
ahi2what directory are you in ?00:00
xubuntu36w(ah12) I am in the home directory00:07
ahi2xubuntu36w: type xauth00:10
xubuntu36w(ahi2) I am getting a message, timeout in locking authority file/home/castillo/.Xauthority00:14
ahi2xubuntu36w:  do you have a .xauthority file now?  type ls -al00:15
xubuntu36w(ah12) no I do not see that file listed.00:18
ahi2type  sudo touch .Xauthority00:19
xubuntu36wcommand not found00:19
ahi2what command not found?00:20
Bashing-omahi2: There is no need of sudo ( nor desired ) if logged in on the VT at /home ?00:21
xubuntu36w(ah12) .Xauthority command not found00:21
ahi2Bashing-om:  right on00:21
Bashing-omahi2: Back to lurking :P00:21
ahi2xubuntu36w:  touch .xauthority00:23
Bashing-omahi2: xubuntu36w .Xauthority ///upper case X .00:24
xubuntu36w(ah12) it states cannot touch .xauthority Permisson denied00:24
ahi2use sudo then   sudo touch ...00:25
xubuntu36w(ah12) nothing happens when I press enter.00:27
Bashing-omxubuntu36w: ahi2 Ouch ! who owns the /home directory then ? ls -al /home -00:27
ahi2xubuntu36w: sudo touch .Xauthority     then    sudo chown castillo:castillo .Xauthority00:36
Bashing-omahi2: sudo in the /home directory ... ??00:38
ahi2Bashing-om: xubuntu36w got a permission denied00:38
Bashing-omahi2: xubuntu36w Who owns /home ? Reference: "ls -al /home >> drwxr-xr-x 26 sysop sysop  4096 Jun  9 18:03 sysop" where I am 'sysop' .00:40
ahi2you there xubuntu36w ?00:43
xubuntu36wyes i am sorry. I am trying it now.00:44
xubuntu36w(ah12) still the same thing. When i hit enter nothing changes.00:48
ahi2thats ok00:48
ahi2try what bashing-om says to do00:48
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
coconutI cannot get %battery level to get chown in top panel. Is that a known bug for xubuntu 19.04? (using a vm under macos).11:21
xubuntu76wis there any benefit using and not and external dns server??13:23
diogenes_127.0.0.53 is slow as hell.13:33
xubuntu72w04hi everyone i play with my repositories and got it wrong caln somenoe give me the sources.list for xubuntu 1919:10
xubuntu72whi i need the offitials repo list for xubuntu 19.0419:17
diogenes_xubuntu72w, https://repogen.simplylinux.ch/19:17
xubuntu72wthe link dont have verssion 19.0419:19
xubuntu72wwhat should i do?19:19
diogenes_do you have the installation media?19:20
xubuntu72wby mistake i deleted my source.list19:22
xubuntu72wjust need someone sources.list to copy in to my19:22
xubuntu72wwiht the ofitial repo like fresh install19:24
diogenes_try the answer given here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1140461/ubuntu-19-04-incorrect-sources-list19:26
xubuntu72whttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1140461/ubuntu-19-04-incorrect-sources-list dont work either for me19:57
xubuntu72wi have very slow conection19:57
xubuntu72wfinally made it thanks you all for taking the time to help. chears20:09
xubuntu78wHello I am unable to log into the desktop. It keeps looping back to the login screen.23:35
well_laid_lawnyou were having that issue yesterday weren't you ?23:40
xubuntu78wYes I was. It was never resolved. I was trying different solutions last night, but nothing worked.23:42
Bashing-omxubuntu78w: Still on, awaiting who owns your /home . What shows ' ls -al /home ' ?23:43
xubuntu78wI am not sure what you mean.23:45
Bashing-omxubuntu78w: Pastebin '  ls -al /home ' . See where we go from there .. Last night was a question of you needing to do the bad thing of "sudo" in your own home .. NO no .23:47
Bashing-omxubuntu78w: In terminal type ' ls -al /home | nc termbin.com 9999 '. The result is a URL back in the terminal, Pass that link back here.23:58

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