
* Eickmeyer is upgrading to eoan00:11
studiobot<teward001> 👍00:41
studiobot<teward001> i got busy sorry for not replying sooner00:43
studiobot<teward001> @EIch00:46
studiobot<teward001> there is a 'poke' :P00:47
tewardEickmeyer: ^00:47
teward(Telegram is annoying sometimes)00:47
Eickmeyerteward: I saw the "sizable bribe of coffee". Would you like that in bean form, pre-ground, or are we talking brewed?00:48
* Eickmeyer lives in what could be considered the coffee capital of America00:48
tewardthat was me just stating I'm a consistent caffeine addict :P00:49
tewardwhich is not news to ANYONE in the Ubuntu world00:49
tewardsarnold can confirm that :p00:49
tewardEickmeyer: but yes, i told you i'd prod, I'm prodding00:49
tewardThou hast unleashed The Beast.  :P00:49
EickmeyerThe Coffee Cracken00:50
EickmeyerKoffee Kracken?00:50
EickmeyerEither one will get misspelt for alliteration reasons.00:51
studiobot<teward001> heh00:58
EickmeyerOvenWerks: IMO, we can't support custom pulse configs. I think they're trying to call us out on something. If they know so much about pulse, they should've been able to figure it out themselves.02:08
OvenWerksI think he has copied a recipe from somewhere.02:08
EickmeyerAnd then claimed to have a deep understanding of pulse.02:09
studiobot<teward001> @azbulutlu I did an evil and poked Canonical IS and Eickmeyer was talking with them :)02:11
studiobot<teward001> (so things're being poked now)02:11
studiobot<teward001> i'll let @Eickmeyer explain the rest.02:11
studiobot<teward001> *disappearifies to go find another drink*02:11
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 She's asleep, likely. 5:12AM her time.02:12
studiobot<teward001> i know, but they'll see the heads up later ;)02:24
studiobot<teward001> i'm headed off myself i'm dead tired... and slightly drunk.02:25
studiobot<teward001> so :)02:25
OvenWerksEickmeyer: BTW, I did learn from all this pulse stuff that it looks like bluetooth is separate from udev03:01
EickmeyerOvenWerks: That does explain the BT audio with Jack issue people have.03:01
OvenWerksactually it doesn't. The bt modules are still loaded evenb if udev is not.03:03
EickmeyerWell, that blows that theory. :P03:03
studiobot<azbulutlu> @teward001 @Eickmeyer  \o/06:56
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @azbulutlu So basically social@ forwards to you and me. We can set up a team in Launchpad that gets an email address it can foward to, which then forwards to those email addresses. For now, though, this works.14:27
studiobot<azbulutlu> my main concern for mailing lists is that it tends to have a public archive somewhere14:57
studiobot<azbulutlu> otherwise it is probably trivial to create  a ubuntustudio communication team to deal with it. :)14:58
teward@azbulutlu I mean, you could deploy a PRIVATE listserv instance that we/you would control, private lists are a thing then15:01
tewardfor example lubuntu council's list is 'private' archived you need a PW to see those15:01
tewardbut you'd need a private list at that point15:01
tewardit MIGHT be possible to have IS spin up some private lists on lists.u.c15:01
tewardbut... :P15:01
EickmeyerOvenWerks: New LMMS released: https://lmms.io/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=30408  (probably still stuck in lv1 past)15:03
OvenWerksI heard that a new one was released15:04
OvenWerks1.2 it says.15:06
OvenWerksand yes there is no mention of LV2s in the release notes15:08
OvenWerksVery hard for me to test though. It's workflow is such that I open it up and my mind goes "ok, now what?"15:13
EickmeyerHaha, same.15:13
EickmeyerRE: HiDeHo: becoming a help vampire quickly.15:14
OvenWerksI did not see anything in there for direct audio recording either which I would consider more important than lv2 hosting15:14
EickmeyerFor me, LMMS is a non-starter. But you KNOW someone's going to be like, "Why isn't this included in Ubuntu Studio?!?"15:16
EickmeyerI'd just as soon demote it to repo-only. :P15:16
studiobot<azbulutlu> *uses lmms and loves it*15:17
OvenWerksre: HiDeHo, it might be a reasonable idea to have a known way of using the file manager in "system mode"15:17
OvenWerksazbulutlu: you are not the only one.15:18
studiobot<azbulutlu> @teward001 @eickmeyer I think the current setup is fine. the point is, if tomorrow me and erich gets hit by a bus, someone can contact the IS to take over that email address alias, and add people into it. which is the point.15:18
OvenWerksEickmeyer: there are a number of people who love LMMS and look at it and just go. the workflow is quite obvious to many people15:18
studiobot<azbulutlu> :)15:18
studiobot<azbulutlu> it is very familiar if you want to work with midi based loops. so if you are coming from a commercial software like logic pro... I am also planning to learn to use ardour better, its just for different things. :)15:19
OvenWerksazbulutlu: Yes, qtracktor doesn't seem to fill that void either as it is also quite linear15:20
studiobot<azbulutlu> (btw mastodon account is now tied to the social@, and it should also now email nag if someone replies/mentions ubuntustudio. (I don't have email notifications on for follows, but I can turn that on too.. )15:21
studiobot<teward001> @azbulutlu [@teward001 @eickmeyer I think the current setup is fine. the point is, if tomorr …], right, but i'm not on the team.  my connectivity is peripheral15:21
* OvenWerks comes from a band oriented, analog in background and started recording with tape15:21
studiobot<teward001> so I can't really take over unless the Ubuntu STudio team designated me as an official person to do that15:21
studiobot<teward001> I just know who to stab on IS :)15:21
studiobot<azbulutlu> well whoever becomes the lead probably can override that15:22
studiobot<teward001> yep15:22
studiobot<teward001> that's why @Eickmeyer's requests carry weight15:22
studiobot<teward001> I just know who to poke to expedite things ;)15:22
studiobot<teward001> learned that a lot over the few years15:22
studiobot<azbulutlu> :) well I am really trying to make sure that whoever ends up the next lead never has the issues Set and Erich ran into15:22
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 is my desginated cattle prod.15:22
studiobot<azbulutlu> OvenWerks: yeah qtracktor I believe has some limitations. I was literally taught how to compose music using loops so... *shrugs* :)15:23
studiobot<azbulutlu> >.> that is bit disturbing way to frame it15:23
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer nah, you just ask and I deliver because we ALL know I'm a persistent SOB15:23
studiobot<azbulutlu> well it is much appreciated.15:23
studiobot<teward001> and you saw even Seth said as much in canonical-sysadmin yesterday xD15:23
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 [@Eickmeyer nah, you just ask and I deliver because we ALL know I'm a persistent …], Ha! true.15:24
studiobot<azbulutlu> ahahah15:24
studiobot<Eickmeyer> @teward001 [and you saw even Seth said as much in canonical-sysadmin yesterday xD], Yes. That was hilarious. "Can confirm." *runs*15:24
OvenWerksI think I was the one who originally suggested LMMS should be included... even though I never use it and don't really know how to even test it.15:24
studiobot<azbulutlu> I think it being added predates me joining the team yes. *laughs*15:25
studiobot<azbulutlu> *in all fairness hasn't done music stuff in last year much*15:25
EickmeyerOvenWerks: It can stick around, I was being facetious.15:25
studiobot<azbulutlu> *but will soon have to*15:25
studiobot<teward001> @Eickmeyer [Yes. That was hilarious. "Can confirm." *runs*], I bother sarnold REGULARLY for nginx security concerns, so that's where Seth is coming from there :P15:25
studiobot<teward001> (in case Eickmeyer never shared, I do a LOT of Server Team interactions, esp. NGINX related)15:25
studiobot<teward001> (it's how I know my things xD)15:26
EickmeyerBack later, I have to get my son off to school.15:27
* OvenWerks just left... thankfully on his own steam.15:27
studiobot<azbulutlu> xD15:29
studiobot<azbulutlu> @teward001 i think one of you mentioned earlier, but thank you truly!15:29
studiobot<teward001> you're welcome :)15:44

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