeyerIt doesn't apply automatically, but it works.22:36
windowli_cool, install is finished.  thanks a lot!22:36
EickmeyerQuite welcome. :)22:36
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