
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-stopwatch-plugin 0.3.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-stopwatch-plugin-0-3-1-released-tp54052.html (by Natanael Copa-5)11:39
flocculantbluesabre: keeping up the tradition of finding weird bugs, I give you bug 183225919:42
ubottubug 1832259 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole fails to clear all recent items initially" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183225919:42
flocculantjust so people don't think I've gone completely :)19:42
krytarikBugger.. :P19:43

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